HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 TRANSFER STATION „j Division of Solid Waste New York State Department of Environmental Conservation TRANSFER STATION (Subject to 6 NYCRR Part 360, Solid Waste Management Facilities, Effective October 9, 1993) Annual Report This Transfer Station Annual "part is for the year of operation from SAN I , 19to he c 31 , 19 q y Submit the Annual Report no later than 60 calendar days after the first day of January following the year of operation for which the Report is made. Reporting of the information indicated on this Transfer Station Annual Report form is required pursuant to 6 NYCRR 360-1.4(c) ; 360-1.8(e) (1) (i.i.) , (h) (8) ; 360-1.14(e) (2) , (i) (1) ; 360-11.1(a) , (b) (1) (viii) ; 360-11.4(h) , and (j) . Failure to provide the required information requested is a violation of Environmental Conservation Law. Timely submission of a properly completed form to both the office of the Department administering the Region in which the facility is located and to the Department's Central Office is required to meet the standard Annual Report requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 360. Where the standard Annual Report requirements for a transfer station have been waived, Sections 1 and 9 must be completed and submitted with a copy of the Department's written notification which allows the waiver. Where the standard Annual Report requirements have been modified, appropriate Sections (as necessary to reflect the modification) must be completed and submitted with a copy of the Depart:.:ent's written notification which allows the modification. Entries on the report forms should be either typewritten or neatly printed in ink. Attach additional sheets if space on the pages -is insufficient or supplementary information is required or appropriate. Please note that where reference is made to a "Quarter" such as in the tabulations of Section 2, Quarter 1 is from January 1st to March 31st, Quarter 2 is from April 1st to June 30th, Quarter 3 is from July 1st to September 30th and Quarter 4 is from October 1st to December 31st. ' For purposes of estimating tonnage where only the volume is known, assume each cubic yard of construction and demolition debris is equivalent to 0.75 tons of solid waste, each 'cubic yard of compacted solid waste is equivalent to 0.5 tons, and each cubic yard of uncompacted solid waste is equivalent to 0.1 tons. This form may be reproduced as required. SECTION 1 Owner/Facility Information towNUf• SOCIT140LO Facility Name-_17JA1UKR L 51-1k'fRWTown SUAINUO County V 0(lC Region # DEC Facility Code or Registration # � I - Registered Facility Yes _ No 360 Permit # _- - - - - - - - -/- - - - -- issued _/_/_IE�x(pires Owner Name� �(� Oe S_CA VW__l-b Phone t ( S�io `t) - I �{ Mailing Address S3ocis- MAW- Co. S LX1140a) State npN-1y Zip IMI L Operator Name SCivu Q, Phone V Mailing Address �Q, State Zi.p d .ti (REPRODUCE LOCALLY) Page 1 of 5 (Revised 2/94) TRANSFER STATION `4. SrPCTIo" z quantity of Salid_Wast9 Received Report the tonnages of solid waste received on Table A. If tnnnaQ-s are unknown, indicate the cubic yards received on Table R. A. Tonnages were obtained by: 11( _ Scale Wetgtit Truck Count Estimated Other (specify: Type of Solid Waste Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter T a t a 1 1 2 3 4 Mixed Municipal Solid Waste - (Residential, Institutional �� ��� S 3�5�.� r Commercial) 1 �`I�, 13 11, 3IW,, 0 CC&Dtruction Debris & Demolition � (I�q Asbestos Waste �0 Industrial Waste (Including O___ Industrial Process��Slla�ud es Other (Specify: A�oW,U(jC1IM � � S. �� ( � 7? � �"l•1� � �, ( 1 � ����� Total Tons Received ^I3� � yq.2Z j2 6jq I,Z3 B. Cubic yards were obtained by: Truck Caiint Estimated Other (Specify: ) Type of Solid Waste Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter^ Total 1 2 3 4 Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (Residential, Institutional & Commercial) Construction & Demolition C&D) Debris Asbestos Waste Industrial Waste (Including Industrial Process Sludges) Other (Specify: Total Cubic Yards Received t :J Attach, on a separate sheet, a description of the facility's service area and identify the location (Town, County, State, and Country) from where waste received originates. Also, indicate that location's waste as a percentage of the total waste received. List required submissions that have been attached to this form or he reasons fo not attachin a required pieco of nfo a on: s (CC - Identify the disposal destination of waste removed by indicating the name of the disposal facility, the location (Town, County, State, and Country) of disposal, "9A 2 of 5 (RRvised 2/94) a�"^`..Md6"'?..'S'f1v'a'�R.nq'.7.^,�.e.._ 4•+_�e4rs s...o —,s.v"e....r..n...N ... rnm•.n.-�.—. -r .�-__ ^_ ..