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Telecommunications Site Review C ON S U LTA N T S I N C .
7050 W.Palmetto Park Road#15-652
Supplemental Report to New Tower Application Boca Raton, FL 33433-3483
Tel:877.438.2851 Fax:877.220.4593
May 16, 2018
Mr. Brian Cummings
Town Hall Annex Building
53095 Route 25
Southold,New York 11971
RE: Town of Southold/ SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4
Verizon Wireless /Laurel Stone
Dear Mr. Cummings,
At your request, on behalf of the Town of Southold (Town), CityScape Consultants, Inc.
(CityScape) in its capacity as telecommunications consultant for the Town, has considered the
merits of the above referenced application on behalf of Elite Towers to construct a new wireless
telecommunications support structure and associated ground compound at 7055 Main Road,
Mattituck, New York, see Figure 1. The proposed structure is 1.5 miles from the nearest airport
(Suffolk), but will not be an FAA hazard per 2015-AEA-2146-OE and does not require tower
lighting. The Application includes information from both Verizon Wireless and AT&T Mobility
This application was filed in August 2017 to improve service in the surrounding areas near
Laurel. The original proposal did not comply with the following sections of the Southold
§280-70-I(2)— Structures in LI, LIO, MI, MII, B, HB restrictions—height limited to 80 feet
&280-70-I (3) — Structures in LI, LIO, MI, MII, B, HB restrictions — Minimum distance to
adjacent residential property lines shall be no less than 500 feet
X280-70-N (4)—Base equipment landscaping
In the recent submittal of additional information by the Applicant(2/6/18)waivers of these
three items were requested. Not only are waiver requests needed in order for any recommendation,
but also explanation and justification as to why these waivers are needed are also required.
Town of Southold/SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 ckyscape
Verizon Wireless/Laurel Stone
Waiver of 80-foot Height Limit
For any height waiver to be justified, an Applicant must prove no other options exist that
would permit the Applicants to meet their coverage goals at the maximum allowable height of 80
feet. Southold has set height limits for the specific purpose to limit unnecessary heights, thus
realizes there may be need for additional,thus shorter, support structures;therefore,Applicant has
the option of constructing additional towers at shorter heights to meet their goals. For example,
an 80-foot monopole, located closer to Laurel and another near Mattituck would provide similar
coverage than a single, taller tower at the proposed location, while complying with the Southold
Ordinance. In addition, the additional facilities would better address future capacity concerns
being proposed as "small cell" deployment. The Applicant can employ beam tilting and optimal
azimuth positioning to reduce the potential for interference to the other nearby towers.
The Applicant recently provided search rings from both AT&T and Verizon. The validity
of the AT&T ring is questionable since it is centered on the proposed site. When a provider
chooses to pursue a location for a new site, a search ring is generated, and then appropriate parcels
are searched for availability,usually by a 3rd party. When a search ring is found to be centered on
the proposed site, it becomes suspect that it was generated after the fact.
The Verizon search ring was centered about 1,300 feet southwest of the proposed site(near
the intersection of Main Road and the railroad overpass. This appears to be a more reasonable
search ring.
Both of these search rings are based on a single-site solution for both AT&T and Verizon.
This is not to be confused with a shared site,but a single site meaning one site for AT&T and one
site for Verizon. They both would share the tower to accomplish their goals with a shared site.
However, as the Town has in place an Ordinance that restricts the height of tower to 80
feet. For such a waiver to be justified, there needs to be justification that the Applicant (co-
Applicant's in this case) cannot meet their goals otherwise.
Limiting the height of the proposed tower will not keep either co-Applicant from achieving
their goals. While an antenna mounted lower (on a shorter tower) does limit wireless coverage
extent when compared to a higher mounted antenna(on a taller tower),this principle applies to all
towers. The co-Applicants could provide service to Southold with less than the currently existing
Town of Southold/SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 ckyscape
Verizon Wireless/Laurel Stone
Page CON SU LTA N T S , I NC .
number of towers if they were permitted to be taller. However, the height restrictions in place
require wireless providers to achieve their goals differently; with a greater number of shorter
towers. This is common practice in municipalities elsewhere. Each is different in their Ordinance
requirements for wireless infrastructure. Only special circumstances should permit an applicant
to obtain a waiver.
The co-Applicants may wish to revise their search rings if the option of using more than
one site is pursued. For example, the proposed site may not be ideal for one of the locations if a
pair of shorter towers is proposed. The studies provided did not include this option, but it should
be considered if the co-Applicants state that restricting the height will not meet their goals.
Because the option of additional sites is a feasible method of wireless deployment,
CityScape does not find substantial justification here to permit a tower greater than eighty (80)
feet in height.
Waiver of 500-foot Setback to Residential Property. Lines
There are four residential properties in which the proposal fails to meet setbacks:
6950 Main Road, 7100 Main Road, 7100 Main Road & 55 Bray Avenue. There does not appear
to be any location on the subject property that a tower could be placed which would remedy these
setbacks. Thus, utilization of this parcel will require waivers. For such a waiver to be justified,
there needs to be proof that no other properties of similar zoning could support a new tower,meet
the setbacks and meet the Applicants' coverage goals.
The Applicant provided an affidavit that stated, "...there are no alternative locations in the
vicinity...". Another affidavit from the Applicant stated, "There are a few other parcels in the
vicinity that are likewise located within the B (General Business) Zoning District". It was later
stated in the same affidavit that the proposed site, "...was chosen as the optimal site for which a
lease agreement could be secured." It is not known if the other noted parcels were pursued from
a leasing standpoint or not since they were not individually mentioned. However, in one example,
parcel"35.7"shown in Sheet A-I of the provided drawings appears to meet the setbacks and would
be preferential over the proposed parcel. Until these other parcels are ruled out, CityScape does
not find justification for this waiver.
Town of Southold/SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 ckyscape
Verizon Wireless/Laurel Stone
Page CON SU LTA N T S , 1 NC .
The Town has inquired as to the tower fall zone requirement in Section 280-70(G).
CityScape will recommend breakpoint technology if needed, depending on the ultimate approval
the tower and height. Typically, a fall zone within the subject parcel is adequate.
Waiver of Landscaping Requirement
The existing property is a cleared, commercial use with little vegetation. Installation of
vegetation would actually stand out more due to the nature of the property. However, screening
of the ground compound is a separate issue. The Town should decide if a fence is adequate for
screening instead of plantings.
It should also be mentioned that the Applicant has stated interest from the Mattituck Fire
District for a receive-only antenna. The fire station's interest is not a deciding factor in the height
of the tower as the fire station does not have any specified height requirement,just the need for an
additional site to assist its network.
Ultimately, it is the Town's decision to approve or deny each waiver request. If granted,
each should be clearly explained as to the reasoning given as it will apply to future requests for
similar waivers. As explained above, CityScape Consultants, believes a new, concealed tower is
justified at this location, but at a reduced height of eighty (80) feet either with or without
Respectfully submitted,
Jonathan N. Edwards, P.E.
CityScape Consultants, Inc.