HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 4th Quarter TOWN OF SOUTHOLDy' `, Town Hall,State Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 r Southold,New`fork 11971-0959 RECEIVED %IAN � 7 201 Southold Town Clerk Memorandum To: Town Board From: Tracking Group Date: January 15,2019 Re: Tracking Report Attached is the Land Tracking report for the fourth quarter of 2018. Town of Southold Land Tracking Summary for the 4`" Quarter of 2018 (October 1,2018 through December 31, 2018) Prepared January 15, 2019 The most meaningful numbers from the attached Tracking report to focus on are as follows: Residential Subdivision Rate, Residential Development Rate, Preservation Rate and Density Reduction. All of the other numbers and definitions are used to calculate these four numbers. This page of the report will summarize these four numbers for both the current quarter and cumulatively from April 1, 2004 on for the target areas (buildable subdividable R-40, R-80 and AC). In addition a summary of the Target Area follows indicating the acreages within the target area that have been developed and preserved and the acreages that are still available for development. 4th Quarter of 2018 Summary Residential Subdivision Rate: 0 Residential Development Rate: 1 dwelling unit per 24 acres Preservation Rate: 96% Density Reduction: 90% Cumulative Summary from April 1, 2004 on Residential Subdivision Rate: 1 building lot per 13 acres Residential Development Rate: 1 dwelling unit per 38 acres Preservation Rate: 94% Density Reduction: 93% Target Area Summary as of December 31, 2018 Zone R-40 R-80 AC Total Target acreage as of 4/1/2004 450 2357 4997 7804 Acreage develop,ed since 4/1/2004 12 37 39 88 Acreage preserved since 4/1/2004 55 519 1,372 1946 Target acreage still available for development 383 1801 3586 5770 Page 1 of 6 Town of Southold Land Tracking Summary for the 4"' Quarter of 2018 (October 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018) Prepared January 15, 2019 Introduction Information in this report, is based ori final approvals for subdivisions, building permits, land closings and variances. Projects, that involve both preservation and Planning approvals for non-subdividable lots will not be tracked until both components of the projects are complete. A cumulative summary covering all activity from April 1, 2004 onward is included in this report. Acres of Subdividable Buildable Land that is considered the Town's target as of April 1, 2004, R-40.........450 R-80.......2357 AC..........4997 These acreages are estimates based oil the ]'own's GIS database as of April 1, 2004 and represent the subdividable buildable land in the 1 -10, R-80 and AC zoning districts. These numbers will' change over time as additional information about inclividUal parcels becomes available. The numbers will also change due to future rezojnngs approved by the Town Board and conversion of target land to/frorn Community Facilities (e.g, scl,lools), thibUildable land Includes wetlands, rights of way, Coastal Ero si oil Hazard areas, land developed residentially prior to April 1, 2004, preserved land, beaches, etc, and is not included in the acreages above based on the best information currently available, Future tracking reports will note changes to tile numbers presented above, The nurnbers, presented above do not match those included In the 2003 D(3'-,I'-'IS due to corrections made tri the DGEIS work. For parcels that are split between both AC & R-80 zorillig the parcels, were assumed to be completely within the larger of tile two areas for calculating the numbers above. To be subdividable a, parcel ITILIst contain at least twice the minimum zoning acreage of buildable land. All numbers presented below are based on Town-wide activity excluding Fishers Island. The AC target area was, reduced by two acres to account for a house constructed prior to April 1, 2004 on subdividable land that was missing from the Town's GIS database Definitions D e lis gdu�-Iion P esEv atlgw Preservation of buildable land that contributes to density reduction, for example development rights purchases, Non- Red ction Pr ser c v-afloo'� Preservation of buildable land that does not contribute to density reduction, for example clustered open space created through the subdivision process. Dellsit t t�rrn,r r pre rvat ion Land that contributed to density reduction but that is not considered preserved, for example certain covenants and restrictions. Acr age "anon 9 , IThe acreage of pi "e<�, rvation is calculated as the sum of Density Reduction Pre,serw�Ilion and Non-clensiq?Reduclfi,,m presel,,,,ctji(jjj. Residential SU-b,di-vis,i"o ri "I,Z'ale, Ton The residential subdivision rate is calculated as Niber Qf Non- S11&,hritkible 13itileloble PO'Vets' 0-c?ctletl divided by the sura of 4ereqge ge Q1' (.P'-'- Si1bchvn,0J?1c, 0'ecaccl and .4creol. Of M'eseri- lolion and TXwsj/v Page 2 of 6 Reduction Non-Preservation. Acreage Of Non-Subdividable Buildable Residential Parcels Created will also include ROW and