HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOR RES 634 Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm,
Rerds Management Office
Registrar of Vital Statistics cog ement r- -
9 g Officer Marriage Officer
September 4, 2018
Honorable Town Clerk:
Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and emaW back to the Riverhead Town Clek.0 Diane
Wilhelm at wil(aelm to^�^nofriverheadny. v or by fax at 631-208-4034. KEE
Town Board Meeting August 7, 2018 2:00 PM
Southoldwn Clerk
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on August 7, 2018
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue --- Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034
Office of the Town Clerk
.Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
September 4, 2018
Suffolk County Planning Department
L.I. State Park Commission
Town of Southold
Town of Southampton
Town of Brookhaven
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on August 7, 2018
If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm
at Ext. 260
Diane M. Wilhelm
200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034
` p.[I ETROv[F v[0.lnapFSlr Ii
Office of the Town Clerk
Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer
September 4, 2018
Honorable Town Clerk:
Your response to this letter will acknowledge receipt of the attached resolution adopted by the
Riverhead Town Board. Kindly please sign and email back to the Riverhead Town Clerk, Diane
Wilhelm at wilhelm(cD-townofriverheadny.gov or by fax at 631-208-4034.
Signature: Date:
Town Board Meeting August 7, 2018 2:00 PM
ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which was adopted by the Riverhead
Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on August 7, 2018
Diane M. Wilhelm
Town Clerk
200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901 (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 - Fax (631)208-4034
08.07.2018 ADOPTED
Resolution # 634
Councilman Hubbard offered the following resolution,
which was seconded by Councilwoman Kent
WHEREAS, the Town of Riverhead, by Resolution #451 adopted on July 16,
2015 and Resolution #537 adopted on July 1, 2015, adopted local laws to update and
adopt Procurement Policy pursuant to General Municipal Law; and
WHEREAS, thereafter, and on an annual basis, the Town Board readopted its
Procurement Policy, the most recent readopted by Resolution #25 adopted on January
3, 2018; and
WHEREAS, by Resolution #486 adopted on June 19, 2018, the Town Clerk was
authorized to publish and post a public notice to hear all interested persons to consider
a local law to further amend Procurement Policy pursuant to General Municipal Law;
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 17th day of July, 2018 at 6:10 pm
at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, the date, time and
place specified in said public notice, and all persons wishing to be heard were heard.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amendment to the Town of
Riverhead's Procurement Policy set forth and annexed below is hereby adopted by
Local Law:
Procurement Policy
The purpose of this Procurement Policy is to ensure that sound business judgment is
utilized in all procurement transactions and that supplies, equipment, contracts, and
services are obtained efficiently and in compliance with applicable laws and to ensure
that all procurement transactions will be conducted in a manner that provides full and
open competition and prudent and economical use of public money.. In addition, this
Procurement Policy seeks to ensure that the same sound business judgment used for
the purchase of personal property (i.e. supplies and equipment) is used for the
evaluation of personal property and/or assets with respect to its usefulness to the Town
now or in the foreseeable future and cost effective and efficient procedures for
disposition of the personal property and/or assets deemed no longer of public use to the
Guideline 1: Every prospective purchase of goods or services shall be evaluated to
determine the applicability of General Municipal Law §103 inclusive of all future
statutory amendments, deemed to be incorporated by reference, as if recited in its
entirety herein. Every town officer, board, department head or other personnel with the
requisite purchasing authority (hereinafter"purchaser") shall estimate the cumulative
amount of the items of supply or equipment needed in a given fiscal year. The
information gathered and conclusions reached shall be documented and kept with the
file or other documentation supporting the purchase activity.
Guideline 2: All purchases of supplies or equipment which will exceed $20,000 in the
fiscal year or public works contracts over $35,000 shall be formally bid pursuant to
General Municipal Law§103 inclusive of all future statutory amendments, deemed to be
incorporated by reference, as if recited in its entirety herein. In addition to compliance
with General Municipal Law, public works contracts involving construction contracts as
defined in Labor Law section 816-b, in excess of$250,000.00 and/or 100,000 square
feet, whichever is less, shall require the bidder/contractor and subcontractors on such
construction contracts to meet requirements set forth in Guideline 5.
Guideline 3:
1. All estimated purchases of less than $20,000 but greater than $3,000 shall
require a written request for a proposal ("RFP") and written/fax quotes from at least
three comparative vendors; less than $3,000 but greater than $1,000 require an oral
request for proposal for the goods, equipment or supplies and oral/fax quotes from
at least two vendors and purchaser shall maintain a record of responses whether
they are received by phone or in writing detailing date/time, name of individual
offering quote, and remarks detailinq quote; less than $1,000 are left to the
discretion of the purchaser.
