HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/23/1985 N, MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION May 23, 1985 The meeting opened with the presentation of a gavel to the chairman, Lou Black, from retiring chairman John Dorman. The gavel and its stand were cai,ved by Roy D'Augusta out of a beam from the Revolutionary Cottage, orient John Dorman also gave each member of the commission a list of useful names and addresses, which he had compiled. The upcoming contract with the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities was discussed next. It is an agreement between Southold Town and SPLIA for the inventory of significant buildings over a three-year period at $12,000 a year. Hopefully the Town will receive a y6arly' grant fror the N.Y.Council on the Arts for some of this expense. We should hear from NYSCA in June. A second source of funding,, from the N.Y. State Office of Parks., Recre- ation and Historic Preservation was discussed . Since this is a source new to us., a copy of this procedure is enclosed with these minutes . Landmarks members should familiarize themselves with tnis procedure, and the rules of both funding sources. Lou Black and Joy Bear will see Jim McMahon., the Town', Community Development chief., on May 28, about pursuing , the funding possibilities. Town Board member Joseph Townsend suggested that the Landmark Commission might wish to make use of the new facilities in Tawn Hall (track lighting ani ,... wall space ',in the main meeting hall) for exhibits on Southold Town architecture and history. The board members liked the idea, and had suggestik- for topics to be exhibited. There was some discussion (but no conclusions) about how to fund the enlargement and mounting of photographs for an exhibit Some exhibits might be artwork., and need little extra mounting. The program of the evening was on Southold Town houses that were originally churches and had been converted to secular use . William Peters presented the show . The slide shmy consisted of outside and interior photographs of seven houses, and a brief history of each. Included weret. the Mattituck Playhouse, the Cutchogue library, the New Suffolk Methodist Church, Southold 's Wayside Market, tne old St. Peter's Church in Greenport which is now the home of Landmarks chairman Lou Black, the little red annex behind the Greenport Fire Department, the f03-mer Pentecostal Tabernacle in Greenpor't, and in a reversal of use, the present Church of the Open Door in Southold, formerly the Grange . The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. Joy Bear, secretary