HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-10.-9-5.1 OFFICE LOCATION: o��OF SU(/TMAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 �pQ Telephone: 631 765-1938 Q Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: March 16, 2018 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for MARTHA E. TORRANCE & LUCIE T. TURRENTINE SCTM# 1000-10-9-5.1 J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of MARTHA E. TORRANCE & LUCIE T. TURRENTINE requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a 4'x50'fixed dock; a 4'x20' ramp with railings; and an 8'x16' floating dock. Located: 468 Sterling Street, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000- 10-9-5.1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the below Policy Standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. The following management measures to minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards are suggested. A. Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. 1. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as,practical. a. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. The fixed portion of the proposed dock is within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (CERA) and equals 200' in top surface area. All development is prohibited in the nearshore area pursuant to § 111-11. unless specifically provided for by Chapter 111, COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREAS. Pursuant to § 111-6, allowable or unregulated activities in these areas may include docks built on open timber piles or other similar open work supports with a top surface area of less than 200 square feet OR which are removed in the fall of each year. The 200' top surface area fixed portion of the dock will not be removed each year, therefore, the dock, as proposed, is prohibited in the nearshore area pursuant to Chapter 111, COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREAS as it is equal to 200 square feet and not removable. It is expected that the ramp and float will be removed in the fall of each year. 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. A. Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Southold Town Board of Trustees laws and regulations for all Andros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction 1. Comply with Trustee regulations and recommendations as set forth in Trustee permit conditions. The applicant must demonstrate that the following dock standards pursuant to $ 275-11. Construction and operation standards have been met to meet and further Policy 6.3. (d) Review and approval of dock applications. Before issuing a permit for a dock structure, the Trustees shall consider whether the dock will have any of the following harmful effects: [1] Whether the dock will impair navigation or be located in areas of high vessel traffic or vessel congestion; [2] Whether the dock will unduly interfere with the public use of waterways for swimming, boating, fishing, shellfishing, waterskiing and other water-dependant activities; [3] Whether the dock will unduly interfere with transit by the public along the public beaches or foreshore; [4] Whether the dock will significantly impair the use or value of waterfront property adjacent to or near the dock; [5] Whether the dock will cause degradation of surface water quality and natural resources; [6] Whether the dock will cause habitat fragmentation and loss of significant coastal fish and wildlife habitats; [7] Whether the dock will result in