HomeMy WebLinkAboutMacari at Laurel 1989 @ j'o T Is99 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT TRAFFIC FOR MACARI AT LAUREL MARCH, 1989 PREPARED BY: PREPARED FOR: THE CLOVER CORPORATION JOSEPH MACARI P.O. BOX C C/O PETER S . DANOWSKI HALESITE, N .Y . 11783 616 ROANOKE AVENUE F .D . BOX 779 RIVERHEAD, N .Y . 11901 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT TRAFFIC NACARI AT LAUREL I . INTRODUCTION . This document is a supplemental report to the previously submitted report ; Macari At Laurel , Long Environmental Assessment Form - Part III COctober, 19BB) , prepared by The Clover Corporation for the Applicant, Joseph Nacari Cc/o Peter S . Danowski , Esq . ) . The Planning Board Office, :own of Southold raised concerns CJanuary 12, 1SB9; Lead Agency Coordination Request; Appendix A) over the potential cumulative impacts on traffic from the several proposed developments in the area of Laurel Lake . Specifically , the segment of Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue and Cox Neck Road/Middle Road is the sole access point of access and exit for the several proposed developments in the area CFigure 1) . Sound Avenue CSR TRK #2S) is a mayor east-west ccrridor within the Town of Southold . It is utilized by traffic by passing many of the small hamlets found along State Route #25, running generally parallel -o but located south of Sound Avenue . This supplemental report will examine the potential impacts on traffic from the proposed developments in the area and suggest commonly practised mitigative measures to lessen these 1 Bergen Avenue Cox llec6 p.)ad : •no+_1 i t.0• Of St (Bergen Ave. Thornton E. Smith access point) (access point) i oU] tt / nor°u► �VI10 .�j " N pVEIIUEJt�.�— _��.���r " //,gO.C3'\.11 A.I. Holding Corp, p ,fes. - ,.� ��L���_ ) .u... /ifs � �` Ot . Access point � \ (Lncatlon orf the •qp) --- `_-�._ -p.; - .-_,.,--=•-�=="yam -� j 4!�' 4y��o iticari At laurel J+Joap■ .._\ (Horth accost pt•) \ D CO-mingled ..•. j n Hdcarl At Laurel- ••• \`� a••',�t�t+t •a•'' (7 f PeCOnic Ilomes/Jacoby tsm Access point o•c�soa 1 eun= �ta rt•••1a Hacarl At Laurel jN- C:) t . (Hest access pt,) �... Z 0 700 It. '1 .�' •. N (from NYS DOT, 1985-86) im-acts . The Cover Corporation is an environmental consulting firm which does not practice traffic engineering . It does, however, qualitatively examine traffic studies and suggest possible mitigative measures to reduce traffic impacts due to development projects . During the preparation of this document the New York State Department of Transportation was contacted abet the proposed roadway improvements anticipated for Sound Avenue CAppendix B) . Site plans for the mayor proposed subdivisions Ci .e . Nacari At Laurel , Peconic Homes, Thornton E . Smith, and A .T . Holding Corporation) were examined and traffic prcilection values were based or. the Institute of Traffic Enc:neers ' site generation project-ion tables C1983) . In addition, field visits to the area provided information on the present configuration of the existing roadway network . 3 II . PLANNED DEVELOPMENTSAND CUMULATIVEIMPACT ON TRAFFIC . According to discussions held with Howard Young CYoung & Young, H00 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York) , Peter Danowski , Jr . , Esq . C616 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York) , and a letter dated January 12, 1989 from the Planning Board Office, Town of Southold CAppendix A) , there are four Cli) substantial and one Cl) minor subdivision proposals in the vicinity that could have a traffic impact on Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue on the west and Cox Neck Road on the east (Figure 1 ) . In addition to the proposed action, Macari At Laurel , the following four Cq) developments are proposed: Peconic Homes will consist of 19 single-family detached residential units on a q5 .3 acre site located on the South side of Sound Avenue, east or west of the proposed Macari At Laurel development . According to the Cluster Subdivision Sketch Plan For the project Ci .e . Young and Young) , a single interdevelopment roadway will , intersect Sound Avenue in the north and trend generally north-south through the project site . A minor subdivision, Daniel Jacoby , will consist of If single-familu detached residential units on a 10 .6 acre site located south of site for Peconic Homes near Laurel Lake . The access roadway for this development will join either the proposed interdevelopment roadway of the Peconic Homes project or the western access roadway of Macari At Laurel . A .T . Holding Company is a proposed 3q single-family 4 detached housing unit development on a 91 .5 acre parcel . It is located on the south side of Sound Avenue, approximately 1 , 000 Feet east of the Macari At Laurel project (along Sound Avenue) . Although a complex interdevelopment roadway system has been designed CYoung and Young) , a major access roadway will intersect Sound Avenue approximately 600 feet west of the intersection Cox Neck Road and Sound Avenue Caccording to the Standard Subcivision Sketch Plan for the project; Young and Young) . Thorton E . Smith, a 35 single-family detached residential development on an 80 .6 acre parcel , is located on the north side of Sound Avenue with an access point west of the Macari At Laurel and Peconic Homes subdivisions CFigure 1) . According to the Preliminary Subdivision Map CYoung and Young) , the site will have an interdevelopment roadway with one access point on Sound Avenue and the other access point on Bergen Avenue . A total number of 119 single-family housing units, oTl a approximately 292 acres, have been proposed in the vicinity of the site for Macari At Laurel Cincluding the proposed action) . Since each of the proposed subdivisions will have at least one access point on Sound Avenue, a cumulative traffic impact will occur on Sound Avenue . Consequently , the potential traffic from the proposed subdivisions has been evaluated as part of this supplemental report . The following table reflects the potential traffic from all of the proposed developments that will directly affect traffic 5 on Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue to Cox Neck Road . These values are projected using statistical inFormation provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report (1982) (see Macari At Laurel , Environmental Assessment Form - Part III ; Octcber, 1986) . The estimates of Future trip generations projected for the proposed action and the four (q) other proposed sjbdivisions are Found on Table 1 . In addition, an estimate of the total projected potential vehicles utilizing Sound Avenue in the event that all substantial subdivisions are constructed and occupied is made: Total Housing Units = 119 Weekday : Average Weekday Trip Ends = 10 trips/unit 119 units z 10 trips/unit - 1 , 190 total trips per day Peak Hour TraFFic Generation: 7-9 AM 0 . 