HomeMy WebLinkAboutStickers 't Customer Cop ,. = < Label 11-F, April 2004' o N Z r O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllll EXPRESS Q h �Q) @ N i EM 552664843 US ���� ���� s UNITED STATESPOSTAL SERVICED Post®ffice7o Addressee,f,y ) CD o -o• =a o - ----_ _--__- - O •o - a _ -_ _ _-- -_ • fu n' PO IppZIP Cod e�'e, J/ Day b(De1lv6hA',,T/I f✓ Postage f� ( Delivery Attempt Time Employee Signature IT OEl A C rF ttDayc---- '� Oh t�A 3 U ❑NexY[7 2nd ❑2nd Del Day Mo Q ' Dae ce 8 Scheduled Date of Delivery Return Receipt Fee Delivery Attempt - Time ❑AM Employee Signature _ O O (t( U �' f O (D h r-F< Month Day $ MO Day ❑PM ! a O O i Scheduled Time of Delivery COD Fee Insurance Fee Delivery Date Time Employee SI nature Mo Day Year �a..� ❑AM9 - - µ O O p Time A`pted ❑AM ❑Noon /L 13 PM � M-ot - Da > O Military Total P stW$De i_i WAtvER OF SIGNATURE!Dpmestic Mad Only)Additional merchandise insurance Is 45 PM "+• 1 ` void if waiver of srgnatur¢is requested 31,ish delivery to be made without obtamrrig signature S -_ LJ 2nd Day 3rd Day $ ofeddresseeoraddressor agentffdelrvery en+pbyeejudges that artlrif c-o be leftrn secure Flat Rate or We location)and 1 autnpnz¢ifiat delivay¢mAioyee s signature constitut¢s valid proof of delivery. X�' Int'I Alpha Country Code Accepts c Emp Initials to NO DELIVERY Weekend O'Hohday 11 Ibs ozs a Customer signature USEUNL METHOD OF PAYMENT Fede-Aq—A^ct No er - f Express Mail Coporate Acct No Sm ix A,t No .. FROM:(PLEASE PRINT) 631 /l:/51 �G�,J TO' LEASE PRINT) , -701( PHONE( ) J-^„} PHONE( ) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD MY 11971-095 1 To . -T-0w n C I£,�,-� , J FOR PICKUP •• • • 1-900-222-1611 -77 EA fs �nb� Swd �� U�}rc� �c.V�'�ov� �1�� S �a� � ~� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD x oy •Purchase Order# 30366 A.7180.4.100. 150 $1,821 .60 Date December 13,2016 Account# SR.8160.4.100.110 - A917.00 Deliver and send billing to: Vendor 001797 Department Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Baldwin Business Svstems Address 53095 Ma'in Road 2305 Veterans Memorial Highway PO Box 1179 Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 ,. 'Southold, New York 11971 VENDOR **Return this copy and'Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment** ITEM QUANTITY„ , DESCRIPTION• UNIT COST TOTAL Change dats .� AL m�•ts to 2017 except Corr merci�l ® s,posalm 2:09:7.-Z0�1�9`;- 01 j ALL p its t be`con ecuti�v"�el, num e� 12,000 Rae 1dej# Par'k►n; •,;#0,0{0'01 ta1:2.000V°; ` $13,8., per 1,656.00 ubi Real'.'-:vui,fiy „ VV_i�i;te�P;ri 1,®00 ,200 ues' Le see P rkin `0'il:£ �_ 13U0 ' X130 per` 165.60 ri - #fih B:l�ckJPri�_ �;a 1,.0,0® f" z x.76 "" -0 2°.36 eac 413.00 Gue� /les e D.t \ sisal;. 01`-250. Green 4S 'aandbd-d-�fh:�Blac-k��Oris t � �'ti $.072 eaci 504.00 700 Coma`r•cii,jldi3i'spos6f, j- N'QT�Nufinbered date tbepinti ':"x2'017- �01< ...''-l"'/-'".^-.>��',Jam,(_j-•/ THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR } I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE APPROPRIATION CHARGED Dept. Head I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST AND TRUE PURCHASE ORDER Supervisor TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROCUREMENT POLICY PROPOSAL QUOTATION FORM - Description-of-Item(s) to be-procureds; ripest/ Lessee Parking Stickers• and Guest/Lessee DisrnszLS±Ick.ers-;a, Commercial Stickers 3 PRICE QUOTES ARE NECESSARY Vendor Name &Address Price for Each Item Baldwin Business Systems Parking Stickers $1 821 .60 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway Disposal Stickers 917.00 Ronkonkoma NY 11779 TOTAL PRICE $2,738-60 Vendor Name &Address Price for Each Item VI B Mason Parking, Stickers $1 ,647.36 59 Centre Street, PO Box 111 Disposal Stic rG 699_.34 Brockton, MA 02303 TOTAL PRICE $2,346.70 Vendor Name &Address Price for Each Item VENDOR SELECTED Vendor Name/Reason Price for Each Item 1,821 .60 917. Baldwin Business Systems Their