HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-86.-3-1 OFFICE LOCATION: QF SU(/ryOlO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � � �p� Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 O Fax: 631 765-3136 COUNT`1,� LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Domino, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: May 10, 2018 Re: Local Waterfront Coastal Consistency Review for BRADLEY M. ANDERSON SCTM# 1000-86-3-1 J.M.O Environmental Consulting on behalf of BRADLEY M. ANDERSON requests an Amendment to Wetland permit#5649 to install a 3'x16' adjustable ramp and a 6'x20' floating dock secured by (4) piles to be situated in an "L" configuration off of the side of the fixed dock. Located: 1095 Emerson Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-86-3-1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided the following: 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. The action meets the dock standards pursuant to § 275-11.Construction and operation -._---- _--standards-(d)-to the-greatest-extent practicable—. --- -- --- — - Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Damon Hagan, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold LWle CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT I+'Q)RM A. INSTRUCTIONS I. All applicants for permits" including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are suhtect to the'Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Lu\v This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Toxvii of Southold atancy in making a deteniiination of consistency. *Except 110,71• exempt actions including Building Pernlits al7d other ministerial pernlit.s not located ivithin the Coustal Isr•o.sion Hazard.4rea. 2. Before Iulswe:ring ills questions ill Section C. the preparer of this furan should review the exempt millor action list, policies and explanations of tach policy contained in the TOW11 of SnpthUld Local Waterfront Revitalizafion Prugrasn. A rOu) ed action will be evaluated yaa to its [ic:ut bctwiicia1 anci adh'erse cilcc i>;,u j,n the coastal ilicludCs all of_Soulliold 1'own). 3. If any' question ill Section C 071 this form is ans«•cled "yc�' or "no", then the propulsed action will afficct til: mWevemellt of the I,WRP polis j' standards and Conditions contained ill the consistency review lativ. 'l'llils, each ansivel- illust he explained ill det-Af, Esfing bolls supporting and iion- Ssupport3glg facts. If all action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undei-taken. A copy of the I-AV I) is available ill the tt)llrnVIlIg pl<aceS: oilhtle, at the TI'N'A of Solithold's website (S(illihOl(jttl\�'i1.IlUttllf()7'li.ilt t). the Board OfTrustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESC:IUPTION OF SITE kNB PROPOSED ACTION it➢R®.)FL',C'T N:''lN1dr' The AI)lAcation has been submitted to(sliest, appropriate response): �..1 Town. Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees 1. Category of Tovti~n of Southold agency action(check appropriate;response): (a) action undert dwn directly by'f'o%vn agency(e.g. capital construction,planning activity, agency regulation, ltuld transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.graft, loan. subsidy) LJ (c) Permit. approval, license,certification: 141 Nattu•c and extent of action: -046--a—CRP a0 ' Location at'action: i— Q Src,O�S �0j_ SOc--�\lf`O Present land use:. Sit-�a, :�y Present zoning classification: 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed v ith the Tmvn of Southold agency, the follmNing information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:_—'17-M(p N.Pt �_!m._�(�-•��.Sdi1 _ (b) Nlailing address: (e) "1'elcphone ncuril�c r: :lrca Crde t )C�Q_a_\ — (p f� — (�� (d) Application number, if any: ( t.(\ f,\o L Vi Will the action he directly undertal:eil. require 111nding, or appro%11,11 by a stag or federal at;ene""! Yes No l- .1 If yes, Nvhich stalc or federal zgmicy? �,��,5� � C t.�`.� .S•IJ•0 S•� tJ1•S• � •C• 0� �' . C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not suppo,N the policies. Provide all purposed Best 'Maiaag;etraeatt Practices that will ffurthei- each poliev. lraeosa3plete <aiaswers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. foster a p attea'Al of developmelit in the Town of Southold that enhances community chaame:ter, preserves open space, inakcs efficient use of infrastructure, makes benelje h l use of ca con;staall, location, ;.and IInlnimizes lidverse effects of de"elopttaeUt. See 1.AVRP Section III —Policies; Page 2 for cz•nl cation ��c---�riterial. [--il a'cs F] No [-� Riot Applicaablc ��o`j•e�-� w ll ha,Je ro ne -�-��ve.. i n_ ��S. u o� ae c.kec� GO m Vnnu,n,�.y; 4J 1 l t h e J e in�j.tv�.4_N POn- O n__ GP c yam, t1 tc re,1. Ck. coots-lal .lar-g f_mtn.. r„'�cJ_._._. Policy 2. Protect and piesti-ve historic and a i-chaeolot;ical resources of the Town of .Southold. See LWltl'Section III —��-Po-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for eva�lra:ation criteria C � Yes , No L_l Not Applicable The project shall have no impact . upon any historic or archaeological resourc is consistent -j D with thi Q -r-y maell addi'donal sheens if'necemrry South-oil, su— PoUcy 3. Enbance. visusii flUality amd pj-(gp_,-j Sp t e 4a throughout h To 7 of LWIRPE Section HI-Policies Pagez,6 through 7 For ewpluation criteria r- I x] Yes, D No Nov Applicable t---j The project -hill have no impa 12 sQ nor impact the visual qua nt ec eh2L1dItim-1 sbeat's If necOssaQv NXTURAL COAST POLICIES FOHCY4. rflivi-mi7e loss oflifes structures; and fiec"Imag im'd erosion. See Lvnqp Section!I!-Poh-Mes Pay 8 throulgh 16 for evaluation- critcrim 7x Yes NO D N Not .�ppfle�bk The =�jeqt_eij.�.-nat ca- s-e--a-cmeLeint h a I ],-b P nn I c)-q-,, of a no loss of-p -t-J-s--f-eJ-t--that--thI2-- jLb—liv recEje project is consistent -7ith—'Uhis policv Much, addition-all sL%Us'IfIllee Wsal-j Polley 5, Protect arra inoprow,Wotar-qu,aflty au d s-upph) IR th,- TOWU 0f&Guthold.sv";I-AVRI, sectio-m 1-0 pahze.ics pageg 16 fjirough 21 for�;.,Aaatnon eri'veArla 174es No L-jNofApplimble The project have no negative up��the anality of _p��o i e or taie rmpni-ity — --4--- pyq i-pr , I t I fat t t h - the s — pro!eet is consistent with t i P air id&dmal sleets if rIeressary poiley 6. Protect and restore thae 91011 y arid fLmeflon of the Town of Somi-hold ecosy,,VOMS iueludlag Signiflicant Coastal