HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/2006 Southold Town Landmarks Preservation Commission
November 21, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Date: November 21, 2006
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Conference Room, Town Hall Southold, NY
Attendees: Jim Grathwohl, Jamie Garretson, Larry Jungblut, Ron Rossi and
Barbara Schnitzler. Damon Rallis (Building Dept.) attended as the LPC Ad-
ministrative Assistant. Ed Flaherty from the Cutchogue Library Board along
with Ray Nemschick, the Cutchogue Library architect attended as guests.
The October minutes were approved.
Jim reported that he had received requests for various landmark in-
formation from the Southold Free Library, Poquatuck Hall (Orient), HortoWs
Point Lighthouse Committee and Starbucks. He also stated-that Scott Russell
submitted the LPC budget as requested and is waiting on the final budget
from the Town Board.
Jim also attended the Architectural Review Committee meeting on Nov.
2"d. A final decision regarding that the ARC does not need to review Land-
'marked properties will be made after the new year.
The LPC discussed the revised plans for the Cutchogue/New Suffolk
Free Library application which showed the "Shed Dormer', removal of"roof
line ventu and removal of the side dormers. Since these changes correct the
deficiencies noted by the LPC, the LPC voted to approve the application and
issue a Certificate of Appropriateness based on the latest plans dated No-
vember 14, 2006.
Damon gave the LPC the latest Landmark register which included the
comments he received from the Commissioners over the past weeks. It was
decided to mail the letter along with the brochures and certificate in the later
part of December. Kiernan had advised Jim that the letters could be sent by
regular mail and need not be certified. This will be both a time and cost sav-
ings. An information meeting for the general public on the Landmark law will
be scheduled for mid-January 2007.
Larry showed the latest "benefits" brochure to the LPC. Several
changes were requested, and Larry will finalize the brochure to give to Mi-
chelle for printing within the next two weeks. Academy Printing should have it
ready for the December mailing.
Jim asked for nominations for a replacement for Peg Murphy and would
like it to be a Mattituck or Laurel resident.
Jim also mentioned that the LPC should consider a suggestion for
promoting Heritage Tourism at the new Southold Town Laurel Lake Preserve
Nature Center.
The next meeting is scheduled for 3 PM on Tuesday, December 19,