the destruction of or prevent the growth of vegetated wetlands, seagrasses including eelgrass (Zostera marina) and widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) or shellfish; [8] Whether the dock will unduly restrict tidal flow or water circulation; [9] Whether the dock will be safe when constructed; [10] Whether the dock will adversely affect views, viewsheds and vistas important to the community; [11] Whether the cumulative impacts of a residential and commercial dock will change the waterway or the environment and whether alternate design, construction, and location of the dock will minimize cumulative impacts; and [12] Whether adequate facilities are available to boat owners and/or operators for fueling, discharge of waste and rubbish, electrical service and water service. In the event that the action is approved it is recommended that the application be amended to meet the following Chapter 275 regulations. §275-11 Construction and operation standards. A. General. The following standards are required for all operations within the jurisdiction of the Trustees: (2) Erosion control. Installation of an erosion control structure is necessary during any building, grading, landscaping or site work activity within Trustee,jurisdiction. This structure may include, but is not limited to, installation of a silt fence, hay bales, wood chip berm and silt booms. The placement of the erosion control structure(s) shall be determined by the Trustees or their designee. All intertidal construction and excavation requires the installation of a silt boom that will retain all suspended sediments within the immediate project area. Deploy a silt boom during the construction of the dock structure. [3] In order to prevent the release of metals and other contaminants into the wetlands and waters of Southold, the use of lumber treated with chromated copper arsenate (also known as "CCA'), commercial copper quat(CCQ), creosote, penta products or homemade wood preservatives is prohibited for use in sheathing and decking. Similarly, the use of tropical hardwoods is prohibited unless it is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or similar organization. Materials used for structural components shall be determined at the discretion of the Trustees. Minimize the use of CCA treated wood in marine waters. The above will further Policies 5 Protect and improve water quality in the Town of Southold, 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands and Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney EC VE Town of Southold MAR 2 2018 LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM _ Southold Town Planning Board A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAX for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt .minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A pLo oscd action will be evaluated as to its si ii cant beneficial and adverse of ects a on the coastal area which includes all ofSouthold Town . 