HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/2018 � uTOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Monthly Report: June 2018
The brochure was an insert in the May 10 Suffolk Times. They were distributed to local libraries,
grocery stores and delis. Registration began the same day. A list of upcoming programs can be
viewed on the Town's website and are being promoted on the display monitor in the Recreation
LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS: 18 New Certifications were issued on June 18th to the
youth that participated in our March & April Lifeguard Certification Courses. 17 youth from
neighboring parks, Towns & Village districts participated in our Recertification Course on June 19th
and received their recertifications for both CPR and Lifeguarding. These courses have been very
successful and are extremely helpful in the acquisition of summer staff.
2018 SUMMER SEASONAL STAFF: Summer staff were approved at the June 5th board meeting.
Additional staff will continue to be sought as we anticipate shortages due to staff leaving for college
prior to the close of the beach season.
STAFF MEETING: A mandatory meeting was held for new and returning Summer Seasonal
Staff on June 12 and June 19". All staff were required to attend one of the two evening
sessions. Wright Insurance provided training on Bloodborne pathogens, Workplace Violence
and Lyme diseases. Staff received their shirts and keys as well.
EMPLOYEE LIFEGUARD RECERTIFICATION: On June 19th all returning summer lifeguards
were provided with a recertification course for CPR and Lifeguarding. The Recreation
Department covered the cost of the instructor and employees were responsible for the cost of
their cards themselves.
BEACH OPENINGS: The official opening of the beaches occurred on Saturday, June 23rd and they
will remain open until Monday, September 3rd. The Recreation Department has ordered and stocked
paper towels, soap and toilet paper. First aid supplies were replenished and distributed to the
beaches along with the Bathing Beach Safety Plans and other required documentation required by
the SCDOH.
BEACH TELEPHONES/VERIZON PHONE COMPANY: In an effort to save money, the beach
phones are put on temporary suspension during the winter months. Upon reconnecting them,
it was discovered that many of the lines are not working. This is being troubleshot by the IT
Department, our Beach Managers and Verizon.
SWIM LESSONS: One of two former swim instructors returned. We sought out and secured a
second instructor to fill this vacancy. The new instructor was approved by Civil Service. Swim
lessons will be occurring at Veterans Beach, Mattituck and Founders Landing, Southold. After
registration began, we were informed by the Mattituck Park District that we would be charged for use
of their beach this year. Our request for a waiver of this fee was denied. As registration had already
begun, the decision was made to keep the lessons at Veterans this year and pay the $500.00 site use
fee, however alternative sites will be explored for use in the future.
RECREATION DEPARTMENT DEPOSITS & EXPENDITURES: Following are copies of our monthly
bank statement. Please note that any withdrawals on the bank statement are program refunds for
those participants who paid with a credit card.
Janet Douglass
Recreation Supervisor
Summary of Accounts
Arc ouurtnt Tylpe___ Account Niumlbeir Ending Balance
Now Pu bifiic Rinds XXXXXX:5647 $41,225.62
Now Public P'ul ds—)O( 564
Account Summary Interest Summary
Dale suuriptinunn Amount Des,cirilptionn Amount
0610112018 giinn iin Rataun a $89„843.26 Aninniusalll Percentage Yield IEsrned 0.05%
2 Ciredit(g)This IPeriod $6,941.99 l!ntere8t Days 2"9
10 Debit(;t)°iflinos lPeriod $85,559.62 lntere8t Earned '$1.96
,06,12 120118 Ending Balance $11,225.62" Interest PaIdThis Period ;$1.96
I!ntere8t I aid e'er-to-Dat: $11-60
MinirflUiti Balance $+9,338..64
Average Langer Balance $49,898.16
1&":BNB, Statement, Ending 06)29/2018
SCUPOM&TOM page J df 6
Accourm Hurmhav:XXX)&X5dW?
