HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/1985 ar MINUTES Landmark Preservation Commission October 24, 1985 Present : Louis Black, John Stack, William Peters, Ralph Williams, Joy Bear and John Dorman. Chairman Louis Black called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Three items of business were discussed : 1. LANDMARK COMMISSION'S PURPOSE & POLICY John Stack had asked that the purpose and policy of the Landmark Preservation Commission be defined . After some discussion it was decided to devote the commission's next meeting to the examination of this issue . Papers of January 15, 1983 outlining the Southold Town Board 's establishment of the Landmark Preservation Commission, and citing the commission's purpose and policy, will be reviewed . Commission members might wish to familiarize themselves with Local Law #1, 19833 which sets the commission,,'s purpose and policy, before the next meeting. John Stack has agreed to lead this discussion. 2. PUBLICITY Joe Townsend, the commission's liason with the Town Board, requested th the Landmark Preservation Commission provide exhibits of historic interest J Town Hall. So far we -have had two: m 'Houses of Worship Now in Secular Use" and the current exhibit, "Mile Markers of Southold Town. " The current exhibi has generated quite a bit of publicity and interest. The Suffolk Times of September 5, 1985, devoted half a page and a picture to it. SPLIA's "Preservation Notes" will run a story on it in the next issue, and The Long Island Forum plans a major story with photos in an upcoming issue. Other favorable publicity has been generated by Ralph Williams, who ha-s given three illustrated lectures on local historic sites over the summer. Finally, The Suffolk Times ran a story in its September 19, 1985 issue, on SPLIA's upcoming inventory of Southold Town's historic houses, now in progress . 3. PROGRAMS During John Dorman's term as chairman of the commission, he introduced the idea of creating local history programs which would bring alive Southold history to a broad 'section of our citizens, from school children to Senior Citizens , So far, this has been very successful. The commission's two Town Hall shows have resulted in exhibits (nova stored in our file ) which are available to be shown in such places as banks, libraries, schools, the Pecon Senior-Youth Center, etc, upon request. There are also several slide shows, which are privately -mined by members of the commission, which can be and have- been - used as -programs . MINUTES, 10/214/35, John Dorman has compiled another hist of possible subjects, which is attached to these minutes . Louis Black has volunteered to research and repor on the L.I.R.R. story and collect illustrations . Ralph -Williams has volunteered to research and report on Cemeteries of Southold Town. The program of the evening was presented by Ralph Williams, who gave an illustrated lecture on how to restpre an old, historic house. The house was shown in its original condition, and its careful reconstruction was illustrated step by step. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 'LEASE NOTE The next meeting will be on November 219 the third Thursday in November The fourth Thursday, our regular date, is Thanksgiv d - 1