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thu& each answer must be ex lain6d in detai12 listing both sunnorting and non- sulun. orfina, facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy, standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCR PTION.OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1000 - 010 _ 9 - 5 PROJECT NAME proposed dock The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town.Boa rd 0 Plannin-0-oa:d-0 Building Dept D Bea=d"oMinrstecs + __t 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): �ry (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g, capital construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) �--y Cis) Financial assistance(e.g.graiit,loat-r,subsid=y) td ! (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and-extent of action: Applicant proposes to construct a 4 ' x 50 ' fixed dock, 4' x 20' -ramp with rails and a R ' x 15' float dock Locationofaction: 458 Sterling Street, FisWers Island Site acreage: 0.32 Presentlanduse: Existing single family duelling Present zoning classification: R-40 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:, Martha R. Torrance & Lucie T. Tttrrentine (b) Mailing address: 452 Ledge Road Seekonk, MA 02771 (c) Telephone number: Area Coda 401 -263-4343 (d) Application number, if any: iinkno an Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? X 11 Yes EJ No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? N.Y.G.n.R.C. ,N.Y,S,n,o.S. U.,13. C.0.P. C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DE VELOPED CQAS`I'POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LNW Section III-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The ro o ed{ roj!gct ghoUld have n.Q im act u on the character of the community. It is felt that this project is consistent this with , policy , Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 'A. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LVW Section III-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria 1-=.� Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable 'Phe Drolect shall have no impact upon any historic or archaeoloqj,.ceal esourc�e t J s --i Attaell addid011ai Sheets-ffindcessal)" Poky 3. Enhance visu.)I quathy and protect :�rentc resources throughout thie, Tmim of Southold. See P29es 6:Ilarn)ug :51h -ar_e n1mw0cm. crkerm NQ Nrat Applizablia 1..,,,_] des !_ The -project will have no 2'.In nor impact thea_t_ Attach addidimaj Oel.rs ffneccsszm,' INIWYYR�,'AL COAST POLICMS FOUCY 4. Nlimimmf_' In of lffe� -emd nmta.-imrg, logdiing and eresion. vee LIAR Section U1—IDofleles Pages 8 through 16 for Yes L-2 No Not Appiimble The c-ce.he-ra t r-d j_ -.Cauz --a— Oss of. publilL�cra-.a�_ proIect is cons-L--tent- -,,;-ith this policy A Ra c h a 41d 11 cli.3 1 z'h Cz ES 11 el-I:3S-- Policy $. Protect-. and IlImprove.w-g-g'MT, qual, an-d M.See I' .x.'4..3. seefi'm [H Aty in qlhe� TO-vvn of S F'Olkles Pages '16 thrGugh."71 for e.."'all"aflork ertlbnrla I r7771 F71 j Yes I I iNfo L---�_N,&t.Appficnble The project will ha­e no negqC * -r-S upon the auaI_It__IIQf__ or araiect, is ster �:U�i b a --v Al-mch,additional sbects if necussary Policy 6. Proteed and ressfore the uallay and funotio-a ,41 the Town of Southold ecusystems ehiding, StgniflearaCoast-ai'Fich and "'N'TRIM11-6 =d IALVY-Rp S- ..'c through 32 for e-valuail". Criteria. :76s NO T�l o'I -i Lp p.'K,ca b-12 0 7- 4 -s upon -he quality o- The project --,hal I have no negat impact ------- Coast-al Fish am�d T.11iLdlife Habitats , it is ffilt ,lh-- t �-his -oro-*Leq*- is consistent with t1i D! 1 addidon-J shief-ells if-::'.Cccssary see�!O.a Ulu 1poyides L--mm"rh " -- fur -'t: L--j '�Ile ',W37t�jec-C shall Ina-va no iumjacz uppom air Qualitir . it 141-S felt that i-his project is cons "'-ten't wlt"ll tilis. polic- Ada&addidovmJ shms Unecessam, POUCY 8. YA hilm-,ze -in Twiwu 0��' -L"rom sdld wasz'a d hmznnigums 'mmsm np4es-' and wa-stes, SeeD Lq'-�'-IR2 E'7n"--un lH-7��OUZAM. "Pagp-s 34'..