HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/2007 Southold Town Landmarks Preservation Commission September 18, 2007 Meeting Minutes Date: September 18, 2007 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Supervisor's Conference Room, Town Hall Southold, NY Attendees: Jim Grathwohl, Doug Constant, Jamie Garretson, Larry Jungblut, Mel Phaff, Ron Rossi and Barbara Schnitzler. Damon Rallis (Building Dept.) attended as the LPC Administrative Assistant. The August 2007 Minutes were approved. Chairman's Comments -- Jim reported on continuing communications with the State Highway Department on restoring and maintaining the "Ben Franklin" markers. He will be drafting a letter for Scott Russell's signature supporting this project. Barbara discussed the recent agreement with Peconic Land Trust's and New Suffolk Waterfront Committee to purchase and preserve the New Suffolk Shipyard/Holland Submarine site in New Suffolk. This agreement is based upon the committee obtaining sufficient funding and an environmental survey of the land. Old Business -- Jim provided the commissioners with a draft letter with Kieran's comments for the response for those interested in "de-listing" Landmarked property. There was concern regarding some of the wording, especially in the last paragraph. Jim will discuss it further with Kieran to resolve the concern. Barbara is working with several Fisher's Island residents on the "Fort Wright" historic district application. The LPC concern is that the entire former Fort Wright complex (especially the officer housing) should be included and not just the Parade Grounds. Barbara met with Ron to incorporate the comments on the "Wethersfield Handbook" and hopes to have a draft copy of the technical requirements for the Southold Town Handbook available for the next meeting. Jim will work on the introduction and other sections. Mel reported on sources for new plaques. As the new price will be approx. -$225 each, he was authorized to buy a limited quantity. Mel is to continue to investigate other sources, including various versions of the plaque because of the cost of the present cast bronze plaque. The FY2007 budget was discussed including spending allocations which should be made in FY2007 along with a draft FY2008 budget to be presented to the Town Board for approval. New Business -- Damon presented the Commission with two applications for consideration as exempt and/or administrative permit. It was agreed that the application for repair of sliding on the Furey house in Southold would be an exempt item and the SHS's Pine Neck Barn sliding project can be handled via an Administrative Permit and no public hearings are necessary for either project. Larry will be contact Scott Russell in regards to allowing an exemption from real property tax for improvements and rehabilitation of landmarked properties which needs to be presented to the Town Board for approval. Preliminary Consultations - The commissioners had discussions with Alice Hussie and Donald Smith regarding the application to install a handicap ramp on the front fagade of Brecknock Hall. There are concerns with the ramp's location being on the front fagade and visible from the street. Due to restrictions with other locations, there may be a compromise position provided the ramp is installed in a manner which coincides with the present design of the building. The applicants will consider the concerns and provide the commission with an alternate design for review. Richard Gluckman and Melissa Cicetti had discussions with the commissioners regarding the application for the Laura Weil House in Orient. The commissioners presented several concerns regarding the proposal for the garage and porch areas. These concerns will be addressed and the applicants will provide a new proposal considering the commissioners concerns. Gordon Price discussed his proposed application on the Crary House in Orient. He wants to transform the existing garage into an artist studio and add skylights on the property line side to increase the light. This is of concern and a method of improving the light without the skylights was discussed His other renovations seemed not to be a concern. He was advised to visit several local artists' residences to gain additional insight. He will do this prior to submitting a formal application. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 3:00 PM at Town Hall.