HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-14.-2-25 OFFICE LOCATION: o��OF SU(/jyOlO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 P Q��COU�'�� Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM _ To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: March 20, 2018 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ORIENT ACRES, LLC, c/o EVA MALLIS, LLC MEMBER SCTM# 1000-14-2-25 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ORIENT ACRES, LLC, c/o EVA MALLIS, LLC MEMBER requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 3,456sq.ft. two-story dwelling with a 304sq.ft. front entry patio area, a 146sq.ft. garage roof extension, a 143sq.ft. master bedroom deck area, and a 198sq.ft. second floor deck; propose to construct a 285sq.ft. east side addition; construct a 146sq.ft. landward side addition; construct a 148sq.ft. front covered entry patio area; construct a 146sq.ft. garage front roof extension; construct a 235sq.ft. screened porch on north side of dwelling; existing 1,248sq.ft. seaward side deck area to be reduced in size to be an 858sq.ft. deck area (to be resurfaced) in order to accommodate additions; and construct a 328sq.ft. roof over seaward side deck area. Located: 32625 Main Road, Orient. SCTM# 1000-14-2-25 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following is required: 1. Establish top-of-bluff line (See figure 1 below). Verify the setback to the protected natural feature (top-of-bluff). 2. Establish a vegetated, non-turf buffer landward of the top-of bluff. Specify native, salt tolerant vegetation. 3. Verify if the number of drywells (1 proposed) is sufficient. Y�Weh-$';n 2-_7 --ga .5f T"I "RV p� "M ;W1 10, izIol -XI LP iV�ZqSz? A Y71 �4 4 N fe 1'1 T IX P;i 7, 1-14 Figure 1. ArcMap showing 20% slope area (solid polygon) on subject property. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold MAR G 20118 l MRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM Southold town - -- - Planning Board A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including-Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other' information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including'Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. ,A proposed'.action. will ',be evaluated .as -io its- siOiifieant beneficial and adverse effects iipon the coastal area=(wliich includes'all bf Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each.answer_must be.cxpllined.Jn,detail, listing both sunnortina and non- sunliortink faets: If an action-'cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall notbe,undert:'aken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# _ PROJECT NAME Ozl Pick f /k/rS L� The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees -� 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate-response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ❑ -construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: �.