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r o��g11FF0(,r�, r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD oy • �� L%�^G�C� Jj01� dao Purchase Order# 30944 A.1410.4.100.150 $499.00 Date November 16, 2017 Account# A.7180.4.100.150 344.00 [Del'iver and send billing to: Vendor #10767 eartment Southold Town Clerk Academy Printing Address 53095 Main Road PO Box 848 PO Bc�s 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold, NY 11971 VENDOR **Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment* ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL 2,750 Shellfish Permits .(,quote,8405) $ 499.00 499.00 1 ,500 Daily 62ach''�a` F ' Books-fi�'e.66te,,.8t&0 206.00 205.00 600 l�ct�l=l�llo�el;'' �3d30)e-Is- Non-Re�Went`-+ 00)* 120.00 120.00 Quote;-'1 402 ,*hote uaretitY `chapgpe: 100 Corm- ercia'l Haule'r',. � , � � 18.00 18.00 1 TOTAL, $ 843.00 4PLEASE '',PROVID IE PROOFS ,;.,Sample s;-A.ttached H PURCH SE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN?jE APPROPRIATION CHARGED D. Dept. He I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST ANDTR PURCH SE ORDER Supervisor VENDOR TERMS AND-CONDITIONS- = _ 1.The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD is not responsible for materials, supplies or equipment delivered or- services performed without authority of written order. Quantities specified are not to be exceeded. 2. No changes may be made in this order without written authority of the supervisor. 3. Inspection of delivery will be made at delivery point unless otherwise specified. Materials-must be properly packaged. Damaged material will not be accepted. Include itemized packing lists with all shipments. Delivery indoors is.required unless otherwise specified. All prices quoted must include shipping, handling, packing and crating charges and be F.O.B. delivered, unless other terms are agreed to. 4. Substitutions of spc,,ified items will not be acceptable. The Town of Southold reserves the" right to reject and rete-n'at shipper's expense, materials delivered which do not conform to description of item ordered. 5. If order cannot be filled in whole or in part, in, time specified, notify the town immediately. In case of delay in delivery, or in case of any default of the vendor, the town may procure the goods or services.from-other,sources and held the vendor responsible for any EXCESS COST, EXPENSE OR DAMAGES occasioned thereby. 6. Upon acceptance of-this order--the vendor agrees'to_comply with all, Federal, State or local' laws relative thereto: a. The vendor shall defend actions or claims brought and hold the Town of Southold, its agents and its employees harmless from loss, suits, costs, rights, patent or patent rights of any invention or any other cause. b. The vendor represents and warrants that the unit prices charged herein are,,not higher than any applicable legal maximum prices permitted, and are not in"excess of those currently charged to other governmental, institutional or commercial users for similar items, quantities and deliveries. c. Insofar as applicable, the Vendor shall comply with Sections 220, 220-a, 220-b, 220-c, 220-d, 220-e and 222 of the Labor Law of the State of New York relating to maximum working hours'and minimum wages of employees and prohibiting discrimination on the account of race,8e<, color, creed or national origin in hiring employees within the State of New York involved in the manufacture'of materials, equipment, or supplies specified in this order. d. The vendor shall _comply with Sections 103a and 103b of the General Municipal Law pertaining to disqualifications of contractor for failure to waive immunity before Grand Jury. 7. INVOICES RENDERED ON ENCLOSED CLAIM FORM MUST BE ITEMIZED IN' DETAIL. Claims for partial deliveries are not allowed unless indicated. Claims in question will constitute - a condition precedent to the right of the vendor or receive any payment and matters of dispute must be adjusted before final acceptance by the Town of Southold. 8. Billing shall allow for exemption from taxes under Federal Excise Tax-Ex' e'mption Certificate No. A-163554 held by the Town of Southold. 9. Cash discount terms must be indicated on claim voucher; discount-period will be computed from date of acceptance of delivery or receipt of a correct claim vo,ucfi�r, whichever is later. 