HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/2018 "TOW11 Of Southold .Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 6, 201 8 Opening: The regular meeting of the Agricultural Advisory Committee was called to order at 7:05 pm on June 6, 2018, in Southold To Hall conference room. Present: Members Present Members absent Guests Chris Baiz John P. Sepenoski Steve Bate Douglas Cooper Karen Rivara Anthony Sannino Jim Glover Adam Suprenant John B.Sepenoski Jr. Supervisor, Scott Russell Tom Stevenson Mark VanBourgondien Councilman Bill Ruland Approval of Minutes: Minutes of May 16, 2018 meeting distributed for members to review to be approved at a later date. Ongoing Business: Agenda distributed next committee meeting set for Wednesday June 27, 2018. Discussion of times and dates members are available to meet with the Town Board on Permitted Agricultural Uses. It was agreed that this meeting will be 7:00prn Wednesday June 13, 2018. All members present were asked to review minutes of May 2 and May 16 and submit corrections. 280-13. Use regulations. Permitted Uses, Farm Operation was recounted to the members as review for the upcoming meeting with the To Board. (see attached). The agreement on Permitted Uses will be done and the bulk schedule will follow. A listening session for the general Agricultural community was suggested and will be established after the meeting with the Town Board on Permitted Agricultural Uses. The listening session will be sometime after July 4, 2018,before there is a public hearing. There has been a target date established of July 31, 2018. Town. of Southold AgriculturalAdvisory Cornmittee Meeting Minutes o0une 6, 201.8 The Food Truck issue was discussed last Friday, June 1, 2018 at a meeting with the Supervisor, and a follow up email (attached) was sent by Anthony Sannino reviewing the points discussed in that meeting. Chapter 280. Zoning. Discussion on paragraph B, ZBA or Planning Board, paragraph C, Accessory Uses-Winery's staff kitchens are allowable. Discussion on the To issuing violations to Winery's and Fa stands with Food Trucks. Paragraph 2d will be changed from"retail sale"to "on farm direct marketing". Third party vendors are not a permitted use. Discussion about the Agricultural Community trying to maintain the Town's primary objective of preserving open space and keeping Agriculture alive in Southold Town. The regulatory aspects of restaurants and food trucks discussed. The USDA has different sets of rules based on yearly sales. Handout from Farm Credit East table I reviewed(see attached). There was agreement that the table does not accurately reflect benchmarks for Long Island especially with regard to principal and interest figures. Food and Winery's discussed, Food is not a pennitted use of a Winery. • People order food from outside the winery and pick up food themselves. • People order food from outside the winery and the restaurant/deli delivers. • People order food from outside the winery and the restaurant/deli dispatches a food track that cooks food fresh on Winery premises. To code requires constant review and modification,the present view is if an item is not in the code, it is not permissible. Food trucks might be allowable asp of a special event. Discussion of Southold Town's Peddlers Law which affects of Dog Trucks, Ice cream trucks and lunch trucks. These may only sit at a location for 15 minutes whereas the Mobile food trucks from Restaurants are in place longer in order to cook. The Town's present goal with food trucks is to get compliance rather than issue violations. There will be a Public Hearing on July 3, 2018 on "A Local Law in relation to Chapter 71 — " ricltr 1 —"Agricltral Advisory Committee". (see attached). Changes will be made regarding the length of time that members will serve the agricultural advisory committee to 3 members, 3 years each, every 3 years. The public hearing notice will be published in the June 7, 2018 edition of the Suffolk Times. (see attached). Discussion of Planning Board Public Hearing scheduled for July 9, 2018 regarding the Tenedios Barn and reference to "scenic vista". Drones were deployed to capture photographs of the water flow across the land into Hallocks Bay resulting in too large amount of data to examine effectively. Town of Southold Agricultural .Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2018 This committee will attend the July 9th Public Hearing that includes a 4:00 pm work session as well as the 6:00 pm public meeting. Farms require greater density for domiciles as part of the farm. There is up to one use for every 5 acres without sub-division off properties into lots. This prevents a working farm from being sub-divided piecemeal, while providing sufficient domiciles for working owners and working sons and daughters and their families on the farm. Other Business New/Old: Need to revisit the Town's comprehensive plan to examine current validity. Applications for Special Events are still being processed by Leslie Weisman, "special authority" may be authorized by the State. Asked if there are any applicants to replace Lou Caracciolo committee will run an ad to get applicants for vacant position. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Chris Baiz and seconded by Bill Ruland. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Cheryl Kaswell From: anthony sannino<tonyvinol gmail- m> To: Steve Sate<steve liines, > Cc: Alethezi Conroy Allison Dubin n<allison@ctionaitngda ugliters,c,orli>u antiioraylonianW anthoriylomarrat 0@_gin,3il.r:rwrn>; Chris Baiz 4cfirisba"iz@aol.corn>; David Acl<er edavidacknnrCWIlle, ITI>':U11(a <irnfo@(lr)vlsl)oiratwlries.col'li> joh nl<johrnl@p ,%If grirnlarrrneyar(ts,r r Neu The Old ield, Rosamond Phelps Bai llvpnifdr~a@a oll,corn „Mark Ctovis Point<nnar"k@clovis,pointwinnes,cm'an°n>„rrnark <mark@rrnattebell .r m>r michael<mi ael kontokostawinery. m>9 (Vita<nil:a@harn'r'nornyvirneyards.w; ann"�;f'indar l annianos <grrapepoa,t@n ol,com>;Larry I'-"arrine<Ihegtrrwn@w:tnaan(nirngdaughters,a)irr�M Alexander Ftosanelll <alexander,rosanelli granail,comn>ti dilib+ertc`l diliberto1@msnn,corr>,Itnancan Inn dram rn�rlurnn an°anrnnn.or nrn ; Kathy Le orzellec<kp1m@rnail-com>;Michael Falcattai<mfalceffa@spof,kiingpointe.cxti,i>; icieli-Marline pinerrr°nentatianl aoL��rrn m Roman# ratlnrroth(�wolffer.cor >-Corr Goerier-,jar esl)ortw'irres@gi,nail.(;O ' Subject: Re:Meeting with Southold Town Supervisor'TOMORROW Date: on,Jun 4,2018 3:09 prn Hi all, below is a letter I sent to the supervisor as a follow up to Friday's meeting. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Supervisor Russell and Deputy Supervisor Ruland, 'hank you for the invitation to speak with you this past Friday, June 1 ;about food trucks and for allowing me to invite anyone who was interested. There were a few other people interested in this topic that were unable to attend on such short notice, however, Sal Diliberto„ Chris raiz and I are extremely grateful that you took the time to share the towns current position regarding food trucks and the retail sales of food at wineries and farTns,in certain zoning districts.We have taken away from our discussion:A-that the town has already begun issuing violations to farms and wineries that currently have retail sales of food through the use of parked food trucks on their property. B-the reason for this action is that the use of hood trucks and the retail sales of food on these properties is not a permitted use outlined In the current code, -sales of food that is not directly related to a farm operation will be subject to violations. D-wineries may sell food that is outlined in the current winery code E-the town board has all agreed that there is no need for further discussion and the issuance of violations would be the remedy. F-the impetus for the town to take this serious action was derived from a complaint received by a local Deli G-there is a provision in the code for certain type of food trucks to be allowed in the town but there is a restriction on the amount of time the truck may be allowed to park in one location. H-you will provide us with some information to pass along to farms wineries and food truck vendors to better inform them and avoid violations. Please let us know when we can expect to receive additional information that we can share with others, and if I have incorrectly summarized any of the above please feel free to correct me when sending the additional information. On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:06 PM, -,t y r li rlalcs.cojp> wrote: Hi Everyone, Anthony has asked me to let you know that he's been invited to meet with Scott Russell tomorrow, beginning at 3 pm, in Southold Town Hall. The proposed topics are"food trucks at wineries and anything else we want to talk about..." If you are interested in joining the meeting,please let Anthony know in advance by text or call— 631767 1751. 