�- Rrill EUA MARK SCHWARTZ &ASSOCIATES 28495 Vlain Road•PO Box 933•Cutchoguc, NY 11935 631.734.4185 1 www.mksarchitcct.com March 08,2018 Southold Town Trustees ``— Main Road ;' - r" �`__L Southold,New York 11971 Re: Mallis House MAR - 9 2018 32625 Main Road Orient,New York So�rno(d Town Board SCTM#1000-14-02-25 ---Qar�Qt Trusteos The area calculations are as follows: Existing First Floor area(including existing garage) 3456 sf Existing front covered Entry patio area 304 sf Existing Garage front roof extension 146 sf Existing main waterside deck area 1248 sf Existing Master Bedroom deck area 143 sf Existing Second Floor deck 198 sf Proposed First Floor area(including existing garage) 3456 sf Proposed Den addition(over existing deck area) 285 sf Proposed Front addition(under existing frnt porch) 146 sf Proposed front covered Entry patio area 148 sf Proposed Garage front roof extension 146 sf Proposed main waterside deck area 858 sf Proposed Master Bedroom deck area 0 sf Proposed Screened in Porch 235 sf Proposed roof over existing deck area 328 sf Proposed Second Floor deck 0 sf Please call this office with any questions you may have. Sincerely, 4Marwartz da AIA Rdembct Ametic<n ln,htute of Architectine Location of action: 3e <46 Site acreage: Present land use: �5�-�� ��y��� Present zoning classification: 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: � (a) Name of applicant: �- (b) Mailing address: ___ _ f !` e79 13,9x- 746 O'rxi P4tI�'- (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) �i'�-" aC� `" (P C) �z- (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No Id If yes,which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLI CY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LVW Section III-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No [] Not Applicable Attach-additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWR,P Section III-P oli Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria !❑ Yes ❑ No Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No 2/Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policie7Pag 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes ElNot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. 'Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria '] Yes 0 No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation c ' eria. Yes No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LW" Section III — PoIicies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes No: Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wasZot es See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluatiop criteria. El Yes '❑ No Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. 11Yesnn] No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES r Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See Section III•—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑, No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Tow7Not .'See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. El Yes ❑ NoApplicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—PoIicies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluat' n criteria. ❑ YesEl No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appro riate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III--Policies; P!,Mes 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑=No Not Applicable PREPARED BY _ TITLE _ DATE 1 t> 'JfYJ .?:�*e,1_- -yt•:���� � 1�" � ¢��rf F • +i r l�r� e'�,-i1- "ti pt .