10. The provisions of the New York State Fair Trade Law (Feld-Crawford Act) and the Federal-Price Discrimination Law(Robinson-Patman Act)do not applyto purchases made bythe Town of Southold. 11 . All P.O./Claims must be audited and approved by the Town Board prior to actual payment..;, ao�sdFFatK�oa � s� H <<� o . T TOWN OF BOUT OLD Purchase Order# 30945 A.7180.4.100.150 65, 6 5,6 G Date NOvember 21, 2017 Account# SR^8160.4.100.110 -2- 0461 7-5 Deliver and send billing to: Fnr 001797 F �� Department Southold Town Clerk ldwin Business Systems 53095 Main Road 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway Address PO Box 1179 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Southold, NY 11971 VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL 15,000 Resident Beach _Par'king. Ex-tended Life 188.00 2820.00 Pi�a1S 021 O�^a�a �:�-Wlth"_Idlf ai=t11i.ri Letterina 15,000 Resident' f railer °,Ea�rt6si"ded.>Lif •. 188.00 2820.00 ls�y PMS 02'1,' O an-de v�ii�I� ��l9aite;.L�tte ir�J 1,200 Guest%.Le�s6r Pa-skin'' 'f� 188.00 225.60 VilF i � abel-witia';3?�S4 02.1ran'�ge lillkitinc 13,000 11'6sldbnt D1spbsal` Exte`nded'-Lifq::, Yt' 219.00 2847.00 4_.Violet with 'White JLetterira_ � 125 Guas!_;L essee Disposal :.;, 3.15 393.75 € "lhite` Label %,fith'',.PMS ,Violet! Letieririg LL.LLabels ;tz ` b'e c�a��soutivele�L, `^ r, N'Uirlbered / $9,106.35 ' r -' �•`'' --'�;�%� .mss-'`.. - THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN JUE APPROPRIATION CHARGL v Dept. H d I CERTIFY T S TO BE A JUST AND TRUE RCHASE ORDER z'6=24� Supervisor VENDOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS ` 1. The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD is not responsible for materials, supplies or equipment delivered or" services performed without authority of written order. Quantities specified are not to be exceeded. 2. No changes may be made in this order without written authority of the supervisor. 3. Inspection of delivery will be made at delivery point unless otherwise specified. Materials must be properly packaged. Damaged material will not be accepted. Include itemized packing lists with all shipments. Delivery indoors .is,required unless otherwise specified. All, prices quoted must include shipping, handling, packing and crating charges and be F.O.B. delivered, unless other terms are agreed to. 4. Substitutions of spc�ified items will not be acceptable. The Town of Southold reserves the- right heright to reject and retu-n at shipper's expense, materials delivered which do not conform to description of item orderzd. 5. If order cannot be filled in whole or in part in time specified,, notify the town immediately. In case of delay in delivery, or in case of any default of the vendor, the town may procure the goods or,services from.-other sources and hold the vendor responsible for any EXCESS COST, EXPENSE OR DAMAGES occasioned thereby. 6. Upon acceptance of this order the vendor agrees to comply with all Federal, State or local laws relative thereto: a. The vendor shall defend actions or claims brought and hold the Town of Southold, its agents and its employees harmless frorn loss, suits, costs, rights, patent or patent rights of any invention or any other cause. b. The vendor represents and warrants that the unit prices charged herein are,;not higher than any applicable legal maximum prices permitted, and are not in'excess of those currently ; charged to other governmental, institutional or commercial users for similar items; quantities and deliveries. c. Insofar as applicable, the Vendor shall comply with Sections 220, 220-a, 220-b, 220-c, 220-d, 220-e and 222 of the Labor Law of the State of New York relating to maximum working hours and minimum wages of employees and prohibiting discrimination on the account of race, sex, color, creed or national origin in hiring employees within the State of New York involved in the manufacture of materials, equipment, or supplies specified in this order. d. The vendor shall comply with Sections 103a and 103b of-the General Municipal Law pertaining to disqualifications of contractor for failure to waive immunity before Grand Jury. 7. INVOICES RENDERED ON ENCLOSED CLAIM FORM MUST BE ITEMIZED IN DETAIL. Claims for partial deliveries-are not allowed unless indicated. Claims in question will constitute a condition precedent to the right of the vendor or receive any payment and matters of dispute must be adjusted before final acceptance by the Town of Southold. 