76 trips/unit x 119 units = 90 Crounded from 90 .1) total trips 4-6 PM 0 . 5-1 trips/unit x 119 units = 61 (rounded from 60 .7) total trips 6 Saturday : Average Trip Ends = 10 . 1 trips/unit 10 . 1 trips/unit x 119 units = 1 , 202 (rounded from 1 , 201 .9) total trips per day Peak Hour Traffic Gene7ation: 0 .96 trips/unit x 119 units = 111f Crounded From 111f .2) total trips Sunday : Average Trip Ends = 8 .7 trips/unit 8 .7 trips/unit x 119 units = 1 , 035 Crounded from 1 , 035 .3) total trips per day Peak Hour Traffic Generation: 0 .9Li trips/unit x 119 units = 112 Crounded From 111 .9) total trips In a worst-case scena:ic, if all developments are constructed and fully occupied, 1 , 202 additional vehicles, or 11q additional vehicles during the Saturday peak hour time, may utilize Sound Avenue . Since at present approximately 5 , 600 Cthis value is probably a minimal traffic volume; see Macari At Laurel , Environmental Assessment Form - Part III , P . 89) vehicles use Sound Avenue in the vicinity of the site, ' the additional 1 , 202 vehicles due to cumulative development 7 represents an increase of approximately 20% . As indicated on the most recent subdivision plans available, most of the proposed subdivisions will have their own access/exit points onto Sound Avenue . The Daniel Jacoby subdivision will access the Peconic Homes or Macari At Laurel access roadways . Sound Avenue is a curvaceous, hilly roadway with locally limited sight distances in the vicinity of the site . Therefore, safe ingress/egress operations for each of these developments becomes an issue of concern . The Thornton E . Smith project has one planned access points onto Sound Avenue, according to the provided site plans (Young and Young) . Combined with single and separate access points for Peconic Homes, Macari At Laurel CNote: This project has a an access point along its western border that leads to Sound Avenue, thus, two access points onto Sound Avenue) , and A .T . Holding Corporation, this yields a total of at least five (5) new access points on Sound Avenue following development of the proposed actions . These access points are staggered along the ^orth and south sides, respectively , of Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue on the west and Cox Neck Road on the east (Figure 1 ) . 8 III . ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS AND MITIG=TIDE MEASURES TO REDUCE THE CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ON TRAFFIC . Recognizing the potential traffic saFetly problems along Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue on the west and Cox Neck Road and Middle Road on the west , the New Ycrk State Department of Transportation (New York State Office Building, Veterans Memorial Highway , Hauppauge, New York) completed a Control Report during Winter, 1985-86 (Appendix B) . This report completed detailed topographical mapping along approximately 1 mile cF this narrow corridor of Sound Avenue . The purpose of the report was For future design purposes . Recognizing the need For a straighter, more level section c= Sound Avenue in this a:-ea, a series of planar maps were generated . The current status of the proposed roadway modifications was recently determined From the New York State Department of Transportation CMr . William Lamont, NYS DOT, personal communication, February 28, 1989) . Unfortunately , the roadway modifications indicated For this section of Sound Avenue are not on the current 5-year plan . Consequently , although the roadway modifications are still planned, the timing for this construction is unknown . The proposed potential chang=_s to Sound Avenue, as indicated on Figure 1 , include considerable straightening of the roadway and up-grading the present two lane, relatively narrow roadway to a more substantial Four CLf) lane roadway . Although 9 elevation base lines were presented only for the existing condition along this portion of Sound Avenue, it is assumed that a certain amount of leveling of this roadway would accompany the widening operation . The straightened design of Sound Avene substantially changes the existing sight distances associated with the proposed access points of the Macari At Laurel project (Figure 1) . The sight-distance estimations for the proposed access points of Macari At Laurel (see Attached Site Plans associated with the Environmental Assessment Form - Part III , October, 19BB) with the existing alignment of Sound Avenue can be compared to the potential sight-distance estimations For the re-aligned roadway using ruler-measurements directly on the plans provided on Figure 1 (Appendix E) : Sight Distances - Scund Avenue Existing Proposed Roadway Conditions Modifications N . Access Rdway View to east >1 , 000 Feet > 1 , 000 feet Uiew to west qOO feet >1 , 000 Feet 10 W . Side Rdway View to east E00 feet 800 feet View to west 300 feet 550 feet Thus, with the re-alignment of Sound Avenue vehicles exiting the site for Macari At Laurel from its proposed northern access roadway will have unimpeded views both east and west for over 1 , 000 feet in either direction . On the other hand, the western access rca3way associated with the Macari At Laurel does not have as an extensive a sight distance where it intersects Sound Avenue as the northern access roadway . It would provide 800 feet in an eas- direction and 550 feet in a west direction . When the re-alignment of Sound Avenue does occur , it will aid substantially In aigmenting sight distances from the access points