HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-5155. FOAM NO. 4 TOWN,;OF SOUTHOLD BUILDIIG " DEFrARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. Z . 5155 ..... Date ............. Mayr .....1:8 ...... 1973.. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at Pvt . Rd -# • 3••. Z/8. Oaklatm Mt�eet Map No. XXX ........ Block No. ..?Q. . Lot No.. X ....S0utha3A.. !I.! ..... . nelau"outsconforms substantially to the N d DuUt before Ce' ,� a� of +orae a�,cy �d ....... .Ap.ril... 23 .... , 19.5'%. pursuant to which f� No. 75155 dated ........... My... 18... , 1973.. , was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ....................................... The certificate is issued to .. Gi,3tlert A. gyeoxyo. 'Tg4oio ..... . �Vper✓s ........... ( owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval TrPn .4P40!t#K ................... UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. p?r:e" .11#VMX................................. HOUSE NUMBER. 40 5........Street..Prt74tp. 99,144.3 ............................ Bzceptidji 16* h6xiiI4 *code .................................................... *---**--*— See reverse side= Building Inspector Ezceptionss 1. Living room: No light switch at point of entry Chimney flue thimble opening -over fireplace -needs new cover or sealed 523x, 2. Kitchens No shutoff at gas range 3. Bathrooms No shutoff at gas water heater unit Evidence if vermin infestation (carpenter ants or termites) near water closet & north wall y Ceiling light fixture broken 4. Enelosee; porch' NIS- door does not close into frame 5. Stariway to balcony: No artificial light for illumination 6. Sleeping balconys not enclosed for privacy Stair treads not wide enough 529b 524, 303b 508b 5o8b 302b 526a 302b 216b 209b 216a 7. Roofs Holes at ridge need repairs 302c S. Building unheated, summer occupancy oji2y 513a 9. Cesspool coir --,r broken, 2nd ce spool has exrosed sidewall block 504b Lattice vine support needs reinforcing 602b HOUSING CODE INSPECTION May 17, 1973 405 Private Road #3 Southold, New York Tax Roll: Gilbert Teamkin and wife Seasonal Upon request of the Southold Town Building Department, I made inspection of this one story framed dwelling and found the following violations of Local Law #1, Housing Code Town of Southold. I picked up keys from the Dickinson Real Estate Office, Main Road, Southold, and let myself into the west side entrance, beginning inspection at approximately 1:15 p.m. Living Room: West entrance, no switch or means of controlling electric light in room on entry - Section 529b. Fireplace, flue opening over mantel, metal cover rusting away and opening in wood siding charred as result of fireplace use - Section 523a, 534, 303b. Kitchen: Gas range, no shutoff valve at unit - Section 508b. Bathroom: Contains gas hot water heater, no shutoff at unit - Section 508b. Accumulation of wood dust, common with the existence of carpenter ants on floor under water closet and at the top of north wall - Section 302b. Ceiling light fixture, porcelain insulation rung missing frorA light bulb socket - Section 528a. Enclosed porch: North side, exit door does not close into frame - Section 302b. Stairway: To sleeping balcony, no light switches to allow for safe ascent or descent - Section 216b. Stairs steps 18" long - Section 216a. Balcony: At north end and south end connected with a cat- walk are used as sleeping quarters, not enclosed - Section 209b. Roof at ridge is open, section approximately two feet long - Section 302c. Building interior is unfinished with exposed roof rafters, unheated, occupancy between May 1st and October 31st - Section 513a. Exterior, lattice vine support south entrance needs rein- forcement - Section 602b. Housing Code Inspection - 2 - Gilbert Teamkin May 17, 1973 Cesspool cover cracked and the two sections have separated - a second pool at f6ot of stairs to deck has a section of blocks exposed where dirt has worn away; these blocks have drain openings which can permit gases to escape - Section 504b. Inspection completed at approximately 1:50 p.m., keys were returned to the Dickinson office. e pectfully ubmitted, r Edward i ermann Building Inspector EH:tle FORM NO. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Department Town Clerks Office Southold, N. Y. 11971 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Instructions A. This application must be filled in typewriter OR ink, and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector with the following; for new buildings or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final approval of Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage disposal—(S-9 form or equal). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Commercial buildings, Industrial buildings, Multiple Residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code compliance from the Architect or Engineer responsible for the building. 5. Submit Planning Board approval of completed site plan requirements where applicable. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 1957), Non -conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, buildings and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Sworn statement of owner or previous owner as to use, occupancy and condition of buildings. 3. Date of any housing code or safety inspection of buildings or premises, or other pertinent in- formation required to prepare a certificate. C. Fees: 1. Certificate of occupancy $5.00 2. Certificate of occupancy on pre-existing dwelling or land use $5.00 3. Copy of certificate of occupancy $1.00 Date...Max................... New Building .................... Old or Pre-existing Building ...... X.................. Vacant Land ............................ Location Of Property ........Private .Road, No. 3, jockey Creek, in Southold .................................................................................................. Owner Or Owners Of Property ....... GILBERT... `Z'k:AM IX.&..AV.AWN, TEAMKI A.. his wife Subdivision................................................................Lot No............. Block No............. House No............. PermitNo ..................... Date Of Permit ....................Applicant.................................................................. Health Dept. Approval ............................................Labor Dept. Approval ................................................ Underwriters Approval ..............................................Planning Board Approval ........................................ Request For Temporary Certificate ........................................ Final Certificate .......................................... Fee Submitted $.................................... Construction on above described building and perr�r itm s 811 app .cabl_ a cod and re 8lations. Applicant...................... ............................�.......................9....................... LAB Sworn TODefore me this EjlTEAM aday of..May,...197,3 .................... EVELYN EAMK (sTg [I) 7 73 Notary Public ....Rock .. . County MORTON = ` " LI Nafary Public, State of New York Na 2356450 /,p- /�, f_ r T3 -Z3 ~_�• Qualified in F',c County f Certificate filed in New York County Now fon-r•.iss'+s / Expires !.larch 30, 1975 IIAIA�= 0)= en Ar 0 e-j"rA4 C> L. LD 'S'a A I- AT 40 4c en 0,74,?" ap? ,Nl t ra cr, 14� C;; Xe �f �2 Saara n re e 7 -/;Yz .0, 77X44= 1-7JWrg2f-jCC q 40 RENSSELAER G. TERRY Jr. ATTORNEY - AT - LA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ROCKLAND SS. GILBERT TEAMKIN and EVELYN TEAMKIN, being severally duly sworn, depose and say: We reside at 124 Constitution Drive, Orangeburg, Rockland Coumty, New York. We are the owners of ##405 Private Road, No. 3, Jockey Creek, Southold, New York, having purchased same from WARREN E. HUFF, JR. and ELLEN HUFE, his wife on or about December 28, 1968. We do not have a Certificate of Oecupany for the premises or a copy of same. Since the date of our purchase of the premises as above set forth, we have used and occupied same solely as a Summer and vacation dwelling and for no other purpose, and to the best of our knowledge, since the erection of the premises, the same has been used and occupied solely as a dwelling and for no other purpose. The building on the pr%mises is in good condition. THEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that a Certificate of Occupany or a copy of same be issued. ;6 V GILB TEMKIN EVEBTEA{IN U Severally Sworn to before me this ja;th day of May, 1973. f .- MORTON LIEB Notary public, State of New York No. 2356450 Cuclificd in Rockland County Certificot., filed in New York County Commission Expires March 30, 1975