HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 Hands Farm RlsefvsmT CER>TIFIED"MyAIL.N +� E"CEIPT c(Domt►cMar!Only,NO,InsurancewCoverage Prdvided) FordeliWery inform"attonFwsftour websrteatrwww'usps com®.;5: v � 1 / 6 Wn t P���Fo_rm"„3_800:A�usG.'2006 L °111111� 1 o�a0f so/] l OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK o TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �� FIRST-CL,A*,MAIL ELIZABETH A NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK,MI neopost c e 53095 MAIN ROAD 06107 2018 n� P70 aoX I n-aEX s 79 SOUTHO D,OWYORK 11971 7810 1868 8001 1571 8233 °°�°� ZIP 11971 0411-11242960 Lydia Witter 8 Hands Farm PO Box 241- Santa Cruz, °"�. � � ' � a a a G 3 c" 1 11 d u DISC .109597 9 `- COMPLETE THIS SECTION ION -- if"Complete items 1 a,and n' A. Signature E3 Agent E Print your name and address on the reverse x so that we can return the card to you. E3 Addressee —T�� 0 Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, B. Received by(Ptinted Name) ate of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 13 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 13 Adult Signature El Registered Mall- 13 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 11 R%strered Mail Restricted El Gertified Mail Restficted Delivery 13 Return Receipt for 1 9590 9402 2925 7094 3454 46 El Collect on Delivery Merchandise 72 Aw-,J-llh�mber(Fransfer from service iaben 0 Collect on Delivery Resteicted Delivery El Signature Confirmation7m El Insured Mail 11 Signature Confirmation '--�010 1"'u-'U6-13001 1571 0233 0 Insu�d MaI[Restricted Delivery RestrIcted Delivery PS '~~^ ^,.,��~��'~~'~~~~~^~^.^~~ _ _ Domestic Return Receipt SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PUBLIC HEARING May 22, 2018 4:33 PM Present: Supervisor Scott Russell Councilman William Ruland Councilwoman Jill Doherty Councilman James Dinizio, Jr. Councilman Bob Ghosio, Jr. Absent: Justice Louisa Evans Town Attorney William Duffy Deputy Town Clerk Lynda Rudder This hearing was opened at 5:12 PM COUNCILMAN GHOSIO: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 4:33 P.M. at the Southold Town Meeting Hall 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971 as the time and place for a public hearing upon the Appeal of the denial to hold a Special Event of the 8 Hands Farm located at 4375 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,New York. That's all I have. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody like to address the Town Board on this particular public hearing? (No response) This hearing was closed at 5:14 PM �LyIna M. Rudder Deputy Town Clerk June 7, 2018 Lydia Witter 8 Hands Farm PO Box 2413 Santa Cruz, CA 95063 Dear Ms. Witter : At the regular Town Board meeting held on May 22, 2018, the Town Board denied your appeal for your Special Events Application for"Outstanding in the Field" farm dinner that you submitted on March 23, 2018 to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk Ens. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting,of May 22, 2018 RESOLUTION 2018-514 - Item# 5.51 ADOPTED DOC ID: 14164 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2018-514 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 22,2018: RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby DENIES the Appeal of the 8 Hands Farm of the Denial of its Special Events Application pursuant to Section 205-6 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William P. Ruland, Councilman SECONDER:Robert Ghosio, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Ghosio, Russell ABSENT: Louisa P. Evans Generated May 24, 2018 Page 87 r � ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS f'r g Town Hall Annex,54375 Route 25 '' y bS� k.r /'$ �.'r P.0 Box 1179 'r e f • ''4 r Southold,New York 11971-0959 Fax(631)765.9064 Z Telephone(631)765.1809 V TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Code Chapter 205 "Public Entertainment and Special Events" SPECIAL EVENTS INSTRUCTIONS AND APPLICATION Applications for a Special Event Permit are subject to an inter-departmental coordinated review by the Chairperson and Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals that includes the Town of Southold and Suffolk County Planning Departments, Southold Town Land Preservation,Building and Police Departments. Accordingly, any completed application that is not submitted 60 or more business days prior to the scheduled event may be rejected or subject to a late processing fee of$250.00 by the Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals, unless a waiver is obtained from the Board Chairperson. Reasons for requesting an expedited review must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson. The Town reserves the right to request additional information from an applicant to address issues related to the health, safety, and welfare of the community at the discretion of the Chairperson and Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals. When is a Permit Required? All Special Events, per Southold Town Code Article I, Section 205-2 (Definitions) must obtain a permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Occasional events on private residential properties hosted by the owner thereof to celebrate family events, holidays, charitable or other not-for-profit fundraisers do not require permits. Any use of residential property for profit, such as a venue for weddings or other events is prohibited. To Obtain a Permit You Must Submit to the Zoning Board of Appeals: 1. A completed application form signed by the owner and the event manager. 2. The fee based on attendance, as per Article II, Section 205-4(B) of the Town Code, as follows; a. $150.00 for attendance of less than 500 attendees, b. $250.00 for attendance of 500 to 1000 attendees: for EACH event, EACH DAY,Payable to the Town of Southold. 