Fish and Wildlife 1- s) and vve-flands, See L�NRP SeCtIOR 113--Policies; Pa,ges 22 throe-h 32 for evalust-mr-a eriter ia, El °ties 1,,T.r3 of r+gyp hicP- le The project shall have no mega t?ve impacts upon the qual.itj or function—ofunction-of anvw t At( F—C0cSti� Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats It is felt that this project is consistent with this ^ol__cy Attaoh.addidoaia s,eetsifnccessary ; r a r. -z r uc taKz t 6. thi e m o! 530-n-, d Se ;{VAIII- Sb c'^a a M 3 "r-en �C"'�'eJ�.b�a°+� ,:�''.@u. $''L`,�.�.'�f'4�.. 'x1- �i��uLe.....�.�� '.� t: _.9"�:�t iSt��i.,.�e � `'.��`�,h�5�... '— .�i�=t:�,.51�w Per 'yam p`J The pro�ecL sna'? have no .n;�ac� upon air quality° It is fele that this ,project is Co71:sisteTt with -LhiS pOj.iCy yiL$�CL]c�Grli[7�i2ti^�5i�t'A£$ if necessay 'POfey" S. 1y `MaeX33 a.�.' 3 ? =ate"ti ;''�:�'��,_..`.ICLCi2?. __.. ;:�;'s=e .: i' " %?.`'cu `j = n '?` sss�' 's r,`'�is'2.6�`• °aa �c£'�'.s�k�' 'z;.� , ms x es aed, mist-2s. l�-J' "!WRY8�+'0t ;n Uff '—koq f"F. IggWi n37 si :.T z Jugh- 30 w-: L The project does not use nf o,- t j r 2:�,p-Q.sdl a solid waste or hazardous substances and v7ast:.es, it is felt-. _ than= this Project- i s cops'- stenIC wil th this poli Cir ! 2 Pic CICIOM" LIC S i �{y y�rrss 9 rk tiirta Rc .--.+hires t €'�a"m-atko T^. i "3 r:e� .O SWWA`�`,;a f.m Du 's: R h. amad YY��Y�� JC 1 L�.Y;�Y'.i y�i� �x:2�t�.`.:� ...G42A..>1 CYT' L��Ss 6...erEa Z. VS::G-�.. L.iJ� .F_.� wV�u L`�SS� F�4�.F:.�Gq.*�, b-"Lh��3:�'4 �'�'6�l�M1Sr� �-� � d+ ! of V?e '.Dvi'm of so=,h--o . i'�w _>"a';�iP—P cSeatl"O x^.?—Pa,-�F..laz, ��'"S�iL�:,�.�Lr fi:.tras hjin dx- 00Z a:r.i3k'n'dom ! The toroject will have rjo :L?IT, cCL uxT?on oubl is access to, andthe recreational use cfF coasta t-e;-s r public lands or tete public resources of -the Town. It i s elt khat Lrti s — Project is consistent with this policy Atmoh addifiarml shams if ecessa-,,y asn's x-n�d -m-n .rxc,Ea mRfl-ag F'tr'ne�.rj vm:Ley-"v�i'Tpendf nt- lasQu ?fie a-L�a-E th ou--1 96 goo 2�ra1�.�:�a�5.4�n 4'eAfeH'i . xI Yes NIG, The project will have ro impact upon Sout-holz° s water-dependent L152S OLor ti1PL water-dependent uses in sui to.,!e,7^oo-;„ � ,—ri is felt that this prof er-c2,2 consi.stant with t his policy , E Aaach addits-on a aheeLS:`_i!iBCv'SSc�?�' HJ A r ! '� L^• ��nr. e:41 Jr Lb. #-fb�Otc SUs- c�i i 3s v: �� :s $dant ms�r^uirces". �;. .Long ESs1;.§� b.a,nwy and Town,wn, wr2 {ers. See L¢f"R+.FgeaKfLt 111,-^POKC=G-siagar 57 th C-ug n 6- xfilz'ewnw-""m on @vh:Nank 1 -Yes r4e, The project ;:.11 nave „ Os? + C ,' a-W-a-uz- of limina raring resourcYs zs fe�I _.1;bp- i:,hia consistent with .his Boli y AMch addiiioml siietis is necessary POUCY 122. C gric?ir-UrRE, LG.ads ?:... Hale TE-wm- o Vimn—'holld— l ec'iian 111— Pof?d cs—, Page 62�dmLo'iBga Gas ITOV v—,w UaL'Itmx vnr z , X2,05 Ilio i” 4 NIOt"k, eaa lle � 7'Le projecto _ ?*1� .� �;� _cr; ,_i7 z L� n�,� �t s f ; i� tI�at this policy i s not to this Nrc11cct .Hrach additional sheers if necesn,/ Po''UrrJ 13_ C:°OmwG npp1mk2E% use, an; of „'..e"'gy ��� m lrGi a� r FsfCuse'a. See ��� L'S erm,t r 191--P@LaCfk*i Pap's�5 ch-rongba acv fol.c Vajb-a-don Ca Iter iv.. °. — r_ J y'''es Wo The _nroiech does not involtae the use of or development of energy or mineral resources. ?.t ?s fel t t h a tthi.