HomeMy WebLinkAboutW. Harbor Bungalow, LLC Fishers Island- miscellaneous projects iw August 10,2018 CME Board of Trustees Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Annex D E EE Architecture 53095 Route 25 Engineering PO Box 1179 Planning Southold, NY 11971-0959 AUG 1 5 2018 Land Surveying Att; Diane DiSalvo Environmental Roar a,Tru Services RE Pre-Submission fees Dear Trustees, Thank you again for taking the time Wednesday to visit the various sites. I expect we will be submitting applications forthe various projects shortly Enclosed are checks for the $50 00 Pre-Submission fee for each of the sites we visited that,will need permits Sincerely, Richard H. Strouse, P.E.L.S. Email:rstrouse@cmeengineering.com CME Associates Engineenng, Land Surveying,&Architecture, PLLC % 860 885 1055 ® www cmeengineering com ft 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Suite 105 P 0 Box 535 Mansfield,CT 06268 Commitment,Meaning&Excellence. In All We Do. �rl�gtlFFat� Michael J. Domino, PresidE �"�'p C' Town Hall Annex John M. Bredemeyer I11,Vice-Presment ��® ��,�� 54375 Route 25 Glenn Goldsmith y s P.O.Box 1179 A.Nicholas Krupski v- -"y Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams ®�, �ap� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date/Time: ° Completed in field by: �� Rio,*Ml?'1c,� Richard Strouse, P.E.L.S. on behalf of W. HARBOR BUNGALOW, LLC, c/o CRAIG SCHULTZ for proposed revisions to existing dock. Located: Hedge Street, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-10-7-18 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=q Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey <_ 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application completeness/comments/standards: I have read & acknowledged the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: J. Bredemeyer M. Domino G. Goldsmith N. Krupski G. Williams Other 7 7 7775, '7— 37 77 - 7 -J- -,;rf 2 SEE SEC.NO 0� I .NO kmc-tf --PNE S FOR-./ 2 SEE N 3 3 4A,U�) �A GOOW HE-L FORGUEON MUSEUM S.4.) E'N,) Qi i�io I�11 0 072111 2111�12 136 0i mie -ST�OR lo. AA1.) (GREAT�BG -3 8 5A 65 10\ M Z4 17- 14 L FERGUWI MUSEUM jq AA� IW 11 WO) r ci 1112 .44 4) 3'�A 2 1 z IIA 21w-) IIA -41, U 7.1 &S 123 SEESEC NO ES E-0 a sEc No RRY D 86 A2 K NoTTE K somow ToN No --Mu. COUNTY OF SUFFOL Real Property ce�gency ),I TaX C-�—Z—deV m 010 -T- Io = =7= (a - --,:P:..c Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Richard Strouse <rstrouse@cmeengineering.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 7:52 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: gjustl02l5@aol.com Subject: FW:Trustees & NYSEDC Good morning- I had sent this list to Glenn with the tax references added. He is on vacation this week so maybe it didn't get to him. I had another e-mail last night from him asking about the list so I thought I would forward it directly. Please call or e-mail if there are any questions and let us both know it arrived. Thanks- Dick / Richard H. Strouse, P.E.L.S. Email:rstrouse@cmeengineering.com 33 bur Cross CME�L T 860.885-1055 18ext Y,Suite 105, PO Box 535 I 2118 1 C 860-3377 9340 1www.c1ml0eenginee ing.com From: Richard Strouse<rstrouse@cmeengineering.com> Date:July 30, 2018 at 8:40:40 AM EDT To: "giust10215@aol.com"<giustl0215@aol.com> Subject: FW:Trustees&NYSEDC Glenn- I have added the tax map references. All are developed sites so easy access. I will have any proposed improvements staked. Please call with any other questions. It would be great if you could join us. We need a couple of old wetlands lines looked at. Dick 0 _ Richard H. Strouse, P.E.L.S. Email:rstrouse@cmeengineering.com 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Suite 105, PO Box 535 1 Mansfield, CT 06268 T 860.885-1055 ext.2118 1 C 860-377-9340 i www.cmeengineering.com From: Richard Strouse Sent:Wednesday,July 25, 2018 2:19 PM To: 'giust10215@aol.com'<giust10215@aol.com> Subject:Trustees& NYSEDC Glenn- Here is a list of projects that we will be submitting on shortly. I don't think any have applications in to either the Trustees or NYSDEC. I will be happy to be the "tour guide" to the various sites on Aug. 8th. I will have plans ready for most by then but maybe not all. i From East to West- ~ 1. 1000-5.-2-10.12 Erik Waldin-2875 Castle Road-slope protection- Plans will be ready 2. 1000-5.-1-7.5 Maarten Van Hengel,Jr. 811 Castle Road- proposed pool. No disturbance planned within 100 ft. of wetlands but more than 5 years since last freshwater wetlands delineation.Site plan will be ready 3. 1000-4.-5-18 Scott Ketner-4321 Brooks Point Road- up-date of permits for pool. Pending at ZBA (not in rear yard) 4. 1000-4.-7-2.1 Pinschmidt-228 Chocomount Beach Drive-demolish existing residence & construct new residence-adjacent to Chocomount Beach-site plan will be ready 5. 1000-3.-1-9.2 Bogert-8196 Clay Point Road-accessory garage. Not in regulated area but a waterfront lot.Garage will be staked &site plan done.Variance for location pending at ZBA 6. 1000-12.-2-6.15 Bailey-474 Wilderness Point-work adjacent to pool sea wall- preliminary review-no plans at this point 7. 1000-10.-9-15.4 Rivers-219 Gloaming Extension- replace deteriorating concrete seawall with new seawall-plans will be ready 8. 1000-10.-7-18 Craig Schultz- Hedge Street-revise existing dock-survey but no design plans yet 9. 1000-9.-2-4.1 Firehouse-250 Athol-Crescent Avenue-second floor addition w/new septic system-more than 5 years since last freshwater wetlands delineation. Plans have been submitted to SCDHS. 10. 1000-9.-9-3.1 Wilmerding-4997 Equestrian Avenue-covered deck for sitting area on old foundation. Up-date of 1993 review by Trustees (waiver) and NYSDEC(Non-jurisdiction). 11. 1000-9.-8-6 Cleveland-1305 Winthrop Drive (Silver Eel Cove)- reconstruct dock- I have plans from 2008 that need to be up-dated. 12. 1000-12.4-4.4 Walsh Park-renovation of second floor of ferry freight building into 6 apartments. Site is in AE flood zones and below elevation 10.Area for parking is currently paved. I have recent survey Dick X Richard H. Strouse, P.E.L.S. Email:rstrouse@cmeengineering.com 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Suite 105, PO Box 535 Mansfield,CT 06268 T 860.885-1055 ext. 2118 C 860-377-9340 www.cmeengineering.com 2