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OFFICE LOCATION: h0'*00 soyO1 MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) G Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 • �O P D Fax: 631 765-3136 COUNT`I,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: March 20, 2018 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for EDWARD AND DIANE DALEY SCTM# 1000-81-3-23 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. on behalf of EDWARD AND DIANE DALEY requests a Wetland Permit to construct additions and alterations to the existing dwelling consisting of squaring off seaward side of dwelling and constructing second-story additions to create a 2 '/2 story, 76.8'x40.8' footprint dwelling; construct an 8'x75.5' seaward side porch; construct a 8'x52.10' landward side porch; construct a 13.7'x18.1' breezeway leading to a proposed 26'x30' attached garage on landward side of dwelling; reconfigure existing driveway approximately 15'-20' to the south to accommodate new garage; construct a 40'x24' swimming pool with 9'x9' hot tub; install a 60'x63' pool patio with 20sq.ft. patio connecting pool patio and garage; and install a 6' wide concrete walkway from pool patio to dwelling. Located: 1350 Paradise Point Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-81-3-23 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following is required: 1. Require pool de-watering well. Verify actions are in compliance with Wetland Permit 8115 issued for the property in 2013. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney MAR 1 'L 2018 U Town of Southold Southold Town I Planning So LWRP CONSI§iI ENCY ASSESSMENT FORM 'i A. INSTRUCTIONS i 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to fthe Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions iiii Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Prograui. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects uponl the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes",then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy�standards and conditions contained in the cbnsistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzled in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an!action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall riot be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is availablelin the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Cleik's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION i SCTyW 81 _ 3 23 The Application has been submitted to(check,ppropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. D Building Dept.' F Board of Trustees 0 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): i 0(a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) ;i (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant 106,subsidy) I (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: I Additions and alterationsl�to single family residence i , i i � , °W11 nastasl architects February 9, 2018 D V Charles R. Cuddy FEB 9 2018 Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Southold Town E ar of Tr ee Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Daley Residence at 1350 Paradise Point Road, Southold NY (Parcel 1000-81-03-23) Proposed Dimensions, requested by Southold Town Trustees Dear Mr. Cuddy: As Architect of record for the above referenced project, please accept the following dimensions: House, First Floor: 1. First Floor overall existing: 76 ft 8 in L x 40 ft 8 in W. 2. Rear/East Porch within these dimensions is now being enclosed / squared off. 3. Front/West 2 ft deep Bay Window is being removed. 4. Northwest room is being enlarged by 2 ft into the new breezeway, but does not affect overall existing dimensions. House, Second Floor: 1. Second Floor overall proposed: 76 ft 8 in L x 51 ft 8 in W including dormers. 2. Main part of second floor is 52 ft 7 in x 46 ft 8 in, north portion is 22 ft 8 in x 36 ft 5 in. 3. Dormer roofs typically project 2 ft 6 In beyond exterior wall. 4. Overall ridge height 33 ft 5 in above grade. 