HomeMy WebLinkAbout1574 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE IADe...,29., 1972
Appeal No. 1574 Dated June 1, 1972
To Goose Neck Property Owners Association Appellant
Smith Drive South
Southold, New York
at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on June 29, 1972 the appeal
was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your
( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property
(X) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance
( j Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance
1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be
granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph
.................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be
confirmed because 8:10 P.M. (E.S.T. ) , upon application of Goose Neck
Property Owners Association, Smith Drive South, Southold, New York,
for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300, Subsection B-14, for permission to
conduct a yard sale on July 22, 1972, rain date July 29, 1972.
Location of property: north side of SMith Drive North, Southold,
New York, on one half of Lot 37, all of Lot 38, and one half of Lot
39, Map of Goose Neck Estates, Southold, New York. Fee paid $15.00.
2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that
(a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary
hardship because
(b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties
alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because
(c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not)
change the character of the district because
and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and
that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed.
FORM ZB4 �� / /f�
Marjorie McDermott, Secretary
Cha' fd of Southold Town Board of Appeals
After investigation and inspection the Board finds that
applicant requests permission to conduct a yard sale on July 220
19729 rain date July 29, 1972 on premises located on the north side
of Smith Drive North, Southold, New York.
The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and
justice will be served and the legally established or permitted
use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will
not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of
the Ordinance will be observed.
THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED Goose Neck Property Owners Associ-
ation, Smith Drive South, Southold, New York, be GRANTED permission
to conduct a yard sale on July 22, 1972, rain date July 29, 1972,
on one half of Lot 379 all of Lot 38, and one half of Lot 399 Map
of Goose Neck Estates, Southold, New'York; subject to the conditions
as set forth in the Resolution of the Southold Town Board of Appeals
dated June 15, 1972, as follows:
1. Permission is for a one day yard sale to be held on
a specific date with a specific rain date.
2. Permission is for the sale of household and personal
property of the owner and his family and may not
include property of others unless it is for a charitable
3. The applicant must provide someone to supervise parking
at the yard sale to prevent blocking neighbors' driveways.
Vote of the Board: Ayes:- Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Grigonis.
� # of
Notice of Hearings
Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions
of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, publichearingswill be held by the
Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold, New York, on June 29, 1972, on the
following appeals:
7 :30 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of George Wetmore,
Main Road, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection 6 d, for permission to erect a subdivision sign with
insufficient setback and side area. Location of property: north
side of Main Road, Orient, New York, bounded north by George
Newman; east by Binsely; south by the Main Road; and west by Okula.
7 :45 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of Elizabeth M. Villa,
Robinson Lane, Peconic, New York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B^14, for permission to conduct a yard sale on July 2,
1972 ; rain date June 3 , 1972. Location o£ ert
p p y: east side
of Robinson Lane. Lots 20 and 21, Map of Peconic Bay Oaks,
Peconic, New York.
7 :50 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of the Mattituck
Presbyterian Church, Main Road, Mattituck, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a yard sale on August 12 ,
1972. Location of property: west side of Main Road, Peconic,
New York, bounded north by Sound Avenue; east by Main Road; south
e 2
' regal Notice
by Old Bethany Cemetery; west by Old Bethany Cemetery.
7 :55 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of Emma Ford, 2470
Hobart Road, Southold, for a special exception in accordance with
the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection B-14 ,
for permission to conduct a yard sale on June 8 , 1972; rain date
July 15 ,1972. Location of property: west side of Hobart Road,
Southold, New York, lot- #125 , Map of Founders Estates, Southold,
New York.
8 : 00 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of the North Fork
Animal Welfare League, Southold, New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III , Section 300,
Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a yard sale on July 21
and 22 , 1972 on property of Miss Helen Cochran. Location of
property: north side of Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded
north by Traveler Street Extension; east by the Southold Library;
south by Main Road; and west by F.H. Saer.
8 : 05 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of the Cutchogue/New
Suffolk Historical Council, Cutchogue, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300 , Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct an outdoor
sale and Flea Market on July 1, 1972 . Location of property:
Cutchogue Village Green, Cutchogue , New York, bounded north by
Main Road; east by Case Lane; south by Salter; and west by
Presbyterian Church Parsonage.
