HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOR RES 284 Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm; Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
May 8, 2018
Honorable Town Clerk:
Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane
Wilhelm at wilh elm to nofriverheadn` . ov or by fax at 631-208-4034.
Signature: Date:
Town Board Meeting April 17, 2018 2:00 PM
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on April 17, 2018
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue — Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 — Fax (631)208-4034
'�'�,ii[T PRQfPgl1,� (R•�155Us1
Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
May 8, 2018
Suffolk County Planning Department
L.I. State Park Commission
Town of Southold
Town of Southampton
Town of Brookhaven
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on April 17, 2018
If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm
at Ext. 260
Diane M. Wilhelm
200 Howell Avenue — Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 — Fax (631)208-4034
11 7
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Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
May 8, 2018
Honorable Town Clerk:
Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane
Wilhelm at wilhelmatownofriverheadny. ov or by fax at 631-208-4034.
Signature: Date:
Town Board Meeting April 17, 2018 2:00 PM
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on April 17, 2018
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034
04.17.2018 ADOPTED
Resolution # 284
Councilman Hubbard offered the following resolution,
which was seconded by Councilwoman Kent
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk was authorized to publish and post a public notice to
hear all interested persons to consider a local law to amend Chapter 108 of the
Riverhead Town Code entitled, "Zoning and Land Development - Article LII Commercial
Solar Energy Production Systems"; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 3rd day of April, 2018 at 2:05
o'clock p.m. at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the
date, time, and place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard
were heard; and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to Chapter 301 is a Type II action
pursuant to SEQRA.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a local law to consider an
amendment to Chapter 301 entitled, "Zoning and Land Development—Article XLIX
Exterior Lighting" of the Town Code of the Town of Riverhead is hereby adopted as
specified in the attached notice of adoption; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the attached
notice of adoption once in the News-Review Newspaper and to post same on the
signboard at Town Hall; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of
this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a copy of same may
be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk.
Kent ®Yes ❑No Hubbard ®Yes ❑No
Giglio ®Yes ❑No Wooten ®Yes ❑No
Jens-Smith ®Yes ❑No
The Resolution Was ® Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead adopted a
local law to amend Chapter 301 of the Riverhead Town Code entitled, "Zoning and Land
Development—Article XLIX Exterior Lighting"at its regular meeting held on April 17, 2018.
Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead as follows:
Chapter 301
Zoning and Land Development
Article XLIX. Exterior Lighting Commercial
§ 301-259 Exterior Lighting Standards.
A. General standards.
(1) All exterior lighting shall be designed, located and lamped in order to prevent:
(a) Overlighting;
(b) Energy waste;
(c) Glare;
(d) Light trespass;
(e) Skyglow.
(2) All nonessential exterior commercial and residential lighting is encouraged to be
turned off after business hours and/or when not in use. Lights on a timer are
encouraged. Sensor-activated lights are encouraged to replace existing lighting
that is desired for security purposes.
(3) Canopy lights, such as service station lighting, shall be fully recessed and full
cutoff luminaries so as to ensure that no light source is visible from or causes glare
on public rights-of-way or adjacent properties.
(4) Area lights. All area lights shall be full-cut-off-type luminaires.
(5) The Long Island Power Authority shall not install any luminaires after the effective
date of this article that light the public right-of-way.
B. Type of luminaires.
(1) All exterior lighting, with an exemption granted to municipal recreational fields,
rated to be lamped at greater than 1,800 lumens (100 watts incandescent) afro
gFeate shall use full cutoff luminaires as determined by photometry test or
certified by the manufacturer and installed as designed with the light source
directed downward. Municipal recreational fields, at a minimum, shall utilize
partially shielded fixtures to direct light to the field of play, and to minimize
upglow and light trespass.
(2) All exterior light fixtures rated to emit 1,800 lumens (100 watts incandescent) and
less, regardless of the number of lamps, shall use fully shielded fixtures (See
Figure 1.) and shall be installed as designed. (See Figure 1.111)
the p blir right_of_way We pFehihited
C.Exempt exterior lighting. The following types of exterior lighting are exempt from the
provisions of this section:
(1) Holiday lighting lit between November 15 and January 15 of the following year.
(2) Motion-sensor-activated luminaires, provided:
(a) They are fully shielded and located in such a manner as to prevent glare and
lighting onto properties of others or into a public right-of-way;
(b) The luminaire is set to only go on when activated and to go off within five
minutes after activation has ceased;
(c) The luminaire shall not be triggered by activity off the property; and
(d) The luminaire, regardless of the number of lamps, does not exceed 1,800
lumens and is not rated to exceed 100 watts.