�-O-L-, c� is not applicable to this l,ro ' ;�';, �l`�cL t ply �=�r;1�t't F� ..f .....s7 t�.S�" .,�... -- - '•z'�'�'•. �x_.�.�.: -- ..�.•..,.!L�%a'�.'ti�.���'�7-�t� S CP L.E 15 40-' D E C E IV E Applicant: Bradley M. Anderson Purpose: Private Recreational Docking MAY - 1 2018 Location: 1905 Emerson Road Datum: Apparent Low Water Southold Town 4102' 2.1978 7-2®26' 19.92' 8 ar f Trus S.C.T.M.No. 1000-86-3-1 O ^ O In ^ O 0 `4 \aoa N ^ rn O O O 0? 1 NMM � BOO of co ! I U) cd N N ca I 1 ^ ^ NCOCO �. Ci h _ 11 1 trj ca O co cD I• � � � O W ,` ^ O M �} � ! I I � tl• O � Oi N 1 1 cD td cd Lo N M LO N cU C I j N '? N �1 ' .� ho } 1 N of N I 1 IV 6 d 1` h i C) cv 1 �i ui rn of 1 ► `i cj (0 co '� N ►. � i . N L6 Vt N,,t O I M N,.: N N M N O cd N n LL C Co . 1 6•y a 0 1 I clo cd O 0; toi 0LO o� JI d'� � V 0, rt7 1 W v, �9�`�bo i ' I ' N ro V � ro co M ®t7� 1 - - qOO —aj- + I I �' , c0 n ^ i - I ! Odd-8 1 1 j� c° cd rn i. e�/ r�n�3-� � ONca ! 1 co � � �MNO N 'i sOn o ^ p� r 1 N I `� M n !1 03 ;N ry M 0.7 � / 6 1 MM ACV �� 1i � � N N ^ q eh O d 1 1 cd CO N Ri 1 O i cd W , W06 co j NNMM Ppop � ! � � IDco (6 � NOLO ; U N co pj ti d a? 1 R,q � ��J ' I 1 h ►' rod ; > N 1 N I d ^I NCV N Q, M 1 1 U) McG ON0) O Q cd N J G 7 �•M � N Oi I I 1 � (0 Cd (d C� � � ^� •C �� N 00 1 0 N O ^ 1 I + p o C cp ^ .� ' 'f ! I N N M QD ' 1 CO ^• ; i 1 l0 d O O cu cd 'M c�j ,,. r M 11 1 v0• N Op ! O rn I 1 O M. N N cd � � 0)co Cj O (07 .'� N N ifs 10 O h O 1 •� Ed . N ^ 10 ^ i I I , I 1 ^ O N � '7` 1 1 ca cd cd M CA ^ d ' I ! I ' M N O ill � 'x O I ! M co NO ^ �� � � t 1 1 cd rn ^ ^ `� U 5 (0 CdO , , cy � P4E° U° S H a a e JMO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUL=TING P.O. BOX 447, QUOf NY 11959-0447 SCALE 1 10-'- Applicant: Bradley M. Anderson W Purpose: Private Recreational Docking y N Location: 1905 Emerson Road Datum: Apparent Low Vater UJI N ® 4P2' 2.19718 72®26' 19.9278 S.C.T.M.No. 1000-86-3-1 EX,FIXED DOCK 3PIjO P. ! �4-�X 40RAMP `4 ly PP.OP 5'x 20 FLOAT Eat 13 LSC D { I3oTTONv PFOP� --De tlisc oated b ��LES P _ y «� Sea L;ev"el-Mapping -- March 27, 2018 3 Applicant proposes to install a 3'x 16' ramp and a 6' x 20' float secured by (4) piles. At Richmond Creek, Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York SHEET 2 nF2 JMO Environmental Consulting c) 1014 IA(c) 2 31A 4.25 taA 4m t.117 4+AM 2BA %s o2 7Z 4 141 Is 0 Ji It 814A(c) Towm soumm ,6F 14 13 '.2 N.) CREEK 044 NO N SEG N0 IIA cw iA(c) 262 5.04c) 114, I i.c I 7A 13A F ml lb to 41 S.3A(c) C11- I amc) 141L,) (D I 71 soA(c) 4 142 FOR NO SEE SEC NO z3 �Pcl I 7 —-- N31L= --z -Z -z- -7Z————L�FNF °1A-CH SEE SEC NO M UN5 v H Njjeaa SEE SEC NO M NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK @ K T SOUTHOLD SECTION NO E Real Property086 L nw,•. /�Ir pi°Pi� >b e w O wwmu. --W-- mwu.--^e-- usiwe wxnrea wigs rao neo ® e.WNr t�ervice Agency y m A 10DO P PROPERTY MAP WIN Albert J.Krupski,President Town Hall James King,Vice-President 53095 Route 25 Artie Foster �O OG P.O.Box 1179 Ken Poliwoda Southold,New York 11971-0959 Peggy A.Dickerson vos On Telephone(631) 765-1892 y !