HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DA TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITION DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/_ ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. XPART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )`❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1 5(a);360-1 7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ '(<❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program 360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1) D X D d Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k) ❑X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). D pfy❑ f Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: XD a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u) ,<❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑)<❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ )<❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ go c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑,<❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). D'K❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑f<❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;<❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ;<D I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ;,❑ D 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1 140). ;f❑ ❑ ' 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ,X❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). )K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER J<❑ D 9 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;Ko ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS ;(❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). g❑ O 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ 'X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2 17(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15 Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ 1<D a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ WD b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER D J<❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ g❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). j,❑ D 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). K❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt the Facility Copy of this InSpectign Rpryort Eor t Inl ividual in 17esponsibte Ch rg (Ple@s Pnnt Inspector' Sign re Signature AILNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT,AL,CONSERVATION �' DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME_ LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER COND��S I DEC PERMIT NUMBER+ 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT 7<❑ 0 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 �<0 ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 0 ❑ S Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1 140) 0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1 14(k),1-14(m),360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ KD 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Rep rt Form / ) .- � v - C Ole lee Indio dual in Responsible Ch rge lease Print) n4 r/ltC Insp tor's g atur Signature �- 1. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL,CONSERVA_TION = DIVISION'OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing-Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAJE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 00 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_-Z ❑YES KNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT Xo ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). VoIC] ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). ON OPERATION CONTROL K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). Ko ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k),360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). - 90 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ;,❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) )i<❑ 0 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ 0 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ;K❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). J 0 ❑ 17. Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt 360-11.4(1) fiCo d 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑yo 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑g'❑ 22�Proper separation of'materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(.)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). NO ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). 0 ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30,days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑-❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). 9,❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and-the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). JK❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(%3),(5). g❑ ❑ 29 A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). 90 ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑K 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑)<❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ veil 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa tl ty Copy Of his Inspo tior lort,F rm. Indi Idual in Re ponsible Ch r e Ple se Print) inspe is Si" atur Signature NEW YORK•STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL,CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ' 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold_Com ostin County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / / p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHEDT(S)360- OF ❑YES )'NO PAR5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ 0 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. �(❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1 14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ 0 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) X❑ 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) 0 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ )<0 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form k Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Ins4orssi Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 'ROW6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT AACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERJ DTE TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I•WEATHER CON TIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 14L SHEET CONTINUATrON CONTINUASHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 =ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑>(-❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑;(❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ ;<❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ X0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )'❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). KO ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ XO a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ XCI b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ KO c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ]S;❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑R❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑g❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2 17(p)(2). ❑ K❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL D<❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust Is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑• 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ XO 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑'K❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)<o b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ gen 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑XO 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2,17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING )K❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(%360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) --Z'65� Insp ctor's at a Wature /_- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISiON.OF MATERIALS,MANAGEM ENT = 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16=Processing Facilities _-- INSPECTION REPORT - • FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME 01 Southold Transfer/C&D-Processin Count Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY • 52T92/52R09 - INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M v REGION WEATHER CONDITIOW DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHE TCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C Ni V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 0 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X'❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). �.'0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). )<❑'❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c).-360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL 0 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14();360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). }�0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) Xo ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);'360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 3'0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1 14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X0 ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). PCD ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ;<o ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ 0 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). IC❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �K0 ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). t0o0 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1).. ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). �'❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �'❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). X❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). go ❑ 25.Processed and'unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X0 ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). Ko 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ❑ 0 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). Xo ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑><❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which,.received an approval-of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER 0)'0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑,K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility_�-Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individ a in esponsible Charge(Please Print) «- Inspe4S1gprre Signa re r • >, NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _- DIVISION OF MATERIALS•MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT f - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERI DATE TIME Southold Landfill - County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 OoE7 0=/ SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHEDT(S)360— OF ❑YES PAR NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT 0 ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT 0 COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT s�❑ 0 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ X0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑J<o b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 JK❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ No d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ K0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑�❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). K❑ 0 b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 Y'❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ jam❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ X0 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). 0)<❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑,Ko f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). 0'K❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ K0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). 0 KC I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL PK❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). go 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ;<b ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). �C7 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER 1<0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1 14(b)(1). JIB❑ 0 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriIrs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). J<❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING 0 ;<❑ 13.Solid waste is•spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ 9K0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ D ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ;<❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ )<0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ g0 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). K❑ 0 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2:11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). JIB❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this IInnnsspection Report Form. Awes rZUNG�U Individual in Responsible ,,Charge(Please Print) Inspe 9for 5 Iffaturd Si ature 7 , = _NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ' v DIVISION-OFWATERIALS MANAGEMENT -6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities '- INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERI DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS NTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEETCONTINUATION SHEETATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )l<0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 f 0 ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). 0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ;%0 ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). 1<0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 0 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(6);360-16.4(b)(5) )<❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). g❑ 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER )CO 0 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X0 ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) I'0 ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS Xo 0 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). Ko 0 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). J'❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) 0 0 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ 0 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ),❑ 0 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g❑ 0 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). 0 KD 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) 0 ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 0 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated,and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). JK0 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). JK 0 ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). Ku 0 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30'days.360-16.4(f)(2). J<0 ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). 0 0 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(%3). 0 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or,below normal grade.360-16.4(%3),(5). K0 0 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). )<0 ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). 0)<0 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER 0 X0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). 0 vo'0 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Ja e-4 d cf he Au c Inde ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect4gn#r-e Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AIMDIVISIOWOF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT -6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES, INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold-Qomposting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON$,INTERVIEWED AND TI S Guy Wheaton- M REGIONWEATHER CON[)lDfflNS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V- GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT K ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 DK ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) 0(0 ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. >, ❑ ❑ 5 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) y ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ Q 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ El10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) 0 ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) 1 I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. :7a n4 es 061 r7 Ind' 'dual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec is Si tur Si ature �m NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION j 'DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT �'• 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES, INSPECTION*REPORT FACITY NAME_ LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 �f G INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND T TLES Gu Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 �-� SHE TCONTINUA ON SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES ><NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or'Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area 360-1 X ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1 4(a)(2), 360-1 7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1 ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and.leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means 360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8 Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter, is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X ❑ ❑ '10 Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance 360-1.14(k),1 14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA D ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12. Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13 Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame 360-5.7(b)(6) f ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5 7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5 7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ XD 16 Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. 6704&5 &.4 vii c hur— Ind' 'dual in Responsible,Charge(Please Print) Inspect 's si vlure Si nature r NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ® DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations &16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 1 SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT D<O ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area 360-1.7(a),360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16 1 go ❑ 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m),360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(b) ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use 360-1.14(f),360-16 4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1 4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(1),(1) OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q);360-11 4(e);360-16.3(h)(4),360-16 4(b)(5) X0 ❑ 6 Dust is effectively controlled 360-1.14(k);360-16 3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). XD ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011 4(e),360-16 3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5) >(❑ ❑ 8 Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). J'❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters 360-1.14(b)(1) ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1 14(b)(2),362-16 3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage, and are drained and free of standing water 360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1 14(d), 360-16 4(h). Xo ❑ 14 On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n) ;K❑ ❑ 15 Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) [X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). r ❑ ❑ 17 Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18 Processing,tipping,sorting,storage, compaction, and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area 360-11.4(n)(1) ;<❑ ❑ 19 Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ ),❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21 Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ;<o ❑ 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). g❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ;<❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16 4(f)(1) g❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16 4(f)(2) X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days 360-16.4(f)(2) g❑ ❑ 27 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet 360-16 4(f)(3) ❑ ❑ 28 C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade 360-16 4(f)(3),(5) K❑ ❑ 29 A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). g❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for-an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days '360-16 4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑;K❑ 32 Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑ X❑ 33 Fire protection and detection equipment is available 360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form/ W&5 �i�yL�a4 Indivodtiali R��ble Charge(Please Print) Insp Yor'sohatyle Signature . NEW YORK STATE-DEPARTMENT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D E TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 ,5 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CO IONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/ ❑YES pCNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT D ORDER ON CONSENT D EXEMPT D COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas 360-1.5(a),360-1.7(a)(1),(b),360-8 3(d) . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ X0 a. Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑')'❑ b.Control Program 360-1.14(e)(1). ❑)(❑ c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑R-0 d Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ 0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). D D f Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w) 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. ❑ ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading 360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X0 0 b Adequate Equipment 360-1.14(f)(2) 4.Operational records are available where required. D Z0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑)K❑ b.Self Inspection Records 360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ )<❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1 14(1)(3). ❑ X0 d.Monitoring Records 360-1.14(1)(4). ❑;K❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1) ❑X D f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). 0;°D g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2.90)(3). ❑;<❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑'K-0 I. Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL JK❑ D 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust 1s effectively controlled, and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X11 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented. 360-1.14(1). KD 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360-1.14(m) WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste 1s prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). Sri] ❑ 10. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2),360-2 17(g). ACCESS XD 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means 360-1 14(d) go 0 12 On-site roads are passable.360-1 14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING D ;K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2 17(b)(1). ❑ ;K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided. ❑>C0 a.Stab ilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 )<D b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3) 0 K❑ c Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER D 5<0 16 Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). 0 g❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable 1n quality,of proper compacted thickness,and 1s applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). g❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality, of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ),❑ D 19.Monitoring wells are intact 360-2.17(a);360-2 11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X0 D 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(%360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form j(3e4,2c&uf h Ind dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Z Inspec is S1 atur S1 nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -` DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT _ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AVY TITLESI Guy Wheaton Myw 117 REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 ®G 1 C SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet, This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT 0 ORDER ON CONSENT 0 EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C�NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT >(V ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a),360-1.7(a)(1),(b),360-8.3(d) . 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility ❑ X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ PC❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). , ❑,r0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2 17(1),(p)(1) ❑)<0 d. Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v), ❑P<0 f. Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. g❑ ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u) K❑ ❑, b Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 XD a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑;K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). 00 c Permit Application Records. 