HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/22/1986 a JUN 10 1986 71ra CIA SMOW, MINUTES Southold Town Landmark Preservation Commission May 22, 1986 The Southold Town Landmark Preservation Commission met at 7:30 P.M. on May 22, at Town Hall. Present were John Stack, Ralph Williams, William Peters and Joy Bear. Absent was Louis Black. The minutes of the previous meeting - April 25 - were read and approved . Letters which will be sent to owners of houses the Commission wishes to designate as landmarks have been printed . Each commissioner---- will send letters to the home owners who live in his area . To each letter will be attached a copy of the Town law governing the designation. One hundred copies of the law are needed . John Stack thanked each member of the Commission for help in preparing our presentation to the Town Board on May 6. The presentation explained why the Commission was asking the Board for $7,000 to continue SPLIA's excellent townwide house inventory through the fall. This will bring the area covered by the ,inventory from Laurel to Albertson Lane, Arshamomaque . Bill Peters had produced the printed statements used in the presentation on his home computer. Ralph Williams had organized them into an overhead projection presentation, and operated the machine. John Stack gave the oral presentation. Bob Long, a printer, had been asked by John Stack to prepare a layout for a certificate the Landmark Commission will give each home owner whose house has been honored by a landmark designation. Mr Long presented a two-color layout on parchment which was quite handsome. Some corrections of the wording were made . The estimated cost was $2 .50 for each certificate if the recipient 's name was printed on it, and $1. a sheet if it was not. In the latter event, names could be lettered in calligraphy, or simply written in. To fulfill our mandate to educate the public, members have offered the following services : 1) On May 21 Ralph Williams addressed the Telephone Pioneers at Moose Hall in Riverhead. 2 ) Recently John Stack received an inquiry from Ed Schneck, (718) 377-7282, asking for information and advice on grants and tax credits available for registered houses, and about rules governing the modification of historic structures . He is interested in a property, "Homestead Acres" on Route 25. 3) A letter was received from Dr. Roger Bancroft enquiring about the Greenport Theater, and whether it was on the list of historic sites . Dr. Bancroft also expressed a desire to help the Landmark Commission. John Stack will meet".w ith him and respond. a 2 4) Members of the Commission will visit the home of Ann Riley, "Cocktail Cottage, " 3290 Pine Neck Road, Southold, on June 16, to analyze it and filo a report . Ralph Williams and John Stack, with Joy Bear, have been rendering this service to Southold residents who have requested it on the average of about once a month. Before the next meeting Landmark Commission members are requested to attend a special meeting at 10 a .m. on June 19, at the home of Joy Bear,375 Wampum Way, Southold . The next meeting of the Commission will be on June 26, at 7:30 p.m. in Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Joy Bear, secretary f