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OFFICE LOCATION: �0��0f SOUjyO�O MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) coo i5ik Southold, NY 11971 • COQ Telephone: 631 765-1938 O Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: January 17, 2018 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for BARRY ROOT SCTM# 1000-86-6-20 Robert Wilson on behalf of BARRY ROOT requests a Wetland Permit to enclose the open area within the existing carport attached to the east side of dwelling,in order to create additional living space by installing a masonry foundation and constructing exterior walls within the footprint of the existing second-floor roof; and to construct a 18'4"x5'5" front entry deck onto addition. Located: 6315 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-6-20 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the below listed Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. { i Town of Southold D X17 2 L P OONSISTE+NCY ASSESSMENT FORINT. JAN Q 8 C U 1 d A. INSTRUCTIONS S utf oBoard nnin1. All applicants for-permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete s for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt .minor action list, policies:and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A ro osed action will be ted as to L si `ficant beneficial and adverse effects upon the co stal'area "ch includes all ofSouthold T wn 3.. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the-achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained--in=tlie consistency review law. Thus each.an&wer-must,bw ex lahted fit Adjj Ad' listin otlj-sup J orfin and Ron- M122rfing,facts. If anaction cannot be certified as consistent with the;LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places,:`online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown'.northfork.net), the-Board of Trustees Office, the'Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. r .� B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 86 � 6 20 PROJECT NAME - Root Addition The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Board❑ Building Dept. 0 , Board of TrusteesEl 1. Category of Town.of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): ( ) Attion'vndertaken dhwA,y by Town agency;(e g.-capital construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance-(e.g..grant,loan, subsidy) (c) Permit,approval,license,certification: Nature and extent of acdon: Enclose and finish the area under existing carport to create a new home office, and expanded entry. Also construct an 18'-4"x 5'-5"deck for the new entry. Location of action: 6315 Indian Neck Lane Peconic NY SCTM:1000-86-6-20 Site acreage: . 1.7284 acres Present land Use: Singfe family resrcfentrat Present zoning classification: R-40 Low density residential 2. If an application for the proposed action has'been filed with'the Town of Southold agency, the following information-shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Robert Wilson (b) Mailing address: PO Box 49 Southold NY 11971 (c) Telephone number: Area Code O (631)504-8842 (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state`or federal agency? Yes E] No N,� If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the'project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. IDE3EMOPED COAST PQLItvY Policy 1. Foster'a pattern of development in the Town of Southold-that,enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use:of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Q Yes E] No [_1 Not Applicable be made to the seaward side of the house or the existing roof. The only part of the proposed construction to fall outside the footprint of the existing house is a small entry deck on the landward side of the house._ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LVVW Section III—Policies Pages 3"through 6 for evaluation criteria U Yes 0 No 0 Not Applicable There are no known historic or archaeological sites present on or adjacent to the site of construction. Further the ro osed construction only disturbs approximately 100sq. ft. of new area. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Theproposed c Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages S through 16 for evaluation criteria 10 Yes ❑ No El Not Applicable The proposed construction does not move any closer to an existinq flood or erosion-hazard areas. Nearly all of the propsed construction falls under the existing roof. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable No changes will be made to the existing roof that could affect stormwater run-off. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore 'the quality and function of-the 'town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages.22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Lir! ❑ El Yes No Not Applicable The proposed construction does not impact or encroach on any marine environments and will have no effect on marine life Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7® Protect and improve air quality in the 'Town of Southold. See LVVRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Q Yes ❑ No Not Applicable The propsed construction will have no impact on air quality in the Town of Southold. Attach additional sheets,if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town- of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See'L . Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluatiop criteria.121 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable During construction any waste generated will be removed and disposed of in an appoved way by the contractor. The project, once built,will not generate any significant amount of solid waste, and no hazardous waste at all. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of'Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yeo No❑ Not Applicable The proposed construction will have no effect on the access to or use of any coastal waters. Attach additional sheets if necessary a WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect-Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. Yes [:] No Not Applicable The propsed construction will have no effect on Southold Town's"water-dependent uses." Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The proposed construction will have no effect on the sustainable use of living marine resources. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section_III— Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. 11 Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable There are no agricultural lands that will be effected by this project. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—]bolicies; Pages,651hrough.68 for evaltation.criteria. 11 Yes El No ❑ Not Applicable The proposed construction will have no effect on the development and use of energy or mineral resources. PREPARED BY Robert Wilson . TITLE Permit Expediter DATE 12/10/17 Existing carport to be encl Existing en to be expanded .taken from t northeas aken from the heo 11/16/2017 41/16/2017 r r rk sting carport to be enclosed Existing carport to be enclosed en from thesouthwest taken from the south 11/16/2017 :fi.l/16 .210,117IN , s -A` - x+S,i id -'fse = +...:.a.etr.--•-•,..-.' �Y'3'" - "°' �s<=uawmu,.*m1c cdA.xdA+c,.�'�am - Cwwr#dw+hW,Nzttmt At mow, m mw " M+.+ha- ,.t2tA0I: tWi .gam�-^^�,�4:,, 1x._ a4 a�WS'oaM+a auawf�TRexuwn.+aW'. BfifgO�tW=(4xFgWLiYtlIOf TSN.SP �9F E �.n^' ...... 'N ..42x• ..._...waS -.»ha. -STMh.^.Aaw.5'Stf�sEC No ePIS' '.�-w5�iw�' ���sx� �r...^TM'MYy� No w4 i+o ms _ H4 ~• - - - - _. 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Q �x1E +=E�* �.�E� �r Real Property Tax Service Agency Y pp Ns�.aae. gams. --F-- °.uw wl-- F90PE4ry TATTE9NCEACENCY CowNF unur RN.HwT0,NY 11901 085 aeB RCt NO OV6 D waw a w��2tAI0/�txM w —___ ^.^u. --.-- o,."1d--...-- q' M t P o4! 1000 PROPERTY NIAP mxvwsva aTc w.Ia a,e � .s,�esm^^ .-°'+vx:re�.�.+Sam'^'z,:.w•.^.°^va..: _ — _ _.. :.`.1Kn^.- °+s�^..,,.-u..�."'