'rows off"Southold,NY Ivl:G;p)s://e ode 60.comuu/p�rini.L/SO➢452??u'ud:::::::5162057,5162058,5162168-, Town of Southold,dill' Sunday,June 10 2078 Chapter 280. Zoning Article III. Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and Low- Density Residential R-8o, R-120, R-too and R-40o Districts § 28o-12. Purpose. The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low-Density Residential R-8o, R-12o, R-too and R-40o Districts is to reasonably control and, to the extent possible, prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion of the Town's economy and those areas with sensitive environmental features, including aquifer recharge areas and bluffs. In addition, these areas provide the open rural environment so highly valued by year- round residents and those persons who support the Town of Southold's recreation, resort and second-home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for all citizens by limiting loss of such areas are well documented and have inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of this land to further the same purposes while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. § 28o-13. Use regulations. [Amended 3-14-1989 by L.L. No.3-1989] In A-C, R-8o, R-12o, R-too and R-40o Districts, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged,intended or designed to be used,in whole or in part,for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. [Amended 5-23-1989 by L.L. No. 8-1989; 11-29-1994 by L.L. No. 25-1994; 11-29-1994 by L.L. No. 26-1994; 5-13-1997 by L.L. No. 8-1997; 7-17-2007 by L.L. No. 15-2007; 6-15-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010] (1) One-family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on each lot. (2) The following agricultural operations and accessory uses thereto, including irrigation, provided that there shall be no storage of manure, fertilizer or other odor- or dust- producing substance or use, except spraying and dusting to protect vegetation, within 15o feet of any lot line: (a) The raising of field and garden crops, vineyard and orchard farming, the maintenance of nurseries and the seasonal sale of products grown on the premises. (b) The keeping, breeding, raising and training of horses, domestic animals and fowl of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM Town of SoiiitboU,NY 1 tti,:)s://ecod e360.a,om/Inririt/SO0452`i uid::::::. 1621k57,5„ 62058,5 621168... (except ducks)['] on lots of io acres or more. [i] Editors Note.See also Ch. 83,Art. 1,Ducks. (c) Barns, storage buildings,greenhouses (including plastic-covered) and other related structures, provided that such buildings shall conform to the yard requirements for principal buildings. (d) The retail sale of local produce from structures of less than 20 square feet floor area shall be set back at least to feet from any lot line. (3) Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by the Town of Southold, school districts, park districts and fire districts. (4) Wineries which meet the following standards: (a) The winery shall be a place or premises on which wine made from primarily Long Island grapes is produced and sold; (b) The winery shall be on a parcel on which at least io acres are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes,and which is owned by the winery owner; (c) The winery structures shall be set back a minimum of loo feet from a major road; and (d) The winery shall obtain site plan approval. (5) Small wind energy systems on parcels greater than seven acres in size,which parcels are dedicated primarily to uses necessary for bona fide agricultural production, and subject to the standards provided in Chapter 277 of this Town Code. (6) One accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling, subject to the issuance of a rental permit in accordance with§280-13D and the following requirements: (a) The accessory apartment shall be located in the principal building. (b) The owner of the existing dwelling shall occupy one of the dwelling units as the owner's principal residence. The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy,evidenced by a written lease for a term of one or more years. (c) The existing one-family dwelling shall contain not less than 1,600 square feet of livable floor area. (d) The accessory apartment shall contain not less than 450 square feet of livable floor area. (e) The accessory apartment shall not exceed 40% of the livable floor area of the existing dwelling unit and any addition thereto permitted under § 280-13B(13)0) hereof. (f) A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided. (g) Not more than one accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot. (h) The accessory apartment shall meet the requirements of an apartment as defined in§280-4 hereof. (i) The exterior entry to the accessory apartment shall, to the maximum extent possible,retain the existing exterior appearance of a one-family dwelling. (j) Subject to all other restrictions and requirements in this Code, a reasonable of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM Town of Southold, NY htt.:s://ecode360.conn/p:pint/SO04 52?guild=::::5162057,5 p 62058,5162165... expansion of the existing foundation, not to exceed 25% of the living space of the existing dwelling unit, may be permitted to accommodate the creation of an accessory apartment. (k) All conversions shall be subject to the inspection of the Building Inspector and issuance of a certificate of compliance. (1) The dwelling which is converted to permit an accessory apartment shall be in existence and be eligible for or have a valid certificate of occupancy issued prior to January 1,2004,or proof of legal occupancy prior to that date. (m) The existing building, together with the accessory apartment, shall comply with all other requirements of Chapter 28o of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. (n) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 280-13B hereof, no site plan approval by the Planning Board shall be required for the establishment of an accessory apartment. (o) Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services of the water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be required. (p) No bed-and-breakfast facilities, as authorized by § 280-138(14) hereof, shall be permitted in or on premises for which an accessory apartment is authorized or exists. (7) Land-based aquaculture operations, including research and development, which meet the following standards: [Added 9-22-2015 by L.L. No. 8-2015] (a) The land-based aquaculture operations shall be on a parcel that is at least seven acres,owned by the land-based aquaculture operator. (b) The structures used for land based aquaculture operations shall be set back a minimum of loo feet from any road and 200 feet from any contiguous