3. The applicant must provide a certificate of general liability insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured with limits of$1 million dollars per occurrence or such other limit as may be required by the Town Board for events where expected attendance exceeds 500 attendees_ 4. A Parking/Event Plan: consisting of a survey, site plan and/or aerial view of the subject property that includes the locations of on-site parking, sanitary facilities, and tents or other temporary structure(s). (See application form for details) 5. Events for three hundred (300) or more people require submission and approval of a traffic control plan acceptable to the Town of Southold AND a qualified traffic controller must be provided at the event. (See application form for details) Activities associated with outdoor public events are strictly prohibited from taking place on land preserved through the sale of development rights to the Town of Southold,and can only take place on r � land preserved through the sale of development rights to the county of Suffolk with a permit issued by the Suffolk County Farmland Committee. If food is to be served, it must be catered and prepared off-site by food vendors who hold a permit to operate issued by the Suffolk County Bureau of Public Health Food Protection Unit. APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO HOLD A SPECIAL EVENT Please provide ALL of the information requested below.Incomplete applications WILL NOT be reviewed. Special Event Permit# Date of Submission 3/23/18 Name of Event Outstanding in the Field farm dinner SCTM#'s 1000-Section Block- Lot(s) 96-2-10.1 and 96-2-10.2 Dates of Each Event: 9/16/18 Nature of Event: farm dinner, see attached (Please attach a detailed description to this application) Time Period(Hours) of Event: From Set up:l0am to event time: 4-9pm, breakdown by 10:30pm Maximum Number of Persons Attending At One Time: 160 Number of cars expected 60 Is a Tent or other temporary structure being used? [ ] Yes [ ]No If yes provide size(s) 4 popup tents, 10'x10' Will food be served?[X]Yes [ ]No If yes provide number and name(s)of food vendor(s) 1 The Halyard restaurant Suffolk County permit#(s) PT0002349 su5mitfing I emporaryven Permit to Suffolk Co. Health Dep . Will other vendors be on the premises during the event? [ ]Yes ]No If yes how many? Describe type of vendor(s) Contact Person and Contact Tel.# Lydia Witter, 805-698-3136, lydia@outstandinginthefield.com Event Location: Street-Hamlet Address: 8 Hands Farm, 4735 Cox Ln, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Mailing Address to Send Event Permit to: PO Box 2413, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 Have any of the development rights been sold to the Town of Southold [ ] Yes [x]No and/or Suffolk County? [ ] Yes [X]No If yes to either or both, also indicate on the attached plan the boundaries of the reserved area upon which the event will take place. YOU MUST ATTACH A PARKING/EVENT PLAN TO THIS APPLICATION (see next page) IF THE EXPECTED ATTENDANCE IS 300 OR MORE PEOPLE,YOU MUST ALSO ATTACH A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN (see next page) r 2 A Parkin&Event Plan may be a survey, site plan and/or aerial view (for example Google Earth) of the subject property.INDICATE ON THE PLAN ALL of the following information: A parking/event plan showing: (1) The size of the property and its location in relation to abutting streets or highways. (2) The size and location of any existing building(s)or structure(s)that will be in operation during the course of the event and any proposed building,structure,or signs to be erected temporarily for the event. (3) The location of the stage or tents,if any. (4) The designated areas of use for spectators,exhibitors,vendors,employees and organizers. (S) Location of all exits. (6) The location of all fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment. (7) The location of all temporary utilities to be installed for the event,if any. (8) The layout of any parking area for automobiles and other vehicles and the means of ingress and egress for such parking areas. The parking spaces must allow for 300 sq.ft. per car. (9) A traffic control plan for vehicles entering and leaving the site for the proposed event. (10) Plan for the use of live outdoor music,loudspeakers and other sounds which will be used, if any,and the type and location of speakers and other audio equipment. (11) A description of emergency access and facilities related to the event. (12) Provisions to dispose of any garbage,trash,rubbish or other refuse. (13) Location and description of any additional lighting to be utilized in conjunction with the event. (14) Location of sanitary facilities on site. Traffic Control Plan Events for three hundred(300)or more people also require submission and approval of a traffic control plan, acceptable to the Town of Southold,AND a qualified traffic controller must be provided.Please attached a written description and/or notate on the parking event plan the following: 1.who will be conducting traffic,2.where they will be stationed on site,3.how they will direct the entrance,circulation,parking,and exiting of cars on site,and 4.contact information for use by Southold Town Police. I am the Owner of the Property where this event is to be held and do agree to comply with the laws, rules, regulations, conditions, and requirements ofthe Co 1 of the Town of Southold, including but not limited to the conditions listed below, as well as all of er.'applicable gency rules and regulations pertaining to the ctivities under this event. r pec Print name of Owner Si ner Lydia Witter Print name of Authorized Person filling out Sia of Authorize&PErson filling out application application PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED,SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. By acceptance of this permit, applicant agrees to adequately supervise and direct all parking to be on the premises or at another site, and to provide parking assistants and any additional traffic controls necessary for this event.Parking is strictly prohibited on ANY Town,County or State Roads or Rights of Way. 2. Traffic control at events for three hundred(300)or more people shall be provided by a qualified traffic controller in accordance with the attached,approved traffic control plan. 3. One "on-premises" sign not larger than six(6) square feet in size may be displayed not longer than thirty(30) days before this event, and removed immediately after the event. Directional parking signs shall be adequately displayed. 