HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 Neville, Elizabeth From: Neville, Elizabeth Sent: Thursday,July 05, 2018 3:12 PM To: Doherty,Jill; Doroski, Bonnie; Duffy, Bill; Ghosio, Bob; Hagan, Damon;Jim Dinizio; Standish, Lauren; Louisa Evans; Neville, Elizabeth;,Noncarrow, Denis; Rudder, Lynda; Russell, Scott; Silleck, Mary;Tomaszewski, Michelle;William Ruland; Norklun, Stacey; Collins, Michael; Richter,Jamie Cc: 'fiwastemanagement@gmail.com' Subject: Emailing: F.I.WMD Facility Consoli_20180705111535 Attachments: F.I.WMD Facility,Consoli_20180705111535.pdf FYI Elizabeth A. Neville, MMC, Southold Town Clerk, Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer; FOIL Officer Marriage Officer PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Tel. 631765-1800, Ext. 228 Fax 631765-6145 Cell 631466-6064 Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: F.I.WMD Facility Consoli_20180705111535 Note:To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. RECEIVE® Fishers Island Waste Management District e ; P.O.Box 22 Fishers Island,NY 06390 Jul 3 208 Tele 631-788-7455 Southold Town Clerk Gregory Thibodeau,Chair John Patterson, Treasurer Sarah Malinowski,Secretary Meredith Doyen Bruce Hubert Date: June 28, 2018 To: All Involved and/or Interested Agencies From: Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District Re: State Environmental Quality Review Act—Determination of Non-Significance Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities 2760 Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York Enclosed herein is the Notice of Determination of Non-Significance (Negative Declaration) for the Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities, which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District, as lead agency, on June 27, 2018. Also enclosed are Parts 2 and 3 of the Environmental Assessment Form. Sincerely, Beth A. Stern cc: W. Moore, Esq. RECEIVED State Environmental Quality Review Act JUL 2018 Notice of Determination of Non-Significance " Negative Declaration Southold Town Clerk Name of Action: Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities Project Location: Fishers Island Waste Management District 2760 Whistler Avenue,Fishers Island Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York Project Sponsor: Board'of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District Lead Agency: Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District Date: June 27,2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This notice is issued•pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law(State Environmental Quality Review Act[SEQRA])'an'd the implementing regulations therefor at 6 NYCRR Part 617. The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District(hereinafter,the"FIWMD"),as lead agency,has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment,and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS)will not be prepared. Such determination is based upon the following: 1. Full Environmental Assessment Form; 2. Expanded Environmental Assessment(September 2017),as prepared by KGO Consulting,Inc; 3. Consolidated Facilities Planning Report (last revised February 2016), as prepared by Project ManagementAssociates,LLC; 4. Waste Control Plan(May 2016),as prepared by Project Management Associates,LLC; 5. .Site development plans,as prepared by Anchor Engineering Services Inc; 6. Topographic Map (last revised May 10,•2018), as prepared by CME Associates Engineering, Land Surveying&Architecture-PLLC; 7. Pre Construction Environmental Investigation Report(January 2017);as prepared by,P.W. Grosser Consulting; , , . - , • , . . I • , 8. Consultations with and determinations from the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and`Historic Preservation(OPRHP),New York,State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC),and the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA); 9. Coordination and consultations with the,Town of Southold;and 10. Site and area inspections. SEQRA Classification:, Unlisted Description of Action: The FIWMD is a special district established by the Town of Southold in 1952 for the purpose of providing solid waste handling and management services to the residents and businesses of Fishers Island. The FIWMD currently operates two facilities on separate properties-(1) a transfer station and(2) a compost station and receiving facility for various wastes and select reusable items. The proposed action includes the consolidation of the two facilities on the site of the compost station and receiving facility,which would allow the FIWMD to manage all of its services and operations at one site and,as part of the proposed action,implement improvements that would modernize its current operations to industry standards,including programs to reduce disposal volumes. Also included are safety and site repairs,drainage improvements,and improvements to site security. Negahve Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management Distnct ProposedCpilsolidation ofWaste Management Facilities Specifically,the project includes the following: Transfer Station and Receiving Areas • Installation of four compactor boxes for MSW,cardboard,and single-stream recyclables. • Addition of portable bins to receive food/organic wastes from users. • Installation of five open top boxes(roll-off containers) for scrap metal and bulky wastes. • Relocation of a 240-square-foot(so modular building from the existing transfer station to the project site for use in collecting residential E-waste, discarded small maintenance equipment[e.g.,mowers, trimmers,hand tools],and similar wastes. • Placement of a 600-sf pre-engineered storage shed for use by the community to dispose of unwanted items for reuse by others(i.e.,a proposed swap shop). Composting Operations • Construction of a 4,500-sf pre-engineered building for the purpose of processing and mixing organics for composting. The proposed"mixing building"would be located on the southwest side of the internal roadway, opposite the MSW receiving areas. Within the mixing building would be a one or more grinders with hopper and stand to grind food waste, cardboard and other fibers, and a reinforced concrete bin wall area-to temporarily hold and mix organics before they are added to the composting process. • Installation of two concrete pads with a cover system for the enclosure of the compost heaps. The proposed cover system would provide for controlled aeration, moisture control by protecting piles from stormwater,and leachate collection. A finished concrete compost pad would also be constructed. General Facility and Site Improvements • Construction of a 2,400-sf pre-engineered building to be situated adjacent to the existing office/maintenance building for the purpose of providing adequate maintenance, repair and equipment storage space. Upon construction of the new maintenance building, the existing office/maintenance building would be converted to serve only as administrative space. Interior renovations and the replacement of select windows are also proposed. • Replacement and reinforcement of the existing concrete bunker walls, including the installation of pedestrian guardrails along the elevated disposal platforms in accordance with OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)standards. • The deteriorating ceilings of concrete structures in two locations would be demolished and the areas would be backfilled with soil and compacted. • Installation of a truck scale to use in weighing in-bound and out-bound materials. • Improvements to site security, including the installation of chain link fencing around the facility perimeter,swing gates at the entry,site lighting and security cameras. • Installation of a new, one-way, paved loop driveway extending from the existing access and the creation of 12 formal parking spaces adjacent to the attendant shed near the waste drop off areas. • Installation of a stormwater detention basin,stormwater infiltration units,as well as a pump system and holding tank for on-site stormwater reuse. Rain barrels adjacent to the mixing building are also being considered for the collection of water for reuse in the composting operation. Page 2 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities As part of the proposed action,the FIWMD is proposing to,add to the property it owns(and uses)by entering into a lease for a small portion,of land owned by the Town.,The proposed lease is for 2.7±acres