HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/1986 v � AUG 121986 ,Town C!QrR S000M SOUTHOLD TOWN LANDMARK COMMISSION between-meeting work session August 11, 1986 at home of Ralph Williams, Orient Present at the work session were John Stack, William Peters, Ralph Williams and Joy Bear. Business quickly dispensed of was the following: 1. The secretary was instructed to send a letter to Elinor Williams, president of the Oysterponds Historical Society, Orient, thanking the Society for their gift to the Landmark Commission of two books, 1) a thorough architectural analysis entitled, "Orange Webb House, " by Zachary Studenroth, and 2) the Oysterponds Historical Society's ee-lobration of Orient village, It Orient Village. " 2. John Stack has ordered, and received, 14 sets of 4 maps each. The maps were prepared by SPLIA as part of the inventory they were commissioned to do for Southold Town. , The maps locate the structures analyzed in the study, located in the,;first hamlets completed, which are Laurel, Mattituck, Cutchogue and New Suffolk. The printing was done by Smithtown Blueprint & Graphics . 3. Ralph Williams met with Mrs . Anne Riley recently. She is owner of the last house analyzed by the Southold Landmark's team of experts . MRs . Riley had some historical and genealogical data, which was incorporated into the report. 4 . The Commission now has purchased a loose-leaf book which will be our register. The register will hold signed agreements by owners whose houses have been designated as landmarks . 5. During the past month Ralph Williams has interviewed 80+ year Everett Goldsmith, for background on the Riley house mentioned In - #3 • Ralph said the gentleman was a gold mine of local history, especially about the Pine Neck region. Bill Peters suggested that the Commission tape an oral history of Mr. Goldsmith's recollections . This motion was approved by all present. The main business of the day was to review the steps needed to designate a house as a landmark. Next the Commission would compose a letter to the Town Board, presenting them with our list of landmark houses which we wish to designate as Southold Town Landmarks . The Commissioners would like to make this presentation in person, and to answer any questions which might come up. continued on page 2 2- The steps necessary to place a house on the Southold Town Landmark list are as follows : 1 . The Commission examines the records and history of the house to determine if it qualifies as a landmark. If so . . . 2. The Commissioners nominate the house . 3. The Commission sends letters to house owners requestion their approval or rejection to having their house listed. This can result in one of the following: a Owners sign agreement. b Owners say_ "no. " c Owners request a consultation' with'_a Landmark_ Commissioner, which will -result -in- either a) or b) . d) If there is no response from the owner in 30 days, the data on his home is put in the "dead" file (but not discarded . ) 4 . In a letter to the Town Board, sent to the Town Clerk, the Commission recommends the approval of the houses submitted for designation. 5. The Town Clerk notifies the owners of the buildings of the time and place of the Southold Town Board meeting in which their houses will be considered, and hopefully accepted, for Landmark designation. 6. The Commission has planned handsome certificates, printed on parchment (see minutes of May 22, 1986) . These will be signed and sent to house owners after the Board approves their homes . 7. The signed agreements,,; in plastic sleeves for protection, from the home owners will be filed permanently in the new Register. The last business of the day was the composition of a letter to the Town Board, recommending an attached list of homes for Landmark designation, and asking 'time for us to make a short presentation of our list and data . PLEASE NOTE: Our regular meetings have been changed from the fourth Thursday to the fourth Wednesday of each month. The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, August 27, at 7:30 P.M. in Town Hall.