8. Billing shall allow for exemption from taxes under Federal Excise Tax Exemption Certificate No. A-163554 held by the Town of Southold. 9. Cash discount terms must be indicated on claim voucher; discount period,will be computed from date of acceptance of delivery or receipt of a correct claim voucher, whichever is later. 10. The provisions of the New York State Fair Trade Law (Feld-Crawford Act) and the Federal Price, Discrimination Law(Robinson-Patman Act)do not apply to purchases made by the Town-of Southold. 11. All RO.IClaims must be audited and approved by the Town Board prior to actual payment., ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,MMC Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD QUOTE For 2018 PERMITS STICKERS: These are permits are affixed to the bumper of vehicles so they MUST be able to withstand ALL weather conditions but we must be able to write on them with a permanent magic marker. Numbers are to be consecutive with no missing numbers. Beach Stickers A. 15,000—Resident Beach Parking change date to 2018-2019, #00001-15000 PMS 1655C with"white"print B. 1200—Guest/Lessee Parking change date to 2018, #0001-1200 white label with PMS 1655C print Disposal Stickers C. 13,000—Resident change date to 2018—2019 #00001 — 13000 PMS 372C ink with"white"print D. 125 —Guest/Lessee change date to 2018,#001-125 white label with PMS 372C print — 1for � 0/1 a'�' (�►r'c1 ear ri CARD STOCK PERMITS: F. 300 - Hotel=Motel:'/ change date to 2018, Cardstock, 300 permits, color Orange, Black Writing,print on front and back G. 250 -Non-Resident Seasonal: change dates to 2018, Cardstock, 250 permits, Orange, Black Writing,print on front and back BOOKS H. 1500 - Daily change date to 2018, 3000 permits total, Orange with black writing.,number two places, consecutively, in books with covers, 50 permits per book, perforated down center of permit for removal. ' =ti Shellfish Permits: I. 2500 - Resident Non-Commercial:/ change date to 2018, top sheet to be green (see attached sheet for more instruction J. 100 -Non- Resident: change date to 2018, top sheet to be blue (see attached sheet for more instruction K. 150 - Commercial: J change date to 2018, top sheet to be golden rod (see attached sheet for more instruction * * * * * * * * Additional Information * * * * * * * * * Sheets to follow have corresponding letters of above for layout and size. Proofs are required for all items. Provide card stock/sticker sample for approval before printing Include all charges: die cutting, ink charges, shipping, etc. in bid, no sales tax. Delivery to be no later than December 8, 2017 Please provide quotes on or before NOVEMBER 4, 2017 to: TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 53095 Main Road Po Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 631/765-1800, ext. 210 Lynda.rudder(&,town.southold.ny.us Fax: 631/765-6145 kms I LOS - D - D - 0706 f 1700 l , i "1 roll" OR IRM t: l � � 7 WIN SfR . s .. �. t _ y � `Z�`-,yam' �'4` _ ..-a�•. P_ �A ?sn, � w '. '� � �a 3 �� y '. � - � �' ?7'� z � ___ ,TF�4��,, � f' "+�' y; w,"�'s } gym. e � .'��� �, t � ,��� > _ ,, -M1-� �.&. ���� � � � � i �� Ems"+°�. �e�a ,&._.� ���ry�i.,- ���� ^vim y.sw ,y '-'rt.� ,, �-�-a.-�., � ., y �-:.,� .oma' _,*'*.Y',, ,y R `�^`4W�� l viiA, '�' s{k��sy, �- ! ', yc 4 _ r...a . ..y�. �� .kY k. s .,.. � ,,, 9 IME C@3 9 5 'P�WINO """ IR PRO N- Lig'a'am"M M"NP-13Z, g %RPTIR", ���g, ,—it "g� �--�M'Mmv 5! S r 07 MRL 0 M, kw-- ��'WMA g't 4'p',_M�r§r'Y ga -INA g_ M -3. - IFF 64 an r ud MO-L M-Mg '12 zvm N :aO 0, MIM, V X M�14;N_�� A; 'IrgR. MEM-0 -M�yz "Afg- n M MN� RQ-1-i'M RIM, -M M- 0 a �n""'VM ........... Ewa- M'� 06"��M FN IBM �W goM-1- 41, _S_ V 0, 3 M Pi'm S RM M , W- - S kyri WT"WMAN4,2.ft AF M "A amm k N, 0 MIT NMI ASON, XNA 0091 Q g g mgg "'M a 5"An WIR U-7-MUMM 0& M-0 NMI -za AV v_V'V TF!"Mot A OnEi,ON -ig�:p 5 OtIMS 4__ um— rex, Or ae, x M. jag- Roll W", WWR ZT'na'q DO FW. W-0,10 W. m _"70." 1 loops mv g- '�g WWI' c - 14 &I MA "N' 'M 'R_W� m M tMi TOM,WN mi-A-VOMMAdUff OWN A�g VOWUN,NOT : P - , " - --�_M IAEMAKWJ�' WS M, Q`� M MIN mg NO _P N_j m P, E21 a, mom "A'D 5Z3 S AA? �AWI m KLTI 2 ON im "RE Y' 'MMEM _4 'ISMIM; - Maw MMAWL' ".4 N-A MN;�� M 14 �Wy WN_0 z 12"�i�''24,- iffi*M'�MMAMA -9,WR R R Mfg XXV1,11. N ,4 '%a mg N', N" T" , -N V m M M MR-1 Ack ,M.15,V Z-�-':;4 W,Y�Ery"WE "Oils t M, 1 2M.M"I g P-A MIT AN, IN-01 518? 