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December 13, 2018
Lynda M Rudder DEC 9 0 201
Deputy Town Clerk
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179 Southold Town Clerk
Southold NY 11979
RE: Town of Southold, Local Law 13 2018, filed on November 30 2018
Dear Sir/Madam:
The above referenced material was filed by this office as indicated. Additional
local law filing forms can be obtained from our website, www.dos.ny.gov.
State Records and Law Bureau
(518) 473-2492
NEW YORK Department
November 20, 2018
4:31 PM
Present: Councilman William Ruland
Justice Louisa Evans
Councilwoman Jill Doherty
Councilman James Dinizio, Jr.
Councilman Bob Ghosio, Jr.
Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville
Town Attorney William Duffy
Absent: Supervisor Scott Russell
This hearing was opened at 4:51 PM
presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, on the 23rd
day of October, 2018, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to
Chapter 34, Housing Fund" so now therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 201h
day of November, 2018 at 4:31 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,
Housing Fund" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, Housing
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding
and create programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals puke are
resident of the��f Southold and/or empleyed in theTo=k% of Southold who cannot procure
affordable housing within the Town.
Public Hearing-Ch. 34 Housing
November 20, 2018 page 2
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional
employers grapple with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited
availability of affordable housing. Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police
officers, fire fighters, teachers, nurses, etc.) has become increasingly a challenge due to the
lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services are also impacted by the lack of
affordable housing, prompting the possible necessity of replacing volunteer services with
paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and second
homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage, the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing
initiatives that lead to the creation of affordable housing that reinvest i the lives of
residents whePe ^nal^r work in the The talented and vibrant energy that was and is
invested in community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for
a sizable number of individuals and families residents who lack the financial means to rent
and/or purchase housing within the Town.
G. The priority population for-eammunity housing will be as follows-.
pre volunteer-emer-geney/lif ingser--vieesfor-residents of the Tov,,%r
(2) ineeme eligible individuals/families who live and work in the Town of Southold.
(3) ineeme eligible individuals/families who live in the Tewn of Southold.
(4) Ineeme eligible indivi"als/families who wor-k in the Town of Southold.
(5) Ineeme eligible individuals/families who previously lived in the Town and wish to retti
C. D-. Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the
housing stock affordable upon resale. Therefore, to promote perpetual affordability
within the Town, all recipients of said housing will be legally bound to sell their
properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price formulas for homes purchased from
the Fund will be as follows: Homes sold after purchase will realize profits that are the
equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from
the Fund to the date of resale to the Fund. In addition, the Fund will compensate the seller
for major capital improvements that are improved in advance by the Housing Advisory
Commission. Depreciation may be applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient,pursuant to banking industry
standards, to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a
value at or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls, without
benefit of subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-
occupied housing, or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income
is insufficient to pay the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the
required percentages of the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
Public Hearing-Ch. 34 Housing
November 20, 2018 page 3
Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the designated percentage of the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by the Southold Town Board. In
addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans from other public funding
sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUD4 median income for the
County of Suffolk.
The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with
law for the following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
reside.,As wre work and gar-live it the Town for the purchase of a first home;
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible
individuals or families residents who work .,rayon- live in the T.,v,,,.
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or
families residents whe work and/er live in the Tovffl. in conjunction with other
public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance and the Community
Land Trust of Southold whon with the state' priority population and ineeme eligi ,ili
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
individuals or families residents whe work and/or live in the Tv"=wir or in conjunction with
public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit guidelines;
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of
community housing for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a
first home or for rent to income eligible residents.
(6-5) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of
conversion to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or
families residents and/or live inthee=on;
(76) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are
authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said
(8-7) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale
prices of any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the
following: The Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units
purchased through the Fund remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased
through the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for resale to income-eligible
individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined priority populations. After
purchase, homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a profit. Sale prices will be
calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be adjusted by a percentage
which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased
between the date that the buyer took title to the property and the date that a letter of intent is
submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved by
the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
Public Hearing-Ch. 34 Housing
November 20, 2018 page 4
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work
and estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved, the Commission will
determine if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(9,9) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse
needs of those seeking affordable housing that includes household income, bedroom size,
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community
housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall
include, but not be limited to, land acquisition, planning, engineering, construction costs
and other hard and soft costs associated with construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental
of housing pursuant to this section, provided that these costs do not exceed 15% of the
projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not be covered by this Fund. All revenues
received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans
shall be deposited in this Fund.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
I do have a signed and notarized affidavit that this has been published and advertised on the
Town Clerk's bulletin board and again, I have a copy of the public notice and a notarized
affidavit that this was published in the Suffolk Times. That's it.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Is there someone in the audience that would wish to speak at this
public hearing? Mr. Dunn?
ROBERT DUNN: Robert Dunn, Peconic. Item C, at the end of the paragraph, in addition, the
Fund will compensate the seller for major capital improvements that are improved in advance by
the Housing Advisory Commission. That second improved maybe should be approved?
COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: I would think that that might be correct. Okay. Thank you.
MR. DUNN: And if you could just backup a bit on that, in that same line, in addition the Fund
will compensate the seller for major capital improvements that are approved, if you make that
change. The idea of compensate, this would happen in front of it, I am 100 percent behind the
concept here so I am not being critical, just to get (inaudible). This would happen when the
person was selling, they would be looking to get their money out and we are using the term, in
addition the fund will compensate, when you use the term compensate people right away, that's
money and there may be a better word that you can put there with the same meaning that
wouldn't give anybody the idea that that's the jackpot. These are people that are going to be
Public Hearing-Ch. 34 Housing
November 20, 2018 page 5
leaving a home that they may have lived in for a while that they are now selling with restrictions
in place and they are going into a new home that is perhaps free marketed and they are paying a
much higher value and they are looking to get as much out as they can. So when you use the
term compensate, it might give a grand allusion to people who didn't fully understand what they
got into. You see where I am going with that.