price is a total of $321 .90 higher,but is preferredf„r the feliowing reason: This vendor is selected because they have provided excellent r,rnducts and service In a timer manner in the past The other vendor has provided poor product and service of these stickers in the past. His accountability and reliability ratings are very low based on past Town of Southold Department: Department Head Signature: experience. Town ClerkAd ` Dat .1 /13/2016 * i will provide the additional $391 -90 through budget modifications from my Town Clerk budget, if necessary. I feel a responsibility to the residents of the Town of Southold to provide their stickers to them produced with the correction information on them and in a timely manner. • Less than$35,000.00 but greater or equal to$10,000.00 require a written RFP and fax/proposals from 3 contractors. ` • Less than$10,000.00 but greater or equal to$3,000.00 require a written RFP and fax/proposals from 2 contractors. Js flian$3;000'OQ but'.�reater;or^equal%to$1;000OOrare'left-to-the discretion of the scr but'=lvri tenrfax':quotes�*r*if&f6d: Any written RFP shall describe the desired goods,quantity and the particulars of delivery. The Purchaser shall memorialize the name and address of all vendors from whom written/fax quotes have been requested and the written/fax quotes offered on a Proposal Quotation Form. 4. All Proposal Quotation Forms shall be date stamped and shall be kept confidential until the purchase order is signed and returned to the department. Until that time no employee shall discuss any price quote with the prospective vendor or contractor. A copy of the Proposal Quotation Form and any written proposals shall be attached to the purchase order before it is submitted to the Accounting Department. All information gathered in complying with the procedures of this item shall be preserved and filed with the documentation supporting the subsequent purchase or public works contract. �- �;�;��`"•'l'he :archase;-publicaworks��or ser-vice contract`-shall}lb'e:awarded';fdrtthe=.proposal"or_=quote=, '�:4:t.,�;,." -�:,....,..:.::,--.a..«+.-:—��,:�w'�>:=s':..:-,err.:g:�;-'-".7'r'r.f'k�.^•�.'ie�'�,'^'.`•"�.��..,�-,;:t,':�^Y-+4�c,.�-..,�tt...�!s_�v �4...:r; .` �stziimi�fCed?byYthe�lii�esf"responsblebiiiier:.�-7'he�resporisibility-of tfie:�iiddex,is to=be>detieririine��- e"•<.:..,w.,.---- ,rs�-,�;�.ss,c+Vn^:rnr rr.ryn^Ptr-aae.ar r.'i,T1'c"$d:?':.'�s''_.al�..,i.r._;•.vs. .4s-.,,. at the discxetion of the Torun=Board or departinerit headran�l=is basedritot:solely onaqualificatioris _ YozP�experzence butaecauntaliilztyaandz'eliabilit wever,the Purchaser may award such contract to a bidder,other than the lowest responsible bidder,where such bidder maintains a principal place of business located within the Town of Southold, or sells the contracted for supplies,material,or equipment manufactured and located within the Town of Southold,and submits a bid not exceeding ten percent(10%)more than the otherwise lowest responsible bidder. The Purchaser may award the purchase or contract to a bidder,other than the lowest responsible bidder,where such bidder maintains a principal place of business located within the County of Suffolk or sells the contracted for supplies, material,or equipment manufactured and located within the County of Suffolk,and submits a bid not exceeding five percent(5%)more than the lowest responsible bidder. !t -2- Beach Stickers Disposal Stickers Card Stock Books Shellfish Resid Gst/Les Gst/Les Resid Comm Carter Hot/Mot Non-Res Daily Resid Non-Res. Comm. TOTAL t Baldwin 1,821.60 413.Q0 504.00 2,738.60 Academy •; 1,986.00 425.00 660.00 _y 89.00 186.00 449.00 3,795.00 Ink Spot No Quote No Quote 150.00 350.00 585.00 1,085.00 W. B. Mason 1,647.36 297.57 401.77 292.21 282.60 1,128.40 4,049.91 Tags-Bags-Con No Quote No Quote No Quote NQ No Quote EBALDWOH SUSONEM MUMS Specialists in the design, production and fulfillment of print