0 -9 _ _' Ma�m:' MR _N R, FEE t a 6, Iggp, 1'� A - MINE 'NEWROR"'i- 17-1-06, 4N,14,1 om ME WON M m 211 MM IN VIM NIVAIM165-1 M., r�" A R, z wS �'% 4�� g' -M 411V OW- 1 I'M R NO MINGZMAN-2- !ON'. "I, - _V_ ' - - .10% m � qp��f' z:Q i A, W ag TOV V 0110- NON Mi m r'NOM ON-004 Ow N "M RM N W "NO , "1 0 1 __-IM-Z C, 'M m IM-01-N WN N FA_1" MW ';"fm M"'RM - k Mu UMMi N MOM MONSEQ mr MO WN _0 _0'i i'v-P R gm Adm. _'Job 1 License Plate No. ) License Plate No. This permit must be displayed on the 1 dashboard, passenger side of the vehicle. 201 �gpFFO(,��o � � Southold Town i o Daily Beach Permit DAILY BEACH PERMIT USE DATE: 201 TIME & DATE ISSUED: Date N2 0400 1 N2 0400 9r o✓a.�ti cN� �e � i aT ala`` -- pe4o,r,,*1on -6p ehee-A on 20 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PERMANENT RESIDENT NON-COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT January 1,20 11 1 Decembei 31,201)1 Name Street Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certify that I am a Full-Time Resident or Property Owner in the Town of Southold and am accurately described above Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time N? •2.451 V 50 �eYm�-I•� �er boo I< , CorSecu+'%me.iy hom beree� ca x-bon I elss �o� sl)ect %5 Colored �c' ?e %fr. d aA --o P �ur re.m ova. Cay d �poc�-,rd �Oo,�,k i r� �'►-��, t�r ��r o��n c� C.©\1 eyr 5 � NO 20 a�a ����.� �9,�+ea TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NON-RESIDENT NON-COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT Date-From to September 15,201 Name 1) it Street Q� Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certify that I am accurately described above and agree to follow Southold Town's Shellfish Regulations --Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time N9 00'74 50 pe yyr ,+s �er bc)ok , conseco-F,gely n.ombei-eck , a��' Cc,.rbon 1 ess Top shee.� i5 Cotorec� a>ncl QcV 4o� �or rem'ovak hd s h eek rema',,ns 'in book Ccx6 boo-rd bo_eA,6nn ' W i+V� Dov ear on o�kl �s ��� aYov nd �a Co mmerc a- 1 S�-ie- T`� ,s 1i 20 ;12 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O 6he6 6r) l,.,) COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT January 1,201` December 31,2011 Name Street Village 5 (a DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certcfy that I am a Permanent Resident of the Town of Southold and am accurately described above Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time N? 0081 NYSDEC# 50 �errnI- s per boots , �oY%seeely r1urnJoe red Q pA- Car 6o r 1 e ss +o � 6lnee4 •16 0�o1oved A ?e-Y-4,r4ea U..i 4 o� �'o � rem ou a- a"', niViee+ is w h i-fie f Ye lnnr�inns in book CCL,8 board �QW% no) W t� wrap cro-urld � Coue.y- o n x,11 books. w w a z 0 z m Extended Life White Vinyl with Red 10 and Black 1 Ink Rudder, Lynda From: Rita Hagerman <rita.academy@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2017 9:31 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: proofs #ing on press would be+ $15 (half of that is setting it up!) If you want to do that, can you send another pdf deleting the "No." from the upper left corner since the press numbering puts the "No." on with the#. Thanks! Rita Hagerman Academy Printing Services Peconic Bay Shopper 42 Horton La • POB 848 Southold NY 11971 631-765-3346 www.academvprintingservices.com On Dec 1, 2017, at 1:08 PM, Rudder, Lynda<Lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> wrote: Is it possible to have them numbered? From: Rita Hagerman [mailto:rita.academy'Oamaii.com] Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 11:47 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: proofs Here's our conversion to pdf so if this looks fine to print let me know. I see No. in the comer...I guess you are numbering by hand? Rita Hagerman Academy Printing Services Peconic Bay Shopper 42 Horton La POB 848 Southold NY 11971 631-765-3346 www.academvprintingservices com i Rudder, Lynda From: John LaForce <baldwinjlf@aol.co(n> Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 1:45 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: 2018 Permits No Problem We will make this adjustment tomorrow and send you a revised proof for your inspection. John John LaForce Baldwin Business Systems Ph- 516-223-8086 Fax: 516-546-0714 -----Original Message----- From: Rudder, Lynda <lynda.rudder(p_)town.south old.ny.us> To: 'John LaForce' <baldwinilf Daol.com> Cc: Neville, Elizabeth <E.Nevil le c(..town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Tue, Nov 