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OFFICE LOCATION: �*rjf Sy0 MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex h0 l0 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) G Q Telephone: 631765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 �p 01 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date: November 13, 2018 Re: Local Waterfront Coastal Consistency Review for GEORGE & MARIA RIGAS SCTM# 1000-70-4-28 Heidtmann & Sons, Inc. on behalf of GEORGE & MARIA RIGAS requests an Administrative Permit to install an irrigation system in the seaward & side yards of the property. Located: 675 Hill Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-70-4-28 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards (Policy 6.3) and therefore is CONSISTENT with LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney 'Townof Southold D ECCTqE0 IW-RP:CONSIST1✓NMASSESSMENT FORM NOV ® 2 2018 Y _ n Southold Town A. INSTROCTIGNS Planning Board 1:, All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this, CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold' agency in making,.a determination of consistency- *Except minor exempt actions including Building-Permits }` ,and other ministerial permits not located.within the Coastal Erosion HazardArea. 2. Before,-answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this. form should review the exempt r, minor action list; policies andexplanations of each policy contained in the Town of,Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. adtian_will-bemtail -as�'1tv' sits.."iftcan 3.. 'if any question in Section C,on this fonn is answered "yes" or "no", then the,proposed action will ? ,affect'the,achievement of the MM policy standards and conditions contained"in the consistency TeAew .law. tkULS'=esaei anmver Bora- s If ari-actioin.caniiot 6e certified'as consistent with the'I;WRP•policy'standards and r conditi'ons;,ii=slgall=riot'be'•:tazicie�tlteii: A copy of,the'LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website..(southoldtown.northfork.net), 'the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office, B. DESCRYPTION OF SITE,AND PROPOSERA.CTION, SCTM#._ PROJECT NAME, _ c �-.- ate'' 'The Application hasbeewsubmitted,to(check appropriate response): Town,Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board,of Trustees L :Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action,undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ; .construction,-planning-activity;agency.-regulation,land transaction)-- (b) ransaction)(b) -Financial assistance(e.g, grant„loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature-and extent_of action: Location,of action: . Site aoreage: Presess�: nt land-ti _ •�1' �l. ce -.Present,-zoning-olassificm#ion.:_- " .., _ y 2.. If`an application for,the proposed'-action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information-shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant,_,._ i 4 (b) Mailing address:, C. 061k (c) 'Telephone�number: Area Code (d) Application number,if any:• Will thd.action be ' ectly undertaken,require funding,or,approval by a!state,or,federal'agency? 'Yes,{-1 No If yes,which state or federal•agency? C. Evaluate,th'e•pt oject,to'the following policies by,anal'yzing how'the,project will further support or a not support the,policies. Provide all proposed Best:Manag6meait-Pr2etiees'that will further, each.poficy. Incomplete answers will,require that-the form be,returned for completion. d AAVELQP]ED,CQAS POLICY- , Policy 1. Foster.a pattern of d"evelopancat in the Town,of Southold that enhances community character, preserves-open,space,,rraakes,efficient use.of hifrastructure;,makes beneficial use of.*coastal location,,and, minimizes adverse.effects;of development. See,LWR Section•III.—Policies;,Page 2for;evaluation criteria. Yes- No Not,Applicable Atfacli:additional sheets ff accessary Policy '2. Protect and, preserve 'historic and archaeological. resources, of ,,.the To ,n, of Southold. See L'WR .,$ection,-111—IP -H 'es Pages 3 through 6-for evaluation criteria Pio I�]ot_AppHcaeble Aitadi'additio6ajI'sie&-ifiiccessar-y Policy'3. Enhance visual,quality and protect scenic resources throughout glee 'Towel. of-Southold'. See LWRP°; eetioaiJil-,Nlici .Ma es 6 through•7•for evaluation criteria T1 ' •4 tl N6, Not:Applicable ' Att she ets-i€necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES, Policy 4. -Miiniiiiize.loss of Infe;rstructures; end aatural�resourees,:from-floodieng,aoti-erosion. See LWRP SeMb i,II_I-Ppficks Pa S through 16-for evaluation criteria Y.es :_�_ .