parcel. (c) Any land-based aquaculture operation shall take place in a fully enclosed structure. (d) Any land-based aquaculture operation shall be entitled to a retail area not more than 1o% of the gross floor area of the structure in which the land-based aquaculture takes place for the direct marketing of its products. (e) Land-based aquaculture operations shall be subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as special exception by the Board of Appeals, as hereinafter provided, and, except for the uses set forth in Subsections 13(1), (13) and (14) hereof, are subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board: [Amended 3-14-1989 by L.L. No. 3-1989; 5-20-1993 by L.L. No. 6-1993; 12-21-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1989; 11-29-1994 by L.L. No. 26-1994; 12-27-1994 by L.L. No. 30-1994; 2-7-1995 by L.L. No. 3-1995; 11-12-1996 by L.L. No. 20-1996; 11-12-1997 by L.L. No. 26-1997; 12-8-1998 by L.L. No. 26-1998;10-25-2005 by L.L. No. 18-2005;6-15-2010 by L.L. No.2-2010] (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one such dwelling on each lot. (2) Places of worship, including parish houses (but excluding a rectory or parsonage, which shall conform to the requirements for a one-family dwelling), subject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof shall be erected nearer than 5o feet to any street line of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM l'bwn of Sou thoW,NY Iittpish//eca)de360.d,om/lprint/S(') 452'rguid=51620 r7,a ll 62058,5�6 68_ and nearer than 20 feet to any lot line. (b) The total area covered by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20% of the area of the lot. (3) Private elementary or high schools, colleges and other educational institutions, subject to the following requirements: (a) No building shall be less than So feet from any street or lot line. (b) The total area occupied by all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20%of the area of the lot. (c) Any school shall be a nonprofit organization within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Act and shall be registered effectively thereunder as such. (d) Any such school shall occupy a lot with an area of not less than five acres plus one acre for each 25 pupils for which the building is designed. (4) Nursery schools. (5) Philanthropic, eleemosynary or religious institutions, health care, continuing care and life facilities, but excluding facilities for the treatment of all types of drug addiction, subject to the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located within loo feet of any street line nor within So feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20%of the area of the lot. (c) The maximum height shall be 35 feet or 2 1/2 stories. (d) The entire lot, except areas occupied by buildings or parking or loading areas, shall be suitably landscaped and properly maintained. (e) Any health care, continuing care or life care facility shall meet the following standards: [1] All buildings shall be of fire-resistive construction. [2] All such uses shall be served by adequate water and sewer systems approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health. [3] Patients suffering from communicable diseases shall not be permitted in any nursing home or sanatorium. (Communicable diseases are defined by the Sanitary Code of the Public Health Council of the State of New York.) [4] Eight thousand square feet of lot area shall be provided for each patient bed. (6) Public utility rights-of-way as well as structures and other installations necessary to serve areas within the Town, except that wireless communication facilities must obtain approval pursuant to Article XVII, subject to such conditions as the Board of Appeals may impose in order to protect and promote the health, safety, appearance and general welfare of the community and the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed structure is to be constructed. (7) Beach clubs, tennis clubs, country clubs, golf clubs and annual membership clubs and accessory playgrounds, beaches, swimming pools, tennis courts, recreational buildings and maintenance buildings catering exclusively to members and their guests, subject to of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM R.)wn of Southold,NY ➢vt. s://e(;ode360.coim/priiit/S(:)0452?giji 1::::::5162057,5162058,5 162168... the following requirements: (a) No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located within loo feet of any street line or within 5o feet of any lot line. (b) The total area covered by principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 20% of the area of the lot. (c) No such use shall occupy a lot with an area of less than three acres. (8) Children's recreation camps organized primarily for seasonal use and subject to the following requirements: (a) No building,tent,activity area or recreation facility shall be less than zoo feet from any lot line, and any such building, tent, activity area or recreation facility shall be effectively screened therefrom as required by the Planning Board. Buildings intended for use as sleeping quarters shall be not less than 30 feet from each other, except tents,which shall be not less than 10 feet apart. (b) The minimum lot area shall be not less than 10,00o square feet for each cottage, tent or other principal building and not less than 3,000 square feet of land area shall be provided for each person accommodated in the buildings or tents on the premises. (c) The sound level of all outdoor public-address systems shall not exceed the intensity tolerable in a residential neighborhood. (9) Farm labor camps,subject to the following requirements: (a) All farm labor camps on farms shall be construed in conformance with applicable laws and shall not be located nearer to any other residence than the residence of the employer,except by specific review and approval of the Planning Board. (10) Veterinarian's offices and animal hospitals,subject to the following requirements: (a) The housing of all animals shall be in a fully enclosed structure, if nearer than 150 feet to any lot line. (11) Cemeteries. (12) Stables and riding academies. (13) One accessory apartment in a lawfully existing detached accessory garage, barn or storage building,subject to the following requirements: (a) The accessory apartment shall contain no less than 45o square feet and shall not exceed 750 square feet of livable floor area and shall have no more than one bathroom. (b) A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided on premises. (c) Not more than one accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot. (d) The accessory apartment shall meet the requirements of an apartment as defined in §280-4 hereof. (e) The entirety of the living floor area of the accessory apartment must be on one floor of the accessory structure. (f) The accessory structure which is converted, in whole or in part, to permit an of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM Town Of SnLIdIOW,NY hftps-Hecode360.