of the Maca^i At Laurel project as well as from the other proposed subdivision access points on Sound Avenue . However, if all of the su'divisions are constructed as planned, there will be an increase of new access points onto Sound Avenue . The distribution c= these access points is indicated on Figure 1 . There are sev=ral mitigative measures suggested that could minimize potential safety hazards associated with the proposed access points on Scund Avenue from the new subdivisions . These mitigative measures should be reviewed by a qualified traffic engineer . Two types of suggestions are presented: Co-mingling 11 access points for projects abutting each other, such as Macari At Laurel and Peconic Homes; and traffic flow direction restrictions for ingress/egress for developments with two access points on Sound Avenue, such as Macari At Laurel . The Macari A= Laurel and Peconic Homes/Jacoby projects have a partially common boundary along the northern portions of their western and easte-n borders, respectively . Since the Macari At Laurel development proposes a western access roadway along this boundary leading ;orthward to Sound Avenue, it could link with the northern portion of the mayor through-going interdevelopment roadway of the proposed Peconic Homes/Jacoby project . In this way the two projects could utilize the same access roadway fo- traffic movement and reduce one of the access points on Sound A-.enue . This access point would provide access to vehicles both entering and exiting the projects from Sound Avenue . Considering tra=fic flow ingress/egress for the proposed subdivisions along Sound Avenue in the vicinity of the Macari At Laurel project, restrictions on traffic flow could be imposed . The northern access point for the Macari At Laurel project located directly on Sound Avenue could be restricted to entering vehicle=_ only . In this case, slow moving vehicles entering Sound Aveiue from this access point would eliminated . Although the Thornton E . Smith project initially proposed 12 two access points directly on Sound Avenue, as a mitigative measure, one of these access points was eliminated . Interdevelopment traffic is now routed north through the site to Bergen Avenue . Consequently , another potential access point on Sound Avenue has been eliminated by this action . The access roadway associated with the A .T . Holding Corporation is located at least 1 , 200 feet east of either the Thornton E . Smith or the Macari At Laurel access points on Sound Avenue . A= this distance, traffic entering or exiting the A .T . Holding Corporation may not substantially interfer with the traffic flow within the area . In addition, it may be possible to route another access roadway southward from this development to Main Road CSF. #2S) . In general , there are several additional mitigative measures applicable to the Macari At Laurel site as well as associated with the other planned subdivisions in the area . S`ince the sight--fistance is somewhat limited from the suggested co-mingled Macar: At Laurel-Peconic Homes/Jacoby access point on Sound Avenue, the installation .of a blinking red/yellow light at the intersection to warn approaching vehicles from the west of a possible traffic hazard or the emplacement of a "Entering :raFFic" sign west of the access intersection could reduce potential hazards . If the roadway modifications were eventually implemented, a reserved center turning lane could be incorporated frcm the intersection of Bergen Avenue on the west 13 to at least the Thornton E . Smith access point on Sound Avenue on the east . Finally , this report has considered a worst-case scenario with the full development of all five proposed subdivisions . If one or more of these subdivisions were not built, there could be a substantial reduction in the cumulative traffic impact to the surrounding rcadway network . It is possible that one or more of these projects will not be constructed before the State 's Proposed roadway modifications are implemented, thus further reducing traffic impact . 14 IU . CONCLUSION . In conclusion, there are a total of Five planned subdivisions, including the proposed action, within the vicinity of the Macari At Laurel project . These subdivisions will directly access Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue on the west and Cox Neck Road on the east through individual entrance/exit access pcints . The curvaceous and hilly nature of Sound Avenue in this area contributes to locally limited sight distances From proposed access points in this area . Projected traffic volumes From the total proposed subdivisions total approximately 1 , 200 vehicles per day , or approximately 11q peak hour volume . Since these vehicles will exit and enter the subdivisions From several separate points along this relatively short distance of Sound Avenue, the potential for traffic safety impacts will occur . The New York State Department of Transportation has proposed a re-alignment of the existing Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue on the west and Cox Neck Road/Middle Road on the east . This proposal would widen, straighten, and level Sound Avenue . However, this roadway modification plan is not included within the current S-year construction schedule . Suggested mitigative measures to lessen the potential impacts from the proposed action as well as from the cumulative effects of the other proposed subdivisions in the area include co-mingling of access roadways for abutting subdivisions and 15 restricting traffic flow directions at access roadways for individual subdivisions . Consequently , a substantial reduction in the number of access points can be achieved by co-mingling the access roadways of the Macari At Laurel , Peconic Homes, and Jacoby developments . This action would utilize the proposed access roadway along the common northern borer of Macari At Laurel and Peconic Homes/Jacoby development . In addition, the northern access point on Sound Avenue for the Macari At Laurel could be designated as entrance only or be relocated adjacent to the co-mingled access roadway . The Thorn-on E . Smith Creduced to one access point recently ; personal ccmmunication, Mr . Peter S . Danowski , Esq . , February , 1989) and A .T . Holding Corporation subdivisions have only one access point each onto Sound Avenue . This investigation assumes that all of the subdivisions will be built at nearly the same time, however, if one or more of these proposals are delayed, the cumulative traffic impacts will be lessened accordingly . Finally , several highway devices are suggested to warn on-coming traffic of the various proposed access points to the subdivisions on South Avenue . These include: A blinking yellow/red light at the Macari At Laurel-Peconic Homes/Jacoby access roadway intersection with Sound Avenue; highway signs warning through-going traffic of entering traffic ahead; and along with the eventual widening of Sound Avenue, providing a central turning lane from Bergen Avenue to the access points 16 propcszd . 