5. House continues above Breezeway and Garage with same dimensions as each. Attached Garage: 30 ft L x 26 ft W x 31 ft H at ridge. Breezeway: 18 ft 1 in L x 13 ft 7 in W x 31 ft H at ridge. Porch (front/west): 52 ft 10 in L x 8 ft W x 11 ft 6 in above grade at gutter. Porch (rear/east): 75 ft 5 in L x 8 ft W x 11 ft 6 in above grade at gutter. Driveway: Loop at east end is shifting to the south approx. 15-20 ft, in order to accommodate new garage. Pool: 40 ft L x 24 ft W with 9 ft square hot tub centered on northeast corner of pool. Pool House: 34 ft L x 18 ft W x 17 ft H at ridge. Pool Patio: 60 ft east-west x 63 ft north-south, with 20 ft sq patio connecting pool patio and existing garage, and 6 ft wide concrete walkway connecting pool patio with house. 321 newark street, hoboken, n,1 07030 tel . 201 .653.2S77 fax: 201 653.2642 n a s t a s i architects Daley Residence proposed dimensions page 2 If you should have any questions regarding this matter or need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact our studio at 201.653.2577. Sincerely, John Nastasi, Architect FEB — 9 2018 f Cc: Diane Daley, Owner Southold Town a ru ees 321 newark street, hobo ken, nj 07030 tel : 201 .653.2577 fax. 201.653.2642 f • I Location of action: 1350 Paradise Point Rd. Southold, NY Site acreage: 71,533 sq.ft. Present land use: single family dwelling-residence Z Present zoning classification: R 80 i 2. If an application for the proposed action;has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: i (a) Name of applicant: (b) Mailing address: (c) Telephone number:Area Code.( ) i (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? : i Yes ❑ No El If yes,which state'or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY . l Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of;infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies;Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable These additions to an existing resi; ence and accessory uses will not attect the character ot the community Attach additional sheets if necessary i � Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic an archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 throug�6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No Fx] Not Applicable t i The additions to a residence do not affect any known historic or archaeological resources i . i , I Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 17 for evaluation criteria © Yes Q No Q Not Applicable of S I _ There will be no LI3, ? l L t� i2i_f j t11 �t_'L [:LCiC_L . 11t.1ti a fe .j i -qual—qujity or scenir resources .i Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES i Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for!valuation criteria ® yesE] No [] Not Applicable Thi.q l s a singd P family raci rlaanrra land rasj rdnntc 3gill d taro aper-Q rl-,to Steps to protect the site from ernsion ani well as measures to avnird loss of-use i t • Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water qualityjand supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes © No ®Not Applicable This single site will not impact the water quality in the Town .i 1 . .i 1 Attach additional sheets if necessary i Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes Q No® Not Applicable . f Again, this bite has virtually no impact on the ecosystem • t I I i Attach additional sheets if necessary i I Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality i in the Town of Southold: See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ' I ❑ Yes ❑No® Not Applicable 4 Additions to single family residencl will not contribute to adversely affecting air quality . s I i Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy S. Minimize environmental degra6 ion in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies;Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. . ®Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The