HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/19/2013 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 170-7 (b) (Landmark Preservation) of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearings to consider request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for alterations to registered landmark buildings will be held by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission, at the Southold Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room, 54375 Main Road (back section of the Capital One Bank Building), P O Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971: 3:35 PM on TUESDAY, November 19, 2013, Orient Historical Society, 1555 Village Lane, Orient, New York 11957, SCTM#1000-25-3-16.1, construction of a storage building. The Historic Preservation will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of the hearing. The file is available for review during regular business hours by contacting Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Damon Rallis at the Southold Town Building Department (631) 765-1802 or Damon.Rallis@town.southold.ny.us. Dated: November 4, 2013 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION JAMES F. GRATHWOHL, CHAIRMAN PLEASE PUBLISH ON November 14, 2013 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JAMES GRATHWOHL, c/o Southold Town Clerk, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Attorney Historic Preservation Commission Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Board Web site APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold'c Cruff of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interegUn the part of town officers and e se this form is to provide information which can alert the town of ssible conflicts of rest rad allow dye—whatever f is necessary to avoid same. � ^ 'Fo YOUR NAME: �j � D IJ ID (i. ame,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.m so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building 5{ Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map ping Other (If"Other",name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with arty officer or employee of the Town of Sbuthold? "Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town offrceror employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES K— NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated Name of person employed by the Town of Southold K e2 Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agentfrepresentatn e)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line-A)through D)and/or-describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a nou-cotporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP eaG tan_ ids A P6-� 5 P,/_- Submitted this—atday f 6 e 2001 Signature Print Name Form TS 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION APPLICATION Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 pm in Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY. All applications must have a representative at the hearing in order to be re- viewed. Questions? Call Historic Preservation Commission (631) 765-1800. Date: o� aq ac-) Property Address: Owners Name: Sections of local laws authorizing review by the Historic Preservation Commis- sion of proposed work on designated town landmark properties are in Chapter 56 of the Southold Town Code. Categories of Proposed Work ❑ Repair 0 Storm Windows Doors ❑ Alteration Additionsother %Paintin ew construc io ❑ Roofing 0 Signs Please attach a detailed description of the proposed work to the application. At the earliest stage of planning of the proposed work, the applicant should contact the Chairman or Secretary of the Commission in order to establish a dialogue of the proposed work. I understand and agree that no work on this request shall commence until written approval has been given by the Building Inspector if a Building Permit is required. Owner's Signature: r Note: Applicants should review Commission Standards before planning work to insure that the application conforms to these requirements. 