�'hrough M i'hn Li The prol ect does not_tavo kjb e- .13 L-0, C I Lp lj�-p ;a Solla! i,��azsta or "nazardoa�F auts-1--ances ;amd, �vastes, lt i�'i fe'It that this p-roject- is consist.enit- w"v--', th t1nis policy PPAI-cy 9�1 -F rov��Ale fuz, a&bllc aCCPZ--' zm6 zf'�' r-*aOt-Ol?'-n-amrs, pu.bhe- lam'dS, amd;PKWI�P- E3Dlx�s L" ':�S V7 e- d. S -t?�Dm N'llm-'ras, pmg-e�-:''P,ldal-mez;44 S�':-7 Cnraluati"aim" Ell L L I N'i� EeS- 1�NO The p.-olect wIll 1-i-a-ve no J-;-.rprjac 111,00ri gubiic access- to and the recr�5at lora I use 0 f '7_4Dal a tal C�Ubl i c 1--nds C'-- the public resources the Tvm. It is felt that- 'chis proj ect is Consi s tent wit--� t-11-is DO-1-D-CY, 171TORITONTG COA-ST P OOLICIE 8 PaRkay 10. FrDted Southaold-2s llseuz nmd wwomete giviinc sn"aft-able lowt-IOMM. see LA"VIR,2, Sf;,vt--'-OF-M— Plasm"47 ffircaugh .56 for-mlaad"am's utte-wim. U Y.'s Not kmplkablc- The project will have no im-pact uR n Southold' s Wat -f-fpendent uses of 02: water-dependent uses in suitable-jl;scat-i ons I-V is feLt 1-hal-- this proj ect -J*-_s consistent -this Rolicy POT-w-'tir I-VIL HP-rorm-C-te swztaSia bkns-a off h-ving ma'Ane msaureeg in AlLong Island Sound, the Feeotl�c 'SeeLVAGUP U The prol ect -..,v i.11 -:jle, rfQ I M opcz living marine resources . is fell- i-hlisp�oz!vz ('i 3 Ci cons stent- vzi th-t.h-i sipc I j ray kUai,,h add:Ndonal sheds:necessary gT It InE-U: km-tla-a- I -Ing 61, thmugil '65 !or en'.1antlon clmeria. F-I 'Ves M- ELI I�To t A.D The pro _gg.o 40.0 ng,_jM,.r, N7 p I --in rl.c; T ---i that this polio-. is nct ar;pijcabj-= to this Rrolect PX ch addItHoal'al sheets if recossmy PaRey 12". Frompule aryjxvnripate vaef� Of nuwT4 ruar-el intac-mil -rcmwuveescSeeL.WREF St'-'Pddlen M- Pag-os 65.Chlnmsh- IK-q f'---.2-evalul-,.-,wam, Cyk"CrIa. Yea -4j-,P.0 L 1,qo The Droig—ct- does no-Li nvol 1v- e use of or develo2ment of , ,'h. ene�qgy or resolarces. it --'�-s felt that th-' 'Iicv is not applicable to t.-his pro7ect i CSI + J ® I F'-B _ 1 2018 Loar(l \ I � 5 I TE SEE ABUTTERS LEGEND FOR / OWNER INFORMATION J Lu W rn M� G NOTES SCALE: 1"=400' 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED HEREON. ANY EXTENSION OF THE USE BEYOND THE PURPOSED AGREED TO BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE APPLICANT: ENGAGEMENT. MARTHA E. TORRANCE & 2.) IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON, LUCIE T. TORRENTINE UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO 462 LEDGE ROAD ALTER AN ITEM IN ANY WAY. SEEKONK, MA 02771 401-263-4343 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF THE LAND SURVEYOR. 4.) A PORTION OF THE SITE IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE VE ELEVATION 19 PER FIRM (FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP) FOR SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. COMMUNITY NUMBER 36103C, MAP NUMBER 36103CO019H MAP REVISED SEPTEMBER 25, 2009. a , �Jiv,`E d 5.) SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, SECTION 010, BLOCK 9, LOT 5. <1 C' 6.) TOTAL AREA = 0.32t ACRES. ABUTTERS LEG 7 ) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-40 ZONE. 1.) ANN EMMETT 8.) BASE FOR LEVELS: MEAN LOW WATER THE GLOAMINGFISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 2.) KATHERINE H. ARNOLD IRREVOCABLE TRUST R E V I S 1 0 N S 269 THE MEADOWS ENFIELD, CT 06082 PLAN OF PROPOSED DOCK CME ASSOCIATES Engineering, PROPERTY OF MARTHA E. TORRA NCE & Land Surveying &Architecture, PLLC yx," LU C I E T. TO R R ENTI N E dai formerly Chandler,Palmer&King 468 STERLING STREET no 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 101 East River Drive,East Hartford,CT 06108 DATE: 11/20/17 SCALE' AS NOTED SHEET- 1 OF 5 JOB # 2017841 888-291-3227 1 www.cmeengineering.com PILE (TYP) y G oGG� I e ;`_ �0 * \ �\N I.PIN2 "� FEB _ 1 2018 / SURVOY r 22 IN BOULDER t i I o \ CLOSI G p� I (FOUNDX LINE Su=!';hid S,riil 9 HOUSE _ 1 —2.4 N/F \ (� MEAN HIGH '0, KATHERINE H. ARNOLD WATER LINE (MHW) PILE tx ELEV.