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OFFICE LOCATION: tiov so 0. MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) CA? �c Southold, NY 11971 �pQ Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 I'm T11 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: March 15, 2018 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for KACE LI, LLC, c/o MICHAEL KONTOKOSTA SCTM# 1000-40-3-1 L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. on behalf of KACE LI, LLC, c/o MICHAEL KONTOKOSTA requests an Administrative Permit to conduct minor construction activities within 100' from the landward edge of t4e wetlands for the construction of a 50-unit affordable housing development with a community building, communal play & recreation areas, on-site parking lots, and various rain garde n/sto rmwater retention areas for'drainage; and to install and maintain throughout all construction a line of staked hay bales and/or silt fencing to be installed no closer than 100'from the landward edge of wetlands. Located: 825 North Road, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-40-3-1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following is considered: 1. Verify that the 75'-100' wide wetland buffer will remain in a natural state. 2. Reference the wetland buffer as a natural vegetated buffer in any permit. Chapter 268 Waterfront Consistency Review defines a natural vegetated buffer as: NATURAL VEGETATED BUFFER-A land area of a certain length and width where existing vegetation occurs prior to the commencement of any grading or clearing activity. Vegetation shall be maintained to achieve a minimum percentage of ground cover of 95%. To achieve the percentage of ground cover, indigenous, drought-tolerant vegetation shall be planted. Survival of planted vegetation shall be 90% for a period of three years. Maintenance activities within the buffer are limited to removing vegetation which is hazardous to life and property, trimming tree limbs up to a height of 15 feet to maintain viewsheds, replanting of vegetation and establishing a four-foot-wide access path constructed of pervious material for access to the water-body. (Added 12-15-2009 by L.L. No. 15-20091 I, Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney Town of So I ____03\5 ��ti W- OIVSISTENCY ASSESSIi�IENT FORM P1�at•�ri� / A. INSTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agen f ies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Wate ont Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information use by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exe pt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal osion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepare of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy ontained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed actio will be evaluated as to its sigAificant beneficial and adverse effects a on the coastal area whit includes all of Southold Toum . 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered " es" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards d conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thais each :answer must be ex haired i detail, listing both supporting :and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as co sistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldt wn.northfork.net), the Board of T stees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the own Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE ANDD MOPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1000-040.00- 03.00 - 001.000 PROJECT CT NAIYM+, vineyard view The AppRicationn has been submitted to(check appropria� sponse): Town ❑ Planning Board BuildingII�epg. Board of Trustees FX 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ❑ construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance (e.g.grant,loan, subsidy) (c) Permit,approval, license,certification: ❑ Nature and extent of action: Create a 50-unit affordable housing development modelled after a village square,with community budding, communal play&recreation areas, and on-site parking lot while retaining the parcel's characteristic freshwater wetlands and open space—^;;ef the building designs will-be-ffrsptr xisting surrounding community. This development will serve the housing needs of the Town of Southold by adding to the existing minimal housing stock serving the workforce housing needs of the Town J P Location of action: south side of County Road 48(North Road), 1600'+/-of Chapel Lane,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk Site acreage: 17.2 Present land use: vacant Present zoning classification: HD-Hamlet Density 2. if an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Vineyard View, LLC (b) Mailing address: 1000 University Avenue-Suite 500, Rochester, NY 14607 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( ) 585-324-0500 (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes LJ No❑ if yes, which state or federal agency? NYS HCR Affordable Housing Funding, NYSB€GvWPPP C. evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open spaces makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ Ido ❑ Not Applicable See attached additional sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria © Yes ❑ No ❑ Mot Applicable See attached additional sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria © Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable See attached additional sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWFjP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria © Yes ❑ No �] Not Applicable See attacliecL acLditionai sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the 'Town of.Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria © Yes 1:1 No ❑Not Applicable See attached additional sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWIR2 Section III— Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. © F1 ❑ l Yes No Not Applicable See attached additional sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the 'gown of Southold. See LWRP Section III — ]Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable see attacried additional sheets Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy g. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LNVRF Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluatiop criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable See attached additional sheets PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. 4 ❑ Yeo No❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WOIIING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy, 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Dong Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LW1.P Section III-Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWR.P Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ NoF!1 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LV*rRP Section III-Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable PREPARED BY TITLEAssociate DATE L- LJ —ahfe ADDITIONAL SHEETS TO SUPPORT LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. The proposed development is being developed in a manner that is sensitive to the surrounding environs and aesthetically consistent with the agricultural character and traditional architecture present on North Road (CR 48) Every effort is being made to minimize the impact of the development by preserving 3 8 acres of wetlands on-site, as well as an additional 6 2 acres of forested land preserved as open space.. The stormwater collection system will contain green infrastructure elements; containing stormwater generated on-site while preserving existing flow and recharge patterns Policy 2.Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria. No historic or archaeological resources of the Town will be impacted by proposed development The developer is in receipt of a letter dated November 17, 2017 from the NYS Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) verifying this. (Refer to Attached) Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold.See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria. The proposed development is being developed in a manner that is sensitive to the surrounding environs and aesthetically consistent with the agricultural character and traditional architecture present on North Road (CR 48) Over 200' of the existing streetscape will contain undisturbed, natural trees and vegetation The remaining streetscape will resemble an agricultural property, with planted vineyards. Screening trees will be planted to shield on-site parking areas and buildings from view. The community building incorporates features of traditional agricultural barns; the multi-family dwellings will be designed in a scale and style reminiscent of historic, single family homes with features like front porches to enhance the sense of community. The height of the buildings will,not exceed 21', and they will be located below the grade of the existing roadway, thus being in harmony with the existing character of North Road Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria. The proposed development is not in a FEMA-designated flood plain The proposed stormwater management control plan will feature protections from flooding and erosion control. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold.See LWRP Section III- Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria. The proposed development will be served by public water supply provided by the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA). SCWA has issued a letter indicating that they are able to supply the needs of development with no adverse impacts to water supply Construction activity and stormwater control Prepared by I K McLean Assonates,PC Page 1 of'3 on-site will be conducted in accordance with appropriate New York State General Permits which ensure protections to the water supply. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Over 50% of the wildlife habitat existing on-site will be preserved by the development proposal at- hand As this voluntarily exceeds regulatory,guidelines, this proposal will have less impact on Town ecosystems than the maximum permitted use of the property Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III- Policies Pages 32 through for evaluation criteria. Construction will adhere to all regulations in air quality control, to prevent disruption to surrounding neighbors and areas. There will be no change in air quality after construction. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. There will be no hazardous waste generated by the proposed facility Solid waste generated by 50 residential households can easily be handled by available Town and private sanitation facilities, and will be an insignificant increase compared to the amount of solid waste currently generated within the Town. Sanitary wastewater will be directed to the Village of Greenport Sewage Treatment Plant. Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Not applicable. Policy 10. -Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Not applicable Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Not applicable The site does not contain any marine habitats Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III- Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Not applicable Prepared by L K McLean Assonates,P C Page 2 of 3 Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. The proposed development will seek LEED Certification, and thus be energy efficient Prepared by L K McLean Associates,P C Page 3 of 3 :a:,:itu. := " ,sa"M -'' r! ,v,womoFsnrrr"ixn`are' F`i . PNOFE3[tY.tIdIA1= r--„= �", -^"�^'fzf ';--`;x�:"'' �;t«:.t; r✓;" 1"°.v'�.. 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'a'�"MY"`F Fi'`k�-ee "�+.si�j""""^`9ii✓ s�,.— _..r.ee , r —___ SITE DATA TABLE WETLANDS LEGEND LANDSCAPED PARKING AREAS DWELLING UNIT SUMMARY AND PARKING CALCULATIONS PARCEL SCTM 1000-040.00-03.00-001.000 (in accordance with§280-95) NUMBER QUANTITY MIN.LIVABLE MIN. MAX. PARKING PARKING ZONING:HD(HAMLET DENSITY) L FLAGGED WETLANDS Lot# #of Interior Interior Street Street OF PROVIDED AREA REQUIRED LIVABLE LIVABLE REQ'D PROV'D TOTAL SITE AREA:17.2 acres(749,232 sf) BEDROOMS (SQ. FT.) AREA AREA BUILDABLE LAND AS DEFINED PER 280-4:13.4 acres(583,704 sf) (EXCLUDES WETLANDS) ' . �3 (OF OCTOBER 17, 2017) stalls Landscaping Landscaping Trees Trees (280-23 PROVIDED PROVIDEDZ Citation Description Required Provided Required (sf) Provided Required Provided ATTACHMENT (SQ. FT.) (SQ. FT.) 280-22.A. Permitted Use Multiple Dwellings Multiple Dwellings (stalls X 10sf) (stalls/ p g p 3) 280-23{Attachment 3) Lot size{square feet) 20,000 583,704(13.4 PROPOSED WETLAND 10sf) 1BR 14 16001 714 794 x1.5=21 21 acres) BUFFER LIMITS I 37 370 403 3.7, say 4 4 2 BR_ 22 650 _ 868 973 X2.0=44_ 44 { ) (feet) /- 1 280-23(Attachment 3) Lot width feet 75 280+ II 21 210 578 2.1, say 3 3 3 BR 14 6501 1181 1264 X2.25=31.5 32 (width of buildable land) �;;..:::;,: �. ,.,. ,/�„�.- .;..;.. -;,'.;:;,;r;:. <,.r:; ,.;<'�; 280-23{Attachment 3) Lot depth(feet) 120 690+/- III ,,,,,,,..., . ,..,. 39 390 885 3.9 say 4 5 COMM. - plus 7 (depth y ;..�i,. ./,�,.,;, ���';;' •.r" '�'a,/ � 7, p (d uildable land) -' ;5,, Front and feet 35 81.1 SITE LEGEND: Total 97 97C 186+r 11 12 BLDG. %!;- !' `''- <: `>x' -- " - ,ti landbanked 280 23{Attachment 3) y (feet) ,,..;a `;w•r'y':9'-^'rn:r'+rn.4 , ,.ny,. :K;•t+r•rV-a,»+:��C-..rsi.,i-Tr'm Q , "tat �,-- e=+, 280-23(Attachment 3) Side yard(feet) 15 102+/- 0 r r PROPERTY LINE TOTAL 50n1 ;s 97 111, incl. 280 23(Attachment 3) Both side yards(feet) 30 383+/- PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 280 23 Attachment 3 Rear Yard feet 35 402+ - UNITS - , :, ;..,, . M, - . '.' landbanked { ) (feet) / I 280-23{Attachment 3) Maximum Lot Coverage 25 5.9 EXISTING WOOD LINE 35' SETBACK LIMITS FROM PROPERTY Per Note 2 in 280-23 Attachment 3, one-bedroom units may have 600 square feet minimum; (%) (building 325 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppauge, New York LINE LIMITS OF RAIN minimum floor area of all units maybe reduced up to 200sf for moderate-and/or lower-cost area/buildable!and) 11788 PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS j GARDEN / dwellings. 280-23(Attachment 3) Building Height(feet) 35 21 Phone 631 3001010 STORMWATER 2Per 280-137.A.