�����������L62057,5162058,5i62l6Q— accessury apartment shall be in existence and be eligible for or have a valid certificate mfoccupancy issued prior boJanuary 1,2008. [Amended 5-24-2011 6mL-L, No. 6-2011] ( ) The existing accessory structure shall comply with all other requirements of this chapter. /h1 Approval ofthe Suffolk County Department mfHealth Services ofthe water supply and sewage disposal systems shall berequired. /i) No bed-and-breakfast facilities, as authorized by § 280-13B(14) hereof shall be permitted in or on premises for which an accessory apartment is authorized or exists. A1 Occupancy of resident structures on the premises shall be subject tmthe issuance of an annual rental permit in accordance with g 280-13D and the following requirements: [1] The owner of the premises shall occupy either the existing single-family dwelling unit or the accessory apartment in the detached accessory structure as the owner's principal residence. The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy evidenced 6xawritten lease for aterm of one or more years to: [a] Afamily member;mr [b] To a resident who is currently on the Southold Town Affordable Housing Registry and eligible for placement. [o] Rents charged to a resident on the Affordable Housing Registry shall not exceed the rent established by the Town Board annually pursuant to §z80-3m/F\ ofthis Code. [3] No accessory apartment shall be occupied by more than the number of persons permitted to occupy the dwelling unit under Section 404 of the Property Maintenance Code of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. [4] An accessory apartment shall only be occupied or otherwise utilized in accordance with the certificate of occupancy issued for the dwelling unit. (k) The Chief Building Inspector, Zoning Inspector, and Town personnel who are engaged in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter are authorized to make orcause to be made inspections to determine compliance with this chapter and are authorized to enter upon any property for the purpose of said inspections. (14) Bed-and-breakfasts which have been issued a bed-and-breakfast permit by the Building Inspector. Said permit shall be issued for a term of one year if the following conditions are met: bd Asmoke alarm shall beprovided mneach floor and inevery guest room. (b) The dwelling shall have at least two exits and there shall be a window large enough for emergency egress ineach guest room. (c) The identification sign shall be no larger than two square feet in areas zoned Residential-Office or higher, but there shall be no exterior signage identifying the use asobed-and-breakfastinresidential areas. of 12 6//02018, 8:42&B8 Town. NY haps://ecodeX60.aacrm/pirir4.a/SO0452?gkiid:::::::5ll6205`/,5162058,5162168... (d) No accessory apartment,as authorized by§ 280-13B(13) hereof, shall be permitted in or on premises for which a bed-and-breakfast facility is authorized or exists. (15) Historical society. (16) Preservation and use of a federal or state designated historic building for the purpose of hosting community events, together with the use of part of such building for professional offices and/or one apartment, not to exceed a total of three uses per building,provided that such building is owned and maintained by a not-for-profit historic organization. In no event shall there be more than one apartment per building. (17) Conversion of existing space to affordable residential housing. [Added 12-5-2017 by L.L. No. 20-2017] (a) Tenants shall be reserved to moderate-income individuals and families who do not have any ownership interest in any other residence or vacant lot. Tenants must work or reside in the Town of Southold at the time they take possession. The eligible applicants must be registered in the Town of Southold Housing Registry, administered by the Government Liaison Officer prior to the commencement of any tenancy. (b) Converted space shall be limited to a maximum of six moderate-income residential rental units. (c) As a condition of the granting of a special exception by the Zoning Board of Appeals, property owners must convert said applied-for space to residential use within six months, rent the units at a rate at or below the maximum allowable monthly rent for affordable housing units, and maintain the excepted residential units as affordable residential housing for a minimum period of eight years from the date of granting. (d) All converted affordable residential housing shall be subject to all Town and county building code and septic specifications. (e) All converted affordable residential housing must have at least one parking space per unit. (f) The premises must be located within a designated hamlet locus (HALO)zone. C. Accessory uses, limited to the following uses and subject to the conditions listed in § 280-15 herein: (1) Any customary structures or uses which are customarily incidental to the principal use, except those prohibited by this chapter. (2) Home occupation, including home professional office and home business office. In permitting these uses, the Town Board recognizes that the residents historically have operated small businesses which provide services to the community from their homes. The Board finds that these businesses have not impacted negatively on the appearance of these residential zones. In the Board's judgment, it finds that in order to maintain the economic viability of the Town,to maintain the rural quality of life and in the interests of the welfare of the residents, these businesses (or home occupations) should be permitted to continue. In setting forth the following subsections, the Board intends to permit as of right certain business uses in residential zones with the understanding that these uses are to be conducted in a manner that will not alter the character of the residential neighborhoods. The Board believes that the following subsections provide sufficient safeguards to accomplish that aim. These uses shall be permitted, provided that: of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM Town of Southold, NY iitti,s:/!eeode360.com/i.:rurit/ O0452? L#id-::::SV 62057,5162058,5 162168.,, [Amended 4-9-1991 by L.L. No.10-1991;7-28-1992 by L.L. No.14-1992] (a) No display of products shall be visible from the street, and no stock-in-trade shall be kept on the premises. (b) Such occupation is incidental to the residential use of the premises and is carried on in the main building by the residents therein with not more than one nonresident assistant for whom off-street parking must be provided on site. (c) Such occupation is carried on in an area not to exceed 25% of the area of all floors of the main building, and in no event shall such use occupy more than Soo square feet of floor area. (d) There shall be no exterior effect at the property line, such as noise, traffic, odor, dust,smoke,gas,fumes or radiation. (e) Studios where dancing or music instruction is offered to groups in excess of five pupils at one time or where concerts or recitals are held are prohibited. (f) In no manner shall the appearance of the building be altered, nor shall the occupation be conducted in a manner that would cause the premises to lose its residential character, including but not limited to the use of colors, materials, construction or lighting. (g) Notwithstanding anything set forth elsewhere in this article, home occupations, home business offices and home professional offices shall in no event be deemed to include animal hospitals, kennels, barbershops, beauty parlors, clinics or hospitals, mortuaries, nursery schools, clubs, auto repair shops, restaurants, tourist homes, rooming houses or boardinghouses and uses similar to those listed above.W [2] Editor's Note:Former Subsection C(2)(h),regarding signs, which previously followed this subsection, was repealed 77-29-1994 by L.L. No.25-7994• For current sign provisions,see Art.XIX,Signs. (h) Home occupations, home business office and home professional offices shall not include manufacturing,fabrication or construction of any type on the site. (i) The outdoor storage of equipment necessary for residents connected with aquaculture shall be screened from view and shall conform to the setbacks for accessory structures. (3) Boat docking facilities for the docking, mooring or accommodation of noncommercial boats,subject to the following requirements: (a) There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use. (b) The Town Trustees shall approve new boat docking facilities. (c) Boats at such docking facilities shall not be used for overnight sleeping purposes. (4) Garden house, toolhouse, storage building, playhouse, wading