3 4. Applicant indemnifies and holds harmless the Town of Southold from all claims, damages, expenses, suits and losses including but not limited to attorney's fees arising from activities under this permit. 5. Tent proposals must receive permit approval from the Southold Town Building Inspector before placement on the property and must meet all fire and safety codes. 6. This permit is valid only for the time, date, place and use specified above, and for the designated event. Each additional day will require a separate permit application, fee, and related documents for review, etc at least 60 business days prior to the scheduled event. 7. Adequate temporary sanitary facilities must be provided by applicant for this event and applicant agrees to remove the temporary facilities from the premises within 48 hours after the day of the event. 8. On-site food preparation is NOT permitted, although food may be catered subject to all Suffolk County Department of Health regulations. 9. NO activities associated with this event, including but not limited to parking, ingress/egress/access, tent(s) or temporary structure(s), or temporary sanitary facilities, shall be conducted on Town of Southold Purchase of Development Rights land. 10. NO activities associated with this event, including but not limited to parking, ingress/egress/access, tent(s) or temporary structure(s), or temporary sanitary facilities, shall be conducted on Suffolk County Purchase of Development Rights land without a permit issued by the Suffolk County Farmland Committee. 11. Issuance of this permit does not authorize in any manner the occupancy of any building exceeding the legal limitations under the fire code or other codes which would prohibit such increased occupancy. 12. Access shall be provided for emergency vehicles,to all public assembly areas, all buildings, all work areas and any additional area where emergencies may occur. Two emergency-fire exits and exit paths from the building(s)on the property,to a public way or remote safe area,shall remain open and unobstructed at all times. 13. Owner assures that all fire,safety,building,and other laws will be complied with. 14. Music,when outdoors,is required to stop at the time specified in the permit.Placement of the speakers must be in a location that affords the greatest protection from noise intrusion upon adjacent properties. 15. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: ANY VIOLATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED HEREIN WILL TERMINATE THIS PERMIT. Date Issued: APPROVED, ZBA Chairperson ZBA Town of Southold Office Location: 54375 Main Road(Capitol One V floor) PO Box 11971-0959 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Tel: (631)765-1809(press 5012 at voice recording) Updated August 2013 Fax(631)765-9064 4 The mission of Outstanding in the Field is to reconnect diners to the land and the origins of their food. We strive to create an experience for our guests that celebrate and honor the local farmers, winemakers and food artisans who cultivate it. An Outstanding in the Field event is a restaurant without walls. Since 1999, we have set the long table at farms or gardens, on mountaintops or in sea caves, on islands or at ranches. Wherever the location, the consistent theme of each dinner is to honor the people whose good work brings bounty to the table. We aim to source all our ingredients locally, sometimes sourced within inches of your seat at the table. This event will celebrate the local farmers at 8 Hands Farm and the local food producers of the area. The event will feature beverages from local producers, a farm tour, and a beautiful meal prepared by Galen Zamarra of The Halyard restaurant in Greenport. �4odgFat Office Location Town Annex/First Floor Telephone (631) 765-1809 54375 Main Road Fax(631) 765-9064 Southold, NY 11971 htt /southoldtownn . ov pl � Mailing Address P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town of Southold April 25,2018 Lydia Witter P.O. Box 2413 Santa Cruz, CA 95063 and Carol Festa 8 Hands Farm 4735 Cox Lane Cutchogue,NY 11935 Re: Special Event Permit# WP420 Property: 8 Hands Farm,4735 Cox Lane, Cutchogue Date of Event: September 16,2018 Dear Applicants: I am in receipt of your Special Event application submitted on April 16,2018 for Pop-Up Restaurant Farm Dinner,which you describe as a restaurant without walls to be held upon premises which appear to be subject to the Town's Development Rights Easement on September 16,2018,. Per standard procedure,the Land Preservation Committee for the Town reviewed your application and the Development Rights Easement recorded for the property, and passed a motion on April 19,2018 affirming that the proposed Outstanding in the Field event,described as a restaurant without walls, is not consistent with agricultural production as defined in Chapter 70, and is not consistent with the terms of the recorded easement. In addition,the subject premise is currently receiving an agricultural exemption under the New York State Real Property Law(NYSRPL)which prohibits the proposed pop-up restaurant activities. Since,the activity is inconsistent with agricultural production as defined in the terms within Chapter 70 of the Southold Town Code, provisions of the recorded development rights easement, and further inconsistent with the terms of the NYSRPL,I am denying your request for a special event permit. Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 205-6 of the Southold Town Code, an applicant who is denied a permit by the Chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals may apply to the Town 8 Hands—Pop-Up Restaurant Outstanding in the Field Farm Dinner Page 2 Board for reconsideration of the applications by filing an appeal with the Town Clerk within ten (10)days of the date of denial. .Srely, Leslie Kanes Weisinari S ZBA Chairperson cc: William Duffy,Town Attorney Michael Verity,Chief Building Inspector Supervisor Scott Russell r Southold Town Board Members Melissa Spiro s May 4, 2018 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing on behalf of Outstanding in the Field (OITF)to appeal a special event permit denial. The event in question is a farm dinner, slated to take place on September 16 at 8 Hands Farm in Cutchogue. The goal of the event and the mission of our organization is to educate guests about local food and organic farming practices. This particular event is to focus on farming in the North Fork and New York State in general. We bring people together to learn, engage, and share a meal in which ingredients on the menu are grown within feet from the table. The event permit was denied, citing the proposed event to be inconsistent with agricultural production as defined in Chapter 70 of the Town Code. The code states that the agricultural production of the land "will conserve, protect and encourage the improvement of prime agricultural lands, both for the production of food and the preservation of open space," (70.2). The proposed event aligns entirely with this passage, as its main purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of small-scale, local agricultural production. The event begins with a speech from the farmer, is followed by a tour of the farm and a Q&A, and then guests sit for a family-style meal that features ingredients from the farm. OITF events instill an appreciation and understanding of what it takes to grow food, raise animals, and care for the land 8 Hands Farm sits on two parcels of land 1 with development rights intact, and 1 with a recorded Development Rights easement, signed by the farm's previous owner. The proposed event is to take place primarily on the parcel with rights intact. The only element of this event which is to occur on the parcel with the conservation easement is the long table, where guests will sit to enjoy the meal, prepared by a local restaurant, The Halyard.All of the event infrastructure (kitchen, restrooms, etc.)will be located on the rights-intact parcel, as will the majority of the event activities, such as the welcome reception, educational talks given by the farmers, and the majority of the farm tour. We were told the permit was also denied due to the New York State Real Property Law(NYSRPL)which prohibits pop-up restaurant activities. OITF is not a pop-up restaurant, but is a traveling experiential and educational events company,which aims to educate guests about local agriculture, support small farmers, foster community, and bring revenue to the many small communities we travel to. We have been operating since 1999 and hold numerous events in New York state each year, and the NYSRPL has never been referenced, as we are not a pop-up restaurant. OITF works with an established restaurant for each event, so we are more similar to a catered wedding or party than a"pop-up restaurant." Please let us know if there is any additional information you require to consider our appeal, and thank you so much for your consideration. Sincerely, Lydia Witter Event Manager, Outstanding in the Field 805.698.3136 lydia@outstandinginthefield.com Neville, Elizabeth From: Reisenberg, Lloyd Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 11:35 AM To: Neville, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Posted Lloyd'H. Reisenberg Network and Systems Administrator Town of Southold, New York www southoldtownny.gov Iloydr southoldtownny-aov_ 0: 631-765-18911 M:631-879-1554 I F: 631-765-5178 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Friday, May 11,201811:15 AM To: legals@timesreview.com; Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com)<lisaahfinn@gmail.com>; Reisenberg, Lloyd <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.ny.us>; Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com) <denise@southoldlocal.com>; Dinizio,James<james.dinizio@town.southold.ny.us>; Doherty,Jill<jill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>; Doroski, Bonnie <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.ny.us>;Ghosio, Bob<bob.ghosio@town.southoId.ny.us>; Louisa Evans <lpevans06390@gmail.com>; Neville, Elizabeth<E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us>; Noncarrow, Denis . <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>; Norklun,Stacey<Stacey.Norklun@town.southold.ny.us>; Rudder, Lynda <lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us>; Russell,Scott<scottr@southoldtownny.gov>; Standish, Lauren <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.ny.us>;Tomaszewski, Michelle<michellet@town.southold.ny.us>;William Ruland <rulandfarm@yahoo.com>; Duffy, Bill<billd@southoldtownny.gov>; Hagan, Damon<damonh@southoldtownny.gov>; Silleck, Mary<marys@southoldtownny.gov>; lydia@outstandinginthefield.com;Spiro, Melissa <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.ny.us>; Doroski, Melanie<Melanie.Doroski@town.southold.ny.us>;Verity, Mike <Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>;Weisman, Leslie<lesliew@town.southold.ny.us>; Fisher, Robert <Robert.Fisher@town.southold.ny.us>; Michaelis,Jessica <jessicam@southoldtownny.gov>; Lanza, Heather <heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Fuentes, Kim<kimf@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Please publish in the 5/17 edition of the Suffolk Times and on the Town website,thank you. Please confirm receipt of this email ASAP,thank you Elizabeth A.Neville,MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 1 f Neville, Elizabeth To: legals@timesreview.com; Doherty,Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Duffy, Bill; Ghosio, Bob; Hagan, Damon;James Dinizio; Lauren Standish; Louisa Evans; Neville, Elizabeth; Noncarrow, Denis; Rudder, Lynda (lynda.rudder@town.southold.ny.us); Russell, Scott;Silleck, Mary; Tomaszewski, Michelle;William Ruland; denise@southoldlocal.com; Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com);Weisman, Leslie; Lanza, Heather, Flatley, Martin (mflatley@town.southold.ny.us) Subject: LEGAL NOTICE Attachments: LEGAL NOTICE.pdf In accordance with our recent telephone conversation, please publish this legal notice in your May 22,2018 edition of your newspaper. Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 1 #0002210530 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck,in said county,being duly sworn,says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES , a weekly newspaper,published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks(s),successfully commencing on 05/17/2018 Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this l day of d/ CHRISTINA V/OLlNSKl NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01V06105050 Qucellfi®d In Suffolk County MY COMMISSlon Explies FObfuotY 28,2020 TYPESET- Mon May 14 15.50 14 EDT 2018 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday,May 22,2018 at 4 33 P.M.at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971 as the time and place for a public hearing upon the Ap- peal of the denial to hold a Special Event of the 8 Hands Farm located at 4735 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935.SCTM#1000- 96-2-10 1&96-2-10 2 Dated May 11,2018 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A Neville Southold Town Clerk 2209530 Neville, Elizabeth From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 11:15 AM To: legals@timesreview.com; Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com); Reisenberg, Lloyd; Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com); Dinizio,James; Doherty,Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Ghosio, Bob; Louisa Evans; Neville, Elizabeth; Noncarrow, Denis; Norklun, Stacey; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren;Tomaszewski, Michelle;William Ruland; Duffy, Bill; Hagan, Damon; Silleck, Mary; lydia@outstandinginthefield.com; Spiro, Melissa; Doroski, Melanie;Verity, Mike;Weisman, Leslie; Fisher, Robert; Michaelis,Jessica; Lanza, Heather, Fuentes, Kim Subject: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Attachments: Special Events Appeal 8 Hands Farm.docx Please publish in the 5/17 edition of the Suffolk Times and on the Town website,thank you. Please confirm receipt of this email ASAP,thank you Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 1 Times Review Media Group Ma �oxkl NOVO 11952 attrtuc Phone:(631)298-3200 INVOICE/RECEIPT Ad/Order#:0002209500 05/11/2018 SOUTHOLD TOWN Salesperson:LEGAL NOTICES T/R BOARD-LGL 178826 Description: PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD/LN, SOUTHOLD NY 11971-0959 (631)765-4333 Phone:(631)765-4333 Promo Code: Size: 1.02 x 2.13 Color: Total Weeks: 1 Product Category Classification Insertions Period SUFFOLK TIMES CLASSIFIED �,L`EGALCL LEGALS 05/17/18 Pricing Information: Sub Total: 22.11 Total Due: 22.11 Ad Taker:LEGAL NOTICES T/R LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday,May 22,2018 at 4.33 P M at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971 as the time and place for a public hearing upon the Ap- peal of the denial to hold a Special Event of the 8 Hands Farm located at 4735 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935 SCTM#1000- 96-2-10.1&96-2-10 2 Dated:May 11,2018 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A Neville Southold Town Clerk 2209500 PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATION POLICY. All ads are billed for entire run upon first publication date.Cancellations for publication dates can be made but there will be no adjustment to cost and refunds will not be given.There are no exceptions to this policy. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday,May 22,2018 at 4:33 P.M.at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road,Southold, New York 11971 as the time and place for a public hearing upon the Appeal of the denial to hold a Special Event of the 8 Hands Farm located at 4735 Cox Lane,Cutchogue, New York 11935. SCTM#1000-96- 2-10.1 &96-2-10.2 Dated: May 11, 2018 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Please publish on May 17,2018 and forward one affidavit of publication to Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk,Town Hall,P.O. Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Copies to The Suffolk Times Town Board Town Attorney Town Clerk Bulletin Board Town Website 8 Hands Farm Carol Festa Lydia Witter Building Department Fire Inspector Land Preservation Zoning Board of Appeals Neville, Elizabeth From: legals <legals@timesreview.com> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 12:17 PM To: Neville, Elizabeth; Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com); Reisenberg, Lloyd; Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com); Dinizio,James; Doherty,Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Ghosio, Bob; Louisa Evans; Noncarrow, Denis; Norklun, Stacey; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren;Tomaszewski, Michelle;William Ruland; Duffy, Bill; Hagan, Damon; Silleck, Mary, lydia@outstandinginthefield.com; Spiro, Melissa; Doroski, Melanie;Verity, Mike; Weisman, Leslie; Fisher, Robert; Michaelis,Jessica; Lanza, Heather, Fuentes, Kim Subject: Re: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Attachments: Ad_Order_Form[24].pdf,Ad_Image_Preview[19].pdf Hello, This notice has been scheduled;the attached documents serve as your confirmation, invoice and proof. Please review for accuracy. Payment is due upon receipt. Affidavits are processed and mailed out a week after the final publication date of the notice. Thank you. legals@timesreview.com rIMES MEDIA GROUP Kimberly Gersic Sales Production Assistant 631.354.8013(direct) kqersic@timesreview.com www.timesreview.com PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATION POLICY:All ads are billed for entire run upon first publication date. Cancellations for publication dates can be made but there will be no adjustment to cost and refunds will not be given. There are no exceptions to this policy. rr +fFS ' MEDIA GROUP 1 Neville, Elizabeth From: Duffy, Bill Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 4:09 PM To: 'Lydia Witter' Cc: Neville, Elizabeth; Rudder, Lynda; Silleck, Mary Subject: RE: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Dear Ms Witter, I am the Town Attorney for the Town of Southold and am writing in regard to your email below. Please do not make any further attempts to contact the Newspaper and cancel the Notice of the hearing regarding the Appeal of the Denial of the Special Event Application to hold an event at 8 hands Farm. I can only assume that by contacting the newspaper that you were attempting to withdraw the appeal of the denial of the special event application to hold an event at 8 Hands Farm. If I am correct the proper way to do so would to contact the Town of Southold Town Board, C/O the Town Clerk, in writing, and state that the appeal of the denial of the special events application is being withdrawn. The letter can be filed with the Town Clerk by: (1) delivering it to the town clerk's office, (2) mailing it to the Town Clerk, 53095 Route 25, PO Box 1179,Southold NY 11971 or(3) emailing the letter to Betty Neville and/or Lynda Rudder at the email addresses listed above. Finally, I must advise you that holding the event without a Special Event permit issued by the Town Board would be in violation of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Bill Duffy William M. Duffy, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Southold Southold Town Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main Road) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Nww York 11971-0959 Office: 631.765-1939 Fax: 631.765.6639 Email: bill.duffv@town.southold.nV.us ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT; INTER/INTRA AGENCY COMMUNICATION; NOT SUBJECT TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW DISCLOSURE; DO NOT FORWARD WITHOUT PERMISSION Note: Service of legal documents is not permitted via electronic mail or fax. 1 r v The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Unintended transmission shall not constitute a waiver of the attorney/client privilege or any other privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review, retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, reproduction, circulation, publication, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action, or omission to take action, in reliance upon this communication by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please (i) notify us immediately by telephone at 631.765.1939, (ii) return the original message and all copies to us at the address above via the U.S. Postal Service,and (iii) delete the message and any material attached thereto from any computer, disk drive,diskette, or other storage device or media. From: Lydia Witter [mailto:lydia@outstandinginthefield.com] Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 3:26 PM To: legals Cc: Neville, Elizabeth; Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com); Reisenberg, Lloyd; Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com); Dinizio, James; Doherty, Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Ghosio, Bob; Louisa Evans; Noncarrow, Denis; Norklun, Stacey; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren; Tomaszewski, Michelle; William Ruland; Duffy, Bill; Hagan, Damon; Silleck, Mary; Spiro, Melissa; Doroski, Melanie; Verity, Mike; Weisman, Leslie; Fisher, Robert; Michaelis, Jessica; Lanza, Heather; Fuentes, Kim Subject: Re: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Hello, This appeal will no longer need to go before the board. Please remove the posting from the newspaper and cancel the invoice. Thank you, Lydia LYDIA WITTER 805.698.3136 Lydia@outstandinginthefield.com Outstanding in the Field On Fri,May 11, 2018 at 12:17 PM, legals <le als ,timesreview.com>wrote: Hello, This notice has been scheduled,the attached documents serve as your confirmation, invoice and proof. Please review for accuracy. Payment is due upon receipt. Affidavits are processed and mailed out a week after the final publication date of the notice. Thank you. legals@timesreview.com Ir TIMES ` VIEW , eta'"-T r•,,'� MEU°I1 GROUP Kimberly Gersic 2 Sales Production Assistant 631.354.8013(direct) kgersic@timesreview.com www.timesreview.com PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATION POLICY:All ads are billed for entire run upon first publication date. Cancellations for publication dates can be made but there will be no adjustment to cost and refunds will not be given. There are no exceptions to this policy. TIMES MMIA GROUP Kimberly Gersic Sales Production Assistant 631.354.8013(direct) kaersic@timesreview.com www.timesreview.com From: "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville @town.southold.ny.us> Date: Friday, May 11,2018 at 11:14 AM To: Lindsay Riemer<legals@timesreview.com>, "Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com)"<lisaahfinn@gmail.com>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd"<Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.nv.us>, "Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com)" <denise@southoldlocal.com>, "Dinizio,James"<iames.dinizio@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <iill.doherty@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doroski, Bonnie" <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bobghosio@town.southold.nv.us>, Louisa Evans<Ipevans06390@gmail.com>, "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville@town.southold.nv.us>, "Noncarrow, Denis" <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>, "Norklun, Stacey" <Stacey.Norklun@town.southoId.ny.us>, "Rudder, Lynda" <Ivnda.rudder@town.southold.nv.us>, "Russell,Scott" <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.nv.