HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION v DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 'q4 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY 1 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL S Uy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITION DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATT C HEDRT(S)360- ClA OF YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT KO ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ,,❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled. 360-1,14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ;K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER )'❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). >'❑ ❑ 11. Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X0 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage;compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). -K❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions,360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). )'❑ ❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from,the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). k❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). o ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). go ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X0 ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5), )<❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ><❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑Y❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)<❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form.. I ividual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect is Sig re gnature Am NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION dobso DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 03 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE I PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS �� /�...� DEC PERMIT NUMBER (p 1 SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT , 0 COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )'❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0 X 0 a.Hdzardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ K 0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑g 0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X 0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). 0 X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). 0 K❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ 0 b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑'X❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). 0 ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). 0 ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ 0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ X0 e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0 XO f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs. 360-2.90)(3). ❑g❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ )<❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q), OPERATION CONTROL XO ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ;<0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). NO 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X0 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable. 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ 1X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)K0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X 0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)<❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). 0)(0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ X0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X0 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2,17(d). X❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING )<0 0 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). )<❑ 0 20, Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. '�c'd,'tvlN.s: � arrf�:-lrIG4C k Individual 1n Responsible Charge(Please Print) Ins p ctor's nat re Sig ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 �� INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M � REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS /] DEC PERMIT NUMBER G/.`� `-� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean,no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X ❑ ❑ 1. Facility is permitted registered❑, exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ;< ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent:operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2),- 360-1.7(a) Y, 0 0 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. �( 0 ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) X ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ;` ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) 0 ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) 0 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. o dies /241PI nk/'r 614 Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) 4torr's �� ,( 2 C Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF_ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS . INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 O INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M /p REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 _sCj SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_Z I ❑YES xNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT 0 ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes 360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 )<0 c,Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ X0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )(0 0 b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑;K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ KO c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X 0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). 0 CICO e. Facility Operator Records 360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ W❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ g❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2)., ❑'X❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL 0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). P<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1).- ;K0 60-1.14(b)(1):;K0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS 0 ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ 0 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑)(❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). 0)<0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided. 0 g❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑g❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ A❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17 Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )<❑ 0 18. Final cover system material is suitable In quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ?4 0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(l). �❑ 0 20.Decomposition gases are monitored arid controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8,3(c). i I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy ofthis Inspection Rep rm 1)"t Indivi ual• Responsible'Charge(Please Print) yy) Inspe or's Si lure Sign tdre CCV// Alklik NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF'ENVI RON MENTAL,CONS ERVATI ON o DIVISIONIOF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT .6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA3E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T92/52R09 6 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER I .� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF 1 ❑YES ><NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth,n ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X,❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste Is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1 140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). 70 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 'K❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). Xo ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate draihage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). g❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) K❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). g❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ X❑ 20.Station Is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). p ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 254 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ,'2S.❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑ X❑, 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Cpy of this Inspection Rep F nn Individual-in Res onsible Ch (g'e Please Print)y InspectgYs Sign t re f Signa re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF%MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING-FACILITIES INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATf, TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 116101"1 moo INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF_/ ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the Held at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. r C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ;< ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X D ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) D ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �( ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of th�s Inspection Rep Drt orm. r if r Individluafin Responsible Cha eTlease Printt)�- c ✓ori' , 4t6r, e Sign e NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF,ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATIONAft ' DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD'WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE LTIME Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 - / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED ANDTITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 - � SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection.- Items nspection.Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X ❑ ❑ 1. Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste Is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ;< ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. l ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly land continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1 14(d) X ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding Is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined In Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Faci ity Copy o� pe�t�e Repo Form. Indio dual in ResponsibleC a e(Plea a Print) In ector i atur Si ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF,MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT S , FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE LTIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 1 52S17 _ INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M I a REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS ��� DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360— OF_Z [iYES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)<❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ KD b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑)K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑J<D e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ;<❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2 17(h),(u). K0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ ❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑X0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1) ❑ X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ g❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑)<0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑,K0 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). )'❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). g❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute•a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER '<D ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X'❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS )'❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )<❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1 14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance ; with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ K❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ J!❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑A❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ ;<❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). 9❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING Y,❑ ❑ 19. Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). )<❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facity opy of this{espect� port Form.i 01 Indi /dual in Responsible Cf a(Pies Print) Insp tots nat e Si `tore ��,�� NEW"YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION = DIVISION,OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR-SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations"&16 C&D Processing.Facilities ? - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAMELOCATION FACILITY NUMBER- DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCounty Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWE AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_/ ❑YES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ,�'❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL No ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) JK❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). g❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) D ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X0 ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) )<❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X0 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are In an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑�❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). X❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for Incoming C&D debris is'available.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). JK❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). )<0 ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). j�❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). �❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)K❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection ort For ON I `ir 1--r`'Q rO Inde ual 1n Responsible C r (P ease Print) Insor's at a SiLrAtt.Tre NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL_CONSERVATION epi , " _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT !1bNW ,6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Station's&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT ' FACITY NAME, LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer!C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T-92/521109 ', INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS SHEDEC PERMIT NUMBER ® �Q s T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED �PIRT(S)360- OF_Z ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May 13e Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);3160-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360716.4 a , b 2 . . . OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-i 16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-161A(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16., (h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). be❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating elILipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(11). 101 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). X❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D 360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ 1123.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). E] ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). Q ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). XEI ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ,�❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑S❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection ReportForm Individual in R nsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe ors Si ture Slgrfature JimNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION `lI . DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION 7FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TITL S auy Wheaton M A14 REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DE�ERMIT NUMBER SH ETTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF CON ❑YES O 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑,f❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1 5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑)<❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑)<❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). �❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ ❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑�❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ X❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 4❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ ❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑>C❑ i Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). 0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �'❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS )<❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X❑ ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1) ❑ X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stab ilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ g❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑),❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ X❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). 'QeM 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). Ir I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of thls Ins ection Report Form. 2 114 Indiu' ual in esponsibI Charge(Pease rint C—`r Inspec rsSig re Signature � I ;i NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -' DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT _ 6 NYCRR.SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS JNTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gpy Wheaton M lloL' REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES O 1 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT �D ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2. Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 5❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to'prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 0 ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA 5❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) 0 ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING \ ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. (a14CiUL�2C Individual in'Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec is Sig re Siddature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M A REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 /0 SH ETUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- CONTIN _ OF_� ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT 0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑)<❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑;<❑ d.Bulk Liquids 360-2.17(k). ❑X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ K❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: x0 ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). 1'0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑'Ko a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ )<❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360=1.14(i)(2). ❑X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3) ❑X0 d Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑;'❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑XO f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2 90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2) ❑ ❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ,K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). Xo 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). go ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ - 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2 17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1) 0 ;'❑ 14 Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑A❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ )<❑ 17, Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING 0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copyofthis Inspection . port Form.`� �GG l •C �e C/ Inde dual in Res onsible har a(Please Pont Insp tors natur Si Iure ) 9 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION' Aft DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT tel- 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION - FACILITY NUMBER I DAT TIME " _Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / G` INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHERCONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER C -- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT, ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. )' ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5 7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 17 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �( ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined In Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Factlit Copy of this Inspection R9p9rt Form. Indiwdq'al in Responsible Charg ease Print) 1 lnsp-,A,.urs cyature Signa ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT # -6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&,16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY I 52T92/52R09 � INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED A D TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 G i " SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ANO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0,360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL XD ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11 4(e),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). Xo ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). A❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER XD ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). g❑ ❑ 11.Leachate,is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n). )<❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). X❑ ❑ 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(5)(3). ,K❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16 4(f)(1). K❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). �❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). J�❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). X❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3) X❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4) ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑,'❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑X°❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili Copy of this Inspection ep rt Form. Ind! idua�in Responsible irhar e( lea a Print) Inspecto s Sig re Signatu NEW_YORK STATE,DEPARTM ENT,OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION,OF,MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING-FACILITIES. INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold',Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET,ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ 0 2.Facility operates in-accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) >' 0 ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the'facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ;<❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) X ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do'not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA 1�❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste'is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) pZ' ❑ 0 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) }�❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ NO 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspectio e�}port Form. Indiv' 4I i Responsible Ckdrge(Please•Print) 19 41nspeor's Olatqg SIqnaLLPU ® NEW.YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL,CONSERVATION •"DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ' , `6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations-&16 C&D Processing Facilities - ` MW -INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME' LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/-C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T92/52R09 „7 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO _ ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<11 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X[I ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit'and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(1). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) IR-0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ,K[I ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<0 ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �'❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X,❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ,X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). $❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) 0 ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available 360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid,waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X'❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). �❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑;<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32 Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)<❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of his Inspection e rt orm. ' Individ661 in Resp nsible Ch g Plea Print Inspect s SI �ure Signatu Aft NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION'OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Guy Wheaton M ,Q REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER m __ 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES KNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of-Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. T This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT .❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . — 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X O d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑)`❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑N❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑DSC❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑X❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL �❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). K❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER �❑ ❑ 9 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS )<0 ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). �❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14. Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,-slope Is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ K❑ c.Tanks.360-2 17(r). COVER ❑)<❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). '❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING X❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy pf this Inspectio epo Forrrf- f/1' b// ,0 cC Ind71) ual in Res onsible C e( I ase Pnnt) L� Inspe ors S' atur Sig ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT, 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT l FACITY-NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold,Landfill Count Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Gu Wheaton M , REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— - OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. se'PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT XD ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑j�❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑�'❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑,�❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑,K0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: Xb ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ,X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑g❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑�❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). 110 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑,X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)'❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑XO h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑�❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION-CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). )<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS )'❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs;natural barriers or other suitable means.36071.