�wY� d;lfi' t ys Z7 A41 .. 7�'1�C f � .l��j'!y'� j• ,� J f• "'H4 •,,^� -r,, -%J jv`�'•' o �� '/!!+� �r"•�• - a -1'� f1+r - s + '..'` ''`'-a"� ,r �,,-s1re r°,`, !".+ .i/.'tj•i'qf . : ,,.-- ,'p � �/` :��: �. �,yt '�'rr *. i ,y 1' - ., ..fir s. t'Y� {-w ,�:ad,�i'� _ �`f > �±,� •S. .+c:..►4 s� . �i. ;YC ✓ �' .}^ ��, V r Y fW�; i ORIENT ,� ;_ �_� ,�� ACRES LLC .. '� .., y 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT ��,,..�� SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 ri �` ' • *rs,. «SII - lit _ r .. rr,�„ ,..._ ..�7 k t ., a .. '" . .. iffy•` ' ,I,�' wat i..► . �f.1�' �- :r R��� + .. � � Pool i�j r f,i,.. x+ •} .. f � . - r '�if .�� nrs' � � fi 4 r � • ��j�'�� � �-�"rf�,� 4 41 -�' `� v �.jpr� `�.. .�► y r ;.. tr r_ w`I , _ {k"'r' �`_+ ' `s � s. :. ��}fl'i�' ✓�..�rrsi ly.;p �-; +� •- �''Pe.h�v v~� �''l-.,fA'!s i. �� ,..�,..•- p. Abr �. -Ir� v.r f wL 'f �/.►s� "�t+� j y/ •9�.n�J►', ,Ii; 4w � >�1T�������,�'S�r��4T �YS '';�� �'-✓ Jar �' ���'.'�AtG►�tR ���Jf�.tf t �l.• �` •`''� ��y i. .�- ORIENT ACRES LLC ' vr:� ,,f { '�'» �•:"+ + y; 32625 MAIN ROAD ORIENT. "�`'f •- .' ,c �• �. "' ,.. ,` SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 ..,. ; .'moi t �... -. ,.'A u F�,` A fi�"^.4':� A,Yl la f,S sys�.,.t�� S> >?`.f'f.3-.n � J`�f. •d � = •+*� \'� `� .E'.aS:.�:w_:.� ,fl'.,•_t... - . . �.���. .f�, �'�•.e� um� s rsti.•r•7••K•,'�s m1..� a►•. .Y.a- s•; ,#,♦ - `�,.-- � a.-t� 4 7�!F�,.xyw A... � a k'�... a .,w�`�.v Fa..w .��� +��;3'.`€CSX��:i .+c �$- � � T }14..ii's. .t„�� �yc �j".ic art .• �#,M ' now, ow Im rw 41�1 Zn'� _ iia q.+r'YMai^.�•' 7 r l .. _ - r, tf.` 191� f,. t IF 4«wn .rJ ', � „'_ .> f h5 � �r w •.. �rr�sd % fiP 1 ` � �rRR� �.,.:•�a � ,-,r•+i+.rr �_�..... -`-•-*�--� rr ` � � ��t� '.+a' �.g•. � fit. �11Y � r s J V /k➢ 4 t �r1g w,A Zt f+el„ .4 A it 01 r ' e r: f _ 'y4ti n H , Lt f . 7 s M w• T 40 Nlia M t ^ w y. fes,•i "/��.�# ��•s� f v i'* � .. +� v ORIENT ACRES LLC 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 sr c� j .rwftqwM I' j a, r _ - vp 4t. s r � 1 fir•' /i •� �!- �j�r �` • Yr '�•e r" r> r s � t } + - p r•s•Aj'��"� 1 r —�t ll� f.Jy j-y;.L.; ^ q ..'�f �'d_ 'R Y ;�♦ i �T � � .P J �� •} dti �- � / J .�•� ` {4 rta� i }� �,� a�v-t:1'�,s r•.r� � '�y� � l}�` _ - +f y may(^ . • • olt•' s rte. ! ��d � tX� �--.� `F.Is- +:♦ t..�vq`�.. 4'4... ' r, y,•" t t `.�Y.•F:. 4 IL 41 l ♦, .� � �+. t mow# L �..-ert. ` sr ` i + •'�`' - �,.# s ORIENT ACRES LLC MAIN ROAD, ORIENT 1000-14-2-25 7� y rl T i` MN?6;4' or ORIENT ACRES LLCM 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT +r�c •� J — __ �- �, �. .� -"�� � •,�► � SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 �;�a �' .�� ��� -f •.t /rye iyt`. �', �� '�; .. " '. �'��. •+ ��ti'f+�:�l� .. �'".� ,�'Ati1 1�}•�a,iL " .r. rvw-, 2Gx, 75. .-- ��s. •-arm �#a.� '. t-�a,. 3+"`*. y�#,, .,t,��rTr-y . Q fes+ +'ter t��•. -H �• +�h a ,�y.r P�v41+ 3P'-q.e.-. s , - INA - i- K� s . r s cff� A m u s .w- - S . r L..�w�—+�. _ .� ., t ° • } .q r'� �' �, � f -,•,,,fir :r�I ! *' '. � `'' � ;f► � ,5 r j`~ / 1 �• •i• r-.X yam_ .t M^'.r�., tt rll,�. "ry'� {rd. 1 . ; Ww ♦ _♦ ' `� i" ' ' Yw + .r ! ,I�� i .N �`r „♦T.. w_ { � 5•,. �•a` �• .' � s �• qRs "3. ♦ ` •`�rJ� Tr !. yg f ��t-r,.7- _�+ ,,,� .: ,.c< •C;+_�3 fi. � f! �'�t� l.j _ 4 �f s C'i-_`.'