HomeMy WebLinkAbout1513 , NOTICE, OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the amended Building Zone Ordinance:: of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, public hearings will he held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on April 6, 1972 on the following appeals: 7:30 P.M. (E.S.T.J, upon ap- plication of H.M. Demarest & Sons, ~~in .Road, Orient, New York, for a special exception in accordance with Article III, Section 300, Subsection B-8, for permission to renew farm labor camp permit .for year 1972. Location of property: south side Main Road, Orient, bounded north by Rodden, Miller & others; east by other land of the applicant; south by Na~row River Road; and west by Freeman and others. 7:40 P.M. (E.S.T.l, upon ap- plication of Robert A. Hunter and Grace M. Hunter, Mairi Street; Southold, New York, for.a variance in accordance with 'the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission t, divide property and use as single lots. Location of property: Main Road and South Harbor Road, Southold, bounded north by Main Road; .east by South Harbor Road; south by A. Goldsmith, and west by M. Surozenski. 7:50 P.M. tE.S.T.J, upon ap- plication of Ollie M. Overton, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to set off lots.of 100 ft. frontage and less than 40,000 sq. ft. area. Location of property: south side Terry Lane, Southold, bounded north by Terry Lane; east by E. LaFreniere; south by Southold Bay; and west by other lands of the applicant. 8:00 P.M. tE.S.T.), upon ap- plication of Nicholas DeChiaro and another, 35 Brunswick Avenue, Williston Park, New York, for a variance in ac- cordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 301, for permission to divide property into two lots of less than required area for each. Location of property: Lake I?rive and Lake Court, Southold, New York, bounded north by Lake Drive; east by Lake Court; south by Great Pond; and west hy land now or formerly of Fischer. 8:10 P.M. (E.S.T.l, upon ap- plication of Jernick Moving and Storage, Inc., Marys Road, Shelter Island, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article XII, Section 1204F, for permission to My Comm ss:'~'~'::~';~ire~'-~;r~~";~, 19-U rebuild a non-conforming business building. Location of property: east side Moores Lane, Greenport, bounded north by Village of Greenport property; east by land of School District No. 10; south by Kalin and Herzog; and west by Moores Lane. 8:30 P.M. (E.S.T.), upon ap- plication of Peter Grippe and wife, 1190 Boylston Street, Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300C-(f), for permission to convert and existing nonn conforming business building into a dwelling with over 301.... floor area devoted to studio. Location of property: south side Main Road, Orient, bounded north by Main Road; east by Sabine; south hy Droskoski, and west by Droskoski. Any person desiring to be heard NOTICE OF BEARINGS PI11'8lIa!'it'to BOytIon 28~ 01, the Town Law and the pro_ of the ~encled BullcIIng. Zone 0rdInllnce of the Town of Southold, Bul'folkCOunty, New York, public hearIrtgs wUI be held by the Zonlng Board of Appeals of the Town of SOuthold, at the Town OffIce, Maln Road, Bouthold, New York, on April 6, 1972 on the followlDa appeals: 1:30 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of B. M. DemBrest & SOns, Main Road. Orient. New York, for a special' exception In BC- .cordance with) Artl~le m, Sec- tion 300. Su~ect1on B-a, for permlsslon . to renew farm labor camp permit for year 1972. Loes. t10J1 of properly: SOuth side ~ RotI,d'. Orient. bounded north by". Rodden, MIllet & otherS; .-' bY.lltber Ianclof the applicant; SO\lth. by Narrow River Road; and 'west by Free- man and others. 1:40 P. M.(EST), upon appli- cation ~f ~bert A. Hunter and Grace. M. Hunter. Main Street.. 8outhold, New York, for a vari- ance in aecord~ce with the Zon- Ing' Ordinance, Article III, Sec- ti6n 301,for permission to divide property and use as single lots. Loca.tion of property: Main Road and SOuth Harbor Road. South- old. bounded 'north by Main Road; east by South Harbor Road; south by A. Goldsmith, and west by M. Surozenski. 7:50 P.M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Ollie M. Overton, Main Road, SOuthold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III; section 301, for permission to set off lots of 100 ft. frontage and less than 40,000 ~q. ft. area. Location of property: south side Terry Lane, Southold, bounded north by Ten')' Lane; east by E. LaFreniere; - south by Southold Bay; and west by other lands of the applicant. 