media QUOTATION October 28, 2016 To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold RECEIVER From: John LaForce OCT 2 8 201$ Subject: 2017 Permits Decals Southold Town Clerk Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quantity Unit Price A Resident Beach Parking 12,000 $138.00 per 1,000 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $138.00 per 1,000 C Guest/Lessee Disposal Stickers 175 $2.36 each D Commercial Disposal Stickers 700 $0.72 each 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma,NY 11779 • (631) 676-7335 • (212) 696-4494• Fax(631) 676-7340 ' 1 Rudder, Lynda From: Jeff Hoffman <Jeff.Hoffman@wbmason com> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 12:35 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Quote for 2017 Permits BEACH STICKERS A: 12000 RESIDENT BEACH PARKING$1188.31 B: 1200 GUEST/LESSEE PARKING$459.05 DISPOSAL STICKERS C: 250(THIS IS THE MINIMUM) GUEST/LESSEE$297.57 D: 700 COMMERCIAL DISPOSAL$401.77 CARD STOCK PERMITS E:400 HOTEL/MOTEL$162.34 F:.200 NON-RESIDENT SEASONAL$129.87 BOOKS G: 1500 DAILY$9.42 EACH BOOK SHELLFISH PERMITS H:2500 RESIDENT NON-COMMERCIAL$18.51 EACH BOOK I: 1WNON-RESIDENT$40.58 EACH BOOK J: 150 COMMERCIAL$40.58 EACH BOOK Pricing includes all freight,set up charges etc. 01 Any questions please feel free to contact me Thank you for the opportunity Jeff Hoffman W.B. Mason Co. (P) 631-764-9798 Jeff.Hoffman(cDWbmason.com a wa. Pre feaed z, - 1 Estimate e . e 4 o C� a«<C dam . No: 8271 631.765.3346 EACADEMYINTING 42 HORTON LANE Date: 11/4116 C. PO BOX 848.SOUTHOLD NY 11971 www.academyprinringservices.com Customer No: 354 Ship To: Lynda Rudder Town of Southold Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 Phone:765-1800x210 Fax:765-1823 E-Mai I .:b.^ :J«. ..ik..a.�,. ..Lau. rvq..+an.. .1.....",}': .�,r" `Ti.Uti' ;Z✓ -.:::R'w'�2i' :i,. 4°.w`.�r.: ...-..ter. `-''' .?�• �'m •:� :s!irrw�'. :i.>. .:.cfi;;2�;Y"- -�:at'N?' t« .';'�:. -,.>,.. ;:t;. +i?vw —S'a•:. a;'� .'.. e�°• •.Desrit+�tlan�- ..}=... .. . „Amouritr; :�w :,7 1szi.._s. ,l'�.,.......x_H-.--;."r",:r',:. ..'�.sR.� ..crE.fi... ,e»'x3•... �` A+B, 12,000 Resident Beach Parking and 1200 GuestLessee Parking stickers(combo $ 1,986.00 pricing) as described 175 C Disposal Stickers, Guest/Lessee, as descried $425.00 700 D Commercial Disposal,as described $660.00 The above items would need to be ordered by November 9th to allow proof setup and approval as well as production and shipping for deliver by Dec.5th. The items quoted below would be run in house.An order by the 18th would allow delivery by Dec. 5th. E+F Combo runn of 300 Hotel-Motel and 200 non-res seasonal, as described. $89.00 1,500 G Daily Books as described $ 186.00 H+I+J Shellfish Permits,combo pricing,as described $449.00 2500 Res non-c/100 non res/150 commercial Sales Rep: Taken by. admin $3,79500 $3,79500 2017 permits Specialists in the design, production and fulfillment of print media QUOTATION October 28, 2016 To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold RECEIVED From: John LaForce OCT 2 8 2016 Subject: 2017 Permits Decals Southold Town Clerk Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quantity Unit Price A Resident Beach Parking 12,000 $138.00 per 1,000 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $138.00 per 1,000 C Guest/Lessee Disposal Stickers 175 $2.36 each D Commercial Disposal Stickers 700 $0.72 each MONKS== 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma,NY 11779• (631) 676-7335 e (212) 696-4494®Fax(631) 676-7340 Rudder, Lynda From: Jeff Hoffman <Jeff.Hoffman@wbmason.com> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 12:35 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Quote for 2017 Permits BEACH STICKERS A: 12000 RESIDENT BEACH PARKING$1188.31 B: 1200 GUEST/LESSEE PARKING $459.05 DISPOSAL STICKERS C: 250(THIS IS THE MINIMUM)GUEST/LESSEE$297.57 D: 700 COMMERCIAL DISPOSAL$401.77 CARD STOCK PERMITS E:400 HOTEL/MOTEL$162.34 F:.200 NON-RESIDENT SEASONAL$129.87 BOOKS G: 1500 DAILY$9.42 EACH BOOK SHELLFISH PERMITS H:2500 RESIDENT NON-COMMERCIAL$18.51 EACH BOOK c'I'aS �d I: 100,NON-RESIDENT$40.58 EACH BOOK i� ti • '� J: 150 COMMERCIAL$40.58 EACH BOOK I a t . 