� -� •' �"• 'r . 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'_ �' �°k°."%r '�,.• („� ' � ���. �e,��P.'Y�.4� �' ��a .� 3aV ..`'� �4�{t�„'.'r1 '•�, �•1 �'1��7�1� ti�i�,�ST+.�,�`+`{ ,,. ,,�' ,' ►�Y� f ' ORIENT ACRES LLC wg 32625 MAIN ROAD ORI .. �,.. e,� , ; , ar ri � .� ENT ",e►►w .,,'�`�° !; � �r �� ;� ;.�, 't1 � SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 it i,'.C.'._jiYR f fILY�¢• i. "WScf►,'''- �'►. 1�,i3►Oh; - �. - _ .���� '�W b. r,`�{t.7„-a�JS,$7,•� I eyy� �C, �.(� ��K 8�I ..�. rj€� l • `' ► .,it,J �<4 si%h' rw ,..�ry.� MHOr. � f 25 fQ _ Art MR ,.. • -'Air ( !►- ..ice- i{' .. fii /,,, i,� � � l /:•• • r j ol .. , Alto. dw ftz 04 ORIENT ACRES LLC + 32625 MA -'�•' IN ROAD, ORIENT s j •.4 F ..r "� ; .', �. : ; ,' ,,� SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 Ile& Nr� S� M•..P t- L L • y,II� y% '�-r0ow - � ����i Thr Y��� �w..,, -�"+• n Wo ORIENT ACRES LLC r - 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT / SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 r� r .. IiW r it .01 ' + ��`. ♦ 1+ ��.. ..�,� -': rr,l� a,.` .s � �^�'pe. :i �r.IL 'r ... ♦ �♦ � ` s!`"- -_ • � I ..y1 . �� •' 'r.. •'� � ♦ ' `� • ;. .,r/_�L• '! r'•'r+��,, �.,� :y, ' + •f _ �' � � ORIENTA CRSS LLC + ;+`;h" ' � ,; '� .,� ,_ - , _„ �.�+ �, "+ fr '' ' :�;�� 1,,,• c 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 Jta " 'rte� � _, .y .t �� •i,, r ::� �,.�'y� 't.!!r`•t�S - � r r�t frit. 11�K•' ✓� ,� •ft' � f r .t'1� ,� �r. .��srr l F. � '+t t►��. ;F. y r i yrr y �_� I ' �� �,^i/. -f"�jA►:__ !'�N t..��/�"" %... moi••` -/.��"`�r�',Y�!�'_�,�• �•r- _ S' r � - - .. �T. ..i .•w _ .fes.. '.�= • — � tr�'M ,�! tS� .� a'��tp•�1"��} #.� _ rir,� - t y� Y• / Ia � d Y ilz h � 3y _ ^`..'.r='"�C1� r.e-y�+�t �,i<rt�`'-"` C �j' ,�P, �! � ��y, ► jA s^, r -� •- t. ` �' '� ��7�+ r � � Y srt� ��� ', rJr� � ��r ! to � „1e y,: .. "'.: y-lr �'yiy - '. s ii kyr { ,./' —♦ • !r� 1 w •�- Ii�ury'"!'��. �I��� r 5�' •,�1 4^`,� ♦�y ''��. � -7��II�.� K •' `A;i4'.R..Ae. '� ld; y��-+�-� !I„ Aj°ft` �,,�'. 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SSC;, r �.�ke, 4 r,�/j �' �s f 67 ✓,jr �. I r. `' r� iY i' f. e. w •fJ, �, "' .�� �.' •� - �f �r�, .f ;.uF_'��-, N�.�ai���tttp,a:. .��� � �.��. �i. � �f R e �^'i; . ..e'�i:� °✓ �ite.� •�ie • s, ,'�}� + ORIENT ACRES LLC = * s ``b 4 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT ,; , '' �j.� • ' '* j t SCTM: 1000-14-2-25 w pp- ORIENT ACRES LLC 32625 MAIN ROAD, ORIENT SCTM1000-14-2-25 rop., �;+E . �'� � .�/ �r. -��€� .-.Y _Yi�r �?JI,�'r+l-r!* ..t tf �;'l � �w�� - -�+•; .. r. r t -, ,Ile > 7 ' ,` -" .,. _ •i x '�f � ♦1 ., .�•�� ��."v';r.. �� � „)� -� � ,. P. �3Tel�r C',.m�.. �..J^�y'"����m�-+.- via - yc S ?�.` f .S � M • � '+" X N _ '.b.r f tl "' � ..,, .tea �`:- x.,r''�q, ,•_„ r�.,,�^.y. � -. r r 1 ' '. �'spa} i A`} `♦�, �»R t�v drrr.',ji�r T_, ♦ i d ,;,.� '�''1.•«,�..♦ '♦, T f,. f, 65 'a]AP ae w=1 t.wc) M1S as n \ j: �Q. 12Iyc9 oQ 1 Wc) L1• 18 w=) sw=1 PO 112 swc) ISLAND //g0 019 v ata E..nu � 1 uI 'Fs.Bry° Sas n ---- f... ? ♦ O 23 ], FON VCI.NO. J t1 ,1.4 �' ue 127 ,2AIc1 2AH=) R-) - •• SEE SEc.NO. a33 �' ♦ ms ® ozoa,mz2 � ,ACAM,u�oor�,• n 4."5A2() � ue � ♦1B�a1 � tsM� ♦ 13Vc) m 11.11 30.8 005 T 3.32 �13e ~ n 11Nc1 ,.