(7)(b)At least 50%of the total number of units proposed must not be larger than 1,200 280-23(Attachment 3) Number of stories 2.5 2 PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB RETENTION AREA square feet livable floor area 275 Wetlands setback 100' 110' owner/developer: W Qj 280-78C Parking Stall Size 9'49' 9'x20' CONIFER REALY LLC x PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE �a' 280-107 Building Length 125'max 116'max 83 E. Main Street,Suite 60 Rochester, New York 146044 PROPOSED STORM WAT LIMITS OF/ trj 280-107 Building Separation 2x max height 42(2x max height PROPOSED 10' (OPEN SPACEx - 5<0'- TREATMENT SYSTEM BIO-SV1(A'LE / !` of 21) BUFFER LINE ! „ 1 STOR 'WATER 280-107 Accessory Building 20' 23.1 Site/Civil Consultant 0NTION AR Separation LIMITS OF 10' OPEN PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLUSH `2° SPACE SETBACK 280-137.A.(6)(Attachment Minimum Open Space°/D, 30% 46.9% i I ;;'' -' LIMITS OF 100' WETLANDS INLET (TYP.) 15-39 acre site ((10o'bufferarea- `"o 4u BUFFER o " land) PROPOSED CATCH BASIN iN OPEN SPACE PROVIDED \ I OPEN) ' land)wetlas)/buildable O 280-137.A,(6)(Attachment Minimum Buffer(feet), 25100, PROPOSED ir' t 15-39 acre site (from wetlands) NUMBER OF PARKING STALLS I ( t 2b O o „� 280-137.A.(6)(Attachment Minimum Open Space 10' 10' 7. 6) Setback(feet) �' 1 0 L K MCL.EAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. PROPOSED ADA HANDICAP C.�' t.:, 2. ( `1 f '"" 280-78D Entrance/Exit Grades Does not exceed 6% Does not exceed 6!% ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL t within 2s'ofstreet within 25'ofstreelt t 2 PAVER STRIP LONG ISLAND, NY LAWN line nor 10%at any line nor 10%D at an)y 437 SOUTH COUNTRY RD., ! C'lc I ry -- i BLDG.1 O FOR VEHICLE other point other point Bel 631286.8668 NEW YORK 11719 PROPOSED ADA HANDICAP c�p;,:v' 11,, "1► I --t- 117.5 . r , _ ____._. _ ___-CL I �� l I ) (TYPE Cj OVERHANG (TYP.) 280-105 Fence,walls or berm 4 4 max. rnvl�nw rwvr< GVr111VIV *;-; BENCH (TYP. height in feet-front yard t o LIMITS OF 75 ' r s or berm 6.5 ' lit, s1 280-105 WET>NDS BUFFERPROPOSED ELECTRIC os{ 14 height n feet- td and /rtonng walls, Tm A A I t-r /l r11 I r-rl (TYP. PROPOSED TELEPHONE LINE u rear yards No perimeter _ _ ......______ fencing 17.jDUMPSTER PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE 280 117 Freestanding Outdoor 14 14 VINEYARD VIEW 9 (TYP.) Lighting Fixtures-height NORTH ROAD "73.5' in fw PROPOSED STREET TREE ; O i j',;. MP' j g ,i Ot; ;� x leveletabove round TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11939 LIMITS OF 10' OPEN SURFACE LEGEND: _ ' SPACE SETBACK ' ( r,.. „ s �2p TYP. �I} BUILDING PROPOSED ASPHALT _,._<:_, " .. `I ( ) LIMI MAX. MAX. LIVABLE BUILDING _ - <. ... .._-._-._ _: _._...,__ PE UMBER TS OF RAIIN -^�Ac � ID TY N MAX PAVEMENT �� � :s NO. H EA(SQ AREA � ; GARDEN ' , ( � „ „,� �---, STORMWATER �.�" ,w. , IN RD VIEW SIGN, X4.0 RE(XD PROVIDED (FT.) FT.) (SQ. )3,a / _i � ,, LENGTH LENGTH WIDTH AR z i (, «..- 'z ?/ �. SEE, OTE 8 (TYP.)! (FT.) (FT.) RETENTION AREA Q FT r PROPOSED CONCRETE PAD, SIDEWALK y < =s : . � 16R 26R SBR D; K,, BLDG.2 Oa7 10' X 1 1 C 6 2 2 1 115' 8,727 6,022 / ` I PE B DUMPSTER 2 B 4 4 2 125' 117' S4' 8,996 / " OR PATIO 5.0 - I '"' ZV; INEYARq ) MAINTENANCE , :>; 17 ,1, ' $' BENCH (TYP.) (TYP.) SHED 6,161 `' i PROPOSED BUILDING O y'' (` i TRASH RECEPTACLE (TYP.) "".. 3 B 4 4 2 125' 11T 54 8,996 6,161 F111 ) c "o r d i 4 A 0 4 1 125' 63 50, 5,028 I l i3,123 -' ' I O ` DU 5 A 0 4 1 125' 63' 50' 5,028 3,123 PROPOSED LAWN AREA MPSTER z -' .ry .:: _..._......_,_........ _. _. " _. ° `... ;- �. a z 3 1zs' 74' so' 5,591 a 3,657 D 0 %5 _. :..... i j / _-.... . .`ti.Q_ 27 0-„. -J I,, �. w tau its 57 3 5 36 P^•' O' 7 D 0 2 125' 74 50 ,591 T cT> 4 O .g 1s0 01b O .scomm. 2,6 0 9 O 3a 8 COM r tr ( �� i 5 q BLDG. PROPOSED V � _..__..--' conifer"EGETATED AREA I :> ; m.�.. , FLAGPk�* I'' : .....,.,..,,». ,,,.. ♦ , 100 DEVELOPMENT.CONSTRUCTION k MANAGEMENT OLE O.f3�^��" � D E MAINT. pFAI ESTATE DEVEIO , '5 I n, WITH _. , O 1 °�. LIMITS OF RAIN SHED _ PROPOSED RIP RAP w •,. I , . _. . ,�,.. . � -• - -<._.� SEATING µ ' mow, al •s. ~ - u o ' '' GARDEN / { � 1 _ - 47 957 F- 34 653 TOTALS 14 22 14 1 1, i Sao „„,,, STORMWATER PROPOSED STORMWATER ) O`'' �' d ;i 1 _ 'i. ' 24.0'" a{; 1, l o I RETENTION AREA 'All dimensions have been rounded up to the nearest whole foot. Se ti 3 ti RAINGARDEN OR BIOSWALE " ) -=- ;r VILLAGE,O O O BLDG.3 I w i i T �' `" ZDefined per 280-137.A.(d) I , . SQUARE -- 1 5,(.}'... O, i 60 !(j•{�' 19 y I: %O o (TYPE B) O j �5• C ' •' 3 Per 280-137.A.(7)(c)Total building area,for the purpose of this section,is the cumulative amount ofe I ; . ^o. \ : h VINEYARD - r -� 1 I._ TYPE A �' ( �3 i livable floor area,as defined below,of all dwellings. Total building area does not include clubhouse or u ' PROPOSED CONCRETE I \ � 0 0 24.CT' 1 FLATWORK f7` . F wN I I 4:, �o t I I d� a � � � 37 a'i O � ± I ( ) 1 'i I {j ( „ w"""" similar amenities structures. ADA' L °J ii' ` l 1Q o`, 11 ' t39.5 . LIMITS OF 75 -- i \.. 1 „" ""` BLDG.s 3Defined per 280-4 � u ` l i HANDICAP r^ r (TYPE ) DS BUFFER < 53 PROPOSED CONCRETE IA 3M TRASH �' c I r ARTIFICIAL 1 i (n'p 3 # E i Tl,1iYlE Ul;.o E'9 ^< 9 I i PAVERS " RECEPTABLE L J L_� ,1 TURF I # o,` "87 i ._..._ j !° 70 / TYP X - ao !Cls i j ,...- z r i A 40 ;" PROPOSED PLAYGROUND _' :10 I o L..... X00 I 2 PAVER STRIP FOR' � -' "`' 0 F)I i -A ;� sa, o ` s / TILE '` ../ ;o z 0 j ------ VEHICLE OVERHANG --� t .r` 1 '` AILBOXES issued PROPOSED ARTIFICIAL TURF M <'" MATCHLINE A ��`� 4' ""y ' '` ed date description I ( (TYP.) r s y .` 3 ' ORNAM NTA c 1 : ' ,I i '"iel 3 f,6 L."i ± RABIKE CKS (TYP) MAILBOXES l; µ € �I J 2/23/2018 TOWN SITE PLAN SUBMISSION r T 1 $ '` „ FENCE I I I � ' i COMMUNITY / .,. _.............__-,.,..,,..,.._.. _.. _,...... „......,....„.._._ _.. _ ;,. �'�` l_, EN PROPOSED PERGOLA / _ __. .. t s i I ;: �..�, CENTER& �_ _... . _ �._.... _ HANCIIC �.i "A ,t .„..,, „" � MIT ' Lr 1.J i $ �� _ LEASING 1 ...._. .............. .__.. ._52 `.; '�+�1--'--' RAMPAt�" r'/ „4 '/ „� �- SETBACK ! I I p � SPACE 1 t. N 7'-ANI cD PA K`NG Ia I OFFICE f ! " i (TYP.) _..._._. _ � Lr .:.r� I i � ................ .�. , � TYP. 1 ' „ 81.1'. M' ,°•, 5. ... 1U ( t O, Jr SBLDG.7 r i i I (TYPE ) : TREET , w r vT TREE, a ?. ;,�� 54. 3 SEE ' a ��� ; .:„ 1 o OTE 9 �,, 9 I _. 15.0't % , BLDG.S (TYPE A) ; ' 3 r pp I ' issued date description j 0 t LIMITS OF RAIN ( t.„._.a. 1 tri I , a S.C}' GARDEN / '� I , Q '�lr ' o , �6 l + STORMWATER 0 20.0' } l N p, 1 P 1 ; +� y ca RETENTION AREA 1#c . csi .,,„„ (TYP a a i , ,._... LIMITS OF . .. .. ,., .. _, - ):r LIMITS OF 100' WETLANDS ? 8. ~ p� BIO-SWALE / ,<. ( j ~ -,_.._.._,..........,_......,, STORMWATER S4 SKIo 2 � i BUFFER/ i �I RETENTION AREA r A - t` (1YP) SPACE PROVIDED I I LIMITS OF/1 OPE �� s20 SANITARY PUMP LL- SPACE S CK 2' PAVER STRIP FOR STATION , Q of g (YP•) VEHICLE OVERHANG o i ` E STING TREED ,.. DUMPSTER ~°" -'„ AR� TO REMAIN y ,' (IYP.) �`" WETLANDS BUFFER APPROVED BY cn LIMITS OF RAIN r, LIMITS OF 75 O I V NDISTURBEQ GARDEN / I / ( STORMWATER I ""' _ ` (TYP.) BOARD OF TRUST N RETENTION AREA , , ♦ ( EES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD title 3 ( . LIMITS OF RAIN RDEN Q I i ✓ fl� I DATE RETENTION AREA 1 35' SETBACK LIMITS �J ) _ � SITE PLAN F 41 PROPERTY LINE . 