'l`'1 Pricing includes all freight,set up charges etc. Any questions please feel free to contact me Thank you for the opportunity Jeff Hoffman W.B. Mason Co. (P) 631-764-9798 Jeff.Hoffmane-wbmason.com ...'++P...r..,eferred 1 qb"'� * ^Y., :ri>>`.w'�;'#,l".$f6, a.P,'Ea!&"i.;�ptd%�i:4 ri, �.,�L✓f`rya,,, �'�a �n"fib"6 4°�,�`,�'"f^Kr„w '';'S%�y.•;ey,; ..,�.r '�. �,,b%a' �..�.tyn�,�.�; �'A!;�.., ."e� ,T%«dpv., y ..,A./� ',a �, ,�Ma�G:i;,�✓, =�;�7,c:•' � .,,�„�K'y.r�•_�`«� •"` b' ti0�? Ty0 '�A� y ;,"�4�°,;, ='i `�,'7,',4 �"Cy"'�:c "'�, w. ,d� ..,�✓,,d. 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"Y `''�%}"'d,iee•'";"`:sa<' , fs„r•�F,' ". s.r.»�S.r „�•';f'Jo<:,.�.ti�,.^-.gs�.,�,r. erme of SOUryo`o N ae G ® , ""� SOUTHOLD TOWN 2018 RESIDENT PARKING BEACH Plate No. RAMPPermit No. t6tL 0 O�n�y ro�12�n `►� �'P� sc�-��o��, 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal Rubine Red It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal j U� It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal 1 It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green green purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green 2 yr Lt gray purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow Lt gray purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow Lt gray pink It yellow pink It green gray yellow It green blue golden rod pink It yellow pink It green gray yellow It green blue golden rod It blue goldenrod yellow goldenrod It blue pink yellow green gray 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 gray blue green It purple It green It yellow It orange It blue pink lavender green yellow orange yellow pink green It purple It green It yellow It orange It blue pink lavender green yellow orange blue orange It green It purple It green yellow It orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It pink orange med blue purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It blue It green med blue It purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It green orange med blue purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange yellow orange It green It purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It blue br green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green green gold bt green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green yellow bt green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green red br green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green It yellow fuschia br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green tan fuschia br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green yellow yellow pink blue pink blue It blue It yellow It green yellow goldenrod yellow It green green pink green yellow green pink It blue It yellow It green yellow goldenrod yellow It green pink blue yellow pink blue yellow pink It green blue pink It blue pink goldenrod a' 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987, 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 STICKERS Daily-WE - gray blue yellow pink Daily-WD yellow pink blue green yellow tan yellow pink green tan Hotel-Motel green blue pink yellow green blue pink yellow tan green Lessee blue white/black white/yellow white/green It blue yellow tan It green It blue yellow Resident white black yellow blue white/red tan white/green white/blue white/red white/black tan Guest yellow white/green white/blue white/black yellow It blue It green tan It yellow It blue Non-Resid orange It green It blue buff It green It blue Contractor white/black blue green tan It yellow It blue green It tan yellow Scavenger red yellow tan green It blue It yellow red It green It blue Compactor