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OFFICE LOCATION: O��QF SU(/j�Ol MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex O P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) cn Southold, NY 11971 �pQ Telephone: 631765-1938 O Fax: 631 765-3136 COUNT`I LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: January 17, 2018 ,Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ARTHUR GRUNEISEL &JULIANE TOMISER GRUNEISEL SCTM# 1000-104-3-7 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ARTHUR GRUNEISEL &JULIANE TOMISER GRUNEISEL request a Wetland Permit for the existing 38.2'x26.2' one-story dwelling and existing 25.3'x20.3' detached one-story garage; construct a 26.2'x20.4' and an 11.5'x8.5' second-story addition onto dwelling with a 16.6'x18' second-story deck with 3.4' steps from second-floor deck to grade; construct a 3.8'x14.1' one-story addition on east side of dwelling with 3'8" cement stoop and steps to grade; construct a 14.7'x5.3' one-story addition on west side and a 29.4'x9.4' front porch onto dwelling; construct a 21'x20.3' second story addition and a 25.1'x9.3' one-story addition onto garage; for the existing 18'x20' first-floor slate patio under proposed second-story deck; abandon existing sanitary system and install new sanitary landward of dwelling; install gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff on the dwelling and garage, and in accordance to Chapter 236 of the Town Code-Stormwater Management; and install a line of staked hay bales and/or a line of silt fencing prior to and during construction. Located: 2875 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-104-3-7 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the below listed Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided that: 1. The Board require that a vegetated, non-turf buffer be required landward of the tidal wetlands to further Policy 6. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Town of Southold D E C 11 E LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM J A N 2 U t Town A. INSTRUCTIONS Southold Boar Planning Board 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by.a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Pennits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy-- standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# lO - - The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response)- 2,lj A Town Board 0 Planning Dept. 0 Building Dept. [d Board of Trustees Hr 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital 0 construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of action: d e�c� Project Description Arthur&Juliane Gruneisel SCTM1000-104-3-7 Existing one story dwelling(38.2 x 26.2) and existing one story garage (25.3 x 20.3) Proposed 2nd story addition to house (26.2 x 20.4) and(11.5 x 8.5)with second story deck(16'6" x 18') and 3'4" steps from second floor to grade as shown on attached construction drawings (0) Proposed 1 story addition on East Side (3.8 x 14.1) with 3'8" cement stoop and steps to grade Proposed 1 story addition on West Side (14.7 x 5.3) and porch(29.4 x 9.4) Proposed second story addition on garage(21 