pool, swimming pool or tennis court incidental to the residential use of the premises and not operated for gain, subject to the following requirements: (a) Any swimming pool shall be completely enclosed with a permanent chain link (or similar type) fence of not more than two-inch mesh, not less than four feet in height, erected, maintained and provided with a self-closing, self-latching gate to prevent unauthorized use of the pool and to prevent accidents. However, if said pool is located more than four feet above the ground,then a fence is not required, of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM Town ofSouthold,1^eY http:7-sv:Clycofle360.com/liriui.t/SOG4.52?gv,�id-51620'i',5162O58,5162168_ provided that all points of access to said pool are adequately protected by a self- closing, self-latching gate. Any swimming pool in existence at the effective date of the provisions of this subsection shall,within one year from such date, comply with all of the provisions hereof. (b) Individual outdoor tennis court related to residential use on a lot containing a single-family detached dwelling, provided that the same is set back not less than six feet from all lot lines and that there is no lighting for after dark use. (5) Private garages; provided, however, that not more than two passenger automobile spaces in such garages may be leased to persons not resident on the premises. (6) Off-street parking spaces accessory to uses on the premises. Not more than four off- street parking spaces shall be permitted within the minimum front yard. (7) The storage of either a boat or travel trailer owned and used by the owner or occupant of the premises on which such boat or travel trailer is stored, for his personal use, subject to § 280-78Q, Supplemental parking regulations,W and the following requirements: (a) Such boat or trailer shall not exceed 30 feet in length. (b) Such boat or trailer shall be stored only in the required rear yard, and the area occupied thereby, together with the area of all buildings in the rear yard, shall not exceed 40%of the area of the required rear yard. (c) Such boat or trailer shall not be located within 15 feet of any street or lot line. [3] Editor's Note:See now§280-78P. (8) Horses and domestic animals other than household pets, provided that such animals shall not be housed within 40 feet of any lot line. Housing for flocks of more than 25 fowl shall not be constructed within 5o feet of any line.141 [4] Editor's Note:Former Subsection C(9),as amended,regarding signs, which previously followed this subsection, was repealed 17-29-1994 by L.L.No.25-1994• For current sign provisions,see Art.XIX,Signs. (9) Yard sales, attic sales, garage sales, auction sales or similar types of sales of personal property owned by the occupant of the premises and located thereon, subject to the following requirements: [Amended 6-2-2009 by L.L. No. 6-2009] (a) No more than two such sales shall be conducted on any lot in any one calendar year. (b) Adequate supervised parking facilities shall be provided. (c) No signs, except one on-premises sign not larger than six square feet in size, displayed for a period of not longer than one week immediately prior to the day of such sale,shall be permitted. (d) A permit shall be obtained therefor from the Town Clerk upon the payment of a fee of$15. (e) The display permit issued by the Town Clerk shall be posted on the premises so it can be read from the street and removed before sundown on the day of the sale. (10) Wineries may have an accessory gift shop on the premises which may sell items accessory to wine, such as corkscrews, wine glasses, decanters, items for the storage and display of wine, books on winemaking and the region and nonspecific items bearing of 12 6/10/2018,8:42 AM Town.of Southold., NY l ttf.ps.Hecode360,coi-rafllirint/SO04 2?g uiid:::::::516205'7,51620 8,5 1.67168.,, the insignia of the winery. Wineries may not have a commercial kitchen as an accessory use but may have a noncommercial kitchen facility for private use by the employees. [Added 11-29-1994 by L.L. No.26-1994] (11) Child care. [Added 11-12-1996 by L.L. No.20-1996] D. Rental permit for accessory apartments. Notwithstanding any prior course of conduct or permission granted, no owner of property shall cause, permit, or allow the occupancy or use of an accessory apartment created pursuant to§280-13A(6) or§280-136(13) without a valid rental permit issued upon application to the Chief Building Inspector. [Added 6-15-2010 by L.L. No.2-2010] (1) Content of application. An application for a rental permit or for a renewal of a rental permit shall bear the notarized signature of the owner and contain the following information: (a) The name,date of birth and telephone number of the owner. (b) The address of the subject property including street address and Suffolk County Tax Map number. (c) In the event the owner is a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business entity, the name, address and telephone number of each owner, principal,officer,shareholder,partner or member of such business. (d) The name(s)and telephone number(s) of all tenants. (e) A copy of the lease agreement between owner and tenant. (f) A copy of the certificate of occupancy or preexisting certificate of occupancy for the property. (2) The owner of an accessory apartment within an existing one-family dwelling shall, in addition to the information required in § 280-13D(1)(a) through (f), provide a certification that the existing dwelling or accessory apartment is occupied by the owner and that the premises is in compliance with all of the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and the laws of the State of New York. (3) The owner of an accessory apartment in an accessory structure lawfully existing pursuant to § 280-136(13) shall, in addition to the information required in §280-13D(1)(a)through (f), provide a certification that: [Amended 12-5-2017 by L.L. No.20-2017] (a) The existing single-family dwelling or the accessory apartment in the accessory structure is occupied by the owner as the owner's principal residence. (b) The other dwelling unit on the subject property is to be occupied by either a family member or an individual who is currently on the Southold Town Affordable Housing Registry and eligible for placement. (c) Rents charged to a tenant from the Affordable Housing Registry shall not exceed the rent established by the Town Board annually pursuant to § 280-3oF of this Code. (d) The dwelling unit is in compliance with all of the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and the laws of the State of New York. 0 of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM Town ol'Southold,NY hs://ecode360.com/tau•oust/ O045.2?gtji(,1::::::516205'7,162058,5L6.2168... (4) Review of application. The application for a rental permit shall be reviewed for completeness and accuracy by the Chief Building Inspector and, in the case of applications pertaining to accessory apartments in accessory structures, by the Government Liaison Officer. The Chief Building Inspector shall not issue a rental permit unless the application includes all of the requisite information enumerated in § 280-13D(i)through (3) and written approval by the Government Liaison Officer that the requirements of§ 280-13B(i3)0) have been satisfied. The Chief Building Inspector shall have the right to inspect the property to confirm compliance with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and this Code. [Amended 5-3-2o16 by L.L. No.4-2016] (5) Fees. A nonrefundable annual permit application fee in the amount of$150 shall be paid at the time of filing of an application for a rental permit or a renewal rental permit for an accessory apartment in an existing single-family dwelling.A nonrefundable annual permit application fee in the amount of$loo shall be paid at