1. APPLICANT Name: Address: Telephone/email/fax: 2. PROPERTY Owner's game: L G4 Cc Address: Telephone/e-mail/fax: Tax Map Number. Date Acquired by Current Owner Status: Local Landmark ( ) In Local'Landmark District ( ) On National Historic Register or in NHR Dist. () Use: Current: Proposed: E 3. PROPOSED WORK Scope of Work: p Z3`tefZA� b� L5 jc 5-a Reason for Work: / ��-- C Architect/Engineer: Contractor: Construction Schedule: e FORM NO.,3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 8, 2013 TO: Oysterponds Historical Society PO Box 70 Orient,NY 11957 Please take notice that your application dated October 29, 2013 For permit for construction of a new building(storage)at Location of property: 1555 Village Lane, Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 -Section 25 Block 3 Lot 16.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction on this conforming 1.4-acre parcel in the R-40 District is not permitted pursuant to Article IV, Section 280-18, which states; "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Low-Density R-40 District unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein full." Bulk schedule requires a minimum rear yard setback of 50 feet.The proposed addition/alteration notes a rear yard setback of+/- 34 feet. In addition, the proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Section 170-8 of the Southold Town Code. The proposed construction is subject to Landmark Preservation Commission approval. Zignature u riz Cc:File,ZBA, LPC w , COUP `T Z Tlab�•_ CEL(AkVJA' V a - n r Lwp ter~ G 04, A� f e 1 O OLD POINT uJ C11�+ F ` IwIV T :71=F{QOI..ILOUSE f {11 °r�,1�• -..,r„ V`y -Jg- CIO r IONUM•Aii a i U\GEXILE ;�='" ' IL `��F P`�'• f q�' OHO 2YY,tRee q0 ,T,10 6o� � �� At4A.WDA 8Q0�lrF `N Gm F{pdr.4aCJV � �' �r'I{IP100 pA C a �cw I � 43.41 58,30. OHS "STUDY STORAGE BARN" CONCEPT STUDY ^^ 2& � JAMES GARRETSON ARCHITECT -RAMP- N UP ---------------- ------------------ � z � W BASEMENT ACCESS m STORAGE ON --------- q N 50'-0" PLAN OHS "STUDY STORAGE BARN" CONCEPT STUDY ^= 4 JAMES GARRETSON ARCHITECT /o/z q//3 EXISTING FUTURE LIM( REG BARN c NORTH ELEVATION I I EAST ELEVATION OHS "STUDY STORAGE BARN" CONCEPT STUDY G2426A3 JAMES GARRETSON ARCHITECT f Irl Zc�l, 3 Aow6 i Giee.n9 I SllING,� �eoo� t i i i /¢rloP T.zttss . 1 r� 0 g i (VAfhlW,—bAZC I ae Gol./-�er/oN sraR,rE4E. I � v a . ` rtlnAR6�9rt�M 3/0/� 1 ' 'l4!oop �'Lool21NG•�[P j — { V4POt bARX14e SJrl _ - E a, -2 K/2-e/2"o% _fltl¢Aft °14/ckaA.Am m =D` AGkrfr.lG �TUCCo p-t -¢�..d'z -.( •. / /_� 1%2"fps. /NsUI.A•rioN "P/z00P/.44 t/�!-l'J Ell MHON4T �D 7n --..BdcoNGK 7.� wALL Cgg K)®ro=oarc 2¢'c�a f'f°WrdM I; VArOX wl. -+ o L—� foo]'INr; bkglN vArtr2AKI?`r�do7/�4 :op-N5 GoW-r- CTtO0 ESUILbING 5EcT10N ��1zci 1 � FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 8, 2013 TO: Cliff Cornell(53245 Main Road Corp.) 22 Wright Road Rockville Centre,NY 11570-1235 Please take notice that your application dated October 30, 2013 For permit for replacement of porch windows at Location of property: 53245 Main Road, Southold NY County Tax Map No. 1000 -Section 61 Block 1 Lot 13.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Section 170-8 of the Southold Town Code. The proposed construction is subject to Landmark Preservation Commission approval. j J a ---------------------------------------- Authorized Signature Cc:File, ZBA, LPC ;: i t it' P �1 ._�s ,,,V t.T ��'-v R•1� w..,;, .'"F. S }F_�a :.+'� +♦''Jrt 'vr`♦i!