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n),360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑)K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or"less in thickness,,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)<❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑)<D c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑)'❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑AD 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). A❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �'❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of thisdnspe Report Form. Indi ' ual in Responsible rge(Please Print) Insfector',g.rgriatire Signature NEW,YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities _ INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing Count Road 48, Cutchogue, NY I 62T92/52R09 !!D INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TIT Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ex Z10,1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF-/ I ❑YES XNO I ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑, 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 'X0 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). �❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ] ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(1). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ,(❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ,No ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11 4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X[I ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). �❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑A❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑,so 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa ci ty Copy of this Inspect!. port Form 'Ve V ev I !v ua in R/etspsonssiibl ar a(Please eeJPrint) Inspect s Sig re Sidrititure V1� NEW YORK STATE_DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION , _ DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COM_POSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting I County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton Mpc/� REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONSZ DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ANO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V. GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ,<❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 .' ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) X ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) A ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) g ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 38: ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the FaciliV Copy of this InspeC1Q,Rgport Fogn. Ind4a ua in ssponsible'off,r (PI ase P(int) Insp tors S' tur Si�ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL`CONSERVATION - DIVISION OF MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT `.6 NYCRR SUBPART,360-11 Transfer Stations&J6 C&D Processing-Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME - LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER .DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing, Count Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T92152R09le, / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES- Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIQS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SH ET CONTINUATION SFIEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES )4NO __X_ ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY•MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 J�❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility,components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);,360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �!❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters Is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS �❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) K'❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑)(❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 0 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). X❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered of the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6).' OTHER ❑>'❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑�❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fagility Copy of this Inspect! eport Form.' Individual in Responsible C aTg (P ease Print) Inspec is Sig ure Sig ture _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMEWOF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION'REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE 01TIMEd Southold Landfill 1 County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 /d INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER COND NS DEC PERMIT NUMBER ZA5,ne— C20101'_ SHEET CONTINUATION, ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/ I ❑YES )<I 1 1 2 - ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑y❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X D b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑X 0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). 0 JKD d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑'K❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑�❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). >(13 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0 X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑>r❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑�0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). q X 0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑g❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140)., X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER �0 0 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). 0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS <0 ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑A❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑-X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ ❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER 0)<D 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). 0911 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of his Inspection i 'p rt Form. Individualin Res onsiblerCharge ase Print) r I f7 -z -7�- Ins ctor natur Sig re NEW YORK STATE.DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION �, DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY MY29- P�,� INSPECTORS'S NAME _ CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE - 'Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER COND�NS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET s CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF C ❑YES NO rj ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. S - C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent-operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1".14(p) X ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �!❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) X ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copyofthis Inspection port Form _ Ind iv dual in Responsible Charg I ase Print) Insp or's SI ur' Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION'OF,MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART,360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT: FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME _T Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton - M REGION WEATHER CONDITIO DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1. Facility,,is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2. Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) )( ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ;< ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters'and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) �( ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 5< ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA K❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the, Facility Copy f this f InspectigafRC ort 09 0. op p. `V t iztlt - In viduai in Responsible Cha Please Print t Inspec rs S' atur Sloature NEW-YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIV191ON-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBRART 360=11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D`Processing-Facilities -,.INSPECTION REPORT " FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Transfer/G&D Processing Count .Road 48, Cutchogue, NY, 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERNI WED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1ZZ2FAve y SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF O 1 ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 K❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). )<❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL �(❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). �;❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). �❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is, provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stared in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ti ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade,360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). K❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑)<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency,response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)(❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I'hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copyo this Inspection I p Form. , Indi ' ual in Responsible C rg t(Plgase Print) Insp o.s S atu Si ria ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION r - DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDA E TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52517 26 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS5��\ DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_Z ❑YES )<NO 1 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ AD a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ g❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ )<0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑)1,'❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ )<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �l(❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). 1<11 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ g0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ X0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ )10 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ J<❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ X0 e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑WD f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)<❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL 11C0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). 90 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). Xo ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). )<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ,g❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). 5'❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ D ❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropri tely sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ;K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3); ❑ pro c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ V(❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable 1n quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.36 2.17(e). MONITORING X❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact. 360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). %D ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fac Jityj Copy f this Inspectio 'R'Aport- orm. In iv al in esponoble C rge�( lea a Print) .,�. cte I6sp#ctor`s*na16re SI nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF'MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT- FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52517 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONPITIONS I DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 .— SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES `�NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. �• Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management(occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑;<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )C❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). IKO ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑*❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑'K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑;'❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ P,'❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑J'❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑�❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-Y.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficlently confined or controlled.360-1.140). RK❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X11 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). AD ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). j WASTE HANDLING ❑X0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑J<❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑)<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING XCI ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ;'❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspectio ort Form. c Indivi ual In Responsib harge(Please Print) G Inspe or's V6atuA SI ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES ,_ IN$P.ECTION„REPORT `r FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold CompostingCounty Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M ��O REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER L. cm2 —✓ /Z45 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED - Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the Held at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT w ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted Xregistered❑,exempt 0,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ;'❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) A❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fericing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1,14(d) X' ❑ ❑ 8,Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). JaC❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled tp prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-51(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ 0 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X0 ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) t ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copyof this Inspectio port Form— AJ Individual in Responsible C r (PPI�as,,&, e Print)1A , 1r G ✓ Inspe is Si tur Sign tt(re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION "'DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION-REPORT - FACITY NAME _ LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D-Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ;K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). �❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ❑A❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL Xo ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or,controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). DJ(❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ; ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) i j<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). Xo ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER phi'❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �'❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(8) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS f,❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). �'�❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). `K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) �❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ))<❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) Y,❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). A❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste woad is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0 (1). Xo ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). §❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). f�❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER 0)(0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ )<❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection ort Form. Ind v u in e��le Ch ge(Please Print) Sig lure Insp ctor' na re NEW YORK STATE,DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION j - DIVISION OF MATERIALS.MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES _ INSPECTION REPORT .FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER •DAT .TIME � SouthbldZompostling County Road 48,,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 ' INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONP INTERVIEWED AND TITLES ,Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 ---0 r. OVE SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET AT ACHEDPART(S)360- OF_Z ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth In ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean'Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt 0,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 J'❑ ❑ 2. Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by.a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) 0 ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) X❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is'minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) >' 0 ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ,�'❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 )<D 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. In i idual' Responsible Charge(Please Print) �Inspec rs Softure ignature _0 _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL,CONSERVATION 'DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT `I/ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11`Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities P -' INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INT RVIEWED AND TITLES- Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT UMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT AD ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 $❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(D;360-16.4(a). JK❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ; ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(I);,36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ;K❑'❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ,2(❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ,1 ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(D(2);360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS �❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) �❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ) ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.160-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING,(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated,if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). �;❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). K❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(D(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(D(4). ❑J<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑,'❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑X❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. r ,lt Ind] us]in Responsible Charge(Please Print) InsZe.Siv05(tw-1316nature - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME _LO CATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 / / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C Ni V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �'❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ '❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑;K❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑AD c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). 01)8,'0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading,360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where'required: ❑ ❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1): ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑Y'❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). p Y❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q). )<❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ,'❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). XD ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ;K❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ,�'❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑�'❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑jg;❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ K❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑A❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑XD 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material Is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑1<0 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑,N�❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. &Z11)(-14 1A f" ZdLial'r Responsible Charge(Please Print) rCiC� Inspect s Sig re Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF'ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT' 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY•NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold CompostingCounty Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton - M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items_marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved,area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with'pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ;K ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) X 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) . ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) >' ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.-360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) `( ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) t ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the i desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) X ❑ 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ pZ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Re ort Form. ITd �al in ponsible Charge(Please Print) 41nspto�r's#naylre SIgliature 7. . NEW,YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&-16 C&D Processing Facilities w INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E L TIME Southold Transfer I C&D Processin Count R_ ad 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 IA INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 °- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- ' OF inYES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the,field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). j�❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). " X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL *K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) j8;❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). a Jif❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);,360-16.4(g) �❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1;14(n). g�❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). �❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) )K❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). �(❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if It is, provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). g❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). '(❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). �❑ ❑ 30:Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑)(❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily covermaterial and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑�❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑�❑ 33:Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the F,acilit�ty�Copy/off this I/ns✓-action Report Form.L)f Indivi al In Responsible Charge(Please Print) 41nsp &�s tm, StgrIature y- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill CountRoad 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 /© INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER- 1OA) 0�695 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEETATTACHED PART(S)360— OF J I ❑YES X NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)CO a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑�❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑)CO d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑go f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ` ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑X 0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑g❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑'X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑A❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). �(❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )CO ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ }$❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑A❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control , vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑XCI 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Indi i U211 Responslble Charge(Please Print) 41n .,ctor` ig atug nature 1 ® NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT '. 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M 11 d A A REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER I - -.- SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES <NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred, C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1:8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 in ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360'1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). A ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) Xb ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). )<❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) X❑ ❑ .12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS 3<0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant Is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(.) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑An 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). , pi(❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). �❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). )(❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16 4(f)(3). 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). p El❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period'of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6), OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑,K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. d X16 5 A Crap e-4 69 C- Ind'''dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Insoe tot's atur Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME ,Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52517 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M as U �1 REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 �- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT A0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )K❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). � ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ )'❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑9 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;<❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑)<❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL �'❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X°❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑�-'❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ­`❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). KID ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). )(❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspe6tion Report Form. Inde dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) tel✓ �-t-.�L-�c--•t--•C_.