♦1 t \.1 ?� 1.2Nc) tl] 1111 p n O y .3s 'n � ].30 '... m �® ' � " 28.1 3.p 4 FOR PCI.NO. EOR PGL NO. FOR PCL No. 12 1B ,$y 302 SEE SEC.NO. SEE SEC.No. SEE SEC.NO. O ♦ / m a c 4- t5W3 a n., 01802-010.1 OA01-0%S i 11 ILSAM s 123I RD 25 ,vett) ,02n(cl 30.1 IIS y MAIN OLD MAIN to � s RQ RD t3 FORIV.NO. --�—LINE AA ,1 112 =BEC-No%B ♦ yycfye�� SEE SEC.MO.%B GA/ ,5 18 171 S R.25 lee) L ,,,,,.�,,,. �n N �.. ------ �„ --�-- �"- --�-- "R"'•' NoncE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © N 1b ff SOUTHOLD SECTION No �� —�— R+) ,. O2 °'�" — -- -- Real Property Tax Service Agency r F u� .�--- o—+• u. —_— o�M —�-- oru.--�-- ��RMrtr ''� Ceunly0.eMRMrM1,NY11M1 NI%e 014 0 ...�M1ve. a r ,x,Ngs,vu "� —__— ��.. --.-- Pn•u.--wN-- V�� nr P %1 %r NO 1000 PROPERTY AMP -- -- lanelnDrONew4fw REVISIONS: �a fl �" �I 7 SLEOJE5K1 I� �L- Ft (HOUSE) / I MAR - 9 2018 MHW MARK ROSEoa r ffn ^a ��r Tuste F / (BUILDINGS) / cEH 803.00' _ 500.43' BOUNDARY . . . . . . • . _.__ Si O /6 .'/ O EXIST / p � GRA55/WOODED U' 1p) /1 55 ,�� �`f/ /� AREA 5 O MHW � P4 �EX15T REAR HAY BALE FOR HOUSE MARK / / w DECK w/ NEW PERMIT (SUBJECT TO +�J J �8o PORCH ROOF GHANGE) O / PROP 285 SF / U) CO EXTEN51ON O PROP 146 5F EXISTING DRIVEWAY EXTENSION EXISTING DRIVEWAY / -�' EXIST ROCK 8S / OP 235 5F i REVETMENT ,� 5GRE NED IN �0 S / ^ PORCH EX15T 2-5TORY \�� EXIST PROPOSED &'(P x GRASS/WOODED /ryo APPROVED BY , AREA RESIDENCE �� DEEP DRY WELL 3' Ln IBOARD OF I RUSTEES HAY BALE FOR N 000 23' 50" W / TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O / HOUSEPERMI7 — . . _ . . _ . . _ . . _ . . _ . . — . . � . . / (SUBJECT TO a 250.14' N Off' O 00" DATE �^ / u/B. 1-4 GHANGE) -� 8�8.00 1 cI Z.3S' � I ISHT ROAD , v ° / EXIST ROCK o cU REVETMENT / — •r--4 0 3 � a' a� z 03 N 01 4q GEH (VACANT) (VACANT) (VACANT) °' BOUNDARY (f) I I (HOUSE) OKULA ct O O o o I (HOUSE) PETTY'S I (VAGANT) (VACANT) BI6HT SUBDIVISION (SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP No. 585q) ch v m° o �o . " 0 0 10, PROPOSED SITE PLAN 14 � STORM IN�T�R t!MArvEMF_NT 17ETAIL5 111 " � y SCALE: f° = 50'-0" � �d •^' ur) v i N.T.S. t~ 51TE DATA.: SQUARE FOOTA6E DATA: TOTAL 51TE AREA: q.Q331 AG EXIST FIRST FLOOR: 3,456 SF ( �I kq O 06EE - STANDARD 5" SEAWARD (OF GEHA: 1.1146 AG EXIST 5EGOND FLOOR: 1,814 5F NOTES: m BUILDABLE LANDS: 8.7585 AG EXISTING LAR6E REAR DECK: 1,2485F ��t �(� / I. EXECUTION: EXISTING SMALL REAR DECK: 143 5F 4I l I a. DO NOT BEGIN INSTALLATION UNTIL SUBSTRATES HAVE BEEN PROPERLY PRESERVED. U 1: ALLOWABLE BUILDABLE AREA: 8.7585 AG x 0.40 = 3.5034 AG EXI5TIN6 FRONT PORCH: 304 5F O REQ OPEN SPACE: 8.7585 AG x 0.60 = 5.2551 AG EXISTING 5EGOND FLOOR DECK: lab 5FHAY BAY w/ SILT 1=�NGING 2. PREPARATION: PROVIDED OPEN SPACE: 5.2636 AG EXI5TIN6 COVERED DWY @ 6ARA6E: 146 SF a. GLEAN SURFACE THOROUGHLY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. b. PREPARE SURFACES USING METHODS RECOMMENDED BY THE -!e LIMITS OF GLEARIN6 TO DRY WELLS TO BE 10' MIN. MANUFACTURER FOR AGHIEVIN6 THE BEST RESULTS FOR N TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS: 4 PROPOSED DEN ADDITION: 285 5F BE NO MORE THAN 20' AWAY FROM HOUSE SUBSTRATE