(3) Vehicular lights and all temporary emergency lighting needed by the Fire and
Police Departments, or other emergency services.
(4) Uplighting for flags, provided the flag is not used for advertising and the total
maximum lumen output is 1,300 lumens.
(5) Lighting of radio, communications and navigation towers, provided the owner or
occupant demonstrates that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations
can only be met through the use of lighting that does not comply with this article,
and that the provisions of this article are otherwise met.
(6) Runway lighting. Lighting on any landing strip or runway, provided the owner or
occupant demonstrates that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations
can only be met through the use of lighting that does not comply with this article.
(7) Neon lights. Neon lights as permitted pursuant to Article XLVIII, Signs, of this
(8) Residential landscape lighting as defined herein, provided the lamp or lamps are
not visible across property lines and, in addition, are not triggered by a dusk-to-
dawn timer.
n� -eXteFi lighting. Th following types of lighting hihited:
�� � types of
(1) Searchlights, except these used for geveMmental, ernergeRGy and law enforGernent
(2) Strehe lights, Laser lights, or revolving lighting
(3) Neen lights, eXGent as legally p J nitte
cer„rity cvctem
(5) Any light fixture that may be GE)nstFued as or E;E)nfused with a tFaffiG signal, traffiG
GGRtrel device or maritime navigational maFkero
(7) Any light fi)dWe IE)Gated within a deSigRated natuFe preserve, easement, eF
��i•aten� ay
Illuminated higRS without a m„ninipal nem;it
and handball GE)ur-ts, and sports fields, inGludiRg but not limited te baseball, ,
and football, without site pIaR appFeval and a building
.C' 2(11_260 DloneMent .•+Rd height of I,,.-..,'.-...ir..�
D. Placement and height of luminaires.
X (1) Luminaires, exclusive of municipal streetlighting, and municipal recreational
fields, shall be mounted no higher than 16 feet from the level ground to the
lowest light-emitting part of the fixture.
(2) Luminaires on commercially used properties shall be located and shielded in a
manner to prevent light projection beyond the property line. (See Figure 3.111)
S-: (3) Luminaires used for municipal recreational fields and municipal outdoor
recreational uses shall be exempt from the height restriction, and illuminance
levels, provided all other provisions of this article are met and the light is used
only while the field is in use.
D- Sign lighting. Lighting shall be mounted on the top of the sign, directed
downward, and positioned and shielded so that the light source is not visible. No
individual lamp shall exceed 1,000 lumens. Mounting height of lights shall not
exceed 16 feet.[2]
Mounting height of residential luminaries may not exceed 14 feet.
§_301 261. IIlurninanne and type of larnp.
E. Illuminance and type of lamp.
X M Illuminance levels for parking lots, sidewalks, and other walkways affected by
side-mounted building lights and freestanding sidewalk lights (not streetlights)
shall not exceed illuminance levels listed in the IESNA Recommended Practices,
either PR33 or RP20, depending on the application. (See Tables 1, 2 and 3.111)
The Town of Riverhead recognizes that not every such area will require lighting.
B-: Parking lot lighting shall not exceed an overall average illumination as listed on
Table 1. 21
Streetlight luminaires shall be full cutoff luminaires and be lamped with high-
pressure sodium or compact fluorescent light source. The Engineering Division
shall make a determination for the type of light distribution, the height, and lumen
value of the light source for each location, based on the manufacturer's supplied
photometric information, in order to meet the streetlighting warrants. The criteria
for evaluating the warrant of streetlights shall be in conformance with the
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
standards and/or a safety hazard as determined by the Town Engineer. The
Town Engineer shall reserve the option to alter the type of light, light intensity of
public roads and public facilities in areas where public safety is an issue.
Streetlight luminaries shall be brought into compliance with this section no later
than December 31, 2017.[31
All existing and/or new exterior lighting shall not cause light trespass and shall
protect adjacent properties from glare and excessive lighting.
Gas station under-canopy fixtures shall be lamped so as not to exceed light level
measurements as recommended in RP33, Table 2. 41
All ATM and bank lighting shall conform to the provisions of the New York State
ATM Safety Act, as contained in the New York State Banking Law § 75-a et seq.,
and the provisions of this article.
G- M All Long Island Power Authority leased preexisting nonconforming unshielded
floodlight fixtures, including GE Powerflood, Mercury Vapor fixtures, and all one-
thousand-watt fixtures shall not be relamped, repaired or replaced.