� rte, '_y�..l,�;pr,•'"+ ft 5 �', t.�a. + •.�• .�' 1.._ �. �� •,�' sa _ � ,:�9�,ct�i•,t,'."r.' �-rxt '�' � .r'�" !1 •,.,. 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System#: 550930915 CQ Order#: 1349429 Order Date: 10!17/2013 5 Dealer Prj#: 1349429 Sold To: 34209000 Customer 10: Ship To: 34209000^ s 5&K,I)ISTRIBUTION LLC S&K'DISTRISUTION LLC r pBA/NEW CASTLE BLDG PRODUCTS DBA/NEWCASTLE BLDG PRODUCTS 535 OLD TARRYTOWN RD 535 OLD TARRYTOWN RD WHITE PLAINS,NY 10603 - WHITE PLAINS,NY-10603` Phone: 914 948-6363 Fax: 914 948.4627 Phone: 914 948-6363 Fax: 914 948-4627 Delivery Drop Ship: Instructions: Ship Via: WIS TRACTOR/TRAILER -;fres: 4P/o 30 DAYS Delivery Week. Salesperson' GREG CHASE All Units are viewed from Exterior Item Number: 1 Aspire•Series Operating Code74-Left Quantify: 2 Casement Exterior Frame Finish-Vinyl Total Jama To Jamb: 128112 X 71112 Rectangle Exterior Sash Finish-Vinyl Total Rough Opening: 129 X 72 Product Configuration-Complete Unit Exterior Color-White Manufactured Date-4-09.2012 to Present Jamb ExtensionType-Slabdard Jamb Eztenslon Product ID-7205 Over011 Jamb Depth-4 9116 ,?. „ 1_ r, fi Product Arrangement-A Wide Gtaflng 11ea&Wood 21 r '„ $ - Design Pressure-No DP Required Glass Type-Insulated Low E ''11F{ i h 5. Slzlhg.Methdd-Rough Opening Glaiing Bead Type-Colobldl Overall Jamb Width-1281/2 Gas-W/Inert Alrgpaee Gas ht-71 Jamb Het 12 _ -. :� ,. - �.,, :r2 ,. „ •, i,f� 9 (. LRe Contigtiiation:$pL W/GBG '* s }� :� t `7 `.'i hs ; y °t ., �, lZ0 Wirlltr-3�19/32 $ar• ulth�7 _ Ove�Ali FVO WA4-i ` 18 �- lnterfor 8`r oI nial R(0'11ei V- ,72 a Pro ila3-G" o ,,gg tJum6er�.ilos�de-4 Gtass_L16iltfii2Z3.t'1,3 ' NLitie'r'Lites,High+$ Glass 1i9i9fit-67 318, C3peraltgf C0-Qua"[Arm Operator Op`efatiitg-Cod2•l e(t yarc({ar o,,olof Tart Opgtaling Coda 2-Left Egress unk-Yes Operating Code 3-Ldft 6oreen Color-Tan P.O: '90935 J66 NAME: LOGATiON: REF OROER/LINE: 1� D - Ord rr :550930915 Weather Shield Mfg,Inc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P.O.Box 309 Order#:550930915 Medford,WI 54451 -- ---. CQ Order#:1349429 Phone:715-748-2100 Dealer Prl#:1349429 s Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Staled Below. Printed-10/17/2013 3:50`38 PM Item Number, 2 Aspire Series Exterior Frame Finish-Vinyl Quantity: 2 Casement Exterior Sash Finish-Vinyl Total Jamb To Jamb: 83112 X 71 1/2 Rectangle Exterior Color-White Total Rough Opening: 84 X 72 Product Configuration-Complete Unit Jamb EktgrlsfgIn Type-Standard Jamb Ekte'ri5lon Manufactured Date 4-09.2012 to Present O"vpra(I Jamb Depth-1 9/fid 1:. Product fD-7205 Glazing 13e'ad-Wdbd V, �1 Product Arrangement-3 Wide Glass Typg4nsvWed Lbw E, Design Pressure-No DP Required Glazing Bead TYP'e-Colonial 7 Sizln Method-Rough Opening Gas-W/h&t-Airspace Gas r Overall Jamb Width-83 1/2 Lite Contlguratioit=SDL WIGBG ' Jamb Height-71 1/2 ` • � 9 Bir Wdth=718 WO Width-28 9/31 Interior Ra Overall RIO Width-84 Number UtesWilde-d R/0 Height-72 Number Liles High-S Glass'Width-232;/32 Operator TyPe-Split Arm Operator '^ Gla'ss Height-67 318 Hardware Calor-Tan Operating Code-Left Egress Unit-Y,es Operating Code 2-Left Screen Colpr-Tan Operating Code 3-1.eft PO' 90935 JOB NAME: LOCATION: REF ORDER/LINE: Item Number: 4 Weather Shidid Quantity: 1 Generic Mull and Stack Totgl Jamb To Jamb: 121 1/4 X 951/2 Combination Total Rough Opening: 121311132 X 96 Exterior Color-White Osieralt Jamb Depth-4 9/16 f 516 .02Q t_ t +5i t_• �i` ury ns In I sato? 5 In -[{ddiUo(�af,tfem C�mrtidnts "`OVERALL 1R/0'T0 BE 122X 96" FIELD MULL ITEMS 4.02/4',10 TO THE R GHT OF ITEMS 4.04/4,0 f'O: 00935 j6a NAME: WQATON. REF ORDER/LINE: Page_2 of 6 Weather Shield CuatomQLtote SyslemTM4 2.27.0 Ordor#:5509'30915 . . ' . . . . . . . / | i Weather Shield Mfg