recharge areas created through the subdivision process. The Number Of Non- Subdividable Buildable Residential Parcels Created includes those created by both the Planning Board and the ZBA. Only ZBA approvals that create new parcels compared to the Town Assessors' records as of April 1, 2004 will be included in the numbers above. Further subdividable parcels will not be tracked until they become non-subdividable or preserved. �R idential Devel _ii im„ ate__ The residential development rate is calculated as Number Of New Residential Building Units Issued Permits divided by the sum of Acreage Of New Residential Building Units Issued Permits and Acreage Of Preservation and Density Reduction Non Preservation. Note that the Number Of New Residential Building Units Issued Permits may not equal the number of new residential building permits actually issued in cases where permits for multiple family dwellings are issued. Building permits issued on subdividable parcels will be included in this number with the developed acreage being equal to the minimum zoning acreage. Should this development end up as part of a subdivision where it is clustered to a smaller parcel or within a defined building;envelope then the parcel or envelope size will be considered the developed acreage and the numbers above will be adjusted. Renewal, accessory, remodeling, etc. building permits are not included above. Preservation Rale.; The preservation rate is calculated as Acreage Of Preservation divided by the sum of Acreage Of Preservation and Acreage Of New Residential Building Units Issued Permits and Density Reduction Non Preservation. Densit Muctioiv The density reduction is calculated as the difference of Number Of New Residential Building Units Allowed By Zoning and Number Of New Residential Building Units Issued Permits divided by Number Of New Residential Building Units Allowed By Zoning. The Number Of New Residential Building Units Allowed By Zoning is calculated as the sum of Density Reduction Preservation And Density Reduction Non-Preservation multiplied by the subdivision factor from the 2020 Comp Plan update plus the Number Of New Residential Building Units Issued Permits. The factors for the Density Reduction calculation are as follows: ... Subdivision Fac.......__ ......_ _....... ................_... tors Zone Create„ 2lots Creatin ..._ ... m....— lots R-40 g �n 5 or more ,IT -� n� , g 3-4 lots Crean 80 .... _ 958 e926 R-80 490 479 463 AC 490 479 463 In cases where the Planning Department has accepted a yield map this yield supersedes the sum of DENSITY REDUCTION PRESERVATION and DENSITY REDUCTION NON-PRESERVATION multiplied by the subdivision factor from the 2020 Comp Plan update part of the calculation noted above. Pip 3 of 6 Tracking Statistics for the period October 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 For-the following intinbers the Target acreage is the buildable subdividable land in the, R-40, R-80 & AC zorles. Non-target acreage is anything in other zoning districts, non-subdividable land in the R-40, R-80 & AC zones and Unbuildable land. Target Acreage: NUMBER OF NON-SUBDIVIDABLE BUILDABLE RESIDENTIAL PARCELS CREATED................ .. 0 NUMBER OF PARCELS CREATED ALLOWED BY ZBA VARIANCE 0 NUMBER OF PARCELS CREATED ALLOWED BY OVERTURNED C&R...................................... 0 NUMBER OF PARCELS CREATED ALLOWED BY A TRANSFER FROM NON-TARGET AREA.... ACREAGE OF NON-SUBDIVIDABLE BUILDABLE RESIDENTIAL PARCELS CREATED........... '), 7r DENSITY REDUCTION PRESERVATION NON-DENSITY REDUCTION PRESERVATION 0 DENSITY REDUCTION NON-PRESERVATION 0 ACREAGEOF PRESERVATION.......................................................................................................... .... ... 23,75 NUMBER OF NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS ISSUED PERMITS ......................................... ACREAGE OF NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS ISSUED PERMITS........................................... NUMBER OF NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS ALLOWED BY ZONING............................. Residential subdivision rate.:...... 0 Residential development rate ... ... ................ .................... ............. I dAvell ing un i1per 24 acres Preservation rate ................ 9 6'(4 Densityreduction ..................... ................. . -........ .......... ...... ........... .. . ......90% ZBA accessory apartment approvals- -� ."�................._ -....... 0 Total Target Acreage Preserved ....................... ................ ........ ....... ......... ....... .. .... 23.75 Zoning Breakdown: AC Acreage Preserved-...... ....... ....... 23.75 Total Target Acreage Developed............ ... ......... ...................... ........ ...... ......... .......1 unit on I acre Zoning Breakdown: R-80 Acreage Developed ........ ........... .......... ......... .. . ....... unit on I acre Non-Target Acreage: Total Non-target Buildable Acreage Preserved .0 Total Non target Unbuildable AcreagePte reservedTotal Non-target Acreage Developed ( neg�ttive nuniber indicates a decrease in developed acreage) .