=2.5 (TYP.) IRREVOCABLE TRUST1U 1 \ -4 s P33 < rn i \ Q'i� 1 4 U \ , 0 �,J � W N _ \ 0_/11 �G �, ' 1 1 / 1 � 117 INTERTIDAL \ / GRASS (TYP.) �—18 EXIST WOOd\(w Q� HOUSE J STEPS TO REMAIN I.PIN APPARENT HIGHIN WATER LINE (AHW)— OUBOULDER �O� ELEV.=3.3 NIF N510 MARTHA ELISE / LIMITS 'G TIDAL WETLANDS TORRANCE NIF AND SHW "0. & ANN EMMETT COASTAL EROSION \ LUCIE TODD.7, .t1 HAZARD LINE—SHEET 47—FI OF 49 o TORRENTINE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE VE of: pig `� FROM FIRM MAP 36103CO019H SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 LEGEND EXISTING CONDITIONS �- <ry ° 0495'Z4 — —12— — EXISTING CONTOUR x —46 EXISTING SPOT GRADE ELEVATION ' 40 20 0 40 R E V I S 1 0 N S GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PLAN OF PROPOSED DOCK CME ASSOCIATES Engineering, OF MARTHAROPERTY E. TORRANCE & ( Land Surveying&Architecture, PLLC LUCIE T. TO R R ENTI N E formerly Chandler,Palmer&King 468 STERLING STREET �� 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 101 East River Drive,East Hartford,CT 06108 DATE: 11/20/17 1 SCALE: 1"= 40' 1 SHEET-2 OF 5 JOB # 2017841 888-291-32271 www.cmeengineering.com PILE l;1 1 (TYP) a �? `,+ , r `Y 0 —02 I s F E Q _ 1 2018 �'� I.PIN / SURVEY f 22 IN BOULDER — — O \ LINE ING (FOUN D i I / 1 PROPOSED NEW DOCK-50' LONG X HOUSE _ 4' WIDE FIXED DOCK, �-2 4 0 20' RAMP W/RAILS & N F I\ /1 MEAN HIGH 8' X 16' FLOAT o 'J KATHERINE H. ARNOLD tx o WATER 2LI E (MHW) NEW PILE PILE TYP IRREVOCABLE TRUST Ln 1=1 c\ (2) \\ -A--4 6) POLE ^/ 433 F' j rn P I (el 11)O 1 1 \ o �O kti `N N Go 1 I 1l �� /\ 0 W \\ + m 117 INTERTIDAL \ GRASS (TYP.) —188 \ 'S \/\/\2 EXIST WOOd C/11 STEPS TO HOUSE/ REMAIN \ I.PIN APPARENT HIGHIN WATER LINE (AHW) (FOUND) U D)ER ,LOQ ELEV.=3.3 NSF 1�1t,0 MARTHA ELISE / LIMITS 'G TIDAL WETLANDS s, OP� TORRANCE NIF AND SHW S�%Lt of KEW?Q�� ANN EMMETT COASTALHAZARD EROS IO�- &' L NE 0 D H EET G�Pao �;Q. LUCIE TODD 47-FI OF 49 Q�' G� o !y TORR TINE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF >d FLOOD ZONE VE 11 5 FROM FIRM MAP 36103CO019H SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 �sF 4'Sg NO 0 p60' \�a44q; LEGEND o�AflFESSI50 — 4 — — EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED DOCK x -46 EXISTING SPOT GRADE ELEVATION 0 NEW PILE LOCATION 40 20 0 40 R E V I S I O N S iiiiiii GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PLAN OF PROPOSED DOCK CME ASSOCIATES Engineering, PROPERTY OF / MARTHA E. TORRANCE & f/9071 Land Surveying&Architecture, PLLC LUCIE T. TORRENTINE -� formerly Chandler,Palmer&King 468 STERLING STREET �� 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 101 East River Drive,East Hartford,CT 06108 DATE: 11/20/17 SCALE: 1"= 40' SHEET:3 OF 5 JOB # 2017841 888-291-3227 1 www.cmeengineering.com y- k it —'r r_ 'd FEB _ 1 2018 ` 3 i d L NOTE: ALL PILES & PROPOSED PROPOSED FRAME MATERIAL NEW DOCK-50' LONG X RAMP TO BE CCA TIMBER— 4' WIDE FIXED DOCK, DECKING TO BE 20' RAMP W/RAILS & 12" DIA. DOUGLAS FIR 8' X 16' FLOAT— PILE (SEE DETAIL—SHEET 5) PROPOSED 8' X 16' FLOAT INTERTIDAL 16 I 1GRASSI f 16 12 ——_—� _+- -- �__ _+— 12 8 SHW=3.5± 4 4 AHW=3.3 