August 15, 1985
The meeting of the Southold Town Landmark Commission began on
Thursday evening, August 15 with the examination of three legal documents;
1. A cultural services contract between the Town of Southold and the
New York State Council on the Arts . This is in regard to the $6,000 grant
received by the Landmark Preservation Commission to be used for the start
of an historic houses inventory in Southold Town. This grant must be used
tefore 1986. A copy of this contract is in the Landmarks Preservation
Commission's files .
2 . A contract between Southold Town and the Society for the Preservatio
of Long Island Antiquities (SPLIA), which will begin the historic buildings
inventory this fall. This contract was sent to firs . Barbara Van Liew of
SPLIA, who will supervise the inventorythfs fall. After she signs and return
it, Supervisor Francis Murphy will sign it, and work will begin. A copy of
this contract is also in the Landmarks file .
3. A booklet from the N.Y.State Office of Parks, Recreation and Histori
Preservation outlining how Southold Town can become a Certified Local
Government by their standards, and then be eligible for grants .and funding.
Jim McMahon (the Town's Community Development chief) is in contact with
Mr. O'Brien in Albany regarding this, and the hope is that Southold Town wil
be certified - or perhaps we are certified already m and be able to apply
for funding. Possibly we can get a report on this by the next meeting.
The N.Y.State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
also sent us their new and current catalog outlining all the items they
are interested in funding. 2his catalog is also in our files .
It is important that each member of the landmarks Preservation Commissi
be familiar with these rules and regulations . The Commission also receives
frequent calls from people who want to know if their homes are eligible for
funding for needed repairs, because they are historic houses . Some ask how
to get their homes listed on the National Register. It seems urgent that the
Landmark Commission should appoint one or two of its members to be a Finance
Committee, and to work with Jim McMahon in seeking grants for our many
projects (Townw ide inventory; exhibits; slide shoe,►s for local organizations;
the individual interpretation of landmark houses when we are requested to
do this by the aviners; etc. )
After some dic�cussion, John Stack agreed to be the chairman of the Fina
committee, and William Peters agreed to work with him on it.
The program of the evening was a slide show on the stone mile markers
laid along Kings Highway by Benjamin Franklin in the mid-1?00' s, which are
Minutes of August 1 _ L985, page 2
still in existence . Mrs . Magdalene Goodrich, Southold Town Historian,
initiated this research, and appointed Mrs . Virginia Rousch to search out
each milestone and photograph it. Mrs . Rousch found all but three of the
markers in Southold Town.
Mrs . Goodrich was ill on the evening of the meeting, but she sent a
6cript which Louis Black read as the slides were screened. Ralph Williams
brought his projector and screen for the show . These markers are a historic
treasure Southold Town owns, and the Landmark Commission would like to
create two projects with the slides ®
1. A temporary exhibit on the mile markers to be placed in Southold
Town Hall. Once completed, this exhibit can be made available to other
places in town _ banks, libraries, etc .
2 -Possibly re-photographing the markers on 35 mm film for a slide
presentation to organizations which ask us for programs on Southold Town.
(Mrs . Goodrich owns the slides shown last night. We need our own set. )
After the program Ralph Williams showed slides of various Southold
Homes he and other Landmark members have eXamined and interpreted, at the
request of the individual home owners . These slides include houses owned
by the Milfords, Ruth Schneider, Sam and Beryl Epstein and Orients
Revolutionary Cottage, also called the Shaw house.
Our next month Q s program will be a slide show by Ralph Williams.,
"How To Restore An Old House. "
Joy Bear, Secretary