17 APPENDICES APPENDIX A PLANNING BOARD OFFICE - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o�U�FOLfco c i Town Hall, 53095 Main Road LP T, P.O. Box 1 179O�- Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE - (516)765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 12 ,1989 Re: Lead Agency Coordination Request Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to determine under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1 . your jurisdiction in the action described below; 2 . your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency; and 3 . issues of concern which you believe should be evaluated. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposal and a completed Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) to assist you in your response. Project Name: A.T. Holding SCTM =1000-121-5-1 & 5/122-2-25 Requested Action: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 91 . 5271 acre parcel into 34 lots ran inq in size from 80 , 000 s. f. to 20 , 000 s. f . locate at L--au-r--el. SEQRA Classification: [XXX] Type I [ ' ] Unlisted Contact Person: Jill M. Thorp 516-765-1938 ` The lead agency will determine the need for an environmental impact statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty ( 30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: [XXJ This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. [ ] This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. [XX ] Other. (See comments below) Comments: See attached resolution. Please feel free to contact this office for further information. Sincceerely, �j\f /,/ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. cc: (,,Board of Appeals CHAIRMAN Board of Trustees :,-Building Department ;, Southold Town Board *=Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services *. NYSDEC- Stony Brook XN��DE.��4X�$24�H3�X - , S.C. Dept. of Public Works r r ---ni M`Y-4Gr,p-of--Engknee-rs N.Y.S. Dept. of Transportation * Maps are enclosed for your review Coordinating agencies r WHEREAS, the stretch of Sound Avenue between Bergen Avenue to the west and Cox Neck Road to the east is the sole point of access and exit for four major and one minor subdivision proposal which in total encompass 210. 96 acres and 84 Lots; and WHEREAS, none of these subdivisions have ready access to other public roads for additional access; and WHEREAS, this stretch of road is a winding, and curving road on hilly terrain, its capacity to handle safely the additional volume of traffic from the projected development is in question; and WHEREAS, this stretch of road is a heavily travelled east-west corridor; and WHEREAS, these particular applications are in the vicinity of Laurel Lake, there should be consideration of the potential cumulative impact of the proposed development on the area with regard to potential stormwater runoff, septic system leaching, groundwater quality and loss of habitat; and WHEREAS, the applications lie adjacent.-to or within, whether .riwholly or in part, the Core Watershed Protection Area which has been designated by the Town Board (January 19, 1988) as a study area; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Water Advisory Committee has been reviewing land use management practices in this area, and the Core Watershed Protection Area has also been included as a special groundwater protection area by the LIRPB'S Special Groundwater Protection Area Advisory Council; and WHEREAS, these individual actions around the Lake are in effect, unlisted actions, the cumulative effect is akin to a Type I action, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The Southold Planning Board hereby assumes lead agency status in the review of the following applications: A.T. Holding Co, . SCTM# 121-5-18 and 122-2-25 ( 34 lots, 91 . 53A) Joseph Macari SCTM# 121-4-9 ( 27 lots 63 . 57A) , Peconic Homes SCTM# 121-3-7 and 121-1 p(o 5 ( 19 lots, 45. 28A) Daniel Jacoby SCTM#125-1-5 ( 4 lots 10 . 58 acres) and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that The Planning Board hereby determines that the cumulative impact of- the above noted applications, for the above mentioned reasons, is likely to have an adverse environmental impact. APPENDIX B NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.I.N. 0754.4!.1C1 SOUND AV EN EE FRC'iVi BEP-GEN l ENLEE TO MIDDL RQL MTTITUCK SUFFOLK COUNTY WINTER 1985-86 FTe:,ared by Region 10 Survey Section New York State Department of Tran s_o tat'on New York State Office Building Veterans Me=orial Highway Hauppauge, Ne-.- York 11788 TABLE Or CtCl.=_P IQTS int,roduct__n Horizontal Control S1=.a y Pale 2 Horizontal Control Data Ps Ves 3_5 Horizontal -Sfetczes Pages 6-13 Vesical S:�zry Pa-=e 14 Vertical Control Da-a Pave 15 Vertical S_e.ches Pages 16-24 Co=uter C_--_­ ttaticTs Pa>> 25 Coor,__nate List of Tr.:erss Points z-e 26 Coori__ate List of Horizon-al Points P=-n 27 Control Dia,--ram -side Back Cover _DUCTION ?.I.N. 0754. 4.101, Sound -venue bet^een Bergen Avenue and Middle Road in :v`.attitick in Su:.cl C ^' re telt' miles 011 y, r Alli d a��roXiI'i1. a tC^C= C r2C alC - c na_ro:S Corr-dor. eri a1 fh_* 77 ;as flown on :vov_=ber 18, 1985 at an altitude of 2LCO' above =ean terrain, ---_ -n znotos of 1"=4CC' scale. ?:i Wary and Secondary for use in ?hotog=a=:,Tet__ manuscript corpu�ation were established dfurinz the Winter of 1985-86 by a survey team from Re=--'on 1C. :his Droject ;was initiated fCr Des--*-:-m Durposes. _1 COO'Cl-_c_eS are e:r-recce'; i^_ to=S Of aid base^: On the LaLiDert ConZ'o=al New ,J^v=_- S`,,--ate ?'