Inc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P-0 Box 309 Medford,WI 54451 Order#:550930915 CQ Order#:1349429 Phone.715-748-2100 Dealer Pri#:1349429 Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Stated Below. Pdnted:10/17/2di3 3,50:38 PM Item Number., mn Weather Shield � vounv� I FD Side Gas-Argon~ ' / Jamb TvJumu ,�nxoxuuoo �—`'—`~~~ "=°" ' R��V�m� w�mnx��� -- = `�"°° � Product sxterior Bar Profile-Pu(ty Manufactured Datd-Jul 08 to Present Interior liar Product 10-8510 Bar Miterial-Pine Sizing Method-Jb to Jb/Frame Size SDL GIA Mateda(-Adobe Spacer Jam b Width-85 '' ' Jambx ' ` RIO At 16 Loi�set'Slyle-Ashlandl Arch'T.op smv vmmxaxomu Glassc�� Height-67 5/16 LocRset Color-Oil Rubbed IJ ronze Operating Code-Inswitig'Right-A Handle Eitenifc"6,Haindle Extension Exterior Frame Firlish-Aluminum Clad Keyed Locks-Keyqd Random Exteriot.Co(or-White S4qoUFlush Bolts-Manual Flush Bolts ris-7 1/2 Inch Mull To-Illght of 4.04 Overall J*nb bopth4_9116 Mull to,1_611[of 4A Mull To-Bottom,of 4.10 Outside Jamb Ol5tion-Fingerjoint Glass Np6-Insulathd Low E � REP LEFT SIDE FOR,FIELOMULLING-SENI)NECESSARY PARTS PO: 90935 LOCATION: — nEponosmuwe ' Item Number: 4.04 Wiiaffier8hleld Bottom Rail~ Jamb To Jamb: 16 15/32 X 82 1132 Qveeall Jamb Depth Rectangle Rough Opening: 17 7/32,X 82 112 Prodq8t tonfigpiration-Complete Qnj OU(61de Jamb,'OptiOn-29kjoirit Sizing Melhod,1�0 Out, Gas-Aiglon Jamb HelgW82 1132 Bar Matddjj.0jd6 Glass oelOttV 6116 Sptead Mull Right-1.6-Soji.0 Spread mull I PREP RIGHT SIDE FOR FIELD MULLING PQ: 90935 JOB NAME: LOCATION: nsFoBosmuwe: Page 3 of 6 Weather Shield uumvmovote System"' 227.0 Order#:650930915 . . . . � . . ' ' ' Weather Shield Mfg,.Inc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P.O.Box 309 Order#.550930915 Medford,WI 54451 Phone:715-748-2100 CQ Order*.1349429 DealerPri#1349429 � � Quantity:-- � ' roWeather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Stated Below. Piinted.10/1712013 3,50;38 PM Item Number 4.06 Weather Shield Bottom Raff tions-7 1/2 _ . �m»/6�mo m1 xuu —~~^~'~~~ th-4 9116 ' Rough Opomo: nrmokmz1m Product Cohriguration-corilplete Unit Inside Jamb Op(lon-Fingerjoint Outside Jamb'Optlon-Flngerjoln( ''-- Manufactured 06te-Jul 08 to Present, Glass T"ype-insulated,Low E Product ID-8610 Glazing Bead'Type-Flush Bead Sizing Method-Call out Gas-Argon mm Out-Width-1-5 Bar Widiti-jij Call 06t HeIght-6--lo �xt6rfor,Ga(Profile-Putty Jamb Width-f 6 151k Interior Bar Profife-Colonlaf . Jamb. R10 Wift-17'7t:�2 Spread mull nor Frame� fnj� _Alurrilnum Clad Mull To-Bottom of 4.12 Exterior Insert Finish-Poly Aluminum Paint Ffntsh-�Iandard 6tenor Color-White PO: 000no JOB NAME: nEroRDER/uNE: Item Number. 4.0$ Weather Shield Overall Jamb DepthA 9/16 OU-0ritily., I I Hihg e 066t Trane Direct Set Glass Type-Insulated Low.E Jamb'To'Jamb: 16 15/32 13 13/32 Rectangle ` I Glazing 6ead Type-Inswing Profile Sf Interior Bar PtOfild-,Colonlal Jamb,WiA4-1642 SOL GIA Mati3rial-Adobe Spacer Simulated Sash-ko PREP RIGHT SIDE FORfIELD MULLING JOB NAME: REP ORDERUNE: Page 4 of 6 Weather Shield CumvmQumvSystem- zu7o Order#:560930915 Weather Shield Mfg,Inc P O.Box 309 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~ 5Order#:550930915 Medford, 54 CO Order#.1349429 �. Phone:7155--748--2121 00 Dealer Pri#1349429 m Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Staled Below. Printed:10/1712013 3:50:38 PM Item Number. 