8 :10 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of Goose Neck Property
Owners Association, Smith Drive South, Southold, New York, for a
special exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article
III , Section 300, Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a
yard sale on July 22, 1972 , rain date July 29 , 1972. Location of
property: north side of Smith Drive North, Southold, New York,
vagal Notice
on one-half of Lot 37 , all of Lot 38 and one-half of Lot 39,
Map of Goose Neck Estates, Southold, New York.
8:15 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of Thelma Kontowski,
Main Road, East Marion, New York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300 ,
Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a yard sale on July 15 ,
1972; rain date July 22 , 1972. Location of property: south side
of Main Road, East Marion, New York, bounded north by Main Road;
east by A. Arthur; south by right of way; and west by M. Siliris.
8 : 20 P .M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of the Mattituck
Historical Society, Main Road, Mattituck, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III ,
Section 300, Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a yard
sale on July 15, 1972. Location of property: south side of Main
Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by Main Road; east by
Cardinal Drive; south by D. Piscatelli; and west by H. Edwards and
8 :25 P.M. (E.D.S .T. ) , upon application of Mr and Mrs. Charles H.
Campbell, Youngs Avenue, Orient, New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III , Section 300,
Subsection B-14 , for permission to conduct a yard sale on July 1,
1972; rain date July 2 , 1972 or July 3 , 1972 . Location of property :
west side of Youngs Road, Orient, New York, bounded north by right
of way; east by Youngs Road; south by E.H. King Estate; and west
by E.H. King Estate.
8:30 P.m. (E.D.S.T. ) , upon application of Natalie Pavia,
Midland Parkway, Southold, New York, for a special exception
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provisions of
the Amended Building Zone
Ordinance of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New
Yqrk, public hearings will be held
by the Zoning Board of Appeals of
the Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York, on June 29, 1972, on
the following appeals:
7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
appliJ~ation of George Wetmore,
Main Road, Greenport, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
.300, Subsection 6 d, for
permission to erect a subdivision
sign with insufficient setback and
side area. Location of property:
north side of Main Road, Orient,
New York, bounded north by
George Newman; east by
Binsely; south hythe Main Road;
and west by Okula.
7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of Elizabeth M. Villa,
Robinson Lane, Peconic, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with th~ Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Suhsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
011 July 2, 1972; rain Qa~e July 3,
1972. Location of property: east
side of Robinson Lane. Lots 20
and 21, Map of Peconic Bay Oaks,
Peconic, New York.
7:50 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of the Mattituck
Presbyterian- Church, Main
Road, Matliluck, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on August 12, 1972. Location of
property: west side of Main
Road, Mattituck, New York,
bounded north by Sound Avenue;
east by Main Road; south by Old
Bethany Cemetery; west by Old
Bethany Cemetery"
7:55 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of Emma Ford, 2470
Hobart Road, Southold, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on July 8,
1972; rain date July 15, 1972.
Location of property: west side of
Hohart Road, Southold, New
York, lot No. 125, Map of
Founders Estates, Southold, New
8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of the North Fork
Animal Welfare League,
Southold, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on July 21 and 22, 1972 on
property of Miss Helen Cochran.
Location of property: north side
of Main Road, Southold, New
York, bounded north by Traveler
Street Extension; east by the
Soutbold Library; south by Main
Road; and west by F.H. Saer.
8:05 P.M. (E.D.S.'l':>, upon
application ofthe Cutchogue-New
Suffolk Historical Council,
Cutchogue, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article Ill, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct an outdoor sale and
Flea Market on July 1, 1972.
Location of property: Cutchogue
Village Green, Cutchogue, New
York, bounded north by Main
Road; east by Case Lane; south
by Salter; and west by
Presbyterian Church Parsonage.
8:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Goose Neck
Propel'ty Owners Association,
Smith Drive South, . Southold,
New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on July 22, 1972, rain date July 29,
1972. Location of property: north
side of Smith Drive North,
Southold, New York, on one-half
of Lot 37, all of Lot 38 and one-half
of Lot 39, Map of- Goose Neck
Estates, Southold, New York. '
8:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T., upon
application of Thelma
Kontowski, Main Road, East"
Mf!rion, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on July 15, 1972; rain date July 22,
1972. Location of property: south
side of Main Road, East Marion,
New York, bounded north by
Main Road; east by A. Arthur;
south by right of way; and west
by M. Siliris.
8:20 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of the Mattituck
Historical Society, Main Road,
Mattituck, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article Ill, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on July 15,
1972. Location of property J.
Soland; south side of Main Road,
Mattituck, New York, bounded
north by Main Road; east hy
Peconic Homes Corp.; south by
Peconic Homes Corp.; and west
by R. Engel and others.
