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Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
January 17, 2019
Suffolk County Planning Department
L.I. State Park Commission
Town of Southold
Town of Southampton
Town of Brookhaven
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on December 18, 2018
#25- Resolution #946-Adopted 12/18/2018
If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm
at Ext. 260
I k ;1.11
Diane M. Wilhelm
200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034
(t i
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Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
January 17, 2019
Honorable Town Clerk:
Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane
Wilhelm at wilhelm(Dtownofriverheadny.gov.
Signature: Date:
Town Board Meeting December 18, 2018 6:00 PM
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on December 18, 2018
#25- Resolution #946-Adopted 12/18/2018
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034
12.18.2018 ADOPTED
Resolution 2018-946
Councilwoman Kent offered the following resolution,
which was seconded by Councilman Wooten
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to
hear all interested persons to consider a local law to amend Chapter 255 entitled
"Parades, Assemblies and Special Events" of the Riverhead Town Code; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 4th day of December, 2018 at 2:05
o'clock p.m. at Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the date, time and
place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard were heard;
WHEREAS, the Town Board has classified the proposed action as a Type II,
pursuant to SEQRA, 6NYCRR Part 617.5 C (15), requiring no further environmental
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law amending Chapter 255
entitled, " Parades, Assemblies and Special Events" of the Riverhead Town Code is
hereby adopted as specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached
notice of adoption once in the News Review Newspaper and to post same on the
signboard at Town Hall; and be it further
RESOLVED, all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this
resolution from the electronic storage device and if needed, a certified copy of same
may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk.
MOVER: Catherine Kent, Councilwoman
SECONDER: James Wooten, Councilman
AYES: Jens-Smith, Wooten, Giglio, Hubbard, Kent
Packet Pg. 124
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted �.
a local law to amend Chapter 255 entitled " Parades, Assemblies and Special Events"
of the Riverhead Town Code at its regular meeting held on December 18, 2018. M
Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead that a copy of the a
entire proposed text of the local law may be reviewed at the Office of the Town Clerk, N
200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30
p.m., Monday through Friday.
Dated: Riverhead, New York a
December 18, 2018
\\tor-svrfs02\home$\tc l\appdata\roaming\igm2\minutetraq\riverheadny@riverheadny.igm2.com\work\attachments\1161.docx
Packet Pg. 126
Chapter 255 Z
Parades, Assemblies and Special Events Q
Special Events
§255-8.Definitions. W
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purposes of this article, cn
have the meanings set forth below:
CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS -An organization as defined in New York State Executive Law s
§171 -a. including but not limited to not-for-profit corporations. Such charitable organizations shall E
be recognized as exempt from federal taxation under Internal Revenue Code §501 (c)(3). shall be N
duly registered with the Charities Bureau of the Attorney General of the State of New York. a
FOOD VENDOR- Each food or beverage vendor that the organizer plans to have at their event.
SPECIAL EVENT-Any form of entertainment, eight weeks duration or less, open to the public
with or without an admission fee and held on a one-time or occasional basis, which may include w
but not be limited to, for example, carnivals, circuses, fairs, bazaars and outdoor shows, horse W
shows or exhibitions, concerts, road rallies and parades. A special event will not include any W
activity conducted at a permanent facility which has a valid use permit covering such activity. A N
special event shall not include any activity having fewer than 100 attendees/spectators at ally Q
^owe dwFiRgthe duratiGR e#the event. A special event with fewer than 100 s
attendees/spectators expected shall apply for necessary permits under Article I, Parades and
Assemblies, of this chapter and/or Town Code Chapter 231, Fire Prevention.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT-A permit for a special event issued under this chapter. a
§255-9.Permit required; application.
A Written permit required.
(1) Special event short form application, small gathering. Where 100 to 4;989 750 attendees
spec-tatar-s are expected at any-ene tome d ,r;^n the duFatten of the event and the event duration Q
is 12 hours or less per calendar day, no person shall use, allow, let or permit property to be used for 0
a special event unless a special event permit has been issued by the Town Board of the Town a
of Riverhead.