the time of filing of an application for a rental permit or a renewal rental permit for an accessory apartment in an accessory structure. (6) Registry of permits. It shall be the duty of the Chief Building Inspector to maintain a register of permits issued pursuant to this chapter. Such register shall be kept by name of applicant and street address and set forth the date of expiration of the rental permit. (7) Annual renewal. Rental permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance and must be renewed by application to the Chief Building Inspector in accordance with the procedures for the issuance of the initial rental permit within to days of expiration. (8) Penalties for offenses. In addition to any other penalties for violations of this chapter, the Chief Building Inspector or Zoning Inspector shall revoke a permit when he or she finds that the owner has caused, permitted or allowed to exist and remain upon the premises a violation of any provision of the Code of the Town of Southold for a period of 14 days or more after written notice has been given to the owner. Should the owner permit any such violation of this Code,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and the laws of the State of New York to remain uncured for a period of 3o days or more after written notice has been given to the owner, the Chief Building Inspector may revoke the certificate of compliance for the accessory apartment. (9) Appeal by owner. An appeal of a denial, revocation or renewal of a rental permit by the Chief Building Inspector based upon the owner's failure to satisfy the requirements of § 280-13B(i3)0)[1] and [2] may be taken to the Housing Advisory Commission, by written request, made within 3o days from the date of such revocation. The Housing Advisory Commission shall hold a public hearing on such appeal within 3o days after receipt of written notice of such appeal and, after such hearing, shall make written findings and a decision either sustaining such denial or revocation or issuing or reinstating such permit within 3o days after close of such public hearing. Any appeal of the revocation of a certificate of compliance must be presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals within 3o days from the date of revocation. § 280-14. Bulk, area and parking regulations. [Added 9-3-1996 by L.L. No.16-1996] No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the A-C, R-8o, R-12o, R-too and R-40o Districts unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule['] incorporated into this chapter with the same force and effect as if such 1 of 12 6/10/2018, 8:42 AM I.bwoofSouthold,NY httpm-//ecode360. l62057,5]62050L5162168~. regulations were set forth hemeimFW8. hl Editor's Note: T7-?eBulkSchedule fs includedat the end of���al,:)ter,and the Parking Schedule is in §280 78A, § 28o-15° Accessory buildings and structures. [Amended 4,1o'1990 by L.L. No. 6-199o;7'17'199m by L.L. No.14,1990;2'5'1991 by L.L. No.2'1991; 12-22-1992 bvLL NO.33- 992;1'16-2007bvLL NO.2-2007;4-22-2oo8 bvLL NO.3-2008] |nthe Agricultural-Conservation District and Lmm+DensityResidentia| R-8o, R-12o, R-zooand R-400 Districts, accessory buildings and structures or other accessory uses shall be located in the required rear yard,subject tothe following requirements: A. Buildings with af|at or mansard roof shall not exceed 16 feet in height and shall be set back at the minimum required for asloping roof. B. Buildings with as|oping roof shall be subject to the following height and setback limitations: Minimum Setback for Side and/or Lot Size Maximum Height Rear Yard (square feet) (feet) (feet) Less than io,000 10 3 Less than vo,00m oo S Less than ic4moo 22 10 10*000-19,999 18 S 10,000-19,999 uo vS 10,000-19,999 uz zo 20,000-39,999 18 10 20,000-39,999 20 is 20,000-39,999 az 20 40,»m0-S9,999 22 is 6c,000-79,999 za ao 8o,000 and over uu aS C. Such buildings shall not exceed 66o square feet on lots containing Up to oo\o0msquare feet and shall not exceed 750 square feet on lots 20,000 square feet to 6o,»om square feet. On lots over 8o,000 square feet, no accessory building shall exceed 396 of the total size of the parcel. O. Dormers are permitted on accessory buildings up to 40% of the roof width. This restriction shall not apply to buildings receiving a certificate of appropriateness from the Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission pursuant to Chapter 170 of the Town Code. E. Any accessory structure that is not a building shall not exceed 18 feet in height and shall be set back atthe minimum required in Subsection Bmbove' F In the case ofawaterfront parcel, accessory buildings and structures may be located in the front yard, provided that such buildings and structures meet the front-yard principal setback requirements as set forth by this Code,and the side yard setback requirements for accessory buildings in Subsection Babmve. 2ofi2 6/10/2018, 8:42/\M A ID VOLUME 121 ISSUE 6 1 JUNE 2018 Benchmark Solutions: How Does Your Business Measure Up? 1 Farm Credit East offers benchmarking data for a number of industries we finance, including dairy,fruit,vegetable,cash field,timber, greenhouse and nursery. Editor:Chris Laughton Our largest and longest-running benchmarks program is the Northeast Ia" n recti Eastc � Dairy Farm Summary which reports on financial data from hundreds of Contributors: Northeast dairy farms.Similar to other industry benchmarks, Farm Tom Cosgrove Credit East members can get a customized MyFarm report that Chris Laughton compares their farm's financials to the benchmark. Robert Smith This Knowledge Exchange Partner focuses on the benchmarks from - - - .........._...... _.... -._ other industries Farm Credit East serves. For these industries, a a I'C il'"II';iill' Ilil �I VIII 1 �I customized Benchmark Solutions report compares members'financial metrics to those of the benchmark for their industry.This report is provided free of charge, and the data can be used to help members manage their businesses. Figure 1 shows an example from the Benchmark Solutions chart series. Farm EBITDA as a% of Total Farm Income- ® • ® . . _ • Wholesale Vegetable 18% m. ..... ,_ 14% ..... .. .... _., �.. „_. • - _ 4% ..................- , mm.,, ...... .._ .... .. ..e..wmu-,H Average Sample Farre 0% 2014 2015 2016 2017 Continued rax farrowi 1 ............... .... ........... ....."I'll......... ........... Continued ftm previous page For those customers looking for more in-depth financial analysis of their operations, we offer three comprehensive Success Strategies benchmark programs for wineries, dairy farms and agricultural retail operations, including garden centers and farm stands. These are paid programs that offer a deep dive into both finances and operations. Patti,cipants receive a comprehensive,customized analysis of their business and a chance to review their results one-on-one with a Farm Credit East business consultant. For more information on any of Farm Credit East's benchmark programs, contact your relationship manager or your 1ocW,F-'aLrv)_Q(gditE.gg!J Why is benchmarking important? Benchmarks can be used to identify areas where your business excels, and perhaps areas where there is room for improvement. Each operation is different—and it's unlikely any business matches the benchmark exactly—but these comparisons can be a useful management tool. So how does benchmarking work? Simply explained,a benchmark compares some aspect of your business to others based on your industry, region, size or all of the above.There are a number of ways to benchmark, but probably the most common is to look at your business's financial indicators(discussed below) in comparison to your peers. This can show you how your business"measures up"to other,similar operations. For those contemplating entering a new area of business or considering an expansion, benchmarks can