2. All estimated public works contracts of less than $35,000 but greater than
$10,000 require a written request for proposal and fax/proposals from at least three
comparable contractors; less than $10,000 but greater than $1,000 require a written
request for proposal and fax/proposals from at least two contractors and purchaser
shall maintain a record of responses whether they are received by phone or in
writing detailing date/time, name of individual offering quote and remarks detailing
quote; less than $1,000 are left to the discretion of the purchaser.
3. All written RFP shall describe the desired goods, quantity and details regarding
delivery, including mode of delivery and time parameters for delivery. The purchaser
shall compile a list of all vendors from whom written/fax/oral quotes have been
requested and the written/fax/oral quotes offered.
4. All information gathered in complying with the procedures of this guideline shall
be preserved and filed with the documentation supporting the subsequent purchase
or public works contract. All responses to the RFP shall be kept confidential until
such time as the contract for work or goods is awarded and thereafter all documents
responsive to the RFP shall be subject to disclosure pursuant to the applicable
provisions of the Public Officers Law.
Guideline 4: All purchasers shall make a good-faith effort to obtain the required number
of proposals or quotations. If the purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of
proposals or quotations, the purchaser shall document the attempt made at obtaining
the proposals. In no event shall the inability to obtain the proposals or quotes be a bar
to the procurement.
Guideline 5: The lowest responsible proposal or quote shall be awarded the purchase
or public works contract unless the purchaser prepares written justification providing
reasons why it is in the best interest of the town and its taxpayers to make an award to
other than the low bidder. If a bidder is not deemed responsible, facts supporting that
judgment shall also be documented and filed with the record supporting the
procurement. Notwithstanding the above all public works projects involving construction
contracts, as defined in Guideline 2, shall require a contractor and subcontractor(s)
who is a party to, or working under, a construction contract to be a participant in good
standing of a Class "A"qualified apprenticeship program that is registered with and
approved by the New York State Department of Labor or U.S. Department of Labor and
to have apprenticeship agreements as evidenced by valid Certificates of Completion
which are specifically identified as pertaining to the trade(s) and/or job titles(s) called for
within the construction contract and appropriate for the type and scope of work to be
performed, as set forth and described in the bid specifications In addition all
contractors and subcontractors must submit to the Town Certificates of Completion
showing that they, or their sponsor participate in a Class "A" qualified apprenticeship
program; a Class "A" qualified apprenticeship program shall mean an apprenticeship
program that has graduated at least one apprentice from a New York State Department
of Labor or U.S. Department of Labor approved and registered apprenticeship program
in the trade and/or iob title called for within the construction contract within a 24 month
time period immediately preceding the bid date of such project The contractor and/or
subcontractor must submit to the Town (i) a letter certifying that it currently operates a
Class "A" qualified apprenticeship program as a sponsor, (ii) a letter from the Class "A"
qualified apprenticeship program's sponsor certifying the contractor and/or
subcontractor are signatory to the sponsor and that the program is a Class "A" qualified
apprenticeship program as defined herein, or(iii) if the contractor or subcontractor
participates in a recently formed apprenticeship program it may satisfy the requirement
of this certification by providing documentation showing that the Class "A" qualified
apprenticeship program in which it participates: (a) has been established within the past
five years; (b) is currently registered with and approved by the U.S. Department of
Labor or a state apprenticeship agency; and (c) provides bona fide apprenticeship
training to participants and is in compliance with the standards and requirements
applicable to registered apprenticeship programs under 29 C.F.R. 29 including the
requirement under these rules to maintain as at least one registered apprentice in
accordance with the guidelines of 29 C.F.R. 29.6(a). It shall be a contractor's and/or
subcontractor's responsibility to submit the required Certificates of Completion as part of
any bid submitted in connection with a construction contract. The failure of the
contractor and/or subcontractor to provide the required Certificates/Certifications shall
disqualify the contractor, being awarded, or performing the construction contract or from
the subcontractor being approved as a subcontractor on the construction contract. Note
it shall be the responsibility of the department administering a construction contract to
verify that a contractor or subcontractor meets these requirements and has included the
required apprenticeship documentation in his/her bid.
Guideline 6: A request for proposal and/or quotation shall not be required under the
following circumstances:
(1) Contract for professional services subject to resolution of the Town Board.