(2) Special event long form, large gathering.Where 751 to 2500 attendees spec#aters are expected 00
at the event or the event duration is more than 12 hours per N
calendar day, no person shall use, allow, let or permit property to be used for a special event 1
unless a special event permit has been issued by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead. Q
(3) Special event long form, large gathering. Where mere +ha„ nen 2501 to 5000 attendees
spectateare expected at any ene time during the duration of the event or the event duration �
is more than 12 hours per calendar day, no person shall use, allow, let or permit property to be
used for a special event unless a special event permit has been issued by the Town Board of the E
Town of Riverhead.
1 a
Packet Pg. 127'
B. Required filing date. Application for such permit shall be on the form provided by the Town Clerk,
shall contain all of the required information and material, addressed to the Town Board and filed
with the office of the Town Clerk in accordance with the below filing dates based on the type of
special event. The Town Board, in its discretion, may provide for an expedited review for a special
events permit under this article.
(1) Special event short form applications shall be filed at least 40 90 calendar days prior to w'
commencement dates of special events.
(2) For an event where more than 4,G98 751 attendees spestaters but fewer than 2,500 5;009
spectators are expected at any one time during the duration of the event, a special event long
form application shall be filed at least 42-0180 days prior to the commencement date of the
special event. .c
(3) For an event where 2,501 to 5,000 or more spectators are expected at any one time during the a
duration of the event, a special event long form application shall be filed at least 480 270 days
prior to the commencement date of the special event.
C. Information and material to be submitted with a completed special event short form application. Such a
application shall include the following written material:
(2) The name and address of the record owner of the subject property or properties and the nature w
and interest of the applicant in the property; proposed use of Town or other publicly owned N
property; proposed dates and hours of the special event, including setup and shutdown times;
expected maximum number of persons intended to use the property at one time and
collectively, including organizers, employees, vendors, exhibitors and spectators; the
expected number of automobiles and other vehicles intended to use the property at one time
and collectively: the purpose of the event, describing in detail the nature of the activities to be
carried on and the admission fee to be charged, if any, and the name of groups, organizations, a
charities or individuals who shall benefit from the proceeds of the event.
(4) A plan and drawing showing the layout of any parking area for automobiles and other vehicles
and the means of ingress and egress for such parking area. Such parking area shall provide one
parking space for every four persons is at peak attendance shall be in accordance with the 0
Fire Marshal's setback guidelines.
(5) The name, address, and telephone number, of the person(s) who will be engaged in the
preparation and sale of food, and a copy of their state and/or county license/permit for said a
activity, said license/permit to be received no later than 14 days prior to the W
commencement of the event. C?
D. Information and material to be submitted with a completed special event long form application. Such W
application shall include the following written material: N
(2) The name and address of the record owner of the subject property or properties and the nature Q
and interest of the applicant in the property; proposed use of Town or other publicly owned
property; proposed dates and hours of the special event, including setup and shutdown times; _
expected maximum number of persons intended to use the property at sne time and
2 Q
Packet Pg. 128
sollec4vefy, including organizers, employees, vendors, exhibitors and spectators;the expected
number of automobiles and other vehicles intended to use the property at epe thine-and
seAesti-vefy; if there are animals, the approximate number and types of animals, the name,
address and telephone number of the contractor providing and/or transporting the animals, the °
storage and provisions for disposal of all animal wastes; the purpose of the event, describing
in detail the nature of the activities to be carried on and the admission fee to be charged, if w
any, and the name of groups, organizations, charities or individuals who shall benefit from the U
proceeds of the event.
(18) If any type of banner is to be displayed adjacent to a town, county or state road, the applicant -a
shall include the size of the banner, location of the banner and the dates that it will be displayed
and submit approvals from the appropriate town, county and state agencies.