Now Puilblic FuinAds,-XXXX,X,X5647 oantinued)
Ibat,e beserliplijon Amount
W104120,18 DEPOSIT S,250.06,
O&OV2018 DEPOSIT $735.00
1&1.1V2018 MPOSII S7,410.00
OW121018 Li POSIT $605.00
M21W2018 MPOSI'l $125.06,
Ellectrainic Credits
Oat V20,18 BANKCARD MTOT DEP*98M 113 212.2 1 S225.06
O&OtIM8 BKr-',D sla,6131.00
0&0441118 BKCD SlIMIT MaOMMM'12 $180.00,
O&OV2018 BANKCARD IMTOT IMP 4098,541162II22011 $225.00
0WOW2018 BANVii CARD MT01 DEP*M8W 13691220,1 $45.00
OWb,6t2Oi8 BANK ;AR WTOT IDEP 4,9 9413 12"2" 1 $180.00
WOW20,18 BKCD SITLUT 3431OB1h^ 3'111112 $300.00,
O&O"r)'2018 BANKCARD IMTOT IDEIP 498,894413681122011 $910.00
OWOV2018 BKCD SSL I"3030MISM12 $175.00,
OWOW,2018 BANKCAND MI"O"I'DEIP 4,9�&,4j4l36,9il20ii
&11.e"` 1f1 KCD SITUIT 3MOM110"12
OWI IjIM8 BANIKC"ARD WTOT DEP 4,9&,W i2figil2bi $170.00
MI V20,18 BANIKCARD Mi '1'"DEP 4M&N1f13 I2.201 $120.06
MIIIM8 BANIK'C"ARD WTOT DEFO 4,9%MlW 13 2112`2` $11113.011
OW13,120,18 BKCD SlIMIT 3,3311M 12 1 so.fial
1 161011 BKCD $140.ou
06MW2018 BANVii CARD MT01 DEP*M8W 136912201 S335.00
O2 "x'18 BANIK'C"ARD MTOT IDEP 4,9&,W 12fi212`2bi $310.00
1 22t2b,18 BKCD S"I'LM11" $210.06
OV251018 BKCD $11410.00
06025=18 BANKICARD MTOT DEP*NSWA36912.201 S1410.00
O26 18 BANKCAND MI"O"I'DEIP 4,9�&,W 136,91l20ii S245.00
11WW2018 BKCD Sl LUIT 3030M1h^ 12 05.00
ox WTKIM BANKCARD WTOT IDEP 4,9 9413 12"2" 1 $1,40.00
OWM20,18 BKCD SITLUT 3431OB1h^ 3'111112 120.00,
OW2&2M BANKCARD WTOT IDEP MM9413 12"2" 1Y440.00
Olther Cint?dl'uts
MM2018 INTERES'l Al".0601 V 1.9a,
Ellettranic Deijits
iDige, Amouill
0&0440,18 BANKCARD MWOT DEP*D88N,136,912201 $175.00,
06M V2018 BANVii CARD MT01 DEP*M8W 136912201 $1 SAO
OWI,V2M BANKCARD WTOT DEP 4, 9413 12"2" 1 $15.00
W14120,18 BKCD SITLUT 3431OB1h^ 3'111112 $5.00,
OWIW2018 BKCD $,20.00
0602W2018 BKCD STLUIT 3030MISM12 S55.00,
1 42142018 BANKCAND WTUTDEIP 098,N 1°:6912`2"^1.11 $1135.00
0&22=118 BANKCARD MTOT DEP*98M 11`° 12.20'1 S35.06
Cliackli Meareldl
1026 OWISM)IIA 00
Indicalas.s*ppad the infuriber.
Dailly IBallltinces
1�1V pi $90,433.26 0"412M 8 $192,38,825 ou'aSQ0,18 MAD,,%,
SOU"I'HOLD"TOW N XXX XXX564 7' glsNhent Endhig Wr2g,201 Ikeage 4 of 6
Now Public FuinAdS,-XXXXXX5,647 �coimtjnu"ii)
Dally-Balances (continued)
G&GEMIS $93,003.26 M1,412018 $&W,29&64 OU25TOI 8 $10,12B FA
OW0712,010 $993,268.25 0 6915),2,010 $9,333.64 G&2U'2Gl IO,221,M,
O&O802D0S $93,32S26 O&1 -2018 $91,65 3 64 M272018 $10,363 FA
0611U201 0 $,9,3,,,32 4 069202010 $9,753.54 O520d 0 $11,223B4,
OWD2DIS $94,053.64 0&2V2018 $91,61&64 GUM2018 $11,225 62
Glail 3QDls Wjl B.64 M2212,010 $9,60IN
40verdand Returned Item Fees
Tolall for thins pitflodl Totally6ar-lo-dato,
Totall Overdraft Fie", $0(Y) $0010
Totall RLwhirinedi litemi Fiees, U)W $0010 1