4.1 Weather Shield Overall Jamb Depth-4 9/16 Quantity: 1 Hinge boor trans Direct Set Glass Type-Insulated Low E Jamb To Jamb. 85 5116 X 1313132 Rectangle Glazing Bead Type-Inswing Profile Rough Opening: 86 1116 X 13 29132 Product Cohfiguratldn-Complete Unit Gas-Argon Manufactured Date-1)6c 02 to Present Lite Configuration-SDL Producl,&830 Bar Width-7/8 Frame Style-French Inswing Extetibr'BarProfile-Putty Sizing Metltdd-Jb to Jb/Frame Size Interlor Bar Profile-Catoniai Jamb Width-85 5116 SDL GIA Material•Aaobe$pacer Jamb Height=13 13/32 Number Lites W11e-¢ RAO Width-861/16 Number Lit0s High-2 R/O Height-13 29132 Mull To-Top of 4.02 Glass Width-83 13/16 Mull 19-Rightof--4.08-- _ Glais Fleight,l l 29132 Mull To-Left of 4.12 Exterior Frame Ftrfish-Aluminum Clad Aluminum Paint Finish-Standard Simulated Sash No Exterior Color-White Additi¢nal Item Comm.nlc PREP LEFT SIDE FOR FIELD MULLING-SENO NECESSARY PARTS PO: 90935 JOB NAME: LOCATION REF ORDERILINE: Item Number 4 12 Weather Shield Overall Jamb Depth-4 8116 Quantity, 1 Hinge Door Trans Direct Set Glass Type-Insulated Low E Jamb To Jamb: 16 15132 X 13 13/32 Rectangle Glazing Head Type-Inswing Profile Rough Opening: 17 7132 X 13'29132 Product Configuration-Cofnplele Unit Gas-Argon Manufactured Date-Dec 02 to Present Lite Configuration-SDL Product,ID-630 Bar Width-7/8 Fri nle-Style=French Inswing Exterior Bar Profile-Putty Sizing Methbd-ib to Jb/Frame Size Interior Bar Profile-Colbnial Jamb Width=16 15132 SDL-GIA-Mate4al-AdobeSp6cer Jamb Helghh13 13132 Number Lites Wide-2 R/O Width-17 7132 Number Utes Hidh,2 R/O•Heidhl-13 28132 Spread Mull Left'-1-5-Standard Spread mull Glass Width-14 31'132 Mutt To.T.op b(4,00 Ghk$'Helght-11.29Y32 Mull To.AI§hl'of.4:10 _ Ex1AAOPFramd Finish-AJaminum Clad, AluimthiAn P'atht Finish-Standard Simulated Soih-Nc; Exteiior Color-White P0: 90935 JOB NAME: LOCATION: REF ORDERILINE: /2 1 a ON� Page of 6 ( i Weather Shield CustomQuote System 2.27.0 Or or#:550930915 10/20/13 Southold Building Department: I'll be replacing the windows on the front porch of 53245 Main Road,Southold. The windows will be consistent with what is currently there now. Enclosed is a copy/invoice of the windows I will be using. Bill Conway will be performing the work. Thank you, Cliff Cornell 917-690-9729 0Ci 30 2013 l -t 6 niO0l0 t Historical Society, my name is Cliff Cornell. I recently purchased 53245 Main Road Southold. No one has lived in the house for 5 years. It needs TLC as soon as possible! It's an incredible home. I am in the process of fixing the front porch windows. I've spent a lot of time discussing the possibilities with Bill Conway(builder) on how to maintain the elegance of this house. To start Bill and I spent time just straightening the porch which was falling forward. At that point we looked into having the painters come in and attempt to do a "rehab"of the existing windows. One thousand dollars later and 20 coats of paint chipped away we found the windows in certain spots had no integrity at all. I also had Robert Tast(architect) look into taking entire front porch off or taking out all the windows and putting up columns for an open porch. Both options were significantly cheaper however they would completely change the look. So we concentrated on replacing them. I spoke to various window professionals including Riverhead Building Supply. The costs of the windows are extremely prohibitive. The windows that I sent in the estimate to Damon,and I assume he forwarded to you are vinyl on front and wood in back. They are separated grills. This is important. They are not full window that you put wood grates in to look like historic window. In other words each pane is an individual one. This look is exactly the same as the windows in there now. Also I went through great pains to get the same amount of panes, no pun intended... Most dealers were looking to do 3 panes across window instead of 4. These things sound quite easy to do but try getting these window guys to sell you what you want and not what they have is not easy.... Myself and Bill have worked and reworked measurements again and again for the past 5 months. These