8:25 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Campbell, Youngs
Avenue, Orient, New York, for a
special exception in accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on July 1,
1972; rain date July 2, 1972 or July
3, 1972. Location of .property:
west side of YotUlgS Road, Orient,
New York, bounded north by
right of way; east by Youngs
Road; south byE.H. King
Estate; and west by E.H. King
8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of Natalie Pavia,
Midland Parkway, Southold, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for'
permission to conduct a barn sale
on July 1, 1972. Location of
property: east side of Midland
Parkway; Southold, New. York,
Lot No.1, Map of Sea wood Acres,
Southold, New York.
8:35 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of the Church of the
Redeemer, Mattituck, New York,
for a special exception in
accordance wHh the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on July 8, 1972. Location of
property: north side of Sound
Avenue, Mattituck, New York,
bounded north hy North Fork
Bank & Trust Co.; east by
Grattan Estate; south by Sound
Avenue; and west by Westphalia
8:40 P.M. (E.D.S.T.', upon
application of Charles A. Kraft,
1.32 Cap!. Kidd Ptive,Mattituck,
New York, fqr a!lp<lCial exception
in accordance.....tll .1:Iie Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on July 8, 1972; rain date July 15,
1972. Location of property: south
side of Central Drive, Mattituck,
New York, Lot No. 125, Map of
Cap!. Kidd Estates.
8:45 P.M. (E.D.s.TJ, upon
application of Robert Mennella,
a-c The Boathouse Restaurant,
Stirling Harbor Marina,
Greenport, New York, for a
""special"exception .in. accordance
with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article III, Section 300,
Subsection C-6f,.for pennission to
erect an off premises directional
sign: Location of property: on
property of Malcolm Rackett,
bounded north by Strausner; east
by Cisterino; south by Champlin
Place; and west by Main Street,
Greenport, New York.
8:55 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), upon
application of Volinski Olds, Inc.,
Traveler Street, Southold, New
Y()rk,for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article VI and VII,
Sections 600 C and 700 D,
Subsection 3b, for permission to
erect a perpendicular sign on
front wall of public garage.
Location of property: south side
. . ()f1'raveler Street, Southold, New
York, bounded north by Traveler
Street; east by Youngs Avenue;
south by Eisemann and Terp;
and west by Prince.
9:10 P.M. (E.D.S.T c, upon
application of Margaret and John
Lusk, Riley Avenue, Mattituck,
New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
301, for permission to divide
property and build a second
dwelling. Location of property:
east side of RiJey A venue,
Mattituck, New York, Lot No. 14,
Map of G.W. and D. Riley.
9:25 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon
application of Jerry Villani, 60 W.
Oakdale Street, Bayshore, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article VII, Section -
700 Subsection B-4, for
permission to erect a gasoline
service station. Location of
property: south side of Middle
Road (County Road 27), Peconic,
New York, bounded north by
Middle Road (County Road 27);
east by Private Road (Paul's
Lane'; south by J. Krupski and
others; and west by J. Krupski
and others. .
9:40. P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon
application 'of John N. Venteau,
47 E. Deer Park Road, Dix Hills,
New York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance Article III, Section 301
and Article X, Section l000A, for
permission to divide property in
lots of less than required area.
Location of property: south side
of Birch Drive, Laurel, New
York, bounded north by Birch
Drive; east by Lyon and Manzell;
south by Peconic Bay Boulevard
and lands now or formerly of
Buckley, Parsons, Cox and
others; and west by land now or
formerly of J. Blair Young"
10:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.', upon
application of Joan R. Wood, 43
Old Commack Road, Kings Park,
New York and Salvatore and
Philip Loria, First Street, New
Suffolk, New York, for a variance
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article XII, Section
1204 for permission to reinstate
non-conforming use. Location of
property:. east side of First
Street, New Suffolk, New Yor~
bounded north M~ Ma,,-tin j>:;....alfl .Ol
the Bay; south hy King Street;
and west by First Street.
10:15 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon
application of Mattituck Free
Library, Main Road, Mattituck,
New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduct a yard sale
on July 1, 1972; rain date July 8,
1972. Location of Property: south
side of Main Road, Mattituck,
New York, bounded north by the
Main Road; east by Roman
Catholic Church, Brooklyn
Diocese; south by Winarz; and
west by Reeve and others.