Town Disposal and Recycling Center in Cutchogue will be utilized for all recycling materials and garbage disposal PUBLIC COAST POLICIES I Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and;recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies;Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ YesEl No® Not Applicable This is a private site without pub} c access to the shoreline although the r Gidents will recognize the Pnhl i r• Triiat Ri ghtG to tha cbnral i nP ` i ' I . i Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES 1 Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-depende�t uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies;Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable i , This is a single family residence and a traditional water-dependent use i f i Attach additional sheets if necessary policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies;Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. . i ❑Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable i This waterfront residence will notaffect living; marine resources to anV extent i . i i Attach additional sheets if necessary i Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the i,Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No 10 Not Applicable I This is not an agricultural site ; i 1 , i Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and i development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III-Policies;Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. i ❑Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable ; 1 The house will be made more ener !efficient but in and of itself will not significantly impact energy generation or generating facilities , . i i , E s Created on 5125105 11:20 AM i OPS SOUTHOLD SEESM NO 131 24 3 / 12 265 F.D 28 e R ',a�,•29 .. ,. r 1 V O ` �? +� ,9 9, y.,sem, •� to , O SASiN•`^ h 2.+iN�1 B A R 131 ,5 s ,39 F 17Fyc)O ` 157 153 155 2 A 1 SA 23A 25 I 8 7 m, 13121 - 1 CA(c) / 3 o 0-1 req a � 6)NSOm 2.+3A(c) - 3 3 23 144(q P 152 as P Jq�) / SEE SEC NO 133 157 /29A 29A(�,S3 ) • C4 3 /20A(`) ° u F vi 1SAW 'm 22,(c) F V2 54A(c) 193 3 5A(c) 8 I 193 c 37A Q B 1A w ; 1 J F JJ 5OA(c) hO - 194 y 35A(c) N w y 4F I 21 e I 7 ) FE EESM SO A(e I O SEE SEG NO 9 W9990181 m I 239 I Q ze, _ d al =1 '$UFOLKT x _ .S4-+t� m'C "!i«''=.e•mw 'fF rcW! 'lq1 - "4as::'..}�[s. !'�»:^;.y.. syr.= �---i=- �.�,,` _ _ _ �.�.;�.. .�aM.+nG eb arcw°v1Ym . .ate:^.M rp�•1.-,v.. _ '_,tee- ,yrm�i`-�.+e�.r4u.e.��'^�"n. ..&,��'`" '^"�},�' .-r._o"•""r'�'v` _ _ -' _ .i.au.wc4'7°:.""` --'�." � g• _ �°A+. A.re. _°evn�•`, .,� - -r�'e"":'"_'v:!].A�.r.�>�:'s3. a."�_..-� - - "'�"c "V _ c�a"_ __ 'din ..`.. ._...'�'."-•;oT"�w« YPF - -x ,du S J � a=- "�' __ g,-�., -r.:£t�.c?C"::..•5�:'xx-. i w--ui.T 1=;.t�'-.'�?�:- "` }._..:._�_.s._v...�_..._..._: '%4._�`x$i� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVISIONS xo. REsolvlxrs cAr: 1 6 2a4m,Reye. 052,.201/ s ro.Rea1°, os.D3.z917 Nl°°,ey sem>;eo oi.z,.z917 } Omueel'+q 0,.07.201) 2 2z:O,a.nq o121.2o17 1 poe,r'0evpn Onti:9 03171017 N/0/F 0.1.I 10_m5A'EO (ATEC. MI — ISSUES ANELLA AKSCIN PETER C. M Y &ALICE C. AfIONERlCNEREY Ix DianeaadisePintRoEdward DNey owNEaz y1 1350 Paradise Point Road y: w IS $pNpIQNV 11971 Lrny t' 8 (201)65]-6610 S 65'14'50" E I _ — _ I 572.87' —70' (FIDE RICHT OF M� ,i. 1 STEPS ^ 02.7' 31.0• — .9• I—I d o - ' - - - -- - - - ° - - - - - _ ,2 k B o N O 20' SIDE SETBACK LINE 1BA 1(,"22' N •• I — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- ..._ _ 4366' _ ,��G•��y:R�A'G .� BREE�.eEWl�t' •' FRONT SETBA93T B _- _.. _ atinit'1.,W�9v'SII, '2 I l , FF--II I �4 we 1,� ° .I.T_1 8 w 3 0l — we �' HOTi'' .q; eG `5Q z l ,Foi+�) —_ gTB o BAL MAPFIN • NEW POOL e7,' � 4 S ,�F A S`p � m 2I I� REVIEWED BY ZBA • `� (IN—GROUND) --*� rn p NA L ti ?LIJVE �� vSEE DECISION#]� 11 I DATED II l VI dnl IiJe.o• �...4. .. . e.o'_ c —95G -- --- o �1 Daley Residence � ISfDE SETBAC �P' ---c—�—° '2 __—.