HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2018 � uTOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT Monthly Report: August 2018 2018 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF: A total of twenty nine lifeguards were initially hired. Due to the limited availability of some of the staff and others leaving for college, several of the bathing beaches were closed towards the end of the season. Further efforts will be made to increase the pool of applicants for the 2019 season in hopes of securing staff with greater availability. FALL BROCHURE & PROGRAMS: The Fall Brochure was an insert in the August 9th edition of the Suffolk Times. Several of our more popular classes sold out on the first day of registration. The new senior chair fitness classes were well received by the community. REGISTRATION WEBSITE UPDATE: The current online registration system has been successful in providing residents with a method for registering for programs from the comforts of their home. However, it is NOT mobile compatible. Many people are relying more heavily on their cell phones and IPads to access the internet. Due to the system not being compatible with mobile devices many registrants experience errors and frustrations. The Recreation Department has been working closely with Lloyd, IT Department, and the company overseeing the site to transition to an updated site that IS mobile compatible. All existing users, approximately 3,000 people, will have to set up new accounts on the new site. We will be launching a PR campaign in the form of email blast, press releases and notifications on the government access channel to inform residents of the new mobile friendly site and the need to re- establish their accounts. This will allow time for people to login and set-up their accounts on the site prior to registering for Winter classes in November. We anticipate going "live" on this mobile friendly site by the end of September. BUILDING/FACILTY UPDATE: Due to the generosity of Chris Manfredi and the assistance of the Department of Public Works, a 60" television has been wall-mounted in the Recreation Center. The television is being used regularly for our Senior Exercise program on Fridays. Several instructors have also expressed their intent to utilize the television for their programming as well. 2019 BUDGET REQUEST: Detailed estimates of the anticipated 2019 expenditures and revenues was reviewed and submitted to the Town Clerk. RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for those participants who paid with a credit card. Sincerely, Janet Douglass Recreation Supervisor Summary of Accounts Account Type Account Niumber Ending Balance Now Public Funds XXXXXX5647 $,47,11,83 93 Now Publin!ds-XXXXX.X56,47 Account Surnmary Interest Summary Dato Description Am,ouint Description Amount 0610112018 Beginning Salance $111,622.01 Annuall Percentage Yiieldl arned 0.051% 42 Credift(s)TiNis PerOld $29r6156.37 Irderest Days 31 1 Oebil(s)This Period $94.45 Interest Eam !$1-37 01913112018, Ending to $47,18193 Werest Paid rhis Pertod $1,37 Interest Paid'Yea r4o.Date $11168 Minimum Bata nce S 17,622.01 Avemge Ledger Ballance $33,032,07 Average Availlable Balance S32,28538 Now Pluilblic FuinAds-XXXXXX5647 tcoaunuodii,�, Deposits Date Deserlip2liomArmaum 08JI6,020,98 DEvoosir $38,10.00, M I V20,18 DEPOSIT $4,60.00 08JI6,020,98 DEvoossirr $720.00, M I V20,18 DEPOSIT $875.00 08JI6,020,98 DEvoosirr $965.00, ml6t2018 DEP0817 $0,110.00 OW1,6020-98 DO%osirr sl ,030.00 ml6t2018 DEP0817 $3,446.00 owmaots DEv*ossirr $1,245.00, M31JIW18 MENMIT $240.00 Electronic Credits oeJ1Tis,Q0,98 BANKCARD mml DEIN 49SM4,1369,92.201 $125.00 MOW2MI8 BKCD STUAl 3 1 111 1 12 12 '106.00 OW1,W20TNI BKCD STLUT 3930098,10M,M12 sl 1866.00 M IVID�l 8 BKCD STLTA1" $8,30.00 1212 TNI BANKCARD mml DEID iii 9844,vMg-92.201 S1,720.00 OW 1=0C l 8 BANK :. Rd M 7 0 T D E P 4 MOW 136 1l 1 $8,5910.00 0&44=18 BKCD STLUT 3900 ,19' M12 $255.00, OW I V20�l 8 B AN KCARD M 7 0 T D E P 4 MOW I�m I nb I $540.00 OWISM-98 BKCD STLUT 3900 ,19' M12 $180.00, OW I VID�l 8 BANKCARD INITOT DEP MM44 I;f 12221 $900.00 OW10020118 BANKCARD M701 DE110 4698a41agg-9220-9 $770.00 OW 1"VID�l 8 BANKCARD INITOT DEP M I;f �l 22D�l $120.00 081MO-98 BKCD STLUT 393009810MM12 oWZY2018 BKCD STLPA"I"NJOYAell,9�89112 $230.00 08IW20,98 BANKCARD MT +I DEIP 4,999W 1369,92201 MOM, OVM201 18 B A N KC A R D PA 7 0 T ID EP 4 IM0011; 2IZZblI OW21,020,98 BKCD TLMT 39000,08119MI2 OV2 1a120I118 B A N KC A R D PA 7 0 T ID EP 4 IM0011; 2IZZbl1 $3,05.00 0&22=18 BANKCARD mml DEID iii 9MAI'M9,92.201 $70.00 W22t2MI8 BKCD STUAl" $120.00 OW22,020-98 BANKCARD mml DEID iii 9MAI'M9,92.201 $100.00 08P2VID�l 8 BKCD STUAl" $260.00 0&24=18 BANKCARD wrai D E ID 4,060 ,1'M,9 2.201 $60.00, M`27j12Mll Ia.AX9110:.ARD M 7 0 T D EP 4 MOW 136��l nb 1 $260.00 0&27=18 BANKCARD wrai D E ID 4,060 ,1'M,9 2.201 S240.00, (W28IM18 BKCD S"I"W"I"Y1JOYY§8iSM9i2 $45.00 08128,02018 BAND MT01 DEIP 4488MI38a,92201 O9v'20e2(m8 BANKC 111 1MTOT 1DEP 4 N 1' '912n�1 MW2018 BKC"D S I LMT M300981,938912 O&GW2G 18 BANKCR11A11OT DEP 4, 0011M121bG i $70.00 OM1,020-98 BANKCARD mml DEID 4,09MA,111M912.20-9 $206.00 Othitu Credits 1 1a112o,ii III fEREST AT.0600% $1.37 Eloctronit De, wile A 08M,W20-98 irSYS,ffRANSFIIRS'I 39200,98193,8012 SOUTHOLD'I COWN RECREATIN DISCOUNT $94.46 Doilly IBallanaefs G&OW2DI8 $17,747.01 OW1,112D18 $3,1547.56, O&2W2G1 8 $43,4912.56, G&OWIMIS $17,,�«52,a19 awlsNzois $32,427.% a&21111201 0 $44,G47.56 1&IM20,18 $19,61236 GWI 612018 $42,032M, O&M20,18 $44,23TEA, awlaQIDIB $319,,752,56 83WM2,010 $42,2;9 T.55 i73AMI 0 $44,0117.55 Nla,fw Public Fuin,,As-XXXXXX5647 �canunuepdi) Daily IOalAnces (continued) PAIA-----------------AMUM Oak-----------------ARM,W, PAUL--------------------AM=M M21d,J2DIS $44,677.56 O&r2&2'018 $46,467.55 OW31Y2018 $46,73 7 56 CaP.72DIS W,117.56' Gar2lN.2010 $46,627.Ea OW3112.018 $47,1BY93, Ovelrd.Taft and Rt?tuirnjgd Item Fees Totall for thit p&),i6dll Totalll y6ar-tjb-daW "hall Overdraft,Fees, so U,) $0010 Tolall Returned litmmi Fees $13 W $0010