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'1'0 ALL DOO'l'ORS
Dl&r1ag the n1l',h~ ot Oo~o~or lo&~h ~here lIlaht ~ a ObaJl.. that a tootor
1lOUl.4 ~o 0&1104 CN~ to 80 hom hi8 haae ~o a hoIlp1 tal or 110 aleo an
_erleo)' eal.l a t 8CIllo~04)". hcmo.
On tha n1ght or O.to~or lo&th ~.tnen the hour. ot 6 P.M. u4 12 lIldr11ght
Wl.1r lott oar 1a_411ght wUl ~. ocmtre4 w1 th peen oeJ.loplMm..
'1'h1. Will .08Jl that the 400tor ~o allowed through ~he pollo. Une.
ud Will not b. .toppe4.
fIIattiturk C!LDmuU ND. 34. Jr. (J.ll A. ..
Mattituck, N. y.__~~_z..__l9#.
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~ ,(.S...
Oct. II,I941
Ilr. J.ll.Rose,
DelH'lIr. Rosa;
lIaQ1 tt.nka for your k1DCl letter orrerlns tbe ae.1atauoe
or your organ1zatlon,lI"ttltucl4: Councn NO.34.Jr.O.lJ.A.lI. ln oonneotion
".lth the C1Yll Derense prograa.Undoubtedly a great any or your .8IIbera
,,111 be aotlve on October 14th.the nlght odf the blackout woPk1ng ln
the varlous fire and. pol1oe and warrien liUtl.. ualgDed to them.So IIliDf
IIIIIlbers or the locl.s.. and other organlzatlons throught the town .. II
fu.-n all of wholll wl11 be OIl lI.ctlve duty dlU'lng the ....rg.noy perlod
that al1 these groups \li1ll be well l'epI'ei8nted. -.1though tho.y w11l not
aft as se,perate organl.Zli.t1ona.
The people ln all parts of 5outhold Town are co-oper.tlns
wholehe..x'tedly :me the Southo1d Town C1V1l Defense Council ij.pprecllltes
till. rine 'P1rlt.Or course, the mole progl'alllla deslgned for pr&ct'c.
eo that 11' real trouble should. ;come .H~ 11111 :ill be better prepared to
..et lt and "111 know IBOre about how "e can help each other.
PI.... convey my persono..l appreclat10n to the mellber.
of your lodge.
YOlU'S fra ter~ 11y .