� � ���S..I C70 N _ • ° +ISPINL7.ORNEWAY • • . GONCHETE DRNEMAY t' rl nl e o.l J 1.fi 1 Z 'm � NW 2yT — — 1350 Paradise Point Road .0_ W 18 N �y Southold,Long Island,NY 41 • 6a.98' Fyl • • SA TE'ti' " � 228. o ..... ::..... :<... — r^ v1 " N 65°14'S0" W ♦ANTENNA . ...: :•.:.. ..... DIM DWtltE,E $= 0 • .� ° r�'...i.i..i�� ,� 571.98' n a s t a s i a r c h I t e c It $ ' •ASPINLT ORNEWAY i 2 STORY BLDG. W y N O p N �N N N/0/F — 9�zlsT• N MARK MILLER — z Ro /��Jy D 321H'b Newark Street AC B� Tei: ken. 07030 Tel: tot 653. 2577 D�� FI 101. 61 2612 A C� NY llcePae ili,fSO Nl.lcen a ♦021574 P1 Site Plan — U Survey Scole: 1:250 Site Plan — Dxe. x,aY 2,.2077 Y4 Aa N°7eE Rave Rr. TO,1C _ a:n7m x . Ru,eMni' I.OMnG nEal"EO , JUL OFAP b A-002 2017 ZONING BOARR D OF APPEALS I I I 1 I I I Copyright 0 2017 Nostosi Architects I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I REVISIONS N0. OCi0RG1[K N7E _ I I I I 6 2amg Rerie. D52r.2017 5 Ron Rewe. 05052017 ta'-0�• uNme7 weesoon N.2a.mn I1• 5'- 4'-7r2• 3 deN Ne:lNq N.07.2N7 I2 am 0!.21.2017 �\ _______ ________ ________________ _ __{- __=3= I LLTtmy hien—c q 01.17.2017 N0. 10 aHal R50D] Nlt 114 1r r II — J ISSUES _ Diane Dadise Edward Daley OWNERS 'h 1350 Paradise 11Point71 Road 7 L- 'I II SwUx>Id.NY 11971 LL= Rear Porch I II (201)653-66%2 F' u L - _ II I II I 6� t II I� I -�- -UP r- f r f I F-I- I I 111r -L--JJ BatMoom -11 1 II L j L_- FINAL MAF' REVIEWED BYZBA ==�=tli , SEE DECISION#7�h� V i i u- Ratlaoom DATED!I l�Ia_ D 2•-2)'2-� - � �. 7'-6• 15•x• l 3•-�s• 2•- q - Daley Residence L-------- - II -�e-_y1 II u - 1350 Paradise Point Road ----- r--:'I Southold,Long Island,NY I I I II _fl - - n a s [ a s i _ 1 n r c h l t e c t s r--- II r I'-10• 11'-8• I-11• Q'" N F y 321 Newark Street Plan Hoboken. N) 07030 P1 First Floor Demolition Plan Tel: 201. 653. 2577 Fax: 201. 653 26'4]. \,-J Scole: 1/4•= 1'-0• NI ueeala NAMSSo NY License 9021574 NOTES: L Existing cellar to remain. 2 Entircupperhalrstorytoberemoved. Demolition Ilan Dnc Mn,24.No — fy� Srtle: NNoted a�seaar hl RECEIVED 11ureAMdo2 z— JUL 19 2617 ZONING 904RD OF APPEALS `/� —004 Copyright 0 2017 Nas;osl n-•hiletls _ ' REVISIONS . El .' — | — Master Bedroom IF_10-71 "R r,10rCh 21 M171 Bedroo _ _ . 71 — L ving Dining ISSUES Room Diane Delay and Edward Daley OWNERS Room 1350 Paradise Point Road | �����° _ _ A T tl Dby —1 M FINAL MAP F REVIEWED BY ZBA SEE DECISION#27q) �F INAL MAP . . | Kitchen - U _ — Daley Residence �� UP IR 14R 1350 Paradi e Point Road Southold,Lsong Island,NY _ Mudroom !S3 Porch Enliy O-EN sHM Front Porch " " ^ ' " ^ / Garden —DICK P1.M%W 100 ^ ' ^ ^ / ` ^ ^ ` ^ *14 — 'Is ^* ",. "~~~^ ,"..' "211 .^.^"^ "/ °,"= ,." 2o ",z ,,,, �--J —� "^~ `"` 613 `^= U UU UU U w "^^^'^^^"."," "` `'^~~ °,`"'^ First Floor Plan _ _ First Floor Plan v ~'/ TC.IC m Two Car co,aye D�e��~1 "K°� 0 ��] ,,°.",' »��,mn ��==*�� �� — U�� U���� ��� _ ~�""=,��=° REVISIONS 6 Z.^,itere. 5 Pan ACAs C5.03.2012 Bedrioom Bedroom S.'-..ia' 04.24 2011 21'-11' 04.07.2017 2 Dent D—N 0321 M17 no. TO!n rssm WE F-1 Loft ISSUES 0 �o ltelo, =1 Diane Daley and Edward Daley OWNERS I'r 32'-T 1350 Paradise Point Road Southold,W 11971 F1:1 771 aNd It F-- I l FINAL MAP Bedroom REVIEWED BY ZBA 202SEE DECISION# ?01" E1DATEDI1_LI nRoom =4= Daley Residence Bedroom W-T.16'-10' GuistGuist Room 1350 Paradise Point Road Southold,Long Island,NY n a s t a S i a r c h I t a C It am-- Cd-t Stair Hall r 2-0-5 1 U" II I.II 1 I 321 Newark Street Hoboken, N107030 II Tel: 201 653. 2577 Fa 201. • 0 1, 651* 21111 NJ LI . . IAIIISSO Second Floor Plan Y license 1 02,57, Scale: Ile= V-0" Second Floor Plan T,.&Al 'Ecullacta Home Gym D— AW N.Zov —�4 ScA& ..-a. ..—a,. TG.IC si.k. "",' tLECEM0 ry C1 ,UL 1-a 207 P4 I ,Ili ZONING p040.00F APPEALS A-102 C.ry,;qht 0 2012 Nast-Archi:e— REVISIONS �T=41111 Stair Hall _ pu� ❑--�1S(I.