HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1987 FEB 0 5 1987 - LANDMARK COMMISSION MINUTES Town Clerk S®ethoid January 28, 1987 Present : John Stack, William Peters, Ralph Williams, Jomeph Townsend, Joy Bear Visitors : Antonia Booth, Wesley Dickinson, Robert Long Minutes of the last meeting were discussed and accepted . Chairman John Stack said that the Commission's revision of Local Law #1, outlining the powers and duties of the Landmark Commission, was submitted Thursday, January 22, to the Town Code Committee. Each member of the Town Board was given a copy of the updated proposed law . Some discussion followed regarding how the general public will accept new Landmark Commission powers, if they are granted by the Town Board . A suggestion was made that we send a copy to each owner of a home recently granted landmark status, asking for reactions . It was also suggested that we poll organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, and evaluate an across-the-board Town reaction. However, it was unanimously agreed that we would do nothing until we heard from the Code Committee, which meets on February 4. A letter was sent over William Peters signature to Katherine Ridley, Office of Historic Preservation, Albany, thanking her for her telephone assistance to Joseph Townsend during the Commission's work sessions spent updating the current local law for Historic Preservation in Southold Town. The Commission took the State 's model law and revised it to meet the needs of Southold Town. Miss Ridley was also asked for a sample copy of the Certificate of Appropriateness. John Stack will see Jim McMahon regarding the status of bur grant request to the N.Y.State Council on the Arts, which must be filed soon. We will be asking NYSCA foro17 continued financing for our ongoing townwide inventory; and 2) financing for a book we plan to write and publish, "How Old Is Your House?" John invited Robert Long to discuss publication costs for the book. There was some discussion regarding whether its illustrations should be photographs or sketches, and whether pictures should be in color or black and white. John suggested that a companion to the book might be a slide show amplifying each architectural period. William Peters brought up the subject of Dr. Joseph Lizewski 's c . 1860 barn on Depot Lane, Cutchogue . Dr. Lizewski wants the Landmark building designation removed so that he can move or dispose of the barn. over Landmark Commission, page 2 fl. A letter addressed to Supervisor Frank Murphy was forwarded to John Stack. ' It was from the Suffolk County Archaeological Association,- warning that many archeological sites in, Southold Town are endangered, _ and strongly urging that Mr. Murphy assign a branch of the Southold- Town - government to locating and protecting- these sites . After a discussion with John, and, with Jean Cochran, Mr. Murphy decided that the proper overseer of this project should be the L-.I.Chapter of the N.Y. State Archaeological"Association. It 's president, Walter Smith, has agreed that the Archaeological Association will undertake this task. At the Southold Town Board 's Code Committee meeting of February 4, the Landmark Commission's revision of Local Law #1, 1983, was carefully reviewed and some changes made . Joseph Townsend, John Stack and William Peters met February 5 to findlize the draft copy. Joseph Townsend will present a typed copy to Code Committee Chairman James Schondebare. After Town Attorney Robert Tasker reviews it, the new Landmark Preservation law will have a public hearing., - At the January 28 meeting Wesley Dickinson brought up the subject of the old Bayview Schoolhouse, which is still in good shape. Originally it was located !,on the triangle where Main Bayview Road and Elijah's Lane intersect. The building is now in use on the adjacent farm of Parker and Chet Dickerson. Wesley Dickinson would like to see the schoolhouse restored arid- replaced on the triangle . He is willing to pursue this . project under the aegis of the Landmark Preservation Commission. Lou Edsel of First Town Realty owns the property. Wesley agreed to discuss the matter with the Peconic Land Trust, the Town's Park District, and organizations such as the NFEC, and try to see the building restored and returned to its original site - and maintained . DATES TO REMEMBER NEXT MEETING: February 18 ' (3rd Wednesday) 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall Title 9 - Environmental Quality Bond Act; Bethpage Clubhouse, February 24, at 7:30 p.m. Slide program of historic houses of Southold Town - a program to be presented to the Southold Democratic Club late this month - date to be announced .