HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIDCO - multi-famly housing Fishers Island Utility Company, Inc. 161 Oriental Ave 4604 Fishers Island New York. 06390 631/788-7.51 F,'ix 63 L/788-7798 J. Christopher Finan President Members oftheTown Board of Southold August 2l 2018 Southold Town I fall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 1.1971 Dear Board Members: We greatly appreciate the Town Board's understanding or our need to build more year- round housing for utility operations staffarid to do so as cost-effectively as possible for the sake Ol'OLH- ratepayers, Our thanks go to Scott Russell, the other rneinbers ol'the Board and Bill Duffy f'(.)r working with us to develop a route to multi-I'arnily housing through the proposed arnendilrent,to the Zoning Code, Chapter 280, flarillet, Density Residential District. We expect to be the first to take advantage of the amendment, if it passes, by petitioning for a change ot'zoning to 1117 on the lot known as the Briar Patch, Success will enable us to build a two-farnily dwelling, a major step forward for us since our hiring practices are constrained by a lack ofany spare housing for staff with families. We note that the broader goal of this amendment is to help proillote a sustainable year- round community on Fishers Island by enabling the creation of housing that, compared to single-family houses, is more affordable to build and operate and uses land, as precious commodity oil an island, more efficiently. In order to achieve this policy goal, which is very strongly supported on Fishers Island, it will be critical to protect any rn.111ti-family dwellings in a new III) ,one fi-orn the press ofdemand for seasonal housing. Accordingly, we look fi.)rward to working with the "1 Board and the Planning Board on devising a procedure to ensure that, any future grant of 111.) re-zoning for 4:a J()t on. Fishers Island comes with the condition that i-nulti-thmily housing oil that iot is restricted to primary residents ofFishers Island. .Again, thank YOU Your thoughtful and timely support in this important housing initiative. Sincerely, J. CF hr ularl, �..'�resident