x 20.3) and one story addition(25.1 x 9.3) Drywell to leaders & gutters and hay bales during construction ls`floor slate patio under proposed 2nd floor deck(18'x 20') abandon existing sanitary system and construct new sanitary system 100' from edge of wetlands Location of action:_ -29-76- / " ei�r -7'z-2- Site acreage: c9 S' -3-� 6�- Present land use: Cjl act--t a �Jz Present zoning classification: 12- 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Ar'fA re �-v'u�e�s� 4 Z4,a-ye -uw 6-rcrp? -Ve- (b) Mailing address:_ CO we (Cool; d har c keo (c) Telephone number:Area Code 3 -75 q e, VO (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No NK If yes,which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Poster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes-efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LVW Section M-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable rShmc mare vik.0 ke Cl dllreWs /)rdnaand C !h " '' Zih - Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section M-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes © No ErNot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes Q No Q Not Applicable A vie -asal-trrnns Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria 2/Yes E No 0 Not Applicable Int/✓�CCP�Y[a S iv��/'� %S C fi�� S lql? Av z Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria Yes 0 No 0 Not Applicable S 4U*e- t l5 Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Q Yes [A No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III— Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No BeNot Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. E?JU Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable o PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Ye❑ No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORDING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations;Not Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ©Yes F-1No Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of laving marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section In—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No M Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12° Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LVVRP Section In —Policies; Pages 62 through 65 ffor=plicable criteria° ❑Yes 1:1No Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13° Promote ENO Hate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LVW Section Il1[I<—Policies; 5 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No plicable Created on 512510511:20 AM kF rte' .4 fi � ' ,r� • . , - . . =`S :� :r . r=•i ter.•.;:;•:,• r. t h✓ h •r + - 4t. tl. i ty v •tf '!' �74 144 "V �^ _ .y���J'►`;•�'( 77.1 •r rt i t � 1 } � .� .h ` 14 •`9r �Ih,1r/)i ,r- `t ��rQ^�1 '�1 Sx�t�t '�-.�1L�� ��".Li i.?, y 4.: .-•..,•Y 1 � �•v•CT s t• 1�,'2 t'tt '�,-•y1`` •"�' �y%� •,�,"111.��,,t..'fa%' •�a?;'Y,`,�ti ;�;�.1, •:-•'.*,i�''�C .. `�S .; `,.,� 1 ♦''C t'� c(s Z•�:,1<I ��,�.;7t�*T� J. �) wr r 1p�''t ))t M !1 !s•r,+, �.. ��� -t- ti� rl ,;r ,•r/"( - ;. F- t 4�, s. i �.^�,'.N'f.r,;?'` .( t 1 r lY;."- +.•C�r ti 1 t.