10:20 P.M. (E.D.S.TJ,. upon
application of Frank Sawicki,
Walter Sawicki, and Cecelia
Sawicki, North Road, Southold,
New 'York, for a variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
301 and the Town Law Section 280
A, for permission to set off a lot :
with less than required area and
approval of access. Location of
property: south side of County
Road 27, Southold, New York,
bounded north by other lands of
applicants; east by lands of
Richmond; south by lands of
Papson; and west by other lands
of applicants. .
10:35 P.M. (E.D.S.T'>, upon
application of William Wickham,
Esq., Main Road, Mattituck, New
York, a-c Estate of August
Santini, for R variance in
accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance Article III, Section
301, for oermission to divide lots
with less than required area.
Location of property: north side
01 -Weitplialia Road', Malntuck,
New York, Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18 and 19, Map of Tollewood,
Mattituck, New York.
Any person desiring to be heard
on the above applications should
appear at the time and place
above specified.
Dated; June 16. 1972
~1;Ul1-rt-, ~'" ~,!J:
says that . lul. . . . is p-
WEEKLY TIMES. a ne1ll.
county; and \:'hat thE' DO
copy. has been publish
once in E'Qcb week, for
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day of ..... ./
SWorD to ~fore me t~-
day of. ~i"".
::7 ,~
Pursuant to Section 267 of the
Town Law and the provisions of
the Amended Building Zone Or-
dinance of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, pub-
lic hearings w1ll be held by the
Zoning Board of Appeals of the
Town of Southold, at the Town
Office, Main Road, Southold,
New York,' on June 29, 197?, on
'bhe following appeals:
7 :30 P. M. (EDST). upon ap_
plication of George Wetmore,
Main Road, Oreenport, New
York, for a special exceptio~l in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection 6 d, for permission to
erect a subdivision sign with in-
sufficient setback -and side area.
Location of property,; north side
Main Road, Orient, New York,
bounded north by George N"ew-
man; east by Binsely; south by
the Main Road; and west by
7:45 P. M. (EDST) , upon ap-
plication of Elizabeth M Vill!l,
Robinson Lane, Peconic, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article In, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on JUly 2,
1972; l1ain date Juiy 3, 1972.
Location of property: east side of
RobinsOn Lane. Lots 20 and :::1.
Map of Pecorjc Bay Oaks, Pe-
conic, New York.
7:50 P. M. (EDST), upon np-
plication of the Mattituck Pres-
byterian Churoh, Main Road,
Mattituck, for a special excep-
tion in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14. for
permission to conduct a yard
sale ,on August 12, 1972. Location
of property: west side of Main
Road, Mattituck, N. Y., bound-
ed north by Sound Avenue: east
by Main Road; south by Old
Bethany Cemetery; west by Old
Bethany Cemetery.
7:55 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Emma Ford, 2470
Hobart Road, Southold, for a
special exception in accordance
with the ZoningOrdinanc~, Ar-
ticle III, Section 300, Subsection
B-14, for permission/ to conduct
a yard sale on July 8, 1972; rain
date July 15, 1972. Location of
property: west side of Hobart
Road, Southold, New York, lot
No. '12'5, Map of Founders Estates.
Southold, New York.
8:00 P. M. (EDSTI, upon ap-
plication of tUle North Fork Ani-
mal Welfare League. Southold,
New York, for a special exception
in accordance with the Zoning
qrdinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for permi~-
sion to conduct a yard sale on
JUly 21 and 22, 1972 on property
of Miss Helen Cochran. Location
of property: north side of Main
Road, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Traveler Street.
Extension; east ~y the Southold
Library; south by Main Road:
and west by F. H. Saer.
8:05 P. M. fEDST), uponap~
plication of the Cutchogue-New
Suffolk Hi.!=torical Council, Cut-
ohogue, New York, for a special
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III,
Section 300, Subsection B-14. for
permi.!=sion to conduct an out-
door sale . and Flea Market on
July 1, 1972. Location of prop-
erty: Cutchogue Village Green,
Cutchogue, New York; bounded
north by Main Road; east by
Case Lane; south by Salter; pnd
west by Presbyterian Church
8:10 P. M. (EDST), upon ap~
plication of Goose Neck Prop-
erty Owners Association, Smith
Drive 'South, Southold, New York,
for a special exception in ac~
cordance with bhe Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on July
22, 1972, rain date July 29, 1972.