—__ _ ATTACHMENT TO SECTION 2 .The-'Towh of Southold' operaies a munidipal solid waste transfer gtetio" that t;edp' 'j i d, approximatelj .18 tons per day of teoyleblee acid iriixed` eolid waste and 14 tons per day of oofn6truct10' ' `end deinoii,tion materiai - The transfe facility _ ��;•.op��6tee, under``A the DEC. It is situated immediately ' t, d�ecerit to ' he` Beuthold Town Landf i i 1 (now inactive) on the seine' p 'b0i 17 Y: . The tr" nbkeie station iii "located between Oreg6i' Road Aidd16 06&d (bounty Road 48) to the north and south' c�epecti�iely, i id 'ki Lane and Depot Lane to the east and west ; ;cespctively� itl. Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York: TherSouthold Tr fibfef;, Station accepts only municipal' solid waste r.4tfiet` originates 'within the boundaries of Southold Town : This " __ ' erVi'Ce area e"X"j6'de ,epptoacimately 2t miles from the hamlet of U& on the- 466.jto"Orient Point, the tip of the North Fork of t 6*_"4eiatid;° oti'°the-east:', The Town contains approxim6tely 20; 000 r•".~•year=found' re�ideht ' Wtib live in and, around five villages and ; f�iuir,>Milete i o $� 6f Bout Town outside the villages end ieti� :,of' agricultural `end 'vacant lands .b6nti rt. i;p r+ entage of muii eipal so11d was te,.contributed by the individual li4ifi lett is end not known. - .GiT 14` • TRANSFER STATION i and the amount disposed at each disposal destination. List required submissions that have been attached to this form or the reasons for not attaching a required piece of nformation: Lu YY u-, r1n L'tZTc.J C 2r q16– 5kfL rLEC4C SECTION 3 Material Recovered For each type of solid waste recovered, provide the annual weight in tons or, if any tonnages are unknown, the annual volume in cubic yards, and indicate the destination. Tonnages or cubic yards were obtained by: _ Scale Weight Truck Coant Estimated Other (specify: "- — ) Type of Solid Waste Weight' ` Volume Destination Recovered- (tons/ ear) (cubic ards/ ear) Aggregate & Concrete 0 1A oJ�d•P 1S Wood & Wood Chips UWAJ 1KOXO N7•S Glass 1 `]�toLl 7U)G Plastic Paper r '] , -p=au (t Metal -Containers j G-�S` �W,,, �. Bulk Metal , (�, 3S�dt►9C� Other (Specify TzsWQM� -- 2�0' r 7NAJ0UjnVL-rML-TT W y (OL S77T C-111-21t rowU Total Recovered Is the transfer station authorized to handle recyclable material? Yes No Is the transfer station authorized to process construction and demolition (C&D) debris? Yes No SECTION 4 Unauthorized Solid waste Had unauthorized solid waste ever been received at the transfer station? Yes No If yes, give information below for each incident: DAte Received Type Received Date-Disposed Disposal Method & Location i Page 3 of 5 (Revised 2/94) TRANSFER STATION SECTION S Problems Identify any problems encountered in the previous year (e.g. specific Occurrences which have led to changes in facility procedures) and methods for resolution of the problems. List submissions (required by this section) that have been attached to thin-form or the reasons for not attaching a required piece of informations 1`1 O C lA kY1Uh�C SECTION 6 Changes Identify any changes in the operation that have occurred in the previous year e.g. equipment, service area, and operational procedure changes) . List sub:4issions (required by this section) that have been attached to this form or the teaiond for not 'attaching a required piece of information: « IJb Ct-�M)GES SECTION 7 Permit/Consent-Order/Registration Revorting Requirements Are there any additional permit/consent order/registration, ' .reportinq requirements not covered by the previous sections of this form? Yes No If yes, identify the reporting requirements with their respective responses below, attaching additional sheets as necessary. List submissions (required by this section) that have been attached to this form or the reasons for not attaching a required piece of information: SECTION a Tivvinclee (To Be Ovtionally Provided) Tipping Fee: go $/ton For each type Of waste below, indicate the tipping fee if different: Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (Residential,lnstitutional & Commercial) $/ton Construction & Demolition (C&D) Debris $/ton Asbestos waste $/ton Industrial Waste (Including Industrial Process Sludges) $/ton Other (Specify: ) _$/ton Page 4 of 5 (Revised 2/94) TRANSP'SR STATION SECTION 9 Biaaaturs and Date by Owner or Ocerator owner or Operator must sign, date and submit one completed form with an original signature to: New York State-Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Solid Waste Bureau of Municipal Waste Permitting 50 Wolf road Albany, New-York 12233-4013 and one copy with an original signature to the appropriate Regional Solid Waste Engineer (Rswt). (See Regional Hap attachment for Regional Office addresses.) Y hereby swear or affirm that information provided on this form and S,ttached s�t^/a�temonti and exhibits is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. p Na(m�e/ (Print or Type) nature Date &' L-V) W AS TV emV_DrwA1EXt, Address Title (Pr nt or Type) GLITC:k�OGu E u Y I i us (sly ) �3 - J L-2 ®City, State and Zip - Phone "umber Page 5 of 5 (Revised 2/94)