•• - m _ AREA— 17284 ACRES to tie fineg SURVEY OF FROM& AT INDIAN NECK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, Xl 1000-86-08-20 R SCAL9 1"=40' CREEK MAY 21,2012 APPRONIED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF WUTHOUD B' To DATE '4*gym oiw o mo SITE DAM LOT 46P jo 750289 sq.14 tot o ubwr 16 ANTAR M ANNE PAW *4 va r l4w Q 4* 0011 mp , "M us'"al q Mae Air as& par,, Ira, rM DATA AVM Lk Apt t"VON um A 019 air aro Am %.I W41 '1 7 V F, D ROA NECK 1 1 2017 jtg)lAN :V Ific:d1on of wOlvan" —c un! of from dale "Ib.cood flown o"hets, a.-P w4l,- Ime SYMDAPOS rOR APPROVA4 MAY 31 20e ccmbl;ors ijr,' Ifirtil, (-ey'rcilt cod o- tho perr'lr to corn"ru:1 qty g�3 auAwms REnRoicco To mk.vo. as INA.-4mg ANY AL WFAWV 0?Aq&nW p7 WS MRWV IS A 10MA7 1 Or W AVN %W STAN OXXAPW LAW Cox 4 W 00TWI A cl &Wd7F AS PEI?SW1740;PM-5WWWSW J. ALL "jWWICA RONS 1797 ,�klaoW 519120-W (01) 765-- HMON ARE VA110 FW TW JWP AW COMM WREW WY iF' 7 X ;o SAW MAP OR CO"BEAN WP 1OW5SW SEAL OF WC SURWM WO MA VCLCR 10plir W06C SWA WC APPCARS t0k-04 9;, SOU91OLDY, Mity 10-165f ROOT RESIDENCE 6315 INDIAN NECK LANE PECONIC N .Y. EXISTING: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SCTM# 1000-86-06-20 EXISTING LIVING ROOM - NO CHANGES EXISTING LIVING ROOM - NO CHANGES ZONE R-40 1 .7 9 ACRES PROPOSED: EXIST. 5"x5" STEEL COL. ON 16"06" CONC. PIER W/ 4-#4 REBAR VERT. ENCLOSE EXISTING CARPORT (WITH EXIST. 2ND 24"x24"x10" CONC. FTG. W/ #5 REBAR @ 6"OC EXIST. 5"x5" STEEL COL. ON 16"x16" CONC. PIER W/ 4-#4 REBAR VERT. 24"x24"x10" CONC. FTG. W/ #5 REBAR @ 6"OIC - NO CHANGES I FL. OVER) TO CREATE NEW HOME OFFICE SPACE EXIST. WOODEN HALF WALL LINE OF 2ND FL. BALCONY ABOVE - NO CHANGES — — — EXIST. POUR. CONC. WALL & FTG. NO CHANGES EXIST. 3-1-3/4"x7-1/2" LVL UNDER BALCONY ABOVE — LOWER EXIST. FENCE TO 30" TALL — ( — _ — — _ ATTACHED TO EXIST. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — Z — ADDPAVERS � ( - - - - — _ — I—o-1 EXTEND EXISTING ENTRY AND ADD NEW STOOP J OU CONC. SLAB TPf— F - THIS AREA - 11E11EL_ I_ — m I� EXI T. CELLAR S AIR - O HAN ES I' I I EXI T. ELL R S AIRr- rOTHAN:;ETS ] EX ST. ONC. STEPS TO CELLAR ~ I W/ TOP OF STAIR D WN I FOUNDATION I I I D WN X I I 1 EXISTING PROPOSED •- w I @ I I w DD AN RAI - ' O C DE 1 3`046-, I w M o I -- — r� 1 �- — — — — — — — — — — m CARPORT 290 SQ.FT. OFFICE 287 SQ.FT. a -- - � I i `° 1 v I 1 _ I t ENTRY/MUDRM 47 SQ.FT. 65 SQ.FT. EXIST. WOODEN HALF WALL @ I NEW 8'-0"x5'-(0" SLID. WINDOW — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — -- 1 1-5/4"01-1/2� 1 I g 1 n EXIST POUR. CONC. ALL & FTG. - NO CHANGES 1 = STOOP 47 SQ.FT. 100 SQ.FT. — _ — _ _ — — — — — 2- 1-3/4"x11-1/2" LVL HEADER EXIST. 3-1-3/4"x11-7/8" LVL UNDER WALL ABOVE w v LVL HEADER TYP I I I v °` O I I I O I I I I NEW 8" MASONRY F UNDATION WALL ON 16"x8" I O 1 I UJ I POURED CONC. FTG. I I Z — LU a ( ( O@ Q w ¢ w I I I LL I g I I �iiN 1 I a � i rr� /" .. ' a EXIST. FL. JOISTS ABOVE a I a a c9 = o a I I I NOTE: NE FINISHED FLOOR @OFFICE TO ( ~ °J �_ Z U w I I I v I �_ I ALIGN W/ EXIST. FINISHED FLOOR @ ENTRY. I 1 Z@ l ¢ 2-1-3/4"x9-1/2" LVL @ 16" OC I w Q = 1 u I x v J I I I j SET TOP F NEW FOUNDATION ACCORDINGLY I I O Q LL I � it X 0 s I �; I X I I I l � � ; DEC 1 1 X I w w I z � I wl I I � L i NEW 2X8 FRAttsED WALL W/ R-30 BATT INSUL. o O EXISTING COVERED CARPORT x I I o I I I / 1 I I Z I -rCH AT EXT. ( / I I :. ( O SIDING TO MA — - - - w 0 1 LL 1/2" GYP. BD.. @ INT. I �—I UJ o I I w I I o . .. _.-__...._.. m a p w X I coo EXIST. 1X6 CEDAR T&G @CEILING & ( I — -J I w Q Z I I w Ci Lu I I X o REMOVE WINDOW / I I , w z 1 x CEILING/2ND FL. FRAMING TO REMAIN I I I Cr w U ( I O I c7 0 wN + LU CO z 1 I W I �;I o I I X , GENERAL NOTES Z Q O X CC X X a F-, +� _X 11 _ ( lml p w N 1. All work shall conform to the requirements of the Residental Code of New York LU r o ( 1 JI , " State, County and Town Department Regulations, Utility Company requirements and EXIST. 3-1-3/4"x11-7/8" LVL UNDER WALL ABOVE ( ( > I I / 1 D EXIST. �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - �_ I O OPEN TO OFFICE NOTE: NEW FINISHED FLOOR @ OFFICE TO L j J Z ( I I< ` best trade practises. MUDRM. Z � op ALIGN W/ EXIST. FINISHED FLOOR @ ENTRY. 