yellow green blue yellow tan It green blue It yellow tan Agriculture tan yellow blue It green It tan yellow It blue It green Resident white/green Guest It green Lessee whiteiblue Temp green pink yellow blue green pink yellow green pink blue Non-Comm white yellow green pink blue yellow green pink blue yellow Comm blue green pink yellow white green pink blue yellow green Neville, Elizabeth From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 9:43 AM To: Russell, Scott Subject: Emailing: 2017 Stickers-20161214092440 Attachments: 2017 Stickers_20161214092440.pdf Scott, I am very concerned about the reliability of the lowest bidder to actually produce and deliver the stickers. We have waited twenty-two (22)days just for him to produce proofs. The stickers must be ready for the tax season. I have no faith in him to deliver them on a timely basis. This is the same individual who handled the permits in 2014 and they were incorrectly printed and he wanted to white out the incorrect information on the sticker and write over it. The stickers ended up being reproduced for the second time which added further delay. Ultimately, the stickers ended up falling off the bumpers all year long. I called the other bidder Baldwin Business Systems yesterday and they sent me proofs and promised delivery of the stickers within 7-10 days, possibly sooner. The procurement policy does speak on responsibility, accountability and reliability. Due to past experience I do not feel Mr. Hoffman is responsible,accountable, or reliable. I would like to meet with you as soon as you arrive at Town Hall this morning to further-discuss this matter. Betty Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: 2017 Stickers_20161214092440 Note:To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 1 �aSVfFO���o ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC dab �y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Dox 1179 C Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICSFax(631)765-6145 row MARRIAGE OFFICER �', 0� Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER 7he Ink Spot Printing OFFICE OF TIME TOWN CLERK 175 Boisseau Ave. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PO Box 665 SoUthold. 111Y 11971 QUOTE For 2017 PERMITS STICKERS: These are permits are affixed to the bumper of vehicles so they MUST be able to withstand all weather conditions but we must be able to write on them with a permanent magic marker. Numbers are to be consecutive with no missing numbers. Beach Stickers � �'� A. 12000—Resident Beach Parking change date to 2017,#00001-12000 PMS color(TBD)with White Print B. 1200—Guest/Lessee Parking change date to 2017,#0001-1200 PMS color(TBD)with Black Print Disposal Stickers j'_-5a c a C. 175—Guest/Lessee change date to 2017,#001-175 PMS color(TBD)with Black Print D. 700—Commercial Disposal change dates to 2017-2019,PMS color(TBD)with Black print CARD STOCK PERMITS: E. 300-Hotel—Motel: change date to 2017,Cardstoek,400 permits,color(TBD) (or•closdst,sample MUST be provided before,printing), Black Writing,print on front and back F. 200-Non-Resident Seasonal; change dates to 2017, Cardstock,200 permits,color(TBD) (or closest, sample MUST be provided before printing), Black Writing,print on front and back - 13ooKs G. 1500- Daily change date to 2017,3000 permits total,color(TBD)with black writing(or closest samL)le MUST be provided before printing),number two places, consecutively, in books with covers, 50 permits per book,perforated down center of permit for removal. Shellfish Permits: ho H. 2500 - Resident Non-Commercial: change date to 2017,top sheet to be yellow(see attached sheet for more instruction � � rn -W C I. 100-Non-Resident: change date to 2017,top sheet to be pink(see st, attached sheet for more instruction co o� J. 150- Commercial: change date to 2017,top sheet to be blue(see attached osheet for more instruction Pq 5 `0�- 4 'k * * * * * * * * Additional