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.nv.us>,William Ruland<rulandfarm@vahoo.com>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd@southoldtownny.gov>, "Hagan, Damon"<damonh@southoldtownny.gov>, "Silleck, Mary" <marvs@southoldtownny.gov>, "Ivdia@outstandinginthefield.com" <Ivdia@outstandinginthefield.com>, "Spiro, Melissa" <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doroski, Melanie"<Melanie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Verity, Mike" <Mike.Verity@town.southold.nv.us>, "Weisman, Leslie" <lesliew@town.southold.nv.us>, "Fisher, Robert" <Robert.Fisher@town.southold.ny.us>, "Michaelis,Jessica"<jessicam@southoldtownny.gov>, "Lanza, Heather" 3 <heather.lanza@town.southold.nv.us>, "Fuentes, Kim" <kimf@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Please publish in the 5/17 edition of the Suffolk Times and on the Town website, thank you. Please confirm receipt of this email ASAP,thank you Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 4 Neville, Elizabeth From: Lydia Witter <Lydia@outstandinginthefield.com> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 3:26 PM To: legals Cc: Neville, Elizabeth; Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com); Reisenberg, Lloyd; Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com); Dinizio,James; Doherty,Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Ghosio, Bob; Louisa Evans; Noncarrow, Denis; Norklun, Stacey; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Standish, Lauren;Tomaszewski, Michelle;William Ruland; Duffy, Bill; Hagan, Damon; Silleck, Mary; Spiro, Melissa; Doroski, Melanie;Verity, Mike;Weisman, Leslie; Fisher, Robert; Michaelis, Jessica; Lanza, Heather, Fuentes, Kim Subject: Re: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Hello, This appeal will no longer need to go before the board. Please remove the posting from the newspaper and cancel the invoice. Thank you, Lydia LYDIA WITTER 805.698.3136 Lydiagoutstandinginthefield.com Outstanding in the Field On Fri,May 11,2018 at 12:17 PM, legals<legals@timesreview.com>wrote: Hello, This notice has been scheduled,the attached documents serve as your confirmation, invoice and proof. Please review for accuracy. Payment is due upon receipt. Affidavits are processed and mailed out a week after the final publication date of the notice. Thank you. legals@timesreview.com i:. TIMES �" REVIEW MEDIA GROUP Kimberly Gersic Sales Production Assistant 631.354.8013(direct) kgersicgtimesreview com i www.timesreview.com PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATION POLICY:All ads are billed for entire run upon first publication date. Cancellations for publication dates can be made but there will be no adjustment to cost and refunds will not be given. There are no exceptions to this policy. 111111111111111101 [L'lE MEDIA GROUP Kimberly Gersic Sales Production Assistant 631.354.8013(direct) kgersic@timesreview.coin www.timesreview.com From: "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville@town.southold.ny.us> Date: Friday, May 11, 2018 at 11:14 AM To: Lindsay Riemer<legals@timesreview.com>, "Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com)" <lisaahfinn@gmail.com>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.ny.us>, "Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com)" <denise@southoldlocal.com>, "Dinizio,James"<iames.dinizio@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <iill.dohertv@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doroski, Bonnie" <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <bob.Bhosio@town.southold.ny.us>, Louisa Evans<Ipevans06390@gmail.com>,"Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Nevil le@town.southold.ny.us>, "Noncarrow, Denis" <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>, "Norklun, Stacey" <Stacey.Norklun@town.southold.ny.us>, "Rudder, Lynda"<Ivnda.rudder@town.southold.nv.us>, "Russell,Scott" <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren.Standish@town.southold.ny.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.nv.us>,William Ruland<rulandfarm@vahoo.com>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd@southoldtownny.Bov>, "Hagan, Damon"<damonh@southoldtownny.gov>, "Silleck, Mary" <marys@southoldtownny.gov>, "Iydia@outstandinginthefield.com"<Iydia@outstandinginthefield.com>, "Spiro, Melissa" <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doroski, Melanie"<Melanie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Verity, Mike" <Mike.Verity@town.southold.nv.us>, "Weisman, Leslie" <lesliew@town.southold.nv.us>, "Fisher, Robert" <Robert.Fisher@town.southold.nv.us>, "Michaelis,Jessica" <iessicam@southoldtownny.Bov>, "Lanza, Heather" <heather.lanza@town.southold.nv.us>, "Fuentes, Kim" <kimf@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Please publish in the 5/17 edition of the Suffolk Times and on the Town website,thank you. Please confirm receipt of this email ASAP,thank you 2 v " Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 3 Kimberly Gersic Sales Production Assistant 631.354.8013(direct) kqersic@timesreview.com www.timesreview.com From: "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville@town.southold.nv.us> Date: Friday, May 11, 2018 at 11:14 AM To: Lindsay Riemer<legals@timesreview.com>, "Lisa Finn (lisaahfinn@gmail.com)"<lisaahfinn@gmail.com>, "Reisenberg, Lloyd" <Lloyd.Reisenberg@town.southold.nv.us>, "Southold Local (denise@southoldlocal.com)" <denise@southoldlocal.com>, "Dinizio,James"<iames.dinizio@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doherty,Jill" <iill.doherty@town.southold.ny.us>, "Doroski, Bonnie" <Bonnie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Ghosio, Bob" <b_ob.ghosio@town.southold.nv.us>, Louisa Evans<lpevans06390@gmail.com>, "Neville, Elizabeth" <E.Neville @town.southoId.ny.us>, "Noncarrow, Denis" <denisn@southoldtownny.gov>, "Norklun, Stacey" <Stacey.Norklun@town.southoId.ny.us>, "Rudder, Lynda" <lynda.rudder@town.southold.nv.us>, "Russell,Scott" <scottr@southoldtownny.gov>, "Standish, Lauren"<Lauren.Standish@town.southold.nv.us>, "Tomaszewski, Michelle" <michellet@town.southold.nv.us>, William Ruland <rulandfarm@vahoo.com>, "Duffy, Bill" <billd_@southoldtownny.gov>, "Hagan, Damon" <damonh@southoldtownny.gov>, "Silleck, Mary" <marvs@southoldtownny.gov>, "Ivdia@outstandinginthefield.com"<Ivdia@outstandinginthefield.com>, "Spiro, Melissa" <Melissa.Spiro@town.southold.nv.us>, "Doroski, Melanie"<Melanie.Doroski@town.southold.nv.us>, "Verity, Mike" <Mike.Verity@town.southold.nv.us>, "Weisman, Leslie" <lesliew@town.southold.nv.us>, "Fisher, Robert" <Robert.Fisher@town.southold.nv.us>, "Michaelis,Jessica" <iessicam@southoldtownny.gov>, "Lanza, Heather" <heather.lanza@town.southoId.ny.us>, "Fuentes, Kim" <kimf@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Please