HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/26/1986 � hh REaIVEV JUL 0 91966 Cwt SWUM SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION The Southold Town Landmark Preservation Commission met at Town Hall June 26 at 7:30 p.m. Present were John Stack, Ralph Williams, William Peters, Joy Bear and two visitors . William Peters moved that the minutes of the May 22 meeting be accepted as written. The motion was seconded and approved . First on the agenda was the need to finalize the system for listing Southold Town's landmark houses and awarding certificates to owners . Certificates, when printed with the names of the homes ' owners, cost $2 .50 each. John plans to see Supervisor Murphy about this before appearing before the Town Board later about this and our inventory plans . Also discussed was the style of register we should choose, in which to record the names of the landmark houses and their owners . It was decided on a loose leaf folder with a screw-down cover. The first reports on the Southold Town inventory, covering Laurel, Mattituck, Cutchogue, New Suffolk and Robins Island, were delivered to Town Hall by Barbara Van Liew of the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities, on June 18,: It is an excellent, scholarly and broadly researched work, which should be widely used and appreciated . It should be useful for activities ranging from preparations for Southold 's 350th anniversary in 1990 to research by students ,. historians,. various Town departments, libraries, the media, etc. The commissioners decided to make 10 copies of the inventory. One is returned to SPLIA and one goes to Albany. Locally the five Town libraries will receive one each, as will the assessors office, the building department, the Town historian and the Landmark Commission. Plans were made also for other uses for the report. The commission had met for a between-meetings work session June 19 at the home of Joy Bear to work out the research Bill Peters had collected to apply for a Certified Local Government designation. The papers were written and sent - see "between the meetings community service" paragraph, #2, below . ) A new contract was signed with the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities to continue the townwide inventory of historic places until the end of the year, January 1987. The board meeting ended with a slide show of the excellent photographs Ralph Williams took of the last two houses analyzed by our experts . The homes were the Millman house on Route 4P Peconic, and Cocktail Cottage, on Pine Neck Rdad, Southold . Ralph gives these pictures to the Landmark Commission to be filed with the reports of the houses . The agenda for our next meeting will include making a decision on the register for listing Southold 's Landmark houses and their owners, and finalizing the list of houses we will put on the first official list. N.B. There will be another between-regular-meetiftgs <work session on Monday, July 14, at the home of John Stack, to discuss the newly completed Southold Town inventory, delivered June 18, and our plans -to present it to the Supervisor and Town Board. (over) BETWEEN THE MEETINGS COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES 1. Ralph Williams, John Stack and William Peters analyzed the home of Anne Riley, 3290 Pine Neck Road, Southold, on June 16. Joy Bear wrote the report of the analysis. One copy will go to Mrs . Riley and copies will be on file in the Landmark and Historian's offices . 2 . William Peters worked with Jim McMahon to complete the papers needed to qualify Southold Town for Certified Local Government (CLG) status, and to make us eligible for grants . The form will be mailed to the New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation in Albany before the July 3 deadline. 3 . Joy Bear reported a communication from C.P.Terembes of the Department of Transportation—He was writing in regard to the #8M milestone in the series of 18th Century milestones that span the old Kings Highway from Laurel to Orient Point. Rules of the D.O.T. require that historic objects in the path of road construction be stored in a safe place when removed, and returned to their sites as soon as possible . Mrs. Bear provided him with the exact location of each milestone (remember our Mile Marker show in Town ; Hall? ) . Marker #8M will be stored at the Southold Historical Society until replaced. Mr. Terembes gave us a brief written report of S,outhold ''s famous mile markers prepared by the Cultural Resources Management Stu.dy,Binghamton, N.Y. We have added this to ourfiles. In his report Mr. Terembes listed the story of our markers which ran in the L.I.Forum as a resource. Respectfully submitted, Joy Bear