MR. DUNN: I just think that may be better thought so as not to mislead anybody especially
somebody who may have decided, oh, we'll add a bathroom and it was approved and now they
want to be compensated, yeah, but you didn't have to put $4,000 Moen faucets in the bathroom.
That was your choice so we can't compensate you for that because that's going to come out of
the pocket of the next buyer down the road, so I just think that word compensate may be re-
thought and...
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Your point is well taken.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: And can we go back to your first comment? I don't know if
that were to be approved or improved. The way that I am reading it is `the fund will compensate
the seller for major capital improvements that are-that should probably say were improved- in
advance by the housing commission.
MR. DUNN: The housing commission isn't making any approvals.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Oh, alright, I am thinking if the improvements were done
through the housing commission.
MR. DUNN: In other words, what I thought this was saying is we'll even consider improvements
that you make to the property in the base price but you have to give us a heads up on that and we
have to approve it. If you decide to add you know, a third kitchen, we are not going to
compensate you for that because your family decided to have a third kitchen but if you decide to
add a third bedroom we'll okay it and that will be included in the base price. I fully understand
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: And I was reading it that it might be you would be
compensated for improvements you have made prior...
MR. DUNN: To selling.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: To sell it. Through the housing advisory.
MR. DUNN: Okay.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: But you are probably right on that.
Public Hearing-Ch. 34 Housing
November 20, 2018 page 6
MR. DUNN: Okay, it's probably approved and it's just another word that I would...
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: That was already in there.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: What we see is one person who read and understands it one way
and another person who read and understands it a different way. So the word we are looking for
is clarity, so it may be that different words need to be...
MR. DUNN: Yes.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: This is also why we have a public hearing.
MR. DUNN: Absolutely.
COUNCILMAN DINIZIO: Actually, this particular paragraph is not the subject of the public
hearing, it's the changes to the law.
COUNCILWOMAN DOHERTY: Right. This is already part of....
MR. DUNN: Okay but if we change it, then let's change it and make it right. Thank you.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Thank you. Is there someone else who wishes to speak to this?
(No response) Motion to close the hearing.
This hearing was closed at 4:59 PM
Eli abeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
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ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC ®`' opt Town Hall,53095 Main Road
Southold,New York 11971
MARRIAGE OFFICER ,�. ®!�. Telephone(631)765-1800
RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov
November 28, 2018
Priority Mail Express J
RE: Local Law No. 13 of 2018 --/
Town of Southold, Suffolk County
New York State Department of State
State Records & Law Bureau
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231
Dear Sir/Madam:
In accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, I
am enclosing herewith certified copy of Local Law No. 13 of 2018 of the Town of
Southold, suitable for filing in your office.
I would appreciate if you would send me a receipt indicating the filing of the
enclosures in your office. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Lynda M Rudder
Deputy Town Clerk
cc: Town Attorney
r '
Local Law Filing ALBANY,NY 12231
(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.)
Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated
and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
❑ County
❑ City
❑ Village
Local Law No. 13 of the year 2018 .
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, Housing Fund".
Be it enacted the Town Board of the:
❑ County
❑ City
❑ Village
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding and create
programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals who cannot procure affordable
housing within the Town.
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional employers grapple
with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited availability of affordable housing.
Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police officers, fire fighters,teachers,nurses, etc.)has
become increasingly a challenge due to the lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services
are also impacted by the lack of affordable housing,prompting the possible necessity of replacing
volunteer services with paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and
second homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage,the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing initiatives that
lead to the creation of affordable housing. The talented and vibrant energy that was and is invested in
community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for a sizable number of
individuals and families who lack the financial means to rent and/or purchase housing within the Town.
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)
(�. .Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the housing stock
affordable upon resale. Therefore,to promote perpetual affordability within the Town, all recipients of
said housing will be legally bound to sell their properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price
formulas for homes purchased from the Fund will be as follows: Hones sold after purchase will realize
profits that are the equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index(CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from the Fund to the
date of resale to the Fund. In addition, the Fund will compensate the seller for major capital
improvements that are approved in advance by the Housing Advisory Commission. Depreciation may be
applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
FUND - The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
HOUSING- Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient,pursuant to banking industry
standards, to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a value at
or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls,without benefit of
subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-occupied housing,
or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income is insufficient to pay
the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the required percentages of
the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
INCOME ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS/FAMILIES -Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the
designated percentage of the HUD median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by
the Southold Town Board. In addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans
from other public funding sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk.
TOWN- The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with law for the
following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
for the purchase of a first home;
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible individuals or
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or families
in conjunction with other public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance
and the Community Land Trust of Southold;
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible individuals
or families or in conjunction with public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of community
housing for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a first home or for
rent to income eligible residents.
(6) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of conversion
to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or families;
(7) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are authorized
by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said services;
(8) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale prices of
any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the following: The
Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units purchased through the Fund
remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased through the Fund must be sold back to
the Fund for resale to income-eligible individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined
priority populations. After purchase,homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a
profit. Sale prices will be calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be
adjusted by a percentage which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index
(CPI)increased between the date that the buyer took title to the property and the date that a letter
of intent is submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved
by the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work and
estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved, the Commission will determine
if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(9) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse needs of
those seeking affordable housing that includes household income,bedroom size, etc.