�\•g1I�"�——___�-- Ic"' he 2R ON ❑❑ ".0421 j04,24lzM71 1.407.111 auas RECUMBENT 34'-0' 2 1 0t 0,-*'Sm 103.21 W171 om 11 Home Gym ISSUES r-20-61 Di_OAey wd Ed—d DMey OWNERS 74-F'.2F.'-r ITP----41 1150 Pwadi,e Point Rod Soutt d.W V971 Two Car Garage (201)653-6610 sot—, -E] r 1-1-2-1 B'k.' N'-e 3W-V Lay. P=-00 2 E1 - 9'-5' Room DI P 1C." ASSISI DIP CHIN PSADCSE M02 Bar M M Mech.Equip. TU C.. Much. I r 7'.Y-6' + FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY ZBA SEE DECISION# DATED /JV /QoF-) I Attached Garage,First Floor Plan Pz Attached Garage,Second Floor Plan rP3"\ Pool House Floor Plan Daley Residence Scale: 1/4'= l'-O" Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" Scale: 1/4'= 1'-0" 1350 Paradise Point Road Southold,Long Island,NY 12 11dor Shingle Roof n I OF' Is , , ti ' I, s q II U —7 LIU- Ll .—T I U -ark Street 321 Ne 1111 HII11111111 till Hoboken. NJ 07030 ILJ Tel: 201. 653. 2577 J L-1---j LL Jj UL—L-LIQ Fa,-. 201. 5 3.,2 6 4 2 IjALL]i LU Llj!ILU-ILI I I A'2`110 LLL L :1 [jT')-T.!j N I I'L JIL <j 11 <1 < 1 .1 Li...1, NO $74 Lil LIULI Lj 1 -ji—L1 LIJ. Attached Garage Plans LJL 111 I-M ! i Pool House Plan 1'1� H I- I H' 1L.] Ld Udor Sake Siding Pool House Elevations Folding Nonciffall 0- 7q F 0— 1AIy24.NI7 El Pool House East Elevation (E:2:) Pool House South Elevation !JE 1.2&17 41c \_J Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" zomr'G a CARDOF N A-103 Copyright 0 2017 Nascs;kchitects REVISIONS I N0. ]ESCRRiO;<s WE 12 C I:) 6 12 Iov s,,trn,, n 03 21.2D 17 11 U -,q N*n—ling D3,11.2017 S2 h 1w C) 1315013150Daley and Ed.EdwardDaley OWNE RSRS Ln 0 1350 Paradise Point Road ck� Swthld.NY 1971 ,ZD (201)653-6610 I Lj IT 111111 ILJL��, I C) I _j L[JULLMLL _ILLjj Of I IT III I 1111 1111 ITH U1I IN i"! J Ell H o I mil 11 Ll 11 L HIHLWI 1111 TL=ULMLLUL FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY ZBA q SEE DECISION# -A?jL DATED h 1,1or7 South Elevation,Proposed Qcclor choke Siding Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" Daley Residence 1350 Paradise Point Road Southold,Long Island,NY n as t ' 1 a r c Is I C , . so .+!w A,— A, Uk';X z , ?.:-.!j",- ,,, P i_�� '4'' 't A,? V $ 'AR i M g 321 Newark Street (D "4. A,— LU n, NJ X 7e1: tot 653. 2577 Hoboken. 07030 L C) O IF— 201. 653. 2642 C:) NJ Lic.... IAIIISSO U7. `AA`P'��,.:113cq,A�; �3.1.1'_ !-0` F F��T�,. W, 6, u-) NY License #021574 m A, 1"'i� A �7_ Z: T JQ s South Elevations: >< Proposed NIT., EL'.. u `3 w sis Existing kl�, W 0- ki.N.7 14 9-2017 ixt Es.A A,1w .124.20 ZON'W;I�ARDOFA jiv;�7 ALS D,_e, IC A aehN kr. �v South Elevation,Existing Scale: 1/4"= V-0" A-201 Up,night 0 2017 Na s;kcbitttts I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I REVISIONS a0. 015031.171:5 wl: I i 6 1—,,acre. 05.2a.m., 5 Ten Rene. 05.03.2017 Ylo�ey Suhriaaen 0/212017 Ceent uednq M.UM7 2 Hent Dro•„q si se- 03.21.2017 1 Te'ImY,ory 0ea5n ueh'ag 0.17-7 RO 70 Nita NT001 I wm ____ ___ --._.-----------_--------------- ------- ISSUES Dianc Daley and Edward Daley OWNERS 1350 Paradise Point Road (01)653-6610 971 IJ-�_-, L_C1_LL.IL_L --_--—-- -- LL I I LuIJ Il 3111_ -- l'J � I LI. I 1_.11111 I. ---- — aIJ_LI_L! ' _ll_. ==- JLTIJL T AL J 1111.11 J 11 I IJP.L._I,. I _ FINAL MAP ^-- _ _..I .._'-- --IJ_Ll.I .l_ 111�J�1 II ! 11 REVIEWED BY ZBA SEE DATED If 1�# I �i 1_11 I1 U_il_I ;17J�- I.' t Y II_.Il�l JL tl �17..II�J�]J`171�_1J.11i I IL 1111 ill_ .I117 I_IJ �... — - 1JI ' -- T. 1i 1LY f I --- 111. IL Ll' J.I�, ILLI I LI1l_ ' L_ [ I II_ll 11_ J ® lid, Dale Residence 1,11111 IJI I��11LJIB. -11 Y I IT 1 11 if )rl- .OilI LL ” i' o� o �� I � 1 I - L..__=J u r 1 11 U T, Joh >v'D �iG�l 12 �CJ� I ( v - — 1350 Paradise Point Road ��, I ll_[l_ Dd�I> mvp ��mmp w�� 1L_ 9i�l 121 I.1 l _ � �----- 1 _ „ l�, v 1 Southold,Long Island,W i --lL-- - n a s ta s i a r c h It e c t s E1 _West/Front Elevation,Piroposed Scale: 1/4" — 9 z7s7A 321 Newark Street Hoboken, NI 07030 Tel: 201. 653. 2577 Fax: 201. 653. 