Rejection by the Town Clerk - The Town Clerk shall have the authority to reiect any a)
application that the Town Clerk finds incomplete. If a certificate of insurance is not received N
30 days prior to the commencement of the event then the application shall be deemed Q
incomplete and will result in the denial of the application. D
§255-10.Conditions for granting pen-nit
B. The applicant shall file with the Town Board before obtaining such license a certificate of public
liability insurance covering the applicant and the Town of Riverhead for personal injuries, w
comprehensive general liability in an amount satisfactory to the Town Attorney, which policy shall N
name the Town as an additional insured and shall be non-cancellable without 30 days prior written
notice to the Town. Said insurance policy shall be approved as to form, sufficiency and limits of
coverage by the Town Attorney.
C. Cost reimbursement.Where the expected number of persons or the duration of the special event may E
impact the health, safety and welfare, as a condition of the granting of the special event or parade a
permit, the Town Board may require the permittee to reimburse the Town for costs of increased
police protection and ambulance and/or other Town services as may be deemed necessary by the
Town Board to adequately and safely control and protect the persons attending the event,the event -'
area and traffic in and around the area of the event. In no event,however,will the Town be obligated o
to provide police protection and ambulance or other Town services. Costs for such police protection
and ambulance and/or other services provided by Town employees in processing the permit
application shall include those over and above routine staffing, including costs for overtime and for o
the hiring of special police officers and/or emergency medical services personnel. The estimated a
costs for services shall be provided to the applicant and the Town Board by written report from the
Chief of Police, Ambulance Chief, Fire Marshal or other Town department head prior to the
issuance of the permit. Based on the number of people, date of the event, the time of the event and
the location of the event, the applicant may be required to reimburse the Town for the cost of N
police to ensure public health and safety through the smooth flow of traffic in and around the area of
the event.The applicant may be required to pay these fees prior to the event, but all fees shall be due
and payable within 10 days of the rendering of an invoice for said expenses by the Town of LO
Riverhead.This section shall not apply to any special event that is held on public property and is open
to the public and is free of charge.
D. The Town Board may require the applicant to provide a letter of credit, bond or other suitable E
security instrument to secure compliance with conditions in the permit for an event to be conducted
3 Q
Packet Pg. 129
on Town property and to insure adequate cleanup of the property after the event. The Town Board '-
shall set the amount by resolution, and no permit shall be issued until the security has been provided to
the Town Clerk. If the applicant fails to honor the permit conditions or does not clear the property of 4-
debris within seven days of mailing of written notice by return-receipt-requested mail, the Town may 0
use such portion of the security as is required to remedy the situation.
F. Notification of adjoining property owners in residential zoning districts. Upon filing an
application for a special event, if the propertv which is the subject of the application is within cn
a residential zoning district, the Chief Fire Marshal may require the applicant to mail by =
certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice that a special event application has N
been filed with the Town, to every property owner, as shown on the current Town of
Riverhead assessment rolls, of parcels abutting and directly opposite (bv extension of lot E
lines through a street or right-of-way) the property which is the subject of the application.
Said notice shall include the date, time and location of the proposed special event and a
proof of mailing shall be submitted to the Chief Fire Marshal in the form of an affidavit with
postal receipts annexed, in order to constitute a complete application.
§255-11.Review of application;approval or denial of permit
B. In determining whether to approve or deny an application, the Town Board shall consider w
the information provided in the application and such other information as may be available, LD
including but not limited to: N
(1) Possible conflicts with other events and seasonal demands which may overtax or cause an undue C.
burden on Town services for parades and special events,shall be considered if the parade or special
event occurs within 30 calendar days of another parade or special event is to occur during the period
of Memorial Day to Veterans Day.
The accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the application. o
E. Privilege. The granting of a special event or parade permit is a privilege and not a right and
may be denied in the event the applicant fails to comply with any application provision of
the chapter or for any other reason not prohibited by law. o
§255-12.Application fees. a
A. The application for a permit shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee and/or 00
late application fee in the amount established °�f e Schede ile will be deten�ed by resolution N
of the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead �iee as required by § 255-9A.
CO Late applications shall incur a fee of $20 per day beyond the submission deadline will be in
accepted as set forth in §255-9 B. Any short form applications submitted within 45 days of N
the proposed commencement of the event will be denied. Any long form applications
submitted within 60 days of the proposed commencement of the event will be denied.