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community housing and
the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall include,but not be
limited to, land acquisition,planning, engineering, construction costs and other hard and soft costs
associated with construction,rehabilitation,purchase or rental of housing pursuant to this section,
provided that these costs do not exceed 15% of the projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not
be covered by this Fund. All revenues received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes
or the repayment of loans shall be deposited in this Fund.
If'any clause, sentence,paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid,the judgment shall'not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part
thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law.
r y
(Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and
strike out that which is not applicable.)
1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated,as local law No. 13 of 20 18 . of the
(Town) (Villago)of SOUTHOLD was duly passed by the
TOWN BOARD on November 20 ,20 18 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval,no disapproval or re-passage after disapproval by the Elective
Chief Executive Officer*.) j
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20
of the(County)(City)(Town)(Village)of was duly passed by the
on 201 , and was(approved)(not approved)(re-passed after
disapproval)by the and was deemed duly adopted on 20 ,
in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
3. (Final adoption by referendum.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20
of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 20_____,and was(approved)(not approved)(repassed after
disapproval)by the on 20 . Such local law was submitted
to the people by reason of a(mandatory)(perniissive)referendum,and received the affirmative vote of a majority of
the qualified electors voting thereon at the(general)(special)'(annual) election held on 20 ,in
accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the
(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the
on 20 , and was (approved)(not approved) (repassed after
disapproval) by the on 20 Such local law was subject to
permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 20 , in
accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
*Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-wide
basis or,If there be none,the chairperson of the county legislative body,the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of
a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances.
f r I
5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No. of 20
of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of
section (36)(37)of the Municipal Home Rule Law,and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified
electors of such city voting thereon at the(special)(general) election held on 20 ,
became operative.
6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No of 20
of the County of State of New York,having been submitted to the electors
at the General Election of November 20 ,pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the
Municipal Home Rule Law,and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of
said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said
general election,became operative.
(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed,please provide an appropriate certification.)
I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a
correct transcript there from and of the whole of such original local law , and was finally adopted in the manner indicated
in paragraph 1 ,above.
Clerk of&e County legislative bot. City. Town or
(Seal) Village rlerk or officer designated by local legislative body
Elizabeth A.Neville,Town Clerk
Date: November 26,2018
(Certification to be executed by County Attorney,Corporation Counsel,Town Attorney,Village Attorney or
other authorized attorney of locality.)
1,the undersigned,hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings
have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto.
William Duffy,Town Attorney
Damon Hagan,Assistant Town Attorney
Date: November 26,2018
RESOLUTION 2018-1015
NOVEMBER 20, 2018:
WHEREAS there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County,New York, on the 23`d day of October, 2018, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,Housinz Fund" and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid
Local Law at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now
therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ENACTS the proposed Local
Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,Housing Fund"
reads as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 13 of 2018
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, Housing
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding
and create programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals who are
residents of the Town of c oimtrvrand/orcrprvycain the L •A of Sout,„i who cannot procure
affordable housing within the Town.
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional
employers grapple with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited
availability of affordable housing. Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police
officers, fire fighters, teachers, nurses, etc.) has become increasingly a challenge due to the
lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services are also impacted by the lack of
affordable housing, prompting the possible necessity of replacing volunteer services with
paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and second
homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage, the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing
initiatives that lead to the creation of affordable housing that reinvest in the lives of
and/or werk in the Te:•.... The talented and vibrant energy that was and is
invested in community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for
a sizable number of individuals and families res who lack the financial means to rent
and/or purchase housing within the Town.
Resolution 2018-1015 Board Meeting of November 20, 2018
G. The priority population for-eemmunity heusing will be as uv vv v.
Ineome eligible individuals/families A4e live and work in the To:,A%of Southold who
r-j Inee e eligible individuals/families who-live and v`v'ori'c in the Town of Sou+l,o1 7
,,, Iineeme eligible ;,,rl:,,;rluaW ,Y.;lies who 1;., in the T.,,,,,", of Se,Ahel.l
1\ T 1' 'L,lo .,a; ,; ], 1s/ :1:a L, ,,„ , >L the Tc„i of Qot+>h7ell dl
Ineeme .
(5) T- --- = -1-o'b-- -- di v--ua-ls/f-,---oma „be previously li< ed i the�Tvvl and rlol to «e+ ,r,
C. D-. Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the
housing stock affordable upon resale. Therefore, to promote perpetual affordability
within the Town, all recipients of said housing will be legally bound to sell their
properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price formulas for homes purchased from
the Fund will be as follows: Homes sold after purchase will realize profits that are the
equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from
the Fund to the date of resale to the Fund. In addition, the Fund will compensate the seller
for major capital improvements that are approved in advance by the Housing Advisory
Commission. Depreciation may be applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient, pursuant to banking industry
standards, to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a
value at or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls, without
benefit of subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-
occupied housing, or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income
is insufficient to pay the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the
required percentages of the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the designated percentage of the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by the Southold Town Board. In
addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans from other public funding
sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUDB median income for the
County of Suffolk.
The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with
law for the following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
residents ' and/or live in the Town n for the purchase of a first home;
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible
individuals or families fesidents who workand/or live in the Te_ __;
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or
families residents >, wer-kd/or-live in the io-onfl.in conjunction with other
Updated: 11/26/2018 9:37 AM by Lynda Rudder Page 2
Resolution 2018-1015 Board Meeting of November 20, 2018
public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance and the Community
Land Trust of Southold whe agree with the stated p ,-it ,population an ; e eligi it is
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
individuals or families residents who work and/or- live in the Tev.,.fl.or in conjunction with
public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit guidelines;
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of
community housing for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a
first home or for rent to income eligible residents.