2642 y� c7� NI tic en se 0A111SS0 O �{- NY License 1021574 RECEIVED — lU,_19 z617 West/Front Elevation ZONInO WARD OF APPEALS DAe. May 24.200 kye A,.,.d harm Br K Oe Mer N TNae/1eNaich ZCBJNG _ A-202 I I I I I I I I I I I Co�yr'9bI 0 2017 Nostosl mcnaecls REVISIONS hn PeFe. e5 pt 20t] C121M1 ai" 2 D 5.nraien w. T2 aK.ISSMID ws ISSUES 0...Wier and Edward Daley OWNERS 1350 Paradise Point Road ————————— S—hold.NY 11971 (201)653.6610 7=7 _z ....... FINAL MAP j T H ___/Jl—LL Lu. -----_,..L-11 REVIEWED BY ZBA Aj L SEE DECISION# DATED-JL/_Lt-_19- L Existing Con-1. 11 1 T 111 BOO L LILJ L j1_1 IL. .11 (RD w-6) SId. P31, W IL W LIJ Daley Residence Entry U Ed,gn St k3 _L11 ILIA I`>!,_ -ji I.I.j D-to SwA IX .g Paradise Point Road L.—J, L=1 J I LLI J 1 x aig"i 111 ME91 112 . . JjlI — E . . . .�.. 1. L .. I . . . . I_.1 I . Southold,Long Island,NY n a s a s i TW-.FA--- yqu i, IL - T I 11,Llp�_tFl�,L` J_ a c It I t e c It s 'V: OR AR NH'�� 14 .0- M!_ Rw P. 52.11 7, W, 321 Newa,k Street w: Hoboken. NI 07030 Tek 201 653. 2577 Fa,: 20L 653. 2642 NI IL111A111110 Y . ,021 S 7 East/Rear Elevation /-iEi \ East/Rear Elevation,Proposed cliekq Hms;&(No work) JUL 19 2017 Exctiq BuMmd(No W—ork) ZONING 0OARO OF APPEALS k4w 24.2 j! --en, ZONING A-203 Copyight 0 2017 Nosl,si Amhite:ts REVISIONS im. DESIR1113ais ZON�y Prria• 05.2a 101] 5 P� An—,O-sig.—q 03.17.M17 NO to mcv I!iI I WE ISSUES Diane Daley orad Edward Daley OWNERS 1350 P—dise Point Road Smthold. 11971 (201)653-6610 FINAL MAP --------- ---—--- --- REVIEWED BY ZBA --j SEE DECISION#-7o 151 11 it 11 11 11 11 11 It 1] 11-1 1 11 DATE I-Lk Pot LI A L IL I! Jul _0 pil -LM 1j.ijj1= U. I L_ _II_ Ll I I Jill I I �Xl L11 I I I I UL1.1i !I ULU L11-U 4.I il-1-1-1 LLL MT9 z:� 11— -,gll-L. U i if I L1 I Mil IJ ILLIILJ+' U LLI -1i -�Lll JJJ J. Daley Residence 11 ILL I L i IV1111 I!, Ml 111111 1 ill 11-1W i _U Ll 1119 14.3 1350 Paradise Point Road T 11 111111 1 1111 1111 ill Ill ill 11 11 I Southold,Long Island,NY 7-7 11—L,+. -Al L air c hl ' :C "I 'El North Elevation,Proposed Scale: 1/4" 321 Newark Street IN:bokem N1070 30 Tel: 207 653. 2577 Fa,: 201. 653. 2642 NI Ll,....#AIIISSO NY License #021574 North Elevation RECEIVED JUL-'4 2617 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS K IN A-204 Copyright 0 2017 Nostosi Archiects REVISIONS x0.1 UESC'tIP16,S WE II 6 Z."A—; 05.24.-7 1en Rewe. 105.0]201) 4 N.072o n ROOF m m e,m.'-rD oex ISSUES CN—0adi Ed—,d Daley OWNERS 1350 Paradise Poit Road C, 12 MY 11917 (D — Lr) 6 (201)653-6610 Ck: I C-D C) LC) _j oo L'i It ATTIC FLOOR U-j zli OI 0 (D Cu- m FINAL MAP INAL MAP V) V REVIEWED BY ZBA S1 # Cl- SEE DECISION# cc T 2nd FLOOR CL FDATED— N, Daley Residence O 2 C, F= U- 1350 Paradise Point Road 1st FLOOR Southold,Long Island,W FLOOR ) LVL. Am',N, a qW.V1 —m-im vgxm"'�igw; at S It, h a." .5, -T N x 'J F'� --r-r 4, -1314 IS • • R4 N �'n 4"'A, Rm 8`!'t 321 Newark Street Hoboken. 07030 T t 6 2 5 32577 20 3� L oking South F 01. 65 2642 NJ NAIII U Sectlono 'so NY[Lice- /'021624 Section Looking South 2UL -Y 20!7 ZON'I:U BOARD OF APPEALS A`.1. da mer. K A-301 Copyeight 0 2017 Nnstn!i Ach;tects TEST HOLE DATA Fs pN VcC/NG '• ' ,;. (TEST HOLE DUG BY NATHAN CORWIN L.S. ON MARCH 24, 2018) SURVEY O PROPERTY EL 21.5' 0' BROWN LOAM OL SI T UA TE 16 ^ \ ° * '• PALE BROWN SILT ML B AYV I E W S 4' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O . . o 6S°� 'e° - �• OJ�oo 4 S0 9��LLq�% USF��F�C/`�4'SC PALE BROWN FINE SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK f� : :. TO COARSE SAND SW /\ •' • c.: • h OFR °WATER) 3y SANIBOTTARYO OF P �S PROPOSED S.C. TAX No. 1000-81 -03-23 Q °,e. • aQ N�WjRF3 mZ� OLS EL 3.0' 18.5'TEST EST WELLxNo. USOGSROUND 40590 07TER 21 10102 S 8843.2 SCALE 1 "=30' ® o � EL. 2.0' - t95, APRIL 6, 2010 GROUND WATER DECEMBER 21, 2010 SET ADDITIONAL STAKES ON PROPERTY LINES •:ad 60. �.� pTiE„y 2013 UPDATE SURVEY / °EF NOVEMBER 3�. 