1' o W / Z LIMITS OF RAIN GARDEN U_ SITE PLAN NOTES: STORMWATER 1. BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO LIBER 11957 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 433. /\ Q "J RETENTION AREA PLAN KEY rn 2. THIS MAP ASSUMES THE AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SEWER AND WATER U) FACILITIES. ZONING REQUIREMENTS ARE RECOGNIZED BASED ON THIS / o U ,..._.. drawn by: LMY ASSUMPTION. L•`. / 3. SITE MASTER PLAN & BUILDING LAYOUTS FROM BY BEATTY, HARVEY, o COCO ARCHITECTS, NOVEMBER 2017. �; }--'� OCTOBER 1 7, 201 7, f checked by: CFD p 4. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY FROM FIELD SURVEY OF NOV. 13, 2017 BY L.K. / FRESHWATER WETLANDS, � co MCLENASSOC.. P.C. BY GARY GENTILE OF LKMA scale: AS NOTED 0 5. PLAYGGROUNDUND DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH E SECTION 1.02.01.C.6 OF THE NEW YORK STATE HOMES AND COMMUNITY o RENEWAL DESIGN HANDBOOK. project number: 17106.000 M 6. ALL PLANTINGS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NYSDEC AND AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS REGULATIONS CONCERNING INVASIVE SPECIES. , o :2 7. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE INDIGENOUS OR NON-INVASIVE TO THE LL_ CLIMATE AND AREA, NON-POISONOUS, AND BE SELECTED TO MINIMIZE sheet number WATER USAGE AND MAXIMIZE ENERGY EFFICIENCY. r 00 r_ 8. PLANTS TO BE DRAUGHT-RESISTANCE AND DEER-RESISTANT TO THE ' 0 100 200 "�U THE EDUCATION LAW E N YORK .- x s"T•boy: x i,'. MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE -' - 0 9. VINEYARD VIEW SIGN DESIGNED, LOCATED AND SIZED IN ACCORDANCE. H EDUC OF THE STAT OF NEW _ Feet PROHIBITS ANY PERSON FROM ALTERING ANYTHING li• I WITH TOWN CODE - , IN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR THE ACCOMPANYING V •� 1 ' OFEAIFL CATIONS, UNLESS ITS NSED PROFESSIONAL DER THE ENGINEER,DIRECTION 1 �; N +, 10. STREET TREES SETBACK MIN. 5' FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY. QUANTITY AND SCALE: 1 =50 SUCH ALTERATIONS ARE MADE, THE PROFESSIONAL Si .' ENGINEER MUST SIGN, SEAL, DATE AND DESCRIBE i FEB 2 3 c- J -0 SPECIES TO IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN CODE AND AS DIRECTED BY THE FULL EXTENT OF THE ALTERATION ON THE I I THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. U_ % 11. ALL STREET TREES SPECIES WILL BE WIRE-FRIENDLY (NS IED.ALAW SECTION 7209-2) c `' �� a 50' MIN. SITE PLAN DATA: r I„ BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP - ' 3 ` LIMITS OF BIO-SWALE - SEDIMENT ON SITE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER...............CONIFER REALTY, LLC 18'-O"MAX• a to C. �c. / STORMWATER �y 7'' HAY BAIL AND/OR lav RETENTION AREA �-" - � PROPERTY ADDRESS...........................ROUTE 48, GREENPORT, NY 11944 ``:t Y: ;;. t.r•.). . ( ; ' ' { T - . _ 0_ SILT FENCING rel' rt' P .t...:.h:_ i f av / S.C.T.M. NO.......................................1000-40-03-01 G E ..r': `°`,� -•'•t;- ._.�„ I,. `_i Lia w r / RAD .:,)': ti ' .{ .. .tr TOTAL SITE AREA...............................17.20 Aa .�r. F 'r';._'. �<',; ':"•.t.. ::,. ..:"• >"' z �� LIMITS OF RAIN w aF ti.. '.,.' �.. - .. yam;" ,:;. ~, w:,° � �'' µ M„ TOTAL AREA WITHIN CLEARING LIMITS..6.10 Ac, ' ' ., ,»r ; - I w GARDEN / ) aF aF �V , a .,.. � �k IN. STORMWATER ^ f M , 1 •A �k RETENTION R 6 z iAREA r= � r � i a z � ,1/10* O 3 f b 1 'y I ti O 'E / " y/ O yw , B , { I `�h S r 3 w LIMITS F � N I „ . d, � 0 100 WETLANDS .::�': � ;1 =E A - 4G ,N � L - W tf, °R BUFFER _ E r p:. °� o I / 1 E � t'': N / < � / REq PERSPECTIVE VIEW OPEN SPACE PROVIDED T a" -% Y- (TYP.) I , I I • w..' 1 r °, /��,. 36" MINIMUM 2 x 2 ° CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE-FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED F"" F E \, ,' , " $ 3/4-STONE BLEND OR N.Y.STATE D.O.T.APPROVED RCA f tr' ! , - FENCE POST FILL 8'(Min.)ABOVE Wireless Boulevard, eW r � _ I— ;- � �- MIn.AB 325 Wir ard, o _ l 11788 York L� ry , / 0, , e' �� /; RAIN � WOVEN WIRE FENCE ., GARDEN/ h LAWN f, 2' PAVER FOR Phone 631 300 1010 JJ (6 x 6 - 10!10 WWF) z PLAN VIEW owner/developer: w, {. STGARDEN/ ✓�. BLDG,1(TYPE C) ` ' C ANG F I RETENTION I ; FIN.FLR.EL.=23.25' 1 '; v (TYP.) FILTER CLOTH .12CONIFER REALY LLC . ` F O ' EI 1 AREA 1 TT NCH 0.` 0•, i't Rochester, New or 14604 BE TYP SCNI `'� S�Op RochMf in SreetYS Suite 6 or..... _.._...,..._.,. _ rv. . � 4 _. . 53 . ............. EMBED FILTER CLOTH G A off........,_., �_ a......_ ._ o.. .......__...__.0. r Site/CivilConsultant J ° MIN. 6" INTO GROUND z R 0 A D DI/,. P1D'' ( DUMPSTER „I#I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE-FOUNDATION OF COMPACTED (TYP-) 3/4"STONE BLEND OR N.Y.STATE D.O.T.APPROVED R.CA , �O HAY BNL AND/OR FILL T01 8"(M...)ABOVE EXISTING GRADE FOR DRAINAGE ` r.......... 4„ NP' �' 4' - SILT FENCING # i i 4 -_ • ' �° NOTE: CROSS SECTION MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 1/2 ACRE / 100 LINEAR FEET 2 't LIMITS '` # , TGARDENI/ � SECTION DETAIL 2'-3' HT. RETAINING STORMWATER ` P.C. 0 28 N 1 ° � - - WALLS (TYP.) RETENTION AREA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE L. M O 31 L....,. : ._.,.i I I TP-9 ISLAND, NY SILT FENCE DETAILS 4337GSOUTH COUNTRY RD., BLDG.2(TYPE 8) 10' X 10' SCALE:NTS s, BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 J ) t SCALE:NTS oma,,, FIN.FLR.EL.=23.25' MAINTENANCE ?-•-- SITE LEGEND: Tel: 631.286.8668 VINEY SHED T �. BENCH (TYP.) , ,,, - TRASH RECEPTACLE (TYP.) DUMPSTER ` PROPERTY LINE CONSTRU(TON c; ! j DUMPSTER - ; t ENTRANCE / (TYP-) W - 0 10 PROPOSED CONTOUR I :a ;,.,. \ ,.,_ .j.. ,\ R ° /O VINEYARD VIEW I .., ' 025 1 ., o � ',3 `O . . ,... 'RFL. , ( C 0, 3G<"" i / SVA FN! `i o :� ' � <.. rFR: «, I CONTOUR H. I t , EXISTING C N y NORTH ROAD , .., ° �FLAGPOL o3; - / ft, . _ EXISTING WOOD LINE PB TOWN OF SO •",< _ _ �� UTHOLD, N.Y. 11939 WIT o P I m N PLAYGROUND s „ _.. 22 `©, %' LIMITS OF RAI `• SEATING Jj-,• s5. I i ? W3' l `rTP-B I GARDEN / PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB �d N N stj no: •{> o:, �( f }; i STORMWATER RETENTION AREA .) O 9 ., 41 # I_ ' � a-,- r- f.-.,, , G � / �, e...,,,,.,,%/%% � J� t o" I I ,°x ° _ '� � PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE f t0 420 1 „ BLDG. (TYPE j fj t CJ k s / BLDG.3(TYPE B) ( h ( ) I C1 t p y., u t ( 1 L S O O FIN.FLR. vN ARU LAWN © .r.=a- FIN.FLR. f EL._ 3 N j PROPOSED SILT FENCE B-1 1 ff O EL._ N BLDG. (TYPE D) N {r € a` 1 �C7 t.�. i 23_25' O N ti' --� r / �' 23.25' I' , ,. \ I F RING FIN.FLR. O Rql (LIMITS TS O CLEARING) ) ' ADA° I _ a 0-.;: NGARDEN/ ^1 x d I EL.- ST # `,` I 0 ORM HANDICAP r= Wiry z a wS3 R WATER 7. I.3 t F-'^ 7 23.25' ET a. E , I jjj N ` ,`•. I FI r , ^ TRASH RAMP '. O' 1 ONAREq /� E L .I.�l. .I • I __._,W..:T_ _ .. 1 >4 YTF-a ;. \ —o---- PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FENCE , t1. RE�EPTABLE (TYP.) a �. �,',L_ a. ,L , �... w.,....,.., i. o. ;� �' �� g s2 x j , .a 52 2 PAVER STR FOR , , .'.' I / PROPOSED TREE LINE VEHICLE OV RHANG —..`� v.