360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ❑ d. Monitoring Records 360-1.14(1)(4). ❑X0 a Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑XO f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)<❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑W❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan 360-2.17(p)(2) 0)<0 i Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X 0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). )<0 0 6. Dust is effectively controlled, and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1), ❑ D 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER >C❑ ❑ 9 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters 360-1.14(b)(1) A0 0 10. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ ❑ ❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable 360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ 0 ❑ 14, Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan 360-2 17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: 0 0 ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3) ❑ ❑ ❑ c.Tanks 360-2.17(r) COVER, ❑;<0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑}<❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and 1s applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )<0 0 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained 360-2.17(e). MONITORING 0)<❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). 0 ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection �Report Form -,f�'ia wa-'5 lcsunc/ae In iduai n Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe or's at e Suture NEW.YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities ,114W INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERI D E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu V1lheaton I IIA REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER G� Z �lG !7T FCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 '❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). �X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL JC❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust Is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER A ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16 4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ;<❑ ❑ 13 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d), 360-16.4(h). P<❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n) JK❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of Incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). g,❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt 360-11.4(1) ,�❑ ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction, and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11 4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) $�❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading 360-16.4(b)(2). �❑ ❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated If it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16A(f)(2). X-0-0 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of,the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). / ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)I(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑7Z❑ '31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16 4(f)(6). OTHER ❑,K❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑g❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. �G�es pye�c hew e-k Indivi al in R sponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspectors AlgnaPIC Sign t re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ; DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUM13ERI DATE TIME, Southold Com-posting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS014S INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Uy- - eaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 o � SHEET CONTINUATIONS ET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. I C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 0 0 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) .2C❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5,7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) X0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13,Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) 0 ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5 7(b)(7) X ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months, unless approved by the Department 360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of thi Inspection/Report Form. Ind' 'dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect rs Si tur Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION �'- '-DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT r 6 NYCRR-SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities ,- INSPECTION REPORT ' FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R00 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M 4ANZ-6 REGIONWEATHER CONDIT S DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 0 I SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF - ❑YES JQNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative,and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area 360-1 7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 )<D,o 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required 360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i); 360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5-Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140;360-11.4(e);360-16 3(h)(4);360-16 4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16 3(g)(5),(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5). X°❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(I),36011 4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1) >CD ❑ 11 Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) - ACCESS ;K❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X,❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑- 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11 4(n)(2). 090 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) A❑ 0 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the•C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading 360-16.4(b)(2). K❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). �❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days,360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑'❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5) ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ )<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16 4(%6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)i�o 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. NAU l 1D -L U'I-4(�) S IC 1 dividual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe Z rs atu4 signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION ` FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Com ostin County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVI WED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton My REGION WEATHER CON NSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 p 0/0 eA5� — SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of,Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑, or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1 7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ S.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q) X ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) 0 ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) ' MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. DAM) Zol,+ ock Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspectc s Si" re Signature • NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT'OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT • FACITY NAME LOCATION FACI-LITYNUMBER1 DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INT RVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDNS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 /0 SHEET CO UATION SHEET ATTACHEDPARTS)360— .� OF_/_ ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT Ao ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1 5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)(❑ a. Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ X❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1 14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1) D P<O d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries 360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X'❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1 14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). g❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment 360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ ❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ J(❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). D)K❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). D X D f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ K D g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑JIB❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL K❑ D 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). PC❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). K❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented 360-1.14(1). AD ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER IX❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). XD ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters..360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). l Y,❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction 1s achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). D X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a Stab ilized/Dewate red Sludges 360-2.17(n) ❑ ;C❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). D )<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ )<D 16.Dally cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter, and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17.Intermediate dover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). K❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2 17(e). MONITORING )(D ❑ 19'Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). XD ❑ 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form _bPLlrp 2uq0Skj JDdw4al in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Ins4&snat1V1/e Signature �� NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF,MATERIALS MANAGEMENT .6-NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52RO / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M RE 1 ON WEATHER CON NS DEC PERMITBER w SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K, ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(I),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ,>K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k),360-16 3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). A❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controllec to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site 360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER K❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2); 360-16 4(g) Xo ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15 Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of inccming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17. Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ;K❑ ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area 360-11.4(n)(1). )KO.❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2) ❑ X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3).• ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ;K❑ ❑ 26. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2) X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). A❑ 0 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(D(3). g❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑JK❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16 4(0(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted In all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit Copy of this Inspect{e Re ort Form In wd al in Responsible Chaa Please Pnnt) Inspec r s Sig ure Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF.MATERIAL8 MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT ,FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D E TIME 'Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 �_ INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu'y Wheaton M ` REGION I WEATHER CONDIWNS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED I PART(S)360— OF,Z I ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. )<PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT Q ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1 7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility, ❑X,❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). 10 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ c'Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X❑ d.Bulk,Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑,K❑ e:Whole Tires.360-2.17(q). ❑.K❑ f Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). -3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )<D ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). A❑ ❑ b:Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records arB available where required: ❑,X❑ a Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X❑ c Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ X❑ d Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ><❑ f Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑,<❑ h.Asbestos Waste Srte Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑X❑ I.Random Wast=Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL XD ❑ 5.Solid waste,including olowing,litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). go ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ;'❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters 360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1:14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS X 0 ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)K❑ 14.Lift height,does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent andf no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a Stab!lized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑X❑ b.Asbestos Waste:360-2.17(p)(3). ❑�'❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑XD 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a),360-2 11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the • _ Facility C py pf this Inspection Re��rm. ^ In iv� al in RCha a Please;Print) Inspe r's,S atur Sig aiure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5-YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DTE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 3 /„097 111-5 INSP_ECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton - M " REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC'PERMIT NUMBER I o 0/0 - G� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF Z I ❑YES ><NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted D,registered D,exempt D,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational Conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1 7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1 D ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ 0 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ -7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) )[ ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1 140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 0 ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ D 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) 0 D 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ D 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X D ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5 7(b)(7) D ❑ 15. Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5 7(b)(13) MONITORING Q4 ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) ,I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fac'lity Copy of this Inspection ort Form. In dual in Re onsible Cha a(Please rant) /---f'x� Z, Co Insp or's r atur Si ture INEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Aft, DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ;- 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT 'v FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS PERMIT NUMBER 1 / ®� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �°❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1 5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8 3(d). . 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ %❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ X❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ g❑ c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(i),(p)(1) ❑ x❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑>(❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑)<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. ❑ ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading 360-1.14(f)(1);360-2 17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1) ❑X 0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2) ❑)(❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ )K❑ d.Monitoring Records 360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e. Facility Operator Records 360-1 14(u)(1) ❑X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e) ❑ ;K❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2 90)(3). ❑ p(❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑;,❑ i Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). go ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k) ;<❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(I). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360-1.14(m) WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )°❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS >(❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1 14(d). No ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2 17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13. Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ;'❑ 14 Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑;<❑ a Stab ilized/Dewate red Sludges 360-2 17(n). ❑ X0 b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ go c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X0 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2 17(d). X❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ;K❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ;'❑ 0 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled 360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. indi idual i Responsible Charge(Please Print) Tns*t&spfatL4a ' nature r NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations &16 C&D Processing Facilities - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processin Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 �ZP o INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES GuyWheaton f -REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 O SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_/ ❑YES )KNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 �❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1 14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ;K0 ❑ 3.0'perator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). K0 ❑ 4. perational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ 0 5.Solid waste is sufficiently-confined or controlled.360-1 140);360-11.4(e),360-16.3(h)(4),360-16 4(b)(5). ;<0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled 360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ;CC ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011 4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) •DKD ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1 14(m);360-11.4(e),360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). '❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) WATER X❑ 0 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;<0 ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS XD ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1 14(d), 360-16.4(h). KO ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n). ,K0 ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.$60- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X0 ❑ 16.Adequate storage of-incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). A❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g0 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑;<0 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ 0 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;'0 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). )°0 ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). 0 0 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ 0 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored In enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2)) ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not xceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3) X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). X0 ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X0 0 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). 0 X0 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative dally cover material and screenings which received an approval of a ptition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER 0,K0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ )<0 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form In dual in Responsible Charge'(Plegaase Print) Insp tors natu ignature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ;- DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT r' 6 NYCRR,SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDATE TIME .Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS)INTERVIEWED AND ITLE Guy Wheaton MsZ� f�U REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO I r 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s:Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials-accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. J�❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit-and their intended use.360-1. 0 ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) J< ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ;' ❑ ❑ 9.Noise_levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and d not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ;< ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base wh lch ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency,ar a sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) )' ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5 7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15. Product is not stored for longer than 24 month ,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ;,❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outl ned in Table 11 of-Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form dWerP 4,1il ele-4 Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe Wgnature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATIONI FACILITY NUMBERaDA TIME Southold CompostingCounty RoaH 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE -7RSONP INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M �lJ REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF o YES X NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 X ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ;4❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1 14(b);360-5 7(b)(3). ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) >(❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.140) ❑ ❑- 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10. Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12. Ponding is minimized.360-5 7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained 360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15. Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ g❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. ��kS �UnIeHJ,1��; • Ind iv ual='er- Ins" ge(Please Print) i is S• tug Si ture h_ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION imDIVISION,OF MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT 6,NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA;E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODEPERSONS NTERVIEWED AND TI S Quy Wheaton • M r---'�) REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16:1 D<❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r),360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360=16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ;°D ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). A❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c),360-1.8(h)(8);360=11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ;K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ,J D ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e),360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ;C❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11 4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X0 ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). R-❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1 14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,'where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(.) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). 0 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when'transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X'❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X0 ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance•conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ 0 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ,KD ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). )'❑ ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1) XD ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ;K❑ ❑ 26. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). A❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). f❑❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade 360-16 4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries 360-16.4(0(3). )<❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑X0 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins ection Report Form. Indiv ual in Responsible Charge.