of land that currently includes the site access,the internal paved driveway,attendant shed,concrete pad and portions of the receiving area. In exchange,for the lease of 2.7±acres of land from the Town of Southold,the FIWMD would lease an area of approximately 1.27±acres at the northern extent of the subject propertyto the.Town as such area contains a Town-operated,sewer pump station. Upon implementation of the lease agreements, the compost station property(with the proposed transfer station operations)would be 10.76±acres(9.33±acres + 2.7± acres = 1.27± acres); however, the actual•facility or operational area would occupy only 3.23± acres (hereinafter,the"project site'or"project area 7,inclusive of the facility area currently within the Town-owned property. Upon implementation of the proposed action, the lease of the 1.44-acre parcel occupied by the transfer station would terminate. Site History Prior to the FIWMD waste management operations,the subject property was,utilized for military purposes as partof the larger Fort H.G.Wright.An approximately,412-acre,U.S.military training and coastal defense facility established in the late 1890's, Fort H.G. Wright included 12 gun emplacements, small arms ranges, administration buildings,housing,and an airfield. The subject property was part of a larger coastal artillery station located along the westernmost portion of Fort H.G.Wright. ,Five batteries for various types of artillery were placed on the subject property. These batteries included gun emplacements,subgrade concrete bunkers for the purposes of resource movement and communications,and lookout posts. Remnants of the batteries and one lookout post exist today. In the mid-century,Fort H.G.Wright was closed and the land was transferred to various entities,including,the U.S.Coast Guard,the U.S.Navy,the Fishers Island,Union Free School District, and the Town of Southold. In 1987,the subject property,was transferred to the FIWMD for the purpose of providing solid waste management operations to the,Island's residents and,businesses. At the time of acceptance of land from the Town of,Southold, the subject property•was,used for the burning of brush, construction debris and other materials (other than household garbage), In the early 1990's,the burning of materials was phased out and the current practices and program were introduced., Reasons Supporting this Determination,of Non-Significance: In accordance with SEQRA and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617,the FIWMD„using the EAF and Expanded EA and other relevant information cited herein; and comparing same with the thresholds set forth in 6 NYCRR§6617.4 and 617.5,has determined thatthis project is an Unlisted Action.,Coordinated review was conducted with the NYSDEC,Suffolk County Planning Commission,Town of Southold Town Board,Office of the Town Attorney and Planning Board, Based upon the information,contained in the EAF and Expanded EA,site development plans,facility planning and waste management reports,environmental investigations,consultations with NYSDEC,OPRHP, FAA,and USACE,coordination and consultations with the Town of Southold,and area and site inspections,the FIWMD, as lead agency for the action contemplated herein,and after due deliberation,review and analysis of proposed action,the above-described documents,consultations and inspections, and the criteria set forth in 6 NYCRR §617.7, hereby determines that the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts to the environment This determination is supported by the following: , 1, Groundwater and Surface Water Quality and Quantity Upon implementation of the proposed action„the consolidated facility would be expected to use the combined volume of water(i.e.,55 from,its separate facilities (i.e., transfer station and compost station) with no projected gpd) change to the water demand. There is also no projected change insanitary discharge as there are ;- no increases in staff and no new systems proposed. Upon implementation of,the proposed measures to reuse a portion of-the collected and filtered stormwater for on-site composting operations and the,wash down of surfaces,a reduction in overall water demand is expected. Based upon an assessment of the Fishers Island Watershed Protection Standards set forth in Article 4, Page 3 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities Section 760-452(B)of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code(SCSC),the proposed action complies with the requirements for land use and development activities within the secondary protection zone. The proposed stormwater detention basin is to be'designed to an approximate top elevation of 14±-to-16±feetamsl and abase elevation of seven feet amsl,thus providing four feet of separation to groundwater (based upon a groundwater elevation of three feet ams]). The proposed infiltration units would be located at a ground elevation of approximately 21 feet amsl with the bottom of the infiltration,units set at approximately 17 feet amsl, which would provide an approximate separation distance of 14 feet between the base of the units and groundwater. Accordingly,there is adequate depth provided for the filtration of stormwater. The proposed stormwater management plan is designed to pretreat and accommodate stormwater from an existing facility that currently does not have formal areas for recharge. The subject property is located within a designated sole source aquifer, and thus, the proposed stormwater detention basin is designed such that there will be a minimum four-foot separation' distance to groundwater. The abandoned tunnel system that predates the use as a solid waste management facility is currently receiving stormwater,which will cease upon implementation of the proposed action. The proposed action also includes stormwater infiltration units to accommodate roof runoff from the mixing building. The proposed stormwater management plan will comply with the goals and standards set forth in Chapter 236 of the Town Code,as well as the New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation [NYSDEC], 2016), and the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (NYSDEC, 2015). As required,prior to undertaking construction,the FIWMD will file for coverage under both-the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (GP-0-12-001) and the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (NYSDEC GP 0-15-002), which includes the preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)and the filing of a Notice of Intent with the NYSDEC prior to construction. The SWPPP will include a detailed erosion and sediment control plan to manage stormwater generated on-site during construction activities,as well as for post-construction stormwater management Such SWPPP will also comply with the requirements of the SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities. The consolidated facility is designed to receive and store wastes(municipal solid waste["MSW'], cardboard,single-stream recyclables,scrap metal and bulky wastes) in designated containers or enclosed areas such that rainfall would not come into contact with waste products. Compost piles will be placed on concrete pads and a cover system with leachate collection is proposed. All maintenance activities would occur inside the proposed maintenance building. The FIWMD does nothandle or store toxic or hazardous wastes and has strict procedures in the event such materials are inadvertently received. There is a New York State-designated freshwater wetland of an approximate size of 1.1 acres located atthe southwesterly portion of the subject property and to the westthereof,is an estuarine and marine wetland, of approximately 0.76 acre in size included on the National Wetland Inventory. The subject property is also bordered on its westerly side by the Fishers Island Sound and a limited area of tidal wetlands exists on the northwestern portion of the subject property. The proposed action will not occur within the regulated adjacent areas of New York State- designated freshwater or tidal wetlands. A Letter of No Jurisdiction was issued by the NYSDEC on May 24,2018. Pursuant to§275-3(C),areas that are subject to the Wetlands Law of the Town of Southold (Chapter 275 of Town Code) are lands within 100 feet of any freshwater wetland,tidal wetland,beach,bluff, dune, flat, marsh, swamp, wet meadow, bog, vernal pool, creek, estuary, Page 4 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities stream, pond, canal,lake,land under water, or land subject to,tidal action; as well as all Town Waters. The proposed action does not include any disturbance or activities within 100 feet of any of the wetlands,waterbodies or areas above. Although the proposed action would not occur within the regulated adjacent areas,the proposed action includes measures that would improve the existing site conditions. Currently,there are no stormwater management controls to contain stormwater on-site and to prevent runoff to the vegetated areas surrounding the facility. Upon implementation of the proposed action, stormwater would be captured and directed to stormwater infiltration units as well as collected, pretreated and discharged to the proposed detention basin. The placement of erosion control blankets at select areas would control erosion and sedimentation as well as slow runoff on areas that are currently devoid of vegetation. Furthermore,the proposed concrete block gravity wall relies on the weight of the blocks for stability and,therefore,the space required for a gravity wall is less than other systems thus reducing disturbance. , Overall, therefore, the proposed action would result in beneficial impacts to the natural areas and wetlands_ outside of the facility footprint. Based upon the above,neither groundwater quantity or quality or surface water quality will be significantly impacted by the proposed project 2. Coastal Resources-The subject property is within the boundaries of the New York State Coastal Area,and the Town of Southold has an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP). Based upon a consistency analysis of the proposed action with the LWRP,the proposed action is consistent with the policies and goals of the LWRP. The property is also not located within a floodplain,and thus,the proposed action would not increase flooding potential. Accordingly,no significant adverse impacts to coastal resources would be expected. 3. Grading and Topography - Approximately 2.4 acres of-the 3.23±-acre project site would be disturbed, with modifications to the existing slopes primarily due to the construction of the stormwater detention basin, mixing building and internal loop driveway. The area of slopes of zero-to-10 percent would increase by 15,289±sf(0.35±-acre),with a corresponding decrease of 8,266±sf(0.19±acre)for slopes of 10-to-15 percent and 7,023±sf(0.16±acre)for'slopes greater than 15 percent However, the proposed grade changes would occur within the existing development footprint and would not result in changes that could create the potential for runoff to surrounding areas of lower elevation. The proposed seeding and erosion control blanket on the western portion of the project site would provide a permanent protective covering in an area that is currently devoid of vegetation. The proposed regrading would also allow for the creation of the stormwater management basin, which would result in the beneficial impact of containing stormwater from a large area of the existing facility. Based upon the above analyses,,no significant adverse impacts associated with the proposed grading and topographic alterations would be expected. 4. Drainage,Leaching.Erosion and Flooding-The proposed action would resultin a minimal increase (0.79±-acre) in impervious surface, which would result in a minimal increase in stormwater , runoff. The proposed drainage plan would accommodate stormwater from additional impervious surface area,in addition to areas within the project site that are developed or within operational areas. Specifically, a'stormwater detention basin and subgrade,infiltration units are proposed. Stormwater to be accommodated in the proposed detention basin would be first filtered with a Stormceptor© (or similar) system before entering the basin. The proposed basin also includes overflow protection with a riprap spillway at Elevation 10. In cases of heavy storm events, stormwater would flow from the spillway to the existing municipal stormwater system located along the adjacent roadway. Page 5 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities I The proposed stormwater infiltration units would accommodate roof runoff from the proposed mixing building. The preliminary design includes the use of Stormtech SC-740© collection chambers,which allow for optimal storage volumes in relatively small footprints,thus minimizing excavation. The consolidated facility would receive and store wastes in designated containers or enclosed areas such that there is no potential for rainfall or surface runoff to interact with waste products. Compost piles would be placed on concrete pads and the proposed cover system would protect the piles from stormwater. Leachate collection for recirculation into the composting program is also proposed. Overall,the waste management practices at the facility are expected to mitigate the potential adverse impacts associated with surface flow and waste areas. The proposed stormwater detention basin and stormwater infiltration units would be constructed such that there is an adequate separation distance of,at minimum,four feet from the base of the basin and units to groundwater, in accordance with NYSDEC requirements for sole source aquifers. Based upon soil borings performed in areas of the project site, and the current development that exists on the project site, no soil limitations are expected. However, prior to construction,additional test borings will be performed to confirm suitable soil conditions and,if required,soil mixing would be undertaken. Overall,based on the current condition of the site(i.e., without a stormwater management system),the proposed drainage improvements would result in beneficial impacts associated with stormwater control and treatment. The proposed action would also comply with Chapter 236 of the Town of Southold Town Code, which regulates stormwater management and discharge associated with land-disturbing activities and projects that involve a replacement of or addition to impervious surfaces. Prior to and during construction,erosion and sedimentation controls will be in place such thatthe potential impacts associated with land disturbance activities will be minimized. The erosion and sedimentation controls and methods by which stormwater would be accommodated during construction would be designed to be consistent with New York State standards and manuals and the Town of Southold stormwater management regulations set forth in Chapter 236 of the Town Code. The property is not located within a floodplain,and thus,the proposed action would not increase flooding potential. Based on the above, implementation of the proposed action will not result in any substantial increase in the potential for leaching or drainage problems,erosion,or flooding. S. Transportation Parking and Circulation - Upon implementation of the proposed action, the volume of waste requiring disposal off-Island would decrease,therefore decreasing the number of trucks having to visit the Island for waste pick-up and container drop-off. The proposed consolidation would also remove truck traffic on Whistler Avenue to the transfer station. The proposed action may resultin additional 9-to-12 cars in a peak hour;however,this projection does not account for the resident or business delivering to the two sites on the same day. It can be expected that a resident or business selects a waste drop day when they travel to both the transfer station and compost station for disposal. Further,the transfer station is open only half-days on Tuesday,Saturday and Sunday,and closed on Thursday. The proposed consolidated facility would result in the availability of the transfer station to full days during the week and half-days on the weekend. Regarding parking, the proposed project will create 12 formal parking spaces for patrons to safely park and unload materials. Access to the subject property would remain in its current location. However, the internal roadway would be modified to a one-way, paved loop driveway for improved circulation. Overall, the proposed action will not result in significant adverse traffic or parking impacts. 