(2)(a) Purchase of goods, equipment or supplies or contract for services through
qualifying contracts let by other New York State political subdivisions provided that (i)
the contract must have been let by the United States or any agency thereof, any state or
any other political subdivision or district therein; (ii) the contract must have been made
available for use by other governmental entities, i.e. inclusion in the contract let by the
other entity of a clause extending the terms and conditions of the contract to other
governmental entities; and (iii) the contract must have been let to the lowest responsible
bidder or on the basis of best value in a manner consistent with General Municipal Law
§ 103 and related case law. This provision is intended to include all future statutory
amendments of General Municipal Law (16) and same are deemed to be incorporated
by reference, as if recited in its entirety herein.(*Note, GML 103 (16) was is originally
scheduled to expire on August 1, 2017 and has been extended to July 31, 2019).
(2)(b) Purchase of goods, equipment or supplies or contract for services through
qualifying contracts let by the County of Suffolk or through any county within the State of
New York subject to County Law 408(a).
(3) Public emergency arising out of an accident or unforeseen occurrence or condition
affecting public buildings, public property or life, health, safety or property of the
inhabitants of the Town. Unless exigent circumstances exist such that time is of the
essence, Purchaser shall seek to obtain approval of the Town Board prior to purchase
or contract.
(4) Sole-source situations (purchaser must obtain written verification from vendor)
(5) Surplus and second-hand supplies, material or equipment from federal government,
State of New York, or other political subdivisions, districts, or public benefit corporation.
(6) Purchase of goods, equipment and supplies under State contracts through the Office
of General Services and subject to rules promulgated by the Office of General
Guideline 7: The purchase of goods or services must be accompanied by a duly signed
and completed purchase order or contract except a purchase order shall not be required
prior to purchase/procurement under those circumstances identified in Guideline 6 and
purchases or public works project less than $1000.00. The above guideline is not
intended to eliminate the requirement for a purchase order. Note, all Department Heads
shall be responsible to verify the existence of a bid or contract award for the same or
similar goods or services and shall be limited to purchase from such vendor/contractor.
Guideline 8: The Town Department responsible for personal property and/or asset(s) it
wishes to have declared surplus shall complete a "Plant Asset/Office Equipment
Disposal Form" including a description of the item, serial/tag #, location, condition,
estimated surplus value, and reason for disposal. The Plant Asset/Office Equipment
Disposal Form must be signed by the supervisor/manager of the department and filed
with the Office of the Financial Administrator. Town Departments may transfer assets
and equipment provided that a Plant Asset/Office Equipment Disposal Form records the
transfer and same is filed with the Financial Administrator. Finally, the Office of the
Financial Administrator, with the assistance of Department Heads, shall evaluate
estimated surplus value of all assets and equipment disposed on a bi-annual basis and
make recommendation to the Town Board regarding disposal or sale, subject to all
applicable laws and procedures regarding disposition of surplus asset/equipment,
including but not limited to bid procedures set forth in General Municipal Law § 103,
and receipt of an "As-Is" Statement and/or Liability Waiver. Note, all Town logos or
other markings identifying the property as Town property shall be removed prior to sale.
This policy shall not in any way limit or prohibit the Town Board from donating an item of
personal property and/or asset as permitted under the law._
For Purposes of Guideline 8: Surplus shall be defined as any Town personal property
and/or asset that is no longer needed now or in the foreseeable future or that is no
longer of value or use to the Town and Estimated Surplus Value shall be defined as the
estimated amount of money an interested party will be willing to pay the Town for the
property. This can be determined through an estimate, an appraisal, Kelly blue book
value or other sources available to the responsible Department or Office of the Financial
Guideline 9: This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Town Board.
• Underline represents addition(s)
Kent ®Yes ❑No Hubbard ®Yes ❑No
Giglio ®Yes ❑No Wooten ®Yes ❑No
Jens-Smith ®Yes ❑No
The Resolution Was ® Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted
Town of Riverhead
Local Law# 14-2018
Procurement Policy
The purpose of this Procurement Policy is to ensure that sound business judgment is
utilized in all procurement transactions and that supplies, equipment, contracts, and
services are obtained efficiently and in compliance with applicable laws and to ensure
that all procurement transactions will be conducted in a manner that provides full and
open competition and prudent and economical use of public money. In addition, this
Procurement Policy seeks to ensure that the same sound business judgment used for
the purchase of personal property (i.e. supplies and equipment) is used for the
evaluation of personal property and/or assets with respect to its usefulness to the Town
now or in the foreseeable future and cost effective and efficient procedures for
disposition of the personal property and/or assets deemed no longer of public use to the
Guideline 1: Every prospective purchase of goods or services shall be evaluated to
determine the applicability of General Municipal Law §103 inclusive of all future
statutory amendments, deemed to be incorporated by reference, as if recited in its
entirety herein. Every town officer, board, department head or other personnel with the
requisite purchasing authority (hereinafter "purchaser") shall estimate the cumulative
amount of the items of supply or equipment needed in a given fiscal year. The
information gathered and conclusions reached shall be documented and kept with the
file or other documentation supporting the purchase activity.