H-. The fellewing types of lamps shall not be permitted:
(1) McFE;uFy Vapor
(2) Unshielded LED lamps exr•ent as exempt fpr holiday lighting
/3\t de,e e approved by the TeWR EngineeF and nnl�i when the
Gerrolated Gelor tempeFatuFe (GGT) i loo than 3r d znn K aR wheR the aFG
tMho of the 11aImp is enVleseV wlith a preteGtive anriliG eF tempered glas
—. G. All Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) leased preexisting nonconforming fixtures
shall be replaced on or before December 31, 2010, with full cutoff fixtures and
must meet the light solutions "Installation and Criteria" as adopted by LIPA on
March 24, 2006:
(1) Light levels shall not exceed recommendations (Table 1).
S- H. Prohibited exterior lighting. The following types of lighting are prohibited:
(1) Searchlights, except those used for governmental, emergency and law
enforcement purposes.
(2) Strobe lights, laser lights, or revolving lighting_
(3) Neon lights, except as legally permitted.
(4) Blinking, pulsating, tracing, or flashing lights, unless temporarily triggered by
a security system.
(5) Any light fixture that may be construed as or confused with a traffic signal
traffic control device or maritime navigational markers.
(6) Lighting that is determined by municipal law enforcement personnel to
contribute to disabling or distracting glare into a public roadway.
(7) Any light fixture located within a designated nature preserve, easement or
(8) Illuminated signs without a municipal permit.
(9) Nonmunicipal recreational field lighting, including but not limited to tennis
basketball and handball courts, and sports fields, including but not limited to
baseball, soccer, and football, without site plan approval and a building
(10)Privately owned or leased light fixtures located on public utility poles or
located in the public right-of-way are prohibited.
01)No exterior LED light fixtures shall exceed 3,000K.
02) Mercury Vapor.
03) Unshielded LED lamps, except as exempt for holiday lighting.
(14)Metal halide, except as approved by the Town Engineer and only when the
correlated color temperature (CCT) is less than 3,200 K and when the arc
tube of the lamp is enclosed with a protective acrylic or tempered glass
• Underline represents addition(s)
• Overstrike represents deletion(s)
Dated: Riverhead, New York
April 17, 2018
Local Law #9-2018
Chapter 301
Zoning and Land Development
Exterior Lighting
§ 301-259. Exterior Lighting Standards.
A. General standards.
(1) All exterior lighting shall be designed, located and tamped in order to prevent:
(a) Overlighting;
(b) Energy waste;
(c) Glare;
(d) Light trespass;
(e) Skyglow.
(2) All nonessential exterior commercial and residential lighting is encouraged to be
turned off after business hours and/or when not in use. Lights on a timer are
encouraged. Sensor-activated lights are encouraged to replace existing lighting
that is desired for security purposes.
(3) Canopy lights, such as service station lighting, shall be fully recessed and full
cutoff luminaries so as to ensure that no light source is visible from or causes glare
on public rights-of-way or adjacent properties.
(4) Area lights. All area lights shall be full-cut-off-type luminaires.
(5) The Long Island Power Authority shall not install any luminaires after the effective
date of this article that light the public right-of-way.
B. Type of luminaires.
(1) All exterior lighting, with an exemption granted to municipal recreational fields,
rated to be lamped at greater than 1,800 lumens (100 watts incandescent) shall
use full cutoff luminaires as determined by photometry test or certified by the
manufacturer and installed as designed with the light source directed downward.
Municipal recreational fields, at a minimum, shall utilize partially shielded fixtures
to direct light to the field of play, and to minimize upglow and light trespass.
(2) All exterior light fixtures rated to emit 1,800 lumens (100 wafts incandescent) and
less, regardless of the number of lamps, shall use fully shielded fixtures (See
Figure 1.) and shall be installed as designed. (See Figure 1.111)
C.Exempt exterior lighting. The following types of exterior lighting are exempt from the
provisions of this section:
(1) Holiday lighting lit between November 15 and January 15 of the following year.
(2) Motion-sensor-activated luminaires, provided:
(a) They are fully shielded and located in such a manner as to prevent glare and
lighting onto properties of others or into a public right-of-way;
(b) The luminaire is set to only go on when activated and to go off within five
minutes after activation has ceased;
(c) The luminaire shall not be triggered by activity off the property; and
(d) The luminaire, regardless of the number of lamps, does not exceed 1,800
lumens and is not rated to exceed 100 watts.
(3) Vehicular lights and all temporary emergency lighting needed by the Fire and
Police Departments, or other emergency services.
(4) Uplighting for flags, provided the flag is not used for advertising and the total
maximum lumen output is 1,300 lumens.
(5) Lighting of radio, communications and navigation towers, provided the owner or
occupant demonstrates that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations
can only be met through the use of lighting that does not comply with this article,
and that the provisions of this article are otherwise met.
(6) Runway lighting. Lighting on any landing strip or runway, provided the owner or
occupant demonstrates that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations
can only be met through the use of lighting that does not comply with this article.