-IOTo " Not AlZplieable Attach additional sheets-i€necessary r Policy,5. Protect-_and improve water quality and,=supply in,the Town of:Southold.,See>Lt1VRP Sectiom Iii. Policies Pages,16.through 21 for evaluation.criteria Yes' -T Into. XNotA p��icabie `e ttae ailciiti*i sheets iftietessk4yP 'Policy 6,. Protect and restore--alae quality-, and furnctioin_"of`the T6-wn,.of Southold e�osysteans including Significant-Coastat'Fish, and;Wildlife,if-Iahits:6 and wetlands. See:I,VVRp Section III=-Policies; Pages 22 through�32'for evaluatio criteria. 'Yes No f Aio!-Applicable X—RCh Widond sheets if neem - k Y, Policy 7: ' Protect amd'Wprove air qualm in the-Town of'_S_ duthold-. See,.LW'R1'=Section III kolieies 'Pages'32•14ro-ug -h 34.for -°vstluatibiverriteria. ' Yes 6` `;Noy NotrApolicablc Attirch edd 6n—dl-siieets if nec�ssaxy fi Policy.. 8: -Miiiianize-•environmental.degradation 'in-'Town of,Southold froom,solid waste ind kazard'o>is saabstarices,and,waA : Set!L'4 R-P Section W.—Policies; Pages j4throug1k.38 for evalusitioai�eriteria. Ove. ,s� . 4'No.tN-O-Applkable _ t >"PU13L,It CdA§T PCDUCIES. Poik*y :,,Provide for,public access to, and recreational;else of;'coastat wY iters ;•,Publie lands,,and,public resources,of the Towe►,cif Southold: See I,WY�Sd.Ctionr Ill—Poli ;tugh•46,for•:evaluatibi n criteria: ` V"146-, , N4,Applicable --- 1-ds water-d'epend'ent=uses an&,promoU siting,of new water4e midentAksm-In, � I I -Pe suitable;fociifionsSe WRP Section fl Policies;P'ikgds 47 through,56,for, valuation-xAterii; , N.j ,' N6tApplicdblc X&Kad_ ron—afsheets RZ-0;sSary =wte ft LongIsland. 8quad.,4he Peconic, Policy 11 P t wfainibit.,use, of, living marine resources. E, 'gtu;&r,,y,.SM4 t ' , litaftow criteria," erne SwL W RPSectfo'w,H11,—Policies; Papsll,t1hkou'gh 6216revo ZJ Yes,'ZI N, 6 Applicable, -G;'hid0itGn!=1f Tii�mz�- P;olicy12.. Protect agricultural lanaDs ite th_e_ Town of Southold. See•I,V�ItP'-Se�tio�,I)<I,-Policies; Pagcs Y-es, L-11AV, Not,,,Appljca'b'k Aftach addWo611Aeetiif necessary Polky-11 R nfroprigiLg use an(! 1develop ment-of energy and. mineral,regodft6j., See LW. RP !wi;onJR ldic' esk�Ar pgh68.$O r evaluation criteria: 7s- --3,`W6,J ,'.,--Not,Applicable SCDHS REF #RI0—I6-0058 SURVEY OF PROPERTY FrA AT SOUTHOLD �.,�►d g TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ® SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. �� 1000-70-04-28 WA SCALE. 1=30 \ NOVEMBER 13, 2015 / (D JAN. 22, 2016(WETLANDS FLAGS) (PVZ, D)) FE9.2, 2016 (PROP. HSE)9trP""a W'hA APRIL 18, 2016 REVISION / MAY 20, 2016(REVISION) +� AUGUST 4, 2016 (REVISIONS) a A l OCT. 12, 2016(PROP. POOL) qjll / (nlia°,,ND DECEMBER 27, 2016 (STAKES) 483' A4° `"° YPDDUc wA °4A,14) FEBRUARY 13, 2017(FND. IOCA77ON) O SBe !x O� MARCH 24, 2017(PROP. ADDI7I0N)s SO ��TJ SEPTEMBER 25, 2017(FINAL) F �y LO o '>A T� �cQS \ SEP71C LOCA77ON („LN© �/ (8J O 3' ST 17' 47' '@@ \' I �o• �' LP! 30' 15051 a CP2 441 SEP77C SYSTEM \ n o r ~s� (5 BEDROOMS) ,4 ` �, 1-BO X 5'UOUID DEPTH PRECAST SEPTIC TANK ypp Sy3 2-80 LEACHING POOLS 8'DEPTH o^L-, °"� "s =\.,,�.}3 J'MIN ABOVE GROUND WATER \T Q' BY 'y.• ��m WITH J'SAND COLLAR(SW) try ` ® McDONALD GEOSCIENCE "Ilk TEST HOLE DATA ql �\ 9/28/15 O EL 150 BROWN SANDY LOAM OL •\'Mg, \ BROWN SANDY SILT ML -- 25' PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP EL 05' ----145' WATER IN PALE BROWN EWE SAND SP 00 C NJERf,14 5'B£LDiy SURFACE LANDWARD EDGE OF 77DAL MEILANDS AS PIPE DEUN£A 1ED BY SUIF"ENNRONM£NTAC MONUMENT OCT LYINSULRNOWG ON 12/10/11 1 2010 ■ = o Ll =WETLANDS FLAG ELEVA77ONS AND CONTOUR LINES ARE REFERENCED FROM NANO 88 CER 77FIED TO, BRIDGE ABSTRACT SGutI;UIJ Tv-,vi FL00D ZONES FROM FIRM J610JC0166H CFH HOMES, LLC 777LE NO BAL J2065 08T Of TfIIStCCS LOT NUMBERS N 7H SUFFOLKOCOUNLVES NEC TY CLERK'S OFFICE AS FILE NO 5671 Y UC. NO. 49618 ANY ALTERATION OR ADD/RON TO THIS SURVEY IS A VOCATION PEC l SURVE P.C. OF SEC77ON 7209OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCA77ON LAW (631) 765-5020 FAX(631) 765-1797 EXCEPTAS PER SEC77ON 7209-SUBDIWSION 2 ALL CER77ACA DONS AREA= 20,384 SO. FT. P.O. BOX 909 HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF TO TIE LINE SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR 1230 7RAVELER STREET WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON SOU7HOLD, N.Y. 11971 15-,212 ............... TSL T_ Creek 41 17 TOM OF SO.rrHOW 230 72-wc) a. m _4 t 6 4N.) 42 4&3 E. 12A 5 2 7 4 noP 13 ID o 21 2.1A io 1 s2 �j FOR PCL NO 0 .N SEE 069034110.8 1 M(C) 199 1910 1913 1912 194 262 ON. 2 62 5 9 f 10 11 12 13, 14 212 21 15 1, 18 U6 )A —21 Dmc) so-- I 8N.) 79-17, (1 aAY '41 43 4A t245 V 35 g -3 �4gyp 2o 11A INI ID TOWN or ..62. r ,00 1°,A 1. y. 13, to -395 394 3 IIA 4 m s^5 63 aFARwtwp AW 47 F�KL No -,5, 09 d8 S3 21 SEE W n3 I I DNO mWT-c" 1ME L SOUTHOLD SECTION NO (2; u. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK K- E Agency G Real Property Tax Service Age@ y HE +3 Yaurco M069 070 'D 00—M-01I.E A IDOO P 0 PROPERTY MAP