6. Air uality-The proposed action will reduce the number of trucks having to visit the Island for waste pick-up and drop-off and will not result in a significant increase in patron traffic.The subject property is an existing solid waste facility accessed via Whistler Avenue and 0.2 mile from the ferry Page 6 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Managem en t Facili ties dock,and thus,no vehicle delays would be expected. As such,there would be no increase in air emissions associated with traffic or vehicle idling. Further, no new significant air emissions sources are proposed. The proposed composting cover system would protect piles, thus minimizing the potential for dust and windborne sediment With,respect to air quality during construction,land surfaces disturbed during construction would be paved or planted as soon as practicable following disturbance,thereby minimizing the potential for the generation of fugitive dust. Additionally,during dry periods,a water truck would be brought to the site for the wetting of soils,to further minimize dust Excessive idling of construction equipment or vehicles would notbe permitted. Accordingly,no significant adverse changes in existing air quality are expected to result during construction. Overall,based upon the.above, no significant adverse changes in existing air quality will result upon implementation of the proposed action. 7. Noise 7 The proposed improvements would take place between 7:30 am to 5:30 pm during non- holiday weekdays and on a limited basis,would be undertaken on,Saturdays. No construction would take place on Sundays. The proposed development would generate typical sound levels from construction activities, including foundation construction, truck movements, and heavy equipment operations... Heavy machinery, such as front end.loaders, graders, bulldozers, and backhoes, would be used intermittently throughout the proposed project's construction. To mitigate construction-related noise impacts,the construction manager will oversee and prevent the idling of construction vehicles..In addition,all construction equipment utilized on-site will be equipped with properly operating noise muffler systems. The FIWMD and/or construction manager will also respond to any noise complaints during construction. As such, no significant adverse,construction noise impacts will result With respect to noise impacts after development, the subject property'has been used for solid waste management for,30 years and the activities to be undertaken upon implementation of the proposed action would not significantly alter the use of the property. The subject property is also adjacent to the Elizabeth Field Airport The proposed project would not increase the number of equipment operational hours of the on-site wheeled loader and may actually result in a slight reduction in such operational hours since the project would involve the implementation of a covered compost system. Further, upon implementation of the proposed action, all source- separated materials would be handled inside the mixing building. A diesel-powered shredder is and will continue to operate outside to,process logs and brush. Regarding the truck activity,the project would result in a slight reduction in the number of off-Island truck trips. Although trucks would be concentrated at the compost site,all trucks are required to be compliant with over-the- road noise limits and the FIWMD staff are on-site to address any potential issues. Additionally,the trucks would operate in the lower level of the facility site,where any noise impacts would be more contained to the site. As such,upon implementation of the proposed action,the noise environment at the subject property would be similar to that under existing conditions. Overall,the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse,noise impacts. 8. Odor - Upon implementation of the,proposed action, the FIWMD would commence accepting source-separated organic waste from users of the facility,which would be placed in the proposed mixing building,ground-up and added to the composting mass. This would result in an overall reduction in the amount of putrescible material in the outbound MSW containers. The proposed composting operation would occur inside the mixing building, which would maintain aerobic conditions; thereby,further reducing any potential for odors to occur. Finally,the composting approach;would include a full, cover'over the composting mass, with aeration of the pile automatically monitored and activated within. Such improvements modify the current practice of outdoor mixing and management,to indoor mixing and a cover system to protect and manage Page 7 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities compost piles. Overall,based upon the above,the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts associated with odors. 9. Solid Waste Generation and Management-The FIWMD handles approximately 792.5 tons of solid waste per year and there is no projected change in total volume handled upon implementation of the proposed action. Any changes in amounts handled in the future would be attributed to packaging and disposal trends,population changes, and similar factors. Single-stream recycling and the improvements to composting facilities would result in an increase in the amount of waste that can be composted and used on the Island,thus reducing the amount of waste required for transport and disposal off-Island. It is estimated that an additional 100±-to-150± tons of cardboard material,food waste,paper and MSW could be composted each year,which represents an approximately 14-to-20 percent waste reduction for traditional disposal. There would be also be a corresponding reduction in hauling and disposal costs. The proposed improvements would also support changes to the solid waste management practices of the FIWMD by, among other things, allowing for the implementation of single-stream recycling, composting of organic materials,and improving its reuse areas. All of these proposed changes are consistent with the recommendations of both New York State (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.Beyond Waste A Sustainable Materials Management Strategy for New York State. Adopted 12/27/2010)_ and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (United States Environmental Protection Agency,U.S.EPA Sustainable Materials Management Program Strategic Plan.Fiscal Years 2017-2022. October 2015)to improve waste management practices, Overall, based upon the above,no significant adverse impacts would occur. Rather,the proposed action is expected to result in beneficial impacts to solid waste management 10. Natural Communities-The proposed action is to occur within an operational area of an existing solid waste management facility that has occupied the subject property for 30 years. The proposed action would not include the removal of any native or natural vegetation,and includes stormwater management controls to accommodate stormwater runoff generated within the project site. The proposed slope stabilization measures, including seeding areas with native, non-invasive plantings and installation of erosion control blankets,would protect areas outside the project site, including areas of natural vegetation,wetlands and surface waters. Overall,the proposed action would not include the removal or destruction of vegetation or fauna; would not substantially interfere with the movement of any resident or migratory species; and would not impact threatened or endangered species of animal or plant, or the associated habitats. As such, no significant adverse impacts to natural resources would be expected upon implementation of the proposed action. 