D. Any amendment to the application for a parade or special event will be subject to an z
amendment fee of 25% of the application fee. Amendments may include changes to the
_ w
4 Q
Packet Pg. 130
location, route, parking plan, number of people expected etc. Amendments to Fire Safety
Plans or Parking Plans at the request of the Town are not considered amendments to the a)
§255-15.Alcoholic beverages.
If providing alcohol at an event, a Liquor Liability Insurance Policy naming the Town as an additional
insured in the amount of$ General Aggregate and $ Each Occurrence
will be required. The applicant remains subject to the provisions of Chapter 205 of the Code of the
Town of Riverhead, except upon waiver granted by the Town Board. Applicants planning to se ve
provide alcohol must receive necessary permits from the New York State Liquor Authority.
§255-20.Penalties for offenses. N
A violation of any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of
not less than $250 nor more than $1,000 for each offense or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding a
30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in addition to any fines imposed hereunder. Failure
to obtain a special event permit as defined herein, shall be an offense and the fine shall be the d
applicable special event application fee, plus an amount not less than $250 nor more than $1000 C
Each day that such event occurs, is conducted, or otherwise takes place without a special event permit w
having been issued, shall be considered a separate offense. N
5 Q
Packet Pg. 131
Town of Riverhead
Local Law# 25-2018
Chapter 255
Parades, Assemblies and Special Events
Special Events
§255-8. Definitions.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purposes of this article,
have the meanings set forth below:
CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS -An organization as defined in New York State Executive Law
§171 -a. including but not limited to not-for-profit corporations. Such charitable organizations shall
be recognized as exempt from federal taxation under Internal Revenue Code§501 (c)(3). shall be
duly registered with the Charities Bureau of the Attorney General of the State of New York.
FOOD VENDOR- Each food or beverage vendorthat the organizer plans to have at their event.
SPECIAL EVENT-Any form of entertainment, eight weeks duration or less, open to the public
with or without an admission fee and held on a one-time or occasional.basis, which may include
but not be limited to, for example, carnivals, circuses, fairs, bazaars and outdoor shows, horse
shows or exhibitions, concerts, road rallies and parades. A special event will not include any
activity conducted at a permanent facility which has a valid use permit covering such activity. A
special event shall not include any activity having fewer than 100 attendees/spectators at the
event. A special event with fewer than 100 attendees/spectators expected shall apply for .
necessary permits under Article I, Parades and Assemblies, of this chapter and/or Town Code
Chapter 231, Fire Prevention.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT-A permit for a special event issued under this chapter.
§255-9.Permit required;application.
A Written permit required.
(1) Special event short form application, small gathering.Where 100 to 750 attendees are expected
at the event and the event duration is 12 hours or less per calendar day,no person shall use, allow,
let or pen-nit property to be used for a special event unless a special event permit has been issued
by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead.
(2) Special event long form, large gathering. Where 751 to 2500 attendees are expected at the
event or the event duration is more than 12 hours per calendar day, no person shall use, allow,
let or permit property to be used for a special event unless a special event permit has been issued
by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead.
(3) Special event long fon-n, large gathering.Where 2501 to 5000 attendees are expected at the event
or the event duration is more than 12 hours per calendar day, no person shall use, allow, let or
permit property to be used for a special event unless a special event permit has been issued by the
Town Board of the Town of Riverhead.
B. Required filing date. Application for such permit shall be on the form provided by the Town Clerk,
shall contain all of the required information and material, addressed to.the Town Board and filed with
the office of the Town Clerk in accordance with the below filing dates based on the type of special
event. The Town Board, in its discretion, may provide for an expedited review for a special events
permit under this article.
(1) Special event short form applications shall be filed at least 90 calendar days prior to
commencement dates of special events.
(2) For an event where more than 751 attendees but fewer than 2,500 spectators are expected
at any one time during the duration of the event, a special event long form application shall
be filed at least 180 days prior to the commencement date of the special event.