21, 2017 12:58 pm Subject: RE: 2018 Permits Ok then there is a slight problem,The Guest/Lessee beach parking is to be white with Orange lettering and the Guest/Lessee Disposal is to be White label with Violet lettering. Opposite of the residential stickers. From: John LaForce [mailto:baldwinilf@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 12:17 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: 2018 Permits Lynda, Proofs were included with the quote I dropped off yesterday. John John LaForce Baldwin Business Systems Ph: 516-223-8086 Fax: 516-546-0714 -----Original Message----- From: Rudder, Lynda <lynda.rudderCc).town southold ny.us> To: baldwinjlf<baldwinilfa-aol.com> Cc: Neville, Elizabeth <E.Neville(a),town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Tue, Nov 21, 2017 12:00 pm Subject. 2018 Permits I am preparing the Purchase Order based on the new quote. Please provide proofs as soon as possible. e Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Principal Account Clerk Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road,PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 631/765-1800 ext 210 631/765-6145 z r � ov� N� g�1fFOLKn_ o --7741 L RESIDENT ' YypR PERMIT Town of Southold i - 2019 �77779 1 `°`' 2018 - GUESTILESSEE BEACH PARKING Plate From jo Town of ,Southold � l �I C �) V � � a e • e o • e SUFFO[� 2018 SEASONAL oy�o. ao, GUEST/LESSEE 1 ` DISPOSAL No. Town of Southold Vehicle Permit Plate No. J i 2018 yT 2019 0 9 SOUTHOLD TOWN RESIDENT DISPOSAL No. Plate No. Rudder, Lynda From: Aaron Ambrosino <aaron.ambrosino@rrd.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:59 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth Cc: Rudder, Lynda; Megg Timmer Subject: Re: Emailing: RFP 2018 Vehicle Sticker_20171114104013 Elizabeth, I have talked with scheduling to see if they can do any better on the delivery date, and based on our current workload these will not deliver until January of 2018. If you need then in December we will have to pass on this opportunity. If you can live with that date we will continue with the quoting process. To that end we will need samples sent of the stickers so we can see the construction and materials used. Please advise on how you would like us to proceed. Thank you. Aaron Please note new office address effective November 8,2017 Aaron Ambrosino I Sales Representative RRD 13 Delta Way I Clifton Park,NY 12065 Cell: 518.949.1349 1 Office: 518.438.2479 Fax: 518.438.2570 aaron.ambrosino@rrd.com http://www.rrdonnelley.com 0 _ On Tue,Nov 14, 2017 at 5:16 PM,Neville, Elizabeth<E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us>wrote: Aa ro n, As I mentioned previously,I would like to have them in December.Can you provide me with the quote and do your best to meet the timeline? Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 1 r Southold,NY 11971 Tel. 631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 From: Aaron Ambrosino [mailto:aaron.ambrosino@rrd.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:29 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth Cc: Rudder, Lynda; Megg Timmer Subject: Re: Emailing: RFP 2018 Vehicle Sticker_20171114104013 Elizabeth, Good afternoon. I have heard back from manufacturing on a schedule and the best we can due is deliver the decals early January. Will that work for you, or do you need them in December? Aaron Please note new office address effective November 8,2017 Aaron Ambrosino I Sales Representative RRD 13 Delta Way I Clifton Park,NY 12065 Cell: 518.949.1349 1 Office: 518.438.2479 Fax: 518.438.2570 aaron.ambrosino@rrd.com http://www.rrdonnelleV.com On Tue,Nov 14, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Rudder, Lynda<lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us>wrote: 2 Yes. From: Aaron Ambrosino [mailto:aaron.ambrosino('Orrd.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:35 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: Neville, Elizabeth; Megg Timmer Subject: Re: Emailing: RFP 2018 Vehicle Sticker_20171114104013 Thank you Lynda. Are the square stickers individually cut as well? Aaron Please note new office address effective November 8,2017 Aaron Ambrosino I Sales Representative RRD 13 Delta WU I Clifton Park,NY 12065 Cell: 518.949.1349 1 Office: 518.438.2479 Fax: 518.438.2570 aaron.ambrosino@rrd.com http://www.rrdonnelley.com On Tue,Nov 14, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Rudder, Lynda<lynda.rudder@town.southold.n .us>wrote: Round stickers are 2% ", individually cut, not on a roll Square stickers are 4%Z "wide and 3% "tall 3 i From: Aaron Ambrosino [mailto:aaron.ambrosinoOrrd.