�l' + c.t ! ; rt'`� ♦YiT }�� •�;. .., _ .'r•}� N t yA.1' C...a� C:t1.i, � , 'iy�',• a"' '�. rJ - ~C j�'i' + .Fh' 11 �•. 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Ink A _-AL, �y moi.+' :- _r{� �•'•��1.`•_ - +.�,, •.�• •- .3•�`;r'�' 1.�..�_;=��t-_L-!�''� .� ~` . .. r r••• .?,�J,ti'� ` ±i! .�.� f ` , ti�1 ,1'�-"1',�•4 .►:'r�•ir� - . •� r 4 - �''Jr - J.• •. _•• -'�'• .'* ��\.,r+ ��.='r .. - - -'A,�. � y '. -...� � _ 1.4�i.°rte.,:. . .—. ,,. .,. 1. -�' _ ,. �.� _ 1.','z.-'- ti'f , :�t _ { _ �• t f +, , � - - __ t ��' -� •1'-•'� rte._ ..1. 11_. •, -_ ••-.,f- .. .a�... _. rf GRUNEISEL-2875 PINE TREE RD CUTCHOGUE-SC 1000-104-3-7 + •+% ' ' x.p ' - _'- ' •,'` � - ��'••' ��' ' garage South-side yard `.';i :, .�' * '�' _ --�, ;' ;;;Y' ':_ .�'- `::�``;;_�C+, ��•+'{ �t�c�. titi front yard of house •' v •_,:,.� .-�'� , �. _r � ". ��;�.:r� �.� � lr a Y� •ter. _;�', F. , �? r ����� t't fit. •�'� . t ■ ■ ,\ ,;k'�`1 rt' �tt�—���ti�l,(y�`-`R.�.,�t �y� � W1, ,:t;;•r�'—�� 4-t it-'rI•�'R!`�'�' ryj�: } _ `,ice. �.!'y -tt r ��1Ly rg ► Zl•'✓ �'�:•• tlo f tr'=S(p) a` ^'' �tl�lt'4 , •,j:�3.� F.''[ r 'i?;l�•,�3 ' � I \ � t\'Ztir-'-'=; 1tt;1 r_�'/��A •}�{;:; C t � s,t �i i -f� !�• f�v �.����t���tt�. �ti.��r'' ���7'.�.r..1`. 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"a'r't. ♦:�Y' IL Its ` GRUNEISEL-2875 PINE TREE RD, CUTCHOGUE-SCTM: 1000-104-3-7 East-rear yard t ''�+ct `+� `���,.,�•. �M � fid,. ;� �,�• y ti. �, ���� J � r t_ I •Q { r . a r _ -d4°+� +�ri+.r si�'•,i:.!'. +�-�4•x +� Y 1 '/,t• ��` /�,_�ti�. � ,�..s. 1 '� f '•"�.x.:�,i.V�,.. �; ►r• .,r, ,` �/ -+• .y. /1 / its •' 'u� t5,��•aw-i+','G_....•"''L iMy+1�,�i' '�;�,..,.'• n tf��ll X16' ! y,\ r//e.�fl r �. � ( �y'�,�' kin 04 '+./ , Edi � y* y �,,.:y� rf's7v.:' � .�.r•� -�''i�� � 14 -+t�`j� f - ..f. j , �r�^4+ /"�.,,�• �.. i t � ,Fa 1 '�~/� �•h• \ ��"-�;°Y.'.. ��- ��C .' ��.a ,.�. i ` yk��' .r'.' �... t•.. ` 4.� ^KKer7 •' .� �.,`.����r�,,/rt �}tt .-.y •'.. �.-,,,� F .+J. -, a �, `• Y.Y /�- I r- t �� 4' /,•: �•STN�.: • •T .�J" \ '•� 1N �M�' t••1 ..,�• 1 1. �.1 ✓ n t tib ' v4 �`w,:'`, �T,IYc;✓^,;y.��l.t Ir,�. `� =aiv .e.• +syy.� rt xi,: -� t '`� �lpy�„ �ai!�1 .fir a _ , �'� � � � •.s-t'��'1' t. �� - ,0 t .�5,� rpt. lYiF r� I �A� o�.�':•'1 i • e '1. t p r/• �,`• � ' 4 r r 1 ' • y�� -vf�f�.� y�J` ~3.`"l,�i••�EV• j�i,'�'l, i.I�!J�-•�c.i'r f •Y4i~�a.-ji ~ •.+ � l�y' 0 4� a;�,,/ y .,�i yr �1, •fir ,�, � t '{ J,Y/j �,' �.3 !� ,.r��'���, � .+���`�-.�6rt .e+' .:3:a:.f:���Y `Ciw� �l ��y,•�f ,'.Ib�, � � ,,(� r^ • �. �.�•a-aFF�� E,'�r'r -�S_%••;"'7y"���,c,' „J- tn3yY',,�•• 'Y�t'i^::*�-':�'�.f,"�Y"�.;. ' _ 'r �},"7'"- •1�/�j.• '+�. 1 {Y +' t. �+ GRUNEISEL-2875 PINE TREE RD, CUTCHOGUE-SCTM: 1000-104-3-7 ;::.^ East-rear and r < 5 p , IJ,�y/'`V ,••••••Yw: 1 �� `.J`fJl•.� �� f/Lt��t ;. `T�l, yI ��j�Mpuc;7r pais W-- --•a- - _ ,.J -,:,.•1.SRI f rY� J 1���_,i`>.`..^f:'F y�;'y+iZ l/."Y:Q 7 - Y "':l:�E!' r _ a{ "• _ "Ur ;vt% f•t�1+,`•1v.,.,•�!�: \Jp i#� ,1 r•i.���', V, .r .• 4.r ��r� t • w /. -r i , ��� '_yw �I+e ).w" r•.•)Ty�l �l �•'v1•,\ �, tr�t• t •• 'f � • 1 14 fill Its 4 •�a , } i f �. �r,,'� '•r Y? �,�.,, ��{•'' �+ �-�1�:a t.:c_ • ,y 1;=.:►"I av"`, � tr!y,_�'.ti� 1 a 1 f„n�`�.R',`'� Y ��{'• � Y � ..1_���.• �'••'�'\ .._ �___�.