(6-5) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of
conversion to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or
families residents who , er-k and/or live i them;
(76) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are
authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said
(8-7) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale
prices of any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the
following: The Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units
purchased through the Fund remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased
through the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for resale to income-eligible
individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined priority populations. After
purchase, homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a profit. Sale prices will be
calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be adjusted by a percentage
which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased
between the date that the buyer took title to the property and the date that a letter of intent is
submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved by
the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work
and estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved, the Commission will
determine if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(99) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse
needs of those seeking affordable housing that includes household income, bedroom size,
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community
housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall
include, but not be limited to, land acquisition, planning, engineering, construction costs
and other hard and soft costs associated with construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental
of housing pursuant to this section, provided that these costs do not exceed 15% of the
projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not be covered by this Fund. All revenues
received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans
shall be deposited in this Fund.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
Updated: 11/26/2018 9:37 AM by Lynda Rudder Page 3
! �4
Resolution 2018-1015 Board Meeting,of November 20, 2018
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans
ABSENT: Scott A. Russell
Updated: 11/26/2018 9:37 AM by Lynda Rudder Page 4
Karen Kine of Mattituck,in said county,being duly sworn,says that she is Principal Clerk
of THE SUFFOLK TIMES ' a weekly newspaper,published at Mattituck, in the Town of
Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed
is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1
weeks(s),successfully commencing on 11/01/2018
Principal Clerk
Sworn to before me this —day of
No 01V06105050
Qualified in Suffolk County
My CommlSS1011 Expiloo ropryery 28,5920
WHEREAS'there.has been presented to the
Town Board of the Town of Southold,Suffolk
➢ County,New York,on the 23rd day of Octo-
ber, 2018, a Local Law entitled "A Local
Law in relation to an Amendmenfto Cha-=
ter 34,Housing Fund"so now therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the [
Town of Southold will hold a public hearing
on the aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town
Hall,53095 Main Road,Southold,New York,
on the 20th day of November,2018 at 4:31
p.m.at which time all interested persons will
be given an opportunity to be heard
The proposed Local Law entitled,"A Lo- J
cal Law in relation to an Amendment to
lows Chapter 34 Ho'tising Fund',reads as fol- A. The proceeds of the Fund established
pursuant to§34-4 shall be utilized in accor-
dance LAW N0.2018 dance with law for the following purposes:
-A Local Law entitled,L°A Local Law in rela- (1) The provision of no-interest or low-
tion to au Amendment to Chapter 34 interest loans to income eligible individuals
Housing Fund", - or families WU III
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the the-Fbwn for the purchase of a first home;
Town of Southold as follows:I
§ (2) The actual production of community
T Purpose.' � -housing for sale and resale to-income-eligible The Town of Southold Housing Fund will individuals-or families residents who work
provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain and/or live in the Town•
funding and create programs that will in-
0) The actual production of community {
crease housing opportunities for families and housing for sale to income-eligible individu-
individuals als or families
im dn�Tmwir in
Southold- conjunction with other public/
who cannot procure affordable private partnerships,such as the North Fork
'housing within the Town. Housing Alliance and the Community Land
§34-2 Findings. = Trust of Southold
A. The lack of affordable housing creates
many adverse effects for the Town.Regional gnidelities !i!
employers grapple with the task of hiring and (4)- The actual production and maintenance i
{ retaining -employees due-to the limited of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
availability of affordable housing.Recruiting individuals-or families
and retaining essential personnel(police of-
with I
ficers,fire fighters,teachers,nurses,etc.)has public/private partnersiups whouagrenctioe with
become increasingly a challenge due to the the stated profit guidelines;
lack of affordable-housing.Volunteer emer- (5) The provision of no-interest or low
gency services are also impacted by the lack interest loans to developers for the production
of affordable housing,prompting-the possible of commune housm9 for sale to income eli
necessity of replacing volunteer services with gible individuals or arm ties for thepurchase
paid employees.While the Town has bene- of a first home or for rent to income eli ible {
fited from increased tourism and second residents.
homeownership,it must also sustain a pop- (6 The rehabilitation of existing
ulation who can afford,to live-and work in buildings and structures in the Town for the
Town purpose of conversion tor community housing
B Tot address this housing shortage, the for,sale or rental to income-'eligible individu- 1
Town df Southold,mutt create a myriad of
housingdratiatives that lead to the creation of mrthe�bavii;
affordab u1c (7 fr) The provision of housing counseling !
services by not-for-profit-corporations that
The talented and vibrant energy,that was and are authorized by the US Department of
is invested in community land preservation Housing and Urban Development to provide
must be replicated to create affordable hous- said services;
Ing fora`sizable number of individuals and (8 g) The Fund will ensure'the perpetual I
families residents who lacC the financial affordability of housing through determining I
means to rent and/or purchase housing within resale prices of any home purchased through
e.the Town. the Fund.This will'be accomplished through
the following.The Town of Southold reserves
rit be as foijowb.
the right to require that all housmg�umts pui-
chased through the Fund remain affordable in
hi die ThWiruf-Srattr6ld
perpetuity.All properties purchased through
the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for
(2) fribo resale to income-eligible individuals/families
who who meet the qualifications of defined prior-
ity populations.After purchase,homes may
be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a
Profit. Sale prices will be calculated at the t
original purchaserice
p• (base price)and shall
(5) fucul be adjusted by a percentage which is the same
as the percentage by which the Consumer,
f-return- Price Index(CPI)increased between the date
that the buyer took title to theroe {
C.D.- Efforts in the past to create affordable date that a letter of intent is submitted to he )1
housing have failed in their ability to keep the Fund to resell the property Costs for capital
! housing stock affordable upon resale, improvements approved by the Fund's reg--
Therefore,to promote perpetual affordability ulations may also be compensated Capital
i within the Town,all recipients of said housing
will legally bound sell the
improvements are additions that provide JJi
l to value to the property above and beyond re-
FResale price for- :pairs to maintain the property
l the Town's Housing Fund. irproperties
mulas for homes purchased from the Fund tionm good condi-
. The Housing
will be as follows Advisory Commission
Homes sold after purchase must approve in advance all'capital iris-_ i
will realize profits that are the equivalent per- prove-ments.The Commission must be given '
centage of the Consumer Price In (CPI)as information regarding the scope of work and
compiled by the United States Department'of estimate of capital costs. If capital im-
Labor.The percentage will be calculated from �provements are'approved, the Commission
the date of sale from ffie Fund to the date of will determine if the capital iimprovement
-resale to the Fund.In addition,the Fund will may be recouped in the event of resale
compensate the seller for major capital im- (9 g) 'The .