Location of property: north side
of Smith Drive North, Southold,
New York, on one-half of Lot
37, all of Lot 38 and one-half of
Lot 39, Map of CJom-e Neck
~..t..+.,.., -Bouthold. New..York.
catl"" of property: west side of
Y( i Road, Orient, New York,
bouulled north by right of way;.
east by Youngs Road; south by
E. H. King Estate; and west by
E. H. King Estate.
8:30 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Natalie Pavia, Mid-
land Parkway, Southold, New
York, for a special exception hl
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article nI, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permiSSion
to. condUct a barn sale on July
1, 1972. Location of property:
east side of Midland Parkwa.y,
Southold, New York, Lot No. I,
Map of Seawood .Acres, So'..1thold,
New York.
8:35 P, M. (EDST), upon ap-
Plication of the Church of the
Redeemer, Mattituck, New York,
for a special exception in. ac-
corda,nce with the Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article III, Section 300,
Subsection B-14, for permiSSion
to conduct a yard sale on July' 8,
1972. Location of property: north
side of SOund Avenue, MattlLuck,
New York, bounded north by
North Fork Bank & Trust Co.;
east by Grattan Estate; south by
SoUnd Avenue; and west by
Westphalia Road.
8:40 P. M. (EDBT) , upon ap-
Plication of Charles A. Ki'aft,
132 Capt. Kidd Drive, Mattituck,
New York, for a speCial exception
in accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article III, Section
300, Subsection B-14, for permis-
sion to condUct a yard sale on
July 8, 1972; rain date July 15,
1972. Location of property: south
side of Central Drive, Mattituck,
New York, Lot No_ 125, Map of
Capt. Kidd Estates.
8:45 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
Plication of Robert Mennella,
alc The Boathouse Restaurant,
Stirling Harbor Marina, Green-
port, New York, for a special ex-
ception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article In,
Section 300, Subsection C-6f, for
permission to erect an off prem-
ises directional sign. Location of
property: on property of Mal-
colm Rackett, bounded north by
Strau.mer; east by Cist.el'jno;
south by Champlin Place; and
west by Main 'Street, Greenport,
New York.
8:55 P. M. (EDST>, UpOll ap-
Plication of Volinski Olds, Inc.,
Traveler Street, Southold, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance wit,h the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article VI and VII, Sec-
tions 600 C and 700 D, Subsection
3b, for permission to erect a
perpendicular sign on front ~;all
ot public garage. Location of
property: muth side of Traveler
Street, Southold, New York,
bounded north by Traveler
Street; east b;r Youngs Avenue,
South by Eisemann and Tel'p;
and west by Prince.
9:10.P, M. (EDS"!'), upon ap-
Plication of Margaret and John
Lusk, Riley Avenue, Mattituclt,
New York, for a va:riance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance, Article III, Section 301,
for permission to divide property
and build a second dwelling. Lo-
cation of property: east side of
Riley Avenue, Mattituck, New
York, Lot No. 14, Map of G. W.
and D. Riley.
9:25 P. M. (EDST) , upon up..
plication of Jerry Villani, 60 W.
Oakd"ale Street, Bayshore, New
York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article VII, Section 700
Subsection B-4, for permission
to erect a gasoline service sta-
tion. Location of property. south
side of Middle Road (County
Road 27), Peconic, New York,
bounded north by Middle Road
(County Road 2'7): east by Pri-
vate Road (Paul's Lane); south
by J. Krupski and others; Rnd
west by J. Krupski and others.
9:40 P. M. (EDST>, upon ap-
plication of JOM N, Venteau,
47 E. Deer Park Road, Dix Hills,
New York, for a valiance in ac-
cordance with the Zoning Ordi-
nance Article III, Section 301 and
Article X, Section 1000 A. for
permission to divide property in
lots of less than required area.
Location of property: south side
of Birch Drive. Laurel, New York,
North Road, P'-'uthold, New York,
for a variar .1 accordance with
the Zoning vrdinance, Article
III, Section 301 and the Town
Law Sec~ion 280 A, for permis~
sion to setoff (I. lot with less than
required area and approval of
access. Location of property:
south side of County Road 27.