�_��,� '. - � _ •ltH•` y 'a t_ GRUNEISEL-2875 PINE TREE RD, CUTCHOGUE—SCTM: 1000-104-3-7 ,�• , `+ .,�K.,, North -side yard 1 t4.ll�t✓ �r 1 N 'S Ft 1�_ ��+�.-..�.^ __..- 1�.._f 4u_ �fa�•rll.ci;�f � ._ �- AT i, t �����M- ��,, � �. i � moi,-�' ♦F V� - �! .> �.�� � �1 ,rti•C •`.P-t�fes. �,f..�ti..:" "� �� w �'S' - �..rr'"�t'*r�vr`r.-si.� /��4�; �'� ,t�Y�� ` ,tG11 ,�Fyy,*.�/C _,`, �'�� -may,. .�• �'� � , AkL./+•'Y••�^-:-••---�. _ ill � '.. -" ,{,'1 ;� `- • �. '- �.�" � �ji� 'rim' .' hf.� r Al _ r , �'L •l� 1L�r �.,• �•�`•I�r��� _ � �- a sem; ,, r 1-4 f ' J•••��� A k ' 1� .' � i •' GRUNEISEL-2875 PINE TREE RD, s" �'� ''" ►'=� ""_ F� '''• -.n CUTCHOGUE-SCTM: 1000-104-3-7 North -side yard nc�^' A' ' 'ria .• �r���J :��� .y' � � � � }; �r.. .�r^f�F:F ' Fy.�tJ t ''I �'iF.. �� I�� ��,Js 'tip• "�'-` 7'�+� �=Y' �-.1� •c.. �.-'' #�J�I �:Y ` IMF ' Js •1f , _ � '` , 'V,�� 1� � ••,�4�,+���, f ♦�`- r� it, t ;g F.� X. 1 @.''i� � ���.� r '41. _�•1.��L� �� ., y ".r. ..Y i:,. / aY;�.• �_S- t •:¢o' .{it ��y. ?'45 sty i,.. -L' :.�1-' Y .,JS.'tY•+ t "' ` � ,'�� 3'�' rJ�� �'� . +•r���. - :i ter `. ` ,r�r.,_� s iia ,Gt!�'• l ��►_ � - - -•.moi ," - _ b' .,I t 1 0 OR' 3 SEE SEG naox 9\, A 4 \@ A •'6 ° A 9 • h .e CQFc4 SCI{O� � Lo M � v 0 t E, SD� .@ s A �t9,' ° a`e•^ \2 4 m{ 6 .a, N�^'x�iovi 43' U. 1 �v A ,a ;s s ^ ,A".a` A m p j0 :„` f.°s $ Oe, A i18N(c) s,as °P) m \ O BROADWATERS COVE \ \ •1e 23 &\ O •R 6 E A �P^,`q{,q osP I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD \ BNC) 26 12 � •o �_ ,ten i , �- '�4 _ _ r a ra-.t .._,.Tr' '• v_�.r_® ate� +e`m'a'- _ �!n ��"9'L^,..:i� -` \ _ _ _�. _ ,r - _ S^. - ter, .�+� �(y- ,,• a5� meq# gni i°. �.^H-'? � T,'>•m ,¢p'`n;t� �s �. - .�r - '"`+-`S�� K.s'- rte*' N4.�_ - _ 3#'`l ,..`a_"s,�.. `_!� - _ ��1... ��- •'�,.s: a:` _ ''Yj aSL HAYWR7FJ,i>COVE` - :�a,. a q y� +y `� z t '+XY'�• .4m. �`�''x�'# � '.`b #�" _ 'fie"f ..�^ .an:°.£. ''�4f•r'" � ..'°ga 'T-.�! dam '� � ,g„ �'�y r'�T;ia 3+.�..' •� .'A, � ..r�k° �oi� � x>'Ai�^ ,?. # &� P _ 3 -= F~ 4 L� ..� '�'" .s�� t �' «'`..:.,Ysr'.=h, :a. .+e�,.� - n:'. :`x•,a`.:.w,, .g;Iw',,.-u., -Y�r 'i '�„;, 'G:=-._ ,y-..'„,,,. _L.,.,,.<:� SURVEY OF LOT 10 & P/0 LOT 11 MAP OA NASSAU FARMS FILE No.1179 FILED MARCH 28. 1935 SITUATE PECONIC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK MEADOW LANE S.C. TAX SC 100=20'3 03-07 ,� SCALE 1"=20' (PAPER STREET) �y MARCH 2, 2013 JWT:21.TO13 SC @6'C5 DECERIBER 3.2015 ACD PROPOSED SZ'r,C SA5TEU VARCH B.2D17 RLVSED 51L PLAY AREA=27,568 sq IL (a W 04 0.633 oe ARTHUR GRUNEISEL R X/TTR OGE SCRIPPS \ JULIANETOMISER GRUNEISEL h FREOSRICK R ITb7DEL STEWART TITLE IN COMPANY p/0/Lor it \\ m IRrs v°�ucltz vrrn _ 340.34' A e• N • E"20 ' 67'01 • \ � :xm ,v `\, `\`\Y FINAL MAP //� P.1 s � ] - t r_7 IasT`o7Cri \\ Imo 1-1 REVIEWED BYZBA •"'`'.. �•. — /-- — — — — — — — •.� 1 15v nc�vlroSl i\ yea \ \\� S }oA a ��w a y SER DECISIOfd tl 7Dca PA.rPe..tT� - ,�. / `� � p/D/tor it ,/ •'� r� a ^_4 �f' � � \ \ \\ ° � -^_ �y DAj'EOL/�/�C7 $ .r/ / JL :• ✓- � ._ TeP�--_�- aft. f •'�tp..'f .\ VS8• .>L _ __ _ �/ �_ _--�-�'-•, � _ a -Pw2P are - \ \cDa \ \ � ��y m �L E /"+�\•,• \40. CC �;\•• \sy / '"' �A`; ••/� `� %V' _ _ as WiwnP`�°" \ \ \ \ ® mm �. I� � \1 ° at Y -J• • ' .m • PRaPa1,� Lo °,x �.