Housing Fund will stave to build {
provements that are improved in advance by housing and sell'housmg that reflects the di-
the Housing Advisory Commission.Depreci- verse needs of those seeking affordable hous- j
ation may be applied to capital improvements. _mg that includes household income,bedroom
§34-3 Definitions. size,etc.
Ii As used in this chapter,the followmg words B. For the purposes of this chapter,eligible
and terms shall have the following meanings: expenses relating to the production of com-
FUND munity housing and-the rehabilitation of ex-
{ The-Town of Southold Housing Fund autho- 'sting housing-stock and structures under the '
HO pursuant to flus chapter. Fund shall include,but not be lirmted to,land E
HOUSING _acquisition, planning,- engineering, 'con-
Housing for households whose incomes are structioncosts and other hard and,soft-costs
not sufficient,pursuant to banking industry associatedwith constructlon, rehabilitation,
standards,to induce private lenders to finance purchase or rental of housing pursuant to this
the costs of acquisition of a home with a value'-section,provided that these costs do not ex-
at of less than medianvalue as determined by Geed 15%of the projected project costs.Liti-
{the Town's'assessmentrolls,-without benefr-t:gation expenses may not be covered by this
P of subsidies or special financing programs"Fund 'All revenues received by the Towne
from the Town in the case of owner-occupied from the sale or rental of community homes or
housing,or in the case of rental housing,as the repayment of loans-shall be deposited in
j housing for households whose income is in- this Fund
} sufficient to pay the monthly costs'for such HL SEVERABILITY ;
housing and maintain such costs within the' If any clause,sentence,paragraph,section,or '
required percentages'of the household's,in- part bf this Local Law shall be adjudged by i
come based upon banking industry standards any court of competent jurisdiction to be an-
(i-INCOME ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS/ valid,the judgment shall not affect the valid-
FAMILIES _ ity of this law'as a whole or any part thereof ;
Those individuals/families whose-incomes other than the part so decided to be unconsti- ➢
i are below thedesignated percentage of the tutional or invalid
HUD'medianincome for the County of Suf- IV. , EFFECTIVE DATE _ f
folk, as determined by the Southold Town This Local Law shall take effe
Board.In ad n, ct immediately ,'
n,individuals/families seek- upon filing with the Secretary of State as
Ing grant assistance and loans from otherpub- provided by law.
he funding sources may be hunted to- Dated.October 23,.2018
household incomes less than the HUDB
median income for the County of Suffolk-
f The Town of Southold. Elizabeth A.Neville
LZEE §34-5 Puiposes of Fund. - Southold Town Clerk
-------------- _� -�_ 2277780 ;
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being
duly sworn, says that on the 25th day of October , 2018, a notice of which the
annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a
most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, to wit: Town
Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York.
PH LL Chapter 34 Housing
lizabeth A.Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Sworn before me this
25th day of Octob 2018.
Notary Public
Notary NPubli
OIRU6020932State of wYodc
Qualified in Suffolk County
Commission Expires March 8,20 19
RESO 2018-M \%V�
"A Local law Amending Chapter 34—Housing Fund"
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,WHEREAS there has been presented to the Town Board of
the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, on the 23`d day of October, 2018, a Local .
Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, Housing Fund" so
now therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 20th
day of November, 2018 at 4:31 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an"Amendment to Chapter 34,
Housing-Fund" reads as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. - 2018
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,Housing
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding
and create programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals who are
the T f Sound/or empleyed e Town of Southold who cannot procure
affordable housing,within the Town.
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing-creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional
employers grapple with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited
availability of affordable housing. Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police
officers, fire fighters,teachers, nurses, etc.)has become increasingly a challenge due to the
lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services are also impacted by the lack of
affordable housing, prompting the possible necessity of replacing volunteer services with
paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and second
homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage,the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing
initiatives that lead to the creation of affordable housing that reilwest 1" 11 l-,-'
-:e' Of
residents___,__ 1:_. a a nor-work in the To ,,. The talented and vibrant energy that was and is
invested in community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for
a sizable number of individuals and families resits who lack the financial means to rent
and/or purchase housing within the Town.
G. The * lat r
u lvi vJ housing 11 be as f 11
provideineome eligible individuals/families who live and wer-k in the Tev�%of SotAheld who
volunteer- /lif saving o
(2) ineome eligible who 1; and work in the To of SotAL ,1 7
(3)ineome eligible who
live in the T,,.,,,, of SetA1,.,1,7
(4)ineome eligible 1individuals/families-`ckho work�'z,the Town f C .4L.ol .
(5) ineeme eligible individuals/families who previously lived in the Town and wish to return.