11. Critical Environmental Areas-The subject property is situated within two Critical Environmental Areas(CEAs)--Fisher's Island CEA and the Peconic Bay and Environs CEA. Both CEA's have their designations,as defined,"due to benefit to human health&protect drinking water." The proposed action will comply with the Fishers Island Watershed Protection Standards, which were established to minimize impacts of pollution on surface water quality and groundwater recharge. Also, the proposed action would establish stormwater controls, include methods to reuse stormwater such that the demands for additional water from the public water supply would be reduced,and situates improvements on developed or disturbed areas,thus requiring no natural vegetation to be removed. As such, the environmental characteristics of the CEAs will not be impaired 12, Historical Archeological Architectural and Aesthetic Resources. including Community and Neighborhood Character-There are no properties on Fishers Island listed or nominated for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places;however,there are structures within Fort H.G.Wright that are identified as being eligible for listing. The Fort H.G.Wright Fishers Island Historic District is also eligible for listing. According to the Cultural Resources Information System Page 8 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities of OPRHP,the subject property is also located within an archaeological-sensitive area. However, in correspondence dated June 29,2017,OPRHP advised there are no archaeological concerns. Regarding historic resources, in correspondence dated August 4, 2017, OPRHP indicated the following: "the proposed work will have No Adverse Impact upon historic resource[s]provided the following conditions are met.1. Plans and specifications for the planned wall improvements to the Batteries will be submitted for our review and comment prior to the initiation of work on these Batteries;,and,2.A construction protection plan will be put in place to protect the historic Batteries during the new construction-...Our intention ,with the above conditions is to respect the historic footprint of these structures which has survived and contributes to the history of Fort H.G. Wright. ,The purpose of our review of plans and specifications for the planned wall improvements is to retain this historic footprint outline." In accordance with OPRHP's comments,the requested plans and specifications would be provided to OPRHP prior to the initiation of work on the subject property. As,such,the proposed action would have no,significant adverse impacts to historic resources. The overall visual character of the subject property is that of a solid waste management facility. The proposed action would not alter the topography or vegetative buffers that exist between Fox Lane and the project site. The proposed design situates the mixing building and composting pads at the westerly portion of the facility, where there is adequate land area and is furthest from residential properties. It is expected that portions of the mixing building would be visible from the site entrance;however,the visual changes are not expected to be significant The FIWMD is also proposing to maintain the existing perimeter vegetation as well as to establish an area of evergreens along the northern area of the project site (adjacent to the operating area) for the ,purposes of providing a visual buffer from residential properties to the northeast of the facility. Based upon the FAA review of the building elevations, the proposed action would not pose a hazard to the Elizabeth Field airport Overall,implementation of the proposed action would not result in the impairment of the character or quality of important historical, archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources or of existing community or neighborhood character. The proposed action includes the installation of fixed lighting on the proposed'maintenance and mixing buildings,and pole lighting on select perimeter areas,which would comply with the Town of Southold lighting standards (Chapter 172 of the Town Code),and is subject to the review and approval of the Town Building Department As such,the proposed action is not expected to result in significant adverse lighting impacts. 13. Energy Resources-The proposed action will not result in a major change in the quantity or type of energy used. 14. Public Health Impacts-The FIWMD site,as part of the overall Fort H.G.Wright,is currently in the Defense Environmental Restoration Program-Formerly Used Defense Sites(FUDS)program. The FUDS program includes four categories, in which, based on available information and consultations with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE),the FIWMD was determined to be investigated under two of the four categories:(1)CON/HTRW(Containerized Storage/Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste),and (2) MMRP(Military Munitions Response Program). Both of these investigations are being led and implemented by USACE. Fort H.G.Wright is also listed as a New York State (NYS) Inactive Waste Site (#152241). With respect to the CON/HTRW investigation, the USACOE has advised the FIWMD of a planned removal of six abandoned underground storage tanks (USTs) and one transformer on the subject property. Based upon information provided by USACOE, the six USTs and one transformer are located outside of the project area. Pursuant to the USACOE in October 2016, this work was tentatively planned for FY2017;however,said work did.not:occur. The USACOE Ihas now advised of its plan to commence work in the summer of 2018. Page 9 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facih ties With respect to the MMRP investigation,the FIWMD caused an environmental investigation to be prepared to evaluate the likelihood of the presence of unexploded ordnance(UXO) in areas to be disturbed during site redevelopment as well as the potential for past site uses to have impacted soil quality. There is no reported history of UXO being found at the site;however,in 2007,the US Army Corps of Engineers recommended additional work on Fort H.G.Wright. The FIWMD is not aware of any additional investigations since the 2007 recommendation; however, the potential presence of UXO causedthe FIWMD to undertake investigations. The environmental investigation included a geophysical investigation, which did not identify any subsurface anomalies in the vicinity of the former batteries. There were subsurface anomalies detected on the site,but given the locations, it is not thought to be UXO. Notwithstanding, the FIWMD would undertake additional activities prior to and during construction to minimize and/or limit the likelihood of encountering UXO during the site redevelopment and the risks associated with such UXO. Regarding the soil investigation,soil samples were collected from areas which would be disturbed during the site redevelopment to determine if soils have been impacted by past site operations. Based upon the sampling results, there are no restrictions for reuse of soils on-site and no concerns of exposure to elevated levels of chemical contaminants in on-site soils by construction personnel or users on the site. Accordingly,based upon the above,the proposed action will not result in the creation of a hazard to human health. 15. Change of Use or Intensity of the Use-There are no changes to the currentland use as a solid waste management facility. The proposed action would not significantly change the intensity of use,as the services on-site would be altered to include the receiving of municipal solid waste and recyclables in four compactor boxes,while modernizing the activities performed on-site. As such, the proposed action will not substantially change the use, or intensity of use, of land including agricultural,open space or recreational resources,or in its capacity to support existing uses. 16. Land Use Compatibility and Consistency with Local Land Use Plans - The FIWMD is a special district established by the Town of Southold in 1952 for the purpose of providing solid waste handling and management to the residents and businesses of Fishers Island. In 1987,the subject property was transferred from the Town to the FIWMD for waste management services. For 30 years,the subject property has been used for such purpose. Regarding land use plans,the Fishers 'Island Strategic Plan 2007-2017 recognized the two main objectives of the proposed action, including:(1)the desire of the FIWMD to consolidate its facilities on the compost station property in order to reduce operating and staffing costs and improve efficiency; and (2) reducing the volume of garbage that is being shipped off the Island to reduce costs. A consistency analysis of the proposed action with the LWRP was performed determined to be consistent with the policies and goals of the LWRP. As such, the proposed action will not create a material conflict with a community's current plans or goals as officially approved or adopted. 17. Growth-Inducing Impacts-The FIWMD handles approximately 792.5 tons of solid waste per year and no changes are projected upon implementation of the proposed action. Any changes in amounts handled in the future would be attributed to packaging and disposal trends,population changes,and similar factors. Accordingly, the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse growth-inducing impacts. 18. Creation of Material Demand -The proposed action will not create a material demand for other actions that would result in one of the above-discussed consequences. 