UNDER THE PROJECT CONDITIONS. F, ZONIN6 USE DISTRICT: R-80 PROPOSED FRONT ADDITION: 146 5F FROM PROPOSED WORK � O, o �. PAINT CONGEALED METAL SURFACES d SURFACES IN AS INDICATED ON SITE • , a GONTAGT WITH DISSIMILAR METALS WITH PROTECTIVE VERTICAL IDATUM: NAD 88 PROP05ED SCREENED IN PORCH: 235 5F PLAN BAGKIN6 PAINT, PROP05ED REAR DECK: 858 5F OWNER: ORIENT ACRES, LLG PROP05ED FRONT PORCH: 148 5F 3. INSTALLATION: cU ROOF AREA: 666 S.F. a4 . PERFORM WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GDA HANDBOOK d � G/o EVA MALLIS THE DRAWIN65. P4 NNE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES, LLG 2" RAINFALL per HOUR GALL: 666 5F X .161 = 112 GF b. GUTTER TO BE PITCHED TOWARDS LEADER I" to 2" FOR EVERY 40' OF RUN. HARRISON, NEW YORK 10528 PROVIDE (1) 8'(D x 3' DEEP DRYWELL (126.66 G.F. EA) C. SHEET METAL JOIN LENGTHS WITH WATERTIGHT JOINTS. d. COPPER/LEAD: FLASH E SOLDER GUTTERS TO DOWN5POUT5 TOTAL DRYWELL CAPACITY: 126.66 G.F. t ACCESSORIES. e. ALUMINUM: RIVET $ CAULK WITH A BUTYL SEALANT SLIP JOINT CONNECTORS. f. GONNEGT DOWNSPOUTS TO STORM SEWER SYSTEM AS INDICATED, SEAL CONNECTION WATERTIGHT. 4. PROTECTION: DRAWN: VC/MS a. PROTECT INSTALLED PRODUCTS UNTIL COMPLETION OF SCALE: PROJECT. JOB#: b. TOUGH-UP,REPAIR or REPLACE DAMAGED PRODUCTS BEFORE March 9th,2018 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. SHEET NUMBER: S- 1 PERMIT SET (03/09/2018) REVISIONS: I oo 51 1 MAR - 92018 O SG'il11GIJ 7C`'r1`l 34'-6"± 16'-6"± ol ----- -- ------------- EX15T GN 0 F---1 EXIST DN 6 EXIST - WOOD DECK w H +' EXIST s WOOD DECK 143 5F 1245 5E E-+ ^H^ 0. 0'—� UI �n EX15T EXIST o EXIST BILGO DINETTE WOOD DECK v Q + w � EXIST EXIST MASTER BEDROOM �_ LIVINS ROOMo N EXIST � U +' X DININS ROOM ° + ° w 00C� o ctN 3 " WALL z GAB5 EXISTr. wuj W) 0 6'-4"± KITCHEN EXIST cq N '01v 19'-10"± q'-10"± 3'-6"± 16'-8"± _ N ct M O EX15T OI„ GONG PAD 4;x CLL WAL ---- — GAB5 O O O O EXIST CV � i +i (Y� O u u u , n , u - 7-10 ± 10-O ± + mN 0 EXIST \ M O WIG GL El — 11 JACUZZI EXIST iEXIST oMgTUB N STUDY14RI uP GL ���o` O c0 EX15T EX15T ------ -- ., O LAUNDRY+ GONG o --7L5 +, EXIST w GL PAD .54 EX15T GL + 1-- -r- jO cz z SKYLIGHT `I i � ROOM fl in v � Q) WIG ci p EXIST � No 7'-6"± EXIST 9'-6"± 2'- "± GARAGE J N owl BATH i~ + O O + SHOWER O + EXIST EXIST x �- SAUNA COVERED PATIO DN 5HOWER �� � Ln W O O O O O O U x, r �O A7-,\ AS-5U I LT F I R5T FLOOR FLAN 5CALE: 1/4" = 0-0" DRAWN: VC/MS SCALE: JOB#: - March 7th,2018 SHEET NUMBER: EX- 1 REVISIONS: 01 71 40 Hl !DDI MAR - 9 2018 ol PROP 6' HIGH POOL 15'-q" 34'-6"+ 16'-6"± 17'-2"± PROP DEN AREA (NOT FENCE f POSHOWN) Sat,;r. i iu�rn - SEE SHEET A-4 Mar of Tru FOR POOL DETAILS EX15T WALK II'-,5" 4'-2" EX15T NOTE: NEW (2) 1-3/4" x q Y4" \ DN LVL GIRDER OVER ALL NEW 4x4 POSTS DOWN WALL LEGEND: GEry NERAL NOTES: SCREENED IN PORCH WINDOWS \p \ TO SONOTUBE BELOW LIP O Q EXIST to REMAINN z ------------ (NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) �� /�� \ (TYP 4) EXIST DI. POOL ,y WOOD DECK EXIST to be REMOVED 2. PROPANE TANK 7� Q N'r-----------'h / ✓�` 3. SOLAR PANELS r� (STRUCTURE to REMAIN - REPLACE NEW WALL CONSTRUCTION O uJ ;r----------- I / 2 ALL DECKING 1 HANDRAILS w/NEW i �p\ �/Z $ OUTLINE OF PROP ROOF ---------- A 8 — A-e IPE DEGKING & GABLE RAILS w/ IPE G - 4. SECURITY SPECS `n _________________ _ TOP RAIL) A_q OVER EXIST DECK _ __1�L----__-____-J�1_____________________- \. rr_ _____� ,i 2X10 _ - -- P OPE EGTRIG 5. GAS GRILLE Q� I- i =w(2)2k� Ni(2).F)E -NES) I1-�/a LVL . - NEW(3) I I-7/a LVL _ LEGEND: F,�J HEADER HEADERs w RgfiT�R NSP R� NEW 12" 5Q 858 5F � � WALL SWITCH 6. SOUND d SPEAKER SPECS v - - C f. STONE VENEER SPECS E"'+ � REMOVE PROP li I I � I I�� NEW 51MP50N HIP PERMALITE RECESSED O.W RIDGE CONNECTOR ,� PANEL GOLUMN5 (TYP DUPLEX OUTLEX r? III EXIST REAR 5GREENED ���_u `? 3 @ REAR) EXIST � v S. STORM WINDOW SPECS Lu DECK II'Il IN PORCH rvl� -�LL cj —WOOD DEG HI-HAT CEILING FIXTURE C:8w III l (8'-6"t VLTD GLC) �'tL 235 5F �+ (STRUCTURE to REMAIN - REPLACE ALL x ill I w._ z= y-� DEGKING d HANDRAILS wf NEW IPE GEILING FAN IlI II I +5� � DECKING i GABLE RAILS w/ IPE TOP RAIL) PROVIDE O l TW3046 PHP5646 TH3046 NEW FWG12065-4 NEW FWGI206,5-4- GA5 LINE w/ A GRL LEW EXTERIOR MOTION SENSOR LIGHT (2) 1-3/4" x CIY2" LVL w/ INSTALL ONE OF THE INSTALL ONE OF THE A-8 -' S/e" 5TL FL PL z FOLLOWING: NEW FW612068-4 FOLLOWING: G NEW FWG12068-4 S OUTDOOR LIGHT ~ 1z > w (2) 1-3/4" x LI-Y2" LVL w/ W/ Ty (2) 1-3/4" x 11-Y2" LVL w/ A-q I Q `r _ z=� I" 5TL FL PL -or- INSTALL ONE OF THE 2222Q3/a" 5TL FL PI -or- NEW(3) II-%a LVL REMOVE EX15T 5LDR 8 m 'N (2) 1-3/4" x II-%a" LVL w/ I I FOLLOWING: i1 (2) 1-3/4" x II /g' LVL REMOVE ;; HEADER INSTALL NEW WINDOWS A5 3 „ EXIST SLOP, x SHOWN 5/a" 5TL FL PL -or- l I (2) 1-/4 x 9 Y2 LVL w/ „ GlOx20 I I I" 5TL FL PL -or- DOOR II G G O O O O A A 0 (2) 1.3/4" x Il %a" LVL w/ O - B $ 0Lu EXIST z N � I_ - - - - - _ %" 5TL FL PL -or- _ --r +, II I - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - - J EXIST � � �r - BILoo w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - C1ox2o - - � o " DINETTE it PROP DEN WIDEN EX15T tY u_ tY 2 Q NEW COFFERED I I OPENING AS I (REMOVE EX15T MARBLE (REMOVE EX15T O q � ,_z x Lu CL CEILING ABOVE I I SHOWN I FLOORING 4 INSTALL WOOD DECK) N cv s LLJEXIST LIVING ROOM I PORGELIN TILE) a CL O Q \ m O FAN L I DINING ROOM ° �= °' - I 4-O 4-4 4-O w I n- z x (REMOVE EX15T MARBLE - 3 0 LU +I U w FLOORING 8 INSTALL OAK - ; � O .� +I D MATCH EXIST) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- REMOVE w ( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- a FAN EXIST °`"� p 3 NEW COFFERED z WALL STAIRSC) NEW WALL NEW WALL z NEW STONE 8 I I CEILING ABOVE GABS a O Z OUTLET for TV OUTLET for TV � FIREPLACE I I 4 � �, o EXIST MASTER BEDROOM GO r--� PROP (EXIST OAK FLOOR to z I I REI= 15LAND w/ �, / M BAR SINK EX15T REMOVE EX15T NEW BUILT PROP REMAIN) - - - - - - - - - - - - KITCHEN ---- WINDOW d GL05E IN TV 5R UP INE DH UP WALL AS REQ CABINET b NEW RAILINGS I +b EX15T OPEN + BANI5TER5 per GL i WALL ---- SHELVING 'L — i GAB5 ti HOMEOWNER O O rn W BI-FOLD to REMAIN +fi<y EXIST FOYER +6 i O O A 6� 5 ° EXIST A-8 8 PROP GIL o � + e 3R DN' o �" ' ----- +6 ------01 6'61-00 1174 H F REMOVE EX15T FLOORING 1 INSTALL PORGELIN TILE NEW +6 G BI-FOLD 5'-O" Lu NEW 5°x 6° 01 1-01, REMOVE EX15T "%'b �,L+a e��Cy ovT�o >,8`x o O BI-FOLD FLOORING INSTALL ,�+ 0�1 Q ^ ---- 61 ----- >01 -� ' EXIST WIG PORGELIN TILE FLOORS i = S -1^ v n ° X NEW 6 9 F ,-, �o EXIST i + + ® TOWEL o cArn M o " E d INSTALL SUBWAY TILE HOOKS p O D I +, (EXIST OAK FLOOR v _ �' w .i z11' 3'x6` MASTER �AT�I N to REMAIN) EXIST © WALLS (FULL) GL 0 x N 14P UP EXIST v TUB er ------ THROUGHOUT w T i CZ _� P (AL� NEW FIXTURE m REMovE --_____ EXIST STUDY + LAUNDRY o ; coNG > d OMEOWNE - p x p�r HOMEOWNER) EX15T (EXIST OAK FLOOR 6 Lu w . 