C. D. Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the
housing stock affordable upon resale. Therefore, to promote perpetual affordability
within the Town, all recipients of said housing will be legally bound to sell their
properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price formulas for homes purchased from
the Fund will be as follows: Homes sold after purchase will realize profits that are the
equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from
the Fund to the date of resale to the Fund. In addition, the Fund will compensate the seller
for major capital improvements that ares. `famed-rn advance by the Housing Advisory
Commission. Depreciation may be applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient, pursuant to banking industry
standards, to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a
value at or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls, without
benefit of subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-
occupied housing, or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income
is insufficient to pay the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the
required percentages of the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the designated percentage of the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by the Southold Town Board. In
addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans from other public funding
sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUDD median income for the
County of Suffolk.
The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with
law for the following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
Vie,+ 1, work and/or- live in the _own for the purchase of a first home;
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible
individuals or families r-esidents and/or live the o:v-1-
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or
families residents 1, workand/or-live in the Tov n in conjunction with other
public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance and the Community
Land Trust of Southold who agree vAth the stated priority pepulation and iReeme eligibili
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
individuals or families Widen*s who work a rthe vfl.or in conjunction with
public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit guidelines;
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of
community housing for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a
first home or for rent to income eligible residents.
(6-5) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of
conversion to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or
families feside`As i0dqe werk and/er-live in the Tovgi-
(76) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are
authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said
(87) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale
prices of any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the
following: The Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units
purchased through the Fund remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased
through the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for resale to income-eligible
individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined priority populations. After
purchase, homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a profit. Sale prices will be
calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be adjusted by a percentage
which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased
between the date that the buyer took,title to the property and the date that a letter of intent is
submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved by
the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work
and estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved,the Commission will
determine if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(9-9) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse
needs of those seeking affordable housing that includes household income, bedroom size,
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community
housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall
include, but not be limited to, land acquisition, planning, engineering, construction costs
and other hard and soft costs associated with construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental
of housing pursuant to this section, provided that these,costs do not exceed 15% of the
projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not be covered by this Fund. All revenues
received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans
shall be deposited in this Fund.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Dated: October 23, 2018 BY THE ORDER OF THE
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,WHEREAS there has been presented to the Town Board of
the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, on the 23rd day of October, 2018, a Local
Law entitled "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, HousinIz Fund" so
now therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 20tH
day of November, 2018 at 4:31 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,
Housing Fund" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,Housing
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding
and create programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals who are
residents oft the of Southold and/or employed ie T,,.,,,, of Southold who cannot procure
affordable housing within the Town.
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional
employers grapple with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited
availability of affordable housing. Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police
officers, fire fighters, teachers, nurses, etc.) has become increasingly a challenge due to the
lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services are also impacted by the lack of
affordable housing, prompting the possible necessity of replacing volunteer services with
paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and second
homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage, the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing
initiatives that lead to the creation of affordable housing that rainvest i the lives Of
a + rb live ,1/er-work in the Tw fa.. The talented and vibrant energy that was and is
invested in community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for
a sizable number of individuals and families residents who lack the financial means to rent
and/or purchase housing within the Town.
G. The priority population fer- eerffinunity housingwill l b as f 11
(1) Tneeme eligible b,l d '.1„ 1 / '1; s l live ' work in the Town f Southold 1,
provide volunteer <r
(2) ineeme eligible individuals/families who 1;<.e and work in the Toy,n of Se iiro'ra
(3) rEeme eligible individuals/families who live in the Town of Soutrheld.
(4) i=Cern eligible individuals/families who work in the To.,>., of Southold.
(5) incerne eligible individuals/families who pr-eviously lived in the Town a-ad wish to return.
C. D-. Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the
housing stock affordable upon resale. Therefore, to promote perpetual affordability
within the Town, all recipients of said housing will be legally bound to sell their
properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price formulas for homes purchased from
the Fund will be as follows: Homes sold after purchase will realize profits that are the
equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from
the Fund to the date of resale to the Fund. In addition,the Fund will compensate the seller
for major capital improvements that are improved in advance by the Housing Advisory
Commission. Depreciation may be applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter,the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient,pursuant to banking industry
standards, to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a
value at or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls, without
benefit of subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-
occupied housing, or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income
is insufficient to pay the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the
required percentages of the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the designated percentage of the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by the Southold Town Board. In
addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans from other public funding
sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUD4 median income for the
County of Suffolk.
The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with
law for the following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
residents 1, worka ier-lir=e in the Town for the purchase of a first home;
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible
individuals or families residen6 whoori �
/orliye�- she T-01A:=;
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or
families reside >1 ' a/ live in theT-ew.B.in conjunction with other
public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance and the Community
Land Trust of Southold whe agree with the _+_+_a priority population ,,d ineeme eligibility
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
individuals or families residents who worka/ live in the Tc:•.::or in conjunction with
public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit guidelines;
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of
community housing for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a
first home or for rent to income eligible residents.
(6-5) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of
conversion to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or
families residents whe work and/or-live in the ToAA
(76) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are
authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said
(8-7) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale
prices of any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the
following: The Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units
purchased through the Fund remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased
through the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for resale to income-eligible
individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined priority populations. After
purchase, homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a profit. Sale prices will be
calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be adjusted by a percentage
which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased
between the date that the buyer took title to the property and the date that a letter of intent is
submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved by
the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work
and estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved,the Commission will
determine if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(99) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse
needs of those seeking affordable housing that includes household income, bedroom size,
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community
housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall
include, but not be limited to, land acquisition, planning, engineering, construction costs
and other hard and soft costs associated with construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental
of housing pursuant to this section, provided that these costs do not exceed 15% of the
projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not be covered by this Fund. All revenues
received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans
shall be deposited in this Fund.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Dated: October 23, 2018 BY THE ORDER OF THE
Elizabeth A.Neville
Southold Town Clerk
��SUFFO;,Co`�3 RESOLUTION 2018-947
'sM0`Qa ADOPTED DOC ID: 14601
OCTOBER 23,2018:
OCTOBER 23, 2018:
WHEREAS there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County,New York, on the 23`d day of October, 2018, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, Housing Fund" so now therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 20`h
day of November,2018 at 4:31 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,
Housing Fund" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34, Housing
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding
and create programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals who are
residents of the-Town of Southold and/or- employedin the Town of Scut who cannot procure
affordable housing within the Town.