4 � ( 1 Io1 / L F .._ � 2. Before commencing work the Contractor shall file all documents required by the c7 ( SET TOP OF NEW FOUNDATION ACCORDINGLY / o w1 Z o ( LL I IQ I ( Building Department, pay all fees required by local agencies and obtain all required O w I } I ( 1 I �I 2X10 FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" OC ( I permits. 6 '0 1 I a I 1pl 3. The Contractor shall visit the site and verify all dimensions and the existing @ w I I( Q I 1 ZI '-in I I conditions affecting the work prior to construction. Any discrepancies which would o � 1 j I I 11 0 o I 1J1i I interfere with the satisfactory completetion of the work described herein shall be °+ N o X I I I w p 1 8—94n8'-93"4 I reported to the architect or property owner. Do not start work until such conditions +, I w �� I I I1 LL C 1 I I NEW 8" MASONRY FOUNDATION WALL ON 1s"xa" have been examined and a course of action mutually agreed upon. Failure to notify EXIST. DINING ROOM S� 8+ EXIST. DINING ROOM 0 w 0 8'-0"x5'-0" ;SLID. WINDOW O X w I + t` N I I o a 1 POURED CONC FTG. the owner or architect of unsatisfactory conditions will be construed as an acceptance w LVL HEADER ° ___2:_j-_L/4"x11-1/2"- - - - - -- - - - - - J (- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4.' I of the conditions to properly perform the required work. - - J w 1 '..r' ", .' 4. All work is to conform to the drawings and specifications of the architect and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - -- - I ..a _ - =77_=_=____-__.._.-_- -_-_-._- ------- -.�� engineer consultants. EXIST. WOOD FRAM D LINE OF EXIST. ROOF OVERHANG I I 2X12 ACQ LEDGER BOLTED TO MASONRY W/ 2-1/2" EPDXY COATED I 5. The Contractor is to maintain a complete and up to date set of plans on the NEW 8" WALL TO ALIGN W/ EXIST. ROOF OVERHANG SCREWS W/ ANCHORS @ 16" OC MIN. STOOP @ENTRY i I I job Site at all times FILL MASONRY BLOCK @ ANCHOR LOCATIONS NEW ENTRY DECK I ( O 6. The drawings are not to be scaled under any circumstances. �� ( O I 7. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to ascertain all prevailing procedures EXIST. SLID. GL. DOOR EXIST. SLID. GL. DOOR i 5/4 X 6 CEDAR DECKING OO 2X12 ACQ DECK GIRDER ANCHORED TO 10" DIA. PIERS 1 including storage and toilet facilities,protection of existing Work to remain,access t0 1 y ON 18" DIA POUR. CONC. FTGS. MIN 3'-0" BELOW GRADE— _ @ work area, hours of permitted work,availability of water and electric power and all -- = ----- -- - 1 -RW other conditions and restrictions for this particular location in order to execute the _ _ _ _ work in a careful and orderly manner with the least possible disturbance to the public. LL --- --- - --- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - ---- ---- --- 8. The Contractor shall make the neccesa arrangements to utilities and services Z LINE OF NEW ENTRY DECK � 1 15: 2 `2 ) temporarily disconnected while performing the work as required. T o . PLANTER 1'-0" EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL— 1. 0.. 9. The Contractor shall provide all dimensions and cut-outs for other trades. cwi `V 10. The Contractor shall provide proper shoring and bracing for all remaining structure Z prior to removal of existing structure. EXIST. DECK EXIST. DECK } 11. Plumbing, electrical, HVAC and similar work shall be performed by licensed a persons who shall arrange for and obtain all required inspections.The General > Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling all other inspections as required. EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN a PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED FOUNDATION PLAN Cr 12. The Contractor is solely responsible for construction safety and shall hold the 1/4" = V-0" 1 1.30.17 0) 11/4" = V-0" 1 2.8. 1 7 1/4" = V-0" 1 2.8.1 7 owner and architect harmless from litigation arising out of the Contractor's failure to X 9 9 w w provide construction safety means and methods. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. All footings shall rest on undisturbed soil at a minimum of 36" below fin. grade. 2. Poured concrete shall have a minimum psi of 2800 at 28 days unless noted. 3. Sill plates shall be preserved, treated wood and be installed above a 16 oz. copper termite sheild. 4. Shingle siding shall conform to ASTM D 3679 and be installed in accordance with the New York State Building Code and manufacturers specifications. 5. Pilings shall be installed by a licensed contractor to a depth and bearing agreed upon by an engineer and certificates shall be issued stating same. 6. Unless otherwise noted all framing and structural wood components shall be #2 or better Douglas Fir. 7. All framing techniques and methods shall be as prescriptive design based on AF&P Wood Frame Construction Manual for One and two Family Dwellings (WFCM) N or as speci ied in R301.2.1.1 8. All building envelope components shall comply with Chapter 6 of the Energy Ly ---.-.--- -,-. - ®. onservatlo o e o t e tate o Ne York_ ---T-- -- - 9. Fireblocking shall be provided in all wood framed construction in accordance ----- -- - ---- -- - — - with NYS Code R 602.8 to form an effective fire barrier between stories and — _ - ---- etween t etop story an roo space. 10. Protective panels shall be provided for glazed openings in accordance with NYS code R301.2.1.2 if they are required. _.-------------------------------- - - ----- ----- t t portions o the new structure r i --- -EXIST. 2ND FL. ROOF - NO CHANGES -- -'-"""""--`-"-"--''-"-'-'-"""`'-"""-'-"" - --- EXIST. 2ND FL. ROOF - NO (CHANGES--.- - P e a e designed o comply with local geographic - --- --- --- — -- — ------- ---- --- -..- .. an climatic criteria as state In the following table. _....... -------- .. .... . _ — -- - - - - ---- - - ----- -- -- & CLIMATE DESIGN CRITERIA _ - ---- _ ------ -- ---- _-------------- -- - ...- ............_...._.._----_---------------------- ..... _---. - - _----------------- -- - -- -- -...__._.._................-. ---___......_.._ ._._........._....._... GROUND SNOW LOAD 45 s1 -- - -- _ .. ._...._.... - _..._.. ... .. ...._.------ -__._.._. . -....._....................... _................ ........._.....___-........... . .......... __-_--._-- -- -- WINDSPEED 1 MPH - _--..--.__.__,._.-.---...-._....___._.___..-_....---.--------------....__-._.__-_..--___..___._.-__..-..........-.__.....__.._....---.._..._.. - SEISMIC DESIGN CATATGORY B — -- ...................._.._....__..__........-- --------------_.............. - ............_...... ...---------- -- -----------..... --- ---- ---- E -.... ..........- - _-.._..- .... - ..__..._.__...---..__ - .._.__....._.. - - _ - - ---------- - - - --- -------------------------------------------------------------- - - ----- -- ------ - FROST LINE DEPTH 36" ---- NEW FRAMED WALL UNDER EDGE OF ROOF OVERHANG - ..__......_......_... - - - ....__...._.......- _.. O G -- -- -.._.. ------ -- - - ----- -- -------._...- .... --_...._..- - - -- -- -- -- ------------- - -- - _.. THREAT --- - -- - -- -..._..._.. - -.... ..__...... --- - -- - - --- MODERATE TO HEAVY - - .._...._.......__.._.._........... .... - - ........ ......_.-... -....... ......__......_.-......-.... -...--....- - ......_..... DECAY SLIGHT TO MODERATE ........................................-_.................... WINTER DESIGN TEMPERATURE 11 ..................-.................................... ......_.... ...__ _.....___...._.................._.....__.... .............. ---...-.._-...........-...._-_.....---........-------_-__-----------------.._-.___......-----...._.._......-..-------.....--_-..._-.......-._-.._....--_......_.....-..--._...... FLOOD HAZARD AS NOTED ----...-------------------- - - -- - - -. -..---------------------- _. _... ............... G TO MATCH EXIST. EXIST. OVERHANG OF 2ND FL. ROOF ------..........-___..._._....... ---.____-..... _.- ------- ----------------------------- -.__..----- -------- __...--------- TYVEK HOUSE WRAP ---- - - ..........................