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Town of Southold
Meeting A_ienda
July 20, 2010 -3 p.m.
1. Call to Order— Jim Grathwohl, Chairman
II. Approval of Minutes—June 2010 Meeting
III. Chairman's Comments—Town Board trip to Fishers Island on Aug. 4;
Letter to Heather Lanza, Planning Dept.
IV. Old Business
A. Denial of Ramone C of A application for demolition of 130 Village Lane,
Orient, has been_appealed by applicants. Town Board has not acted on the
B. Helen Keller House Nomination to Landmarks Register (Application, Town
Board Hearing, County Legislature Meeting on June 2, etc.)
A. Progress on CLG—Jamie
B. Inventory and restoration plan for Ben Franklin mileage markers-Ron
and Barbara
C. Committee Reports:
• Technical— Ron
• Education and Outreach— Barbara
• PR/Communications—Discuss placing an Infomercial in ST and
holding a Community Info Forum about CLG (in Fall); Produce a
folding 3-panel table top display for use at meetings, special
events, etc. Need a project chair for each project-Jim
• Preservation Practices-Jamie
• New Designations and Awards— Mel
• Heritage Tourism Initiative— Progress on walking/driving tours—
Southold Historical Society to do on a contractual basis; consider
sponsors for brochures — Ron and Jim
• Code Review and Updates— Ron and Damon (?)
D. Proposed repainting of NYS roadside historical markers at Southold's
Triangle Park and other sites in the Town — Mel
V. New Business
A. No new applications; possible discussion on Orient Yacht Club's
refurbishing their wharf/dock
B. Any other business to be discussed
VI. Adjournment/ Next Meeting: August 17
SCOTT A.RUSSELL � � Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
G • Q Southold, New York 11971-0959
a Fax (631) 765-1823
COUNT`l,N ' Telephone (631) 765-1889
James Grathwohl
Historic Preservation Com
25325 West Main Street
Cutchogue,NY 11935
Dear Dr. Grathwohl:
The Annual Southold Town Board Fishers Island Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August
4, 2010. This meeting is an excellent opportunity for the residents of Fishers Island to meet and
speak to their representatives on a federal, state, county and town level. We invite you to join us
for this meeting and ask that you come prepared to respond to questions pertaining to your office
or department.
At 10:00 a.m" on August 4`h the ferry will depart from the Plum Island Ferry Dock in Orient
Point. You will be returned at approximately 4:00 p.m. that afternoon. Dress is casual.
As in past years, the Department of Homeland Security procedures must be followed in order for
us to use the PIADC docking property:
• Each person's full name and country of citizenship must be provided to my office when you
R.S.V.P. and we will compile a check-in list. Those not on the list may be denied access to
the boat.
• Visitors entering the PIADC parking lot must be prepared to show government-issued
identification with photograph (e.g. driver's license). Attendees should arrive early enough so
that all can be processed without delaying departure.
• Except in an official capacity, no weapons.
• Packages, briefcases and other containers in your immediate possession are subject to
If you or a representative from your office would like to attend,please contact my office at 631-
765-1889 no later than Friday, July 30, 2010.
Sincerely yours,
colt A. Russell
To: Heathef'I"�",
DuectoirPlarin J;,
To�vti l'ySci4 ho�id,',T.own Hail annex
Dear Heather,.s
n,�k_''`s'^r:''�i•bar'f � a4♦ � `r.4;F ` •A. :l°r,�.M(-,,k .:• :i_' $
The me"mbersofthelandmazks Freervaton,Coriiiiission thank you andybur
colleagues,fro i l e�T' iiii g D`epartinenZ for.meeting w l s on June 22 to orientus on
and seek oiii�uiput to. ouhtold 2020,`the,new cpmprehensive plan for SoutholdTown. It
.q V I
is a majox:and,very import'ant undertaking You have our support as you tackle abroad
range of!opics,that will influence the fut of Southold:Towh. ' h
Theo rst-sentence of T i!!s,'
F A the, o°�vn Vis,�rxson`statement mentions the"extraordinary
history"that, among other'character stics'our citizens cherish. We wholeheazte�lly agree.
Therefore,we recommend that Historic Preservation be given its own heading iii-the
Plan,rather than be included under the more general heading of Community Cl atacter. It
is equally as important as Land Preservation and should follow it in the Plan.
Just as surely as Southold Town's landscape changes when open spacet,is,
developed-as housing,so too is the landscape changed when a historic home is,,P+"
demolished or changed in such a'vvayr'as to make ifliigh impossible to restore:the facade
to its original,character. Over recent years,we have seen Suffolk County transformed
from a rural and agricultural area to suburbia,complete with those conveniences large
populations seem to clamor for. WeIave also witnessed the blight that seems5fo come
from poor land planning and individual greed. That type of almost unbridled.,',- f
development must be avoided in-Southold Town at all costs. "
Weareconfident that your committee's work will provide Southold Town-with a
blue print for intelligen�.and planned growth in the 21St century. The preservationoof our
rich history must be one'of the priorities of Southold 2020. Remember,historic °
preservation is also good business.
The Landmarks Preservation,Commission looks forward to continuing'our;
discussions with you and your staff on Ihis important project,including the topics;,uutially
talked about on June 22nd. Together,we can insure that the Town's historic resources are
preserved for the benefit of future generations.
James F. Grathwohl
Chairman,Landmarks Preservation Commission