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional
employers grapple with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited
availability of affordable housing. Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police
officers, fire fighters, teachers, nurses, etc.) has become increasingly a challenge due to the
lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services are also impacted by the lack of
affordable housing, prompting the possible necessity of replacing volunteer services with
paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and second
homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage, the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing
initiatives that lead to the creation of affordable housing that reinvest in the lives of
Resolution 2018-947 Board Meeting of October 23, 2018
residents whe e and/or-work in the Town. The talented and vibrant energy that was and is
invested in community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for
a sizable number of individuals and families residents who lack the financial means to rent
and/or purchase housing within the Town.
G. The priority population for-community housing will be as follows.:
ineeme eligible individuals/families whe live and work in the Town of Southold Who
to volunteer-emergeney/life saviei=viees for-r-eside-As of the
(2) income eligible individuals4amilies who live and work in the Town of Southold.
(3) ineome eligible individuals/families who live i the T.,.,.,, of Southold.
(4)ineome eligibleindividuals/families who work in the Town of Southold.
(5) ineome eligible individuals/families who pr-eviously lived in the Town and wish to r-etum.
C. D-. Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the
housing stock affordable upon resale. Therefore, to promote perpetual affordability
within the Town, all recipients of said housing will be legally bound to sell their
properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price formulas for homes purchased from .
the Fund will be as follows: Homes sold after purchase will realize profits that are the
equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from
the Fund to the date of resale to the Fund. In addition,the Fund will compensate the seller
for major capital improvements that are improved in advance by the Housing Advisory
Commission. Depreciation may be applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient, pursuant to banking industry
standards,to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a
value at or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls, without
benefit of subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-
occupied housing, or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income
is insufficient to pay the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the
required percentages of the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the designated percentage of the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by the Southold Town Board. In
addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans from other public funding
sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUDD median income for the
County of Suffolk.
The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with
law for the following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
residents whe work and/or live in the Town for the purchase of a first home;
Updated: 10/25/2018 1:31 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 2
Resolution 2018-947 Board Meeting of October 23, 2018
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible
individuals or families side..+^ who ' ofk and er-live it the T&"m•
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or
families residents whe work and/or live it the Town in conjunction with other
public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance and the Community
Land Trust of Southold whe agfee withthe stated priority p „ratio and inceme elig bbl t<,
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
individuals or families residents who work ^„d i,,,.live i the -r, v ffl or in conjunction with
public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit guidelines;
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of
community housing for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a
first home or for rent to income eligible residents.
(6-5) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of
conversion to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or
families r-esideilAs who work and/or live i the-TTowB;
(76) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are
authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said
(8-7) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale
prices of any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the
following: The Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units
purchased through the Fund remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased
through the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for resale to income-eligible
individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined priority populations. After
purchase, homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a profit. Sale prices will be
calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be adjusted by a percentage
which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased
between the date that the buyer took title to the property and the date that a letter of intent is
submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved by
the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work
and estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved, the Commission will
determine if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(98) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse
needs of those seeking affordable housing that includes household income, bedroom size,
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community
housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall
include, but not be limited to, land acquisition, planning, engineering, construction costs
and other hard and soft costs associated with construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental
of housing pursuant to this section, provided that these costs do not exceed 15% of the
projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not be covered by this Fund. All revenues
received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans
shall be deposited in this Fund.
Updated: 10/25/2018 1:31 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 3
Resolution 2018-947 Board Meeting of October 23, 2018
If any clause, sentence,paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman
SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell
Updated: 10/25/2018 1:31 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 4
^o�6Ut F0(K�O�-'t
OCTOBER 23,2018:
OCTOBER 23,2018:
WHEREAS there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County,New York, on the 23rd day of October, 2018, a Local Law entitled "A Local Law in
relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,Housing Fund" so now therefor be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the
aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 201n
day of November, 2018 at 4:31 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be given an
opportunity to be heard.
The proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,
Housing Fund" reads as follows:
A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 34,Housing
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
§ 34-1 Purpose.
The Town of Southold Housing Fund will provide the Town with a mechanism to obtain funding
and create programs that will increase housing opportunities for families and individuals who afe
residents of the Toy%of Southold employed in the Town of Sout- o d who cannot procure
affordable housing within the Town.
§ 34-2 Findings.
A. The lack of affordable housing creates many adverse effects for the Town. Regional
employers grapple with the task of hiring and retaining employees due to the limited
availability of affordable housing. Recruiting and retaining essential personnel (police
officers, fire fighters, teachers, nurses, etc.)has become increasingly a challenge due to the
lack of affordable housing. Volunteer emergency services are also impacted by the lack of
affordable housing, prompting the possible necessity of replacing volunteer services with
paid employees. While the Town has benefited from increased tourism and second
homeownership, it must also sustain a population who can afford to live and work in Town.
B. To address this housing shortage, the Town of Southold must create a myriad of housing
initiatives that lead to the creation of affordable housing that reinvest in the fives 4
Resolution 2018-947 Board Meeting of October 23, 2018
r-esidei4s,� live and/or work in theTel.vH. The talented and vibrant energy that was and is
invested in community land preservation must be replicated to create affordable housing for
a sizable number of individuals and families resits who lack the financial means to rent
and/or purchase housing within the Town.
