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Southampton Town Board Sundy A. Schermeyer Town Clerk
116 Hampton Road Telephone: (631) 287-5740
Southampton, NY 11968 �,: �, Fax: (631) 283-5606
Hampton Bays Annex: (631) 723-2712
September 12, 2018
Honorable Elizabeth Neville
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Dear Honorable Elizabeth Neville:
Responding to this letter will serve as an acknowledgement of receipt of the attached
copies of resolutions adopted by the Southampton Town Board. Please sign this letter and
return it to the Town Clerks Office via standard mail, by fax at 631-283-5606 or you may
scan and email it bac, -,t,a town cle rk(d south am 12tontownn .gov.
Signature: . Date: ITIT
Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on September 11, 2018
1:00 PM, reviewed the following resolution(s):
Town Board Resolution RES-2018-889 Adopted [Unanimous]
Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Historic Landmark Designation of the Alanson Topping -
Arthur H. Newman Residence Located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton
Sincerely Yours,
Sundy A. Schermeyer
Town Clerk
Generated 9/12/2018 Page 1
` 1640
Southampton Town Board Sundy A. Schermeyer Town Clerk
116 Hampton Road Telephone: (631) 287-5740
Southampton, NY 11968 �,. Fax: (631) 283-5606
Ink VI Hampton Bays Annex: (631) 723-2712
September 12, 2018
Honorable Elizabeth Neville
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Dear Honorable Elizabeth Neville:
Responding to this letter will serve as an acknowledgement of receipt of the attached
copies of resolutions adopted by the Southampton Town Board. Please sign this letter and
return it to the Town Clerks Office via standard mail, by fax at 631-283-5606 or you may
scan and email it back to townclerk@southamptontownnv.aov.
Signature: Date:
Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on September 11, 2018
1:00 PM, reviewed the following resolution(s):
Town Board Resolution RES-2018-889 Adopted [Unanimous]
Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Historic Landmark Designation of the Alanson Topping -
Arthur H. Newman Residence Located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton
Sincerely Yours,
<--� K5c �
Sundy A. Schermeyer
Town Clerk
Generated 9/12/2018 Page 1
` 1640
Southampton Town Board Sundy A. Schermeyer Town Clerk
116 Hampton Road Telephone: (631) 287-5740
Southampton, NY 11968 �,. Fax: (631) 283-5606
Ink VI Hampton Bays Annex: (631) 723-2712
September 12, 2018
Honorable Elizabeth Neville
Town of Southold
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Dear Honorable Elizabeth Neville:
Please be advised that the Town Board, at a meeting held on September 11, 2018
1:00 PM, reviewed the following resolution(s):
Town Board Resolution RES-2018-889 Adopted [Unanimous]
Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Historic Landmark Designation of the Alanson Topping -
Arthur H. Newman Residence Located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton
Sincerely Yours,
Sundy A. Schermeyer
Town Clerk
Generated 9/12/2018 Page 1
Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of September 11, 2018
TOWN BOARD RESOLUTION 2018-889 Item #7.31
Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Historic Landmark
Designation of the Alanson Topping - Arthur H. Newman
Residence Located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 330-321 of the Southampton Town Code, the Town Board
has the authority to designate certain properties as landmarks; and
WHEREAS, the Landmarks and Historic Districts Board received a Historic Site Designation
Application from Rachael McCowen together with appropriate additional owner's
endorsements for the structure known as the Alanson Topping-Arthur H. Newman residence
located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton, NY (further identified on the Suffolk County
Tax Map as #900-70-2-9); and
WHEREAS, the Landmarks and Historic Districts Board has reviewed the nomination
application for historic landmark designation including pertinent materials with regard to the
subject property and has found that the structure located at 189 Lumber Lane,
Bridgehampton (i) possesses special character or historic aesthetic interest of value as part
of the cultural, political, economic and social history of the locality, region, state or nation,
(ii) is identified with historic personages or is the site of an historic event in the town, state
or nation, (iii) embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type, period or
style or contains elements of design, details, materials or craftsmanship which represent a
significant innovation, (iv) because of a unique location or singular physical characteristic,
represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, by a duly adopted resolution dated May 15, 2018, the Landmarks and Historic
Districts Board recommended the Town Board approve the designation of the structure
located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton, a Southampton Town historic landmark; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 330-321(E)(1) of the Southampton Town Code, the Town
Board is required to hold a public hearing prior to taking action on an application for
designation as a historic landmark; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs that a public hearing shall be held on October 9,
2018 at 1:00 p.m., Southampton Town Hall, 116 Hampton Road, Southampton, New York,
to hear any and all persons either for or against an application to designate the structure
located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton as a historic landmark; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Town Clerk to forward such application to the
Planning Board for their review and recommendations pursuant to Section 330-321(D); and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Town Clerk to provide a copy of this resolution
to the Chief Building Inspector for compliance with Section 330-321(E)(2); and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the following Notice of
Public Hearing, and mail a copy of the Notice to the owner of the property.
Generated 9/12/2018 Page 2
Southampton Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of September 11, 2018
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of
Southampton, on October 9, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at Southampton Town Hall, 116 Hampton
Road, Southampton, New York to hear any and all persons either for or against an
application to designate the structure located at 189 Lumber Lane, Bridgehampton as a
Town Historic Landmark (SCTM No. 900-70-2-9). Copies of such application are on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk and are available for public purview.
Financial Impact:
MOVER: Jay Schneiderman, Supervisor
SECONDER: Tommy John Schiavoni, Councilman
AYES: Schneiderman, Lofstad, Scalera, Bouvier, Schiavoni
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