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A PATENT and Confrrmacon Graunted to the Inhabitans of the Towne of SOUTH HOLD:
EDMUND ANDROS Esqr Seiltneur of SausrnQrez, Ueut and Qovernour (;enll under His Royall Highness.
James Duke of Yorke and Albany of all his Territoryes in America. Whereas there is a certain Towne
in the East Riding of York Shire upon Lon~ Island comonly called and knowne by the name of South
Hold, scituate lying and being on the north side of the sd Island towards the Sound. having a certain
Tract of land thereunto belongihg, The Western Bounds whereof extend to a certaine River or .creeke
called the wad in&: creeke, in the Indyan Tongue Pauquacunsuck and bounded to the Eastward by Plumb
Istand, Together witn the sd hdand, 011 the north with the Sound or north Sea, and on the South with
an Arme of the Sea or River which runneth up between Southampton Land and the aforesd Tract of
land, unto a certalne creek which fresh water runneth into, called in English the Red creeke by the
1ndyalls Toyoungs Together witn the ad creeke and meadows belonging thereunto (not contradictini
the Agreetn made between their Towne and the Towne of Southton after their TryalJ at Assizes) So
running on a straight line fllom the head of the afore-named fresh water to the head of the small brook
that runneth into tl1e creeke called PauquBsunsuck: including all the necks of Land and Islands within
the: afore described Bounds and Limmitts; Now for a confirm aeon unto the present Ffreeholders In-
habitants of the sd Towne and pre-cinctll, KNOW YEE That by \'irtu8 of His MatiElia Letters Pattents
and the Comission and Authority unto me given by his Royall Hi&hnesse, I have ratifyed. confirmed &. 1
grant8d, And by these presents do hereby Ratify. confirme and grant unto lsaack Arnold Justice of the
pea.ce Capt John Young, Joshua Horton constable Barnabas Horton Beniamin. Young Samuell Clover ~
&. Jacob Corey overseers as Patentees, for and en behalf. of themselves and t"eir Associates the ffree-
holders and inhabitants of the ad Towne their Heires, saucessors and Assignes, All that aforemenconed
Tract of Land wit" Necks and Islands within the sd bounds sett forth and desoribed as afore.d, To.
getner with all Rivers, lakes, waters, Quarries, Timber, Woods, Woodland, Plalne. Meadowes, broaken
pieces of Meadowes, Pastures marshes ffishing Hawking Hunting and fowlin&. And all other proffitts
commodities Emoluments and Hereditaments to the sd Towne Tract of land and premisses, within
the Limmitts and Bounds aforemenooned desoribed belonging or any wise Appertaining; TO HAVE
and TO HOLD aU and Singular the sd Lat1ds. Hereditaments and premisses with their and eyer)' of
their Appurtenances. and every part and parcell thereof to the sd Patentees and their Associates., their
Heires. Successors and Assignes to the proper use and behoof. of the sd Patentees their Associates
their Heires Successors a.nd Assignes forever. The Tenor of the sd Lands and premilles to bee accord-
ing to the custom of the mannor of East Creenwich in tbe County of Kent in England in free & (lOmmDn
Soccage and by fealty onely. Provided allwayes notwit"standing That the extent of the bounds before
recited, do no way prejudice or infringe the particular propriety of any person or persons who have
Right by Patent or other lawful! claims to any part or parcell of land or Tenemerlts within t"e Limmits
aforesd Onely t"at all the sd lands and PI,antacons within the sd limmits or Bounds shall have Ralaeon
to the TaWil in Cenerall for the well Coyernment th.reof. And if it shall so happen that a.ny part or
parceU of the sd lands within the Bounds and Limmits afore described bee not already Purchased of
the Indyans. it may be purchased (as occation) according to law. 1 do hereby likewise confirm and
grant unto the sd Patentees and their Associates their Heires Successors and Assignes all the Privil-
edges and Immunityes belonging to a Towne within this Covernment. And that the place of their
present Habitacon & abode shall continue and retaine the name of South Hold, by which name and
stile it shall bee distinguished a.nd known in a.1I Bargaines & Sa.fes, Deeds, Recarda and writings they
making improvement on tne sd land and conforming themselves according to law. And yeilding and
paying tnerefore yearly and every year unto his Royall Highnesse use as a Quitt Rent one fatt Lamb
unto such officer or officers there in Authority as shall bee Empowered to receive the Same. Civen
under my Hand and Sealed with the Seare of the Province in New Yorke the 31th day of October in
the 28th Yeare of his Maties Raigne. ANNIQ DOMINI 1676.
Examined by mee
M. Nicholls Seer.