°/ 4 �` o '- r CE (TYP.) 2 / L t s,tl;, I Ta .,� 0 ' a - n r: r,' PROPOSED SILT FEN I \" VC1 INSTALLED AT THE ° PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLUSH _.. #I �_;,_�_ . ----° LIMITS OF CLEARING t MAILB XES _„ .._ _ ................„...,..,,..,_��____...._.. INLETP, ^ �xAILBOXES , % y AS DETAILED (TYP.) '� ORNAMENT 4, { � . [ f, I PROPOSED PROPOSED CATCH BASIN conifer BIKE CK / ' ,° "•-. FENCE TYP. = , �!/ ;..?i ? CONSTRUCTION FENCE SEAL ESTAIE OSYELOIFMENT,CONSTESCT,ON k MA14AGEM90T �\. Lw € ! ,i# UND THE PERIMETER ' e N11 = j S`E HADAA �zNI s r' OFOPROJECT FIN.FLR.EL. 29.0' PROPOSED AP - O NUMBER OF PARKING STALLS / \�' old "'. f , - -_v: ^ / PIC �� P 3�BLDG.7(NP ! m ^. / / O. - r .57b � O•;y �_,_.�.,�. ; FIN.FLR.E / 2g _.. _ /„ i/ seal (�. Cy / I NAR 57; - O- gra,.. ... T.ER RET N'I`f , �.'�. - i i' �I i EL- ,. tJ•- '`a ,,, :'//..'.;" V , - 1 / ' r J Ss, , gl0 SWALE 1 STORMWA l , � ,� •, Int o.• - `,, „/'� ' fE `s• � 2Lzs' r '` j, �>< PROPOSED ADA HANDICAP � ,^ G• p � �•'7 I { NGARDEN/ l / /.' \/ RAIN GARDEN/ \ ''_. _...•,. /:,.< �_ I' ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL A\ •y�i+J yf STORMWATERTORMWATER P m, f ` N �' '• ENTIO ' ' , / NAR •,�- �........ ,, � AR ``..•.�..— : ° ETENT STREET /; � y ,c ^-- � � ` to r. I TREE, / ss ' PROPOSED ADA HANDICAP �Y. tzj / # t .._.: .:.. <, I: ° ° I { �� ❑I�C� ACCESSIBLE CROSS WALK a '> E NOTE /" ., \ �' ° € 3 9 BLDG.s(TYPE A) �. 3` t _._ ' ' tt FIN.FLR.EL.=25.15' [F €' PROPOSED BUILDING 5a J ul 32 / �'' �;. LIMITS OF RAIN ° ° � ' ;4 FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FIN. FLR. EL. l� � 7 GARDEN r...., I z ' STORMWATER t RETE 16 a _ ELECTRIC ,,, RETENTION AREA v I' ,,. r " ' " `� � TRANSFORMER , N v Y sy, ,v a, I , ..... � issued date description Cil, /C)Z2 v ,, ga �.. TP-1 / LIMITS OF BIO-SWALE 1 INGARD `,� I I ; STpRAq�y EN/'' jTER �. sA -- - - , . ! ,• PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE OWN SITE PLAN SUBMISSION STORMWATER r J( +> RETENTION AREA ' ./ RETENTIONAREq" ' --•m"'D 22 SANITAR \ LIMITS OF RAIN 2/23/2018 T GARDEN / 'L 2� U P \ / ` i NG BASIN or RUM STORMWATER STATI e`' ; PROPOSED LEACH ,ft----__""_ \ /.!` \fj/ 1 1 W/ SOLID COVER I RETENTION AREA ~ \ \'� { < M5/ 2' PAVER STRIP FOR / __... .<.... '' \ 1 / �n VEHICLE OVERHANG /, _. �� �"`�.'`""a ' o (TYP.) DUMPSTERIx ,, PROPOSED LEACHING BASIN {, EXISTING TREED (NP') 161 W/ OPEN GRATE I. AREA TO REMAIN \ ~ 3 UNDISTURBED O PROPOSED CATCH BASIN issued date description U , LIMITS OF RAIN � 17 TYPE C-2 GARDEN / .-. o °'` STORMWATER f ST�G '\'� �p� I�) PROPOSED DRAINAGE MANHOLE ('' RETENTION AREA ,�� RR \' �° ~18 (SEE TABLE FOR SIZE) o w` PROPOSED HDPE (SEE PLAN FOR SIZE) ll LIMITS OF RAIN , SURFACE LEGEND: LL_ �,�' "'J GARDEN / ti� ~t�, ^, / ,/ PROPOSED ASPHALT r ,I" STORMWATER , J �.. t RETENTION AREA PAVEMENT i / o / %, " FLOW G o ,; t�� PROPOSED CONCRETE �^ o > ......�.....,....._.. _._._. OR PATIO ALK I '�; PROPOSED BUILDING title SLOPE FACE VERTICAL I PROPOSED LAWN AREA EROSION & t„' o (TYP. " . '' Ile « '✓ ��� PROPOSED VEGETATED AREA SEDIMENT BEDDING DETAIL CONTROL PLAN PROPOSED RIP—RAP v ,r' ANGLE FIRST STAKE TOWARD �?>-' " a = = PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE. .- -7 PROPOSED STORMWATER RAINGARDEN OR BIOSWALE C _. "_ � A FLOW = _ o, SAND BAG ' f -=.. # PROPOSED CONCRETE FLATWORK _ SITE PLAN drawn by: O IMPERMEABLE ( NOTES: SCALE: 1 =50 f`' o — --'-•-. ,- �2 `° PROPOSED CONCRETE }}-- _. p SHEETING 1. THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSIDERED ASA ` ^� := - „ checked by: CFD f '.,. . PAVERS A A 0 50 100 MINIMUM. - cD �___-___-—J � Feet „�$.,,_.:s�..� - I ;; -, : ,. t -•- AS NOTED 1 :1 OR FLATTER 2. IN ADDITION TO ALL SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHOWN, THE x-4-f = =- ROPOSED PLAY SURFACING scale: E _ _ CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES DEEMED NECESSARY BY BOUND HAY BALES Y V✓ ;- P SIDE SLOPE THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO AND/OR DURING THE COURSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION. w __ `” PLACED ON CONTOUR number: 17106.000 00 / r, SECTION '�`` �' _":. project •• A—A 3. ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE INSTALLED -:"._-•-_. J, '-',--•-;; -' PRIOR TO DISTURBING ANY SOIL OR MILLING OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE - PROPOSED ARTIFICIAL TURF ✓' IO WITH THE SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS WITHIN THIS CONTRACT OR AS we''� - 2�RE-BARS. STEEL PICKET DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL SEDIMENT -=- -'_- ~ ::.: = '~ 2 X 2' STAKES 1.5'to 2 IN GROUND. sheet number CONTROLS AND REMOVE COLLECTED SEDIMENT ON A WEEKLY BASIS OR AS DIRECTED DRIVE STAKES FLUSH WITH TOP OF GO E PLAN BY THE ENGINEER. COLLECTED MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY TO AN HAY BALES. THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK OFF-SITE LOCATION AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. PROHIBITS ANY PERSON FROM ALTERING ANYTHING ON O ANCHORING DETAIL IN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR THE ACCOMPANYING 4. NO CONSTRUCTION AND/OR GROUND DISTURBANCE MAY OCCUR UNTIL AIL SEDIMENT SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS ITS UNDER THE DIRECTION E^ C` I � , � !i CONTROL MEASURES DEPICTED ARE IN PLACE, AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, WHERE `,{J N �� A S T A I L SUCH ALTERATIONS ARE MADE, THE PROFESSIONAL :3 C" 0 5. STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL REMAIN FOR THE DURATION OF THE SITE STRAW BALE DIKE DETAILS ENGINEER MUST SIGN, SEAL, DATE AND DESCRIBE O THE FULL EXTENT OF THE ALTERATION ON THE .TWORK UPON COMPLETION OF WORK IN SEQUENCE. li SCALE:NTS DRAWING AND/OR IN THE SPECIFICATION N (NYS ED. LAW SECTION 7209-2) LEGEND PROPERTY LINE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS ' `N5"1 ws-lo PROPOSED LEACHING BASIN p ( ) ( ) ( ) required p ( ) ( ) ( ) required W/ SOLID COVER description area sf rainfall ft Volume cf runoffcoef description area sf rainfall ft Volume cf runoff coef stcra a cf 15 storage(cf) i IrI�F SA M D 1 -A D 1 -C Parking Lot/Sidewalks 11735 0.17 1994.95 1 1995 Parkin Lot/Sidewalks 585 0.17 99.45 1 99 ATTI Buildin Area 0 0.17 0 1 0 Building Area 0 0.17 0 1 0 (, I A PROPOSED LEACHING BASIN Grass Area 777 0.17 132.09 1 0.15 20 Grass Area 4474 0.17 760.56 1 761 a r 16 W/ OPEN GRATE total storage required(cf): 2015 total storage required(cf): 761 d Prop inlet RIM: 21.60 Prop inlet RIM: 22 revised grade) g �; i ® Bottom of Top Slab: 20.10 Bottom of Top Slab: 20.50 : & -�...1-ft Jj `lir' Com' .' o PROPOSED CATCH BASIN TYPE C-2 approx GWelev 8.87 approx GVJPIev 13.62 17 alluwable effective depth: 9.23 allowable effective depth: 4.88 PROPOSED DRAINAGE MANH0LE use 8'deep structures(eff depth) use 4.5'deep structures(eft depth) # `118 (SEE TABLE TABLE OF DRAINAGE 29.5vif/8'=3.68 basins=(4)8'deep basins provided 11.1vlf/4.5'=2.46 basins =(3)4.5'deep basins provided 325 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppauge, New York - � -BIOSWALE/ - a STRUCTURES FOR SIZE) W52 1 01010 t , STO 31_ 1 hon I' \ 1` ERM NATE o° Building R7 Phone 63 30 F:ET required required v CuAREA - _ description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoffcoef description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef storage(cf) LLz. I c3 ^- storage(cf) PROPOSED HDPE PIPE (SEE SHEETS D1 -A THRU D1 -D Parking Lot/Sidewalks 11062 0.17 1680.54 1 1881 BuildingArea 3230 0.063 272.24 1 272 owner/developer: Building B4 2812 0.17 478.04 1 478 total storage required(cf): 272 CONIFER REALY LLC 0 4 83 E. Main Street,Suite 600, FOR LENGTH & SIZE) Grass Area 678 0.17 115.26 0.15 17 Prop inlet 23.10 �\ I ° Rochester, New York 14604 a I total storage required(cf): 2376 Bottom of Tor Slab: 21.60 U a 0 s _ II IIIa (II JII�I I;� iI iI , \3 ni Prop inlet RIM: 21 .80 approx GW elev 8. 