-�-r C,'�( ffispe#fttors S00fratur Si ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD.WASTE-COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION-REPORT I - FACITY NAME 7LOCATION __7FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME j Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONt INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton MI REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED, PART(S)360- OF ❑YES O 5 1 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on,the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred! C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT 0.0 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs Withy approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) I X❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended Iuse.360-1. X❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) g❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) g ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ )(❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) " I I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form//. �to�, A/,/' I ud .Individual In esponsible Charge(Please Print) -Zaa "I L,,-- Inspect V Sign re S(gr�ature ^y NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION � 'DIVISIOWOF MATERIALSJ MANAGEMENT `v 6;NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D'Processing Facilities ` INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T92/52R0 6 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS r4TERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ><NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ;<❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-1614(b). K❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f)•360-16.4(a). )<❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). Xo ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). )<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011 A(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) )CO ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p); 360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER �❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) �(❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is stribtly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d)-, 360-16.4(h). �❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent opl rating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) F:1 ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) g❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). )<o ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is-provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). X❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). K❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 28.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ;K ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base ofthe pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). X❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.14(f)(4). ❑�❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received'I an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination,are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). I OTHER ❑)<o 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the FaCopy of this Ins//peec�ction Report Form. Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Pnnt) Imps S' atur gnature i I ( NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION —/ DIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT5 TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/ I ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. i ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is,authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0;K0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑§❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑�❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑�❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). j 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: g,❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). K❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑X0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ ;<0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑)(❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ p(❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑'K❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL { Xo 115.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ;K❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ;<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑;Ko 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑>(❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)<❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑)<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X'❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained'where and when required. 360-2.17(d). _ 1<0 ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Lt n.a L Insp for " re Si ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION`OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6'NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT f , FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Com 'ostin County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton, M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS I DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF ❑YES XNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred.! j C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT >�❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ' ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.]360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q) I 11 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);3160-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) K❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) X❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) I MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I II I i I hereby acknowledge receil t of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Ind vi ual In R sponsible Charge(Please Print) Insp o's • at a Sig ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION�OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE'COMPOSTING FACILITIES - INSPECTIONAEPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southo,Id,Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS NTERVIEWED AND TITUV Guy-Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) X❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) �' ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located,on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-51(b)(2) X❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) >C ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ )<❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) i I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. tvr�s �cc nc u c k Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspecto Sign re f Wature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - "DIVISION MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing-Facilities INSPECTION REPORT ACITYNAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52T92/52R09 - INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS S INTERVIEWED AND TITI ES- Guy Wheaton iN REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water/and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT �❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 0,❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(1),(I). OPERATION CONTROL .❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(b)(5). �'❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations,are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are,prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). Nell ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS )K❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site'roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed-or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ).❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). X0 ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). (❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). �❑ [129.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). JK❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form...I t#A,oS &37G l( � Indi ' ual in esponsibie Charge(Please Print) C � Ilk IncneirAcANtRinroagirp SWat,ire NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT•OF'ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Ah DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT A/ 50 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT, �ACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52S17 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND T LE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C Ni V FACILITY MANAGEMENT !;❑ ❑ 1.Solid'waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑`(❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �(❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u).• 'X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ ❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑)(❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑Y❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). �[1 116.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). XD_❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ;K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑A❑ a.Stabilized/Dewateted Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ go c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑'K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins ection Report Form. -JgwtAS �uY1G�uG� Indly ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector' Sign r Slg ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL;CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR,SUBP,ART 360-11 Transfer Stations&-16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION.REPORT ,FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT IME Southold Transfer/C&D Processin Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 Zp INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES O ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ;K❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste Is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). )CC ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(1);360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL �❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). )S;❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). A❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ,(❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X0 ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS �(❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). XC ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). Y,❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) '❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). �❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). ❑ ❑� 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). g❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ b❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Insp tion Report Form. Indi ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector ignat ftriature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIAL'S;MANAGEMENT 7 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I I 52S17 5&R INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS IN ERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 -- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF o YES AND 1 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )CO ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑;C❑ c.Department Approved Facility for'Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ p(❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ )CO e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ P<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: fry❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ PC❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ J<❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ )-❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0 ;K0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑-g❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑;<❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑�❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). A❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER �❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �'❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS �;❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑;K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ Xo 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ Ao c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ y(❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ' ❑ X❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). %❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING < ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). �'❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Insp tion Report JForm. Y'eZe-, 10, Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect is SigKfture Whature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL.CONSERVATION DIVISION OFL MATERIALS,MANAGEMENT _ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360=5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION.REP�ORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY--752Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS,INTERVIEWED AND T175.7 Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER :7T / CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHEDS)360- OF / ❑YES > PART NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X,❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) X ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) )i< ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING r ❑ ,K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility of this Inspection Report Form. In i ual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) InspeclIts Sig re Signature l- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ` DIVISION-OF-MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6.NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities "INSPECTION-REPORT - FACITY NAME" LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/-C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 152T92152RO9 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS I TERVIEWED AND TIT GuyWheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATIONS ET ATTACHED PART(S)360- -Z OF_L ❑YES VNO I ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ;K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a Control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required 360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL �C❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). Rl(❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) P<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable,levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11. Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2),360-16.4(g) X0 ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). )(0 ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). j°❑ 0 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control-access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X0 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). 0 0 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X0 20 Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 0 ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). )<❑ 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). �0 0 24 Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). )'0 ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). ia'❑ 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 0 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). OXO' 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(%6). OTHER ❑>C❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑X❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report. orm. ^^ LIZ Iry I In ual i esponsible Charge(PleasePrint) f ' InspZSgw*r- natu re r _ NEW"YORK-STATE DEPARTMENT-OF.ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS,MANAGEMEN'T _ 6 NYCRR-SUBPART 360-5 YARD-1NASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES , IN§PECTIOR REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Compostin County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PEf SONS INTERVIEWED•AND TITLE Gu Wheaton " I M J v�`G REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES ANO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 X❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials,accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14 Required separation distances are maintained 360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form 9 Indiv' al in Rp��bleGharge(PIeaie n Inspect s Si Tfure Sig ure 110 NEW YORK"STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL.CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITYNAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME Southold Landfill I County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONP INTERVIEWED AND TIT S -GuyWheaton M y REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS w DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF_Z ❑YES )NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )e❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). , 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X11 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑)<❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ p(❑ a Whole Tires 360-2.17(v). ❑ VAn❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )C❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(%1);360-2.17(h),(u). J<❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑;<❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑KEJ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ VD d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log 360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ;!❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). p(❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑, 10 Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). 'Je❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ )'❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ ❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )<❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ X❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). D)'❑ 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17ft 360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Indiv' al in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Insp tors atur SlgWure 7 -' NEW,YORKSTATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6,NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D-Processing Facilities -INSPECTION=REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing. Count -Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92152R09 Z /.30 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGIION I WEATHER CONDIITIONS 0� DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_Z ❑YES XNO - �Ivel ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 J�❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). AJC❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). )(❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). -OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1),36011.4(e),360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) )CO ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ) ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ,❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS ' ❑ ❑ 13 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). �❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ;K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X0 ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17. Putresclble solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ;(❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) te❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). >C❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). )'❑ ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). - ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16:4(f)(4). ❑ )C❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑).❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)<❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fac11'ty Copy Iof this Inspection ort Form. Ind1 ual in Responsible Char:.Wease Print) �� Insp4sS, Si ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT.OF•ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS•MANAGEMENT 6,NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS_ INSPECTION REPORT 'FACITY NAME LOCATIONFACILITY NUMBER ,DAT TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY , 52S17 / INSPECTORS'S NAMECODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 �/iST11 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED (S)360 ❑ PART OF YES )<NO' 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ,PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT A❑'❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);,360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)(❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ )<C] c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ - ,d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires 360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: go ❑- a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4:Operational records are available where required: ❑j8,'0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑)IC❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑;K❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ;<C1 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ p(❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.,Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). „ ❑)<❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ,2�❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )C❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ` g❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X CI 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved With 3 passes of appropriately sized.equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑)C❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ )(❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑)'❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter;and scavenging.360-2.17(c). 090 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). §�❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING• )CO-0 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). )(❑ ❑ '20.Decomposition gases are•monitored and controlled.360417(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection F r -I.,, Indi ' I in Res onslble pharge ase Print), J-1 X Insp ors 5MOdELUM, Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF.MATERIALSWANAGEMENT - 6 NYCRR$UBPART.360-5,YARD:WASTE COMPOSTING'FACILITIES " INSPECTIOWREPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER =DATE TIME Southold.tomposting County Road 48,-Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 . / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M V REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 �/ �o SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 1 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ;K❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 J. ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. �( ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ;K ❑ ❑• 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) jQ ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ;K ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) 1K ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) �!( ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) J ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) �. ❑ ❑ -12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compostproduct in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) JK ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) �(, ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑.g ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit Copy of his Inspection Re orm. �v ° � �e Indiv d al in Responsible Char ease P int) Insply or's S' at a Sign re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL"CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2-LANDFILLS - -INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 Q0 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODEPERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 — 152425 SHEET CQNTINUATION SHE ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF ❑YES NO - 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ;K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program 360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1) ❑)<❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X 0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑N❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X,❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑�CO a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ °❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑)<❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). J<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-114(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ,>k❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). P<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters:360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS SIG❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). 0,X0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15 Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ ❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r) COVER ❑ X0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ g❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). A❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING XD ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). )<❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the - Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. •/GtW4S 4uhe-4, a e�{ Inde ' ual=C-4,4- Inspectfs risibleharge(Please Print) /� 4� r S!g&Gre_1 Si nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ` DIVISION'OF MATERIALS`MANAGEMENT - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 36-0 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING.FACILITIES- INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 I I OA - G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF O ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article-71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked N1 indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt 0,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2 Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X ❑ 0 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other,suitable means.360-1.14(d) p(❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1:140 ;K ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ;( ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �' ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ P<0 16.Yard waste is analysed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins ection Report Form. is765 ;Uncti el In ' iduaI Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspecto Signa;/rl ignature _ NEW,YORK•STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION '''DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT'. 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16_•C&D Processing Facilities INSP,ECTION=REPORT - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 3 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M S REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 � STT CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED [PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO -X�_ ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT }K 0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ]�❑ 0 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(1);360-16.4(a). �0 0 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL P<❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). XE1 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). p(❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);36d-16 4(b)(5) X0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). XD 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ 0 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) JK0 ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X0 ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). j(0 ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) JXL1 ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). 9(0 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ;(❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X 0 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). pCo ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors'or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) 0 ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). X0 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). K❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(%1). PC] ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16 4(0(2). X.❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). K0 ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16A(f)(3). p(❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). K❑ ❑ 30 Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). D Y❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER )<❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). W❑ 0 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins ection Report Form. `f Tri �Ltnc�iu � In 'vidual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) 2 Inspe or's Sigpyure ftnature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT,OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARUWASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION-REPORT > FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY-NUMBER DATE I TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY I 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE , PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER I z /ave, A 2 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 0 ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) 0 ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. 