Information Sheets to follow have corresponding letters of above for layout and size. Proofs are required for all items. Provide card stock/sticker sample for approval before printing Include all charges: die cutting, ink charges, shipping,etc. in bid, no sales tax. Delivery to be no later than December 7,2016 Please provide quotes on or before NOVEMBER 4, 2017 TO: TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 53095 Main Road Po Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 631/765-1800, ext. 210 Lynda.rudder(ai)town.southold.ny.us Fax: 631/765-6145 ' �o�u�Fot�co ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC ��® �/y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 C Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ®� �i►�i►� www southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD QUOTE For 2017 PERMITS STICKERS: These are permits are affixed to the bumper of vehicles so they MUST be able to withstand all weather conditions but we must be able to write on them with a permanent magic marker. Numbers are to be consecutive with no missing numbers. Beach Stickers A. 12000—Resident Beach Parking change date to 2017, #00001-12000 PMS color(TBD) with White Print B. 1200—Guest/Lessee Parking change date to 2017,#0001-1200 PMS color(TBD) with Black Print Disposal Stickers C. 175—Guest/Lessee change date to 2017,#001-175 PMS color(TBD)with Black Print D. 700—Commercial Disposal change dates to 2017-2019, PMS color(TBD) with Black print CARD STOCK PERMITS: E. 300 - Hotel—Motel: change date to 2017, Cardstock, 400 permits, color(TBD) (or closest, sample MUST be provided before printing), Black Writing, print on front and back F. 200 -Non-Resident Seasonal: change dates to 2017, Cardstock, 200 permits, color(TBD) (or closest, sample MUST be provided before printing), Black Writing,print on front and back BOOKS G. 1500 - Daily change date to 2017, 3000 permits total, color(TBD) with black writing (or closest sample MUST be provided before printing),number two places, consecutively, in books with covers, 50 permits per book,perforated down center of permit for removal. Shellfish Permits: H. 2500 - Resident Non-Commercial: change date to 2017, top sheet to be yellow(see attached sheet for more instruction I. 100 -Non-Resident: change date to 2017, top sheet to be pink(see attached sheet for more instruction J. 150 - Commercial: change date to 2017, top sheet to be blue(see attached sheet for more instruction * * * * * * * * Additional Information '* * * * * * * * * Sheets to follow have corresponding letters of above for layout and size. Proofs are required for all items. Provide card stock/sticker sample for approval before printing Include all charges: die cutting, ink charges, shipping, etc. in bid, no sales tax. Delivery to be no later than December-7, 2016 Please provide quotes on or before NOVEMBER 4, 2017 TO: TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 53095 Main Road Po Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 631/765-1800, ext. 210 Lynda.rudder(a,town.southold.ny.us Fax: 631/765-6145 O�L I a ooh 5 . IL Iso l � c5o t a3 LAg �e�� IIIA •. -- - , • - , - _ _ ... , - , - Gsy ego ��a �Zt SA a5a a38 --- =- � �lR 9L X33 NZ= 3 53 59 5,5 teleed 5 1 060 9 `� 1 foo I 1 D�rc1e Sa lc� s ®o C o 7 oo S � - rde 1I goo D 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal Rubine Red It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal It blue red purple green silver yellow orange teal purple yellow, orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green green purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green 2 yr Lt gray purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon It green yellow Lt gray purple yellow orange tan It blue maroon it green yellow Lt gray pink It yellow pink It green gray yellow It green blue golden rod pink It yellow pink It green gray yellow It green blue golden rod It blue