87 ? SOIL BORING/TEST PIT LOCATION Bottom of Top Slab: 20 30I allowable effective depth: 10.73 Slt / Ivll Consultant at ¢I approx GW elev 10.94 O GARDEN BG.1TYPCEw1 allowable effective use 7'deep structures(eff depth)grER ° depth: . RETENTION FIN.FLR.EL.=23.25' 12 � 6SvIf 7'-092basms _ 17de p basinprovided AREA (ul ouse 7'deep structures(eff depth)LL1 WS-1 SUBWATERSHED BOUNDRY �\ 34.8vlf/7'=4.97 basins=(5)T deep basins provided 1 a 14 l Building 86 i tf s,S .; 'l ® _ requiired i 5 L I description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef storage(cf) F ° ��" ,5 ' " SHEET MATCHLINE WS-3 (�f 9 "m 10 """ 13 ° I; m,_ required Building Area 3280 0.083 272.24 1 272 is i N �� description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef total storage required cf 272 �, f,:P-1o'j` O (SEE KEY MAP BELOW) storage(cf) g q t ) L K. MCLEAN ASSOCIATES, P.C. I r "", Parking Lot/Sidewalks 8099 0.17 1376.83 1 1377 Prop inlet RIM: 23.10 i . _� Building Area 0 0.17 0 1 0 Bottom of Top Slab: 21.60 LONG ISLAND, NY .;. l ?-"..m 0 1 roxGWelev 10.86 437 SOUTH COUNTRY RD., Grass Area 2448 0.17 416.16 0 15 62 approx" 1� �i' BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 2 ,C r ,;, total sto g r q Ire ( ) 1439 allowable effective depth: 8.74 .286.8668 .. -.e:...-_ ; :r.......a n Tel: 631 Prop inlet RIM 22 42 al de t ra e e u' d cF ca. 18 ! Bottom of Top Slab: 20.92 use 7'deep structures(eff depth) 6.5 vIf/T=0.92 basins O1 Tde p as' provided As Is ' approx GW elev 10.94ES 4 allowable llowable effective depth: 7.98 (:. 19 a� ,�II Ron \:. ,o, TI?,) use 7.5'deep structures(eff depth) Building R5 '0 V '', "�.�1 �f'•, 21.1v1f/7.5'=2.81 basins=(3)7.5'deep basins provided required description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef VINEYARD VIEW m BLDG.2 TY( PE B) i storage(cf) 67 ` Building Area 2812 0.083 233.396 1 233 20C.. 21 FIN.FLR.EL.=23.25' l l 1 WS-4 total storage required(cf): 23,3 NORTH ROAD required Prop inlet RIM: 25.07 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11939 I description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef ! 086 ra e(cf) Bottom of Top Slab: 23.57 c2o L.I \ �� o Parking Lot/Sidewalks 9534 0.17 1620.78 1 01621 approxGWelev 16.72 < \ B9 0 � o �5 L7 ( ' R S/NG,y65F �} Building Area 0 0.17 D 1 0 allowable effective depth: 4.85 p 24 .; 025 ;° o ✓~ �, I t ) 1633 � I j� qT N Grass Area 473 0.17 80.41 0.15 12 c3,p 30 ""'""':' I ONq R' tots storage ere required cf: use 4'dee structures eff depth) 28 29 h- - ---......_� \Eq X/ it t a - .� 21 Tz < �-' Prop inlet RIM: 22.00 3.4vlf/4'=0.85 basins =(1)4'deep basin provided s ° "�.• " _.. r - 7f......................... .. ............__ Bottom ofTop Slab: 20.50 ;, 34 xGWelev 10.77 �. T�-6 ° w' Buildin CC 6\ s, hi I' allowable effective de the 7.73 g y - /---<� g �..ca....w,_..`__._..._-w ......_ P � "tri l , 62 1 r requUred , a7 'a tsc ion are rainfall(ft) o um no c° 4{l, 41 N , 43 _ .....�i •I ° ''� use 7.5'deep structures(eff depth) f storage(cf) 3 • 0 °� a � ri 6 d ript areaI e(c ff f) V f) ru a Y..(iii, :.. 39 - - J �� - -� 9v / .5 3.18 basins O .5 deep assn provided m5 .......... .._.... ,.... rz v _1 _ total storage required( ) 2 �w }'" 23 If 7 4 7 e basins r Building Area 2468 0.083 204.844 1 2015 ' 420 '' BLDG.3(TYPE B 50 G.4(TYP � c3 +s' I rZ7i--�, s O i r � (TYPEAA ra e cf N _ C ...._....... o L ` _ n BLD F_IN.FLR. �"." �« E4 � o FIN.FLR. �*`^�� EL._ BLDG.6 TYPED \ Prop inlet RIM: 28.20 B-1 rJi £� 3T B 45°.,:46` EL. i V- 23.25' o cj... FIN.FLR. RAIN GARDEN \ W$-5 p r6. o r` 6 23. ry RE E RMWATER/ requiredappox GW elevlab. 16.72 E6 -ru. Nq descri tion area sf rainfall ft Volume cf runoffcoef"5 4n ' % v' - ' NTIO R� p ( ) ( ) ( ) conifers , a storage(cf) allowable effective depth: 7.98 27 of N ` 72 l Parking lot/Sidewalks 8871 0.17 1508.07 1 1508 , M1 I REAL EiTA1E OiVEL0 PNt6 , ONSTMYCiION A MANA4i NIENT N T C 4{3 Building Area 0 0.17 0 1 0 use 4'deep structures(eff depth) ..;; CU Grass Area 802 0.17 136.34 0.15 20 3.Ovlf/4'=0.75 basins =(1)4'deep basin provided 49 63 o o total storage required(cf): 152969 sJ _ ,\\ 470-. ,o Tp I o Prop inlet RIM: 22.42 { I seal ��LtA y C�5 73 Bottom of Top Slab: 20.92 Building B1 I C.3 1 a roxGWelev 10.62 required b3 'c - -*-� �, pp description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef �� g - � 3 \\\ , I allowable effective depth: 8.30 storage(cf) f-�x � � I'ss 00 j ®' ,�,_�s *� •- �.� ® I I 5 BuildingArea 5268 0.083 437.244 1 437 �� _ Af deep total storage 4337 c � , ; ..: i .... ._... .., p_.._,.awn........w.. sNnvs .., _,._._ use 8'd i (� ........ °i" e • FIN.FLR.EL.=29.0' 4•;, „ . , .- -T 22.4v1f/8'=2.8 basins=(3)8'deep basins provided n , i °p I i „_.... :... :.(.• .. „�, �-...__.__._ ._.»_._25 �.. ._ _F _..i_._.. .+=.E: ..q;... TYPEDBottom Pr inlet 2209 / L to A: E4 Ax �- of lab. 20.59 �,.._ F [vG c _._ +y - -S--� p Jll Q / o• / © c LDFIN,?FLR. proxGWelev 14.0 �,,,1 _ 0, , '� B1O_SrygLE 1 STORMWATER RETENTfO u aREA` Cu 57 cu N T4 L ® EL. __ f 6 allowable effective depth: 4.59 ff tom.✓ I 23.25 W$6 r.'i _� e'd.t •� =1 �STOR ARDEN/ ORMWATEN/ description are rainfall Volume no co i RAIN required d ript' a(sf) f II(ft) V I e(cf) runoff of MW R storage(cf) use 4 5'deep structures(eff depth) `.-,_ RETENTIpN TER TER �TENTIONAR� -1 ✓ I Parking Lot/Sidewalks 11490 0.17 1953.3 1 1953 6.4 vlf/4'=1.6 basins =(2)4'deep basins provided ° o Building B2 5383 0.17 915.11 1 915 C. \ 54 -" 'b1 ` 75 76 Buildin 83 5383 0.17 915.11 1 915 issued date description Z, BLDG.5(TYPE A) 1 FIN.FLR.EL.