offer insight into the performance you might expect. Table 1 displays select data from seven sample industries in the 2017 Benchmark Solutions program.This is only a portion of the data available for these industries, but it gives an indication of the kind of information available. ----- . • 017,13enchrnark Indicators from Samp le Industries Cash Field • GreenhoLise • Crops FrUit $4,419,,313 koo si�� 4,3,354 732 p380 $,31',01,072 MIN — >L� ,��rl�lrp i �N�� /J i r::: l� ` ° � ,, .,:N,r � .r� ,16,w� r ��l � �I,b�! �jf�wJ��V $11181 acre rare $8901 acre $700/acre $1621 acre No nis sq 1 IONIA.1 11 0","'I,M11 Effil", "'Mill,11112, "1"0,111 1111r. 0.44 0,64 01�' 128 0.93 61.90 OY4 All Illi `1""'i 11110 M"' a N"iM,"MON/ ffiffi,,IN MRIMMI, rwjll,�A'l A 0 Mill M 1011% 49% 47% 58% 40% 68% 66% Wilma 26% 7% 10% 16% 7 w 15% !III ii lii 1 illill ill ii 1:1111i lillai;Ili J! li I Jill, Continued on following page A 2 Continued from previous page Current Ratio The current ratio equals current assets divided by current liabilities.A ratio above one indicates that the operation has current assets (assets thatn convertto cash within 12 months)that exceedcurrent liabilities (obligations due `thin one year).The higher the ratio, the greater(and stronger)the liquidity of the business. For most industries, a current ratio over 1.5 is desirable. A cautionary note is that the current ratio includes inventory which may not be immediately saleable,such as in inventory-heavy industries, like nursery. This is why the quick ratio is also important. Quick Ratio The quick ratio measures n operation's ability to meet its short-term obligations with assets that can quickly be converted into cash. These are current assets, but excludes inventory,which may take longer to convertto cash. The higher the number,the better the company's liquidity position. It's not uncommon for operations with substantial inventory to have a ratio below 1.0. This means the owners are counting on the sale of inventory or crops to pay suppliers, debt payments and other obligations that will come due within the year. A ratio below 1.0 could mean an operation might have some difficulty if they had to meet all its current obligations right away. Net Worth Percent net worth is the net worth, or equity,of the business divided by its total assets. It is a measure of how much of the business the farmer owns clear of any liabilities or obligations.The higher the number, the stronger the overall financial position of the business. Debt to Gross Income Ratio This compares how much an operation has in liabilities to its gross revenue. For example,if an operation has $50,000 in total liabilities and brings in$100,000 in revenue each year, its debt-to-income ratio would be 50 percent, or 0.5. While there is no set rule for what is optimal,the higher the number,the more leveraged the business i . Working i l as a PercentSales This ratio looks at how much"working capital"(current assets less current liabilities)an operation has in relation to its annual sales. Businesses need workingcapital to fund operating expenses like payroll,supplies and inventory.The more sales a business has, generally the greater its working capital needs are. The higher this number is, the more flexibility and cushion the business has in funding its operations. EBITDAr EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest,Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization,and is a commonly used measure of cash flow.A significant difference between EBITDA and net income is that it adds back depreciation expense. This is often done because depreciation is a non-cash expense, and can vary significantly from one operation to the next. EBITDA as a percent of revenue,or"EBITDA margin"is a way to measure how much cash flow the operation generates from its les. If you would like more information on how your business compares to its peers, ppoIrIThM,, t Crede. st office to see if you can put the data from one of our benchmark programs to work for you. CONTACT INFORMATION We look forward to your questions about • .' e e Knowledge Exchange Partner and your « feedback: FarmCreditEast.com/KnoledgeExchange w 3 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE F PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN,there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, on the 22nd day of May,2018, a Local Law entitled "A 1.,aeaIJAW in I- latio."..1: . h VICd NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GWEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York, on the 3rd day of July 2018 at 7:31 p. . at which time all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. The proposed Local Law entitled,."A -caj 1 .A . . ls.t r to �° A . ptr a_o_i "l t . reads as follows: A Local Law entitled,"` -I w-burda-ti ;n.l.t)..tk .tl 0k)-n-o 1 i ap-tv r— ...w. E IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I Ch- be Co .1 �.... . _+ .t�. tl cls u ty.. att � 1 "l ip ...... 11. ..A . ' .LTU :L. MYCOMMIT1,111 x.7.:11,—Riap-m 1"lr r pcw! )- tl ti AI;rt ra1, t Aq............................._1_:emire a i p+ at YAW vc-ma-micArivur t ..1 + 1 � Mt.... tt .of_1d. h ...ay�� l lt,_ .z tl rtt.. ttJh, ldl w�°itlh l'xotlw its _t �t . y i � �t�I r.. ...... . .m. t. + SIM-6,11: �viability ility of l �r Wit: m w indus ovule l c l ecom 1 ds, ►. j°-bgr en �tg __llt w is ast °.tl�e wat� r l � tt. t� .: �. lr� e T.. l! ..... ... ..1. .1 Wier rl n' Town boArdx...and xotalitl ... ut1"-Coo 1 c�.�������a��cl' t� ,� ..t"�.at .��� l_ . t�' tt��ie�wl4 .1 tm �� l:��t :_�,.Il� �► � ��1. ;p l m of a erw_.a(. otirrs eo rl,la; t° ll e ° A .: ed huthis.1", ap.:l. r"the I3 48"IRI .l N ...:.....t...l dist dr rr d__At wr ,nirr _dint °;� Within'. .�llt � (0....SkMdl ���..-J.o ' ' �rwrwrrldrr��w r r�_rr arlrr �rl ���+ �", � l�rl�r�"rr�r�'_ �� . •rrl�, ,° �'�r�r�r� �rd. .. `�. ��. � �� ����'wi ��_ � �a�r ;� ��;�' ....c � " _....._ 1 rmmrcrlror~ rr�ec 4cw , , �.mrar ..1s• arrA tem,. lrrrr trridiarl 1 rrrr �rM,_I . :all. . . - rr rrrl t r ltrr_ar..w r and-all......Owr•�a � ,. �rvv-yv l.rAff-AjtLam ,V-Du'. rr vmts.orVarAv rulss, rxd ._;h �t A _r"il 1, tbr b-M ..o3L F._ �� p rrrc;rrr,lra r_rr dr��_ arrIs t��_�w ldt�rr l and. .:�� d � .�.gyp l _rrrr� :�M rl��,of fl�rr, . a rrrrrr tttt* ai r �l rr"rr alrwrrtl rr.':. .cw,a .lr,rl.l... ��. rrl* t d ,r` ."J"'to N l 1r+r:rrr dlr. . a.majjj .�.� . ( o hp.._ " A,,,,, mm I.Roax-A siluill rtkudic,pmomsed acquisition.or drr dr ..... .rrrra°ragdd ...lr � . B Rcvivw and R �or•t Cgumult �_��a^ I'l .�rr�r�r_r _alw�ar�•�:l_ d�.�lr, rr, .r�� �rr..l,��rl.rµ . w.r���rl �,�u.�� ������.ld���r-�u�+�d ('QdvI t lr r+ r ....nifl valujime. blit not tl a d r°rr l ±-ax,t ommi! X 1 1' dela a ;iirld1:� �� d 1. Review ark„,iculdrr e- cla ;el Sitt D aff-. pplicadiom_ ,rr+ci�l byi —ns. . . Vltatt tm .� 1 t t rtfiv :rv..d r icultrrrarldvi tr ° . a rrr dlr� "r:r . r! ' :... frr rrrr:rr arrd brul rTWar ce witlrirr with a rwrrr rel imi(s) for .d1r ..11.AWA) d ar dl(�. , Dive 1)._— .��iv-vv:.Py). :rr8.0-7,9r "im ll_Cho A c' �r a k,WhIm Amflr .clime %m . . Nr r.g _lnrWscd zerrrirrl rrrlrr chomgv..rrr— l rrr n;d �r��� rr rayls*_l��r�%rrrr�� r� �rdr.r�r.l�:..rr��tcdrrr�_'.l�,rr�.rr >n"� rMlid.rr�r° �r�rr �r m- linty ttg truLdist-diel or Tawtts,lttdl,itc tel � t•:etl l�r~.fit � .tettii�:at°ai tltt:y . "��tt �u� l_e lo..� .�° �. : ��_ "� �. grkad, lira (2). as.to rwweet.. ill.tNa. y..l _ pw1' e ,.; .' iw tproosel aetion(w w�li lave arae wrrwrww-easowrrable ��d�r: � . .. ��'cA._ ���� owrwtinuing viabilitof farm new-Imi +�.o:�:'e6 Ann llt.e iM.0 r Irmy 11-a.gni V_ateU ra) districts-....... e w1v y a:rr 1Y,. a(ia l and re w° theireM effect to the Town Board,, Fl—, S ryc-tvs_a_y.ehiele dor eo ra ,rim urlt t��e �.�'y t1 +- 11t_iImd "I..............-.-Mvvt-aus,_letew~mined necessary by a mai w it e4,""a t .i.1.1: ._w err-be ON 1. .....m a tivit:ie cel lbg Agti tdfruraLAA imy-C:o watt , III. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence,paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law. Dated: May 22, 2018 BY THE ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH IN THE JUNE 14,2018 EDITION OF THE SUFFOLK TIMES AND PROVIDE ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD,NY 11971. TYPESET: Wed Jun 06 15:33:09 EDT T 2018 l➢ tRa„Ratraruiyraa ails ht�lt be IrarraHL• SEVERABILITY LEGAL NOTICE thicnaLlu ttitrira h 11 if any clause,sentence,paragraph,section,or NSS"Il"8CE CI8'Il°Il1ll1][.IIC IEIIEA][IfliVG �i C crrprnittee members shgpl serve with- pant of this Local.Law shall be adjudged by NOTICE IS HEREBY t.GIVEN,tkteie has auraiur unsaaunon any court of competent jurisdiction to be in.. been presented to the Town Board of the V. Ann lnety"P,ber who feuilu, to aotend At valid,the judgment shall not alk'ect the valid... Town of Southold, Suff'olk County, New Ulu tla�rlf arf Its�wi�fnw.l r9�lxa�t bu�ntr_ti'_U_e In ity of this law as a whole or any part thereof _. c y relation t o� ....:_� .. �. �1 Y--- other than the part so decided to be unconsti... York,on the 22nd da ofMay,,2088 a Local a +ewer e tic ndaa ar Shaul: jq Mull�l qua re� Law entitled Local Law in relatlaau R® na+owaal liwnuu tine 4 oin�suriaiieu lr i an a tuaiC b wlaatw lutional of inval�Id. C,a ulalcUp r " lrcnitaaw ul_ dsis Ly t'awru 111 dtir wru7zaariuc IV EFFECTIVE DATE rnlLLudl r”""randI- t leo wyr s and Oulrec This local Law shalli take effect immediately NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER The e1 hW'��unllgrar rel y�rlwlw+ate Colairniblec rupora filing with the Secretary of State as GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of shall: provided by law. Southold will hold a pubhe hearing on the - A The Towyn Hoard shalt lelea 01c_lUi L Dated:May 22,2018 sed uet y aforesaid Local l..,aw at Southold`1°own Stall, 1 ru�tallrua of u9 scgaa�reUrcat a alil�t�i[sr flu BYTHE a.?Ftl7i It Q'YF 1'F3k `y3095 Main Road, Southold,New"fork,on Committee for review. solyrHOLD"TOWN BOARD the 3rd day of"Duly 2018 at 7:3'Il pro.rau. at .__D Revtoww and Rf,Glu+rrtf.n'ruursd%14tlnialm��I'm- Elisabeth A.'NeWle which Bm urne all Interested persons will be omendations to the 'Town Board and the Southold Town Clerk givers an opportunity to be heard. i''1 nnnna r3�oaard las f?e It _IliihcA giant! 2222290 The proposed Llarrg to Irre Arinpa��A Lo- rutcs�uusa:�ggrKkmrufr,Va4ur curcrl luanutcd to lato�t^osiaapw l p X ooal Law entitled trod o revisions to the To of of Cal Law tui tcNaid Town Code of the Town C larrEtct:7l Abp°l'aaltalarat" sl+Liar C rrrur• aanuilatnleU wlaiah revisions wifU enhoatwcr� faui rnuQiea"reads as'follows: rnol delnwll h nn tlhw w;auronoaanrcr w>u alarlr[ nrY"1Uve±: LOCAL LAW NO,2088 p+TMrrca til induwmtnes in s}aa Town uuf souill, A Local lion,,to(Art riaeuuytC�raGrrnarMteral l uawrirr rela old. Law entitled "tr 1 ne cult mmmIT IT L-....� ....Jit+r �T . C. Review agriculture-related site plan :tun to ll r " applications and subdivisions. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the01_�ra wtr�fLh�ra—that I IYatgoal der aaF,ricurY- Town of Southold as follows: lural aaetavities shall berelcrretl"lir G9r�Air,ic.Lk l y __. a Jun uri ar a drSui thw rtoaitd:arid to l C ria ateu rl ofthe C oda,of the ha wo o tturuaU Adwr *arrrithugd Ns iralili rrrrrtrarlatl uw hrlhawuS E _ _ flwutlrr 7r ACRI llIl"1"IaVI l"l a�w VY- cadeduswarru err"rAOr"1RaauV earaonppdo trrrt�ul ud 4t11C'Va("10 MI Ya8" e:earre;rrdly ro eS f e sub r!a u�luuoe shall he refarre'd §7l l lwutretnwr 19LN ALL'cuRturtal Ad_vi saitw(_'onIlIIi.1t for Theareview. Cuurrurtl"tier. Is to Li 'l°Bir C oratn_itaae 010 present ad'Occ IC ltcaagauur"�it^ap rrttlydsrGrrae 09 alrw a"ail n UYuuUhc deutlmaatlgyeyt sr,uab tnrogaaasea trmre aaatl iiS rrarlu�S[ut"as laoCln ti w nttal e.e°onraa Gm. uFe of satIIjWi irarL uie ludrr rwdvIcc Sas to the drawer to Ihic Nocra�l economy and xa amide aid nattav,of farrnnts„and I,wrni to sources wvitthfin Irndu gM111elslarowia9est9r 'w�swaaa"rf arrx9tulalaf ilr "paaosur d yre"wwdapknirtiU?e area, }1ik� t •m with hoth its ail"Sial and r isfic:character, IL'wla Ira! " llldwtsar m_lwmmwnrudc arUhave a• l Asure the conrnuea lbr far1nnaTIAIL"1o1RYahIyurV which is 41moflanlAq IYwe protroscd ue' olL'Tkrr ac aaaurrrucoualasdasrsrol, the local cu.orronm Sihsarll andwnworw taut• C. Provide for the most beneficial ao"ht I1 Review proposed rurlaar ,hungywts In haauaslr Paetwein ale tuSe oiWarnds taaaaldir lmeL11 urruR alulring,ddaMC11i, xnri ica?Ntluraiyra Cates and to lauriber en- I 1t'loctvcvw e u_gseclp'aar gal rnrtu�'�lit}. toune�ww use and wianaAg nein aLttktw VJatant;c eta bnraness rhatural a'e=ouacas ww"ilhtn flit I'ownrra or ua>_thisohallal(ee.Inra arwrrruLrl aa9YauraV a�ar� M Provide dl`<c Town rk0ai!j""B�hrattwar jRj adisi is is"paa°sePIcd ts>1�w lerwn lSrrcnrrl Rsor_ ppt9 Acirr"ria @tllrrerl9 grl .roG Cnciaps ,a uar ratlae,u r aflwrn¢fir socwtpLuabaVus ua n couniy agriculturall rr,icruraaC_loawra Ricraxttiw and waananoNisses wviCRn a distracltar 1'a'rwr wwiwt�ahaunral atria elf Shull be conduit for recommendations from the referred to the ^pficulnuaal Advi.Sol C_om- larwuu 4 nultuaal nutusutc,� aan tfic starart miltce for review lheAl,rra,uhtnaalAdvitwlpr quad Iorig dna illf a vai'uc ly mL,t�*u uar k Co"uni ce's'hall fvrCMi rl a�a�parr th y a,ep siticMWlsn ueansadtrwa+l."Iky tlre;sc f„aaao��. ka rueaararnaeradadataruy. .auar lml�e ractlaartf,�), l 2 lbwharitrrtras by he C aamillinee Shy 11 pwresuaaq xititwraa, As used in this C liataten„ the le rnis nsad rel ttrr� t t tu9i ala�rt,wlarRt�tai sau fi rc wnaru�tt2 Pa rr fu a re do llatcrl as lollrawwtp laiclarn r aeiviec as p1w the nraiurre of and M; T1 IRA 1 ZONINC. lllSTRIC_I S farm resources with]Il""ui frropaatised or ea;twlr. l h�', d as mj11 "Aa l const—allon ( _C), hshed area,'1 Vrrs recoltirlllen dahonlsp Sfrrull in- rrarauaa tlistr rr t nae wb"_"p elude determination _o whether the 8 aawy uvsidear�lirtl rnrrrrug etude a determination as t dtStrlrCy within tile Miran all Southold in _parolow d aetaarafC8 wilt have rand unrarasoln- wrlaie l,'rp rieuiture is an allowed ansa, able adverse efleci tan the Wntiaauuratr,varalaiVitwr C:C�IlI^ICCIlI'l I l E-- the4outboirl i'owri'owrrl dC aaf a twin errtenia L"ir1"eraterluriytiw rvallrira 4iue rieultural Advisory C"onurerlttee" eouriti r rarwra ap�riwtultrtrga! ali5itretls This 7l'"3°t°trttrlrowitiaaii,rererarli+aS#ra),ter,prwradiii"ontrutene9ataerr sN dsaall Lx,tirtpuuSvey twit 1alGiec„raarnuwah 8 Oeviaw 1ocg1,ia auatCy,ataat�tand fcR- A __'[he C omrnalice shall be acrina a d of era R Getaasint.uanr alleclipA the_ss ueaahutnl d'n- nine membQrs,apapaearndcdby'thc lanwllB(l rd vtetslry rilid._rcvaprf Ih6r artlect 4u ihe Isuwlrz who are-T residents and Uctive owners/ Board. er ie e anorsmm l r+l kr€nueaf'aa�irC a Brie raltuurrGp tar F, Serve as a vehicle for communication aacuttuareranari, uuUlut farfnn opus«rdiearrS betwweeta iVao,erLraruPtuulmnY utwanunrw.aa —and the within the Town of Southold Town Board. Bl" UJrm f¢rww�ai Ett,aard wball'apapiomt one of G. Perform such other duties and func- lnenl6e s mrYteerrtnwitdae a s C'fiaiu"aaiwtilef"'on'v theaa TrisylBoard, C. hne IIoh mil r bac afaru.a,Ccmcl Uri C "l"'lar niacantUse,tw aIl>paornlW tin the(7 m- lIl tet st deter-cl red neccSsna°.� I,r�y tanatdae fnaCf scrscrvcs�R"drathree-veer dean,t.tpa"lilt m ia.arrll^JT tion C ryanmiflct nuplb. rL"_butt nes imraitial funrannation thfge uw7u"rnikw rs <lroaall sur r less than once a month. lura aacnriu.ye at ternr�fhree me;mb rs for a�two- Submit to the Town Board an annual yeo-ar C€rams and l0i waahcrs fns 1r tUuee czar len". sr'nianlaay o�tl""the"achw vies elf gVvrm"w irco0 nu°ual �acln wcnr lhrc.reaCletr;re�ggiaerantrureritS uf°rie`wv AslvaSoty C°oraaaupad.Cec°°, u1laoI'll nn1cant mwrmlt be Zara ihrce-year terlrnn&