(3) For an event where 2,501 to 5,000 or more spectators are expected at any one time during the
duration of the event, a special event long form application shall be filed at least 270 days prior
to the commencement date of the special event.
C. Information and material to be submitted with a completed special event short form application.Such
application shall include the following written material:
(2) The name and address of the record owner of the subject property or properties and the nature
and interest of the applicant in the property; proposed use of Town or other publicly owned
property; proposed dates and hours of the special event, including setup and shutdown times;
expected maximum number of persons intended to use the property at one time and
collectively, including organizers, employees, vendors, exhibitors and spectators; the
expected number of automobiles and other vehicles intended to use the property at one time
and collectively: the purpose of the event, describing in detail the nature of the activities to be
carried on and the admission fee to be charged, if any, and the name of groups, organizations,
charities or individuals who shall benefit from the proceeds of the event.
(4) A plan and drawing showing the layout of any parking area for automobiles and othervehicles
and the means of ingress and egress for such parking area.Such parking area shall provide one
parking space for every four persons at peak attendance shall be in accordance with the
Fire Marshal's setback guidelines.
(5) The name, address, and telephone number, of the person(s) who will be engaged in the
preparation and sale of food, and a copy of their state and/or county license/permit for said
activity, said license/permit to be received no later than 14 days prior to the
commencement of the event.
D. Information and material to be submitted with a completed special event long form application. Such
application shall include the following written material:
(2) The name and address of the record owner of the subject property or properties and the nature
and interest of the applicant in the property; proposed use of Town or other publicly owned
property; proposed dates and hours of the special event, including setup and shutdown times;
expected maximum number of persons intended to use the property including organizers,
employees,vendors, exhibitors and spectators;the expected number of automobiles and other
vehicles intended to use the property; if there are animals,the approximate number and types
of animals, the name, address and telephone number of the contractor providing and/or
transporting the animals, the storage and provisions for disposal of all animal wastes; the
purpose of the event, describing in detail the nature of the activities to be carried on and the
admission fee to be charged, if any, and the name of groups, organizations, charities or
individuals who shall benefit from the proceeds of the event.
(18) If any type of banner is to be displayed adjacent to a town, county or state road, the applicant
shall include the size of the banner, location of the banner and the dates that it will be displayed
and submit approvals from the appropriate town, county and state agencies.
(20)Rejection by the Town Clerk - The Town Clerk shall have the authority to reject any
application that the Town Clerk finds incomplete. If a certificate of insurance is not received
30 days prior to the commencement of the event, then the application shall be deemed
incomplete and will result in the denial of the application.
§255-10.Conditions for granting permit
B. The applicant shall file with the Town Board before obtaining such license a certificate of public
liability insurance covering the applicant and the Town of Riverhead for personal injuries,
comprehensive general liability in an amount satisfactory to the Town Attorney,which policy shall
name the Town as an additional insured and shall be non-cancellable without 30 days-prior written
notice to the Town. Said insurance policy shall be approved as to form, sufficiency and limits of
coverage by the Town Attorney.
C. Cost reimbursement.Where the expected number of persons or the duration of the special event may
impact the health, safety and welfare, as a condition of the granting of the special event or parade
permit, the Town Board may require the permittee to reimburse the Town for costs of increased
police protection and ambulance and/or other Town services as may be deemed necessary by the
Town Board to adequately and safely control and protect the persons attending the event,the event
area and traffic in and around the area of the event.In no event, however,will the Town be obligated
to provide police protection and ambulance or other Town services. Costs for such police protection
and ambulance and/or other services provided by Town employees in processing the permit
application shall include those over and above routine staffing, including costs for overtime and for
the hiring of special police officers and/or emergency medical services personnel. The estimated
costs for services shall be provided to the applicant and the Town Board by written report from the
Chief of Police, Ambulance Chief, Fire Marshal or other Town department head prior to the
issuance of the permit. Based on the number of people, date of the event, the time of the event and
the location of the event, the applicant may be required to reimburse the Town for the cost of
police to ensure public health and safety through the smooth flow of traffic in and around the area of
the event.The applicant may be required to pay these fees prior to the event, but all fees shall be due
and payable within 10 days of the rendering of an invoice for said expenses by the Town of
Riverhead.This section shall not apply to any special event that is held on public property and is open
to the public and is free of charge.