=25.15' . Grass Area 8579 0.17 1458.43 0.15 219 2/23/2018 TOWN SITE PLAN SUBMISSION f total storage required(cf): 4002 (1 77 " 7g i rx Prop inlet RIM: 22.80 ....._...: a Bottom of Top Slab: 21.30 -Eve- allowable effective depth: 568 - a approx W e ev 13.62 k Fol. 61 T 1 use 5.5'deep structures(eff depth) \82 #. ` RAIN GARDEN - - k34 -�' 8 5 / 5 10 63 b ( 5 de p as n p ovided I RETENTMONAgRFR,g82;� �� abn...,,...... ,„.._.................W___.L,, - assns i 5 vlf 5 - 11 5 e s r 01 ell 3 I O �y req WS-7 -I Q required description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef storage(cf) issued date description a) t36 Parking Lot/Sidewalks 14099 0.17 2396.83 1 2397 D \ Building Area 0 0.17 0 1 0 r7 C Cj �/ ' Grass Area 23854 017 4055.18 0.15 608 total storage required(cf): 3005 Q �/� d� Prop inlet RIM: 22.41 LL_ Bottom of Top Slab: 20.91 approx le Bleu 14.00 s allowable effective depth: 4.91 LL_ �A h�cTT�R cq'QO O , \� C��A-��� / use 4,5'deep structures(eff depth) 44.0vlf/4.5'=9.77 basins =(30)4.5'deep basins provided O /� o . t1 CD , O a ly \ -7��� WS-8 o / 0 �j \ i required description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef Stora a(cf) Parking Lot/Sidewalks 5396 0.17 917.32 1 917 U) ,` d Building Area 0 0.17 0 1 0 Grass Area 3745 0.17 636.65 0.15 95 title GRADING & 3 f ` / d Prop inlet RIM: 22 54 total storage required(cf): 1013 21.04 D1 -B D1-D q appoxGWeevlab: 14.0 DRAINAGE 0 O ` ! allowable effective depth: 5.04 o / Q 50 0 50 100 p ( p PLAN Q ` ,(\ � ,'� use 5'dee structures eff depth) �J' 14.8 vlf/5'=2.96 basins =(3)5'deep basins provided / NOTES: SCALE IN FEET �`- 1. REFER TO DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE ON SHEET D2 FOR ADDITIONAL C + WS-9 °' O7 INFORMATION REGARDING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. p required description area(sf) rainfall(ft) Volume(cf) runoff coef storage d N o Parking Lot/Sidewalks 12732 0.17 2164.44 1 2164 drawn by: FI, j } 2. REFER TO SHEETS D1-A THRU D1-D FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING BuildingArea 0 0.17 0 1 0 00 ` PIPES SIZES & TYPES. Grass Area 723 0.17 122.91 0.15 18 O total storage required(cf): 2183 Checked by: CFD \\ Prop inlet RIM: 23.06 ** scale: AS NOTED O 1 Bottom of Top Slab: 21.56 Er ' � L \ allowable effective depth: 4.89 project number: 17106.000 Q)O � I use 4.5'deep structures(eff depth) I i 31.9v1f/4.5'=7.02 basins =(8)4.5'deep basins provided 01 """ - � **rim o le°chin field structure sheet number 00 C THE EDUCATION LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK PROHIBITS ANY PERSON FROM ALTERING ANYTHING O i- DRAINAGE CALCULATION NOTES: IN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR THE ACCOMPANYING CV O SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS ITS UNDER THE DIRECTION DI 1. AREAS ON THE TABLE TITLED 'PARKING LOT/SIDEWALKS' INCLUDE ALL IMPERVIOUS OF A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, WHERE KEY MAP SURFACES FOR THE GIVEN SUB-WATERSHED, INCLUDING CONCRETE PADS FOR SUCH ALTERATIONS ARE MADE, THE PROFESSIONAL C14 BUILDING PORCHES BUT EXCLUSIVE OF BUILDING FOUNDATION FOOTPRINTS. ENGINEER MUST SIGN, SEAL, DATE AND (DESCRIBE THE FULL EXTENT OF THE ALTERATION ON THE v DRAWING AND/OR LAW SECTION 7209-2)SPECIFICATION U , , m , x 1 < q - � I J •ti > e e. 'k. ,.. ,. .:.:. .,�},a•, r -:. .... ,.: :. Yin :.. yT:': -:'.?k 15Y/ RCP N INV X8,03 Vw- _ w �Z y , r _ , :S. • . :: ., .... 9M' % 1. ,:. {.'.: :}, , x U ,t :l _ r •_..'.: .. .. A ,.., .. , yµ _.:'. - 1. ., -..a.. y. :+:' 71 A Am . m1 w n4 A- Q^— A ' .. : $ . :•.-: .i ass . a o - 7 , _ g - / •, l _ c - ._ .. - t, r x I r r s e I� J 4, WK-1 .a PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 N, rt x (TAKEN ON 10/ 16/ 17 @ 12:44AM) (TAKEN ON 10/16/ 17 @ 10:56AM) a AL N-400 Fr „ a , .. 7. �e ate` I t. I e ,z - _n doop Ft 4 r a ,. h .p p •lllllt t:., Y .+, ,Y i /� R1 Y ' SW ♦ , ' , _ r ;s v. , t 1 ' b 11-4 v+ ` { °t f PHOTO 3 PHOTO 4 PHOTO 5 (TAKEN ON 10/ 16/17 @ 10:58AM) (TAKEN ON 10/16/ 17 @ 2:21 PM) TAKEN ON 101/16/ 17 @ 1 :40PM w u. c o r LEGEND SITE PLAN y, , w PHOTO LOCATION SCALE. 1 —100 " & NUMBER 0 100 200 , Feet 4 r x , PHOTO 10 Cn TA K I a..' e ... " EN ON 10/ 16/ 17 @2:27PM) o I DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROVe BY o- O r cOF I' C mi PHOTO i 11 f' r - I PHOTO OLD Q 5 (TAKEN ON 10/ 16/ 17 @ 1 :40PM) (TAKEN ON 10/ 16/ 17 @ 2:21 PM . ' SUFFOLK COUNTY g GREENPORT PROPERTY UPDATE WETLANDS _I a >.k _ -7 PHOTO SHEET c w r ^l„ dL Y.. :: , ru (r ...ci4 f. .. s.;:.... '^' rt _• , 5a@ ''L,i. W , , 1 Mc LEAN ASSOCIATE �; L. K. P.C. { S N/ CONSULTING ENGINEERS 437 SOUTH C * , F F�, OUNTRY RD., BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK 11719 : Designed et No. sign By: IMF/CFD AS NOTED illt Sheet ,I Nv PHOTO 6- PHOTO 7 ____ � �, - — Drown By: IMF Date: FEBRUARY 201 N (TAKEN ON 10/16/17 @ 10:51 AM) (TAKEN ON 10/ 16/ 17 @ 10:51 AM Approved By: RGD File No. 17106°000 C,P, 100 / MAG NAIL SET $ N 345,525.80 311M X,A E 1,429,283.24 ELEV,=32,93 /X MOS 31.61 X A / P9 MAP OF a / /33 / 31,47 x3317 � R9.68 PROPERTY OF e2 �P�ti Qi v9pl �Jlg� J x 3x23 3a 9� KACE LI LLC � 32A0 X LOCATED AT 323 M J x GREENPORT 3,33.38 SG /20 iz ..-ZJ TOWN OF S OUTHOLD - SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1x3229 �4 a� 2 \zz 3337 •1C` 9/ '9VNIF AREA = 748,703± SQ.FT. OR 17. 188± ACRES , h 9 o � � C 44.11 O' SAMIR ATTIA AND JILA SHARIF • .-�32a$x ` s 2C / \ \ �\ .2� SC,T,M, No. 1000-040,00-03,00-002,000 a x .16 x 2270\ \ 19,87 �� 40 \VX3387 q^ � PB� 3253 / A 3?8// tl / �/� \ (- MA J 14 5 S j2' x16,55 3307 XluQ 1 A ,77 x 19.84 '�.. 1tl.,7 34x233 x A� ! ' l ' ` \ \ / /•-% l 34.18 / 34, 1 I .65 t ( \ \\ / \ x 21.16 / l 14.87x 1422 x1563 / /x C.P. 102 ' Mme- x34.32 MAG NAIL SET J� 3367 Jx31.9o� ` \ x2,29 �(/ * 345,218,61 J E 1,428,947.76 3�3, s ` 1 x26.66 \\ x�i2lr ELEV.=34.36 h X 3.83 \x136, 4 1 34.47 X 3312 O s j�f HEAVY WOODS �` 'y / . xjq, ; 1,,-. '-�_ x 28,h9 - �, r 1 x 17.72 \ \ \ X10 / x3219 x31.445 / x26,70, �1L,6X `- x34,64 Yq x345 \ x30.91 /1 \� ` x 15.72 y O� �AZ x 34,69 l / . -- .../ / / ' 3381 x A ,- r�2 U x34.60 /x/3}x6/fX,'�/ ' x310 x2369 ` I i \ `,' x14,41 28 • / x2991 / ( f 1� x3 db X x.35 x. Q�� 3531 ' J x34,79 �! S�3 \ f`-_ / \ t1 /7`507 \X 72 , 1 / / 11 1 1 \v 0.O 34.7 34.11 .(((9 91 __� //?I(r, /. x 20.5 ! I \ \ x 14.59 P� \ \ .1 P°21.95 5 x30,38 I x,5@2 �,,t \ L F / 3.5.,46 x x3493 *b0 x377x 3,66 ,3� ( - -_ _ x2690--' x .t9 2h / TP-10 / \ 1 x 34,46 S \-6. \x 1371 54.9 x3343 x 206 \\ \\ / I x,14.04'" G i x2568 x233D / x25,14 I 3534 19.90 /� �S X �/-' x3513 k / ` \ \ MIR 1 I J .�� / AO� / / / \\t v,'X,1.61 2797 2 x1,.73 x2,.12 �/ i/ O / rf47 L.14 1� fd3T�c^ Malt\1r�•\, 3577 X S ..15 \ \ 3,.92 x 3286 \ -...........� / 22.85 TP -� / 1 /' x14.8@ � .x 18,97 ) x16.54 36.07 4/ x3536 0O ( I`' / // / / �,•i �' / / .�/ x 1 1 O V✓/+ff `` / / 1I'� ,x 12,97 x 11,77 ��'�•t0ggq.---BF iv I x22,60 / / xP17 / ) RA 75 I / / '/• / 1-1 3625 99 x 36,35 x2s�2 / x 18.26 ..-� / 1 , / / ( x 8.32 CP, 103 r\\q f / / / I I 1 / // -- x1472 1 MAG NAIL SET �\�\ Al x3813 /x34.84 �xar'94 / I 1 `- - x21.84 Laos, - - - - - N 345,005.82 s p� J� x3555 �i�'�' / / / / ) ' x21.69 / / / _ - PIN&CAP E 1,428,704.15 �" ¢ - x3552 - x2�s9 x21.40 ELEV,=36,38 W J �6 Q -;0,6;31 -- � x31(4 STP-8 i / � ( ._-� / 1�\/ (x1E73 / i 1� � fFEOD, !9V x3771 x3562--`` -_J ( f x14.44 I I / / 35X344, 1i ( I / , x1251 x1(.14 / x9,52 T+- I I x 16.54 J 37,73 ,� / \ x36.336.46 ' f -� .-."'-x 29.89 I X 23 3 ; 32/- - / \ x / / / X40 r7 I x18.31 Q (� x j x3582 Z YYY"""""" x21.97 1 3/t� t�'1�0.A2 J✓ • � �g L/ x 33 / / / _ f / / x29.77 xA10 31.30 } 4. 4 /' i ( \\ \\ \ \ \ \\ ,4 -\ I %% 37,37 rb x .2 / 9` �-' x2b,D7, 1 \ x1313 x11.72 ` (,�J�� x29,92 1 \ _ x11.,6 (9.9A 33/ / i I ` \ ` 16.96 \ 1� I b TOWN OF SOUTHOLD/ X /36.84 / x7 -.--\ \x s'.Ps // x 4444 / x Pa2D ' \ x 2a 90 \\ , \ , \. �- Ia� VILLAGE OF GREENPORT LINE V by 0.R / // / �'t' ',96/bbAA _-' l� / I x 21.07 \ \\\ \ ___ O� x 3662 4' 8.917/ /� �.� _-_-_.' _� x 2776 \ \ ` O \ \ \\ \ x 10.32 j5g� 29.7A// x 2815 ni x 1258 \ x 16.13\ i\ O ,/• 8'.74 - X571/ / / i x31. Q / / / /% x26,62 ( ' / \ \ \\ \B7 3 x ' x 36. 1 i 'j / /-.- X 2a J j x 1877 ~\, x 1510 5 \ x24,61 . x19.23 D6 i] l/ ' x26.60 \` \ �\.