publish in the 5/17 edition of the Suffolk Times and on the Town website,thank you. Please confirm receipt of this email ASAP,thank you Elizabeth A.Neville, MMC Southold Town Clerk,Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer;FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Tel.631765-1800,Ext.228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 2 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 7.31 PM at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the Appeal of the denial to hold a Special Event of North Fork Brewing Company, LLC. X �C Dated: July 18, 2017 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk Please publish on July 27, 2017 and forward one affidavit of publication to Elizabeth A.Neville, Town Clerk, Town Hall, P 0 Box 1179, Southold,NY 11971. Copies to: The Suffolk Times Town Board Town Attorney TC Bulletin Bd Website North Fork Brewing Company LLC { t $EN13flM . SECTION COMPPETE • ON I ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A.si are wPrint your name and address on the reverse ❑Agent Addressee so that we can return the card to you. 8 Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, Received y(Prin��jjted C.Date of Dellvery br on the front If space permits. ed .�O �jV — 1. Article Addressed to: ,,i;_ D. Is delivery address drfferent from item 1? 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below p No `LDrew`% oc��x,�� LL: -rir-uL ►moo 1 ?oi z '1 ec o•n c. fJ`{ 11 S w II�IIIIII II I IIIIIIIIIII III II I III III I IIIIII III 60Adul Slgnaturece eRestriotedDelivet aTi- egBstererdMall Restricted, I_'i Certrfied Mad® Delivery 9590 9402 2663 6336 3042 75 ❑Cettdibd Mali Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for Cl Collgotoh pelly6lY__ MefGhare Oontirmatiori m 2. Arr� r T re ConflrRlation 4 n. ed Delivery t�1 PS Fol ---- —-------_----w�„��uc etum Receipt I - - — 00 in DEra ca o a C3 _� r P '•n gta�g ° CJ� 1 4 Certified Fee (j•Il(1 r•9 Postm �C. C3 Return Receipt Fee Iiiij, VV C3 (Endorsement Required) $0.00- Restricted Delivery Fee r3 O (Endorsement Required) C3 Total Postage&Afl- r3 sPUPAPIr o ° .. �p 3` N.: M1 orPOBouNa_.�...e0A— Clry,Srm.nr�s O IAG•t� :ao•^�"`A'�b,01. •g'. ni ,r9..L.y' � ttB STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold,New York being duly sworn, says that on the 15th day of May , 2018, a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy was affixed, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York. PH— Special Event Appeal— 8 Hands Farm— 5/22 4:33 pm izabeth A.Neville uthold Town Clerk Sworn before me this 15th day of Ma 2018. otary Public LYNDA M. RUDDER Notary Public, State of New York No. 01 RU6020932 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 8,20ij TYPESET: Fri May 11 12 15:23 EDT 2018 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday,May 22,2018 at 4:33 P.M at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road,Southold,New York 11971 as the time and place for a public hearing upon the Ap- peal of the denial to hold a Special Event of the 8 Hands Farm located at 4735 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935.SCTM#1000- 96-2-10.1&96-2-10.2 Dated:May 11,2018 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth A Neville Southold Town Clerk 2209500 RESOLUTION 2018-460 ADOPTED DOC ID: 14125 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2018-460 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 8,2018: RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 4:33 PM at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the Appeal of the denial to hold a Special Event of The 8 Hands Farm located at 4735 Cox Lane, Cutchogue,New York 11935. SCTM#1000-96-2-101 & 96-2-10.2 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER:William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: James Dinizio Jr, William P. Ruland, Louisa P. Evans, Scott A. Russell ABSENT: Jill Doherty, Robert Ghosio Neville, Elizabeth From: Duffy, Bill Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 4:09 PM To: 'Lydia Witter' Cc: Neville, Elizabeth; Rudder, Lynda; Silleck, Mary Subject: RE: Publication of Special Event Appeal of Denial Dear Ms Witter, I am the Town Attorney for the Town of Southold and am writing in regard to your email below. Please do not make any further attempts to contact the Newspaper and cancel the Notice of the hearing regarding the Appeal of the Denial of the Special Event Application to hold an event at 8 hands Farm. I can only assume that by contacting the newspaper that you were attempting to withdraw the appeal of the denial of the special event application to hold an event at 8 Hands Farm. If I am correct the proper way to do so would to contact the Town of Southold Town Board, C/O the Town Clerk, in writing, and state that the appeal of the denial of the special events application is being withdrawn. The letter can be filed with the Town Clerk by: (1) delivering it to the town clerk's office, (2) mailing it to the Town Clerk, 53095 Route 25, PO Box 1179,Southold NY 11971 or(3) emailing the letter to Betty Neville and/or Lynda Rudder at the email addresses listed above. Finally, I must advise you that holding the event without a Special Event permit issued by the Town Board would be in violation of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Bill Duffy William M. Duffy, Esq. Town Attorney Town of Southold Southold Town Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main Road) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Nww York 11971-0959 Office: 631.765-1939 Fax: 631.765.6639 Email: bill.duffy@town.southold.ny.us ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT; INTER/INTRA AGENCY COMMUNICATION; NOT SUBJECT TO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW DISCLOSURE; DO NOT FORWARD WITHOUT PERMISSION Note: Service of legal documents is not permitted via electronic mail or fax. 1