( \{P>^ k,F� F-'' P i g �,�' �> / ,w l•l•� o'er l w1 12.1 1 1 Q � aW !i i,--.,- t .��• _ .. -� � ", �--- •. y, I� - � 4bVl4f>LEPI I I � J � `�," -L`4-� ��-�,�`i 1 j 4�'a \ (� �' f�••• / � —✓-� I �}dam;)^• �Tw� -I Y I n • "� � I II . o - __�;= DEC - 1 2017 S e7-ol'20" w •'� x x 1 wzuRI I1°-, •- •T' IRIS%AIG YAIOI "ob e r ^--- I 9g 4, PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 9� 0M 1&D LOT AREA (25,395 sq ft.) ORCPIPIIOV I MV s la Oosi..•.,C[ 414 R IR 2A% [AST.ORMY4T 2.610.4 n 11.22 PuoP 1916[I001NOx 220 w u nx fwoe.wulat tub.o-a Oaz PROP,as VENUE woo OLRIEC ACDIDON' 16•q 0 0.6X BAYA mt EAST.8 P.P. S,I01.o-IL 2mm SCOHS.STAMP I NOTES: 1.ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D.1988 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:= EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS'----4---- �' u�a Iioov I �� aTa�aex•9(,wc.er mi°.u¢'O0"mixx a -mllw>..,. �. raeTAFT FYO'� 2.fL00DZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM. 1w+iG� �q Rl FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No.36103CO166H ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVADOK OE7ERMOIED (IE3r M nAT g, ny I4"p,Ar IS.I� ZONE K ARMS MERICNED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0 2%ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN J 3,MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE IS I,200 GALLONS. 1 TANK:8'DIA,4'110UID DEPTH 3 30M 4.MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE 15 300 sq It SIOEWALL AREA. rawv 7a9 LN,OA 2 POOLS,8'DEEP.8'cf0. RECEIVED xYS Dc xP Swn PROPOSED 50X FUTURE EXPANSION POOL A,r<m m ��)(.^.O YOR � - ¢ ®PROPOSED B'DIA %8'DEEP LEACHING POOL WITH SLAB TOP Nathan Taft Corwin III mQ20gU><.004ADOFAN'ESS Land Surveyor �m> ®� _ 'vnos"'"m s�� __PROPOSED 1.200 GALLON SEPTIC TANK WITH SUB TOP xr 5.THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FROM FIELD me SPm-vmax.Px-s Pax-G-1-LpvA imL r0O9ww uw"rcoiirwu OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. mo.c•amPn.lertn xoa",vx 6.ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150'OF SUBJECT PROPERTY HAVE SINGLE FAMILY OWEWNOS HANE(631161-2090 Fm(671)727-1717 tum c AND ARE CONNECTED TO PUBLIC WATER. o�IDWm u 1xb2m INR6s ra Om10�LE a Mon w Y1a 7.SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN BY JOSEPH FISCHERI.PE ON OCTOBER 26,2015 m Jmcpvl6,N,�r T�11911 3m,Pml Ntr YM 11911 ��IMA2EpIro�W1WRm. Jd- J � APPROVED BY SURVEY OF BOARD OF 1 RUSTEES LOT 10 8c P 0 LOT 11 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAP OF DATE TAAIVAe� 17( 2019 NASSAU FARMS DEC - 7 ;7 , FILE No. 1 179 FILED MARCH 28, 1935 SI T UA TE DISAPPROVAL PECONIC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000- 104-03-07 MEAWD O LANE SCALE 1 "=20' �aqT'"o oOCk MARCH 2, 2013 'STREET) JUNE 21, 2013 SOUNDINGS (PAPER DECEMBER 3, 2015 ADD PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM MARCH 8, 2017 REVISED S!-!E PLAN s AREA = 27,568 sq. ft. (TO TIE LINE) 0.633 ac. CER TIFIED TO: 4"' '? ARTHUR GRUNEISEL N/0/F \ J R. KITTREDGE SCRIPPS JULIANE TOMISER GRUNEISEL & FREDERICK R. KEYDEL STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P/0/ LOT 11 -n s DWELLING ` USES PUBLIC WATER pyZOp. 