G. The r rit-y r „la4ioii for- eonhnunity 1,.,uski will be as follows.:
(1) Ineeme eligible individuals/families whe live and work in the Tovv%of SetAhoid who
' le volunteer o <.11iFsa-vingfor resides#s of the Toym
(2) ineoiffie eligible individuals/families who live and work in the Town of Southold.
(3) ineome-eligible individuals/families who live in the Te.A of Southold.
(nor)--iineome eligible indi„idu ls4fmmon w he work in the Town of SetAhel.a.
(5) income eligible individuals/families who previously lived in the To:,A% and wish to mtum.
C. D-. Efforts in the past to create affordable housing have failed in their ability to keep the
housing stock affordable upon resale. Therefore, to promote perpetual affordability
within the Town, all recipients of said housing will be legally bound to sell their
properties to the Town's Housing Fund. Resale price formulas for homes purchased from
the Fund will be as follows: Homes sold after purchase will realize profits that are the
equivalent percentage of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as compiled by the United
States Department of Labor. The percentage will be calculated from the date of sale from
the Fund to the date of resale to the Fund. In addition,the Fund will compensate the seller
for major capital improvements that are improved in advance by the Housing Advisory
Commission. Depreciation may be applied to capital improvements.
§ 34-3 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
The Town of Southold Housing Fund authorized pursuant to this chapter.
Housing for households whose incomes are not sufficient,pursuant to banking industry
standards, to induce private lenders to finance the costs of acquisition of a home with a
value at or less than median value as determined by the Town's assessment rolls, without
benefit of subsidies or special financing programs from the Town in the case of owner-
occupied housing, or in the case of rental housing, as housing for households whose income
is insufficient to pay the monthly costs for such housing and maintain such costs within the
required percentages of the household's income based upon banking industry standards.
Those individuals/families whose incomes are below the designated percentage of the HUD
median income for the County of Suffolk, as determined by the Southold Town Board. In
addition, individuals/families seeking grant assistance and loans from other public funding
sources may be limited to household incomes less than the HUD9 median income for the
County of Suffolk.
The Town of Southold.
§ 34-5 Purposes of Fund.
A. The proceeds of the Fund established pursuant to § 34-4 shall be utilized in accordance with
law for the following purposes:
(1) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to income eligible individuals or families
fesiuo„ts who . er4( and/or live in the -for the purchase of a first home;
Updated: 10/25/2018 1:31 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 2
Resolution 2018-947 Board Meeting of October 23, 2018
(2) The actual production of community housing for sale and resale to income-eligible
individuals or families r-esident ' and/or-live in the
(3) The actual production of community housing for sale to income-eligible individuals or
families residents whe work and/or live in the T��in conjunction with other
public/private partnerships such as the North Fork Housing Alliance and the Community
Land Trust of Southold whe agree4 the stated priority „lat;^n and ineofi l• bil•t
�zTrgi vi a i�y,
(4) The actual production and maintenance of rental housing for rent to income-eligible
individuals or families���who aulive in the n or in conjunction with
public/private partnerships who agree with the stated profit guidelines;
(5) The provision of no-interest or low-interest loans to developers for the production of
communityhng for sale to income eligible individuals or families for the purchase of a
first home or for rent to income eligible residents.
(6-5) The rehabilitation of existing buildings and structures in the Town for the purpose of
conversion to community housing for sale or rental to income-eligible individuals or
families residents whe work and/or-u.,e in theTem.n;
(7g) The provision of housing counseling services by not-for-profit corporations that are
authorized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide said
(8-7) The Fund will ensure the perpetual affordability of housing through determining resale
prices of any home purchased through the Fund. This will be accomplished through the
following: The Town of Southold reserves the right to require that all housing units
purchased through the Fund remain affordable in perpetuity. All properties purchased
through the Fund must be sold back to the Fund for resale to income-eligible
individuals/families who meet the qualifications of defined priority populations. After
purchase, homes may be resold to the Fund to potentially realize a profit. Sale prices will be
calculated at the original purchase price (base price) and shall be adjusted by a percentage
which is the same as the percentage by which the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased
between the date that the buyer took title to the property and the date that a letter of intent is
submitted to the Fund to resell the property. Costs for capital improvements approved by
the Fund's regulations may also be compensated. Capital improvements are additions that
provide value to the property above and beyond repairs to maintain the property in good
condition. The Housing Advisory Commission must approve in advance all capital
improvements. The Commission must be given information regarding the scope of work
and estimate of capital costs. If capital improvements are approved, the Commission will
determine if the capital improvement may be recouped in the event of resale.
(9-9) The Housing Fund will strive to build housing and sell housing that reflects the diverse
needs of those seeking affordable housing that includes household income, bedroom size,
B. For the purposes of this chapter, eligible expenses relating to the production of community
housing and the rehabilitation of existing housing stock and structures under the Fund shall
include, but not be limited to, land acquisition,planning, engineering, construction costs
and other hard and soft costs associated with construction, rehabilitation, purchase or rental
of housing pursuant to this section,provided that these costs do not exceed 15% of the
projected project costs. Litigation expenses may not be covered by this Fund. All revenues
received by the Town from the sale or rental of community homes or the repayment of loans
shall be deposited in this Fund.
Updated: 10/25/2018 1:31 PM by Lynda Rudder Page 3
Resolution 2018'-947 Board Meeting of October 23, 2018
If any clause, sentence,paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law
as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided
by law. y
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman
SECONDER:Jill Doherty, Councilwoman
AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Evans, Russell
Updated: 10/25/2018 1:3I TM by Lynda Rudder Page 4