(PleasePrint) , �L Inspec is Soturd Si ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT 8 FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITYNUMBERJ DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE - PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton V M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS Z DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES ;<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. _Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT 0 EXEMPT 0 COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1 Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0 ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b),360=2.17(m). 0 yo b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X0 c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). 00 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). 0 ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X 0 ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). A❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 ;K❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records 360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ XD b.Self Inspection Records 360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ;,.0 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). 0"K 0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4) O X 0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0 ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ 0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ X0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑g❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL b<0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X0 0 6 Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). )'❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). 'WATER )(❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ,KD ❑ 10 Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1"14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )R�0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2 17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑r<0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14. Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ D(0 a.Stab ilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n) 0,C❑ b.Asbestos Waste 360-2.17(p)(3). 0;K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER 0 )(❑ 16. Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and wheri required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑90 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). -900 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING X 0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i) RID 0 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8 3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this inspection Report Form .1 i4 vet S lgwre/ya G j2 Indivi al in esporisible Charge(Please Print) Th-sp-qEtornatyre r Signature .e NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF,ENVIRON MENTAL-CONSERVATION DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT , 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5-YARD-WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES-- S INSPECTION'REPORT - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DA E TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / / lZop INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE ' PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TITLESIf I Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ! 1 ,-® SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1 4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is,monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters-and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ -8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q) $ ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) Jl< ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13 Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) )� ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. In dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is Si urSignature NEW YORK-STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR-SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME -Southold'landfill - County Road 48, Cutcho ue,,NY 52817 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLET Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHV CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 A57 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_Z I ❑YES KNO 2 ATTACHED 1 Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY-MANAGEMENT )IQ❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑go a. Hatardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ )C❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ )CO c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑•<❑ d.Bulk Liquids 360-2.17(k). ❑�'❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑�❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ Y(❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ PC❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ;K❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). D X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑JK❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System,Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). - ' ❑)(❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑,K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and ` the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑,K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15:Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ ;(❑ 17. Intermediate cover'material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.,17(d). �❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(ej. MONITORING ) )K❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form :2a 10,5 )&Ir ilr c In ' at m sponsible Charge(Please Prin Insp ctor gna re• Si ature ".' N'W-YORKSTATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL;CONSERVATION. ; DIVISION.OF MATERIALS:MANAGEMENT _ W "6 NY SUBPART 360-11 Transfer,Stations=&16 C&D Processingfacilities ►} - =INSPECTION REPORT. FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTETIME '.Southold Trahsfer,/C&D Processing Countk Road 48;Cutcho ue, NY 52T92152Fk 1,2co INSPECTORS'S NAME � CODEPERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M -� 2, ienee5 REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ) 1 r ,10 -O' SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES AND ATTACHEDs Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and'as appropriate; the Clean Water and Clean AlrAct s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Descnbed on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI'Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT , X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ;K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by acontrol program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). KO,❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ,K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(I),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL A❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). YI;❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5)',360-16.4(b)(5). ;Ko ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) �(❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER K 0 ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). P<o ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(8) ;K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water,360-16.4(g) ACCESS ,K❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is�strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ 0 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). )K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) - WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑'❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) K❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g❑ ❑ 19.Incoming wasteis weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑-❑ 22.Proper separation of,materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D'debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ; ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(%1)., yid❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30'days.360-16.4(f)(2); X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). g❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 - square feet.360-16A(f)(3). ❑ ❑ ,28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). A❑ ❑' 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles-and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). ❑ ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ Ko 31.Screenings which meet all the,requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition-for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted!nail areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ Ko 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. ' ASPS - �ut�c LilfG� Inl in Responsible Charge(Please Print) - Z7Inspect s Sj@,fturf Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION "-DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT '1ftiW---_6"NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT , ACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDA E TIME 'Southold Transfer/C&D P.rocessin CountyRoad,48,Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09." / " e> INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES GuyWheaton M - REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ><NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C Ni V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(fi)(1),(5);360-16 1 ;K❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program-for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1),360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). No ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ,�(❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS )<❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). A❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) �❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ;K0 ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ,K.❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). g❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ,°❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). X'❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(1)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). ,K❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑,K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection,equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fapikity Co y of this Inspection Report Form 'Individual in ResponsibleChargeCharge(Please Print) '=oCPd�ct?� /�G�iol/��t,GE pfd; Inspect s Sig a Signature - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS,MANAGEMENT ' . 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT 4 -FFACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS IN ERVIEWED AND TITLES GuyWheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATIONSHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑;`❑ b.Control'Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑NO c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2 17(1),(p)(1). ❑X'_0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑;K❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). '❑)<O f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )(❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑)K❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑)K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑;i(❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3): ❑X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑g❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X 0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL >ro ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). g❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). go ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER JC❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;KO ❑ 10 Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS �,'❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). �❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑K❑ b Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑;K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑X❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑X❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspect on Report Form. f In al in Responsible Charge(Please Print) \ Wil' ��!✓�•,iL<'�.�"-+'�,.�. �' Inspe or's pAnatifre Sig ature NEW YORK,STATE DEPARTMENT;OF ENVIRONMENTAL,CONSERVATION MVISION'OF'MATERIA S MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARDNASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES ' -INSPECTION REPORT' = FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southdld Pomposting CompostingCounty Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS NTERVIEWED AND TITLES ,Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)-360- _ OF _ ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and,Clean Air Act&Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is,permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid,waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ,, ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) �( ❑ ❑ 8._6olid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14x) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ '10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ,K❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) �G❑ ❑ 15:Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ �C❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. In ual in Responsible Charge(Please Pri-n-t-) Inspect s Ware nature D. , � NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT j =. ; i 6'NYCRR-SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16-C&D Processing Facilities ­'-INSPECTION,REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E " TIME" Southold Transfer/C&D Processin _ Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92152RO INSPECTORS'S'NAME CODE PERe',ON9 INTERVIEWED AND TITLES' UyWheaton _M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 : SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF � ❑YES XNO ATTACHED __Z Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. ` Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V"FACILITY MANAGEMENT ,K0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ;"0 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ 0 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment In accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). y,0'0 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ 0 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). 0'0 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 0 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X0 0 8.Odors are,effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X 0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are'controlled-to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ 0 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ) '❑ 0 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged/to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) �K0 0 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS �❑ 0 13.Access to the facility is strictly and-continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). Xo ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). g❑ 0 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) r �❑ 0 16.,E dequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). K0 0 1.7.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X 0 0 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1), pC0 0 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). 0,K0 20.•Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) 0 0 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 0 0 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). KO_0 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(1)(1). )<O 0 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). . K❑ 0 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). go 0 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not`exceed 20 feet in height and the,area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). )<0 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). AD 0 29.A minimum separation distance-of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(%3). fQ 0 ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar"days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑)<0 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily-cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(0). OTHER )<0 0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). X0 0 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4), I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. �l Q�ivl NQS t�G( 4 IMal m Responsible Charge(Plea'se Print) - Insp 4pifa�twfiZure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF,ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION > � DIVISION-OF MATERIAL'S-MANAGEMENT = 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT ,FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48;Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M /�cl REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET :�2CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- O� OF ❑YES . YNO 1 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the'Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT 0 ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑,�❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ g❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 090 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). 0 X❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ` o X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). 0;K❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). Y❑ 0 b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑�❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑Y❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑) 0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑g❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑g❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑go g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.9Q)(3). 0 J<❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑''❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ,K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). K❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). RD ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )`0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS �'❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means 360-1.14(d). j�❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(6);360-2.17(s)., WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). 0)<❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 X 0 'b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). 0�❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ ;<❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ g❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). 'K❑ 0 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.4 1(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.170;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form eu, Q c Indiv ua in sponsible C arge(PleasePrint) Inspect s.Si ur ature ''- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT,-OF-Ef�IVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATER IALS'MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART-3604 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPtCTION'REPORT ` FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold-Com postingCounty Road 48,Cutchogue,,NY , - 52Y29 � INSPECTORS'S NAME CODEPERSON INTERVIEWED AND TITL S Uy Wheaton M s REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS I DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO 1 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 g ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit;exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ .3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for -management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ ` 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1), ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering,surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,•signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d), 1S'❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing.papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) _ ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.1 4(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard v Taste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) '❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning,frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.•Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) -PC❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table.l1 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) r I hereby acknowledge receipt of the J E Facility Copy of this Ins ction Report Form, In ' i a i esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is Si tur - Sig6ature _fAftNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION '_bIVISION­bF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6-NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,.Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON4 INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER G'6d SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF / I I ❑YES )<NO I ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 )<D ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X0 ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1 14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) D ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS ;K❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). JK❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ,,K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.1 4(c) 60-1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) K❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11 4(g). Y,❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11 4(I) g❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑X❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming-C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(%2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(%2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). X,❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). l ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑Y❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑A❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s). ❑A❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available 360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. 75img6 ALfncAi&Gk In 7ual inin Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect4SgpWre, gnature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ' DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT, 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS -"INSPECTION REPORT i ITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER TE TIME Southold Landfill CountyRoad 48,Cutcho ue, NY7 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Gu Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 _d2A2 -- SHEET CONTINUATIONSHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED- Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, ' the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )K,[J ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑>C❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). D)<❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ;K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑g❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑XEI e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ' ❑'KD f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X0 ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). g❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑pl❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records,360-1.14(i)(1). ❑K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ P(D c.Permit Application Records 360-1.14(i)(3). „I ❑XD d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). D X0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;<❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑;K❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(c). � I OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that'they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )KO ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;K0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS f�❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). �❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable:360-1.14(n):360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ jKD 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). l 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: j ❑ XD a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑K❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )<❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING X0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). K0 ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form In idual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec rs S' at a Tignature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION'OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ' 6 NYCRR SUBPART,360-5 YARD:WASTE'COMP'OSTING-FACILITIES i IN$PECTIMREPORT FACITY NAME, LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Comoosting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY -52Y29 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON9 INTERVIEWED AND TITLE ' Gu Wheaton M 0 y REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONSZA DEC PERMIT NUMBER _ SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET AACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked Ni Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. - p( ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. I )( ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) X ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) Y ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ;' ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ 1110.