2nd s x 340.34' O � EXIST. CESSPOOLS SHALL �� D�GK SfEP•5,o om ]p j BE PUMPED CLEAN AND \ \� �c2 SET � FOUND WOOD STAKE 9 �° o z z-C Q. REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE PIPE 0.5'N. 1 ff RNAY u� zm WITH S.C.D.H.S. STANDARDS. S�0\ E ° GE DF DIR, 1D -'-11 ?m PICKET FENCE \ \ \ \` I C/) 87001920 u \ ,�. N S� 2' HIGH PLASTIC MESH FENCE p�-I� �� I \ \ \ Z _ dwaill p•' ° d! • �So. �iOyO !. / / '^ WOOD STAKE 1L 4 WDOD STAKE / / / U1 ..25.3'.'.'.'.:.:.. 12.1 i \ 10.4\ \/ ���2 D m I _► UTILITY i / pROP. I STORY :...:.•:EXISTING.'.'.'. / l x �• POLE pIT10N 4 N \ \/ \ STORY::':':. w (`~ I STO P /5�� \` co° -z A i1 • Poy 148 / - _ - OVERHEAD WIRES�y - . _ _ _ - ° ` =i a FRAMGE:.: .:.. / AR IG'A /\ Sfo- \ \� y`���a � O -P- A. 1S ;:::GARA 11.5 -- X 11.5 Q OVERHEAD WIRES / UY �U'' .'.'......(514 / W •° � H •. ` o p�O� LOT 11 / WIRE ° ;_ '. ::2i.o ....'.'.'.. f":::: :in \ G• o° / ° ROP• - X °\ °lGII.• / / 12.6 ° d ° d. ° •° 13.0 .. .•.2B• .ST�PT \_. a,f .6 11 •n ..25.3..... GO d ° • ��,a 11.6 / • ° e• .. - ..'..].1.� ....�i.'.:... ... \ \ !7�` \ p\\ • ae zS� -� ',S X ,3 ^1 2 aQ� o �. 2( / X \ \ X \ �\ CAT, 12 �y m o a / • . ° 12.7 ...5 R................ C 11.6 \ 0 G , ?\ ' • • \. o'' - - -__ - y a' a (' X f'`DDITION. ::'::::: RY \ \ % r� a Pt \ P \/ 15T0 \ �' K o 0 X12tz i2.6 oE911 ��: ° . a .;;....:::: CA 3..b' ADDI ON \ o F1X�D� .1 S f J' l7 \ �• \Od- °' � ° / / 13.4 d � Vol u.�.. .. \ \ \ / ! �Illc. -1_6 f w o = O-� ucm / ` OOD STEPS \ ° s .4 12.7 STORY (: : N z 1 w ° °• • ° / / W ° ° PROP. 1 (TION G . __2 lA� ° , / FLAG W ° pDD�D �m / �^YP ;//�/ �;� • s d / X1� it YPOLE RUNE dO ° pROPGRG�IQ '... b / / \ , 1 v1 p !f NAV \ .° \� / �J. a W FJ(15T•WATE °. PO y6.2' 3 r� �III� Gym °Y �0, LOT 10 134 CHIMNEY ELVR F2,<° G F / -U4 ......' Fw..(ANCE Ti I NC. �+ ° • a\Qn \ X d •.' "W d ° X 13.9 d. I 5 EPS II AG / 1 131 ° ° �A I u o 0o OIL FILLS �/ • W / 13� - o n rP OP.4'DIA. 4'DEEP • 9c� �� ° / i. �' (^ • • ..- _ __....___.___. _._ _.._.___.-.......__.. ._..,. .._..._�..�,-f9��,P..-/�_.J`j`'`p.�/V.,��./c./�...., O1a4:' �..�..'_\._.__°-\°, .'d\•\°_�� \,yL°.. 9\n� W �,�.J_. ' s° ° e . ° y'-.� ,° .a.4/ p�VI W=LL TO.LEADEN II FOU -4 A X d TfER5 (TYP.) PIPE: I 1 -18 TEST HOLE 'O _ ..Z -. ...._....cLj W000 STAKEd / °_ C ° ° N -- .J4.Q ; WALL . d17 - - 0.9'5. 1,4° SET -SEI 2' HIGH PLASTIC MESH FE CE WOOD STAKE FOUND WOOD m 4.2 -SET STAKE 0.2'S.4 X14_9 - --- - -- _.:_.�._=r.+....._..-.•.r.�y-.___ ,. S 87'0120 W o DWELLING a'• f USES PUBLIC WATER I 00 • y ' LOT 0 x d. \ a NIOIF ° . ROBERT F. FRIEMANN td . .. 'a 0+S'S T • r AD PROPOSE) LOT COVERAGE �` OVER UPLAND L 0 T AREA (25,395 sq. ft.) DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE EXIST. HOUSE 1,001 sq. ft. 3.9% Z EXIST. GARAGE 514 sq. ft. 2.0% 0 o EXIST. DRIVEWAY 2,840 sq. ft. 11.2% 4,4 0 C; PROP. HOUSE ADDITION I 230 sq. ft. 0.9% PROP. PORCH 198 sq. ft. 0.8% PROP. DECK 159 sq. ft. 0.6% PDP�NG DOCA NUE BAY AV PROP. GARAGE ADDITIION I 146 sq. ft. 0.6% , TOTAL EXIST. & PROP. 5,101 sq. ft. 20.0% S.C.D.H.S. STAMP ATO TES: 1 . ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: - - - -s- - - - 0 PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM F.FL. - FIRST FLOOR v' STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED G.FL. - GARAGE FLOOR Z BY THE LAA.L.S. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED TW - TOP OF WALL FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND BW - BOTTOM OF WALL G Dry-,- TITLE OCKTITLE AS 2. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: F`DP �eOF NL%%` FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO1 66H ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED TEpT HOLE DATA t0. eft ZONE X: AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. (TEST HOLE DUG BY McD10ML! GEOSCIENCE ON 10/06/15 AT 1:20PM) EL 1:3.5 01 3. MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES FOR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 1 ,200 GALLONS. DARK BROWN LOAM OL 1 TANK; 8' DIA. 4' LIQUID DEPTH 4. MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR 4 BEDROOM HOUSE IS 300 sq ft SIDEWALL AREA. d... •. ..'. BROWN SILTY SAND SM 2 POOLS; 8' DEEP, 8' dia. 3' N.Y.S. Lic. No. 50467 PROPOSED 50% FUTURE EXPANSION POOL PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP Nathan Taft Corwin III UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION OF THE NEW YORK STATE PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 8' DEEP LEACHING POOL WITH SLAB TOP Land Surveyor EDUCATIONN LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR Q; EL 1'.3' EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED PROPOSED 1,200 GALLON SEPTIC TANK WITH SLAB TOP 12.2' TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY. Successor To: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. LS. CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN 5. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE Joseph A. Ingegno L.S. ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. WATER IN PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP 1 1 Title Surveys - Subdivisions - Site Plans - Construction Layout TITLE LENDING MPANY,TON ERN ED MENTAL AGENCY AND AND D TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- 6. ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN 150' OF SUBJECT PROPERTY HAVE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (631)727-1727 TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. AND ARE CONNECTED TO PUBLIC WATER. OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS 7. SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN BY JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE ON OCTOBER 26, 2015 17, 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF Jamesport, New York 11947 Jamesport, New York 11947 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. -033C ' ... .._......$A- 'T`fPt „l!yC, `t'it�l; G QXb A ....... t A P1`.L'+"�t Q+��.. G1'�tLS�►G�11� tad �lC� =d 'A2�7ii;" 7 2rt �vl�t�t3 !.� 1b4-t .)L, STL 1Gllit 5=dt�lit: >t V-1V , Ax�,5l Av%' 'wG & 74 t t tI�LG L.t•1 GAR iw{�t'I"i4 ti=stz Ag M rb,VOttlCv GA+&� .._. ..... _._w.,_.__. ........ . __...».,__._...... ... ... ,.w.,. _. ..__. .. . . ._...._.. .. ., . ...._.. .. ... _ . , .. . . . .. .• 4 a x i� S 4 . >r►. 'tt �.� . .. R. _. 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