_ane Coordinate S-,,-stem, Long Island Zone, as establishe- the ;.S. Geodetic Survey. All azimuths are :efere_^_C=1 to grl C T-crth c^_d all elevations tions are based on the _':a�iCna1 GeC�e A1C firer t1Ca- C: 1929. :J HORIZON =.L SW-, 3Y The project surveyed consisted of 1.5+ miles of Sound -venue beginning at Bergen Avenue and terminating at ?,addle Road. The traverse proceeded in a ii-==� o 't fashic . -Ill nor_Zontal ane-es were turned four times direct- with a =oDcon GTS-2 Tota! Station. All Zenith an,les were observed in a direzt _Ansi tion from one end of the traverse line. All distances were measured with the Toocon G_S-2 Total Station. Traverse distances were read iv1:= ti=es from cne end of the traverse line and averaged. All field data was collected -,r to a _ :dig Shags TRS-80 ?viodel 100 Ccm liter in an Intergraph COLO The computations for this traverse were done using the T.-. 59 calculator and the Departments' Iritergra_h dial 11/7180 Co=puler. All coordinates are in the New York State Plane Coordinate System - Long Island Zone - Lambert Projection. The following horizontal control stations were recovered and used for the one pri--ary traverse along Sound Avenue: S.C.?,4. 10-1137 S.C.M. 10-113:8 U.S.C.&G. BISH Traverse I originates at S.C.M. 10-1137. Direz-,ion vas established by sighting S.C.M. 10-1138. Traverse I proceeds from S.C?.i. ZO-1137 easterly along Sound Avenue, to=inat-ng at U._.C.&G. FISH. The final bear;-ng was 2hec'_ed by turning the angle from 7,S.C.& _=SH to the azimuth mark. No. of '_e--s in traverse = 10 Anzl e error = 17.8'1 Allo:vable error = 31.5" Correction ± to each a^=-le = 1.8" Error in closure = 0.24-6 Precision = 1/23,C52 From Traverse I Targets 1 throw_^ 5 dere estab=fished. y 10-1137 CONTROL DATA SUFFOLK COUNTY, M. Y. - ' i j Z5�GLIth0ld ti 2_ VILLA:._ j E ), 73-. 63 1 _ � EL°Y.TION i' 1 r_'f. St aTE PLA1fE C-CRIIrMA 7 SYS1 c„ t:;MG,ISLAND _•n° VER•':CAL :•AT':++: LA)i3E?T PVO;ECTICre FS.APL;L-H-G If- 17V 1%tiiT)i AkF3t)CA c ::)A7Lm Eo: ESTA3C.7r!E7 BT]IJ^!Act BAKE:% ,R, DAT.E i REFEkE�C�: _ -- --- -- - _3�EL--- -- DJSTAM E, FT. _ Via":D-a E.'.P;N G } iCr= .A _T 3. - - :i. ?: �: Sc'.0o" 7 t nii.v TO �U_ a':Znuf , ht.. R't?Si on S_ -%-i-e _- 0 miles to The _ uC:'>R '.L':i."i_ 1a .VC te 7._. C'' c.' O. _ •Ja.at. d.::Ji.:\1..'a:?iY :J feet wt.-st 7T_ the ce=ter- Ft t - t ' ---Cs _ •-----tett 5'AT: SKET04 n 4'-4'40C41$T\ 771 l I Yi�f} - 32.'�%O• '.'SST ri x � � f 41 1, E 1 1 yr- - '' O A. I '1 �- PtC:rtRY OAT- - 1 r -- -- -- -- - - _ - -- ^-----_ � Oar° CI•!EF ;,F T..,.Tf CC_NOIiICM REMARrS x'3 10 m CONTROL DATA SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. M'-IMBER OF STATION: - TO*N: amu.::}lolC N i-3_'. 43 10- 1138 VILLAGE: c ' 3Z' =32.;3 ELEVATICN - FT. l:.Y.STATE PLANE CO>ORCOww TE SYSTEy -LONG MLAND 2--1*4E VERTICAL DATUm LAAMRTPRC.;-C'^aM ESTABLISHED BY: lrD 1t'OR-mW AyERICAM DAMM GATE ESTABLISHED: ESTA'SLtSri£J $Y rdCiAEL iSAZE7, :+`i DATE. ]'J l� Ott 2EsC S OBJECT t DISTANCE FT. I 11 J I I 1 S i cescRlaT:c" - _ -.. - - T:�... 'he '. _^ :` ool 1.^. Ma7t:iuc �C proceed A-ca •5: am Czr ...11e to `t�:..:': -Avenue, ..,c'. -,vest o ti So ^C �:2_ _ ilea :O .;r w:11C71 :s 'u, 4:eri :s. iii the nc>r.h o tige of the roac ?3:. 5 r j . t STATION SK TCI -- z 5 7 V r;-?.4,f—`7 p y o�.�•� �� D,riGG 4-4.G I , —.i1G5T, fes" 1 Af yr-05817 •� i <�} CL .47"/.1A7-.E0 �. rFiHC� 44w,,V • r RECOVERY DATA j Z;A.,E -HIEF OF P&RTY CC"01.T:0,N I REAAAI( ' I I� 970 NAY 1NAM HORIZONTAL CONTROL DATA U S. 01 PANIMENI fl 1:UfHVIC CE OUAD 40q 724 ilAl10N Ef/VIR011Ml NIA1 $f.IC IICk$(IIVICE$AOMINIS111AlIOH flY COASI Atli)lit uul 11lS1111VI Y by 11111 IA 11111111 40 •SO r 10 41 •i)0' :- Coas)and Geollclic Sulvcy Ilna.f1u01 72 -3n r 10 11 •nnr C1011111ARILIIICA1l 1'11111AI11M IIIAI,NAM IIK 18-12 NEW YURK r Ill u I.u{r.wtY{NI or`Durr wc[ ( "n..' cu• .•xu u•uur t. ar.var GG� OESCRIP11011 OF TRIA11GULA11011 STATION All HIS(I'll I1011170N1AI.CONTROL DATA ..ra or nAnoN• DISII it--, Now York- coll"m Suffolk! curer or♦Aw{r,J.1•. Conk' rum 1965^ ucacrinrN rn h.,l. Novuk � , .. •.Ix.N NI N vt111N 1'16! ►INSI °" or.fl Ucur.NOV{ {•.IOY N•wY alrw..l bt10.1(Or a1411t NOVr.{A t10N N.ww " x -•••• N•C{{.•{IUN Y•Nw, OIIIAMCr{•NII OIAtC110N{lU Aa1Y11111 wAaA,Al.lalI.Ca...-5 A".f•ONINCNI SUFF0tK COUNTY .l -.- Ix<wuux,.{t•Ilux r•Nr{I .."Cl.C"N at it IN/MOM(IIC LN OON4 AI f11f 11111NN .r•w.,l• Vwu Oa1lG{ Yt.wIN• --NIa I•NL_ --_ — IN.,II 11 G-14000 NY 182 JANESPODT 1939 1965 -_-_ -- ------ -00 00 00.0,_- 16b Azimufiororlh mark" E, 0.35 all to, 226 00 1-/- c, 12 X31 16.51)05 N��••) Hafarunco murk No. 1" E' (19,90' 27.1102' 227 39 17- 71 1t. 12.41 026 ltb NefcVu cis mors( Ito. 2" SW' 90.21- 27.1196- 359 27 03' Ttta station is located about 3-1/2 miles northeast of Jnmaspor•L•,. a -VII-xilli_.HVa"L]C11j_luCk, of Lho IntorsocLlun of StaLu Illghuny ?'/A •'•1..1•.., x,,. a•wa. w..' wui C0A•(lock I.INIo 111 on gond right.-or-way. - - -- - ---�» --r-- 1. a TL reach Lilo sLullon from Lha Lroffic light lit NaLtltuck, go wont. N.Y. 1.1. 1104 2,P19.159.45 281.062--.10- —_► 0f5S46 S olidnorth on Sound Avonuu for 0.9 mile to SLato Highway 27A. Turn left i an go Wast oil SLatu Highway 27A for 0,1 mile to Lha sLuLlon on Lilo left T In lila cantor of o aualun. ' I Thostation murk 13 A standard disk 3taimped "DISII 196'i", sat, In Lilo top of a 12-Inch cylindrical concreLo monumont which In flush wlLh Lha ,x•Nq., surface of this ground. 1L is 96 rout. oust of Lho con Lor of CoA Ilack ------------`-'-'-'--"'-'- -' --- - ---- I.ane, 50 fact cast of Lila wusL align of Lha modlun, 33 foot souLll of the •.I.^.:L..,Y t... / cental• of Lha waatbound lana of State Ilighway 27A and 30 fact, norLh of - '•....xN..•Y .