19. Cumulative Impacts- Implementation of the proposed action will not result in changes in two or more elements of the environment,no one of which has a significant impact on the environment, but when considered together result in a significant adverse impact on the environment Further, Page 10 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities implementation of the proposed action will not result in cumulative impacts that would meet any of the criteria set forth at 6 NYCRR§617.7. For Further Information: Contact Person: Beth Stern Address: Fishers Island Waste Management District P.O.Box 22 Fishers Island,New York 06390 Email: fiwastemanagement@gmail.com Telephone No.: (631) 788-7455, Page 11 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities A copy of this Determination is being sent to: Town of Southold Town Board,P.O.Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Town of Southold,Office of the Town Attorney,P.O.Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Town of Southold Planning Board,P.O.Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Ms. Carrie Meek Gallagher, Director, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, SUNY at Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,New York 11790 Mr.Jim Wade,P.E.,Environmental Engineer 2,Division of Materials Management,New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,SUNY at Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,New York 11790 Ms.Sherri Aicher,Environmental Analyst,Division of Environmental Permits,New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,SUNY at Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,New York 11790 Ms.Beth A.Cumming,Senior Historic Site Restoration Coordinator,NYS Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation,Division for Historic Preservation,P.O.Box 189,Waterford,New York 12888-0189 Suffolk County Planning Commission,H.Lee Dennison Building-11th Floor, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, P.O.Box 6100,;Hauppauge,New York 11788-0099 Page 12 Agency Ilse Only ltfappticabtel Full Ea vironmental Assessment Form eroded: Fiwa!o-C0M0kWWn a Feplmes Pint 2-Iderit JIcation of Potential Project Impacts Date! ' Part 2 is to be completed by the lead agency. Part 2 is designed to help the lead agency inventory all potential resources that could be affected by a proposed project or action. We recognize that the lead agency's reviewer(s)will not necessarily be environmental professionals. So,the questions are designed to walk a reviewer through the assessment process by providing a series of questions that can be,answered using the information found in Part 1. To further assist the lead agency in completing Part 2,the form identifies the most relevant questions in Part 1 that will provide the information needed to answer the part 2 question. When Part 2 is completed,the lead agency will,-have identified the relevant environmental areas that may be impacted by the proposed activity. If tate lead agency is a state agency and the action is in any Coastal Area,complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding..' with this assessment. RECEIVED Tips for completing Part 2: • Review all of the information provided in Part 1. • Review any application,maps,supporting materials and the Full F..AF Workbook:, JUL 3 2018 • Answer each of the 18 questions in Part 2. • If you answer"Yes"to a numbered question,please complete all the questions that follow in that section. • If you answer"No"to a numbered question,move on to the next numbered question. Southold Town Cier • Check appropriate column to indicate the anticipated size of the impact. " • Proposed prglects that would exceed a numeric threshold contained in a question should result in the reviewing agency checking the box"Moderate to large impact may occur." • The reviewer is not expected to be an expert in environmental analysis, , • Ifyou are not sure or undecided about the size of an impact,it may help to review the sub-questions for the general' question and consult the workbook. - • When answering a question consider all components of the proposed activity,that is,the"whole action'. • Consider the possibility for long-term and cumulative impacts as well as direct impacts. • ,Answer the question in,a reasonable manner considering the scale and context of the project 1. Impact on Land Proposed action may involve'construction on;or physical alteration of, []NO ®YES the land surface of the proposed site. '(See Part 1.D.1) If"Yes';answer ouestions a-i.,I "No'; mane on to Section 2. Cf -C; rs ..A��,�.t. .T!1°:!�: Relevant No,or Moderate Elji' r-; E'I n{'u`5�?„' ,i I,1Fk IZr. l.l�il r.8' 'L,,•rr r'i ,z•' `r�.ly,- T'f'.t' Irl,' 11.r'v rS `.tt:><Sa:'tr7l3;i�'3GIi1, i 4. +x+: I, > ,="{i;°r��f"ti_''• ,�;��.r,,.:.�';' )E•Art:I SmAII 'to large "• „41;!.1'��I,I';I a 9'.!I}M:, _i.d+ I I;_ �'�i t}' - .�;.�,., i" - _ c. r,s-r-•-' '.1 - r�";' P) d, nt .1('irF'i' ;;rE�liiy',rr' ,lp.';('j';h `=_ til!i uestion(s impact impact may - - - _ _`.�L i, .r r - " 'Question(s) 1� h y "' '�fr'r<�E: •rrk; iF,•'s- _� �iT,t�l a,:M h .l.Tr iEt:rIFM..,"1h„re._Ii�i12!r - i.11iMn I.L�:Ir—r .�c'r'=1i h`�}�k�,( ,.;�;:rii.:ri-'��%`!'i•jr l ''s- :r'. �?„.J'..,n l`;'�.,;,ud itr.i.'` — may QC4'Ur OCa77dr a.The proposed action may involve construction on land where depth to water table is E2d ❑ ❑ less than 3 feet. b.The proposed action may involve construction on slopes of 15%or greater. E21' ® ❑ c.The proposed action may involve construction on land`where bedrock is exposed,or E2a ® ❑ generally within 5 feet of existing ground surface.- d.The proposed action may involve the excavation and removal of more than 1,000 tons D2a ® ❑ of natural material. e.The proposed action may involve construction that continues for more than one year Dle ® ❑ or in multiple phases. f.The proposed action may result in increased erosion,whether from physical D2e,D2q ®' ❑ disturbance or vegetation removal including from tredtment by herbicides). g.The proposed action is,or may be,located within a Coastal Erosion hazard area. B 1 i 0 ❑ h.Other impacts:'The proposed action would result in an alteration of land type coverages. Nage 1 of,'la { 2. Impact on Geological Features The proposed action may result in the modification or destruction of,or inhibit a access to,any uniquo or unusual land forms on the site(e.g.,cliffs,dunes, ®NO []YES minerals,fossils,caves). (See Part 1.E.2.g) I "Yes", answer questions a-c. I•"No", tstove on to Section 3. f.xl r III r—i,'�c I'',,- - , .�'- ,'._� 3g U1.: -_r v y -uF.}II Cikt; ar _ { 3, Z t° I., �_3 Ir#c t'It:i !,; t L, .' Y- ., } , ;k, Relevant 'No,or Moderate r` •l" ..£.t •��-j„ a '" -.n"^:at-:5';'!o}" - I e'�'C'I�r} _ rs!•7'i,..'�t C` 4 I _ f ==J.Y -•R',Iw s i'di i•rts'•�-�Zj,api,•li I •tai ,in' r :o- ' ;!, lPart I small to large `,i7:•9 wY�,dj,�4%i'n o,a �m',t��;� p„'`ae,. - _z�, ` '.F¢- ! '-. ._ .`Iy .',.w ,J^�.I_'r'i' •'e�X' - -- vtj` -Y i�•-.-�>"a•, _ _ =x: -� c," `_ `•:_ i' +s l� +"^:.'":_T Ir,';t;.� r f�'!� E� .I,�v`•'Fe i rl. ,i=, 'T,iti 5Y•!' YI vA 7! I it»iltiij'iY l`ti'r'-bT n'11.1 Y:_•' ''i + :�4-�y,.4�Lt ,u,..d:t� •o r.',if!'. ;-k"!, ' j: ;t ='' /�ueestion(s) impact impact may ta',Ir f ,i -q,; ,f r?p 'P- ,f?: X4"7, 4u;il,, l; "i•`7�a:i�w i:e 4,Lstir!;hY."'.S._,i,�, i'-�,. „3�,,a:alil,ir �:r'`• ,.;IS9_i#i ,a('2.,f,! -':F, j,li''I, ,, InR occur occur a.identify the Specific land form(s)attached: Egg ° ❑ a j b.JU-proposed action may affect or is adjacent to a geological feature listed as a E3c ❑ ❑ registered National Natural Landmark. Specific feature: c. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ 3. Impacts on Surface Water The proposed action may affect one or more wetlands or other surface water ®NO OYES bodies(e.g.,streams,rivers,ponds or lakes). (See Part 1.D.2,E.21) I "Yes",answer questions a-L 9"No", move on to Section 4. mo.`s;�We;',,,r,Ia�,. .,5.k I,Y,:,1y1'i w,i 1!7, ,s I•,ndn,. �e•n-.:,- Ia t. F:'Lnp,I I,�,! r`x mans i,r- ! $'- -- ;r•F! - x..Irr''i , -- Relevant No or Moderate I;v;;• .:iN'�n•: - .. ,un:'`k•'r'15';:,Kit';g'; I,l"•,uX9•,�uc:'<r(a'A.gz 7 afr rui i+Ile§ ,j.i, ,I i +.C,_:i'd` 11 •'i_'Ic: _ ,i,•;,' _^io; - _ 'C;', Part 1 Small to large .'i"I "''�,,, ''a rL I, I!, rii`'' z :ue l'i',:a.. _ ,_1 ` ,ri 1 a,.s ,Y.,:: x•:" :,lii:'+,,'`i,r'.'.dl"' III:•vx,'1 e,I T!''I ;'� ixa I�i4, Question(s) � impact ma impact im _.}.,�.� -.'_=v:;r:u� "�'-. :,.- `_-`_x'�:st' a•1,1 ?-';;4b Y_ t ;,!.I is .i S` ,ms ' :sa ^,Carry tom•: - tY'r.