8:00 P. M. (EST), upon appli- cation of Nicholas DeChial'o and another, 35 Brunswick Avenue, WilUstc;m Park. New York, for a variance in accordance with the ~nlng OrdInance, Article III, section' 301,. for permi~sion to divide properly Into two lots of less than required area for each. Location of property: Lake Drive and Lake Court, SOuthold. New York, bounded north by LBke Drive; east by Lake Court; south by Great Pond; and west by land now or formerly of FLscher. 8:10 P. M. fEST), upon appli- cation of Jernick. Moving and storage, Inc.. Marys Road, Shel- ter Island, New York, for a vari- ance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article XII, Section 1204F, for permission to rebuild a non-conforming bu~i- ness building. Location of prop- erty: east side Moores Lane. Greenport, bounded north by VUl&.ge of GreeaPOrt property: east by land of~chool Distl'ict No. 10; south by KaUn and Hm'. zog; and west by Moores Lane. 8:30 P. M. (EST). upon appli- cation of Peter Grippe and wife, 1190 Boylston Street. Newton Upper Falls. Ma~sachusetts. for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Article III. section 30OC-(f), for per- mission to convert and existing non-conforming business buHd- ing into a dwelling with over 30 % floor area devoted to studio. Location of property: south side Main Road. Orient. bounded north by Main Road; ea5t by Sabine; EOuth by Droskoski, and west by Drokoski. Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear at the time and place specified. DATED: MARCH 16. 1972 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 1T-30 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn. says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .........{[;J.:.:a_..(/.J... wee?, I <-?Q successive y, commencing on the ...............~. ................. '''' o,':::zC"tU-t!!1)//l,.:I mm~mm Sworn to before me this ..........S./...... .....~-;!:::{a{r:::.I!.""'. 19.Z!.. day of /-,. D .......{.z2.f4..~~....... ADELE PAYNE No:ary PIJ'-:j:,.. s. < . '~' ,;'LC of New YalN '~. "lHfo!k County (:,Jmm..':.,-, ',."J :J:~-3(.AI0aO , rX;Ji,C~ ""~J.' 30 7 , ,,',," "'. . 197,"..,;) - I ~...:_~J _-....._~.'.T~ ",~--'..I I """. '-" -. ...." Suffolk County Department of Planning Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 April 10, 1972 Mr. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Box 296 Main Road East Marion, New York 11939 Petitioner :Jernick Moving &: Storage Mun. File No. S.C.P.D. File No. :SD-72-9 Dear Mr. Gillispie: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned apllication which has been re- ferred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. The decision of local determin- ation should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Comments: The granting of a "sue variance" where a valid pre- existing non-conforming use was destroyed by fire appears to be circumventing aTown Board function to grant the necessary change of zone and in doing so would tend to establish an undesirable pre- cedent in improper procedure in not maintaining the effectiveness of the Town zoning ordinance. Respectfully yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning by ~. - - - .eroh 20, '91'2 .Tuniok Kov1nJ a: War.bou.. Co Shelter 1.1&114, I.X. At., !hef oTe1'l1iok Dear fOlll . Pu'uant to .. t'le~eonYel'8aUcm this 1101'111211, 1 looked up the recaureaents to repl..e rour w1l4121, on Hoo!'es Lane. It is a...... Ccmlol'll1n'. buildln, so will bave to be approved 1>7 Board ot AppeaU betl'oe p81'1111t oan be iUUM - application t01'1ll8 and 121struction sheet enolosed. AlSO enolosed are building permit forms a: instruction 'beet. aeinl a 'bus121est wHdin, the plans should be reviewM and .ppl'oved b7 the tate Laber Dept, so will need an a"biteet ..al. !be tee ot . SO.CO eovers a bueine.. building up to '0,000 Sq Ft area, oyer this it .1 '0; pel' Sq. ft.. XOV8 t1'Ul7 ~C0t -z;:,,-, 1 Ju114121, Ins pee tor 1,-"1 ro o Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 Telephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Ch~irmdn Robert Bergen Ch~r1es Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. March 24, 1972 Village of Greenport Third Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen I we are in receipt of an application from Jernick Moving and Storage, Inc. to replace their burned-out building on the eaat aide Moorea Lane, Greenport, which ia adjacent to the Village line and property. A copy of the legal notice of hearing ia enclosed as official notice to the Village aa required by law. Any reply should be addressed to the Board of Appeala, Town Clerk's Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. Very truly yours, Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Board of Appeals March 24, 1972 Village of Ore.nport 'l'bird Str..t Or..nport, ITew York Gentlemen I We are in receipt of an app11cetion from "emick Moving and StoRge, Inc. to repla.e their bumed-out ballcUnq on the ...t .ide Moore. Lane, Oreenport, which 18 adjacent to the Yillage 11n. and property. A copy of the le9.1 notice of bearing i. encloaed a. official notice to the Villaqe .. required by law. Any r.ply Mould be addre..ed to the Board of Appeal., Town Clerk '. Office, Main Road, 8outhold, IIew Yon. Very truly your., Robert W. Oilli.pie, Jr., Chai~a. Board of Appeal. 1-.,1 Q o Southold Town Board of Appeals SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 T <lephone 765-2660 APPEAL BOARD MEMBERS Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairmdn Robert Bergen . Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Fred Hulse, Jr. March 24, 1972 Suffolk County PlanningCommission Vetarans Hiqhway Hauppauqe, New York Attention: Gerald Newman Dear Mr. Newman I we are in receipt of an application from Jernick Movinq and Storage, Inc. to replace their burned-out non-conforminq business buildinq on the east side Moores Lane, Greenport. This is adjacent to the Villaqe of Greenport line and property so must be referred to your commissiDn for review. Enclosed is a copy of the leqal notice, application, survey, and sketch of surrounding area. Any comments should be addressed to the Board of Appeals, Town Clerk'. Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. Very truly yours, Robert w. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals March 24, 1972 Suffolk County PlanningComaiaaion V.urana Highway BauPp&u9.. New Yor'k Attention. <Jerald .......n Dear Mr. ..-n. We are in receipt: of an application froa Jernic'k Mov1nlJ and Storage, Inc. t:o replace their burnecl-out non-confor.tn9 bu.ine.. building on the ...t: .1de Moore. La.... Greenport. thi. i. adjacent to the Village of Greenport line ana pl'Operty so IIlllat be referred to yoII!' cOlBIBbalDn for r_iew. Incloaed ia a copy of the legal notice. applicatlDn. .urvey. anol .'ketch of allrrounclin'iJ .re.. Any oc'J"(t.nta ahould be aclclreaaed t:o the Board of Appeal., Town Clerk '. Office. Main lload, 8olltbold. Raw York. Very truly your., Itobert W. Gilliapie, Jr., Chair_a 8outho14 TOwn Board of Appeala I 1 I :1 """"'"'""1111'""""11""'.'''''''''''''''''.''-'. ! , i ! i' I i, ! i ! I I I l/) . W c;J. o o L w z <( -' I~ M '<10 "''''' 0_ - '. > . .J 1: <t- ~ o I ~ui -.... '.' -0 ;r>:'It ~tV o l' ~iv :s . , 0 Z lil \" I I L~Hd. 0+ +l-fe Vi! ia~~ .;>.- G"€eHpoY''t ". ......', ',':,:'" 'k .-~ j. .501ol1H1oV4 Ii..,.. of IH;;. VillQqe 30 :~9 , , ~ .---.--.-'- '._. .____J ill es' 'N.ag" -'-'--~~f------ . , -T' . . ~ LOlt-'d of +- .0 A \bext 5 ~ HeY3()~ ,..J"". >~ 1.1, ~,~ q ,~ OR It)~ f CtID....~. bloc AReA o~ ?Ro~aS~O to ,un1<ucl/OIf d,A/ ;"~l'n IN &- co^,c~eT~ S"-A~ , I ~/)(IJr c.0t\c.. wolle. ---,' =-~~~:~= .t-~;c~~;~~-- --.........-.. ....-.-.-...... --..---- .......... -,- "~--'-' T--.~~.---.--__;__ ..-,-- , I --," w_"~,,, ~~ '$ i S6~ 3 . O-W. I I I .. i .. \ I ~tJ ';"'G C C- 4~S"F / Chi rl) rI I 'K,-I Lol-'I d of \-\ e'<' be y-; "Lloyd KoliH .~ I I I I I I i '- i 305.:'1'3 MAP OF LAND' SUI<VE:YED FOf;t. - ,~ -.', ;, 'j. 0\0 ~~ \9;t o II) p GlAco'O(t.'fe.c d to +~1",h .tEv-Cot.:UTlj '4; T"~ ie. GUqYW'tl-l.>t l\1ov"g~e Co. . ';;!,:d+c tb:: No, +~- F'oY;" 80\11<.",',,'. Tv!.As+ CO. OI!\ ~I.AY'Veye4 Feb.4J.f~. VAN Tl..lVL.,*SON S ..".,,.....'" CO Ie : ~ " I JERNiC., t\1,J'v'It'\K7J.-* STORAGE.IINe. A,ved: ,. \e~ aC::V"es NIF:A~ . GRE.&:.tU:)ORT TOWN OF SoUTHOl-O, N.Y.., Ii] ::c' 14"\01-1 \..I1+\l3Hi' ., '" i YOY1 pi pe . ~tj _""'1'- _,_ " ',' ......-.. I '~;'.i:r>"r,~, ,,;.,...:, ~,J - , _ ~.J~... _, L.C'~HCh~d. LOHd ~~~~~'.. ($v<<e \'\ pox + . f'(ew YOlr~,.:; .':'/. """ ." ",'" " 1,,,._,__.,,- I~=;;',,,,_,.,,,,,,,"...~..,,,,,,,,,, ,,,.,,,,,,,, ..""""",,, ".