windows,as you can see are almost identical. These are high end windows not cheap garbage that you see advertised in infomercials or daily circulars. I've been advised by all the window dealers that the vinyl will obviously last many years longer look exactly the same and overall are stronger windows. I've invested a lot of time and effort into this particular address. I have no intentions of selling the house and want what everyone in your group wants. To keep Southold, Southold. Regards Cliff Cornell ' f FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 8, 2013 TO: Cliff Cornell(53245 Main Road Corp.) 22 Wright Road Rockville Centre,NY 11570-1235 Please take notice that your application dated October 30, 2013 For permit for replacement of porch windows at Location of property: 53245 Main Road, Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 -Section 61 Block 1 Lot 13.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Section 170-8 of the Southold Town Code. The proposed construction is subject to Landmark Preservation Commission approval. I � � ----------------- Authorized Signature Cc:File, ZBA, LPC i t G off♦. T' � -X' 4µR �: yj1f4 -Arm figy rY t f } t - �7/B°" �1 IF i J[4 LAN y,. Y •,,, v t '1 EEELLL +, � «aa.s. �- "•�r�.A1•Artt�lkdr^'itY.tra: 'rt� � �' i$1 ..}.« ` - ..,� "'.^� .��.'�� � t �� >4.z k. t� Jt c.'.a w F � J. 111 h 14 ,d3• � TA �,,, '��"'•,. 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Y-"r..•, ..'ak. 1 tip" �� c}�r'+�. "c~`.l:i• ..� �^7`� �- �d' ,,M_"'T'..•.s..;• :^ �, -• at G., .'i.nn :�d <_"ti x`«Yu SGS - .'3' fiV�,T+' fA" i•� —...a.r.. s-•.moi' ^ ;-„yy„ �ti:a',�""Ii.' S, �`}' `='x,�`. sP`;�§;�� -c,'*4-.- _ .`'{£,�" -r' 2� ��.1t:. i:"' �fi 2:- z� "."�•�`.:'r"' iY'K. .....i"w:.;` . �, ..'- 's�^s•*i^-`+:<.•'^,^:.s.,-_.:`:�-�.c�c.2""'"d'£�+ s 4 'v.2'#=� �?.�t.a-,c=•":Thy,"� t�,',-',:..,Z:�� � '° ,_m''� r�,..^�2f"P� -�'=f':3�`7��`` k - ��,�r,°- `'s•a :,— .�. � .• � `�.�p' � Vii, , � w�T��._ �� , "��»,'y, '� ,. 74? C) b i two S Weather Shield Mfg Inc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P.O.Box 309 O ORDER: 550930915 Order#:550930915 Medford,WI 54451 CQ Order#:1349429 Phone:716-748-2100 Deale(pri#:1349429 Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Stated Below. Pdnted:1011712013 3:50.36 PM "THIS ORDER IS ON HOLD YOUR REVIEW AND RELEASE IS REQUIRED. E System C 550930915 CQ Order 9: 1340429 Order Date: 10117013 Dealer Pq M 1349429 Sold To: 34209000 Customer ID: Ship To: 34209000^ S&K DISTRIBUTION LLC S&K'DiStRIBUTION LLC OBAINEW CASTLE BLDG PRODUCTS DBA/NEWCASTLE BLDG PRODUCTS 535 OLD TARRYTOWN RD 535 OLD TARRYTOWN RD WHITE PLAINS,NY 10603 WHITE PLAINS,NY 10603 Phone: 914 948-6363 Fax: 914 948-4627 Phone: 914 948-6363 Fax: 914 948-4627 Delivery Drop Ship: Instructions: Ship Via: WIS TRACTOR/TRAILER -;Nkgs: WS30DAYS Delivery Week- Salesperson' GREG CHASE All Units are viewed from Exterior. Item Number: I Aspire Series Operating Code 4-Left Quantity: 2 Casement Exterior Frame Fihish-Vinyl Total Jamb To Jamb., 128 112 X 71 112 Rectangle Exterior Sash FlnishAorinyl Total Rough Opening; 129 X 72 Product Configuration-Complete Unit Exterior Color-White Z Manufactured Dale-4-09-2012 to Prbsent Jamb Extension Type-Standard Jamb Eitenslon - C Product ID-7205 Overall Jamb Depth-4 9116 A" Product Arrangement- +Wide Glailrib Bead-Wood Design Pressure-No DP Required Gl6ss Type-In'sulaited Low E SIZIrigMetbod-Rough Opening Glazing Bead Type-CQ[oh -1281- Idl OVerall Jamb Width 12 lbbs-Wilrfell Afripace Gas - Jamb Hbilght-71-1/2ConEigur it n=$ L RIG Wdih-32 la/�'2 Ove'rAli 9/0 Widi"A 2g Interidi'64f PfofiI6-CbIonjaI Number 00's Wid-04 Glass- wl ath,27"3113Z go-D,u a-l[ Arrii0peratorbogravdd,bdde,tik an 0pivitlhg Cod4 2,Lbft Egre4s unit-yos Operating 3-Loft ScreenColor--TanP0; 90935 JOB NAME: LOCATION: REF dfRQER/LINIE: Page,l�pf,'6- Ordd—r0:650930915 `. . , . . . . . ---.