- tile center of the e41361iound lana of Slots 111ghuay 27A. ALINUIII NARK 258'14'01:6 251'1,!'15' 1104 I Deforenco mark No. 1 Is a 3Lnndurd disk stamped "DISII Ito 1 1965", , eat in the lop of a 12-inch cylindrical concrete monumont which in fLudt I with lila surface of Lilo ground. It 1s 79 foot souliloaet of Lila center of a driveway, 311 foot. south of Lha center of the uuaLbound lune of State Highway 27A and 30.5 foot north of Lite center of the eaaLbuund ]ane of Stute Highway 27A. , gefarenco murk No. 2 is a utartdard disk stamped "nisi) Ito 2 196511, auL 1i) the Lop of a 12-Inch cylindrical concroto morulmunt which is flush 111 Lit lila 3arrUC0 of lila ground. 1L Is 112 foot notiLi{woal of Lhu coliLnr of Sound Avonus, 30 foal snulh of lila cantor of Lilo aaaLbound laue of State Illghway 27A, 0.9 foot 30110h 01' a concroto curbllna, 11,11 foot cost-northoa3t or power line polis No. 637 and 3.2 Pout ca3t-norLhoont. of a metal wltnuoa post. TheazlmuLli murk 13 a standard disk stamped "DISH 1965", not In Lha i top of a 12-inch cylindrical concroLs monument which 13 flu311 With title surface of Lila ground. It la 32 feat nurthoast of the northas3t corner of a barn, 23.0 fact. South of Lho cantor of lila eastbound lune of State Highway 27A and 3.0 feet. went of power line pole No, 13. To reach Lho uzlmuLli mark from the 31tution, go east on Stale Illghway 27A for 0.35 mllu to the mark on the right. RECOVERY NOTE,TRIANGULATION STATION wArr 4/{t.t14M,D] 3!1 l•I AYI1•.1/Y•Y• J.L.1.. Cook 1'a""• 1'1G5 \r"r•�IIoW York a•Nc11wArY1NA4Ao1_1 ■u wu.4•.1 I.K.U. Suffulk i A......INIIAwIa ANY el•CC tNIN 1wuY N•A..Yt lis.N. a,n•1.t.•.,.•...•....\,1,,.....1,\..,,.••.1 J..n..•...I r,1..4..•.".1..•1,.N,r;•.•,,\.Y.••.•Jr..N.•\.1 r,,,l..•,1..,., The stullal mark, 1.11tr2nco u{irk Ito. 1, reforance mark Ito, 2 and azll.alth Iork acro mco"s,d iu gox1 condlllml. _ All dlstl.acu4, ;.LI p;;y;a Ind dll•cellalu wars verified. U%i orf;inr.l roacripl inn by J. L. Cork l" 1965 is slloquato. 21% 191-�,a ii�rn.,, torn• ASln Vlllr HC225(2/75) NEWORK STATE E PR01EC7: 075'y' yY'/QI DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE': I CONTROL SURVEY DATA ZONC _�. • _• iCHIEF OF PARTY: U0 Ur?7 I ► Df SED ON THE ° l STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM C:'TY. TOWN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION NUMENT TYPE AQ C.j9 InJ � I �c . N - e6o 2 35. 0 / / FO ESrIGNTSaaD PROMINENT TO ►GNTi, E. 2' �39y, 90 J 09,IECT DISTANCE-FT. ow GRID BEARING 1 VERT A.TUW Ti4 • Z 6 O• 7=•°- 09 _ 57• — EL E.aTiC'4 .'_E71 S-. OG I E,T�Si.'SLIC;: BY YEAR .CCFr�m lc,C5, DETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STA'►ON: i I J I � SKETCH AT STATION iN 7 Zs 13 L ;�����jC 7 N U �_k lip A T-j J I 1. NOT TO SCALE yC225(2/TS) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 07S) . J/j/! of DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OFSURVE': z no CONTROL SURVEY DATA zor,E L, •2• _ ` I Bf-SED ON THE OCHIEF OF PARTY: U' aEr?tem ' I STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY. TOWN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION MONUMENT TYPE �JIA T! u G� �Aa Z a k a T)c c i N _ �^O oqJ• J8�0 DISTANCES 6 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, ' (� / V FORESIGHTS A PROMINENT OBJECTS `_R J /� Un 7. CT� 1 O OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. ^ GR;O BEARING / 7Q / / /T 7.{R. [� 7/ N� S/'/�• VER :ATU-*V* /• -/'1 'JOE - �^ �`r 7 �!V �� 1 - • Ci " i. I / t:T!gl SSE; 9Y YEAR Loerum �`PS DETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STATION: �-!'` • NAIL_ ( !� etc. Iv_ -,Z. _ 7( F ✓� I t1i T C v ISS SKETCH AT STATION N I I , F_Da E t ^CD SAA La �- C, E LI- I0 c(-,, } v'' G A, C NOT TO SCALE -7- =NG 22312/76) PROJECT: 07-5-Y. 14%/O/ NEW YORK STATE niaEc DFPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVEY, CONTROL 'SURV'EY DATA zONE R � •�' • TY- BASED ON THE CHIEF OF PART cPrc.•m � STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM I '.CITY. TOWN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION 1rONUYENT TYPE ' %T�r TucK I FT -,9 -- i?.k• 14A I L /�f,� DISTANCES A DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, N — X80 733 ' 0255 FORESIGNTS A PROMINENT OBJECTS I OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. GRIO SEARING ' :5 7/- 3 66 , T,�� . 2 S 2.4 ;P3 s -7(5 ' VERT. CATUM: ° _ s ' - 22• � - ELEVATION IFF°T) I KST�I9L.ISHE[1 2> YEAR I Z11 AILED DESCRIPTION AT STAT ION: /'v T ! j�4%E/71 E/J T Al ,<, o v A/1D /g �le � /9 p�o�� 0'y j_ �. -r ,g 17214E c% G�'irGc�N ✓F• T i 1 i I ' 5KIETCH AT STATION . N ' - 1 96 ve you -G1 I NOT TO SCALE m i - MC2zsitwo) NEW YORK STATE PSoJECT: o7$y. y=/• /O/ � r. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVEYS 2nd 1 CONTROL SURVEY DATA zowel t. • s• I CHIEF OF PARTY, 11 m- } EASED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM 1 CITv. TOWN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATIONMONUMENT TYPE I JN_ ZGO� 2��• � Q fQ i DISTANCES A DIRECTIONS TO BACKS104TS , V J C7 /V FORESIGHTS a PROMINENT OBJECTS J OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. 6 3R�I�0 BEARING I I 'BERT CATUM: -->'a tr -� !:. C l D c 7-::; ELEVATION(FEET) 15TABLISHED 2� YEAR E ' I ( i IDEIAILED DESCRIPT;ON AT STATION: l�J F i 5 /�1/ Tif �5 5 Pi�' � 7 ��r� ►/E �;'t�1J i CAI 7�1= Z/ rnl�E ��5 i or SAG, v� . SKETCH AT STATION r 1 I - t i I S;L7- Or6 18 � y ., ( I NOT TO SCALE -+c22ec2/7s) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: ,V- 'Yy'/D/ D e PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE•: -,z CONTROL "SURVEY DATA zone I- 3LJFD ON THE oCHIEF OF PARTY: 4c_c,8L)m STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM ::TY, TOW! OR CCUNTY NAME OF STAT10'1 MONUMENT, TYPE rza « j71sC . - z8o .: 7�� 7/36 DISTANCES a DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTZ, FORESIGHTS 8 PROMINENT OBJECTS ;� J/ �/ U� 09JECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING j _' EVATICA .-'=T1 C'i• % 1 r-T'ASListiO:1 9Y YEaA 2)oerum 19c_ ZIETAILED DESC.RIPT:ON AT STATION: i � I - A- 1 I ti � o L) lj Co}c ti =Gtr I I S KETCH AT ST.;T ION N i E - j uJ i i"Z," ;�� �t✓C �J Sotic A\j,L7 .V . M7T TO SCALE NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 07S'y yy./pl OFOARTAAENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OFSUWAY, t CONTROL SURVEY DATA ZONES BASED ON THE CHIEF OF PARTY _OFR,y� STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY, TOa11 OR COUNTY 114AW OF STATION HONUYENT TYPE N = X80, 9 32 013TA31ONCES DIRECTIONS PROMINENT oeIICTSIQNT3, FORENTE- C9� J /8J 665• �I0 OBJECT 013TANCT-FT. GRID REARING VERT. DArJW // 3 /y6 O 5 6 7°- 0 b '- • 9 " lel ELEVATIOx(FEET) ESTABLISHED OY YEAN t1Q1 �ILBD 'DESCRIPTION AT STATION: fJ/-:Dc f � EGD r i .