Guideline 2: All purchases of supplies or equipment which will exceed $20,000 in the
fiscal year or public works contracts over $35,000 shall be formally bid pursuant to
General Municipal Law §103 inclusive of all future statutory amendments, deemed to be
incorporated by reference, as if recited in its entirety herein. In addition to compliance
with General Municipal Law, public works contracts involving construction contracts, as
defined in Labor Law section 816-b, in excess of$250,000.00 and/or 100,000 square
feet, whichever is less, shall require the bidder/contractor and subcontractors on such
construction contracts to meet requirements set forth in Guideline 5.
Guideline 3:
1. All estimated purchases of less than $20,000 but greater than $3,000 shall
require a written request for a proposal ("RFP") and written/fax quotes from at least
three comparative vendors; less than $3,000 but greater than $1,000 require an oral
request for proposal for the goods, equipment or supplies and oral/fax quotes from
at least two vendors and purchaser shall maintain a record of responses whether
they are received by phone or in writing detailing date/time, name of individual
offering quote, and remarks detailing quote; less than $1,000 are left to the
discretion of the purchaser.
2. All estimated public works contracts of less than $35,000 but greater than
$10,000 require a written request for proposal and fax/proposals from at least three
comparable contractors; less than $10,000 but greater than $1,000 require a written
request for proposal and fax/proposals from at least two contractors and purchaser
shall maintain a record of responses whether they are received by phone or in
writing detailing date/time, name of individual offering quote, and remarks detailing
quote; less than $1,000 are left to the discretion of the purchaser.
3. All written RFP shall describe the desired goods, quantity and details regarding
delivery, including mode of delivery and time parameters for delivery. The purchaser
shall compile a list of all vendors from whom written/fax/oral quotes have been
requested and the written/fax/oral quotes offered.
4. All information gathered in complying with the procedures of this guideline shall
be preserved and filed with the documentation supporting the subsequent purchase
or public works contract. All responses to the RFP shall be kept confidential until
such time as the contract for work or goods is awarded and thereafter all documents
responsive to the RFP shall be subject to disclosure pursuant to the applicable
provisions of the Public Officers Law.
Guideline 4: All purchasers shall make a good-faith effort to obtain the required number
of proposals or quotations. If the purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of
proposals or quotations, the purchaser shall document the attempt made at obtaining
the proposals. In no event shall the inability to obtain the proposals or quotes be a bar
to the procurement.
Guideline 5: The lowest responsible proposal or quote shall be awarded the purchase
or public works contract unless the purchaser prepares written justification providing
reasons why it is in the best interest of the town and its taxpayers to make an award to
other than the low bidder. If a bidder is not deemed responsible, facts supporting that
judgment shall also be documented and filed with the record supporting the
procurement. Notwithstanding the above, all public works projects involving construction
contracts, as defined in Guideline 2, shall require a contractor and subcontractor(s)
who is a party to, or working under, a construction contract, to be a participant in good
standing of a Class "A" qualified apprenticeship program that is registered with and
approved by the New York State Department of,Labor or U.S. Department of Labor and
to have apprenticeship agreements, as evidenced by valid Certificates of Completion
which are specifically identified as pertaining to the trade(s) and/or job titles(s) called for
within the construction contract and appropriate for the type and scope of work to be
performed, as set forth and described in the bid specifications. In addition, all
contractors and subcontractors must submit to the Town, Certificates of Completion
showing that they, or their sponsor participate in a Class "A" qualified apprenticeship
program; a Class "A" qualified apprenticeship program shall mean an apprenticeship
program that has graduated at least one apprentice from a New York State Department
of Labor or U.S. Department of Labor approved and registered apprenticeship program,
in the trade and/or job title called for within the construction contract, within a 24 month
time period immediately preceding the bid date of such project. The contractor and/or
subcontractor must submit to the Town (i) a letter certifying that it currently operates a
Class "A" qualified apprenticeship program as a sponsor, (ii) a letter from the Class "A"
qualified apprenticeship program's sponsor certifying the contractor and/or
subcontractor are signatory to the sponsor and that the program is a Class "A" qualified
apprenticeship program as defined herein, or(iii) if the contractor or subcontractor
participates in a recently formed apprenticeship program, it may satisfy the requirement
of this certification by providing documentation showing that the Class "A" qualified
apprenticeship program in which it participates: (a) has been established within the past
five years; (b) is currently registered with and approved by the U.S. Department of
Labor or a state apprenticeship agency; and (c) provides bona fide apprenticeship
training to participants and is in compliance with the standards and requirements
applicable to registered apprenticeship programs under 29 C.F.R. 29, including the
requirement under these rules to maintain as at least one registered apprentice in
accordance with the guidelines of 29 C.F.R. 29.6(a). It shall be a contractor's and/or
subcontractor's responsibility to submit the required Certificates of Completion as part of
any bid submitted in connection with a construction contract. The failure of the
contractor and/or subcontractor to provide the required Certificates/Certifications shall
disqualify the contractor being awarded, or performing the construction contract or from
the subcontractor being approved as a subcontractor on the construction contract. Note,
it shall be the responsibility of the department administering a construction contract to
verify that a contractor or subcontractor meets these requirements and has included the
required apprenticeship documentation in his/her bid.