2016 UPDATE SURVEY ° , • . e - . L �`� WATER IN PALE BROWN • ° •' �' ° �." `��\ FINE TO COARSE SAND SW MARCH 22, 2017 UPDATE SURVEY JUNE JANUARY 2204?2018 ADDADD PTOSED OPO ATBLUFF O MARCH 15, 2018 REVISE SITE PLAN '``'` • APPROVED BY 7 � � d � :• 3Q�� h��� w •:i�'. \ t pLOT AREA = 71 ,553 sq. ft. M TO TIE LINE 1 .643 ac. CIV e. °`� � ��� BOARD OF TRUSTEES ( > \ mom TOWN OF SOUTHOLD w `�\ \, 'f4� CER TIFIED TO: i � \ 00o A EDWARD L. DALEY III W LL,��= �?��, N/o DATE Af'f-tL 19, 2-oig DIANE L. DALEY .:..x �4, o \ �LrC� STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY - e 21• •• o / ckgc 2��Q (LiSF wF ° OJT°2 4\�U/Cp a• W9 \ \ / F FFNGF «� \`\ s paeC°4/w G :. r`v /NGF '° w X222 --- 3 NV f4 0 c�/y \ \ 22.3x 20'°2Z� `\ , as \ - I u Sp pF� W AAp 21.7'0aa� C/T R� s R0�1 \ la 6 9.6 F`� 10, o O 6S° f < rF yCF d a w �4Tf FX/ST O 0 4 Q Ipf�� o ` 14 W� ,�,�6ry� ,\, I APR A `)0' \ R E,NF ti c�o Woo of o Q i 1 - 9 O ° �`�\ W k��C�m D STgk meq\ _ N u C��c Q M O, N 288 a a0 `v X11 2pzPB :..offL� 2 D::b::: 1. N 4• W FF::.::.:yoU O LV SNC x Y� pR0 O'::::::::: . O h' £S \\\ d • p h FeNCF \ �.y`\ •. 1V• Yr p�T/O T Ut/RCh'Qr 0�` \1 tl ... \\\ 20.9 L`4 , 4 .. �.i: "i:rF:(1:i:i:i.5:.:. °8f NF T��dU /� U� ti'w.,lY d RFA,° <Yh 0 \\ u p GFSIgB SA FLhp O •e �..d a .... '. O Fp QOM D:: Rp''::'G. NFRq .e'. . • . AVTF /T • e x... ry,G 22.6 FO p R iW F • a' :::::..... .................... ............ CE 4R ETF c T oS F �, N. 1 it o N M TRi 40' `:a;::;:::``:<;:::.';` yo p -� .�•='r.•...,.�C- .� 0 Mo G A /Y • R =o �� LLeFD ^a�Cti?wt: . �' ` : :: .0, A Sp q ° ao$ e. p 6 .^: `:i?i?i:r??: .�::.-::'.:}:}. 22.7x C N m ° 3 cT°Ra qpR C a �. �. Ropo O' .-,W':�R,;:�.-•-a:.:-•,., •� .._�,,,...;,-..:: ,. :m- ��:;�`:;::::;: s- �. ��qy. °N" 0 20•/ 4 SFD W ( ��.r` px` -_._y� W;:.;. ... ��u.. ' ': .. cNfRRy m �a 4Sp �.a'�7 m .. �� pR bPP5EL>. /r ROAD `. yg� .. b` _._ �% .,\� r",F op op' (TERLINE.'. rr .:: 0: N h0:.: 2 Sl IFN�yoRo is ::?:.:h.;:. 225 eE W000 �. �' a' °Ry °aN D, , v VY ..- - •J ZLS OpO a..:: 1<.S1� ::::.: 'Q:::::: � ::: lY� 22.9`, v 70/Y STFp 04 . o 4 �" •h N _ Q. c Oe -= r .Q / ckfo o• BE RZar�,F / ^\U� `Yh.. ,. .Y, ao�.: L )/ e • COVERAGE qcc :. >: �� ' p.: e 2 0 / r� "'• (�' PROPOSED BUILDING FRFo ..�.,. �_ S� / // / 6 a UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION GE q, LOT COVERAGE F° O, .. o./ : 0 0 / 4 / // / �( / AREA / o DESCRIPTION F DES EZ. .., CATION 0 `�4�' � / B• o TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION o SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE / . FRGRFFNS ZL4 w. � :.;:::4'''::: %•i..::: 004 / „° / -_° 2 EDUCATION LAW. EXIST. HOUSE 2,603 sq. ft. 3.6/ COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING ((iSFS pw�C�/ G ?�-'90� THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR EXIST. GARAGE 630 sq. ft. 0.9% / EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED B N TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. h'Tr �� ) =�3�� EXIST. CONC. BUILDING 188 sq. ft. 0.3% I Q CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN L� 22.0 , ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY PROP. 2 STORY ADDITIO 335 sq. ft. 0.4% IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND O / v LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND PROP. (2) PORCHES 1,054 sq. ft. 1.5% ��U 4�h��� v tl8/W�oy uFj� �� �V aim TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. O S / PROP. BREEZEWAY 293 sq. ft. 0.4% Oy Q `Q%y/���h0 rQ2 x�2 FF /o >> 2" S Y 0lJ2�'�/ (u2 Q.?'CE` 1' m•6 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY PROP. GARAGE 780 sq. ft. 1.1% NOTES: �2'�a%`aQ` �� N 22.2 AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM 0 cR �eFMN / a m4 , .: ��_ ,� ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. PROP. POOL HOUSE 612 sq. ft. 0.9% EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: av/ aG Cb PROP. POOL & HOT TUB 1,072 sq. ft. 1.5% EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: - - ---Xx- F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR N� /O/ PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM G.FL. - GARAGE FLOOR ^'m/ ocv / \\�� STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED TOTAL EXIST. & PROP. 7,567 sq. ft. 10.6% TB - TOP OF BULKHEAD BY THE L.I.A.