0 0 4 Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) X❑ 0 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) 0 0 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) 0 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable.levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 0 ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ 0 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) X 0 0 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired•time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ 0 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X0 16 Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility opy of this Inspection eport Form. v I idual in Responsible C rge(Please Pnnt) r Inspe or's S tur Si ure _ NEW-YORK-STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ='DIVISION"OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT '6"NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 y _ INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 •- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED (S)360- OF 1 ❑YES ;<NO � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT >C❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). JP!❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ;C❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(1),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). Z ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). JIB❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). jam❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) XD ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means,360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). Xo ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). J(❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) g❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). I<❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ J(❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING.{FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) �0 ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris-is available.360-16.4(0(1). X❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). Z ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored'uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). �❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area_ 'at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(1)(3). ,K❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ;Ko ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)i(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑*K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a benefcial,use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑JK❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted.in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑X°❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facili y Copy of this Inspectio eport Form. ` Ae r` Ind dual in Responsible C e(Ple se Pn t) c- Inspe or's i at a Signature NEW YORK-STATE,DEPARTMENT OF,ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _" DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPAU360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAIE 00, TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 -INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF o YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )'❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ >C❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ X0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑�❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ 0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )<❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ KD a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ XD b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ;(❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ )CO d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑)'❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ X 1 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑fed❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑X°❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). K11 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). XD ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ,(❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )<❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS >(❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). NO ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ PK❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ 6)(❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ;(❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ ;K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X O 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ A❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X0 ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING fK❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the F cllity Copy of this Inspect eport Form < 4 vidual 1 Responsible Charg ase Print) \ P Inspe or s S1 ure Sign e f NEW YORK,STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL--CONSERVATION "- DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT" 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS. - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAJE TIME Southold Landfill-- County Road 48, Cutcho ue,-NY -52S17' - -- ANSPECTORS'S"NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER _ SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED- PART(S)360— OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at-the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT 0 EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C-NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b) 360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 Ko c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(l),(p)(1). 0)<❑ , d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑)'C❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). 0.K0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). �<❑ 0 b Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records 360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ 0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application-Records.360-1.14(i)(3). 0 ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑)(❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X 0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑" ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,Including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X0 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not,constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control-or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS {❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). �'❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13 Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and - the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4-percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360--2.17(n). ❑)'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). - ❑Y'❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X 0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X 0 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). `eo ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING >'❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). K0 ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17ft 360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. �I q&jgs au n c 4a ch In ' dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is S' Vgnature • _ NEW YORK_ STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF<MATERIALS MANAGEMENT, 6 NYCRR-SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING-FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D TIME Southold Com ostin County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / G INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLES -Guy Wheaton M V . REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER I Z p -- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES � N=O 5ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are-observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI-V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT t ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted D,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order 0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 0 ;0 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming-"solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. D ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.,Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) -X0 ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ 0 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ; ❑ 0 9.r Noise levels are controlled to.prevent excursions above-the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X 0 ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) - -)< ❑ D 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) x D ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the ` desired time frame.360-5:7(b)(6) ❑ 0 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) D ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING 0 X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) ' r - - I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this-Ins ection ReportForm. Indi 'dual' Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect s Sig e - i ature '� NEW°YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ; -DIVISION OF MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT 1 _6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities r :INSPECTION"REPORT FACITY NAME _ LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer•/C&D Processing CountyRoad 48,.Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES -GuyWheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 Inoo SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO r � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECLAT icle 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X 0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ❑Y0 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ 0 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16,3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ;K❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER �(❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 0 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(8) ❑ 0 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS - �❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). K0 0 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ;<❑ 0 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) J ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). •� 0 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 0 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 0 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑K0 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). ❑ 0 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ 0 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(77(2),_ A0 ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16 4(0(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ 0 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ XD 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)<❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa`ci�Copy of this I spection.R ort Form. 4'ggwe h�Zcee'4 Ind ` ual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe ors Si lure Sibilature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - =jDIVISION-OF,MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 61NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities ' -:INSPECTION REPORT', FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITYNUMBERI D4TE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing Count -Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS � DEC PERMIT NUMBER CCsQd2 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YES -K NO I I ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no'Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). g❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). 0,K0 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL g❑ 0 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). )'❑ 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) y0 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER )CO ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). XD ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) }C❑ 0 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). Xo ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) >�7 ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ 0 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3), WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) A❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 0 ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;Ko ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ;K0 ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 tars.360-16.4(f)(1). X 0 0 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). 0 ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). p�❑ 0 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). JK❑ 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ;Ko 0 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ,K0 0 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑)<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are cohspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are'available.360-1.14(s). ❑Ko 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. ✓aDYli� 13u�cG�u�� Indiv' ai in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Ins .tor' igna re S ature - NEW-YORK STATE DEPARTMENIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF.MATERIALSMANAGEMENT, , 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES , INSPECTION:%REPORT.` FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITYNUMBERI DATE I TIME SouthdId-Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue;NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS'INTERVIEWED AND TITLES duy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER GT'.eex,occ" I - SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF I ❑YESYI O 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act S.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 )(❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. pl(❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) 0 ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) K❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) j� ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Tani es Re-en C'tiu i✓ Indiv' ual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) 7 Inspe or's S ur _ SlIffiature .-- NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OFMATERIAL-SrMANAGEMENT, -�+ - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT IME - - Southold Landfill Count Road 48,.Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLES OF Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 GT. ea,/.t7 :� �G� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )(NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C Ni V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X 0 b.Control Program.360-1,14(e)(1). ❑X 0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(l),(p)(1). ❑X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: }i'❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). >(❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ >r❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ g El d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)CO g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑)<❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL >r❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). j<❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ;'❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). f<❑ ❑ 8 Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER >(❑ ❑ 9 Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1)., A❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). XE) ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑g❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑XD c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X0 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )'❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ;K❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Z.eat.n Individual'n Responsible Charge(Please Print) In �8ignature _AmNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACIT,Y NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 /�� SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHEDPARTS)360— OF ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT 'X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes 360-1.5(b),360-2 17(m) ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑,<❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes 360-1 14(r),360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑)(❑ d.Bulk Liquids 360-2.17(k). ❑)'❑ e Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑>(❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w) 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4 Operational records are available where required: ❑ N❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑)❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑)K,❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3) ❑�'❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ ❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1) ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑$❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑X❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL $❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled, and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER XO ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K❑ ❑ 10 Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and 1s prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS )'❑ D 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ,K❑ ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n),360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ J<❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: D a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). DO b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). D ❑ c.Tanks.360-2 17(r). COVER ❑)<❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable 1n quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors, blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑J(❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). , D ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). ,�f❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f),360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspectio - eport Form In idual in Responsible JRMQe(Please Print) gyltl C Inspect is S atur at re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6,NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities " INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER E IME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton a I M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS s� DEC PERMIT NUMBER® /'/ SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_/_ ❑YES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth 1n ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area 360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X0 ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). g❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). JVD ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11 4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL >(D ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16 4(b)(5). `N(o ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X,❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) �<D ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16 4(g) ACCESS j�❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility 1s strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n). X'❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) >C❑ ❑ 18 Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading 360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ ❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 0 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23 Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16 4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility 1s removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16 4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries 360-16 4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑)K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6) OTHER ❑)<❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑,(❑ 33 Fire protection and detection equipment is available 360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspectlon ort Form: r IvidWal i. nbleD e(Please Printy IP- Inspec is S' atu Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ® DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT I WR 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES _ INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton I M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 -X146 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES KNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1,7(a) , ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) �( ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) �( ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) y�❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ g❑ 16 Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa a ity Copy pf this Inspectio ort Form. t f Ind wdual m Responsible a e Plea a Print) r • �•. Insp or's 5r urSi ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AdkDIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DA TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 �! INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVI WED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS VDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional an&or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspectiion and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT >.❑ ❑ 1 Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order 360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b),360-5.7(b)(3) X ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined.or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10 Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12 Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13 Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ )<❑ 16 Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. 11.1 111 , , e'r.0 Inde idual in esponei le C e(P"e e Pnn � 1 � Zr- Insp or'snat Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA7E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing Count .Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 1 042 SH T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_ ❑YES ANO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X11 ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1.14(e),(r),360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). �❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1 14(f);360-16.4(a). ❑ 0 4.Operational records are available where required 360-1.14(e)(2),(1),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1 8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ 0 5.Solid waste 1s sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4),360-16.4(b)(5). go ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(I);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11 4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K❑ ❑ 9. Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site 360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER Xo ❑ 10.Solid waste 1s prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11 Leachate.is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2),362-16 3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) ❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). K 0 ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �❑ ❑ 15 Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists 360- 1 14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g) ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11 4(I) ❑ 0 18 Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11 4(n)(1). ❑ 0 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before,unloading 360-11.4(n)(2). ❑,'❑ 20.Station 1s cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision 1s provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3) X0 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). );(❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). JK❑ ❑ 27 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5) �'❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3) ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER ❑ X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa I1ty Copy ��of this ppInspection Report Form. L Individual in � (Please Print) Inspe is S1 ure Signature (b NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION r' DIVISION OF,MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT _ FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I D E TIME Southold Landfill' County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 !7T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_L I ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)'❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X 0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ; ❑ ❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑)<❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑Y.❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: go ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). g❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required. 0X0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑)<D b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3) ❑)<❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ +,❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X❑ g._Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑J<0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑�❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance 360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)(❑ 14. Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ ❑ c Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑`<0 17.•Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING >(❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2 11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). )<❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspecti� Report Form. R tZ Individual in Responsible arge(Please Print) c r .� lr sp tor's Si atur Sig ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION - FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONP INTERVIEWED AND JJTLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 x" �- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES X NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ,o❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) X ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) TV❑ ❑ 7 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10. Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) K❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14. Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) K❑ ❑ 15. Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form X01915 IlAileAu�k al in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is S,1111P re Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION t'- DIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT _ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 ,� INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS I TERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 ®� — SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/ I ❑YES )<NO 1 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is-monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑)'❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1 5(b),360-2.17(m). ❑j<❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ )<❑ d. Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑)C❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑)<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ )KO a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). 