Southold, New York, bounded
north by other lands of apPli- ' sworn, says
cants; east by lands of Rich-
mond; south by lands of Papson;
and west by other lands of ap-
10:35 P, M. (EDST>, upon ap-
pUcation of Wlll1am Wickham,
Esq" Main Road, Mattituck, New
York, ale Estate of August San-
tini, for a variance in accordm~ce
with the Zoning Ordinance Ar-
ticle III, Section 301, for per~
mission to divide lots with less
than required area. Location cf
property: north side of West-
phalia Road, Mattituck, New
York, Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18 and 19. Map of TollewOOd,
Mattituck, New York. .
Any person desiring to be
heard on the above applications
should appear at the time and
place above. specified.
Dated: June 16, 1972
IT- 22
.0.."..<...'.;.."'...., '7.(........
...... .. Noiaxy Publ.Q (J
Notarv Put'lis. S~a:e Gf New York
Residiog on Sl}l!olk County
r1u_ 52-3041iJOO ...J
CommiSSion Expires r.~arch 30, 191
: "
public news-
Ity; and that
opy, has been
ituck Wotch-
(// wee~
r........ day of
8:15 P. M. (EDSTL llDon ap-
plication of Thelma Kontowski,
Main Road, East Marion. ~ew
York. for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance. Article In. Section 300.
Subsection B-14, for permission
to conduct a yard sale on July
15, 1972; rain date july 22, 1972.
Location of property: south side
of Main Road. East Marion, New
York, boundeq nortb by Main
Road; east by A. Arthur; south
by right of way; and west by M.
8;20 P. M. (EDST) , upon. ap-
plication of the Mattttuck His-
torical Society, Main Road, Mat-
tituck. New York, for a ::opecial
exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article TII,
Section 300, Subsection B-14, for
permission to conduet a yard sale
on July 15, 1972. Location of
property: Joseph Saland south
side of Main Road, Mattituck,
New York, bounded north by
Main Road.; east by Peconic
Homes Corp: south by Peconic
Homes Corp; and west by R. En-
gel and others.
8:25 P. M. (EDSTI, upon ap-
plication of Mr and Mrs Charles
H. Campbell, Youngs Avenue-.
Orient, New York. for a special
exceptlon'in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article m,
Section 300, Subsection B~14, for
permission to conduct a yard
sale on July 1, 1972; rain date
July 2, 1972 or July 3, 1972. Lo-
bounded north by Birch Drive;
east by Lyon and Manzel1; south
by Peconic Bay Boulevard and
lands now or formerly of Buck-
ley, Parsons, Cox and others: and
west by land now or formerlv of
J. Blair Young.
10:00 P. M. (EDST), upon ap-
plication of Joan R. Wood, 43
Old Commack Road, Kings Park,
New York and Salvatore and
:Plhllip Loria, First Street, New'
SUffolk, New York, for a variance
In accordance with the Zonln~
Ordinance, .Article XII, Section
1204 for permission to reinstate
non.conforming use. Location of
property: east side of First
Street, New Suffolk, New York,
bounded north M. Martin; east
by Bay; south by King Street;
and west by First street.
10;15 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap-
plication of Mattituck Free Li.
brary, Main Road, Mattttuck,
New York, for a special exception
lri accordance with the Zoning
Ordinance, Article In, Section
300, Subsection B.14, for permis-
sion to conduct a yard sale on
July 1, 1972; rain date July 8,
1972. Location of property: south
side of Main Road, Mattituck,
New York, bounded north by the
Main Road; east by Roman
Catholtc Church, Brooklyn Dio,;,
cese; souhh by Winarz; and west
by Reeve and others.
10:20 P. M. (EDSTl, upon ap-
plication of Frank Sawicki, \Val-
ter Sawicki, and Cecelia Sawicki,
DATE ..L..
(we) t g!?xc.lw!c&.EIRP e .............................oFin..r.f._N:........ .!?!k6......._ ?
Name Street and Number
a.�.T.N....a� .D............................................................... ............................ JL:w........Y.Cg.RK...........
Municipality State
hereby apply to THE.ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance With the
/ f / s- �fi/1co Ta 110.4 -D /Ix'q�a wlf�LE ®ir ev /�
lRoPcZTy t7N SA To ilY i%.dcy -21 / `17.2
NAT6iJ/ 73 } AA�(�itlGdLs ra F Tian
) ss
COUNTYOF W .. . ...... .. ...................................................
dd ) Signature
Sworn to this ..................f........ day of ....... j.,:.:.-.-........, 19. z......
Notary Public