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I f I I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form In d al in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Si ure Si ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION ' DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT " 6 NY CRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16'C&D Processing Facilities " INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R69 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE j GuyWheaton M j 1 ' REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER !, 1 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- ' OF ❑YES KNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, �I E the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. I I This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. li Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. k!} C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved area 360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-161 �!❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and I approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16 3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). r X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). l I OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5) ' g❑ ❑ 6.Dust 1s effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011 4(e),360-16,3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16,4(b)(5). ! )<❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). I ! WATER J ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) I X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water 360-16 4(g) � j ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facilityis strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); l" 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- ;I 1'.14(c) I j :I WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) j ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming-solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). �❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ;K❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). I ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16 4(b)(2). ! ❑ X❑ 22:Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision 1s provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-15.4(c)(3). ! ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(%1). j ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ' ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). j ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). e❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile,does not exceed 5,000 j square feet.360-16.4(0(3). f ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ' )'❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property i boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). �❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days,360-16.4(0(4). k ❑Y❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4,(0(6). OTHER - 1 ❑;K❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑KID 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I � ! I hereby acknowledge receipt of the r Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form 1 In idual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) { 1 Inspecto Sign-9. gnature f � ' f4 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _= DIVISION OF`MATERIALS MANAGEMENT - i ,.= 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS,- INSPECTION REPORT a FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER .DATE TIME Southold Landfill I County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLESOF i Guy Wheaton M, REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ° I 1 .® SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— {j .OF ❑YES` NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ! ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT ! ! C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT f' X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1 5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . :i 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ fel;❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). j ❑�<q c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ )K❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). j ❑)r❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑;K❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: A❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). al K❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(%2). Y' j 4.Operational records are available where required: I j ❑ K❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). 0 ;C❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). !j d i ! ❑ J<❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ K❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). '� ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ X❑ g.Pfimary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). i J ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). { ❑ ❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). I'1 OPERATION CONTROL )<❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,�is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ "6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ �7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ;<❑ ❑ 8:Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). � - WATER K❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ' ;K❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or-other means,and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS �❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). ff WASTE HANDLING ❑ ;<❑ 13.-Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑x'❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: j ❑ ;<D a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 1 ❑ ;<❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ g❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ ;K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing'litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ Y4❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e) ' I j MONITORING j A❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);'366-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). j )'❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). j I hereby acknowledge receipt of the j I i Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. I ividual' esponsible Charge(Please Print) ' i j ii1 Inspectors igna S nature iij iI I . NEW YORK STATE DEPAR_TMENT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - i, DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT i law 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD•WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES ' , = ;ij INSPECTION'REPORT ,III FACITY NAME \ LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME i. Southold-Composting$authold-Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND ITLESf Gu aton M Whe REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS' DEC PERMIT NUMBER j SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED -FPART(S)360- OF ❑YES �NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, j the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. I This form is a record of conditions which are observed 16 the field at the time of inspection. j fI Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. f C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. p` g ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) N ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3); t;I X❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) I 1 X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING l j ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) 1 � ' 1 ' 1 I I hereby acknowledge receipt of the f Facility Copy of this Insp'ction Report Form '+ JC (j In vidual' Responsible Charge(Please Print) i Inspecto Sign a signature !J I , NEW YORK STATE-DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS)MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD.VASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES _ INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / /QQ INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INT RVIEWED AND TITLE Uy Wheaton M V REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS /J DEC PERMIT NUMBER 0,00 SHEET1 Z" O/V - SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES >f NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2. Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order 360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) �. ❑ 0 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ 0 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) )K 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ 0 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance,360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA 0 ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) j> ❑ 0 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa py of this Inspection Report Form. G Ind' Id I in esp risible Charge(Please Print Inspecto Sign - Si ture NEW.YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - - _- �-� ' ���DIVI310N OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT = -'• - ,' - ' �-•6,1VYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&-16 C&D Processing Facilities �'� L� .INSPECTION-REPORT- FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME -Southold Transfer/C&D Processin Coun Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 / J� INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES v GuyWheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1VIC SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO i ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 fii!�❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). >,❑ ❑ 3 Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ,K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) pK D ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled sothat they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). XD ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )K❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) )<❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS )e❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360_-16.4(h). �(❑ 0/14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). �❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) pfd❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). yrs❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). g❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). �;❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). �❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). 'K❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3).- ;KD 60-16.4(0(3).;KD ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). pCo ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). g❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(%4). ❑ ;<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ )S❑ 33.Fire protection and defection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Indi ' ual in sponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Sign a Si ature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 //151 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSOS INTERVIEWED AND TITLESf GuyWheaton M A REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 — pG SHEETFCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES X,NO 1 2 ATTACHED ' Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sechons Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT j�❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and _ approved for management at the facility: ❑fx❑ a Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). 0;K0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ x❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑,2f❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑x11 e.Whole Tires.360-2 17(v). ❑ ;<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains-and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �'❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). g❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment 360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑XCI a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ X0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). 0;K0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0;K0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑$❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan 360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ )(❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). j<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ;<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1 14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2),360-2.17(g). _ ACCESS )<❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility Is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). g❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑'x❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area,is thsmallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ;K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation)measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑}FI;❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑)<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑XC] 16. Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17.Inter nediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2 17(d). K❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thick ness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ X❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑K❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form[ -1fin r�2s' c��4Z."C'/� Indiv^ al in Responsible Charge(Please Phnt) —A a '41, ,rid- Inspector ignat ature v NEW-YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL-_ CONSERVATION DIVISION_OFMATERIALS"MANAGEMENT - 8 NYCRR_SUI3PART 360-11 Transfer Stations&1-6 C&D Processing Facilities , INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER DAJE - TIME Southold Transfer/-C&D ProcessingCountyRoad 48, Cutcho ue,•NY 52T92/52R0 � INSPECTORS'S NAME" CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TIT Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMB R 1 00 -- lG SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES NO - � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.'360-1.7(a),360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and, approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ,❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-1,6.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ;K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ;<❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). g❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector,populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) . X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are,effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X-❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(%2);360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS �C❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled"by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). �(❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,'tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). AD ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑)(p 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). AD ❑. 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;KP ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). F ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(%1). ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). A❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ;,❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑ X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑,K❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)(❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k);,360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Fprm. Individual 1 Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Sig re ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF=ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION ` DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT - -6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5-,YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS)INTERVIEWED AND TITLE ' Uy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS Q DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 G/ SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT 0 ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ 0 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. p(❑ 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. <❑ 0 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) �y(❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 0 ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ 0 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA �(0 ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X 0 0 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) CX❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) 0 0 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) X ❑ 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 A❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins action Report Form. In c ual I esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Sig e S@-nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 752S17 Z / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS IN ERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M v REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES )<N0 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ D'❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑JK❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k) ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑)<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.160-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )(❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑;<❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑A❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑XP c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑'K❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4): ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑A0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;K❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑Y'❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). JK0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER -X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). J<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑JK❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)j'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑'K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ ❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑A❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )<❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑)(❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(6)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑)<❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspe 'on Report Form. � � U ��f Indiv}E4p1 in Re onsible Charge(Please Print) "I I �------ Inspe rs Swflul Sigr ure a NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRQNMENTAL-;CONSERVATION - -, - "' ,"s. DIVISIONOF MATERIAL'S MANAGEMENT " - ' . -_ _ -•-_;- <'�-- 6•NYCRR:SUBPART 360-11 Trarisfer,Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities = - - - - _ " -�' IN_SPECTION REPORT - �, FACITY NAME - LOCATION i FACILITY NUMBER DA E ;TIME Southold Transfer!C&D Processin Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R0 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TIT Uy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ____F -- /G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTA HED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XN07fS ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminai Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed 16 the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V_ FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.•360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 JiK�o ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ;KD ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ,❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);36071.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL f$❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). go ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are;effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER �❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X-❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled"by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1,.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) g❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X,❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ Y❑ 20.Station is cleaned,or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) 7�❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is Inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;KJQ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). X0 ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). 1❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding-30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). XI❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). A❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ;,❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑ X,❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(%6). OTHER ❑,K0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑;K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. 4SIgre Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print)InspecSignature : NEW YORK STATE"DEPARTMENTAF:ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION_ DIVISION-OF.MATERIAL-S-MANAGEMENT _ = . - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5-YARD-WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES- - -INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE - TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS)INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONSQ DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 � SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES X+NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. �(❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) X❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ;(❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) K❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Sig a Signature A -_ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Landfill CountyRoad 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 Z / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS IN ERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M ,yv REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHEDPART(S)360- OF ❑YES }CNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑JIB'❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.-360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑�❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑XP c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑'X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4)., ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑A0 g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑A❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑'K❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL JCC❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust Is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). J�❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ,�❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)<o 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2 17(n). ❑X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑K❑ c Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ ❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging 360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑J<❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). 