`F Fax(631)765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 19, 2002 Mr. James L. Walker Inter-Science Research Associates,Inc. P.O.Box 1201 36 Nugent St. Southampton,NY 11969-1201 i RE: BRADLEY& FRANCESCA ANDERSON South Harbor Rd.,Southold SCTM#86-3-1,2,3.3&3.5 Dear Mr. Walker: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, December 18,2002: i RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Amendment to Permit #5649 to allow the proposed fixed pier catwalk to b'e re-configured to include a 4'X 24' and 6'X 16' section where a 4'X 40' dock is currently permitted,with the condition that there is to be 1" spacing between the planking on the 6' wide section of the dock. This is not a determination from any other agency. 1 If you have any questions,please call our office at(631) 765-1892. Sincerely, Albert J. Krupski,Jr. ~j President,Board of Trustees AJK:Ims I .!'[' Fes, ,^• Board Of Southold Town Trustees k " SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK r PERMIT NO. SW DATE: . October 18,2002 1 ISSUED To BRADLEY• - & FRANCESCA• ANDERSON ..._. . . = ..-• --- •--• • - .---. ... - - -•-• -•- Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the ' State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- ." titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;". and in accordance with the ' Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on Oetober 16, 200 .., and in consideration of the sum of $..490.00 . paid by :• Bradley & Francesca Anderson . ... .........I......... ......... .... g of --.. -.- So - .uthold. - - N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of SOUtho ' lnlmslnil p following: Welland NMI( ccnhuct a 4'X 40' alpier c.i—lk n ..n 2 apart throughout the 40 and ho tte.ofs poles,and as depicted on Ore site pl ill ditcd x} 1 Octuheri8.2002 Bolkheadreplacemcntwith CL9r10+invlehrnc 11Icaa11+.6Xq limherwale.A-A 6"timherfollo%craod 2 X12'barba cap Sri.+all In hr mrhnrcd using I-X 16"tie-rod(a 6'on center edh 10'diamcicr X R'timr.cr dra.lm••n Naming +•� ornative vegetation Cor Those section,or the hulkbcadu+g-n hick arc n.,1 nu inn Iy vegetaled•and w depicted on flit cite plan dated Octobrr Ig,2W all in acc(isuva...c vino uic uClureGV presented in the originating application. r[ � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these resents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board/ads o is date. = 2 72 --• t -- 4 -fAbstained Traste s 1• -v- -;�1---�. ,ir}---•�,�•• � w�- -�— '-Y--. � qo. -r'•"' it V. Proposed wood bulkhead o 0�o �, along seaward edge o on M 11 of con. seawall 07 x a ao o to g1 00 C C P Plne hee. ' 0 .. 0 to tA �m _ =� yam.-�•'•�" _� - � . ' Proposed Dock .Shed - ` V_ Total Length 40' LJuow�.o � �; [ � - APPROVED i~wester, mom,-s�co�.AnOcUt". Inc. V. . t BOARD OF TR,,! _ a V_ „ �•�rs , 16WN OF SOUTHOi l s/ V_ �,1Tt�ltQ p L is V_ C ” 6' x 16' Fixed Pier . 