—. ..— . Weather Shield Mfg Inc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P.O.Box 309 Order#:550930915 Medford,WI 54461 CQ order#:1349429 Phone:715-748-2100 Dealer P(I#A 349429 Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Slated Below. Pdnted-10117[2013 3*50*38 PM Item Number, 2 Aspire Series Exterior Frame Firlish-Vinyl Quantity: 2 Casement Exterior Sash FjmSh1-\Anyl Total Jamb To Jamb: 83 112 X 71 1/2 Rectangle Exterior Colbr-White Total Rough Opening: 84 X 72 Product Configuration-Compfe(d Unit Jamb Exterisloo Type-Standard Jamb Exterision Manufactured Date-4-09-2012 to Present av&all Jamb Dopth4 9/0 Glazing Bedd-Wood Product ID-7206 Design Pfetsare-No DP Required Sizing Method-Rough Opening Gas-WilMri Arspace Gas Overall Jamb WidtM3 112 Lite Cbrifigurition;S011 W/GBG Jamb Height-71 1/2 bair Wid"th7M R/O Width-28 9/32 Interior 8ar-ProliffelColonlal _ Number Lites-High-j5 RIO Height-72 Glass Width-23 211/32 Operato(Type-SpIlt Arm Glass Height-487 318 HardwaroColor-Tan --- Operati ng Code-La Egress Un-It-yes Operating Code 2-Left Screen Color-Tan Operating Code 3-Ldft »O_ 90915 ' JOB NAME: LOCATION: k15F ORD15muNE: Item Number: 4 Weather Shield °""`Vn' ' Generic Mull and Stack Total Jamb ToJamb: 1211wX95/12 Combination Total Rough Opanmg /2131m2X86 exmno,nvm"mmte as 11DO «nAemoJamb oo»m'4m10 IM I-Adaltional Item F*I'EOLD MULLITEMS 4.0214.f 0 TO THE RIGHT OF ITEMS 4.0414,08 PO, 00935 JOB NAME: LOQ«nom nsronosmu/me PagwzofV Weather Shield oostomQmmSystem= u�7.V omv,m0000xooio ' .. . . , . , ' . . / | | Weather Shield Mfg,Inc VYP.O.Box 309 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Order#,550930915 wq­i Medford,WI 54451 CQ Order#:1349429 Phone:715-748-2100 Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Stated Below. Dealer Prj-#:1349429 Pdnted:10/1712013 3:50:38 PM Item Number: 4.02Weather Shield i Quantity: 1 FO Side / Jamb ToJmmo 000xVKoo1mm Hinge- ^'`~~~ Lite Rouoxo»enmo oo mnxoe1u Product Conriguration-Complete Unit Exterior Bar Profile-Putty �--- om�mv,ou Manufactured Date-Jul 08 to Present Interior Bar . Product 10-8510 � � - . nG:� SDL GIA Matedal-Adobe Spacer Jamb Holght-t2 1/32 Lo�06t(�ns,.3 Point Lock Systern ' RIO Escutcheon Glass Height-67 SM6 (.Ocl�set Qo(or-Oill Rubbed Bronze Opera ling'Code-Inswing RIght-A Handle(Extenstion-146 kindle Extension Exterior Frame Flnis�-Aluminum Clad Keyed Locks-key.ed Random Exterior Insert Finigh-Poly H(6g6 Type-Adjustable Hinge Exterior Color-White Shqot/Flush eolts-M*anual Flush Bolts Batt6m Rail Options-7 112 Inch MITo-Right of 4',.04 Inside Jamb O�tlqn'-Flngarjolnt Mull To-Bottom,of 410 Outside Jamb Optiorii-Fi4g0rjoint Glazing Bead Type�rlush @gad PREP LEFT SIDE FOR FIELD MULLIKGtIEND NEQE$�ARYPARTS pu 910935 JOB NAME: Looxnow: - neponosn/L/ws: ' Item Number: 4.04 Weather Shield Bottom Rail Options-7-112 inch 16 16/32 X 82 1132 Rectangle Inside Jamb Optidn-Fihobq9trif Rough Opening: 17 7132-X 82 1/2 0rodq8t i�6nfllguratton,Compleje Pr6diralb-861-d Glazintl 86d Bead Call Wt 0044 8 ae%0117M Call—Out— ' Jamb W101111-1 0 1402 Inted6r Bar Prbille-Colonial pteria(7Adobe Spacer Glass Helgbt-67 SMS Spread Mull Right-1.6-Sotid Spread mull Exterior 166erfFinistf-Pbly omments PREP Rf(3HT,s(bE FOR FIELD MULLING PO: 90935 JOB NAME: REF ORDER/LINE: Page 3mV Weather Shield ovmnm0vmoSystem zzro Order#:560930915 � `. ` . . , . . -------'--~^�' --`r'-~-~ '`- ' -- -~---- -~- -~- -- ~- - - --'- ---- - -- - ------~-~~-` `--- Weather Shield Mfg,,Inc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P 0.Box 309 T I Y, Order#:550930915 10" Medford,WI 54451 Phone:715-748-2100 CQ Order#:134942 9 Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Stated Below. DealerPri#:1349429 Printed:10/1712013 3*50:38 PM ' Item Number. 