D. The Town Board may require the applicant to provide a letter of credit, bond or other suitable
security instrument to secure compliance with conditions in the permit for an event to be conducted
on Town property and to insure adequate cleanup of the property after the event. The Town Board
shall set the amount by resolution, and no permit shall be issued until the security has been provided to
the Town Clerk. If the applicant fails to honor the pen-nit conditions or does not clear the property of
debris within seven days of mailing of written notice by retum-receipt-requested mail, the Town may
use such portion of the security as is required to remedy the situation.
F. Notification of adjoining property owners in residential zoning districts. Upon filing an
application for a special event, if the property which is the subject of the application is within
a residential zoning district, the Chief Fire Marshal may require the applicant to mail, by
certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice that a special event application has
been filed with the Town, to every property owner, as shown on the current Town of
Riverhead assessment rolls, of parcels abutting and directly opposite (by extension of lot
lines through a street or right-of-way) the property which is the subject of the application.
Said notice shall include the date, time and location of the proposed special event, and
proof of mailing shall be submitted to the Chief Fire Marshal in the form of an affidavit, with
postal receipts annexed, in order to constitute a complete application.
§255-11.Review of application;approval or denial of permit
B. In determining whether to approve or deny an application, the Town Board shall consider
the information provided in the application and such other information as may be available,
including but not limited to:
(1) Possible conflicts with other events and seasonal demands which may overtax or cause an undue
burden on Town services for parades and special events, shall be considered if the parade or special
event occurs within 30 calendar days of another parade or special event is to occur during the period
of Memorial Day to Veterans Day.
(10) The accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the application.
E. Privilege. The granting of a special event or parade permit is a privilege and not a right and
may be denied in the event the applicant fails to comply with any application provision of
the chapter or for any other reason not prohibited by law.
§255-12.Application fees.
A. The application for a permit shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee and/or
late application fee in the amount established by resolution of the Town Board of the Town of
Riverhead as required by § 255-9A.
C. Late applications shall incur a fee of $20 per day beyond the submission deadline will be
accepted as set forth in §255-9 B. Any short form applications submitted within 45 days of
the proposed commencement of the event will be denied. Any long form applications
submitted within 60 days of the proposed commencement of the event will be denied.
D. Any amendment to the application for a parade or special event will be subject to an
amendment fee of 25% of the application fee. Amendments may include changes to the
location, route, parking plan, number of people expected, etc. Amendments to Fire Safety
Plans or Parking Plans at the request of the Town are not considered amendments to the
§255-15.Alcoholic beverages.
If providing alcohol at an event,a Liquor Liability Insurance Policy naming the Town as an additional
insured in the amount of$ General Aggregate and $ Each Occurrence
will be required. The applicant remains subject to the provisions of Chapter 205 of the Code of the
Town of Riverhead, except upon waiver granted by the Town Board.Applicants planning to sere
provide alcohol must receive necessary permits from the New York State Liquor Authority.
§255-20.Penalties for offenses.
A violation of any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of
not less than$250 nor more than$1,000 for each offense or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding
30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in addition to any fines imposed hereunder. Failure
to obtain a special event permit as defined herein, shall be an offense and the fine shall be the
applicable special event application fee, plus an amount not less than $250 nor more than $1000.
Each day that such event occurs, is conducted, or otherwise takes place without a special event permit
having been issued, shall be considered a separate offense.
Q M�a�W,,u
r ;r
Office of the Tow.... Clerk
Diane H., Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
January 17, 2019
Honorable Town Clerk:
Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane
Wilhelm at wilheim townofriverheadn .gov,
Signature. Date:
Town Board Meeting bcernber 18, 2018 6:00 PM
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on December 18, 2018
#25- Resolution #946—Adopted 12/18/2018
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue — Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 — Fax (631)208-4034