HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1988 5 RECEIVED SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDMARK PRESERVATION MAR 71988 COMMISSION February 17 , 1988 Town Cleric Southnld The Landmark Commission held its regular monthly meeting on February 17, meeting first at Town Hall and later at the home of Joy Bear , who was under the weather . As usual , the commissioners had been very active during the month between regular sessions : Ralph Williams and John Stack gave a slide program, "Southold Houses , " to the Southold Democratic Club on February 16 at the home of Norman Boos . Bill Peters and John Stack were requested by Mrs . Lydia Abatelli to examine the beehive oven in her kitchen and advise her on its restoration. They visited her yellow Italianate house on February 16 and 18 , and made suggestions on rebuilding the oven. The commissioners also were interested in a stair- case leading to the basement of the home . The stairway was so steep that a rope had been supplied alongside the stairs for climbers to cling to . John Stack received a letter from Dr . Barbara Albertson of Beaufort , North Carolina , enclosing Beauf'ort 's Landmark Preser- vation Law, for us to peruse . It has been filed . Joy Bear attended the Greenport Village Town Board meeting of February 4 , in which the Greenport Landmark Preservation Law was presented for a second time. Two people spoke in its favor at the meeting , and no one objected . The law has the support of the Village Zoning Board and Planning Board as well as the Town Board . The Chamber of Commerce is against it . A copy of the Greenport law is in our files . John Stack announced that the Preservation League of New York State will hold its annual conference in Syracuse on April 29-May 1 . We will receive additional information on this meeting soon . Joy Bear was instructed to contact Greg Blass regarding a colorful old Victorian house in Jamesport . Greg has asked us to examine it and report on it ." Mrs . Mike Mattes has asked the Landmark Commission to visit and report on her Victorian home in Mattituck . It is on the National Register . continued 7 Ralph Williams has tried to contact Peter Stevens in order to photograph Southold houses which may be used in the book the Commission plans to publish. So far he has not caught Peter at home . Bill Peters is writing an advertisement and a news story for local newspapers . His plan is 'to present the Landmark Commission ' s work in a way that will make people want to contact us about their landmark homes . He wants to make the public aware of the need to recognize and protect historic buildings . Ralph Williams has two speaking dates for March: March 20 at the Indian Museum , where he will speak on "Restoring Old Houses , " and March 26 at Custer Institute , where his title will be "Building A Radio Museum. " Next meeting : March 16 .