4.06 Weather Shield Bottom Rail Options-7 f/2 Inch / Quantity:_ . ~u Overall . ��r^�mu �1��X�mm =� ( Rough Opening: n7oeXam1� �-- " roduct Cohfiguration-Complete Unit Outside Jamb Option-FIngerjoint Manufactured Date-Jul 08 to Present Glass type-insulated Low E Product ' Glazing Bead-Type-Flush Bead Sizing Met4od-Call Out Gas-Argon Standard Sizo-Yes Lite Configuration.SDL Call Out Width-1-5 Bar Width-ilt Jamb Width-f6 15132 Interior Bar Profife-Colonjai ' Hefght-82 i/32 Bar MAterial-Pine � Number Sprea«»lull Operating Coda-Stat-"Inswing Application'. Mull to-Right of 4,02 Exterior Frame Finish-Aluminum Clad Mull To-B oftom of4,12 Exterior Insert FInIsh-Poly Aluminum Paint Fintsh-Standard Exterior 0olor-White PO: onono JOB NAME: ' LOCATION: neFonoemuws: Item jNumber. 4.06 Weather Shield Overall Jamb Depth,4 9/16 Ouaritity- I Hingei Door Trans�Direct Set Glass Type-Insulated Loixi E Jamb To,Jamb: 16 15/32 13 13/32 'COO Roujh Opening: Glazing Bead Type-Inswing Profile 17 7/32 X 13 29/32 nfiguration-Compfate Unit Gis-Argon Manufactured Date-D6q02 to Present Ufa Cofifiguration-SIX Produrt i0-83o - Bar Width-7/,8 SizingWMJ'athod-A to 46/Frame 81ze Interior Bar Prorild�Colohlaj Jamb Height-13 I�/32 Number Lit6s Wide--2 R/O Width-17 7132 Number Lftds High-2 R/O Heiohl-13 26132 -Spread W(RIght-1.5-Stdridlatd Spread mull G11ass,Wdth,14 3#1� Mull TO-Top*of 4.04 Glass,0619fit-I 119132 Mull To-Left of 4.1`0 ,or Frame PinishAluminumclad Aluminum PainiFfnishtStanda-rd Simulated Sash-No !'P E RIGMT SIR FOR FIELD MULLING PO: ou*v» . ° uoo "E,vnmE^vunE: | Weather Shield CumvmOuomaymomm 2,270 Order#:660936915 . .. . . . . ' Weather Shield Mfg,[fie ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P 0.Box 309 Order Medford,WI 54451 Phone 715-748-2100 CQ order#.1349429 Dealer Pfj#1349429 Weather Shield Proposes to Furnish Products as Stated Below. Pdnted:10/17/2013 3:50:38 PM Item Number- 4.1 Weather Shield Overall Jamb Depth-4 9116 Quantity: I Hinge Door Trans Direct Set Glass Type-Insulated Low E Jamb To Jamb: 85 Sti 6 X 13 13/32 Rectangle Glazing Bead Type-Inswing Profile Rough 0.pening: 86 1116 X 13 29/32 Product Configuratlon-Complete Unit Gas-Argon Manufactured Date-Dec 02 to Pre.sent Lite Configuration-SOL Product 10-830 Bar Width-V8 Sizing Mdthod-Jb to Jb/Frame,SIze Interior Bar Pforile-Cotonial Jarr;6Width-85 511Q SOL GIA Material-Ad6be Spacer Jamb Height-13 13132 Number Lites Wide-6 R(O Width-86 1/16 Number Liles High-2 RIO Height-13 29132 Mull To-Top of 4.02 Glass Width-83 13/16Mull tQ-Right-of 4.08 alaiq Hiiight-1 1-2-9/32 Mull To-Left of 4.12 Exterior Frame Firish-Aluminurn Clad Aluminum Paint Finish-Standard Simulated Sash-No -Exterior Color-White FIELD MULLING-SEND NeCESS6RY PARTS nz 90935 JOB NAIVE LOCATION- REF ORDER/LINE: ouxnow-nsroRoEm/L/ms: Item Number. 4.12 Weather Shield o�m(|�umo Depth-4/^�m�oQuantity: 1 Hinge Door -000irectsot o|~~ Type-Insulated Low E Jamb ToJamb: 1615132x13/3m2 Rectangle ------- Rough Opening- nonex1ncQmu Glazing Manufactured Date-Dec 02 to Present Lite Configuration-SOL Product 10-830 Bar Width-718 Fr6Inovmu Exterior bar Profile-Putty Sizing Mathbd-Jb to �z hm�oompmm�comv� m Jamb Wo�,v`*:z Sm.Gm Material-Adabe Spacer R'-H- " mummmuoread mull . Mull To-Ai Clad ' . =" Simulated Sash-No . Exterior_ .~~,-~. PO. 90935 JOB NAME: espu*namuws: 10/20/13 Southold Building Department: I'll be replacing the windows on the front porch of 53245 Main Road,Southold. The windows will be consistent with what is currently there now. Enclosed is a copy/invoice of the windows I will be using. Bill Conway will be performing the work. Thank you,Cliff Cornell 917-690-9729 30 2013 reWP