4 x 24' Catwalk - Fixed Pier O V_ Catwalk V. 4, — w 1 k �+ V Y •p 4- ti w File name; \clients\anderson\sitelt)lt3O2_.6ft.deg V_ AMOVED By 'AP BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWt4 OF SOUTViOLD DATE 11.113.10 , Z.1 '0 CL RJ 0 71 L \ P v y t� _ ,,, 1�4 Scale: 1" 40' 1 o oti SITE P IN: RICHMOND CREEK `� \ r AT: SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SCTW 1000-86-03-1,2, & 3.4M S 1000-86-06-27 & 28.1 OCT 2 41 2022 3 F 0 T 2 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2002 31 PREPARED BY: INTER-SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. APPLICATION No. APPLICANT- BRADLEY ANDERSON I OF 5 ii II II 1 I 401 I x-are CEOW Il 11 ll 11 tt Scale: 1/8' = V Plan Vigw Proposed Fixed Pier Catwalk Plan View 0 IN: RICHMOND CREEK w a AT: PECONIC a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK b SCM 1: 1000--86-03-1,2,3.1,3.3 do 3.4 SCfl1 : 1000-86-06-27 & 28.1 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2002 u i PREPARED BY: INTER-SCIENCE o RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. APPLICATION No. a 0 APPLICANT: BRADLEY ANDERSON 20F8 (�ea,� ut a�ua}stQ) CID o 'v i- . U 0 0 4-) ;I►r 14 Scale: t" a 10' ;R--I, PIA E =_ -Al IN: RICHMOND CREEKk ' _ a AT: SOUTHOLD �[[ - a TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON — - SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SCM : 1000-86-03-1,2,3.1,3.3 & 3.4 SM : 1000-66-06-27 & 28.1 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2002 go o It a A(30oL4 at aounatQ� PREPARED BY: INTER—SCIENCE OCT 2 4 2(':.' RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. APPLICATION No. a e APPLICANT: BRADLEY ANDERSON 30F5 v 48' x 6 CCA J0131a x a CCA da"g f F—3xeCCA ef. +40' rn.bY8 6' d1cL timber oca pfaten�— -0. 2.5p r., im Scale: 1/2' CROSS SECTIO Cross Section for Proposed Fixed Pier Catwalk_ IN: RICHMOND CREEK AT: PECONIC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SCrM 1000-86-03-1,2.3.1,3.3 8c 3.4 SM 1000-86-06-27 & 28.1 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2002 PREPARED BY: INTER—SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. APPLICATION No. APPLICANT: BRADLEY ANDERSON F4 OF 5 face of exta. wall existing grade 18' — 36• )3•r.Aetud IMoeurement MAL wEILANDs LINE •4 6 timber IOC•of x a cu 1 follower p sand 01r 8 timber ra e d 900 Wtyl YNd• 12 lwgbt—provide b wdmene w,gf�n egad 1' x 16' tie rod 06' oc. w/10' dia. x 5' timber i deodmon. _c�`•:<•rRz a�1 ting oono. 01gh water ——— , it po eh 7 "1 6 •ren„ pf tb tf�OeO ffil.1'o0uae ,rrs3 ?�t�r water +3s8fiUOCeO atone steps. �r> 4'' ' _ - , 11 —Cextg.grade` • umbar tto ccs treated �` u 1.17 / reten�. '���•• t u e wall h I Ic p�CFI o be i 11 Vo rq areeaeaass�%fp heovyo°�veg�eeQbt�o°mn In 1 �t , u Section of new bulkhead at concrete bulkhead +6- a vo nq Ma). FACE Pq existing gra x 12 ca 4 x 6 folio w p 6x8wale sand f0 IT above ads"wW 1• x W tie rod 06' oc. : w/ IQ olio. z 8' umber 1e".0 92=11 mu . e deadmord ;I r :frr Wilber Lj<� apporent,00 wow SITE PLAN `, dpw waw _ -- o IN: RICHMOND CREEK AT: PECONIC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK • timber to be cca treated 1.0 /retention. 1 SCTM 1000-86-03-1,2,3.1,3.3 & 3.4 hydralNlc anchors may be j, in SCfld : 1000-86-08-27 & 28.1 used Infplace of deod.1 In n!tit h areae of heavy vegetation iii 11 7 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2002 Section of new bulkhead at timber bulkhead PREPARED BY: INTER—SCIENCE UCT2 Q RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. APPLICATION No. u APPLICANT: BRADLEY ANDERSON + 6OF5