=1 - " ;•r,"Y i,,�yiig.i.lr;,}i'• may occur oixur a.The proposed action may create a new water body. D2b,D1h ® ❑ b.The proposed action may result in an increase or decrease of over 10%or more than a D2b ® ❑ 10 acre increase or decrease in the surface arca of any body of water. c.The proposed action may involve dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material D2a ® ❑' from a wetland or water body. d.The proposed action may involve construction within or adjoining a freshwater or E2h ® ❑ tidal wetland,or in the bed or banks of any other water body. e.The proposed action may create turbidity in a waterbody,either from upland erosion, D2a,D2h ® ❑ runoff or by disturbing bottom sediments. f.The proposed action may include construction of one or more intakes)for withdrawal D2c 0 13 of water from surface water. g.The proposed action may include construction of one nr more outfall(s)for discharge D2d ® ❑ of wastewater to surface water(s). h.The proposed action may cause soil erosion,or otherwise create a source of D2e ® ❑ stormwater discharge that may lead to siltation or other degradation of receiving water bodies_ i.The proposed action may affect the water quality of any water bodies within or E2lx ❑ —downstream of the site of the proposed action. j.The proposed action may involve the application of pesticides or herbicides in or D2q,E2h ® ❑ around any water body. k.The proposed action may require the construction of new,or expansion of existing, Dla,D2d ® ❑ wastewater treatment facilities. Page 2'of 10 1.Other impacts: ® ❑ 4. Impact on groundwater The proposed action may result in new or additional use of ground water,or []NO ®YES may have the potential to introduce contaminants to ground water or an aquifer. (See Part 1.D.2.a,D.2.c,D.2.d,D.2.p,D.2.q,D.2.t) I "Yes",answer questions a-h. If"No", moue on to Section S. - ~y 6[;��Tudl,l'L•:.(•t' '9 �;:.�, �i 3 ..`T.;I'•�,b:'i rl'��I d ( '��np -- ''i- �.{K,...'.I �'i _ <r,*`:'Ci "4 Rir,yioilrld;s 3,Gf,�'�':t ;',il,„E' i c ,•I rlf tfbt:R,I;'i�ra,L:� ;',s;, ,�..,1; +,r;3, ,A ' Relevant No or Moderate _a�t';' r:a,l� :.k a,- ''-• _ -- :'P''< '•;'_ "c., � el'I�",;•�-e.r%•I4;t;i':kr,,;'E:r6l,cfv&.I- tla,)`ii,l�gh�h91'F'l,'7P>:"•r,•�4'.i� n•.. .•' y;u f� I _ w.',, nF'S`,,'.3r',. a.,. 1�arri•51�!` ,I �-�f ,� .'ixi h ' ';it''I'i'I'i,'•��;I Apr''I,'.:� ���r°"'!'P- "t .,,, -'Y -ex Parti small to large ,�.�.' 'i^�� blS i{.�inr- � ., I i ,,I'.� .. !q•TR,,,T6'I., i1.iJ:�� ;'ti'1:' 14• � �l`i i,". �i. r�-0�}ti;,a-''fr.=Li-,�.., r:ark=�'—t•cf rt,rq�..;'i 'i•:ri.�y_ i�1'a.t__,:�c.)_ __ _ ,I,.-'� _ ,v' •,•9'•'lido- �"Az f'.°4�., ,.r,.',�rfrl��r,„.C�i',._�.�1�� _-+,t�'�_�d„t_ �•.�d...4i=T�r�__���„ ,!.'�f��.�1•I�l��a",w�,��,�1',�.:r•�k�3,6�4}„-1-r;d�. p P Y :uet�:.t't•- `_,i•.-- .rk.#',- s'_^,=h. - - ''�. �.tr,.., --"'i =•{'••,•"t,=-+ __ `r''-.cc,'�, YNa UCCUr UCCIIr a.The proposed action may require new water supply wells,or create additional demand D2c ® ❑ on supplies from existing water supply wells. b.Nater supply demand from the proposed action may exceed safe and sustainable D2c 0 ❑• withdrawal capacity rate of the local supply or aquifer. Cite Source: r c.The proposed action may allow or result in residential uses in areas without water and D1a,132c ® ❑ sewer services. d.The proposed action may include or require wastewater discharged to groundwater. D2d,E2[ e.The proposed action may result in the construction of water supply wells in locations D20,Eli; ® ❑ where groundwater is,or is suspected to be,contaminated. E1g,Elh f.The proposed action may require the hulk storage of petroleum or chemical products D2p,E21 ❑ over;round water or an aquifer. g.The proposed action may involve the commercial application of pesticides within 100 E2h,D2q, ® ❑ feet of potable drinking water or irrigation sources. E2I,D2c h. Other impacts: The proposed consolidation would increase wslter usage nn the compost ® ❑ station property. A stormwater basin Is proposed to accommodate and recharge s ormwa er orrs�te. —� ' 5. Impact on Flooding The proposed action may result in development on lands subject to flooding,. ®ISO ❑YES ' (See Part 1.E.2) I 1�"Yes", answer questions a-g, I "No",inove on to Section b. �tUi 1ll� 1:91„�W.f�gR ern,s(:=+"'vxf,Ckl'•_i .'�,�y�'vn--i_..r!_..•Fnt�_ .ry-.i,'.ji,,+�.. !rti'.'- T�'li� _- — 1;'�4?�.1,wry ,!i --•, n _,x:� q._;Ir r.� �' -ter 7 e f,}' �i�,-,.;:_ ti, �,r,,.,,,�,,, ..,i• Relevant No •�. ���: �� b.�; , r-i:”- ,;r �.__' ,,,�•_ .,�,,,,;�_ _ �,>•;�-�,; ,: �:� >�rir: or Moderate toil t.i'i:7 SM, _ e•._A-,,•i '.,,a:s= _ tu, 3;}�,i,jr is°< f,,,r;r;';. *,. is i; .,, Part I small to large s�I!((�!,I'F� ylr,4�,l elA,la;1i4=«zlT ��•I i1�i i� -'e.r 1.�i�+? 17;tarr.,:'i.iL uestion($ impact impact may 'i t��,'LS�'�,`.-r_ ,�,(•;1+�-,'�'n II i..�gid`_.•9 •, r;sx''r�i.�,a! � _ +fi Q l� Y Pa Y ii rI�Y 'rllvrci,,�L r,A1,it.dN.IF}Ktn,tfi"�"'i-;,i• i.Lltn'-ar.ix,lig'dw-J's=ti:r,fg1'_.�G.r3.,a(�';:;,.:•rg;. �: ;;•,i�,' ='L;.=`_","•''1 ma occur • occur :a•'.�t =1._��� U- ..,.^,'. - �,,�•.in,,i:•I :.,.� f�•;ie- >,,' �"�a,�y,�- ,.�?�.'R-.laa� a.The proposed action may result in development in a designated#loodway. E2i o ❑ b.The proposed action may result in development within a 100 year floodplain. P,2j ❑ ❑ c.The proposed action may result in development within a 500 year fidodplain. E2k u ❑ d.The proposed action may result in,or require,modification of existing drainage 132b,We ❑ ❑ patterns. e.The proposed action may change flood water flows that contribute to flooding. D2b,E2i, ❑ ❑ E2',Elk f.If there is a dam located on the site of the proposed action,is the dam in need of repair, BIC 0 ❑ or-upgrade? Page 3 of 10 g,Other impacts: _ ❑ n, G. Iampacts on Air The proposed action may include a state regulated aur emission source. ®NO ®YES (See Part 1.D.21,D,2,h,D.2.g) If"Yes", answer questions a-f I "No", move on to Section 7. Relevant'-- 'qa-1. _. 1'��9r''''1;fi44 ij1:°i'I _;izr3'_',;-2" R' `el �,. 2Y Ii•sl'=r''"ilitin;�ti t';,Q' ;?.Izi _ ,i. '--5 -`i Revant N M '`'r'b:l�a'.';G•'r'1 t .i-r .SPI _ i11±'�'=`t'I�tIl,r,.e;"x-c'il�-: -_ _i;' ?_ _ i l''f<:° i1,:I���,'`.i—�• 11 D,or Moderate .{ .It ;1:, .L_a'%�:r - ".'r'y�-.c�• uii.�_ 1.t`- �r11�•- u�•, �N. f.,�"r,�'•,.i_i:�il�"�-cs::, r il�!,p'a„ _ '`ac -.i11{;l'1,'iC Iul'Ii1Y'u',=A.`f;lrij' t,1a:,r„Ir5T1;<,.yt- ' ' - ``'-,.•11i .II'I:gh =�'if - - Pard small to targe L' = QIIE3U011(S) IIDFACt impact may '`t, `II,- gi a`a,''' -i _ f1.�''�✓, .Z.%,.'( __.`L `> 'L+3' _ r yy��� .1 [� 'yy� Fi I..11,y may occur QVC4�i a.If the proposed action requires federal or state air emission permits,the action may also emit one or more greenhouse gases at or above the following levels: i. More than 1000 tons/year of carbon dioxide(CO2) D2g ❑ ❑ H. More than 3.5 tons/year of nitrous oxide(N20) D2g ❑ ❑ iii.More than 1000 tons/year of carbon equivalent of perfluorocarbons(PFCS) D2g ❑ ❑ iv.More than.045 tons/year of sulfur hexafluoride(SF,5) D2g ❑ ❑ v. More than 1000 tons/year of carbon dioxide equivalent of D2g ❑ ❑ hydrochloroflourocarbons(HFCs)emissions vi.43 tons/year or more of methane D2h ❑ ❑ I i b.The proposed action may generate 10 tons/year or more of any one designated D2g n [3 hazardous air pollutant,or 25 tons,�year or more of any combination of such hazardous air pollutants. c.The proposed action may require a state air registration,or may produce an emissions D2f,D2g ❑ ❑ rate of total contaminants that may exceed 5 lbs.per hour,or may include a heat source capable of producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. d.The proposed action may reach 50%of any of the thresholds in"a"through"c", D2g ❑ ❑ above. e.The proposed action may result in the combustion or thermal treatment of more than 1 D2s ❑ ❑ ton of refuse per hour. £Other impacts: ❑ n 7. Impact on Plants and Animals The proposed action may result in a loss of flora or fauna. (See fart 1.E.2.m.-q.) V]NO ❑YES I "Yes", answer questions a- I ".No",move on to.S'ection 8. '&.=4.��^tl i=`=ilri ie I.r°� .:•i,{. ;_ipi6Gle�dnt = NO,or Moderate .:l Edd 'ire'1 puYyN, "VPt'.x:.; ; Part I small to large _4 "�.j�ll�il'n ii"f'IS.f�;�LIQ.�•-- � -; t �.' -,?,'j.'r_ .'.q„dt n.l:,G'Ki,l IU<.', __ `, 1 S. .{- r '�,I '_t: " L,x_'t �2.w :�I- .1 E,;I s'. IyI,Il'f,1.1.''?1'I.v,•A. _ t= _' ."I iFl;ilii^}i I.al,„ I.i= Qnmestion(s) impact impact may ' may DCCUr 4CCllr =''� -I-'{,"-fi�tI- =i•:'P '' '� I-_''- I Y2"_'h. f�� ;� ti�'yly•'n- i' _ i?,:I,•I�Ina.fc�... r_'_S «1 ,�'<"a i.