-0,57 Building units,on Non target. Acreage Develol)ed....... ........._............................................................... 10 ZBAaccessory apartnient al)prova,ls . ............ 0 Page 4 of 6 Cumulative Summary for April I, 2(04 through December 31, 2010 Target Acreage: NUMBER QFNON-S(JBI]I\/ I}AB]LEBUILDABLE RESIDENTIAL PARCELS CREATED.................... 1,60 NUMBER 0FPARCELS CREATED ALLOWED B?/IBAVARIANCE............................................_. , 4 NUMBER 0F PARCELS CREATED ALLOWED BYOVERTURNED C&I... ..... ........ .....'........._��_�..��� �� NUMBER OFPARCELS CREATED ALLOWED BYATRANSFER FROM NON-TARGET/\IOEA_'�'.���������. y ACREAGE 0FNON-8(}BDll8I)ABLEBUILDABLE RESIDENTIAL PARCELS CREATED................... ......278 l�44 l�I��Sl7]/fOBDB(�TIO�[PID�SEf�VATI07�---'------------------'_—.—'—�___-__�—� �4 NON-DENSITY REDUCTION PRESERVATION..................................................... ....... —�—'___----_' I�IINS]I��I�EDlJC7I(�N��OY�-PIdES5I�VA]3OI�-----------------'_-'�_--____—___ 29 ACREAGE OF PRESERVATION--------------------------_'' _2029 NUMBER OFNEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS ISSUED PERMITS .................... ................ ...............56 ACREAGE 0FNEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS ISSUED PERMITS......... . ................. 89 NUMBER{JF NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS ALLOWED BY ZONING.... .—_____------.8b4 Residential subdivision rate........................................................................................... _--1 bmUdn�lot per |3ocrem Readeztbddevtopnzentrute-----------------------------__—_| dvv�|itig' unit per3Qucrea 94",4)Preoervu1our�e-------------------------------------------------. r�dnutoo------------------------------------------------- Density 2 ZB/\accessory upu�ozen1 -------------------------_-------_---__- 2O29 Total Target Preserved ----.—__---_---_----_---------��------__--' � Breakdown: Zoning l-40 - Preaerved__—__----_—_— --__-----__----_—_---- 56 �l9 R,80 Preserved..- l454 AC Preserved—____.--_—_---____—________�_________� ln�u� nfPremervu1ooBrockdopno: '~ Acreage Preserved through Town PDR...................................................---��'— ......... ... 1239 eyreosrvodUbrouohTorvoFooTdlnPnrobuas-----------_-----___.. l46 -Acreagee Pn�erved1bzzn�uhTovvnClou&rod0neuSnace------------_—_—_---09 - Prooerved through Town Conservation Easement ........ .............. .— ....—_—__— ....U.5 Acreage Preserved through Town Planning� C&R---------------____—__.—. }2,5 Preserved � Fee Title Purchase_._ 74 Acreage9I�B� 311 Yrc�nrv�dtbrnn�b�ouoi� ----------------__— —___ Acreage Preserved F��T�k�Pnrubuao---------_--_—__—_—_-4Q AcreageAcreage 7|� Preserved Pecou� Land Trna1-------------_—_________ Total Target Acreage Developed............. ___-----__----- ......_----............ ___ 50units oo89acres Br�u�dop�o� Zoning l2nudaoul2aor�a It-40 Dnv�op�U --__----_---____—_____----___—' - 20 nodn on 3D acres 8-80 Dovoopm1—__---_----_--_--__—__--____—__ AC Acreage- —__--- ...... .......----- ........_--_—_—_---'24units oo39acres Cumulative Summary for April 1,2004 through,December 31, 2018 Non-Target Acreage: Total Non-target Buildable Acreage Preserved ,......., 189.40 Zoning Breakdown: R-2 Acreage Preserved........... . ...... ..........2.05 R-40 Acreage Preserved......... ... 15.10 R-80 Acreage Preserved......... 15.91 R-200 Acreage Preserved....... , ..... ...,. .. . .r ..., ... ......... .... ..... ..,....,� ... ...,..,. ............44.56 AC Acreage Preserved........... ............,.,... 18.24 HD Acreage Preserved........... 39.00 MII Acreage Preserved .......... ... ....6.92 RO Acreage Preserved........... ...... 1.27 LB Acreage Preserved ............ ..6.19 LIO Acreage Preserved.......... .,,..36.55 LI Acreage Preserved............. ..3.61 Type of Preservation Breakdown: Acreage Preserved through Town Fee Title p urcha se . ... ..,,,...,.. ........... ......... ......,.....5533..254 Acreage Preserved through n �R .. Acreage cee Preserved ttroaghPoavCered/Sitc Man Open Space--, .. ....., 39.13Acreag,e reserved througbltrvn Fasenaerat. ......... ....2.390 Acreage ' ugh.Town/County Partnersliip lwec�itle Paarclaase....... ... .. ...... . .. ........9.49 cre�ac� 1 ieserve�l through creap asserve t hro ugli C otairty PD ' 7.91 cier � Preserved County Fee Title Purchase... 10.65Acreage Preserved trroga County r.1-ansterto Parks--.—.— 6.35Acaea e Preserved through NO'S DEC purchase....,. . . ..... .. ......... ..... ...... ...........4.43 Acae,ge Preserved through N ''S Eascnient,,. . . ...... . 1.19 Acreage Preserved through Peconic Land Trust Easement,. ......... .. 1.12 Total Non-target l nbn1ldable Acreage Preserved—,.... 257 430 Building Non-taragct Acreage Developed — ng units on Non-target ed .... Total ..,. .. .. ..,,, litarget Acreage �Develoj,,)ed ... . 538 ZBA accessory apartment appr(wals.,,,...... 25 Page 6 of 6