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:27 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth Cc: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: Emailing: RFP 2018 Vehicle Sticker 20171114104013 Elizabeth, We have our first question on the quote request. For the samples that do not have the size indicated are we to assume they are coped at their actual size? Aaron Please note new office address effective November 8,2017 Aaron Ambrosino I Sales Representative RRD 13 Delta Ways Clifton Park,NY 12065 Cell: 518.949.1349 1 Office: 518.438.2479 Fax: 518.438.2570 aaron.ambrosino@rrd.com http://www.rrdonnelley.com On Tue,Nov 14, 2017 at 10:55 AM,Neville, Elizabeth<E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us>wrote: Aaron, Attached, please find our RFP for Town of Southold 2018 Vehicle Stickers &Permits. We usually start selling them the 3rd week in December. Please call with any questions. Thank you. Elizabeth A. Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk, Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer; FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel. 631765-1800, Ext. 228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 4 0, Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: RFP 2018 Vehicle Sticker 20171114104013 Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. 5 Rudder, Lynda From: Rita Hagerman <rita.academy@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 1:14 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re:Additional permit I don't see it written on the estimate but I believe it was the Brite Hue orange I already quoted in first email. Rita Hagerman Academy Printing Services Peconic Bay Shopper 42 Horton La • POB 848 Southold NY 11971 631-765-3346 www.academvprintingservices.com On Nov 15, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Rudder, Lynda<Lynda.rudder@town.southold.n .us> wrote: This would be the same stock as the daily beach permit books, hotel/motel and non-resident permits (estimate#8403 &8402) From: Rita Hagerman [mailto:rita.academyCabgmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:41 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: Additional permit If you are talking fluorescent like the building permits, all the stock (full carton) was used for that order. We can't buy a small amount. If you wanted to pick up a pack of 100 at Staples or,bn line, the price for 100 on provided paper would then be $9. I have about 38 sheets of brite hue orange here if you wanted to see that and just do a trial. That would be $5. Rita Hagerman Academy Printing Services Peconic Bay Shopper 42 Horton La • POB 848 Southold NY 11971 631-765-3346 www.academvprintingservices.com On Nov 14, 2017, at 5:41 PM, Rudder, Lynda <Lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us> wrote: orange same as the other permits From: Rita Hagerman [rita.academy_@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday,November 14, 2017 5:09 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: Additional permit 65#brite hue orange or 110# salmon index 100 = $18 Rita Hagerman i Academy Printing Services Peconic Bay Shopper 42 Horton La • POB 848 Southold NY 11971 631-765-3346 vvww.academyprintingservices.com<http://www.academyprintingservices.com> On Nov 14, 2017, at 1:59 PM, Rudder, Lynda <lynda.rudder(Ltown.southold.ny.us<mailto:lynda.ruddergtown.southold.U.us> >wrote: Could you please send me a quote for the attached <comm boat 20171114135532.pdf> . z 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite #1 �q �{ Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (516) 223-8086 • (212) 696-4494 ® Fax# (516) 546-0714 QUOTATION November 20, 2017 To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold From: John LaForce Subject: 2018 Permits Decals for Extended Life Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quantily Unit Price A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $188.00 per 1,000 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $188.00 per 1,000 C Resident Trailer 15,000 $188.00 per 1,000 D Resident Disposal 13,000 $219.00 per 1000 E Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $3.15 each EXTENDED LIFE DECALS: • Recommended for outdoor applications requiring durability for 3 -4 years • Special color-fast inks used to greatly reduce fading due to UV • Premium polyester overlaminate for ultimate decal protection QUALITY e SERVICE o CREATIVITY MUCONC DUMB= Specialists an the design,production aud f ulf lllmeut of print media QUOTATION Novemberl5, 2017 To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold From: John LaForce Subject: 2018 Permits Decals Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quantity Unit Price A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $142.00 per 1,000 C Resident Disposal 13,000 $168.00 per 1000 D Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $2.75 each E Resident Trailer 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 �Ak(An vx��k- 5 � w % nem m0AeV-, 0- l �-kc-key's Or, K1 I More • • • • ISM';tTataronc AlLamnriol T-TinhiaYav Dnnlrnnlrnmi XTV 117'70 0 IkIIN 4.7E_72ZS e P)19) (+Q(._AAGA o Fov !(+211 Ai7A_7'AA0 1 j � "W" : iq E= NO= Specialists in the design, ,production andfit1fillment Qf print media QUOTATION November 15, 2017 To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold From: John LaForce Subject: 2018 Permits Decals Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quantity Unit Price a — A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 3a • 0 C) B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $142.00 per 1,000 -10 ' LL C Resident Disposal 13,000 $168.00 per 1000 a(-(' DO D Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $2.75 each 5L-I s.-15 E Resident Trailer 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 5r, Tci�. �i c-kexs by, ly ?R(K VArar my hlTmmnri.d 14;n1i%vav ATV 1 1770 ® tA'l 11 (7F._72'2'i a t7 11fOr�_AAO 1 o Pnv 0211 (,74_'7 4A M` 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite #1 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (516) 223-8086 • (212) 696-4494 - Fax# (516) 546-0714 re �. QUOTATION November 20, 2017 r To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold From: John LaForce Subject: 2018 Permits Decals for Extended Life Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description QuantitV Unit Price 7�0r� A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $188.00 per 1,000 8an•OD B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $188.00 per 1,000 a a5 ' (00 C Resident Trailer 15,000 $188.00 per 1,000 20 'I)a D Resident Disposal 13,000 $219.00 per 1000 L«- oo E Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $3.15 each .313 '1 S q p( . 35 EXTENDED LIFE DECALS: • Recommended for outdoor applications requiring durability for 3 -4 years Special color-fast inks used to greatly reduce fading due to UV o Premium polyester overlaminate for ultimate decal protection rNe o rr,�aVr..a,A Q I oto .3S QUALITY o SERVICE 6 CREATIVITY a. OUVNEW ,Specialists in the design,p oducdon and,f ulfillment of print media QUOTATION November 15, 2017' To: Lynda Rudder, Town of Southold From: John La Force Subject: 2018 Permits Decals Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description QuantitV Unit Price ��� ►� A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $142.00 per 1,000 C Resident Disposal 13,000 $168.00 per 1000 D Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $2.75 each E Resident Trailer 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 • (631) 676-7335 • (212) 696-4494•Fax(631) 676-7340 Rue , ��y, Lynda From: John La Force <baldwinjlf@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 8:28 AM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: 2018 Permits Attachments: Southold Permits2018 Quote.docx Goodmorning Lynda, Attached our quotation for the subject. Please advise if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration John John LaForce Baldwin Business Systems Ph. 516-223-8086 Fax: 516-546-0714 1 ! MMEM UM Specialists in the design, producti®u and dfill ent Qf print media QUOTATION November 15, 2017 To: Lynda Rudder,Town of Southold From: John LaForce Subject: 2018 Permits Decals Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quanti Unit Price A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $142.00 per 1,000 C Resident Disposal 13,000 $168.00 per 1000 D Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $2.75 each E Resident Trailer 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 �1�«li-1 �`•��r �v r n e� Vo`�e. 5 � W i Yl 2,w ty-\q�e rr 0- atr '.