0)(13 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X11 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑)<❑ d.Monitoring Records 360-1.14(1)(4). ' ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X'❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑)<❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑Y'❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL >(❑ ❑ - 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X[3 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X 0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X0 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). �❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑)<❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑g❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ;K❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑Y,❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,•and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ )K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). g❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING 0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. --✓ar��S �iien��iUC1t Ind' *dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Fn—sp-0 or's Si r nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT O ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION .DIVISION OF MATERIALS'MANAGEM NT 6 NYCRR-SUBPART 360-11 Transfer tations&16•C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 //_5 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton 09 M v REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 Gni SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 )(❑ ❑ 2. Incoming'solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL XD D 5 Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.14Q);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). No D 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) X0 D 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER XD D 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). A❑ D 11. Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) ❑- 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). D ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ D 16,Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ D 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). XD ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris-is available.360-16.4(f)(1). 0 D 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). Y,D ❑ 26. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in'enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). AD ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pilg does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). (7 D 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). �❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16A(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). D YD 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑XD 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Indiv' ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) InsZorsSqoturelSignature " NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ' DIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 3 �� INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS PTERVIEWED AND T TLES Guy Wheaton I M fvy REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 -- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES YNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT 0 ORDER ON CONSENT 0 EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT 3�0 ❑ 1 Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b),360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program fog unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ g❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ Ko b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 go c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ WD d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2 17(v). 0 ) ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3 Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: K❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). Y'0 ❑ b Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑)c❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). 0 g❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ go c Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑-go d.Monitoring Records 360-1.14(i)(4). ❑XD a Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0)'❑ f Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X0 g. Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2.90)(3). ❑X0 h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). 0 X0 i Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ,KD ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled, and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ;,0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). 90 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER AD D 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters 360-1.14(b)(1). Ko ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means 360-1.14(d). 0 ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ X❑ 14 Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan 360-2 17(b)(2). 15 Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ XD a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ -K❑ b Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). ❑Y❑ c.Tanks.,360-2.17(r). COVER ❑;(❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). 0 9❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ 0 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ',❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). go 0 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility of this Inspection Report Form j Ind dua=sponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec 's Si ur ature ® NEW,YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT V -6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing.Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER 6DAT I TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92152R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M V REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER A.) SHEET 0 CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF d YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )<❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16 1 ;K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h);(4);360-16.4(b). ,K❑ ❑ 3 Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ;K❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ;k❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) ;5C0 ❑ 8 Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);36;0-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). P<❑ ❑ 9. Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled 360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) JK❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage, and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers orlthe other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h) X0 0 14 On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n) ,K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where pei;manent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) �❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). K-❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) Ko ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or coveredlarea.360-11.4(n)(1). ,go ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ ;K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 0 ❑ 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;<❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). 3K❑ ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). pC❑ ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding�30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). Xo ❑ 26. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ;Ko ❑ 27. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16 4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16 4(f)(3),(5). 1 ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries 360-16 4(f)(3). 1 ,�,'❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days 360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ ;<❑ 31 Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360:16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X0 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility,where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ KO 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the T Facih opy of this Insp coon Report orm. /z2c G(6 Inde dual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspect 's Sig re Slg ature " .NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF.MATERIALS.MANAGEMENT' 6.NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Composting -County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS2 INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 A2- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X 0 ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ;K ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) X ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility Is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ S.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X, ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ); ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) X ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame 360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14 Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ;<❑ ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this In tion Report Form ­750'deS 4W V/ fiGIG/< Indi ' ual in Responsible Ch rge(Please Print) Inspec is Si ure Si ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer!C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M / REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER �G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_/ ❑YES KNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K'❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1 8(h)(1),(5);360-16 1 g❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11 4(a),(c),(m);360-16 1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4), 360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3 Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16 4(a) ❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1 8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ '6 Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360 16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �°❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations,are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);36011 4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1 14(m);360-11 4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). Ko ❑ 9. Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER )<❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<C3 ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage, and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h) �❑ ❑ 14.On-site-roads are passable 360-1.14(n). K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists 360- 1 14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). K❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) Y'❑ ❑ 18 Processing,tipping,sorting,storage, compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). g❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ K❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). )<❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;<❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360A 6.4(f)(1). ;<o ❑ "24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). X❑ ❑ 25 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). X❑ ❑ 26 Processed and-unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2) XQ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet 360-16 4(f)(3) X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). WD ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(D(3). ;<❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days 360-16.4(0(4). ❑A❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition fora beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16,4(f)(6). OTHER 0;KD 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s) ❑K❑ 33 Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspeca n eportForm 1 r IV `e .'e 'C- In itfividual ih Respoqasesible C rge PI Print)e Inspect s Si re S ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT,OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER,1 DATE I TIME 'Southold Com ostin County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 7 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YESKI NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT >IC❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is-strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid Waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ), ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X•❑ ❑ 14. Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) X ❑ ❑ 15.Product Is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) r I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy f this Inspection nrtF rmfc� a In 1dual in Respopsible ChfrgeNPle se Print)� Inspe ori re Siiwture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF,MATERIALS'MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360=2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT r FSouthold Landfill CountACITY NAME LOCATION _T FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 STET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— _ OF_L ❑YES KNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )(❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ ❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑1<0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑)K❑ c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑�❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑Y'❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �❑ ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )<❑ ❑ _ b Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ X0 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑;(❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ )(❑ —c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ )K❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ;KD h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑)(❑ 1 Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ;KO ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). g❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER Xo ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). 3K0 ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1) ❑ Xo 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ )<❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑X❑ c.Tanks 360-2.17(r) COVER ❑�❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑;K❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING )K❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). Y'❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt Of the Facility Copy of this Inspection R {nor Fom P In idual in Responsible hercp— 'Inspltors%nattAre leas P•nt) Aw Si ature ' NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF`MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS- - INSPECTION REPORT t) - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT ,/4TIME Southold Landfill Count- Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TILES Gu Wheaton MC�i�% REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER OC 1, SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )(NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached,sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑_PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT r C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility,1s authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d) . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a. Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1 5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑;'❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v) ❑X°❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2 17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 00 a Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ ❑ b Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). 0 ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ ❑, e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2 17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ i.Random Waste,Collectlon Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER P ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �❑ ❑ 10.Leachate 1s minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ 0 11 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2 17(s). WASTE HANDLING . ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste;s spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ )K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded;n accordance with fill progression plan.360-2 17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 X❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). ❑ ❑ c.Tanks.360-2 17(r). COVER 00 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17 Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is sultable.in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). �❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(%360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins ction Report Form. -Me/a _ �NlFr! Ind; ual 1n spons;ble Charge(Please Print) Si ture ? Inspec is Si ure 9 'F NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART,360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities I INSPECTION'REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processin Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, IVY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1Z205Ae, 1 SH T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF ❑YES NO I ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. It@ms marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT JX❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility Is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1 8(h)(1),(5),360-16.1 ;K❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored'by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1 14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ;Ko ❑ 3 Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use 360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). go ❑ 4 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(I),(u)(1);'360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL 1 ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled, and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);36011 4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-164(b)(5) PC❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m),360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 9. Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) �❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS Ko ❑ 13 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means 360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ;Xo ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). Xo ❑ 15. Attendant Is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) Xo ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ,Ko ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) Ko ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction, and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ;Kn 11 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 0 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23,Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ D 26. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ,'❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). X❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). �'❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ )(❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑X❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fac/iliittiy�e gCopy of this I s'pEec�tiion R//Qpoorrt/FF000rmy Ind dual in esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspecto s Signpqe Sin ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT .6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48, Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 y / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INT RVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M 4 REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF_I ` ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, 'and/or order.360-1 4(a)(2), 360-1 7(a) ❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) g❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) CK❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) I<❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1 14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and'accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12 Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) SIC❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5 7(b)(6) I< ❑ ❑ 14. Required separation distances are maintained 360-5.7(b)(7) ❑' ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ;<❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit Copy of this In p ction Repoil Form In v ual i esponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is Si re I Si ature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF MATERIAL'S MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR.SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION.REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATPTIME Southold Transfer/,C&D,Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, IVY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )(❑ 0 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ,X❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m),360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16,4(b) XD ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ,'<❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11 4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ;'❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). XD ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e),360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) )(❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e),360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11 Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) g❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS K❑ ❑ 13 Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ;K❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). g❑ ❑ 17. Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). 1'0 ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16 4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(%1). A❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). g❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16 4(%3). ;C❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days 360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑JK❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s). ❑%0 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspec' n Report Form. -4e 1-('e W. ,0 Inde idual msiblMarg (Pleas Inspe ,A6espfnq6re Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF,ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Ah'' DIVISION OF-MATERIA-LS MANAGEMENT 9 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATft TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWD AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Maltiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT )( ❑ ❑ 1 Facilityis permitted❑,registered❑,exempt 0,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ); NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF-MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ry�t 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT ` FACITY NAME LOCATION- FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME South�old�l,andfill Count Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT 0 ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT %0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑}(❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑)(❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑)i(❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ ❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )(q ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ DK❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑)K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑'K❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑X❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑K❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3) ❑);❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑X'❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6.Dust 1s effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ,<❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do riot constitute a nuisance.360-1 14(m). WATER )<D ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). g❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2 17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). g❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1 14(n),360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste 1s spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2 17(b)(1). ❑$❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded 1n accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑)K❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). ❑K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑,K❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ AD 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). A❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING p(❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Faculty Copy of this Inspect) epo Form. Ind dual in Responsible C e(Ple se 'nt) Inspec is S1 tur Sig ture " Alk NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF,MATERIAL&MANAGEMENT ® 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - 'INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSON INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER s SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES �NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ 0 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: 0;'0 a Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). 0 l>ro b Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑go c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X0 d. Bulk Liquids.360-2 17(k). 0)'0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). D X0 f Lead Acid Batteries 360-2 17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ 0 a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading 360-1 14(f)(1),360-2.17(h),(u). �❑ 0 b.Adequate Equipment 360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ ❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1 14(1)(1). 0 0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑X!0 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑Ko d Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). 0 X0 e. Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). 0 X13 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X0 g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). 0 ;<❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). 0;'0 i Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X0 0 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled, and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). AL-D 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). K❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )<0 0 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K0 0 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS �°❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable.360-1 14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑X0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less 1n thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ;<0 14. Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: 0 Y0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 00 b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). 0 0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER 0 X❑ 16. Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires,odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). 0 X0 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). K0 0 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2 17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. �--1 X� 4d'AAZ A1'e1 .4 I vldual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec rs Si ure Wignature " NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -. DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT - '• 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION• FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME .Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS PTERVIEWED AND TIT Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- /,OF_/ ❑YES >,�NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 �!❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ,,❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1 14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) )<p ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained,360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form Individual in Responsible Charge(Please P`nnt) Inspector Sign a Si ature - NEW YORK"STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ,DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT I t --6,N YCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16.0&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu SO Wheaton M vC� REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 0,0 SHEET --s�/G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES , YWO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )C❑ 0 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). >C❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). ,X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ 0 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.140;360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360'-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ D 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X 0 D 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). >CD ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site 360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER Ko ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). .N❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) k❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X D ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ,Ko D 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- ,1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). )K❑ ❑ 17.Rutrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ,,❑ ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). jam❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ X o 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X,D D 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). KD ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �KD 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(%1). gKO D 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). ;KD ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days 360-16.4(0(2) ;K❑ D 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). Ko D 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). XD D 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). XD ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and.property boundaries.360-16.4(%3). ;Co ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(%4). ❑ ;Ko 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s). ❑)(❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. j -./H M&3 S OG.AIC edC_C' Invidual in Responsible Charge(Please Print)/ - 4­e� Inspector's ignatur Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ,DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT r 6'NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer.Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities �� •�� INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 // INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATIONSHEET-ATTACHED PAR (S)360- OF ❑YES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT J(❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 0 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste,is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). 0 ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8),360-11.4(1);360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(1),(1) OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). )CO ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16 3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �C❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);'36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) X0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16J3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ¢C❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ 0 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2),362-16 3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) )(❑ ❑• 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained,and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) DK❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ 0 17 Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ 0 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ X❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) X❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ 0 22 Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). §�❑ ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). J�0 ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris-is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). 'C 0 0 26. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2) ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). jt ,❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries 360-16 4(D(3) ❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days 360-16.4(f)(4) ❑ K 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.36046.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER 0 K❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form James eftgC5hac k In 'dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspecto Sig re nature i NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION.OF MATERIALSWANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS TERVIEWED AND TI ES Guy Wheaton M _ REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/ ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT 0 EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X 0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). 0 XO b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). 0 )<0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). 00 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑AO e Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ )(❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ K❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1) ❑ R O b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). 0 )(0 c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ R❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X 0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑Y'0 g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑'X 0 h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑Y0 i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL )°0 0 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled,'and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X 0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). 10 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ;K0 0 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS )K0 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). W'❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑>(0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X 0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0)<❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). 0'(0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑)(❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ )(❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied,and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). �❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). )<❑ 0 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form,. &A PIC In ' dual 1 Responsible Charge(Please Print) Insp ctor's atur S nature r NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Aft DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT v. - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D E IME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29Qcl INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND T TLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 w SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ><NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑' ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146) ❑ ❑ 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) K❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) 1 I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. II yr7 � /9, n L Individual in Responsible C�harrgey(Pleas nnt) Si Inspe rs Si ure nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION v, :- DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT • 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - -INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 &0/ INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES J- Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER !7T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360 OF I ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ NO a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑y,❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑A❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑)<❑ d Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑;<❑ a Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑>C❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: XO ❑ a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2) 4 Operational records are available where required. ❑X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1) 110 b.Self Inspection Records 360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ ❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90(3). ❑ ❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ 1. Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled, and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). )<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). -Se.❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do hot constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS >(❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑X❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑*❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan 360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: 11 XP a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑X'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). ❑ KD c Tanks.360-2 17(r). i COVER ❑XD 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors, blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(1). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copyofthis Inspe o Re ort�Iqrm. Inde dual in Responsible rrgge Pleaase®Print) Inspe or's S)EfaturdSignature I NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION,OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES " INSPECTION"REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Com ostin County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE,- Guy TITLE,- GuyWheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2 Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) )'❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 1< ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1:14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) X, ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) )('❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fact ty Copy of this Inspection)hep rt F rm. _ S f\ In i ual in Responsible a(Please Print) n Ins4rsaturg/ ature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON_ MENTAL CONSERVATION - DIVISiON OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT "6;NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D_Processing Facilities "INSPECTION REPORT ` FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DA E TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 O SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ><❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a),360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 0 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m),360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16 4(b) 1)C❑ ❑ 3.operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). �❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1 14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(1),(1). OPERATION CONTROL )'❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1),36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5). WATER )CO ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). '<❑ ❑ 11. Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) >C❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). P ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X0 ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) t7 ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24. Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16 4(0(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days 360-16.4(0(2). ❑ ❑ 27 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). g❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days 360-16.4(f)(4) ❑ )(❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are.conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) 0'Ile❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspe on eportForm In ' dual in esponsib a Char e( ease Print) Inspector' ign a Si ure -�" NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -=1 DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ' 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUM ER 1 4T, SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_Z I ❑YES NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized.and approved for management at the facility. ❑ X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes 360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ '❑ c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑g❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ y'0 a Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ K❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1) ❑ X0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑X0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4) ❑XO e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ X0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2 9(e). ❑ X❑ g. Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑)(❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2) ❑)(❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection'Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL '❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). )<❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). )CO ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). AD ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility Is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ ;K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided• ❑)<D a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges 360-2.17(n). ❑XG b.Asbestos Waste "360-2.17(p)(3). ❑JK❑ c Tanks.360-2.17(r) COVER ❑)❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑)<❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required 360-2.17(d). �°❑ ❑ 18 Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper cont pacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING )<❑ D 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). V❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17 ft 360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa�Copy of this Inspection Report Form 4a wlG5 Qm mAoc idua in Responsible Charge(P ase Print) Irfday Inspectofs Signpqe of Signature t NtW'YUKK 51 A I t Utt'AK I MtN I Ur tNVIKUNIVIr_N I AL UUNOCKVA I IUIV �a DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDATE' 4TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 p / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES GuyWheatofi M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 O '-o C SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES xNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as,appropriate,, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet !' This form is a record of conditions which,are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C,NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑;exempt❑,or under order-0,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑, ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit;exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.incoming solid waste,is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5:Operational,records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate,is prevented from entering surface waters-and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.3601.14(d) ❑ ❑ - 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑'❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING'CRITERIA ,.❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and,accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) "❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction,and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost•product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product,is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this In pection Report Form. Indi (dual in Responsible Charge(P ease Pript) -. Ins4ft�i�V�ture Si ature „ f _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTEIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHE PART(S)360- OF 13YES )(NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT & ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facillty.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). J.❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). X.0 ❑ 4 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11 4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(1). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5 Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). K0 ❑ 7.On-site vectgr populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1),36011 4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) .,❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ),l ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) �❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16 4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). �C❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). �❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17 Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ 19 Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16 4(b)(2). ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(%1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.3F0-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.3604.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(0(4). ❑K❑ 31.,Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ )<❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ WD 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspy ion Report Form. Inual in Responsible Charge(Please Print dit Inspec is Si ure SISAture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT QF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION - DIVISION OF'MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS ;INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME_ Southold Landfill Count Road 48;Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 p / 0 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M RE BIONWEATHER CONDITIONS �m DEC PERMIT NUMBER �SG� ~ SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT D ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT XEI 0 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a),360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program fo'r unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑);❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ;<❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X-❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑)(❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ X❑ e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )'❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). ❑,❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required• ❑X❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑ J<❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ )K❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ ;K0 d.Monitoring Records 360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ X❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2.90)(3). ❑K❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ ❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). jK❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). K0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). 1<0 ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER )'❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). Ko ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2 17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2 17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑)CO 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ ;K❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ K❑ c Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑A❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ )C❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required 360-2.17(d). ❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8 3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit opy of this Inspection Re ort Form� In„d7ua1 i Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspector s ignat I S gnature _ NEW-YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT '6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations,&16 C&D'Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATETIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 p$ f/.3 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS I DEC PERMIT NU BER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_L I ❑YES X NO S ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )'0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X[] ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). ;<❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ 0 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). 1<❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). )<0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas-are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011 4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ;i❑ 0 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). J'❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) )(❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS )<❑ 0 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). J<❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ,K0 ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) No ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). )K0 ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer coptainers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11 4(I) K0 0 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). Q0 ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑AD 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) 'e 0 ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). 0 ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed,separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). J<❑ 0 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). �'❑ 0 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). �'❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16 4(f)(3). ❑ 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property bQu ndaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 0 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)°❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility -Copyof this I' spection Re ort Form 1 ividu in Responsible Charge(Please Print) _Ztg /12e.4, -, _ - Inspector Si ure ignature ' NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT'OF-ENVIRONMENTAL.CONSERVATION J "- DIVISION'OF MATERIALS,MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARDWASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES- -INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY' 52Y29 per` INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M -4 REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 .40 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Suct to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT *' ❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. �( ❑ ❑ 5 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) �(0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means 360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.140) ❑" ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site 360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10 Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1 14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA J1� ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) X ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ;(❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16 Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10 360-5 7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection RepojForm. Ind' i uali Ruble Charge(Please Print) Inspe or s S' atur Sig ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION-OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART,360-11.Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOC Processing' FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF_L I ❑YES 7�JNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V,FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). �°❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and ec uipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL X0 ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1 14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). �❑ ❑ 9,Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ;<❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) )<❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage, and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ;<0 ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). $'❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) K❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). K❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) g,❑ ❑ 18. Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ;,❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑g❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ;K❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). �❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). 40 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(%1). )<❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). 0 ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X0 ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). �❑ ❑ 27 Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). �❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4) ❑)<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16 4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ )CO 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑ ;K❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16 4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspecti eport Form. trtor In idual in Responsible C arg se Print) Inspe is siqqfturf Sign re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF.ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ,- DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER 'DATE TIME Southold'Com postingCounty Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES oF of Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, ,the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ;K❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility 360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. X❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) g❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ,K❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ A❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Faci ity Copy of this Inspection rt Form. V.t Indi ' ual in Responsibl@ Char lea 'nt) PJ- 17 Insp tor's atu Sign re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF-MATERIALS,MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART.360-2-LAN DFI LLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold,Landfill I County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONSQ DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 c Q SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES )(NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT >(❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑;K❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ;K❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ;K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑'(❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ;Ko e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ;K0 ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )(❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ go a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑�`❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ p(❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ PC 11 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ PKD e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ ;K❑ f.FIII Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ >C❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ P(❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) XCI ❑ 6 Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k) ;'❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X,❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS �;❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads-are passable 360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ )K❑ 13 Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ p(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ XCI a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges 360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑�❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ p(,o 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑AD 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). �❑ ❑ 16.