HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/2018 4of300'�e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT Monthly Report: September 2018 2018 SUMMER SEASONAL SEASON: The season concluded on Monday, September 3rd. Staff scheduling was an ongoing issue due to limited availability and time off requests. Further recruitment efforts will be made to increase awareness of the certification process in hopes of expanding the pool of applicants for 2019. BEACH FACILITIES: DPW has cleaned and secured the bathroom facilities at each of the beaches with the exception of Goose Creek. The Southold Elementary School will hold their Life on the Peconic Estuary program on Friday, October 19th. After which, this site will be secured as well. The phones are placed under temporary suspension for the winter season. WINTER 2018 PROGRAMS: Winter registration begins Thursday, November 15th. We are currently in the process of finalizing programs and securing additional instructors. An instructor has been identified to provide Special Rec* programs for individuals with special needs. To meet the needs of the residential homes within the Town, an alternative registration processes has also been developed. Finalized contracts for the winter session will be forthcoming. 2019 BROCHURES: Bid request were sent out to nine companies for the 2019 brochure printings. Two bids were received. The deadline for submitting bids was Friday, October 5th. FACILITIES: Thanks to the generosity and hard work of Girl Scout Troop 731 and their leader, Amy Doering, the Peconic Community Center has received six large planters to adorn the three entrances of the building. In an effort to minimize maintenance, the troop filled the planters with drought and deer resistant perennials and stained them with a durable finished that is said to last up to 10 years. RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for those participants who paid with a credit card. Sincerely, Oaru-*' Janet Douglass Recreation Supervisor BN B, Stafemen't Ending 0912812018 Bmik PO IBDX 3066 SOU?7KxD TOM Page I df 4 gridgehrm,inipton, NY 11,932 Account ftmhar:XXXXXX5C4 7 RETUII" IREQUESTED M&n'O9Vin'9YOO.rACOOV'nt$ Branch Nwne Southuld SOUTHOLD TCMN Branch Nmbef IAV-765,45,W RECREATION DEPARTMENT 549,70 ft�h Rd PO BOX 1111 IN Southold, NY 11,971 SII SOUITHOLD,NY I 197 1-019,50 websue wwww.bdbbai*.caim Summary ,&Accounts A=oUjlt'TYpe uon INufriber Etmdlln IBalaplice ,PuMr-F u n d s XX.X.X.X.X.:5647 $54 Now Public Fumda-XXXXXX5647 Account Suimma)ry Inforesit Summary Date Description Amount beacriptioin Amount WOU2018 Begiriviihig Balance $41718313 Annual Percentage YeW Earned 0.059% 26 Creemus)Tvirts Periad $6,726.91 linlerep'l Days, 28 �Damls)Torts Pfmx.A $4.94 hinirlerem Earned 1.91 OW28(2018 Ending aalapnce, $5,4555.94 linlerem Rad This,Perif.)d $1.911 linlerem Rad Year-to-Date $IS.591 Wi(mun,ii Mance $47,45313 Aver,ry ge LedgoBalanc�e Aver,ry Available Mance $49,909.816 NPO'sits Date Descriplijon, AnNeum W14)20-18 DEPOSIT S200.010, 1WIdt20111 DEPOSHT $33S.0f) M25020-18 DEPOSIT S225.010, OWM20111 DEPOSHT $110.00 Electronic Credift. 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