-........... _.._... 3'-0"x6'- " _..------ NEW 8'-0"x5' ( " SLID. WINDOW -- -------------------__---. .. 1/2" PLYWD SHEATHING OPEN CARPORT _.....__.__._...------......_.....__._-_....__._.... FULL E ..-......_ LL FRAMING __............-............_........_....... ATIO SECTIONS, NOTES _-----.. -... _........ .. ... _. . --............-......................... ... _.... _ - NS, NS, S NS, N _ ......... -..._............... R 30 BATT INSUL. EV _......------..-......_._........._..-..._...._....__. EXIST. SLID L DR. __...._.. A BEYOND STAIRS _-.-...---.__.._.._._.-_..._-.......--.........._... EXIST. S GL. DR. _.._...._ __'_-_. --_.__ _... 1/2" GYP. BD. @ INT. /�- O2 ELEVATI _................. NO C A GES _... EXIST. HALF WALL O S ._.._....__.-....-....-.....__-_-_.....................__-- NO C ANGES �. _.._.................._........_.......-..............................__.......... ADDITION @EXIST. CARPORT - ------------------------------ __.._-...... - EXIST. ENTRY ----------- .............. ......_._..._.. _._-.... .----- ----.._...... _.-..- -.._..._._......- _-._......,._... EXIST. HALF WALL CELLAR STAIRS __...............__._....._....._._............. EX S @ -.........._......................_. ..................._......--.__._............................._............... NEW FRAMED WALL 5 FLOOR ..................... ---....-. ..._..-......-...........-......................................... ....... 3/4" HARDWOOD FLOOR P � _ TION PLA 2X12 ACQ LEDGER BOLTED TO L SHEATHING __..._.................... ............ _ ..........._. ...----....,_._... ._-_...... __._._...._.. -- - COATED AT I O N ----------...--------------....._.-....-------- _-..........�--- --- ---------------...------------------_-_----------._..___-_- -....._.....------------..................._. HOUSE W/ 2-1/2" EPDXY 2X10 FL JOISTS @ 16" OC T�� �� DECKING R-38 BATT INSUL NEW PLANTER SCREWS @ 16" OC MIN. 5/4x6 (7 -- -- --- ----------------- 2 X 8 ACQ JOISTS @ 16" OC - -... ........ .... ------ . _...----------------------- - - ANCHORED TO 2-2 X 12 ACQ SECTION �r EXIST. STOOP ,,.-„------------.,.,_......_.........-__.......-..............-.............. .,. ...._... NEW DECK & STEPS 2X8@ 16"OC JOISTS �o y ti GIRDERS ANCHORED TO 10" y =7 2X8 ACG SILL PL. ANCHORED TO Q 7 SCALE AS NOTED '0 NPS DIA CONC. PIERS S. 18. 8" CONC. FOUNDATION WALL ON DECEMBER 1 O, 2017 POUR. CONC. FTGS. MIN. 16"x8" POURED CONC. FTG. MIN. - -- E I ( 3'-0" BELOW FIN. GRADE 3'-0" BELOW FINISHED GRADE EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONS ( ( I I I PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) ( f I I I I 2" CONC. SLAB @MIN. CRAWLSPACE ress : :r. I II I I 1/4" = V-0" 1 2,10,17 FL — � 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 2.10.17 � (_� 3-2X12 ACQ GRADE BEAM ANCHORED 101 r TO 10" DIA. CONC. PIERS ONDT I J I ( L -, ( I I 24"x24"x8" POUR. CONC. FTGS. " 1 OF 2 I II I II I + I I I f I ( I SECTION #2 NEW ENTRY DECK SECTION # 1 ADDITION CARPORT permits drafting expediting I EXIST.CELLAR STAIRS 1 1 1 rr ( EXIST.CELLAR STAIRS 1 1 1/4" = 1�-0" 1 2.10.17 1/4" = 1�-0" 1 2.10. 17 PO BOX 49 L - - _ - -J - - - - - - - - - - JJ L _ _ _ _ _-1 __ ___ _ - - - - - - - - JJ JOAN CHAMBERS SOUTHOLDNY 11971 631-294-4241 ROOT RESIDENCE 6315 INDIAN NECK LANE PECONIC N .Y. EXISTING: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SCTM# 1000-86-06-20 ZONE R-40 1 .79 ACRES PROPOSED: ENCLOSE EXISTING CARPORT (WITH EXIST. 2ND FL. OVER ) TO CREATE NEW HOME OFFICE SPACE - --- - ----- ------- _.... — _-EXIST. 2ND FL. ROOF - NO CHANGES" - --- -- - - - - -- - ---- - - XI ------ --- ---- _.. - _..-- --- - -- ST 2ND FL ROOF - NO CHANGE -- - - - --- - --- — ---- — ------..---_ . __-- --_—__-- --11.1.1...... _. __1.1.1.1. _ ..___. _1__111_-- ---.-----_---_:_-.__-- -__----.--.-.- _ — E S- _._ ._.-- - _.._.___ -- ----- ATTACHED T EXIST. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. ---1111--- _-----._.---------- --------------------111.1-..-- -... ............ . _ -_- ------------ --- -- - ------ --- --- - EXTEND EXISTING ENTRY AND ADD NEW STOOP - -_ --- - - - EXISTING PROPOSED —EXIST. 2ND FL. ROOF - NO CHANGES- --"-" -- _ ---- CARPORT 290 SQ.FT. OFFICE 287 SQ.FT. ENTRY/MUDRM 47 SQ.FT. 65 SQ.FT. - - - -- STOOP 47 SQ.FT. 100 SQ.FT. - -. ........__..._ ----..-_1111---------------------- _------- --------- ---------- ---- -- EXIST. 2ND FLOOR & BALCONY - NO CHANGES EXIST. 2ND FLOOR & BALCONY - NO CHANGES = =_- _----.---. -11.11--------NEW FRAMED WALL UNDER EDGE OF ROOF OVERHANG ...- -------_ -. NEW FRAMED WALL UNDER EDGE OF ROOF OVERHANG 1111...-...-.. .. _. ------------........... .............................._ EXIST. LIV. RM EXIST. LIV. RM - 3'-0"x6'- -- NEW 8'-O"x5, " SLID. WINDOW _......._.....-...-...-1111.-..............._......... .......... 3'-0"x6'-8" NEW 8'-O"x5'- ' SLID. WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW FULL L E -------------------.--------- FULL LITE OPEN CARPORT """""" ""' NO CHANGES NO CHANGES EXIST. S1.11). GL. DR. ---------- -------- ----- - -- -- _. NOC ANGES ..---..._....._.-- _....-.....................-.....-....--....................................... - - -___ NAILING/FASTENER SCHEDULE ...._ ..._._.................................................................._-1111, PROVIDE MSTA30 OR EQUAL METAL STRAPS OVER RIDGE --`---- TO ROOF RAFTERS @ 16" OC a EXIST. 1/2 WALL (FENCE) @STAIRS TO BE LOWERED EXIST. 1/2 WALL (FENCE) STAIRS TYP. NOT APPLICABLE IF .---- NEW PLANTER --- --- I COLLAR TIES ARE PRESENT. ............_.. ............ ..1111..1111 � NEW DECK & STEPS D COMMON @ 6' OC @ 4'-0" PERIMETER ZONE SD COMMON @ 12" OC @ PANEL FIELD 8D COMMON @ GABLE ENDWALL RAKE 1 REF ADD MASONRY STEP ER TO TABLE 3.8 WFCM- SBC f II I I II Z I 1 1 II Z PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) I -� I I ( I I I PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION (REAR) I I I I Z EXISTING NORTH ELE/ATION (REAR) 1/4" = 1'-0" 12.10. 17 I -� I I — I I �- 1/4" = 1'-0" I 12.10. 17 I-L — -1-1 I ( 1/4" = V-0" I 12.10.17 PROVIDE 8 - 10D COMMONNAI EACH END OF COLLAR TIES 1/2" PLYWD. SHEATHING 6D COMMON @ 3" OC EDGE TO SECURE ROOF RAFTER PROVIDE SIMPSON H2 / H10 OR 6D COMMON @ 6" OC FIELD PLATE AAND TWALR FRAME.ICANE TIES PROVIDE SIMPSON LPT4 OR I ( I I I I I EQUIVALENT TO TIE RIM BOARD EXIST.CELLAR STAIRS I I ( I EXIST.CELLAR STAIRS �I I I I EXIST.CELLAR STAIRS I TO DOUBLE PLATE TYP. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -IJ I_ L - - - - - - - - - -- -LZ - - -- -- - 1 -- - - - - - - - - - I-- I- - - - - - - - - - - -Z - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - PROVIDE SIMPSON H6OR EQUIIVILANT TO TIE WALL STUDS OF BOTH FLOORS TO PLATE & BAND JOIST @ 16" OC PROVIDE SIMPSON H6 OR EQUIVALENT TO TIE WALL STUDS TO PLATE & BAND JOIST @ OC TYP. PROVIDE SIMPSON LPT4 OR EQUIVALENT TO TIE RIM BOA TO SILL PLATEPLYWD. FLOOR SHEATHING 8D COMMON @ 6" OC EDGE 8D COMMON @ 12 OC FIELD PROVIDE APPROPRIATE METAL PLATE WASHER, NUT & ANCH R BOLT TO TIE SILL PLATE TO MASONRY FOUNDATION TYP 6'-0" OC FOR 1 STORY, T-0" FOR 2 STORIES, 12" FROM CORNERS & OPENINGS AND BOLTS TO BE MIN. 12' DEEP. ABBREVIATIONS - -- ADJ ADJACENT MIN. MINIMUM ------- - ---- ------ - - --- -- - - -------------- -- =--=- ALUM. ALUMINIUM APPROVED--- -------1111...-----1111._--_ ------------ _-1.111_-__1111-- --_----------------------- ---.._..._....___-- - - - - ---- -- CONTRACT APPD APPROV W MILLWORK NIC NOT IN ---- - - BIRD. BOARD BRK. BRICK OC ON CENTER OS OUT SWING -- -- - _.. _ - - --- - BOT. BOTTOM OPG. OPENING - -- -- L CENTER LINE PL. PLATE _ --- -- CLG CEILING PLUMB. PLUMBING -- - - COL. COLUMN PLYWD. PLYWOOD -- -- - - CONC. CONCRETE ------ -" - T CONTINUOUS CON PT. PRESSURE TREATED - EXIST. 2ND FL. ROOF - NO CHANGES __ _ __ -___-_-__----__ EXIST. 2ND FL. ROOF - NO CHANGES CT. CERAMIC TILE PNT. PAINTED ------- - - _......._................ - -... - I -- --111.1 ---- - = ---_ -11.1_1..-- __...