goldenrod yellow goldenrod It blue pink yellow green gray 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987, 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 STICKERS Daily- WE gray blue yellow pink Daily- WD yellow pink blue green yellow tan yellow pink green tan Hotel-Motel green blue pink yellow green blue pink yellow tan green Lessee blue white/black white/yellow white/green It blue yellow tan It green It blue yellow Resident whitelblack yellow blue white/red tan white/green whitelblue white/red white/black tan Guest yellow white/green white/blue white/black yellow It blue It green tan It yellow It blue Non-Resid orange It green It blue buff It green It blue Contractor whitelblack blue green tan It yellow It blue green It tan yellow Scavenger red yellow tan green It blue It yellow red It green It blue Compactor yellow green blue yellow tan It green blue It yellow tan Agriculture tan yellow blue It green It tan yellow It blue It green Resident white/green Guest It green Lessee white/blue Temp green pink yellow blue green pink yellow green pink blue Non-Comm white yellow green pink blue yellow green pink blue yellow Comm blue green pink yellow white green pink blue yellow green 1993 1994 1995 . 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 gray blue green It purple It green It yellow It orange It blue pink lavender green yellow orange yellow pink green It purple It green It yellow It orange It blue pink lavender green yellow orange blue orange It green It purple It green yellow It orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It pink orange med blue purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It blue it green med blue It purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It green orange med blue purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange yellow orange It green It purple green yellow orange It blue red purple green yellow orange It blue br green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green green gold bt green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green- yellow bt green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green red br green br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green It yellow fuschia br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green tan fuschia br yellow orange blue red green purple yellow orange blue red green yellow yellow pink blue pink blue It blue It yellow It green yellow goldenrod yellow It green green pink green yellow green pink It blue It yellow It green yellow goldenrod yellow It green pink blue yellow pink blue yellow pink It green blue pink It blue pink goldenrod Neville, Elizabeth From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 11:43 AM To: 'Jeff.Hoffman@wbmason.com' Subject: FW: Proofs PO 03310117POPC Attachments: 1612542961001.pdf, 1612542961001P.pdf, 1612542961002.pdf, 1612542961002P.pdf, 1612542961003.pdf, 1612542961003P.pdf, 1612542961004.pdf, 1612542961004P.pdf Importance: High Mr. Hoffman, This is to advise you that I have chosen not to order my 2017 Stickers from your company. Therefore, I am not signing the proofs or returning them or authorizing you to proceed any further. Please close the file on this matter. Thank you. Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk&FOIL Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631 765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631 765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 6:41 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth Subject: FW: Proofs PO 03310117POPC Importance: High From: Jeff Hoffman [Jeff.Hoffman@wbmason.