0,'❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c) 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is S)wftuy Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF,-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION -T FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M - REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ><NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered 0,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ 0 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operationhl conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(cj(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X❑ ❑ 7.Access-to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 0 ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ;<❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X0 ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ 0 12.Ponding Is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) X ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) p( ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ A❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form �e, `" ex Lf rt G (/G k Indi 'dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec s TIT t u V SiWature AWNEW,YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT" 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities •`- 'IN$PECTION REP_ORT • FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09• / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M - REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT =-A Ama 51 ER 10/0 r SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES XNO � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT J ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and _ approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ;Kp 0 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). V,0 ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5).. Y0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 10 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER No ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(%2);360-16.4(8) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS 9<0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ><❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to,control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) �❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). )K❑ ❑ 17.Pu-.rescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) J<❑ ❑ .18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) Y❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). pi�❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the-other C&D.360-16.4(5)(3). ;K0 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). f�❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). �❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). XD ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days'.360-16.4(f)(2). ;K❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(%3). ,K0 ❑ 28.C&D.debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ;K❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(%4). ❑ ?(❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑JX❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)0 33.Firs protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copyof this Ins action Rep/ort Form. l'y'vZ,;4111 1 In iduai in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec rs Si ure S19fiature f NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 7' / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS 6e DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 Z Z A I 0 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF n YES I+NO 1 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. 0 PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT 0 EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0 Y❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). 0;i(❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 g❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ;KO d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ g 0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). 0 g❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: y❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). �❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑SCO a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). 0 X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑�13 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). 00 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ IX❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1).. 0 PK0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). 00 g.Primary.Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ 0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ )(❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 0 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). XD 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )(0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). Ko ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X 0 ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). XD 0 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING 0 ;Ko 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). 0 *,0 14. Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fits progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: 0 Jtia'0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 X0 b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER 0 go 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ g❑ 17 Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). -g❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ Ko 19 Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ K0 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of thisInspe ton Report Form. ti/GI GAJ E S �//1 YI Ci41 fif L Indrvid I in Re onsible Charge(Please Print) ' Inspecto s Sig re Signigfure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMFENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITYNUMBER1 DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 AQ INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER L0/0 SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF 1 c3YES ANO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on ttie Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. )<PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT- ❑ EXEMPT 0 COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ 0 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)'0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑)'❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ y�❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). 0 0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: XO 0 a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). �`❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 Xo a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1,14(1)(1). ❑X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑X0 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑g0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑KO e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑Xo f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)K 0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.,360-2.90)(3). 0 X0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑>(0 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). >(D ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). Xo 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,-and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). AD 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )(0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 0 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X 0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face-area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). 0)(0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: 0 X o a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 )<0 b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑)<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑A❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). pi;❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �C❑ 0 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ) ❑ 0 20,Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility,Copy of this Inspection Rep Fc C r Ind ivi al in Responsible Cha cfe le yerint) lnspe46rs atu Signat NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Am, DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DAT TIME Southold Com-posting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 6 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M _ REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ANO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT C ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 C ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) XC ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ;K❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) �(E ❑ 6.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) C ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) C ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA C ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) C ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) C ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) C ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) C ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) - MONITORING ❑ JCC❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) C- I I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of tf is Inspection R rt Fo Individ in Resp sible Char le e r my Inspec is Se;kurpP6 Signatme 24 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6;NYCRR.SUBPART 3,60-11 Transfer Stations&16'C&D Processing Facilities �r INSP"ECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold,Transfer/C&D Processin Coun _Road 48,.Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92 S2R0 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO - ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth In ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 1<0 ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ;K❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable-levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). XX❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) X0 ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS )CO ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �!❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ;<❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) )KO ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed'or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ;K❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) )<❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). )(❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;'❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ;(❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(%2). ❑ ❑ 2f7.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). �(❑ ❑ '28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(%3),(5). X❑ ❑' 29,A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles-and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)I(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(%4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑)CO 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑X❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facil y Copy of is Inspection Re Form IndivilMal in Responsible a(Please P1 t Q c. IgspeZSigWe Sig re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS p DEC PERMIT NUMBER 4 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF ❑YES O 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑-❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved,for management at the facility: ❑g❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑go b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑,K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids 360-2.17(k). ❑§❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). p)(❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ;K❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑)(❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑'K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑)<❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)K❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;(❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ;K❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). �'❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). V'❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS )C❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). Ko ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑x❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ JCC❑ a Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ JCC❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). 0x1 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ K❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. AA#e o rJ�LJGIG Indi ' ual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector' Signa ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -'" DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT � 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360=5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES -,INSPECTION REPORT f FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME "Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M / v REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTA ED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES "NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted 0,registered❑,exempt 0,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ 0 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) JK❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 0 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 0 ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA K❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ,, ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) 2�0 ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobiaconditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) 0 ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) }� 0 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K0 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this In Ghon Report Form. Indi uai in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe or'sSj aturgnature NEW YORK STATE,DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -'DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT. ^� 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities 'INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INT RVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M Vie REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO11 -">k� ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached,sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). )<❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ❑Y❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360A.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(q. OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). KID ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). R❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a'nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER J<❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) WD ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled,by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). )<13 ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). )<❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). X❑ ❑ 22.Proper-separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). )CO ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). XD ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). )(❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). go ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑)<❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑j(❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. fs dwnel 1_.,-e,4 Ind' ual In esporisible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Slgvre ignature ,r ANEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION' FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 Q -- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED/ PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record ofconditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. •PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT (�❑ 0 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: k❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). X0 ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). 0 ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). X11 ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). J<❑ 0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: XD ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 DKK a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). 0 X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑;K❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ;<❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ X0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0)KO f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ X0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑p(0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑K❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ,'0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). �(❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER V%o ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS FICO 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )<0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n):360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING 0 KEI 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑;K 0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 go b.Asbestos Waste.366-2.17(p)(3). 0 K'0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER 0 K0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ 0 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ )K❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑K❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility of this Ins ection Repo Form. Indivi al in R sporisible Charge(Please Print) o � Inspects Si re SI ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION , - DIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-6 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLEN Guy Wheaton M v REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 .- SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF o YES �7Q10 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT JK❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted 0,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order,360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment In accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ),❑ 0 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 9❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) �(❑ 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X,❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ 0 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) �( ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili opy of this Inspection Report Form. gun e-1 4e-e.,_4 In vidual i ResponsibleCharge(Please Print) Inspectort.Signole Wriature NEW-YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -Ai ,,bIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT '�g,6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities 1,111111W INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAIE t TIME Southold.Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92162R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS:J INTERVIEWED AND.3 LE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSQr DEC PERMIT NUMBER G 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF o YES KNOB ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrabve and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 7,❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ;Kp ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). >1�0 ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a);(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ;K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;K0 ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) KD ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS )<❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). )KO ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). K0 ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ,,❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) K] ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X0 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) �C❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). JXO ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). )CO ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). (<❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). �❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(%2). 13 ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). X0 ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). 'K❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑)j�❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(%6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Faciiti y of thls Inspe on Report Fonn. Ind' ual i esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector' Sign SIg6ature �_ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION `-DIVISION OF MATERIALS,MANAGEMENT 6,NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities w� -°INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAYE TIME Southold Transfer I C&D Processina CountyRoad 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSOT INTERVIEWED AND T TLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER PART(S)360- SHEET / CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED OF ! ❑YES NOS ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 3K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted•are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). go ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). )<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) )<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X_❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ;K❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) Ko ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS 1<❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). )<o ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). )<o ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). �❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑Ko 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) AD ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). K❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 0 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). A❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). X❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16 4(0(3). }�.❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑;<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER ❑Xo 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑JK❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. j�rrh40s f3un-e.,h(Z&k Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's ignat nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT_OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT v 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE,COMPOSTI NG FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D4TE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue,NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS TERVIEWED AND TITLIESf Gu Wheaton M U REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 O SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES XNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4 Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) K❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14,Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. r I Indiv'dual i eR sponsible Charge(Please Print) �� i Qi�i� Inspect s sigfure SWature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT,OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ' DIVISION OF MATERIALSWANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME _T Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS TERVIEWED AND TIT I or Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 — SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<D ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑W b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑go d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). 01<0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X0 ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). 3<❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ )(❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑;'❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑)<D f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs..360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑3<0 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL )<❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). 0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ,K❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS J�0 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). K0 0 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X 0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area Is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: 0'K0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 go b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑K0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ;<❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). J<0 0 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. A�2S iQun�i�Gk Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) inspe is Si tur gnature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION 7 DIVISIOWOF MATERIAL-S'MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES , INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 �$ Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION 'WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YESr7wiyATIONXNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT 0 ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) )CO 0 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. �( ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) K0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is-prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 0 ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 0 ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ 'CIO❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the FacilityCopy f this Inspectieport Form. t Indi d 116 Responsible Cha a lea a Print),, c� Insp ors S at Si lure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ;W DIVISION OF'MATERIALS MANAGEMENT '� .6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities r ��. 'INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D7E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 < D INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTEgVIE�i� ES Gu �� Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS �G� DEC PERMIT NUMBERO 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES YNOS ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form.ls a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 g❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL )K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)( 5);360-16.4(b)(5). - ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). g❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS ;<❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). �❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ;(p ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) A❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area,360-11.4(n)(1). )'❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ XP 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) JK❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). )►❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). JIB-❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). Xo ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage plies do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑)<o 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa ci'ty Copy o this Inspectio'woRteas .' ) r` Ind ual in esponsitlle Ch Inspe s Sigu Si ure NEW YORK.STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 1/ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER ID E TIME Southold Landfill Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWD AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES )(NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑�❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑)<0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑)<❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ X❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ )CO e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑K❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )<❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). K❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑>(❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑g❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X❑ f.Fill Progressiori Log.360-2.9(e). ❑;K❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;K❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site'Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑�❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL )K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). KEI ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). )<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). f�❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-,1.14(d). g❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑>C❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ XD 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided:. ❑ j<❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑)<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). g❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑)<❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑,K❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa 'lity opy f this inspection ort a In idual in sp)nsib(e Charp/€(P{eas 0 lit/)cQ. C�� Inspecto Sig re 7 Sig6ature vNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities • INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE J TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,-Cutcho ue, NY 52T92152R09 Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND LE Guy Wheaton M L10011cielt, REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED TOARTS)360- OF ❑YES `<NO -7jC.. ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )r%,o ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 g❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-11.114(e)#);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). JCo ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). )CO ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are.prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ,K0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). jib❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER go 0 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ 0 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(8) J<❑ 0 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS 1,❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). Ko 0 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) K❑ 0 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ 0 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of rtceipt.360-11.4(1) g❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) Js ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). Xo 0 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided-to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;K❑ 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). f6;❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). g❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). go ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). %o ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). go ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). X0 ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). g❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑ V,0 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER ❑)Ko 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑X❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins action Report Form. r was "17e,AlA r- k I vidual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Sig ure nature " NEW YORK STATE,DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ 'Alm, DIVISION OF MA'T'ERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA7E TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON9 INTERVIEWED AND TlTgSlr Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 fie. SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 g ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. 1<❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ;K ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA pC❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) I ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �7C ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is riot stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING o ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili Copy of this Inspection Report Form 00, ,lar��4iUo7e�,�tGk' In idual iff Responsible Charge(Please Print) J;er�u'�� ' A Inspect s Si re S nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -- { DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION _T FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill CountRoad 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M U REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES )(NO 1 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT Ko ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0 g❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑)(❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑)Co c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ jK❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑Y'❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ )(❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ;K❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(6). ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑g❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑)<❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑x o d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑,18,"❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑)K0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e) ❑X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). 0 K❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.,360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ;Ko ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). XCI 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). go ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER g❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). no ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);3604.17(g). ACCESS DK❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING D Ko 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with'3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ;Ko 14.Lift height does not exceed.10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑)C❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ jK❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X'❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ AD 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ 9❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )CO ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. J C7109$ �SUyICZG[G`( In dual i esporisible Charge(Please Print) Inspector' igna gnature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -' •,_`� DIVISION OF MATERIALS.MANAGEMENT .� 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360— OF o YES KNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ 0 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0 X0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). 0)lid 0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ;K0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). 0 X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). 0 )<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )CO 0 a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X0 0 b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0>(❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). 0)<0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑v it c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). 00 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑p(❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑J�❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ X0 I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL )CO ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). )<0 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X0 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). J(❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER );0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS X0 ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 0 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ K0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X1(0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X0 b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ Ko c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑XG 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c).' 0 K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). J(❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING X0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ,K❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facile opy of this Insp coon Report Form. tit �1/ C/h I i 'du Responsible Charge(Please Print) lns7pectfei Sig.Aturw Vignature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL.CONSERVATION -AhDIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT _ r 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES - INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME t LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED ANP TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) pl(❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) pL ❑ ❑ 8:Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) p` ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) 1 COMPOSTING CRITERIA g ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized,360-5.7(b)(5) K❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) y� ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the �Facil�Copy of this In ection Report Form. ,+ In ' 'dual' esporisible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is Sil/Mme-1 84nature \\\ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION Ift'DIVISION:OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&1 6,C&D Processing Facilities 01 INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing CountyRoad 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/521109 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON INTERVIEWED AND T TL Gu Wheaton M (" REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360 OF-41 ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 )KO ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). )<o ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K'❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) );❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they o not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). Ko ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levgis above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER K❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(8) K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(.) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). KID ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑;K❑ 20:Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) �0 ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). W ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(%2). X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(%2). ;<❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). )(❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). Xo ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). g❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑;<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fac1llV.QQpy of this Inspection Report Form. 47 In idu�Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is ' atu 'Signature `Al NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS '- INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold.Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 2S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSOyS INTERVIEWED AN9JITLES1 Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1Z21", 00 — SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED (S)360— PART OF ❑YES AND 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ) PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at'the facility: ❑ X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ All b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑g❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ P(❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: >'❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading:360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). K0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ )K❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑Xo b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑JK❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑)CO O e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑;K❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X 0 g.Primary Leachate gollection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑g❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL )c❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ,K❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). AD ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X-0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ V(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑}K❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑g.❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r).. COVER ❑)<0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑A❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). p ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING g❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ,V,,J❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the F! Copy of this I?ecUon Report Form. -.lawteS 0n��it.�e1C Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe4S, gnature _- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ._v -DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT -NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER A TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCountyRoad 48,Cutcho ue,NY 52T92152R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AQ TITLES Guy Wheaton M V REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT-NUMBER 1 -- SHEET CONTINUATIONSHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF o YES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 A❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). 'K❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). KO ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ;K0 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). AD ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ;C❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). )(❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) j<❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS AD ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ;K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) A❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). )�❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ),❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑)<❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) )�❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). A❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). K❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(1)(1). ;K❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). AD ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). )K❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days._360-16.4(0(2). AD ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X0 ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). AD ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). J<❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER ❑7(❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)(..❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. -qa- CA Or ha G In ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) r Inspe is 5 at a Sighature CZ- �- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION " DIVISION OF--MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5.YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ow /G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES )<NO & ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT A❑ 0 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ;K❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) 0 0 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. 0 ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. 0 0 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 0 0 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) 0 0 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 0 0 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14(j) ❑ 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11'.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) KO ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ 0 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 J< ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. �� In vidual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) C/ A Insp- tar's ,nWgriature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL.CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT; 6 NYCRR.SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations_&16 C&D•Processing facilities -INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer-/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92152R09 '. INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 /C SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES YNO � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is,a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1 7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16 1 )(,❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those-authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16 1(a),(d),360-16 3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). )K❑ ❑ 3 Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use 360-1.14if);360-16 4(a). �❑ ❑ 4 Operational records are available where required.360-1 14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1),360-1.4(c),360-1 8(h)(8);360-11 4(i),360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I) OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.140),360-11 4(e),360-16 3(h)(4);360-16 4(b)(5). )K❑ ❑ 6 Dust is effectively controlled 360-1 14(k),360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(I),36011 4(e);360-16 3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5) fit❑ ❑ 8 Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360-1 14(m);360-11 4(e),360-16.3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1-14(p),360-16.3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5). WATER X'❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1 14(b)(1) X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled 360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16 4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage, and are drained and free of standing water.360-16 4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1 14(d); 360-16 4(h). (=i ❑ 14 On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n). )il�❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1 14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ,K❑ ❑ 16 Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available 360-11 4(g). �[❑ ❑ 17. Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-114(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area 360-11 4(n)(1) y(0 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading 360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20 Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions 360-11 4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) XD E. 21 Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unload ng.360-16.4(b)(2) ;K❑ ❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3) ❑ ❑ 23 Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16 4(f)(1) A❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days 360-13.4(f)(2). X ❑ 26 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(%2) )<❑ ❑ 27 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet 360-16.4(fj(3) %0 ❑ 28 C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade 360-16.4(f)(3),(5) K❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3) X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16 4(f)(4) ❑A❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑)(❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available 360-1 14(s) ❑yC❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available 360-11 4(k), 360-16 4(b)(4) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit Copy f this Inspection rt F �.it r.' a Indra aloin Responsible Char ea int)) NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME _Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER'CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 p SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360— OF ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT D ORDER ON CONSENT a EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1 Solid waste management facility Is authorized and management occurs within approved areas 360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d) . 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility ❑ X❑ a Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b),360-2 17(m) ❑}KC'' b Control Program 360-1 14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1 14(r),360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ;(❑ d Bulk Liquids 360-2.17(k) ❑ ❑ e Whole Tires 360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f. Lead Acid Batteries 360-2 17(w) 3 Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading 360-1 14(f)(1),360-2.17(h),(u) ,'�❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2) 4.Operational records are available where required ❑X❑ a Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1) ❑A❑ b.Self Inspection Records 360-1 14(i)(2) ❑X❑ c Permit Application Records 360-1 14(1)(3) C X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1 14(1)(4). D X,❑ e. Facility Operator Records 360-1 14(u)(1) o X❑ f Fill Progression Log 360-2.9(e) ❑ ,`(❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2.90)(3). ❑ X❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan 360-2.17(p)(2) ❑NO 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records 360-2.17(q) OPERATION CONTROL X11 u 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,1s sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1 140) ❑ ❑ 6 Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance 360-1 14(k) ❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented 360-1.14(1). AC ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9 Solid waste 1s prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1 14(b)(1) ❑ ❑ 10. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters 360-1 14(b)(2);360-2 17(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means 360-1 14(d) )1�0 ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable 360-1 14(n);360-2 17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑,K❑ 13.Solid waste Is spread In layers 2 feet or less 1n thickness, proper compaction Is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable 360-2.17(b)(1) X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope Is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded 1n accordance with fill progression plan.360-2 17(b)(2) 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided ❑ rX❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n) ❑ g❑ b.Asbestos Waste 360-2.17(p)(3) ❑X 0 c Tanks 360-2.17(r) COVER ❑ K❑' 16 Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness, and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging 360-2.17(c) ❑ )(❑ 17 Intermediate cover material suitable 1n quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). Y4❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material 1s suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and Is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ,x❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are Intact 360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(I) ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2 17(f),360-8.3(c), I hereby acknowledge receipt c`the Facility Copy of this InspectionU7. 