HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/2010 Southold Town Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes By Leslie Tasca Date: ;June 22, 2010 Time: 3:00 PM Location: Building Department Conference Room,Town Hall Annex, Southold, NY Attendees: Commission Members: Chairman Jim Grathwohl,Jamie Garretson, Ron Rossi, Barbara Schnitzler, Doug Constant, Mel Phaff and Administrative Assistant, Leslie Tasca. Also present at 3:30, Members of the Town Planning Department, Director of Planning, Heather Lanza, Mark Terry, Principle Planner and Nicholas Dickerson, intern. Meeting called to order 3:00 pm. May minutes were approved. Chairman's Comments:Jim discussed the SPLIA workshop on Teardowns and Economic Hardship in Southampton, attended by himself and Barbara. Distributed literature from Anthony B.Tohill, Attorney at Law, a guest speaker at the workshop. Very informative workshop. Old Business: Ramone C of A.The applicants have appealed denial. Brief comments by the Commission only as they pertain to Policies, Procedures, our role at this point. No further action by the Commission to take or discuss. Helen Keller House Nomination to Landmarks Register(Application,Town Board Hearing, County Legislature Meeting on June 2, etc. No further update. Ongoing Business: Suffolk Times article and picture with Ron and Mel updating the status of the Ben Franklin mile markers. Meeting with Planning Department for the Landmarks input for the Town of Southold New Town Master Plan. Introductions of the Planning Department attendees. Heather Lanza, presented the Commission with the three page Hand out consisting of the revised 2020 Vision Statement that the Town Board has approved for the plan, chapters for the comprehensive Plan and timeline. Discussion followed: Heather explained,the handout is an overview of the completed plan from March 2010 for the Town Board. Existing plans on the books, blue ribbon, and hamlet stake holder's scenic byway plan. Try to pull out goals from all departments to make drafts. UK—Grass Roots—Tom Samuel Jr. Give Landmarks a draft under Community Character. The planning Department would like to hear from us. What are our concerns, goals? Questions from the Commission Members on why Landmarks was not given its own chapter. Jim, *Historic Preservation. Jim recommended housing permits, apartments and possibly altering codes. Doug commented that the Town Board recently voted at the last meeting for adaptive reuse. Mark Terry, new law Family Members and Assessory Apartments Doug, stake holders. Reports talked about Historic Preservation. Jim, HALO areas could be Historic Districts. We have two, Orient and Southold. Every Hamlet Center Qualifies to be Historic District. We need to sell the concept,the benefits of landmarks- National, Historic, Local. Formal recommendation: Hamlet Centers, business districts*Tax credits for businesses. Ron, Landmarks Property qualifies for Tax Credit under income producing property. Mark would like more ideas on how to connect Historic Assesets to Tourism. Mark emphasized he likes detailed recommendations. Ron, special tourism signs down at the complex. N H program-state pays-tourism effort Jim,this commission has hired the Southold Historical Society to write a tour guide from the laurel line working east. Drive or Bike tour. Light houses, homes, sites of special interest. Nick interested in Ben Franklin Mile Markers. Ron to bring Nick up to date. Going to log markers using GPS. Ron gave Nick the full research that has done on the markers by Ron, Mel and Barbara. Ron,the markers need to get on a map and survey so the Town,State, Highway, Water, Electric and State Department of Transportation and any other agency or company or property owner can be made aware of them and they can be protected, especially during the winter months with snow plows, or when construction or work is being done any other time. Three things Ron outlines in preserving markers are as follows: #1 indentify#2 clean up, stand up and #3 protections. Tourism plaque. The markers are referred as a group on the National Register. Three markers still unaccounted for. Might be in basement of the Custer Institute. The law permits money to be used to protect the markers. State Markers put up in the 30's and 40's, money for preservation can come from the State. Mark, Historic map, outlining historic trees example, buttonwood tree-largest weeping willow is on the Gary Laube property, the Doctors House. The map would promote Historic resources, landmarks properties. Barbara was involved with the New Suffolk Walking Tour Jim, doing walking tour, needs publishing, works with all Historical Societies. The only way to reach our goals is through Education. Need ethics. Note; working closely with Jeffrey Fleming from the Southold Historical Society. Mark, concerns about teardowns, and rebuilds,ARC (?). Would or is Commission in position to offer guidelines? Ron, Barbara,Jim,Jaime, Mel, Doug, we already have guidelines from our landmarks guide. Guide given to Heather. Landmarks handbook online. Ron, if you make Historic Districts out of each of the Hamlets, we could have it done. Our goals are only for Historic Districts. There are property rights issues, laws, and preservation— in our handbook. Jaime, designate Historic Areas Mark, Developing patterns in our Business districts Ron, Changing buildings and use. Southold should move to the forefront Heather,Town has new Data Base. Jim, National Register Application for the first Sub base in the United States. Barbara, commented on the idea and definition of Demo of a landmark,the Bar for Landmarks is much higher. The Secretary of Interior Standards sets our standards. Inventory of the landmarks is on the SPLIA list. It is on line. Only a few of those are on the Towns list. Planning Board Discussion and input over. The commission will recommend Historic Preservation and landmarks to stand on its own and not come under the sub heading Community Character. No new business, no new applications to be discussed. Meeting Adjourned. Next meeting July 20 2010.