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 4:37 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: FW: Proofs PO 03310117POPC Proofs attached and sign off sheets Thanks Jeff From: Philip Citrano Sent:Tuesday, December 13, 2016 4:35 PM To:Jeff Hoffman<Jeff.Hoffman(@wbmason.com> Subject: FW: Proofs PO 03310117POPC Proofs to check 1 Rudder, Lynda From: Paul Bitters <thebusinessconsultantl@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 6.57 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: paul@tagsbagscontainers.com Subject: RE: REQUEST FOR-QUOTE TAGS-BAGS-CONTAINERS Town of Southold, NY Lynda Rudder Hi Lynda - We took a look at matching the colors, and when priced (1-PMS color for Resident and 2-color PMS/Black for Guest) our pricing is already higher than the Bid winner from last year. We thank you for this opportunity but will not be able to offer competitive pricing to you this time. Paul Paul R. Bitters,President TAGS-BAGS-CONTAINERS P 0 Box 565, Greenfield, MA 01302 Ph (413) 522-7016-(207) 641-5024 Email: paul@taQsbagscontainers.com From: Rudder, Lynda [mailto:lynda.rudder town.southold.ny.us] Sent:Thursday, November 3, 2016 8:06 AM To: 'Paul Bitters'<thebusinessconsultantl@hotmail.com> Subject: RE: REQUEST FOR QUOTE P Thank you From: Paul Bitters [mailto:thebusinessconsultantl(�bhotmaii.com] Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2016 7:42 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: REQUEST FOR QUOTE TAGS-BAGS-CONTAINERS Town of Southold, NY Lynda Rudder 1 O�*pE SO(/l�ol JAMES BUNCHUCK ~ ® P.O. Box 962 SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR Cutchogue,New York 11935-0962 cn ,c Tel: (631) 734-7685 ® y� Fax: (631) 734-7976 ®IiYCOU � dsw@town.southold.ny.us SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT APPROPRIATION TO APPRORIATION To: Supervisor Scott A. Russell P From: James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator Date: November 18, 2016 Re: Budget Modification Please consider the following budget modification to the Solid Waste Management District 2016 budget for the printing of disposal stickers for the 2017 year. RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2016 Solid Waste Management District budget, as follows: TO: SR.8160.4.100.110 Refuse& Garbage District $ 700.00 Contractual Expenses Pre-Printed Forms FROM: SR.8160.4.100.250 Refuse& Garbage District $ 700.00 Contractual Expenses Heating Oil Approved by: dl ell O SupelYisor Scott A. Russell Dat war 2o16 ; SEASONAL , --- UEST/LESSEE, Mt ISPOSAL ' '- , No-El 27J Town of Southold Vehicle Permit Plate No. ,y9 t � � qhf� ■ � ■ • 11257 1177 License Plate No. License Plate No. This permit must be displayed on the dashboard, passenger side of the vehicle. 2017 Southold Town � T a) Daily Beach Permit DAILY BEACH PERMIT USE DATE: 2017 TIME & DATE ISSUED: Date No. 0000 No. 0000 I I I I ultra lemon stock, #0001 to#1500 I *,tx 20 17 top copy yellow TOWN OF SOUTHOLD bottom white PERMANENT RESIDENT #0001 to#2500 bottom right corner NON-COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT January 1, 2017 December 31,2017 Name Street Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certify that I am a Full Time Resident or Property Owner in the Town of Southold and am accurately described above. Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time 20 �_`DwFiW{ �F 17 9y �p� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD top copy pink NON-RESIDENT bottom white NON-COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT #0001 to#0100 bottom right corner Date:From to September 15,2017 Name Street Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height 1 hereby certify that 1 am accurately described above and agree to follow Southold Town's Shellfish Regulations. Signature of Permittee Date Time Clerk 20 ��� 17 ra top copy blue TOWN OF SOUTHOLD bottom white COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT #0001 to#0150 bottom right corner January 1,2017 December 31,2017 Name Street Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certify that 1 am a Permanent Resident of the Town of Southold and am accurately described above. Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time NYSDEC#