0 Ind1 ual in Res onslble Char ( east) NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION r• DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT = 6 NYCRR SUBPART.360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING-FACILITIES INSPICTION REPORT, FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Cdmposting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 Q 30 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODEPERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton 011 M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 .-�C SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360— OF ❑YES YNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT �( ❑ D 1.Facility is permitted D, registered❑,exempt D,or under order to,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2 Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order 360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1,7(a) C ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and,approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ [ 4 Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment In accordance with the permit and their Intended use. 360-1 ❑ ❑ 5 Operational records are available where required.360-1 14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ;K ❑ ❑ 6 Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5 7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means 360-1 14(d) �(❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) A❑ ❑ 10 Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance 360-1.14(k),1.14(m),360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA (n Ll 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ C' 12. Ponding is minimized 360-5 7(b)(5) ;( ❑ ❑ 13 Windrow construction and turning'frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame 360-5.7(b)(6) :K ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department 360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ y�❑ 16.Yard waste Is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt o`the Facil ty Copy o this InspectigrtiZeporm Q. r t Indi al m Re ®nsibie Charg as pont) ir �v -: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF'ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ='•� 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I_PATEf I TIME 000 Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue,,NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'$NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL S G6y Wheaton M REG�ION I WEATHER CONDITIONS / DEC PERMIT NUMBER L. v.� SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. 'PART 360 PERMIT C'ORDER ON CONSENT i; EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT I )(i ❑ 1 Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas 360-1.5(a),360-1.7(a)(1),(b),360-8.3(d). . 2, Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility, ,'�❑ a Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1 5(b),360-2.17(m). -E) ❑ b Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1) ❑X❑ c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes 360-1 14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1) ❑X❑ d.Bulk Liquids 360-2 17(k) ❑X❑ a Whole Tires 360-217(v) ❑ A❑ f Lead Acid Batteries 360-2.17(w) 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. X❑ ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1 14(f)(1),360-2 17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1 14(f)(2) 4 Operational records are available where required- 0X0 equired• ❑`ya.'❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records 360-1.14(1)(1) X,❑ b.Self Inspection Records.3604.14(1)(2) ❑ j!(❑ c.Permit Application Records 360-1.14(1)(3) ❑fie❑ d. Monitoring Records 360-1 14(i)(4) -)<El a Facility Operator Records 360-1.14(u)(1) ❑ X0 f Fill Progression Log 360-2.9(e) ❑ XD ,g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2.96)(3) ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2 17(p)(2). u)<❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2 17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.140) XD ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k) X❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ 8 Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance 360-1.14(m). WATER (❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �.❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters 360-1.14(b)(2);360-2 17(g). ACCESS ,g❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means 360-1 14(d) )<D, C 12 On-site roads are passable 360-1 14(n);360-2 17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑ 13 Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable 36.0-2.17(b)(1) ❑ , ❑ 14 Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2 17(b)(2) 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ a Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2 17(n) ❑X❑ b Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3) ❑A❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑y,❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging 360-2 17(c). ❑AD 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness, and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )Y�.❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a),360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). ,&if❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form Imx� aIm �� Iual in Responsible Ce(Please Print) NEW-YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT -_ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 E / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSZJ INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 QA2— SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES X,NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt or under order,-,,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 �( D ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order 360-1 4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X ❑ D 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment In accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ 5 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1),360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate 1s prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b),360-5 7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility 1s strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ S.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,1s sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1 140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1 14(k),1 14(m),360-5 7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA i ❑ ❑ 11 Yard waste 1s'located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12. Ponding 1s minimized 360-5 7(b)(5) Y, ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5 7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14 Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) K ❑ D 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department 360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5 10. 360-5.7(c)(3) r I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit py of this Inspee�tion Report Form. J0 R- �SUr C'iWC'4 Indnr ual i esponsible Charge(Please Print) _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6.NYCRR'SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&,16 C&D Processing Facilities _INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 I9 / Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES )<NO � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT C ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1 8(h)(1),(5);360-16 1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1 14(e),(r),360-11 4(a),(c),(m),360-16 1(a),(d),360-16 3(h)(4),360-16.4(b). ❑ C 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use 360-1.14ft 360-16.4(a) ,K❑ ❑ 4 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1),360-1 4(c),360-1 8(h)(8);360-11 4(1);360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ E 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1 140),360-11.4(e),360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled 360-1 14(k),360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X0 ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented 360-1 14(I);36011 4(e),360-16 3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1 14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) WATER X❑ ❑ 10 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters 360-1.14(b)(1) XD ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2),362-16 3(f)(2),360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water 360-16.4(8) ACCESS );❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means 360-1 14(d), 360-16.4(h) X❑ ❑ 14 On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1 14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ;<❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). A❑ ❑ 17 Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt 360-11 4(I) Y❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). A❑ ❑ 19 Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11 4(n)(2) ❑AE 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11 4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT CBD DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ E 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16 4(b)(2) ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if It is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16 4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1) ❑ G 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs 360-16.4(0(1). ❑ ❑ 25 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility-for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16 4(f)(2) )<❑ ❑ 27 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet 360-16 4(f)(3) ❑ ❑ 28 C&D debris'storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16 4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)l(3). )(❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16 4(f)(4)." ❑-X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days 360-16 4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s) ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment Is available.360-11.4(k), 360-16.4(b)(4) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. L� Indiw�d/76/aT�I in Responsible Charge(Please Pnn/t) /!/ Ufa►-l-//(/!/i(�� �! _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT �► 6 NYCRR SUBPARTS 360-11, 12 & 16 SOLID WASTE MA IAGEM N FACILITY INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME ry/ LOCATION j '" FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME ILI< �j INSPECTORS'S NAM f C11PIERSEWSIN�T�� I E T--�I ES VtN REGION WE THE ONDITIONS ' V } DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED ,/ PART(S)360— OF ❑YES W<— ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional anis/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V 1. Facility is permitted, registered, under order, or exempt and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1.7(a), (b), 360-1.8(h)(5). �I'I 2 Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit and/or order 360-1.4(a)(2),360-1.7(a). 3. Solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility. 360-1.14(e), (r), 360- 16.4(b)(1), (2),360-11.4(a), (m), 360-12.2(a)(1) V1, 4. Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. 360-1.14(f), / 360-12.2(a)(2), 360-16.4(b)(2), (4), (5) 5. Operational records are available where required and contained required information. 360-1.14(1), 360-1.14(u)(1),360-11.4(i), 360-12.2(d)(2), 360-16.4(1)(2). _? C] 6. Solid waste, including blowing papers and litter, 1s sufficiently confined or controlled. 360-1.140), 360-11.4(e),360- 16.4(b)(5)(i). VE! n 7. Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance. 360-1.14(k), (m), 360-11.4(e), 360- 12.2(a)(2), 360-16.4(b)(5)(ii). f.; 8. Vector breeding areas are prevented to the greatest extent practicable 360-1.14(1), 360-11.4(e), 360-12.2(a)(2), 360- 16.4(b)(5). }/ , 9. Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site. 360-1.14(p), 360-12 2(a)(2),360- 16 4(b)(5)(1). I" 10. Floors are free of standing water.360-11.4(f), 360-12.2(a)(4), 360-16.4(8). [' 11. Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwater.360-1.14(b)(1) !Y; L' 12. Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means.360-1.14(b)(2), 360-11.4(f), 360-12.2(a)(4),360-16.4(g) lvr_l i_! 13. Leachate is prevented from entering surface water. 360-1.14(b)(2) I�4 F 14 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing, gates, signs, or other suitable means 360-1.14(d), 360- 11.4(d), 360-16.4(h),360-12.2(c). 11�u I:, 15 On-site roads are passable. 360-1.14(n),360-11.3(b), 360-16.3(8)(3). tir 16. Attendant is present during time of inspection to control public access and receive solid waste,where permanent mechanical / equipment exists.360-1.14(c),360-11.4(d), l(a- Ci 17. Solid waste containing putrescible material is not externally stored.360-11.3(a)(3). D 18. Solid waste which the facility does not intend to recover and which contains no putrescible material 1s stored at the facility for a period not exceeding two weeks.360-12.2(a)(2) 19 Nonputrescible recyclables storage does not exceed 60 days. 360-12 2(b). 1 20 Adequate storage for incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). !, 21. Putrescible solid waste and residue are removed whenever transfer containers are full or weekly. 360-11.4(1), 360-12.2(a)(7). L L 22. Processing,tipping,sorting, compaction and related activities are conducted in an enclosed or covered area.360-11 4(n)(1). L! 23. Solid waste 1s weighed or measured before unloading and before being transported from the site 360-11.4(n)(2). . 24 Facility is cleaned or washed down dally to prevent odors and other nuisance conditions. 360-11 4(n)(3). 25. Fire protection and detection equipment is available. 360-11.4(k), 360-12.2(a)(3)360-16 4(a)(4). lop, I r I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection p Fo I/' w Indi al in Responsible 6har ( ase t) Inspector's Signature 010$10 ERIAL ' 56 U WO Landfill, !NSPECTORS,'S NAME §HEET RT(S)360 Violations-of;P,aTt 360 are Subject to Applidable,CM%-Administ�gtive and Chminal Sections Set Forth'in ECL Article 7 1,and as appropriate, the.Clean Water and Clean Air,'AE�s.AddhioWdlindlor Multiple,Vidlations May Be Descn6ed`66 th6 Attached sheet This form is a record of conditidni��hich are obse�vefln the field at the time'df-inspection. Items marked N1 1,aicate n6�ipi_�,ebtion and do pot mean no violation his dc6urred.' PART 360 PERMIT ,,,,,ON,'CONSENT D'EXEMPT 0,'COMPLAINT C_W, V,,-.FACILITY MANAGEMENT VT] Solid waste`r�`a�a6�ment facility is authoftedand m4n�giiment occurs with 1 ri�app roved areas.,360-1 5(a);'360-1.7(a)(1),(P);,360-8-3(d)- s8lid"Me is monitored by a co4(ol"progt'a in Tfo­r_un'auth6rizbd'wa�te, and,solid waste.-materials accepted are those authorized and m an;�66ment at the facility: -­,approved f7or e.Whole Tires 360-2 17(v). f Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w) 3 Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use PI-L a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site.Grading 360-1.14(f)(1),360-2.17(h),(u). E; a.Unauthorized,Solid Waste Records.360;1:14(1)(1) c.Permit Applicafion Records.360-1.14(i)(3). d.Monitoring Reco'rds.360-1.14(i)(4). zr—L� � o. Facility Operator Records.3sU-1J4(u)'(1). zE � � ' fFill Pmgression'Log.30o-2.8(e) J^c g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2 90)(3) jz~! h *suosmo'WooteSite Plan.3e0-21 ' / Random Waste Collection Vehicle|nnpectionRecords.38O-217(q). OPERATION CONTROL Solid waste;mn|udmoblowing litter,ioouffiumnUvtoohnodn,controlled.ns0'1.14O) . �o c * Dust iseffectively controlled,and does not constitute anoff-site nuisance 360'1 14OO. 7 On-site vector populations are prevented-or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 1*(|). VL c ''o' Odors are effectively controlled oothat txoydonvtconoUtuoeonuisance.oan'114(n) ' V .� . WATER ' lft^t '9.Solid woom'mprevented from entering ourfice 14(b)(1). m'o � 10 Leachate/nminimized through drainage colnun|biother means and�p�vnn�d�vmenoahngoun�n,wa��.uan1 14(WC�;uG�217(o) � AonE8o � er� c 11.Access 0vthe facility ivstrictly and conUnuously-:bnufencing, � s no. na�ur�|bo � o,mhorouuablemeanv.n6o'1 14(d).,L�1z - 12.On-site roads are passable.3e0'1 14(n). onh'u 17(») vvxuTs'HxND L|m� 1aSolid waste/ovpneodinlayers ofeet urless mthickness, proper compaction machieved with apasses ofappropriately sized equipment, and the working face area/xthe smallest practicable ano'o17(b)(1) i* Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance r- .` with fill progression plan 300-2.17(b)(2). ` ,1s Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: Y^0 E, o.Stab ihzeu/oewm»enuuSludges.nso'o.17(n). ' erou.Asbestos maote`os0-o17(p)(o). r-F-1 El cTanks.nso-2.{7W. . .00xsm ` mo � 16 Daily is applied and maintained where and when required mcontrol vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). gWo L� � � 17.Intermediate cover material suitable mquality,of.pfoper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required 360'217(d) ' vrc � 18 Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e) MONITORING ~^� 19 Monitoring wells are intact 360'2J7(a).360-211(a)(8)(v).(c)(1)(V. w~� - co Docnmpuoitio ases are monitored and controlled 360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt mthe ' Facility Copy ofthis Inspection neport Form. I a]in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's Signature 75'Thature - - -- - _ ...�._ _r`S: - ��,','�(-v�.�F""Q�•:i",p=,i:tiuc�'rF:C�" ::ii tw= s 7"'T FPARTMENT OF�EV•RONMENTAL'CONSERVAT'ION z' NEW YORK S,.A-, .ID_ 4T N rf brMATEI�IAL_S;MANAGEMENT' e - 'i - S,:.Y�s-",c.•::�,. ..-k,ti 1e".':'i - - ix�;l' .-J�?• _ moi'..•'.`^ S•1Y..1.. .^4` _ _ .��i - �='.. ^1\' i �C' '2" •4_d' r::: :)„:;..,e - .2%_; '� - '_ =::ifs' ,'.-'UJ' .l Y•t;';;-:-.,,r,,.... -4,,, s• YARD AS=`E;C` MPOSTING,17ACIL TIES`« - 6 NYCRR S17BEr RT46O�S VV, J -, Q- A 6- - `�, _r' Crtfs^•x .;L; - :,$.,. .pt..%. "I,'s'%:, xi'.,i,„'.;`i,^.' .4'- .'fir.., i,✓/`;;'.'•” +.}n""';:y; ;;i;� _ •j�, ,,;,..,,, iy'=„a> ''Jo-'. - FACITY^61 -MEM FACILITYa�UMBER P,DATE ;_TIME1- ,Road'48 Cutct`o Tue'NY _ _ =Stiuth+ird�Compostin�,i.�+% - _ _, �. IN TOP NAME ° - -'CODE PE O S INTERVIE D AND;SIT;L E }c.'•?"'. }+; R „ s - � = ; = ` r ,};,. -AbIV] R' hman ,:^ REGIOF{' WEATHER CONDITII7NS DEC'PERMIT'NUM 11•_111,f SH TONTIN ATO SMET A H D - PARTS)360 OFr ❑YES ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Sublecfto'Applicable Civil;Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL'Article 71,and as appropnate. -the Clean Water and Clean'Air Acts Addltiohal and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the'Attach'ed sheet.'; ` This form Is a re6Yi.a of conditions,which are observed in itie-field at the3i' me,of inspection.' Items markdd ,NI indicate no inspection and d`otriot mean no violation has occurred. C V'' GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT t ;; ►' ' 1. Facility is-permitted❑,registered❑,exempt`❑„or under order❑,and solld;waste management,occurs within approved area.360-1 2. Facility 6perates'in accordance with perfirtenf operational conditions of'permit,exemption,,registration, and/or'order-360-1 4(a)(2), 9G9G 360-1 7(a) 3. Incoming-solid•waste is monitored by a,conirol program,and solid waste materials accepted-are those authorized and approved for, - management at the facility.360-1. �7 4 Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment In accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1 / ' p 5.Operational records are available where.'required-,360-1.14(1),360-5.7(c)(1) p '.Q 6.Solid waste and leachate Is prevented frorri-enteririg surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) p 7.Access to the,facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means 360-1.14(d) , #f e9 - 8.Solid waste;including blowing papers and litter,,is-sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1 140) 9.Noise levels-are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site 360-1 14(p) ff�}= 10.Dust and odors,are effectively controlled-and do not constitute an off-site nuisance 360-1 14(k),1 14(m),360-5 7(b)(11) 6� COMPOSTING CRITERIA .O 1 Yard waste is located on a suitable base'which ensures,stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) G212 Ponding is'minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) -0 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product In the desired time frame 360-5 7(b)(6) _ r -0 14. Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) .(,)l 5.Product is not stored for longer than 24rmonths, unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING X' P a 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parame rs outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5 7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Repprt Form, Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) r� Inspector's Signature s”—" - Signature w=ANEW YOR'K;S?�AT'E DEPARTMENTaO�'�CCN�f(R'0�t�1It7CNTi4°<_CO'NCC�f?VATtO1V- - .7M` ra�.?a`�` `'v= ,t;• ,r, Nh G. -a`�.. .!=`'ft'1::'_ �4-. �7Y1� - - °a Mfc;^ ti}`?-,: -- IVISlO N=OF•< ATERIAL MANA •-�1T��•:����:,��`�:�` i^ 4.:6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 TransfOrf' ;tatiprisa&`1 ii C&D Pr`oaessm'',l~ac es' i = 9 a r INSPECTIONS SPORT - TACITY MAIVIE =4' ,LO AT14N;3,; [;.-". °.", FACILITY NUMBER >DAT `TIME."1 ' -SOlrktlial,',`Transfer'/-C&DI:Processing ,: ;�Coui t;;_leo_ 44,48, Cu uej`NY, :62'T$2/52R09; - INSPE'CTORS'S NAME °f.. _ -; °:CODE ' - :`PERSONS'INTERVIEWED'AND°TITLES Abdur,;RFiman =,..•- M; REGION: 'WEATHER CONDITIONS /,. j DECPERMIT NUMBER' u'6> SHEET C I CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360: _ ❑YES.;?: s Violations-of,Part 360 are Subject to Applicabfe Civii;'Admitlistrative and Criminal'Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the,Clean Water and Clean AirAdts Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet - This form Is a record of 66nditions which are observed in the field at the time of•inspection. Items marked NI ndicate'rio inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C _41 V FACILITY MANAGEMENT - '• fiR/-� " 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized,and mana'gemient occurs within approved area.360-1 7(a);360-1.8(h)(1)1(5),366-161 �r 2,7 incoming solid wasfe»is-monitored by a control;program for unauthorized waste,'.and solid wastes materials.accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1.1;4(e),(r);360-1.1:4-(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a)',(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16 4(b) 3.-Operator maintains;facility components and equipme6 in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1 14(f);360-16 4(a).` )Perational recorda,aee'avallable where required;360'-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);366-1,4(c);360-1.8(h)(8),.360-11 4(1);360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(1),(1) 0DERATION CONTROL- ' waste is sufficiently confined or controlle'd..,360-1;:14(j) 360-11 4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-164(b)(5) C i' 6 Oust is effecti iely controlled 360-1 14(k),360=16'3(g)(5),{h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5). ' 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled and vector breeding areas are prevented 360-1 14(I),36011 4(e),360-16 3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5) ►�/ _° 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a'nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11 4(e),360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) C 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1 14(p);360-16 3(h)(5),360-16 4(b)(5). WATER 10%Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1) 11. Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1 14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(8) 12 The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water 360-16.4(g) L 'ACCESS f E 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means 360-1 14(d), 360-16.4(h). _, 14 On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). C 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to,control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1 14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) - 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11 4(g) 17°Putrescible solid waste 1s removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11 4(I) 18-Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area 360-11 4(n)(1). 1 19 Incoming waste Is weighed or measured before unloading 360-11.4(n)(2). ; '_ 20•Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) J 21 Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading 360-16 4(b)(2) ° 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood 1s unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from.the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). C 23•Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs 360-16.4(f)(1). 25 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facillty•for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16 4(f)(2). 26 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2) '�C = 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). 