=- ��.� �=- G,:= C G'�. /G�=Ci`{ �r r��- ,v °• I , DKdTCH AT STATION a .. I • I o RE�FyE ZIGAI PCS-r(q8) R.EIS r'F i-;-( f EO{G� fl -0 / /�• /-Cr to•ro 1 I� I Sova 7 Ave . S6_ yam, NOT TO SCALE _1 l _ z ;$ HC 225(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PR0JECT: 07,,rf • 'y" •/d/ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE' 4 CONTROL SURVEY DATA zONC • �• I oCH._F OF PARTY. cFfl I BASED ON THE I STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CI7Y, TOWN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION MONUMENT TYPE �N1d7�1TU c-k-- ) O�,/y� G} QQ / DISTANCES 9 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, N = 48 I / / / 666 FORESIGHTS 8 PROMINENT OBJECTS E p Q / / q09,!ECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING zc 7 w_5 VERT DATU,'Y:' 114 Q I- �- „OJ'YA� 1 77°- ,5-7 " ELEV•T!C4 ,---TI y , '7G I E:T•gI, �:,_ , 9Y YEAR DETAILED DESCRIPTIC`! AT STATION ( iJ t !J !Eich U NJ SKETCH AT STATION +� 1 7/ N m 'V G2dSS C-U� LJ\jU - 'Z GCMG. cor-� ♦ Q i c- RAss CRcJss + Gv '7, �1 ` �lA � C.onsC . Cv�= 1\rl \ C --c.) 1i . G 7 o U �J Q U N E A\]T, --3�- T� I - Ll L / 1 i NOT TO SCALE -12- `.rIC22S(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: Q�5'I•`l�l'lD/ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVEN • aI, - = CONTROL SURVEYzot;C Z- ' DATA oCHIEF OFPARTY; LG'E�LJ/71 BLSED ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM :!TY. TOWN CR COUNTY NAME OF STATION MONUMENT TYPr P. I< , NA'4- IN i M STT+U c. 1� ���• _ n/ J�C; �� 1./� DISTANCES 6 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, N - Q / /• T FORESIGHTS 9 PROMINENT OBJECTS 09,::'-T DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING 783.56'11 -;r 4 • o 8 y " -7 7" sRI . WERT :ATUry Q yQ 9Y YEAR DETAILED DESCRIPT,ON AT STATION: Tom1"' I N I LE ,K a I I=2oM ::sC)UQ D `�E =KETCH AT STATION . N yE Cgcs, cam- �- CoNc. Cv tw 1 \ 1.L• �� I j /- c- jNOT TO SCALE --�. Vertical Summary The following bench marks were recovered and used as the primary vertical control for this project. U.S.C.&G. B.M. H335 U.S.C.&G. B.M. J335 The level runs for the project were accomplishes with a Topcon Automatic Level anc target rods allowing readings to the nearest .001 or a foot . Level run #1 began at U.S.C.&G. B.M. H335 and proceeded westerly along Sound Ave . to the beginning of the project and returned to U.S.C.&G . B.M. KIM. The resulting error was .002 of a foot. No adjustments were made to this level run . Level run #2 began at U.S.C.&G. B.M. H335 and proceeded easterly along Sound Ave . and closed on U .S .C.&G. B.M. J335. The resulting error was .003 of a foot. No adjustments were made to this level run . During the 2 level runs , the following permanent bench marks were established : Tar. 1 ' S ' Tar. 1 ' N ' Tar. 2 ' S ' Tar. 2 ' N ' T.P. #3 T.P. #o T.P . 01' During the level runs , elevations were -established on all targets , allowing them to be used as additional bench marks for the project. WL :CAK j w E 19i.5 01'I'AffrIACUT Of COMIAMCC VERTICAL CONTROL DATA 1:307211 PAGE NO.29 11 by(fie .1 YORK 111011.4r.1.1 C—'�l A110 1.1 11111 111. 411.1"1 Coast and(;(!odelic Survey 7 U 1)7 110*30- TO 41'004 !.f A I I VL L UA 1 j1f4 4)f 1 q_--j ZINGIT110E 72'30- TO 73*001 lK 18-12 NEW YORK LINES log, 110 11335.-- 0.05 tullecloistli itiong Love rano from tii,, poet or- floe I'L Mat,L)Willi, filull,)e 1,11 I'd lea wealN-110 Avellmij-24 r,,,,L -i-ai, of Cho timiLot-11.1c, of Lhu avoo,olonlr ju, 5 fe.t weal of poWei-linc pole jjy,l, 6()Ij. wooden witness pout. 3 feet UU3L Or It Will Le noo I root above Lite level or the aventle. A atandar,l disk, aLiuikpt:d "it 331 1950" and act In the top or a conorete pout. projecLing 2 loolkes above g,o,Ij(j. 14AH) LIUE C-011-111111JEr, J 355.-- 0.05 mile aotit.11 along Love lAne from the poet of_ floe at Mil.LtLtick, stirrout County, thellOC 0.115 mile weat. along Sound Av6aiu;-53-reek, umitil of Lite ounterliou of tile avanile, 25.'[ reet. clotithweat of pole 6116, 9.4 feat uoutheatit of pole 645-5. 9.2 feet northwest of the not-Limcut leg Of & Bte0l high tenalon power- I In(.- Lowor, and 2.3 feel, weal. of a while wooden witneen PO*L. A al.andard (list(, BtI11111)(141 "J 5Vi 1950" and aut ]it Lite Lot) of a ooll- c re Le ijou t r i u u it w I L It Lhe ground. 19�6 i....J----------- i � HC 225(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 075`l-'i'y'JO1 DIZPARTM=NT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OFSURVE' CONTROL 'SURVEY DATA ZONC �• • -` • @L SED ON T He QCHIEF OF PARTY: ^C=--0177 ' I STATE ?LANE COORDINATE SYSTEM C!TY. TOWN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION INICNUMENT TYPE N = DISTANCES & DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGMTS, FORESIGHTS a PROMINENT OBJECTS O'.,ECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING w 1 VERT ZATUI J if v ELEVA 7, E 5i.'SBY YEAR DETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STATION: Ii 1-� L Ir--I c SKETCH AT STATION t I N i _ LlL=B I rcrl' i X _\ , ! � � `J NOT TO SCALE ' •c _ -HC NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 7 • L/ o �y y nor DFPARTM=NT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE• "° CONTROL SURVEY DATA ( .=1,3=D CN THE OCHIEF OF PARTY. STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY. TCAN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION I4CNUM-tNT TYPE MA1r1 vel` 74r?- i N ( r_�, NAIL- cQe�L _ I DISTANCES 8 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, N FORESIGHTS a PROMINENT OBJECTS E= 09,jECT CISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING ELEvAT , =_ET) J L C�v I I 9Y YEAR �.. VC� YUM I'�•� I I I DETAIL-.''