-- - ...._..._..._.. ------- I - --------- ---- - PVC POLY VINYL CHLORIDE ---- - ( - - - -- ( DEMO. DEMOLISH DIA. DIAMETER RCP REFLECTED CEIL. PLAN DR. DOOR REQ. REQUIRED DWG. DRAWING RM. ROOM R.O. ROUGH OPENING EA. EACH SIM. SIMILAR ELEC. ELECTRICAL - I I ELEV. ELEVATION SPEC. SPECIFIED EQ. EQUAL STL STEEL EXIST. EXISTING T & G TONGUE AND GROOVE TEL. TELEPHONE ( I I I I I EXT. EXTERIOR F.P. FIREPLACE TBD TO BE DESIGNED ! I I ( FR. FRENCH TYP. TYPICAL LINELINE OF EXIST. 2ND FL. FRAMING - NO CHANGES F (- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -I L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � L - - - - - - - GALV. GALVANIZED UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE TRIM BOARD GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD VIF VERIFY IN FIELD _111_1-------------- ----- - ----- ------------------------------------------------ -- - - - 1 - - -- - - ---111.--------- ------- --.....--------- ----- -- --------- --,_._.._---------------------- EXIST. OVERHANG OF 2ND FL. ROOF HVA HEATING, VENTING & ...................... .........------__-----1111-.. ........---_-----------.._-.----------- AIR CONDITIONING W/ WITH EXIST. LIV. RM ----1111 NEW -...__..._...-......_...........-.... .....-.........._......................_..-._..__................_.._....................-......-.........-........._...-1111 NEW --..-1111--1111 ............. ..-.-__....-....1111-..-........... ..........-_ .__-.___..-_ ---1111...-. EXIST. LIV. RM INSUL. INSULATION WD. WOOD WINDOW 4'-0"x5'-O" - "" '-' 4'-O"x5'-0" WINDOW WP WATER PROOF EXIST. ENTRY/MU R BEYOND FIXED GLASS - -""- -"" FIXED GLASS INT. INTERIOR NEW FAMED WALL TO ENCLOSE CARPORT,. _- _..... IS IN SWING XPS EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE NO CHANGES NO CHANGES EXIST. PRIVACY FENCE EXIST. PRIVACY FENCE 1.1.1-.1.--.............................. ..- .....-.....1111...-..-....................- ........................-.................1111..-1111...-...........- _-_....-... LBS POUNDS NO CHANGES NO CHANGES OPENCARP RT _...._...--- ..... ........__.....__.............-..-------------- .--..................... - - MAX. MAXIMUM EXIST. STR CTURAL COLS & FTGS. -----.. MO. MASONRY OPENING - ----------------------... - -- - --------------------------------------------- _--------.----------------------........... .................................. ................. ...................... ............................................................................................................ .....-...............................................-----....................._-...._...--.....-------......---..........-.... A- 101 PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS, NOTES NEWBENCH ..........I_..-.-._...............................__...._..._............._.... .-._..- .._-................. iv NEW ........ .. ._ ... . .. .. _. A- 102 EL ATIONS — - ---- PLANTER .............- __-_ -_ _-_ --_ _- -_-____1111..--1111... -... ....--..-..----....-..._-..........._..___-._..-_-_...-------..._.......-_----__....-----_-....-----_------1_111..-1111..--1111.___-_--_._.. -...................-................-........-.....-....-.._....-.............._.._.-_............._____..._1_111_...-1111..---------------_-_-__..-__-_.._._-. .---_--111_1._-----___-_--------1.111. M EXIST. ENTRY STOOP -... ...............................1 ........ ._._ _1111. ........................................................................... 111.._-._.-..-......_..._....._.._.-1111.. NEW ENTRY DECK - - I ( �N E w NEW FOUNDATION YO EXISTING EAST ELEVATION (SIDE) I I I — — — I PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION (SIDE) IONS 1/4" = 1'-0" 12.10.17 — � I — � 1/4" = 1'-0" 12.10. 17 L - - - - - - - - — -7 I- - - - — � � 11, � ' w XIST. FT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W- - - - I � -EXIST- ---. T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1 �-- --- €X1ST:- --- ---j LLAR Z CELLAR I STAIRS (- -STAIRS - I — _ _ _ I SCALE AS 07 ° �� DECEMBER 10, 2017 _ i � ress LL ��,., I , _ _ _ A 1 02 s I {�4 KTJ permits I drafting expediting OF PO BOX 49 JOAN CHAMBERS SOUTHOLD NY 11971 631-294-4241