Guideline 6: A request for proposal and/or quotation shall not be required under the
following circumstances:
(1) Contract for professional services subject to resolution of the Town Board.
(2)(a) Purchase of goods, equipment or supplies or contract for services through
qualifying contracts let by other New York State political subdivisions provided that (i)
the contract must have been let by the United States or any agency thereof, any state or
any other political subdivision or district therein; (ii) the contract must have been made
available for use by other governmental entities, i.e. inclusion in the contract let by the
other entity of a clause extending the terms and conditions of the contract to other
governmental entities; and (iii) the contract must have been let to the lowest responsible
bidder or on the basis of best value in a manner consistent with General Municipal Law
§ 103 and related case law. This provision is intended to include all future statutory
amendments of General Municipal Law (16) and same are deemed to be incorporated
by reference, as if recited in its entirety herein.(*Note, GML 103 (16) was is originally
scheduled to expire on August 1, 2017 and has been extended to July 31, 2019).
(2)(b) Purchase of goods, equipment or supplies or contract for services through
qualifying contracts let by the County of Suffolk or through any county within the State of
New York subject to County Law 408(a).
(3) Public emergency arising out of an accident or unforeseen occurrence or condition
affecting public buildings, public property or life, health, safety or property of the
inhabitants of the Town. Unless exigent circumstances exist such that time is of the
essence, Purchaser shall seek to obtain approval of the Town Board prior to purchase
or contract.
(4) Sole-source situations (purchaser must obtain written verification from vendor)
(5) Surplus and second-hand supplies, material or equipment from federal government,
State of New York, or other political subdivisions, districts, or public benefit corporation.
(6) Purchase of goods, equipment and supplies under State contracts through the Office
of General Services and subject to rules promulgated by the Office of General
Guideline 7: The purchase of goods or services must be accompanied by a duly signed
and completed purchase order or contract except a purchase order shall not be required
prior to purchase/procurement under those circumstances identified in Guideline 6 and
purchases or public works project less than $1000.00. The above guideline is not
intended to eliminate the requirement for a purchase order. Note, all Department Heads
shall be responsible to verify the existence of a bid or contract award for the same or
similar goods or services and shall be limited to purchase from such vendor/contractor.
Guideline 8: The Town Department responsible for personal property and/or asset(s) it
wishes to have declared surplus shall complete a "Plant Asset/Office Equipment
Disposal Form" including a description of the item, serial/tag #, location, condition,
estimated surplus value, and reason for disposal. The Plant Asset/Office Equipment
Disposal Form must be signed by the supervisor/manager of the department and filed
with the Office of the Financial Administrator. Town Departments may transfer assets
and equipment provided that a Plant Asset/Office Equipment Disposal Form records the
transfer and same is filed with the Financial Administrator. Finally, the Office of the
Financial Administrator, with the assistance of Department Heads, shall evaluate
estimated surplus value of all assets and equipment disposed on a bi-annual basis and
make recommendation to the Town Board regarding disposal or sale, subject to all
applicable laws and procedures regarding disposition of surplus asset/equipment,
including but not limited to bid procedures set forth in General Municipal Law § 103,
and receipt of an "As-Is" Statement and/or Liability Waiver. Note, all Town logos or
other markings identifying the property as Town property shall be removed prior to sale.
This policy shall not in any way limit or prohibit the Town Board from donating an item of
personal property and/or asset as permitted under the law.
For Purposes of Guideline 8: Surplus shall be defined as any Town personal property
and/or asset that is no longer needed now or in the foreseeable future or that is no
longer of value or use to the Town and Estimated Surplus Value shall be defined as the
estimated amount of money an interested party will be willing to pay the Town for the
property. This can be determined through an estimate, an appraisal, Kelly blue book
value or other sources available to the responsible Department or Office of the Financial
Guideline 9: This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Town Board.