(7) Neon lights. Neon lights as permitted pursuant to Article XLVIII, Signs, of this
(8) Residential landscape lighting as defined herein, provided the lamp or lamps are
not visible across property lines and, in addition, are not triggered by a dusk-to-
dawn timer.
D. Placement and height of luminaires.
(1) Luminaires, exclusive of municipal streetlighting, and municipal recreational
fields, shall be mounted no higher than 16 feet from the level ground to the
lowest light-emitting part of the fixture.
(2) Luminaires on commercially used properties shall be located and shielded in a
manner to prevent light projection beyond the property line. (See Figure 3.111)
(3) Luminaires used for municipal recreational fields and municipal outdoor
recreational uses shall be exempt from the height restriction, and illuminance
levels, provided all other provisions of this article are met and the light is used
only while the field is in use.
(4) Sign lighting. Lighting shall be mounted on the top of the sign, directed
downward, and positioned and shielded so that the light source is not visible. No
individual lamp shall exceed 1,000 lumens. Mounting height of lights shall not
exceed 16 feet.[2]
(5) Mounting height of residential luminaries may not exceed 14 feet.
E. Illuminance and type of lamp.
(1) Illuminance levels for parking lots, sidewalks, and other walkways affected by
side-mounted building lights and freestanding sidewalk lights (not streetlights)
shall not exceed illuminance levels listed in the IESNA Recommended Practices,
either PR33 or RP20, depending on the application. (See Tables 1, 2 and 3.111)
The Town of Riverhead recognizes that not every such area will require lighting.
(2) Parking lot lighting shall not exceed an overall average illumination as listed on
Table 1. 21
(3) Streetlight luminaires shall be full cutoff luminaires and be lamped with high-
pressure sodium or compact fluorescent light source. The Engineering Division
shall make a determination for the type of light distribution, the height, and lumen
value of the light source for each location, based on the manufacturer's supplied
photometric information, in order to meet the streetlighting warrants. The criteria
for evaluating the warrant of streetlights shall be in conformance with the
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
standards and/or a safety hazard as determined by the Town Engineer. The
Town Engineer shall reserve the option to alter the type of light, light intensity of
public roads and public facilities in areas where public safety is an issue.
Streetlight luminaries shall be brought into compliance with this section no later
than December 31, 2017.[3]
(4) All existing and/or new exterior lighting shall not cause light trespass and shall
protect adjacent properties from glare and excessive lighting.
(5) Gas station under-canopy fixtures shall be lamped so as not to exceed light level
measurements as recommended in RP33, Table 2.141
(6) All ATM and bank lighting shall conform to the provisions of the New York State
ATM Safety Act, as contained in the New York State Banking Law § 75-a et seq.,
and the provisions of this article.
(7) All Long Island Power Authority leased preexisting nonconforming unshielded
floodlight fixtures, including GE Powerflood, Mercury Vapor fixtures, and all one-
thousand-watt fixtures shall not be relamped, repaired or replaced.
G. All Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) leased preexisting nonconforming fixtures
shall be replaced on or before December 31, 2010, with full cutoff fixtures and
must meet the light solutions "Installation and Criteria" as adopted by LIPA on
March 24, 2006:
(1) Light levels shall not exceed recommendations (Table 1).
H. Prohibited exterior lighting. The following types of lighting are prohibited:
(1) Searchlights, except those used for governmental, emergency and law
enforcement purposes.
(2) Strobe lights, laser lights, or revolving lighting.
(3) Neon lights, except as legally permitted.
(4) Blinking, pulsating, tracing, or flashing lights, unless temporarily triggered by a
security system.
(5) Any light fixture that may be construed as or confused with a traffic signal,
traffic control device or maritime navigational markers.
(6) Lighting that is determined by municipal law enforcement personnel to
contribute to disabling or distracting glare into a public roadway.
(7) Any light fixture located within a designated nature preserve, easement, or
(8) Illuminated signs without a municipal permit.
(9) Nonmunicipal recreational field lighting, including but not limited to tennis,
basketball and handball courts, and sports fields, including but not limited to
baseball, soccer, and football, without site plan approval and a building
(10)Privately owned or leased light fixtures located on public utility poles or
located in the public right-of-way are prohibited.
(11)No exterior LED light fixtures shall exceed 3,000K.
(12) Mercury Vapor.
(13) Unshielded LED lamps, except as exempt for holiday lighting.
(14)Metal halide, except as approved by the Town Engineer and only when the
correlated color temperature (CCT) is less than 3,200 K and when the are
tube of the lamp is enclosed with a protective acrylic or tempered glass