28 C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16 4(f)(3),(5). Ll _ 29 A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16 4(f)(3). s4j'C 30 Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days 360-16 4(f)(4) ;l 31 Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days 360-16.4(d)(1),360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at-facility where telephones are available 360-1 14(s) " 33 Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11 4(k); 360-16 4(b)(4) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection ReportfForm - dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's Signature Signature � � NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIAL'S MANAGEMENT _ v 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities -, INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAMELOCATION FACILITY NUMBER Southold Transfer/C&D County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 11935 52T92/52R09 • .Processing ,INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Abdur Rahman M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS: DEC PERMIT NUMBER:14738-02967/00001 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET PARTS)360 ATTACHED OF 1 - YES � O 1 Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. CII-V FACILITY MANAGEMENT V ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1,8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). tJ� ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). r❑ ❑ 4.Operational,records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). /� OPERATION CONTROL 1 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ���11❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance..360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360=16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5).- WATER ] ❑ 10.,Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);36D-16.4(g) Cl❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS Ili ❑ Q 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). f�❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ( ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.-360- 1.14(c) xists:360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) U ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). p❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) R' ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in•an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ��1321.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 'V E1 ❑ .22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is " 1� provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). IV 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not,stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(%2). ❑ •26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.-360.16.4(f)(2). P1 ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height.and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). N ❑ '28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). I/C ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). / OTHER 6X❑�32.Telephone numb t emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ (a'❑ 33.Fire protection a d to n equipment is available.360- (k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili opy of this Inspection Report Form. Indi ' uaI in esponsi a Charge(APlease Print) / V . Inspector's Signature -S nature- - NEWYORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ' r- 6,NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations 816 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTIO_ N REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION_ FACILITY NUMBER DATE Southold Transfer/C&D County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 11935 52T92/521109 A11,9, ��--=-Processin INSPECTORS'S NAMECODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES `f•J��J �/ Abdur Rahman M J/r` REGIONATH R CONDITIONS: ) EC PERMIT NUMBER:1 4738-02967/00001 141 SF)EET C 10 S)360 -{/-- ATTACHED OF YES, O 1 Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ,�W-V FACILITY MANAGEMENT W 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 VE] ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes material&accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). tr1 ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). 000 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). zr 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). V■ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.140);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) v0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). iol ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). 0 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(6)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) 0 D 12.The site-and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ Q 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). 0 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). e0 0 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). �D 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in•an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). ��/ WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 0 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). /" ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). M ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3)'. ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER (VE 32.Telephone numbers to emergenc res rise agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). 33.Fire protection and detection ui e t is ilable.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the FJlity Copy of this Inspe ion Report Form. ✓ .Idr�� u>ye {uC A Indiv ual i esponsible Charge(Please Print) - Inspector's Signature S nature _ NEW YORK STATE'DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION N DIVISION.OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities ; INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE Southold Transfer/C&D County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 11935 -52T9.2/52R09 /Q ,7 Processin"-' INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTE VIEWED A D JITLES s Abdur,Rahman M (/ 1. REGION `• THER-CONDITION&M, DEC PERMIT NUMBER:1-4738-02967100001- SyEET I 1 T A (S)3 0- / ATTACHED OF l YES O 0 Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. V•FACILITY MANAGEMENT V❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1,7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 0 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,ancf•solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r.);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1( a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). V❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). 6WOPERATION CONTROL ❑ ,5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14(j);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). D 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);.360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ A Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). /I A, WATER MrIA, 0 - 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 11._Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing•water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS ` 140 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists."360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste.is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) 1118.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in-an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). at 11 20.Station is cleaned or washed down'each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) �,9 ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D•debris accepted is weighed,or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). Q/❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-1.6.4(c)(3). ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360A6.4(0(1). ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). Q 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(%2). F , ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage fora period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). q!0 ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). /43 ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the`facility.for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(%4). 5❑ ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER 0❑J� 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted 1n all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). E] 0 ❑ 33.Fire protection and date 'on equipment is available.360-11,4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili Copy o/his Inspectionrt rtn. ,o Indi i ual in Relponsible Cha lea Print) Inspector's Signature (,/ �\ `-�_ Sidffature -_ NEW,,YORK STATE-DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERV_CONSERVATION ' DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT -6-'NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D"Processing'Facilities- INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE Southold Transfer/C&D County Road 48,Cutchogue,NY 11935 52T92/52R09 Processing INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES /®n/ �Abdur Rahman REGION JAEATHER CONDITIONS: DEC PERMIT NUMBER:1.4736-02967100001 1 ' SEET NT ATION S ARTS)360- ATTACHED OF L„ YES O Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Arbcle 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items.marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. 1 V FACILITY MANAGEMENT V ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1,.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). V ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). le OPERATION CONTROL le❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or.controlled.360-1.140;360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 116.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),•(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 71 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) V ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). /+ WATER Nm! ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �/� O 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) V ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) /� ACCESS ® ❑ Q 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h)., ❑ 14.On-site goads are passable.360-1.14(n). y1 ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) /� WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) 0 ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8).- ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑.❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in.an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). W1, ❑ 20.'Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). /� WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) VA ❑ 21.Incoming waste,is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). F4 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24.hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). V/E03 ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). V ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). Zo ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). 11❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a,pedod of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(%6). OTHER 0 ❑�' 32.Telephone numbers to gency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones'are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ fd'❑ 33.Fire protection and to n equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. 1 -4 1 Ind' ual i e ponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector's Signature nature ' _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION_ DIVISION OF MATERIAL&MANAGEMENT 6 NY,CRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing-Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER fAT Southold Transfer_[C&D County Road48, Cutchogue, NY1'1935 52T92/52R09 > �1� Processin ` INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIE IVED AND TI LAS Abdur Rahman M �/ r��" •.�TC' REGION MJEATHER CONDITIONS:' S' PERMIT NUMBER:141736-0296710000 SH ET CON U H f `� PART(S)360- ATTACHED �.�-/Z�� OF YESO Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C41 1 V FACILITY MANAGEMENT VA' ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 fid'❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved.for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(1). f OPERATION CONTROL V Q5.Solid+waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ,� ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.`360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). /� ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5)" [18.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). Qf❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.36dA.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5).' fl 1WATER A.45, 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). 121 Z❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS = Q -13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable-means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ " 14.-On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). l� ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) 101 WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) EQ ❑ 16.Adequate storage'of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ 17.Futrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in-an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed;or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). ,- WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) VIg ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated-and not contaminated if it is /i provided to be Pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-1-6.4(c)(3). 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 24:Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). �f5//��? ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C& D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). via [126.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). D'❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 / square,feet.360-16.4(f)(3). V ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property V3O0.oundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). 1.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER �p 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephonesailable.360-1.14(s) ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and dgtect;in equipment is available.360-11.4( ); 360-16.4(b(� s c� �? re y acknowledge rete t of the s Facility Copy o this Inspection rt F07. Indi ' ua m esponsie Cha lease Print) Ins ector's Signature 7 Sig re ov PP g �� t NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION = ' DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D,Processing Facilities INSPECTION-R_EPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE Southold,Transfer/C&D County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 52T92/52R09 Ptocessin INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTEI ED AND TI Abdur Rahman REGION /►TH R C NDITIONS: �! C PERMIT NUMBER:1-4738-02967/00001 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET P ( )360- ATTACHED 360-ATTACHED OF+ YES O Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and-Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean,no violation has occurred. C/tJ I V TACILITY MANAGEMENT /■ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 �1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,'and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). r❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14ft 360-16.4(a). ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ,6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 7/"'� ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels'are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable-levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER 6 ❑ 10.'Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). /JO 1111.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) 1(l ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS Q 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); �j 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ .14.On-site roads are passable..360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑, 15.-Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,.where permanent operating equipment exists.-360.; 1:14(c) /� WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) til ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). 10 ❑ ,17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) F ❑ 18.Processing,'tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in•an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). �j ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). t�j ❑ ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS,PROCESSING FACILITY) V ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). O-0 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). V ❑ 23:Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). ❑ -24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). JF/❑ ❑ '25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). �l,(] ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D.debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑' ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square-feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(%3),(5). ❑ b '29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). t� ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). �1❑ ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). �El_ THER 2.Telephone numbers to emerg y response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑ 3.Fire protection and detectio a ipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the FaciCopy of this Inspection eport Form. le Inde dual in Res onsible_Cha Please Printf Sign Inspector's Signature !� re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT " - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE Southold Transfer/C&D County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 52T921521109r �f1 ProcessingG INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Abdur Rahman REGION �W7MER 99NDIT}}ooN�S:" J DEC PERMIT NUMBER:1-4738-02967100001 SHEET C TIN TION SHEET PA (S)360- ATTAC ED OF_ YES YNO Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. FV FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). 7113.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). Von ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). voil ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). W�LI ❑ 7.On-site'vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011 4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) [f ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). V❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER F� 1110.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);36D-16.4(g) ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS Il ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). �P ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) /� WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) V ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in,an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). PO ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). VA ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). U ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). YE] ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(%2). O ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 f� square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). r ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage�piles and property boundaries 360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER X011T. 32.Telephone numbers to a ipenvy response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). 33.Fire protection and det ctiop equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). % I hereby acknowledge receipt of the F 'lity Copy of this Inspection Report Form. I�i7di, v�idual in Responsible Char a(Please Print) 42 Insoector's Signature Signature 'AftNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16,C&D Processing Facilities + _ INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME:Town of LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE: Southold Municipal County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 52-T-92� Solid Waste Facility INSPECTORS'S NAMECODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED A TIT ES °�' Abdur Rahman M REGION ATHER CO ITIONS: Gi DEC PERMIT NUMBER:14738-02967/00001 EXPIRATION DATE:12/02/2020 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET PART(S)360- J ATTACHED OF ./ YES ❑GAO 0 Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. C� V FACILITY MANAGEMENT Items marked NI indicate no inspection and.do not mean no violation has occurred. ' V ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid Waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.36b-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(I),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL 4 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5) 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) AA 171-❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(fi)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) WATER �j ❑ 10.Solid waste Is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) F�f ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS 6d ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h) �i ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). V❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(.) /// WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) �d�l ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). V9 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) VIC ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). 0/6 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). 1 ❑ ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) r ❑ 21.Incoming waste is Inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16 4(b)(2). ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision Is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated If it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16 4(c)(3). //f] ❑ 23.Adequate Storage for incoming C&D debris Is available 360-16.4(f)(1). l0 ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). Vp ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). 's ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored In enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days 360-16.4(f)(2). pJ ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet In height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16 4(0(3) V ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries 360-16 4(f)(3). ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days 360-16 4(0(4). ❑ Q 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative dally cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition fora beheficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). 91� OTHER 0 32.Telephone bers to emerg cy response agencies are conspicuously posted In all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s) XI hereby acknowledge receipt of the tC/ Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form �r In ual in ResponsibleC,hargef(Please Print) Incnnrtnr'c Cinnafi vc Ic'7 � /� nnafi ira _ ® NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL--CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT v6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT "� f FACITY NAME:Town of LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE: Southold Municipal County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 11935 52-T-92 Solid Waste Facility INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO INTERVI�EFWED AND TITLES Abdur Rahman M REGION I PEATHER CONDITIONS C PERMIT NUMBER:14738-02967/ItOM EXPfRAWOff DATE:12/02/2020 1 ' SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET PAR S)3150-1 y r7 f ATTACHED !2, OF YES ' O 0 Violations of Part 360 are Sub/ect to Applicable,Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on,the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C/141 V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a),360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ 2.Incoming solid Waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.36b-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16 4(b). 21101 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). t❑ ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(1). OPERATION CONTROL irk❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5) IZ011 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). D 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011 4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ipr❑-O 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). pro ❑ 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ROD ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). 1 �I,❑ D 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) tI ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS 9'b D 13.Access to the facility Is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). lZ'b D 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). 0-b D 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists 360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ,p ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). dN ❑ 17-Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). �o ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). I!1tD ❑ 20 Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) t1❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading 360-16.4(b)(2). ZD ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(5)(3). ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). fd ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). 111111❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). W. ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days 360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 n square feet.360-16.4(0(3). tV ❑ 28 C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries 360-16.4(0(3) di ,❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period,of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ► ❑ 1131.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition fora beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16 4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ 32.Telephone numb to emergency regspo a envies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). I hereby Copy of tedge receipt of the G/ c Facility Copy of th s Inspection Rep rt Form I C e-. Indivi in Responsible Chprge(P a Prin Insoector's Signature Sign e