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING �❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact 360-2.17(a);360-2 11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). X❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa ility Copy of this Inspection rtrm In dual inRespo�ible a(PI !so&nnPl, Inspect s Si re Si ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF:MATERIALS MANAGEMENT• 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2,LANDFILLS = INSPECTION REPORT , FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME' CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHEDPART(S)360— OF ❑YES KNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT D EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming.solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: D X0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ J(❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ pC❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(l),(p)(1). D X D d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). D fd(D e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). D )<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: Ace D a Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). Kc D b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: D 0(13 a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). 00,0 c.Permit Application Records.360=1.14(1)(3). D )(D d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). O X 0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). D KD f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). D go g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ KD h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ )<D i. Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q) OPERATION CONTROL D(D ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X D ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X0 ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). KD ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X D 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). �❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). K❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING D ❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ )$(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: D X0 a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). D X0 b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ ❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ KD 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ K❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). g❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ;KD D 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). KD D 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. l9dkLdual in Responsible Charge(Please Print)Inspe ors Si tur 'Sigriature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE"C(5MPOSTING•FACILITIES t INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME. LOCATION FACILITY,NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHE T CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— 0F ❑YES )<NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1 Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) K ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.1.40) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA X ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) K ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product'in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ K❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe is prtufe ftAatdre NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D-Processing Facilities n -.INSPECTION,REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE L TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92152R09 p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERS NS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M U REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS005� DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 O - /G SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF 1 o YES (VO � ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a recordof conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14 ft 360-16.4(a). J<❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL XO ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ;Ko ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). I:❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) XO ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). 9,❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X,o ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). KO ❑ I V Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) J<❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS X0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) .Ko ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). )K❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ Xo 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) go ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). K❑ ❑ 22. Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). )(❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). 3K❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility Is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). Ko ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2), X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). )(❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). K❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16 4(%3). ❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ O(❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ K❑ 33.Fire,protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facillity-C�py of this In ction Rep/o�Form. Ind1 ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec is Sipfure koature 1I NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT: 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS -- INSPECTION REPORT FACITY'NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DATE t TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48,Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 & / / p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS NTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M gyiamo REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 0 W/C SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_/ I ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT - )(0 ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ Y'❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes 360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ )°❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). ❑ RCI d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ K0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ K0 f Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: O ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(0(1);360-2.17(h),(u). X0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4 Operational records are available where required: ❑ ;K❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑X 0 b.Self Inspection Records 360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ X❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ ,K❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ V,❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ X❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). O)<❑ I.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL A❑ O 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X O ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER XO ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ,�❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )<O ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ K❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ )(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope 1s at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑;'❑ b:Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ )<❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ ❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑K❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). A❑ ❑, 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑'❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact 360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). �❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this In ection Re ort Form. In dual(i Responsible Charge(Please Print) � C.�ut'mac' inspel6es Sipqturef Signature pNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT.-OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION `v; DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT l' 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT r FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Gu Wheaton M REGIONWEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 /(7-- SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES YNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.3604 ,K ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order 360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) �'❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. (�❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1,14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) )'❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) g ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ;<❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) X ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) g❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA )� ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ El 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ,K ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ;K ❑, ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard wastes analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. &U46,4"e Ind i i2 ial in R,sponsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe or's Si roe Sig ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NY14t2R SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities 'INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER( DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92152R09 p / O INSPECTORS'S NAME CODEPER ONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 I .CK2 " / -46461 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATT CHEDRTS)360- OF_/_ PA ❑YES )<NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e), 360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16:3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). K❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). X❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(1). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled 360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). V 0 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011 4(e);360-16 3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). AD ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ;K❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2),362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) KD ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS 4 ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1 14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15 Attendant/is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(8). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) �❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ 9❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ,,❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). X'❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). Ko ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). X❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ,K❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(%4). ❑)<❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ ❑ 32 Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.iso-1.14(s). ❑ ❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility -Copy of this Ins ection Report Form Indivi ual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Insp or's S atur ature « NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF'ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT- 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLESoor Guy Wheaton M l"- REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHUT CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ❑ NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. XPART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT '❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8 3(d) 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those.authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑X❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ;<❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ ;<❑ d. Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ X0 e.Whole Tires 360-2 17(v). ❑)<❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: )(❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1 14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )<❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ g❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360.1.14(1)(1). ❑ X❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ ❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑ ❑ d Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ )<❑ e. Facility Operator Records.360-1 14(u)(1). ❑;K❑ f Fill Progression Log.360-2 9(e). ❑ ;K❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3) ❑ ;<❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑K❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records 360-2 17(q). OPERATION CONTROL �❑ ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter, is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). >C❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector bree6ing areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS ❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs, natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). K'❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s) WASTE HANDLING ❑ X❑ 13 Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑X0 14 Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑)<❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ J(❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ K0 c.Tanks.360-2.17(r) COVER 0 )KO 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ X❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). �❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ X❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ❑ K❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. Individual in-Responsible Charge lease Primo Inspec is Si ure Si nature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION "DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6-NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations=&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY I 52T92/52R09 p� INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER �✓� ,10 lc SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF__L I ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5),360-16 1 ) ❑ ❑ 2 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). Ir❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(0;360-16.4(a). K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1),360-16 4(a),(b)(2),(1),(1). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste Is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). g❑ ❑, 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). J<❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) X❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) go ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5). WATER K❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). 3<❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) R❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility haveradequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). ❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ,Ko ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) X❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) >'❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1) 1X❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑;<❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) )<❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the'C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). X°❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). A❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). �❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). J(❑ ❑ 29..A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage;piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ;<❑ ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑�❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6) OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s). ❑g❑ 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Ins ection Report Form. Individ al in-Responsible ChargVv 0-0�__ e(Please Pr Inspe,pfors Sig ure ftriature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED ANJ2 TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGIION WEATHER CONDITIONS � oj DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 X ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,-registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) X ❑ ❑ 3 Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are I hose authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and then intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1 14(b),360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) g ❑ ❑. 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) X ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) X❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost,product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ Ne❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form ���.r7�5 In ual m Responsible Charge(Please Pint) Inspe or's SrtureO d1ature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF.ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION J t =_ DIVISION OF MATERIAMMANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART`360-2 LANDFILLS' - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DA3JE LTIME _T Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF_Z I ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. )<PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ AD a. Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑$K❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ ;K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ ;K❑ d. Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ ;C❑ e.Whole Tires.360-217(v). ❑;<❑ f. Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2 17(h),(u). ;`❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑;J(❑ a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ X'❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑;<❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3)., ❑NO d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ KO a Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑J(❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ ;<❑ g Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3) ❑ X❑ h Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑ K❑ i Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL jK❑ ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ;'❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ;K❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER XD ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). Ji<❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )<❑ ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable.360-1 14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ ;KD 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness, proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ jg❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.,360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ZO a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ XD b.Asbestos Waste.360-2 17(p)(3). ❑ K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ ;K 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑K❑ 17. Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). X❑ ❑ 18 Final cover system material is suitable in quality;of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING Ko ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). ,K❑ ❑ 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facilit(y/CopZs, Inspecti eport Form.. I /,, 0001, Individual in Responsible Ch (P ase Print) Inspects Si re Sig Lure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / /-6 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 C 0,00-- SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES X NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. r C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ❑r❑ 1.Facility is permitted 0,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ 0 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ;K ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. 0 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. aK 0 ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) 0 ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ;K ❑ 0 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) 9< ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5 7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ,K ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) fie( ❑ 0 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) X,❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained'.360-5.7(b)(7) �;,❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ X❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Faali Copy of this Inspection rt Form. Indiv/n/i ani/eQsponsible ChargeT( i as Print) �J Insp tors ' ria re Sign ure NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION`OF MATERIALS"MANAGEMENT - `� 6�NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION-REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER I DAJE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processina I County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52RO9 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMB R � �Oc SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF,/ I ❑YES KNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT $❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 ❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). ❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14ft 360-16.4(a). K❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL jb(❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6.Dust is'effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1),36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5),360-16.4(b)(5) KD ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent,transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER J<❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) J<❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS ;K❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). go 0 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ,K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) K❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ,K❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). j<❑ ❑ 19.Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ Ko 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). )<❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). j�'❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). �;❑ ❑ 25. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(0(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(0(2). JK❑• ❑ 27. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). fic❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). X❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑;K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(0(6). OTHER ❑X❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑K❑ 33 Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa ci ity Co2&py of this In6--ye 1/1spection rt Form. e 1. Indrrdual in Responsible C (Ple se rint) Inspe or's sWatuV Sibdture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 1' -1 DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DTIME - J Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 /AT / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGIION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SH ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— l� L OF ❑YES XNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ;K ❑ ❑ 1 Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area 360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. X ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their Intended use.360-1. 0, ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1 14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) X ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,Including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1 14(k),1 14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) X ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding Is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame 360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15 Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ )< ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5 7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspectioneport For t-N�2S i�iLwYlG�GIG Indlyidual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspe or'sat re Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS-MANAGEMENT - 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER D E' TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 ODE INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSO S INTERVIEWED AND TLE Gu Wheaton M A" S U REGIONWEATHER,CONDITIONS gOV DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHE�ET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— _ OF ❑YES )<NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT 0 COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑ X0 a. Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes 360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m) ❑ X0 b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ X0 c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(I),(p)(1). 0 }<❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ XCI e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑X0 f.Lead Acid Batteries 360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use. go ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(1)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). K0 ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: 0)<13 a. Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). 0 )'0 b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). 0 �(❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1 14(1)(3). ❑ 0 d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). 0 X 0 e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ X0 f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑X❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). 0 X❑ h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). 0 X❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL >CD 0 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). 1�❑ 0 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance 360-1.14(k). ❑ 0 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). *K 11 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). ❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS X0,0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). X0 ❑ 12 On-site roads are passable.360-1 14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ X 0 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). 0 X0 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ X❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). 0 � O b.Asbestos Waste 360-2.17(p)(3). 0 ❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ X0 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). J<0 ❑ 18 Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained 360-2.17(e). MONITORING ;K0 ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact 360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). K❑ 0 20. Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(1);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. QS 1614 OG�GI G� Ind' 'dual in Responsible Charge(Please Print) Inspec rsSi tur Si ature e vNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ;-DIVISIONbl'MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBERDAT IME Southold Transfer/C&D ProcessingCount Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52RO9 �q _3 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AMP TITLES G(iy Wheaton M ,W U Af, REGION I WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEETUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- F�� OF ❑YES )<NO - d ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form Is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY,MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 );❑ ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16 1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16 4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a) g ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1),360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11 4(i);360-J 6.4(a),(b)(2),(1),(1). OPERATION CONTROL �'❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). )(❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 9 Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site 360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER ❑ ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). XD ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(8) KD ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). >C❑ 0 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(5) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). ❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21 Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). ;<❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(f)(1). XD ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). XD ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). )CO ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16A(f)(2) ;<❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). g❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(0(3),(5). ;K❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)i(3). ;,❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑)'❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s) ❑K❑ 33. Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. + Individual in Responsible Charge(Please Inspe ors S' ur Sig* ture NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT,OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 'Row 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT - FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52517 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M ,E REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 - �1645 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES KNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. 0 PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X,❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑PK0 a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑ ;C❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑ KEI c Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). 11 X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ K0 f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: �°❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.1 (h),(u). )(❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(0(2). 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ JCC❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ K❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). 11)(0 c.Permit Application Records. 360-1.14(1)(3). ❑ JK❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑)CO e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ >ro f.Fill Progression Log.360-2 9(e). ❑)CO g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑ X0 h.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑X❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5 Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). )CO ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360 1.14(k). X❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). �❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X0 ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). K13 ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is preve ted from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(8). ACCESS X❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates, igns,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). )CO ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n),360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ )(❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ XO 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,-and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ );❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑ Y'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑>(❑ c Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑X❑ 16.Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑X'❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). )(❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained 360-2.17(e). MONITORING )<❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). V°❑ El 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(0;360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facile y Copy of this Insp n Report Form. indi ' ual iniblg,Charge(Please Print) lnspectofjd Sign a Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT v 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities � INSPECTION,REPORT FACITY NAME ----TLOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processin Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 /per INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Gu Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONSDEC PERMIT NUMBER � o r1W -rte/ SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES �NO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form Is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT K❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 K0 ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). )CO ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). p<❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL i❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 6. Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7 On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16 4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). DC,❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER XD ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<D ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(0(2);360-16.4(g) )'❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(8) ACCESS X❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). XD ❑ 14.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). ,K❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). ❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) X❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). 5<0 ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ J<❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.36Q-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) / )<❑ ❑ 21. Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). A❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). g❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(%1). ❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). ❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). ❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). AD ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(0(3). ,KD ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). fi<❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(0(3). ;,❑ ❑ 30. Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑X❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ j,❑ 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑)<D 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection Report Form. c.Q+✓'rt d2 Indi ' ual in Responsible Crge( le se Print) r Inspecto Sig re Sign re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL-CONSERVATION '-DIVISION--OF_MATERIALS"MANAGEMENT` :- - 6 NYCRR=SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER' DATE TIME Southold:Composting - County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 /Q INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES JkedNo 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT 0 ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) K❑ ❑ 3.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4 Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by,fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) X❑ ❑ 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ g❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspection p4ort Form. LC. t` Indies al in Responsible har (Please Print) .. e ZA J-1 Inspe is Si ure Sign re NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ; v DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITIES INSPECTION REPORT " l FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Composting County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 3 /3 INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLE Guy Wheaton M I '„j y� U� REGION WEATHER CgV�DITf NS � • DEC PERMIT� sMB R ' 1 SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED (S)360— OF ❑YES �NO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT X❑ ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption, registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. ❑ ❑ 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(i);360-5,7(c)(1) 5( ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1 14(d) ❑ ❑ $.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) J� ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) ( ' ❑ ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) jI ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5 7(b)(13) MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16•Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa�Copy of this Inspection Report Form d�yv7 k' r I's it C Ind' idual ir'Responsible Charge(PleaseLint) Inspe is Sig ature Signature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION _ DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT J 1 `+ 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DA E TIME 'Southold Landfill Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 / INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS FNITERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS ss�� / DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 ;G,l/1 / E SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— OF ❑YES �NO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed in the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. ❑ PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT )K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas.360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d). . 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility: ❑K❑ a.Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑;K❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑,K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ X❑ d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑)CO e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ g❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use* ❑ ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). 0'�'❑ ❑ b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2). 4.Operational records are available where required• ❑;K❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(1)(1). ❑g❑ b.Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(i)(2). ❑ PC❑ c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(i)(3). ❑>CD d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(1)(4). ❑ ;K❑ e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ J'❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑ XP_ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs.360-2.90)(3). ❑,K❑ In.Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑�'❑ i.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL X❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140). g❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an qff-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). .Ko ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). ,K❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER X❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). V,❑ ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1.14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS -K❑ ❑ 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means.360-1.14(d). ;<❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n);360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ Xo 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment,and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑)(❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15.Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided. ❑ K❑ a.Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges.360-2.17(n). ❑)'❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ ❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑)K❑ 16. Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2.17(c). ❑ 9,❑ 17.Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d). g❑ ❑ 18.Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING ❑ Z❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2.17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(I). ❑)'❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Fa py of this Inspection Reports Form. A lndiyMyal in Responsible Charge(Pleaas_e�,Print) Inspe or's I nat re Oiature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF_ENVI_RONMENTAL,CONS_ ERV ATI ON ' `0lvisibN'OF MATERIALS MI _NAGEMENT °---6 NYCRR.SUBPART.360-71 rarisfer Stations.&16 C&O Processing.Facilities INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processin Count Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T.2/,,R0, p INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES Guy Wheaton M V , REGION WEATHER CONDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 .a SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked Ni Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT ;'❑ ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X❑ ❑ 2.Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). X❑ ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). 'K❑ ❑ 4 Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11.4(1);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL )'❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.146);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). ;<O ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) ❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). )<❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X0 ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/,or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). X❑ ❑ 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) K❑ ❑ 12 The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS '❑ ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). X❑ ❑ 14.On-site roads are passabld.360-1.14(n). X❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) ❑ ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) ❑ ❑ 18.Processing,tipping,•sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). K❑ ❑ 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑ A❑ 20.Station is cleaned or washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). X❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). �❑ ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). I,❑ ❑ 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(0(1). X❑ ❑ 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). A❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). Kp ❑ 27. Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ ❑ 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16 4(f)(3),(5). ❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). ;<0 ❑ 30.Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days,360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ K❑ 31.Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER ❑ g❑ 32.Telephone'numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1.14(s). ❑ )CO 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facillt Copy of this Inspection Report Form �-, A a i1cA Ind1 idual in Responsib a Charge(Plga a Print) Insp tor's gna re ftnature NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ,"low 6 NYCRR SUBPART 360-2 LANDFILLS - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Landfill County Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52S17 g // INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITLES/ Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDIT NS � � DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1 — SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360— J OF ❑YES XNO 2 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. PART 360 PERMIT ❑ORDER ON CONSENT ❑ EXEMPT ❑ COMPLAINT C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT 1K❑ ❑ 1.Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs within approved areas 360-1.5(a);360-1.7(a)(1),(b);360-8.3(d).. 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste, and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility, ❑-g❑ a. Hazardous/Low-Level Radioactive Wastes.360-1.5(b);360-2.17(m). ❑X❑ b.Control Program.360-1.14(e)(1). ❑;K❑ c.Department Approved Facility for Specific Wastes.360-1.14(r);360-2.17(1),(p)(1). ❑ X0 d.Bulk Liquids.360-2.17(k). ❑ X0 e.Whole Tires.360-2.17(v). ❑ X❑ f.Lead Acid Batteries.360-2.17(w). 3.Operator maintains and operates facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use: X0 ❑ a.Maintenance of Facility Components/Site Grading.360-1.14(f)(1);360-2.17(h),(u). )<❑ 0 b.Adequate Equipment.360-1.14(f)(2) 4.Operational records are available where required: ❑ PK❑ a.Unauthorized Solid Waste Records.360-1.14(i)(1). ❑ XD b Self Inspection Records.360-1.14(1)(2). ❑ )<D c.Permit Application Records.360-1.14(1)(3) ❑ g❑ d.Monitoring Records.360-1.14(i)(4). ❑ XD e.Facility Operator Records.360-1.14(u)(1). ❑ X❑ f.Fill Progression Log.360-2.9(e). ❑JK❑ g.Primary Leachate Collection and Removal System Logs 360-2 90)(3). ❑ g❑ h..Asbestos Waste Site Plan.360-2.17(p)(2). ❑g❑ 1.Random Waste Collection Vehicle Inspection Records.360-2.17(q). OPERATION CONTROL ❑ ❑ 5.Solid waste,including blowing litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140. DC❑ ❑ 6.Dust is effectively controlled,and does not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k). ❑ ❑ 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1). JK❑ ❑ 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m). WATER ;K❑ ❑ 9.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). go ❑ 10.Leachate is minimized through drainage control or other means and is prevented from entering surface waters.360-1 14(b)(2);360-2.17(g). ACCESS > ❑ 0 11.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or other suitable means 360-1 14(d). X❑ ❑ 12.On-site roads are passable 360-1.14(n),360-2.17(s). WASTE HANDLING ❑ )(❑ 13.Solid waste is spread in layers 2 feet or less in thickness,proper compaction is achieved with 3 passes of appropriately sized equipment, and the working face area is the smallest practicable.360-2.17(b)(1). ❑ ;K❑ 14.Lift height does not exceed 10 feet,slope is at least 4 percent and no more than 33 percent,and wastes are placed and graded in accordance with fill progression plan.360-2.17(b)(2). 15 Solid waste preparation measures and/or precautions are provided: ❑ ❑ a Stabilized/Dewatered Sludges 360-2.17(n). ❑ ❑ b.Asbestos Waste.360-2.17(p)(3). ❑ K❑ c.Tanks.360-2.17(r). COVER ❑ Xo 16 Daily cover material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness, and is applied and maintained where and when required to control vectors,fires.odors,blowing litter,and scavenging.360-2 17(c). ❑)<❑ 17 Intermediate cover material suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained where and when required. 360-2.17(d) X❑ ❑ 18. Final cover system material is suitable in quality,of proper compacted thickness,and is applied and maintained.360-2.17(e). MONITORING %❑ ❑ 19.Monitoring wells are intact.360-2 17(a);360-2.11(a)(8)(v),(c)(1)(i). K❑ ❑ 20.Decomposition gases are monitored and controlled.360-2.17(f);360-8.3(c). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy of this Inspectio ort Form. I cr Ind spnsibl Ch ge( I se Print) "� Ins ctor gn ure nature _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL'CONSERVATION - -DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT- - 6 NYCRR.SUBPART 360-11 Transfer Stations&16 C&D Processing Facilities - INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DAT TIME Southold Transfer/C&D Processing County, Road 48, Cutcho ue, NY 52T92/52R09 INSPECTORS'S,NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TI Guy Wheaton M REGION I WEATHER C NDITIONS DEC PERMIT NUMBER SHEETCONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PARTS)360- OF ❑YES ><No ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet. This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no Inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V FACILITY MANAGEMENT X0 ❑ 1. Solid waste management facility is authorized and management occurs with in approved area.360-1.7(a);360-1.8(h)(1),(5);360-16.1 X0 ❑ 2. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program for unauthorized waste,and solid wastes materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1.14(e),(r);360-11.4(a),(c),(m);360-16.1(a),(d),360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b). K0 ❑ 3.Operator maintains facility components and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1.14(f);360-16.4(a). )'❑ ❑ 4.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(e)(2),(i),(u)(1);360-1.4(c);360-1.8(h)(8);360-11 4(i);360-16.4(a),(b)(2),(I),(I). OPERATION CONTROL XD ❑ 5.Solid waste is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(4);360-16.4(b)(5). X0 D 6.Dust is effectively controlled.360-1.14(k);360-16.3(g)(5),(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). XD D 7.On-site vector populations are prevented or controlled,and vector breeding areas are prevented.360-1.14(1);36011.4(e);360-16 3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5) );❑ 0 8.Odors are effectively controlled so that they do not constitute a nuisance.360-1.14(m);360-11.4(e);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). X❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent transmission of sound levels above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p);360-16.3(h)(5);360-16.4(b)(5). WATER X0 ❑ 10.Solid waste is prevented from entering surface waters and/or groundwaters.360-1.14(b)(1). )<0 0 11.Leachate is minimized and discharged to Waters is prevented/controlled.360-1.14(b)(2);362-16.3(f)(2);360-16.4(g) K❑ ❑ 12.The site and facility have adequate drainage,and are drained and free of standing water.360-16.4(g) ACCESS )<0 ❑ 13.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs,natural barriers or the other suitable means.360-1.14(d); 360-16.4(h). 0 ❑ 14,On-site roads are passable.360-1.14(n). )<❑ ❑ 15. Attendant is present during all operational hours to control access and receive solid waste,where permanent operating equipment exists.360- 1.14(c) WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT TRANSFER STATIONS) Xo ❑ 16.Adequate storage of incoming solid waste is available.360-11.4(g). X❑ ❑ 17.Putrescible solid waste is removed when transfer containers are full,or with seven days of receipt.360-11.4(1) go 0 18.Processing,tipping,sorting,storage,compaction,and related activities are in an enclosed or covered area.360-11.4(n)(1). X❑ 0 19. Incoming waste is weighed or measured before unloading.360-11.4(n)(2). ❑AD 20.Station is cleaned or`washed down each day to prevent odors or other nuisance conditions.360-11.4(n)(3). WASTE HANDLING(FOR USE AT C&D DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY) ' DK❑ ❑ 21.Incoming waste is inspected before acceptance and the C&D debris accepted is weighed or measured before unloading.360-16.4(b)(2). ;C❑ ❑ 22.Proper separation of materials and adequate supervision is provided to ensure that waste wood is unadulterated and not contaminated if it is provided to be pulverized or processed separately from the other C&D.360-16.4(c)(3). X0 ❑ 23.Adequate storage for incoming C&D debris is available.360-16.4(0(1). ;K 0 0 24.Unauthorized solid waste material received at the facility is removed within 24 hrs.360-16.4(f)(1). D<0 0 25.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored uncovered at the facility for a period exceeding 30 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 26.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris is not stored in enclosed or covered storage for a period exceeding 90 days.360-16.4(f)(2). X❑ ❑ 27.Processed and unprocessed C&D debris storage piles do not exceed 20 feet in height and the area at the base of the pile does not exceed 5,000 square feet.360-16.4(f)(3). ❑ 0 28.C&D debris storage piles are not located in excavation or below normal grade.360-16.4(f)(3),(5). �❑ ❑ 29.A minimum separation distance of 25 feet is maintained between C&D debris storage piles and 50 feet between C&D storage piles and property boundaries.360-16.4(f)(3). 0 ❑ 30 Recyclables recovered from the C&D debris are not stored at the facility for a period of 60 calendar days.360-16.4(f)(4). ❑ ❑ 31:Screenings which meet all the requirements for an alternative daily cover material and screenings which received an approval of a petition for a beneficial use determination are not stored uncovered at the facility for a period of 15 calendar days.360-16.4(d)(1);360-16.4(f)(6). OTHER D X D 32.Telephone numbers to emergency response agencies are conspicuously posted in all areas at facility where telephones are available.360-1 14(s). 0 ,K0 33.Fire protection and detection equipment is available.360-11.4(k); 360-16.4(b)(4). I hereby acknowledge receipt of the FacilCopy of this Infection ort1�19 . -, • Indivl �I m R�ble C�`e�('Pl�e� Inspec Sig re Sign ure NEW YORK_ STATE DEPARTMENT.OF.ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION -DIVISION OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ' �,6 NYCRkSUBPART 360-5 YARD WASTE,COM POSTING FACILITIES , INSPECTION REPORT FACITY NAME LOCATION FACILITY NUMBER DATE TIME Southold Compost! g County Road 48,Cutchogue, NY 52Y29 / / /yam INSPECTORS'S NAME CODE PERSONS INTERVIEWED AND TITL Guy Wheaton M REGION WEATHER CONDITIOI�S� � � DEC PERMIT NUMBED.10 _ 1 �J SHEET CONTINUATION SHEET ATTACHED PART(S)360- OF ❑YES XNO 5 ATTACHED Violations of Part 360 are Subject to Applicable Civil,Administrative and Criminal Sections Set Forth in ECL Article 71,and as appropriate, the Clean Water and Clean Air Act s.Additional and/or Multiple Violations May Be Described on the Attached sheet This form is a record of conditions which are observed In the field at the time of Inspection. Items marked NI Indicate no inspection and do not mean no violation has occurred. C NI V GENERAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT 0 ❑ 1.Facility is permitted❑,registered❑,exempt❑,or under order❑,and solid waste management occurs within approved area.360-1 ❑ ❑ 2.Facility operates in accordance with pertinent operational conditions of permit,exemption,registration, and/or order.360-1.4(a)(2), 360-1.7(a) ❑ ❑ 3. Incoming solid waste is monitored by a control program,and solid waste materials accepted are those authorized and approved for management at the facility.360-1. 0 0 4.Operator maintains and operates facilities and equipment in accordance with the permit and their intended use.360-1. ;< ❑ ❑ 5.Operational records are available where required.360-1.14(1);360-5.7(c)(1) ❑ ❑ 6.Solid waste and leachate is prevented from entering surface waters and/or ground waters.360-1.14(b);360-5.7(b)(3) ❑ ❑ 7.Access to the facility is strictly and continuously controlled by fencing,gates,signs or other suitable means.360-1.14(d) ❑ `0 8.Solid waste,including blowing papers and litter,is sufficiently confined or controlled.360-1.140) �( ❑ ❑ 9.Noise levels are controlled to prevent excursions above the allowable levels off-site.360-1.14(p) ❑ ❑ 10.Dust and odors are effectively controlled and do not constitute an off-site nuisance.360-1.14(k),1.14(m);360-5.7(b)(11) COMPOSTING CRITERIA j ❑ ❑ 11.Yard waste is located on a suitable base which ensures stability and accessibility 360-5.7(b)(2) ❑ ❑ 12.Ponding is minimized.360-5.7(b)(5) j� ❑ ❑ 13.Windrow construction and turning frequency are sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions and produce a compost product in the desired time frame.360-5.7(b)(6) 0 ❑ 14.Required separation distances are maintained.360-5.7(b)(7) ❑ ❑ 15.Product is not stored for longer than 24 months,unless approved by the Department.360-5.7(b)(13) -MONITORING ❑ ❑ 16.Yard waste is analyzed for the parameters outlined in Table 11 of Section 360-5.10. 360-5.7(c)(3) I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Facility Copy f this Inspectio a ort Form. & Indi ' a in Re ponsibl@Cha lease Print) inspe is na re SignW re