\ x 3, ._ x/ 7/ Or •-/' �- _-� / /x27b7 / l x1857 x1227\ \\ r3 \11.99 L,(.7 lVy$� l�/ // / ` DEBRIS PILE \ ' ' ' � � x2035 �,,\ '-' \ l ut \ \ _ /OJ E � / / x 3x75 �...._ _ 9,14 ' 6,63 x 26.66 1 , t \®�-� x15. \ \x � '- ~ I ` ---... � �. "-•. rr-X26�73`x, / / '-"'__ ( x26.0 ` \ '� \ c-i,r3 X / /- _\26.f' TP-6 'x79.19 \`•. ^'\�_ `� T. (� x18.25 x7A V / X`"5Q \ , X1775 --1y,4-A73 x 185tl --- ._ \ \. X! 0 \t� /' 4s \ X,-0.97 x zr25 x x19.05 1 - _ �� x24.765- \ \ \ / I / x,-214\ \ \ x2592 I ti p�1 x 4, 9 ' / x,-6.,4 _/ ( \ \�zaa6 \ "J x 30.$ ! // y/ x1.7"` I x10.10 / ( x 27.,75 \ x 7- 476( / \ x i, , t II I l x26.64 X-03..96-._ _ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ �\ \ / I ' / \ \ x20.64 ✓/ \ x 17,90 xi 7 I I x 12.8 x27.30 \ \ i x19. ) •b ' . x--AW_...-- -..-� xza77 � i � \ \ 1 \ / \ \ � � /I � �r j�, \ 1. 20.01 x 22.73 ' \ i \\ 1j1..• - 317 1 \ x2¢79\ x,821 O x2226 1 _ Z.;, 1 �( , i / x235A xP4., I x x245 x24,66 -- Ixc.M\ '' ^ 1 ! `�\\ ` x\73.\364,, � , 26.01 / / \//x 1x27.1! x\3T53 \ /` \✓ 111 \ �! \ \\ \ \ ' x21.73 t -IN&'C 1 \`\ \ x 27,52' ( x 24.65 / X 23.60 �'�� _ x 24.3 ( ,\ ' ' ' t 1 LFNbvS t ' z \�\ ' ;x0.26\ ` /2291 ' ' / I `I \ CHf�x2o.4s ` 3 HEAVY WOODS ' 0.2 E / - XL 911 ` \ � '-� , X2775 \� ' 1 t t\ \ \ x2034 SUV } �� ru x21.13 x 28.001 / l /t / \\ x23 9,83 / / ,'I / I x21.77 X 14,Of�1,4�,'II/� 10L _ � \ /// J' x3a ' x2242 5 / 1 \ x 19.43 , I x2055 \ -_ / I / I 1 / I / VILLAGE OF GREENPORT 24.05 \23.87 x 20.x0 I\ v x�472P xz36a �t\ \ \ ®TP Z2 j� / / I i t I S,C,T,M No, 1001-001,00-01,00-001,001 xz0.e4 x2019 ®TP-4, (/ �P x 20.59 I / x 1 x 14.0 .61 1 1 x,M_ x18.17' 4 �k',,'32 x 89 xg422 TP-3 ' x813 / � t� � x 2219 � ( .-•-" - x 1.55 / --0 -20- - ^:- \ �I.A4 x .t5 I f In / � / x21.45 � x19.82 W x 6 I / ,�. \ x 2x65 \, x 2S 2 f / x 19.50 1 1 � , / , w l i 1 /1 �'-77/�' 1\ //6 // l '^/ / 22,17 \ x2069 I \ / 1 i / Z X2381 / z' W x2646 \ /x""q j l / x 21,77 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD/ � e /I /xz 62, / / 'leo -- � --/ .\ Gam$.` / / / � � /� / \\. \ / / / / `\ 64 VILLAGE DF x30.{5 / / / / \ l {{ r GREENPORT LINE / / / I / / / 25/! X k3 ,no /' -_ - x1 \ x2\21 X2,.74, / \- x19,42 X� ,'16.141 x le. t \ - x 18.0$_ x18,57 \ \� \`�. ,/'- / / / ------_. �._ x126, j t I I x 9,16 I x1272 i \ ` \\. `\�. .-"'' x22.42 , / / x)7,90 I (,+ 1/ 1�- X2347 /� /� i ( Ik / 1 1 4 Y Q �\ "�. '^-5444,,, \ \. ` `\� x19.60/ I I x9 1 - / e N � X 1x.78 x tee$ �x 2211 _- �.- // -\,, •\ ')J) x zo,61/ \_ -t85Q. x 14,71" ^....,\ \ `\`•. �� ` / l-- �- k 13,9 I, (/:1 I'- x29.9/ d' / / / - -X- _ d,4 � ~�`'-- �� \x21.9a- x,8.50 I � � '7.30 x16.54 �\ x,752 �`'.�,. ' x1,,64 �•a '`t ` J x18.37 l / - '// x20,43 X18,73 f \\•.� x 1767 1 0.3' W / _ x17.4 �` ``-eo`_ . -- -' / �' 1 ; //((EE7,p --- x17{7 j x I3, x al x16.50 \x1623 \\\ x1851- _-, \ Vfi1TP-1 x16.24 V x16.65 x16,70 \� ' 1 \\ - 1 ` x17.35 x16,30 x 17.27 x 1765 \ __ X1 x1.5,W7, -.�- -..__y x16.73 �- � -� (�tt x 1533 \ � �� 1 X805 i x 1529 ''', .1 ' r. VILLAGE DF GREENPORT x1378 1 I X' b6 \\ _-� x175! / x151 4[ .,\\ x1553 x16.17 S,C,T,M. No, 1001-001,00-01,00-001,001 x1452 15oz ,��f-I i / x11135 1 % 411 I ` t gd. 4 xI,76 �I� I \ \ X.18 / "cs I K1 x7 { t \ /�+ t �\ x,663 / t \ ( ,\ xIR48 \ x!5.61 x14,58 / , N• ./ ' \ X15,33 1 14.7! t x16.181 i 1 \` 1 >IS07 -�� x1521 x14.08 117 X'566 - \ I S \ \ x1,10 x1,739 1 \ X19,44 x185 \ \ . \ '\ \O� ;x7.,-7 `3.76 / _ x1423 \ \ x� 7� \ i i �� %15x1 x1$92 \\ \ x1�71.� - ` X 1,.x9 x)32 / \� %IIA\ .` x \ ` I \\ x \ +F>• �• \ , \ x1702 x19,317 \ __y \ � x7.77 / Q \ � _ X,752 \ \ x18.64 LEGEND / x14'43 / 1028 '.. \ •� \ \ i \ ^x 1IZ3 \ �x!.b x1357 1 \ xtA.87 ' \ ' � 5 ' „-.•-•"` x1391 / 1 (- - -- - - - -- - - -- - -GUY WIRE . . .. . . . . . . . .FIRE HYDRANT \ \ ` ) X 8, x 9.54 x to�8 \ \ j \.- � . . . . . . "" .UTILITY POLE D4 " - " - ' • -- "WATER VALVE �\ I' x17.17 ��\\ X9.53 \ \ \ \ `1916 �� x18.@9 X1832 ` , \ __ x18. , \ \ x13n x/215 j x758 -W-- ' '. .• . ' .. ' 'UNDERGROUND WA TER . . .. . . • . . . . 'CATCH BASIN ` \ ! - x 11.5 SN_ \ 1 ! \ \ x 1306 x 8.20 \ x 1R,47 I I X 1827 x \ \ \ -G- ' ' • ' ' • • ' 'UNDERGROUND GAS . .• . • • . . . • . .UTIL I T Y MANH17L E _ 1 \ HEAVY WDODS __„�_, p CONTROL POINT \� - -- - - - - -- -EDGE OF WETLANDS z$�, ' I x1561 \ I x1A.P6 `) �� x$57 -- _ x 1820 X Ia.O3 . / X 1322 \ �'}tt,1 / p Q WETLAND FLAG -- WETLANDS \\x11.561.951 i1 ` x18.65 \\ /// 1 1 xl?.53 . . . . .. . . . .. x' X16,12 \ - ® . . • . .. . . ' • . 'BORING LOCATION t ) , \ \ \ .x t34d ` X r R\ x11,31\ �x 14.115 x 7845 \ , '--� x18.23 x7.14 \\ x13c �``, _.._.--. __.--_-_ _� `. x!7.95 1 xlt 2O •f1 xf3y3 ,�' \\ 1 ( 1i x1332 x1216 \ \ S \ X1765 NOTES x1245\, \\\ \\ `7599 x706 \ � x 1713 1 J 1. MEASUREMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.S. STANDARDS. - - `\\ \ x163,- "1730 _ _ LL 1 I / ....' I \ /X10,50 x 8 x708 alV_G xIp`2 \ ` '� -- x17,?A , 2. BEARINGS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO LIBER 11957 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 433. �jp _\ \ ~ - x16.60 ...__ x11.17 3. VERTICAL DATUM IS REFERENCED TO NAVD88(GEOIDI2A) THROUGH USE OF RTK GPS. _ ?95 - 1.2QS - `\, 4. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TOA SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED o•2' W X7,71 \ z.o'$\ - -- -�, - 1 / / / / f/ LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2, OF THE \ \� ` xj}5 r __, �, / /$aB 27.39 1. ,l I t � "A-c / x 10.73 / x 6.20 NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. . ~ 110 5. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF - `' - _�- / 1 .-�x1245 __ �_" �`x14A7 ............_.__ z134? THE LAND SURVEYOR'S "EMBOSSED"OR "INKED"SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE -� �- 10__ _ -'-x1307 5B5 �4c' 43 / - I x VALID TRUE COPIES. TD WN OF SOUTHOLD/ � �- � `--- -- -- / VILLAGE OF GREENPORT LINE _ 1 - % �- _ x1041' 141 x95 I 7U4 J FND, 6. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN x11.46 /x959 _ O,L, EIV ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYORS x""' X6.41 �( - ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND "859 /L SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. DATE BY DESCRIPTION APPROV. BY 7. RIGHTS-OF-WAY NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. REVISIONS 8. THE SURVEY CLOSES MATHEMATICALLY. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Ii Suffolk County, New York .i FED 2 3 20?3 , � VINEYARD VIEW _ NORTH RD . , GREENPORT TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY _J ` ;'' L. K. McLEAN ASSOCIATES , P . C. �\�\,�` JET '- \� GRAPHIC SCALE z 4 ,r:., �,� CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS I hereby certify that this map was made from an actual survey , '� 437 SO. COUNTRY ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX MAP NO.: 50 0 25 50 100 zoo Complet by me on 11/13/2017. ., 1 DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 040.00 � \ � '''•° '^"*' ' �` Field Survey B 11 t Sheet No. L � , � �, �, Y Y� K.G./P,L, Scale: 1 = 50 BLOCK 03-00 F ( IN FEET ) C'I CdC�S> Office Survey By. T,L,S, Date: 1/23/2018 LOT 001.000 DANT L P. JEDLI KA, P.L�S. �� --�� 1 inch = 50 ft. NYSPLS No. 50098 �/ Approved By: D.P.J. File No. 17106.000 C,,\Vault Working Folder\17106,000\Design Files\Survey\17106,000 DFF SUR-Togo Survey-O,dwg 2/22/2018 12.05 PM Tamara Stillman