MHW=2.5 0 — —�— — — �_ �—r— '— ' _ f_^ i— O MLW —4 u> IIIIIIlIIIlIIIiI II IIIIII IIIIII nI IIl Il III r rddi I II —4 CNl EXIS ING� RA N o G i IIII II II II II II II II 0+00 1+00 PROPOSED DOCK PROFILE af UES o� c .SrRO G 1� NO PROFILE ' SCALE HORZ: 1"=20' VERT: 1"=20' R E V I S 1 0 N S PLAN OF PROPOSED DOCK Oro- CME ASSOCIATES Engineering, PROPERTY OF MARTHA E. TORRANCE & Land Surveying &Architecture, PLLC LUCIE T. TORRENTINE formerly Chandler,Palmer&King 468 STERLING STREET �� 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 101 East River Drive,East Hartford,CT 06108 DATE: 11/20/17 1 SCALE.AS NOTED SHEET:4 OF 5 JOB # 2017841 888-291-32271 www.cmeengineering.com 7 WOOD PILE (TYP) r 2018 F- z STRINGER LJ CROSS MEMBER :+1 0 LLJ DECKING Bow"11f Z LLI 10'± (TYP) L& I" SPACE (TYP) ;1-- CENTER TO CENTER PLAN VIEW— 4' WIDE DOCK WITH 2" X 8" DECKING NOT TO SCALE 1',"�'-FjF FEBE B 12" DIA x 8" DECKING 12" DIA PILING PILING ELEV VARIES II Y x 10" STRINGER I II ELEV VARIES SII til 3" x 8" SPLIT CLAMP M H W II M H W M.L W 3" x 8" CROSS BRACE—" 5'± M L W. ,-CENTER TO CENTER NEW PILES CROSS SECTION 10 FT MINUMUM SIDE VIEW OE 0 4' WIDE FIXED DOCK WITH 2" X 8" DECKING FL NOT TO SCALE 81 16' DECKING DECKING (TYP) rlzz�i F`Z�Z-�I r rlz:z�l rl-�7 0 STRINGERS (TYP) MHW FLOATM MHW FLOAT MHW < EXISTING GRADE EXISTING GRADE END VIEW SIDE VIEW TYPICAL FLOATING DOCK NOT, TO SCALE REVISIONS DETAILS -T----F- I PLAN OF PROPOSED DOCK 05p- CME ASSOCIATES Engineering, PROPERTY OF plav-1 MARTHA E. TORRANCE & 77, Land Surveying &Architecture' PLLC: LUCIE T. TORRIENTINE formerly Chandler,Palmer&King 468 STERLING STREET33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK CME 101 East River Drive, East Hartford,CT 06108 [DATE. 11/20/17 1 SCALE: NONE I SHEET:5 OF 5 JOB # 20178411 888-291-32271 www.cmeengineering.com PILE (TYP)� —3.1 -o.z � 'Q I•PIN /I SURVEY 2.2 IN 60ULf�ER CLOSING 0 �\ (FOUND LINE HOUSE _ N/F \ I� % MEAN HIGH o KATHERINE H. ARNOLD ��°c� I ��'I ELEV. 5E (MHw) PILE IRREVOCABLE TRUST N� I N _� L (4.6) POLE C�11© �O prL `N O i l J r\ 00 W N \ O—� �O ��� 1 1 1 / 1 � 117 INTERTIDAL +� 3 OGRASS (TYP.) EXIST. W00 q4w OCG \ \� HOUSE STEPS TO I.PIN APPARENT HIGH 1 2�vA WATER UNE (AHW) �13ODULDER ��p$ ELEV.=3.3 N/F 1 NNo� \ MARTHA ELISE / LIMITS OF 'L TIDAL WETLANDS sem. c TORRANCE N F AND SHW . & ANN EMMETT COASTAL EROSION 1,z._ L UCI E TODD s1 HAZARD LINE—SHEET 47—FI OF 49 TORRENTI NE +'�`' APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF :�',.; Of- �,� FLOOD ZONE VE as . S FROM FIRM MAP 0 �3w ''; � 36103COD19H ,< SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 i` cn r EXISTING CONDITIONS LEGEND — —12— — EXISTING CONTOUR x —46 EXISTING SPOT GRADE ELEVATION t221 i-+- 40 20 0 40 R E V I S I O N S GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET PLAN OF PROPERTY ED DOCK CME ASSOCIATES Engineering, MARTHA E. TORRANCE & � Land Surveying&Architecture, PLLC LUCIE T. TORRENTINE " ` f formerly Chandler,Palmer&King 468 STERLING STREET �� 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 101 East River Drive,East Hartford,CT 06108 DATE: 11/20/171 SCALE: 1"= 40' SHEET:2 OF 5 JOB # 2017841 888-291-3227 1 www.cmeengineering.com 1. 4 � ♦ � ! µ r t r 1 I 11 � 3 S `..i?..W t�-4-".-.f � Y� 1 r�, fi ..• t y.� PR J •rY L..•»y a q - } + 40, IL AW Now a r %47�" - �`� .y`��� ��. 1� t,.�.•moo T w ,a,�r �-�'� r - .Al �t r M .. 34• �� �" • . 'a fAIR� y 7; , r -� ,i • • + , �� - ... +,v.`w*� rte; '•9iMrw�d......,,�,�y».. 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