3 l-2 _ q'-10'_ EXIST IoWDR J REMOVE EXIST ° PAD o �' uJ ------ CLOSET $ to REMAIN) + + - u_ w SQUARE OFF r--------------- FLOORING d m GL v c`i m EXIST WALL I I ROOM INSTALL - *' SKYLIGHT l REMOVE O PORGELIN TILE w O C U e-+ C-- EXIST WALL WIG (ALL NEW FIXTURES n l �3 .y per HOMEOWNER) co LI D p z EXIST ��W TOWEL � g r d WINDOW �oFfy REMOVE EXIST 2,568" V HOOK5 N v 1~ v b I . (2) ►-3/4" x q Y2" LVL + (2) 1-3/4" x qY2" LVL A_q GARAGE EXIST �� O W 3 REMOVE �+ - I ------ -- ----------- - ---------------- - 68 -- ---- ------- - ----.- - - DOOR d REPLACE w/ _ _ _ .� I r- , r------ --�- ---=-=------�------------------- (2) I-3/4° x ----------------- ---------- NEW 3068 DOOR PATH PROP 20kH EXIST m INSTALL ONE OF THE NEW NEW " NEW NEW INSTALL ONE OF THE GENERATOR SAUNA 4 i�F<y i FOLLOWING: z z TH5046 15 5L qY2 LVL I5 5L TW3046 FOLLOWING: �� v�O +, + U o w p ° n- z 3 " �� REMOVE ;1*11" . INSTALL -- --- (2) 13/4" x q Y2" LVL w/ z w Q �I g (2) I-/4 x 1-Y2" LVL w/ EXIST HALL �� } - REMOVE EXIST COLUMNS d REPLACE O NEW • O Y2 5TL FL PL -or- 7 = z w p $ WINDOW SHOWER L-- - 3 -r " � �uJ O w/ NEW 12 SQ PERMALITE RECESSED � z Y2 53 FL P; �or- �3 `� \ -- -- O (2) I-/4 x II-/a LVL O I X PANEL GOLUMN5 (TYP 2 ® FRONT) O z uJ rx w (2) 1-/4 x II-/a LVL x' gyp ' u') REMOVE EXIST M in w ; x f F p (:0 E-4 _ w EXIST 148 5F w PROP PROP (3) HVAG UNITS I,5" SEAT (2) 1-3/4" x qY2" LVL m NEW CLOSET R (2) I-3/4" x qY2" LVL ❑ COVERED PATIO C2) I-3/4" x q Y2' LVL PLANTER NEW TH50410 NEW(2) TH30410 NEW (2) TW3446 Q NEW BLUESTONE w NEW 36" HIGH f� REMOVE EX15T PROP 61-1116H POOL Uj Q HANDRAIL per p Q SHOWER 8 WALL 8 FENCE d POOL PORCH 8 STEPS ° �- w RGNY5 A-4 AL' EXPAND BATH A5 AREA (NOT SHOWN) OVER(6" R, RETE1211 2" T) w x ~ \ �3J/�„ SHOWN - SEE SHEET A-4 A-j/CR S FOR POOL DETAILS 4'-4" 12'-,5" PROP 10'-O" 12'-2" PROP NEW SHOWER STUDY EXTENSION LAUNDRY EXTEN5IONEX15T COLUMNS to be REMOVED (TYP 2 @ ry u GARAGE) Nth' N FROF FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 114" = I'-0" NOTES: DRAWN: VC/MS I. REPLACE ALL WINDOWS 8 DOORS (INTERIOR Q SCALE: EXTERIOR) w/ NEW ANDERSEN A-5ERIE5 AS JOB#: NOTED. November 14th,2017 SHEET NUMBER: 2. OPTION TO REMOVE 5HEETROGK FOR NEW BLOWN IN INSULATION. PERMIT SET (11/14/2017) A-2 REVISIONS: O H z z W Qo H � oW � xa w z0 Hz w � 0 w Q 25.3' W TOP OF HILL PER YOUNG & YOUNG WOOD WOOD DECK 0 0 15.89° JULY, 2017 WALK GRADE EL. 18 SLOPE ROCK BRUSH EL. EL. M o NREVENTMENT EL. 14 16 MHWM 12 LONG ISLAND PROPERTY EL. SOUND LINE EL. 10 EL 4 EL. g 87.2' 672.6' MJ DOMINO0 PARTIAL SITE SECTION cnW uN M SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" " o � � � v � v ° O X o cz � v u In U `D '-- (n cz 00 cu 41 w u O d N U � G\o.�EREDgR IN N DRAWN: MH/MS ` ` I * SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 0?2339 Q 70B#: F00 DECEMBER 3,2017 F N EW SHEET NUMBER: S-2