�. �r . Wry, M1 .r „ 4,..w:a':•..w ar,,.•.•,. Kk,. ..yam a .., . {2. }i7 .��,;�.�,�,.�• ...�,,y"�—.,,;,-..� •!k: ss�.s;= "'?..,. Su,�,,.. ".x-x r,�"','3,•i';'v ,6�;t�f"gr^`,'" 'ts',,.i'•y �"..;': v:l:. 'ft,# .:, '` ,�. � .+w'S, Ts aYsub*`-a' 4.u' '�,fi ie`.�a.y}'�r••- �'<':. .e�m�.i.'�if.,.. i.�;,'. � :. +:^•.= . *. -. a�, tea.w, < t . _,; "R�r4.�: 9'S", e;MFuaa�%., Y,z s'.&:,�,...�:�am4.�,"`,: ..,'s.8.�.- a`sw t'' a, rr.?'..y :"'i; ?y,.,; r '�;'�-3•' 7R(1S�Tatvrnnc Allr�t�nri l �IirThci;•u PrinlromV,r mn \iV 11770 o (/21 P)V?) AQt,_ AGA o'Pov fAlil �7�_72ii(1 Specialists in the design,production and fulfillment of print media QUOTATION October 16, 2017 To: Lynda Rudder, Town of Southold From: John LaForce Subject: 2018 Permits Decals Here are current prices for the subject item reflecting the copy adjustments outlined in your recent email: Lot Description Quantity Unit Price A Resident Beach Parking 15,000 $142.00 per 1,000 0111)0'0 0 B Guest/Lessee Parking 1,200 $142.00 per 1,000 ,-1 0' 4 O C Resident Disposal 13,000 $168.00 per 1000 011 ISLk-C7 0 D Guest/Lessee Disposal 125 $2.75 each 313.15 2805 Veterans Memorial Highway,Ronkonkoma,NY 11779 • (631) 676-7335 • (212) 696-4494 • Fax(631) 676-7340 . . ~ \ Estimate No: @403 ACADEMY PRINTING SnnVzCD8,ovC Date: 100/ 7 110 BOX 948 ' ammOLD NY 11971 631J65.3946 Ship To: Lynda Rudder Town ofSouthold 00 Box 1179 Southold NY11971 Phone:765-1800x210 Fax:765-1823 ` . ) \ , Estimate - No' 8402 ACADEMY PRINTING SERVICES,INC. Date: 10/6/i7 p0BOX 818 ' xooTnouzw, 11971 ' */6617053346 Ship To: Lynda Rudder Town ofSouthold Box 1179 Southold NY11971 Phone:765-1800x210 f 1 Estimate /� No: 8405 ACADEMY PRINTING SERVICES,INC. Date: 10/6/17 PO BOX 848 . SOUTHOLD NY 11971 . FSH 631.765.3346 Ship To: RECEIVED Lynda Rudder Town of Southold Box 1179 OCT 1 1 2017 Southold NY 11971 Phone:765-1800x210 Fax:765-1823 Southold Town Clerk anttt' Descri"t toii ' ,' Amaunt 2,750 Shellfish Permits $499.00 License Plate No. I License Plate No. This permit must be displayed on the dashboard, passenger side of the vehicle. So F04 2018 2 Southold Town o Daily Beach Permit DAILY BEACH PERMIT USE DATE: 201 8 TIME& DATE ISSUED: Date No. 0000 No. 0000 I orange brite hue stock, #0001 to#1500 �wrm. 20 18 *" top copy goldenrod TOWN OF SOUTHOLD bottom white COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT #0001 to#0150 bottom right corner January 1, 2018 December 31,2018 Name Street Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certify that 1 am a Permanent Resident of the Town of Southold and am accurately described above. Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time NYSDEC# 20 ��pvroit � 18 top copy green TOWN OF SOUTHOLD bottom white PERMANENT RESIDENT #0001 to#2500 bottom right corner NON-COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT January 1, 2018 December 31,2018 Name Street Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height hereby certify that I am a Full-Time Resident or Property Owner in the Town of Southold and am accurately described above. Signature of Permittee Date Clerk Time �bUffO({ 20 �®� 18 .kyof yaO. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD top copy blue NON-RESIDENT bottom white NON-COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH PERMIT #0001 to#0100 bottom right corner Date:From to September 15,2018 Name Street _ Village DOB Male Female Eyes Hair Height I hereby certify that I am accurately described above and agree to follow Southold Town's Shellfish Regulations. Signature of Permittee Date Time Clerk SOUTHOLD TOWN HOTEL-MOTEL PERMITwrwi* ® Beach Parking 2018 a ®T °�� Vehicle Permit 2018 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NON-RESIDENT SEASONAL BEACH PARKING PERMIT VALID-JANUARY 1,2018 through DECEMBER 31,2018 VEHICLE LICENSE PLATE NO. 4WQV4@E6VEHICLE ONLY THIS PERMIT MUST BE DISPLAYED ON THE DASHBOARD, PASSENGER SIDE,OF THE VEHICLE. THIS PERMIT MUST BE DISPLAYED ON THE DASHBOARD,PASSENGER SIDE,OF THE VEHICLE BACK COPY BOTH PRINTS ON BRITS HUE ORANGE 300 each 2018 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMERCIAL BOAT HAULER/LAUNCHER January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 Name INCLUDES VEHICLE & BOAT TRAILER (This permit is for use by vehicles registered to the above ONLY) To Be Displayed on Front Passenger Side Dashboard