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED BB - BOTTOM OF BULKHEAD p m FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND TW - TOP OF WALL C TITLE ASSOCIATION. PROPOSED TOTAL LOT COVERAGE BW - BOTTOM OF WALL J 2. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR 8 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 2,000 GALLONS. 19 _•"` •� DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE 1 TANK; 5' DEEP, 10 DIA. 98, y < 1 'f 3. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 8 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 600 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. Z EXIST. HOUSE 2,603 sq. ft. 3.6% 2 POOLS; 10' DEEP, 10' dia. �y C.\0"%. EXIST. GARAGE 630 sq. ft. 0.9% PROPOSED FUTURE 50% EXPANSION POOL EXIST. CONIC. BUILDING 188 sq. ft. 0.3% x f PROPOSED 10' DIA. X 10' DEEP LEACHING POOL ,R)yJ PROP. 2 STORY ADDITIO 335 sq. ft. 0.4% DRAINAGE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: PROP. 2 PORCHES 1,054 sq. ft. 1.5% PROPOSED 2,000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ref N.Y.S. LIC. No. 50467 ( ) Q PROPOSED MAIN HOUSE W/PORCHES, BREEZEWAY AND GARAGE: 5,060 sq. ft. PROP. BREEZEWAY 293 sq. ft. 0.4% 5,060 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 20.4 veru.tical ft. 4. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR POOL HOUSE IS 1,000 GALLONS. 860.2 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 20.4 vertical it. of 8' dia. leaching pool required _ 1 TANK; 8' LONG, 4'-3" WIDE, 6'-7" DEEP PROVIDE (4) 8' dia. X 6' high STORM DRAIN POOLS Nathan Taft Corwin 'll PROP. GARAGE 780 sq. ft. 5. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR POOL HOUSE IS PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 6' DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: PROP. POOL HOUSE 612 sq. ft. 0.9% 1 POOL; 4' DEEP, 8' dia. Land Surveyor PROPOSED POOL HOUSE: 612 scu.q. ff PROP. POOL & HOT TUB 1,072 sq. ft. 1.5% PROPOSED FUTURE 50% EXPANSION POOL 612 sq. ft. X 0.17 = .5 vert ft. 104 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 2.5 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required EXIST. WOOD DECKS, 311 sq. ft. 0.4% ® PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 4' DEEP LEACHING POOL PROVIDE (8' DI . X X 3' high STORM DRAIN POOLS STEPS & LANDING PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 3' DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: (D Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. L.S. Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. PROP. POOL PATIO 2,068 sq. ft. 2.9% ® PROPOSED 1,000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK CONCRETE DRIVEWAY: 612 sq. it. Title Surveys - Subdivisions - Site Plans - Construction Layout 6. THE LOCATION OF WELLS, CESSPOOLS & WATERLINES SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD 3,800 sq. ft. X 0.17 = 646 cu. ft. ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 5,264 sq. ft. 7.4% OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. 646 cu. ft. / 42.2 = 15.3 vertical ft. of 8' dia. leaching pool required PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 CONIC. DRIVEWAY 3,890 sq. ft. 5.4% 7. EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEMS STRUCTURES SHALL BE PUMPED CLEAN AND EITHER PROVIDE (1) 8' dia. X 16' high STORM DRAIN POOL 0 FFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS REMOVED OR FILLED WITH CLEAN SAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH S.C.D.H.S. STANDARDS. PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 16' DEEP DRYWELL WITH OPEN GRATE FOR DRIVEWAY RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS:OO 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 TOTAL EXIST. & PROP. 19,100 sq. ft. 26.7% Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 36-265