. DESCRIPTION AT STATION: 1 ` ► i t rJ i `, Cw C _ _ /k t\1 C-1 L C t v e-NJ 1j Nom , SKETCH AT STATION ' N t � 4 ; — 11 _ l ` it c I ; o ,_ Cb NOT TO SCALE ^SC2u(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 075Y- 'IY-D DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OFSURVE'- %z��_., ZOK'c• L • T' CONTROL SURVEY DATA CIOF PARTY: OFR I>!7� I BASED ON THE _ STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM C,TY. T0WN OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION MCNUMENT TYPE ,� • C r Q C(JG 1 1!J M^r-, -,1�-uG� 7r, R• J DISTANCES at DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS , - N = FORESIGHTS a PROMINENT OBJECTS OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING E= VERT. A TU,v' ov YEAR .Dcerum 1985' DETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STATION: o \ L Q Zop' S/F GF 04"T'l-I --� v V t`7 I _ SKETCH AT S'ATION N • Ia � ''C'JCS �EC::v;;, t,i A� LF- Vol EVol A\j C r, Rte E !4- NOT TO SCALE -I.j- MC 225(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 07511. A;'51-AV � n0 Dr IDARTM=NT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE'ZON CONTROL SURVEY DATA ARTY CHIE= OF ?ARTY o • RASED ON THE STATE ?LANE COORDINATE SYSTEM I CITY. TCwn OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION MCNUMENS TYPE �^if r� F-'� N�t f✓ I N I DISTANCES 8 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGNTZ , N= FORESIGHTS a PPOMINENT OBJECTS 09J�CT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING VERT -7UW' J ;:r '✓ i ( ELEVeTiG =EE E:7 R 3Y YEAR IDETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STATION: a o C-0"4- I SKETCH AT STATION I I N I I , cD . o � � 1 < IL c i .r - � �i �•�f ;�-vim. u U I � NOT TO SCALE HC 225(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 07,5Y- YY'/al 0 F PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE', 2 A CONTROL 'SURVEY DATA ZONE - I 3L SED ON THE ,,CHIEF OF ?ARTY. ! STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY.. TOWN OR COU47Y NAME OF STATION NIGNUMENT 77PE _ DISTANCES 9 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, N FORESIGHTS a PROMINENT OBJECTS E— 09�'ECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING w ' VERT =7i, ELEVATiC4 --_T1 — — EST'°!.'S 4Y YEAR DETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STATION: r SKETCH AT STATION j N I CL I �✓ 1 I `J I I NOT TO SCALE o. f HC 223 (2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 07,51. �y/o/ DF PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE' ;2 j CONTROL SURVEY DATA zor,c- CN THE CCHIEF OF PARTY: STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM I C,TY. TOWN COUNTY I NAME OF STATION MCNIJWENT TYPE N _ I DISTANCES 6 DIP.ECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, FORESIGHTS 8 PROMINENT OBJECTS E= OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING j o VERT LTi;'; ELEVATiCi 9Y YE AP DETAILED :ESCRIPTICN AT STATION. 1 r �� - - . SKETCH A7 STATION ! N 1 1 i I / N NOT TO SC:.�-E 'HC 225(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 075'1' yy'/O/ DFPARTMhNT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OFSURVE', CONTROL SURVEY DATA ZONC �1,SED ON THE ,CHIEF OF PARTY: STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY. TOWN OR COUNTY NAME CF STATION MONUMENT TYPE _ DISTANCES S DIRECTIONS TO BA.CKSIGHTS, N FORESIGHTS 9 PROMINENT OBJECTS c= M,ECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING VERT ELEVATiC 1 77 r-7) E:Trct S� BY YEAR DETAILED DESCRIPTION AT STATION: G �c lO { SKETCH A- STATION 7 u�1� N YL I I � 1 J NOT TO SCALE 4C225(2/75) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: 075y- ` 'V /0/ DF PARTM=NT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OF SURVE'- 2 �" CONTROL SURVEY DATA zo„c j JHIEF OF PARTY. EIASED ON THE I STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY. T,rwti OR COUNTY NAME OF STATION MCNUME.NT TYPE _ _ DISTANCES 6 DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTSI N FORESIGHTS 8 PROMINENT OBJECTS E= OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING j VERT - v,v V G F ELEVA .,4 ----i -, E:T"O7 - , 3Y YEAR DETAILED vESCRIPT10N AT STATION: 1 `• ��� "-: t \\: `�� �C l I -7 1 _ S ETCH 4T STATION I � N I �j v I - r NOT TO SCALE I :HC22S(2/7S) NEW YORK STATE PROJECT: O7$j�.Y_I 2 �c DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ORDER OFSURVE': z CONTROL SURVEY DATA aCHtEF OF PARTY @ASF_D ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM CITY. TOWN OR COUNTY I NAME CF STATI011 MONumEti T TYPE DISTANCES a DIRECTIONS TO BACKSIGHTS, I N = FORESIGNTS a PROMINENT OBJECTS OBJECT DISTANCE-FT. GRID BEARING i E L E V A T i G i F-=T1 BY YEAP -s c �� I (DETAILED CESCRIPTION AT STATION: L^ �ti ;�,� � `;'T ` cf— c or � oL� I ISKETCH , AT STATION I r !� L� r, 4 NOT TO SCALE .... . _ i JL"•I RAI ZR Si SET PARAMETER 1 1: :%SET-I -ANGi IEIT, angular output mode is Lear i "3s 1CSP COMP CLO ( 1 1 37 1 2 11 IZ 3 13 4 5 1000) 100 1500(:) COMP CLO� ( 1 1 .7 1 Z 11 12 3 13 4 5 1 i►t 0) 100 i 15 li li� I XCL_O-I-NOAAD, closing dir-ection not spec i f i era , angles are unadjusted Error- of Closure : 0.2469 Relative Precision : 1 : 2305 _ --- ----------- "-C o I11 I! 3 S !i A d ,.J u 5 1; ffl (? fl 1; 6 1.1 ffl ifl it 1" y-------------- 1137 ZGOZ83.6500 2394735.6800 357- 41 .UE_ •=r(_I.00IFT 1 Z8OZ •5,i 1490 239481 1 .904 S7 9-654 . 1E I_9 1.71 05FT z Z80093-3090 Z395487.9319 N7=1-11-40. SE 902.48=:7FT 11 28OZ78.OZ55 2396371 .3266 12 Z_11Z1Z.r_._;1t= 11:396950.6=5 �•,t.- - - ��. 1E - N70-- ._-41 .'F 1;1 .i►i►73FT r _ N67- 5-44 .9E1464 . 1091FT N79-58-4 E r_.i 6.i ri 13OFT 4 281047.9886 . Z399262. 1951 N77-57-56.8E E 5 - .0844FT 5 281159. 1346 .__•:r97,_ _ .'_641 - 577- 6-46.4W 435.0729F"f 1000 Z81062- 1000 ._399359.4500 r. :rN IC•S LIST CO )RD ( 1 -11_:;) LIST CCiCiRD ( 1-113_:) 1 5.U4-;Ct ?4_11 .'NC)4` T=.Fa E 1 _ 0--:7*.71_:6• l7_:1!_•.7/•42, T" 3 5 Z=:115':x. 1:346 Z:_':r':r7:= _ .5c�41 TA_:n77 7 11 t)' 7 .i? 55 rr_• 7 1 . _: r'•r, PT. l - lOcci 1i�r_•�. 10i)Ct `_;:,;r_,_.?,c_C)ci li. S.' :. = S- 11.:7 ;Cry_;_;• %5ciit 147==,!_,C;i C.) S.C.?`. � C-.'_37 11 :i). O .Y_i3U � . ICS> LIST COORD( 101 - 199) «LIST OF H:P.S LIST [OORD( 101- 199>*LlST OF H.P.S ' 101 Z81433. 1953 Z401 o62.0965 O0-I 10z Z80837.89U3 240"586.7113 IM-2 i � 103 ZO108Z.4163 Z399753.6157 D0-3 ' 104 280896. 1638 Z399914.6637 D0-4 | 161 W0Z44 .8028 2396234.8316 86-1 � 163 Z80486. 1106 Z394683.4267 IM-3 164 IO0281 .3617 2394386.6325 H6-4 165 280323.ZZ48 Z393877. 1967 DM-5 /^ 181 280929. 1043 2398911 .5031 D8-1 182 200868.3165 Z190387. 0690 UW-2 184 Z80=5.8685 2396588.0488 , , � w ^ T^ ^ � . ^ . � , . . �