^» ,4.'Iia'i'o5'i,4..._I_..,I 1 �f�;',I�I ,.,t'^'f?"5-a a.The proposed action may cause reduction in population or loss of individuals of any E20 o q threatened or endangered species,as listed by New York State or the Federal government,that use the site,or are found on,over,or near the site. b.The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of any habitat used by E2o ❑ ❑ any rare,threatened or endangered species,as listed by New York State or the federal government. c.The proposed action may cause reduction in population,or loss of individuals,of any E2p ❑ n species of special concern or conservation need,as listed by New York State or the Federal Eovernment,that use the site,or are found on,over,or near the site. d.The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of any habitat used by E2p a n any species of special conecin and conservation need,as listed by New York State or the Federal government, Page 4 of 10 e.The proposed action may diminish the capacity of a registered National]Natural E3c ❑ ❑ Landmark to support the biological community it was established to protect- f.The proposed action may result in the removal of,or ground disturbance in,any E2n ❑ ❑ portion of a designated significant natural community. Source: g.The proposed action may substantially interfere with nesting/breeding,foraging,or EZm El ❑ aver-wintering habitat for the predominant species that occupy or use the project site. h.The proposed action requires the conversion of more than 10 acres of forest, E I b 13 o grassland or any other regionally or locally important habitat. Habitat type&information sourco: i.Proposed action(commercial,industrial or recreational projects,6nly)involves use of D2q o ❑ herbicides or pesticides. j.Other impacts: ❑ 17 8. Impact on Agricultural Resources The proposed action may impact agricultural resources. (See Pan,L E.3.a. and b.) [)NO []YES ff"Fes", answer aue_stions a-h. I "No",move on to Section 9. �ylw-,.i i=• 'i�r_i`t'.'':1 ':y.�;:41s'g:;V, 'r.iTi"t7,._ ' ii'f :, - .iy-`t•:icy 4, i el�1j���,1�1 a; i'.:[�_- „i._�4 Relevant � 4���jIErJ'rJ ' ^S =a`- •N;--�;»;;7 is + '=t= �-. -- __ ,t�F'�- , �'••- Ant No or Moderate 3.,i �tr,?ii�i�i �s1' '-;',-tf ) . I', - y�•i )!a'r:Y,f �'F 1,, 1 {n", �;iin i�i,_d tun•.x l i' '„'I�'!`d ,�7•'Fa'O,xt. Lf_'.. �Ti �,,�' •�;I�'i_t�.4'oi�'y�,r��•- I i i^.� t.I:°ji;# nl' . �9, Pah„ 1'�r.;e. .¢.,{,,I 1• „�� s_i .- r1'; i,l: ;C"•'i Yi '. 1,d„r, ',_sE ttr'•I;.�.i^lj,•'la' i ' _'"�-".',� •'' ,'-;}.,ra•r ,.�.irllTi.3l_.,...^;� �r� . f I•i,f•7`fi•.?Pl:a[`s''rlr�l Part small to large 7rdyyn'sxh i f°��_,: i r•., .ii i 1'f p q. 1 xfii9, r'c' i;i.. _S i, I��I��. n i,l ad1r'G,7"� p .* � i17'h'•i•#'„ �i=c'- ^i t -- - ia;f.�•k'' �•' 'i'i : �' -� - C Question(s) "impact impact 111$ A'P��'"' -Yi "'r�rl.� irz]-,.iif!•t:�r.. _c }•• - .� (,'_.�.F`','f;i!'_�l �t^�':F ,,S_+,`•,+;v is rF:•!5R`I[�'�Fu _ L _ "E•:';�';:��tprY yL'f :L-- r. t J -�'�4 T, a =,a, ma occur occur a.The proposed action may impact soil classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the Rte,EA ❑ ❑ NYS Land ClassifIcaiion System. h.The proposed action may sever,cross or otherwise limit access to agricultural land Ela,Elb ❑ 13 includes cropland,hayfields,pasture,vineyard,orchard,etc). c.The proposed action may result in the excavation or compaction of the soil profile of E3b ❑ ❑ active agricultural land. d.The proposed action may irreversibly convert agricultural land to non-agricultural Elb,E3a ❑ ❑ uses,either more than 2.5 acres if located in an Agricultural District,or more than 10 acres if not within an Agricultural District. e.The proposed action may disrupt or prevent installation of an agricultural land El a,Elb ❑ ❑ management system. f.The proposed action may result,directly or indirectly,in increased development C2c,C3, ❑ ❑ potential or pressure on farmland, D2c,D2d g.The proposed project is not consistent with the adopted municipal Farmland C2c ❑ a Protection Plan. h.Other,impacts:_ ❑ IJ Page-5 of 10 9. Impact on Aesthetic Resources The land use of the proposed action are obviously different from,or are in ®NO ❑YES sharp contrast to;current land use patterns between the proposed project and a scenic or aesthetic resource. (Part 1.E.La,E.Lb,E,3.h.) Y"Yes answer-questions a-z I "No",go to Section 10. .:W.W'Iy_t':'•3CI�'I1 I 3 3' v. •: .�»,,...yL _,F . ... - =,r, ta++"'W' h'. im�,nus- 1?,z. ti iif;i ' Relevant No,or Moderate '7��I`:rl _ '•, �_i 'S�IrLI �n&: '" , ;�i y,>rh,,;��,1"3.^.'`""r ho�ai'�;,,�-'- 7,1 �.r� !� :�I "'I,i�e�'1�:�a�i� �c'-�;�i�.,. I _J.� ..�:,`�.j,-i,. ff �• :<'F I'i R'„f:{', 1-i'��' _ ,{=i(G�, "•YI?'la:yl rtt„Fig^�... �_;t -,�, � Iii�••I: •,i�•��i.IT will{17•c �, _ 1:,- Parti small to lame �_j! ?Ci.>I,1 i- •.; ..,' , vlE�„i='�,i' ti i'.. --L- ”' y *1 -4.. � 'u ,i N`t�I{ 'i'1!. •• i - �o'!I':i 'ai -['1 •. ' �_:l if_�' ..I tl: t M1 ”;— F is"„=ti Ltit4%„•`'S lat u_' ,'”:'gl'I i' IY:kl JlitJl _ QII@St1011(5 LIn11aCt impact ma'y' "i'_!;"- "zl, I - „nL T• ;Ij'._= ` _ `;r, :C.,1• - ,f �[a.:, may oeGnr occur a.Proposed action may be visible from any officially designated federal,state,or local E3h ❑ ❑ scenic or aesthetic resource, b.The proposed action may result in the obstruction,elimination or significant E3h,C2b ❑ ❑ screening of one or more officially designated scenic views. c.The proposed action may be visible from publicly accessible vantage points: E3h i.Seasonally(e.g.,screened by summer foliage,but visible during other seasons) ❑ ❑ ii.Year mund ❑ ❑ d.The situation or activity in which viewers are engaged while viewing the proposed E311 action is: i. Routine travel by residents,including travel to and from.work E2q' ii.Recreational or tourism based activities E le ° ° e.The proposed action may cause a diminishment of the public enjoyment and E3h ❑ ❑ appreciation of the designated aesthetic resource. f. There are similar projects visible within the following distance of the proposed Dla,Ela, ❑ ❑ project: Dlf,Dlg 0-1/2 mile %z-3 mile 3-5 mile 5+ mile g.Other impacts: ❑ ❑ 714. Impact on Historic and Archeological Resources The proposed action may occur in or adjacent to a historic or archaeological ❑NO ©YES resource. (Part 1.E.3.e,f.and g.) I "Yes", answer questions a-e. If"No", go to Section IL ^'I;� -,._.'i'J�'.�ilI''in'I`'.7' t'•`,^-?•l' :� spa<; _1_''-t'�'y;•if�.ir• -` _t: _ 't�ri�•So -" t''.,:.� _ " Relevant No,or Moderate ED y Part i { _ 11small to large -ir .;3i-,> styli L'i}�^'--' ��at..n: �.� =r,., ,-rc. .s elil•?�`r--�.{'{A'°.j, = 1fJ il.. .;I' ,':%'i'I.�'' H"iii;`,.s _ '6 .1='t6.:,ii'.:ai' - _ - <'Iiil,4t :•I.4;1'�y iLTF.Y ,ii; - __ _ ';i!;,cl 1,j;l,,a -�_� .µ .iyi Qaestion(s) Impact impact may '`i• ,�.' ,I. may occur occur a.The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous E3e ® ❑ to,any buildings,archaeological site or district which is listed on or has been nominated by the NYS Board of Historic Preservation for inclusion on the State or National Register of Historic Places. b.The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous Of ® ❑ to,an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SBPO)archaeological site inventory. c.The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous E3g ® ❑ to,an archaeological site not included on the NY SHPO inventory. Source: Page 6 of 10 d.Other impacts: ❑ ❑ If any of theabove(a-d)are answered"Moderate to large impact may e• occur",continue with the following questions to help support conclusions in Part 3: I. The proposed action may result in the destruction or alteration of all or part Me,E3g, [] ❑ of the site or property. E3f ii. The proposed action may result in the alteration of the property's setting or 1;3e,EH, d integrity. Mg,E l a, Elb iii. The proposed action may result in the introduction of visual elements which E3e,Mt [� ❑ are out of character with the site or property,or may alter its setting. E3g,E3h, C2 C3- 11. Impact on Open Space and Recreation The proposed action may result in a loss of recreational opportunities or a ZNO YES reduction of an open space resource as designated in any adopted municipal open space plan. (See Part 1.C.2,c,E.I.e.,E.2.q.) I "Yes", answer questions a-e. I "No", o to Vection 12. -- 'I"'I, uf�N ,3, ;�' f"_', +�•'I :;'� •i,711��1'� �._FFr7..7!:1_. -.ir='�.I_i �'111'✓'li'1,�•,•• �i,�„F, •l�� Relevant NO Or Moderate rl %'('��IriT't dGi;`- ._ i'i _ n - •11,1 M1r'I.t f 1 '', ;'• n "l2°' P•I, i •?,�I I'I'i 1'a-yi:r,, 1 c,' '1 _:� 3"� pn,,',f�,<yfa 1, 1',: _ %4 i i•� ,c+�':-i'y' ,• ;, "1 .K•�Il a�r �,i, .hii,�; _.'... ; .=f•!;11, ��3 r •g,'„11 �1 ..i 1• r'�I.� Part ' 4��i',�1 } g1 bi�1't1 ' , r small to large b M'i' "i• �:I+ 1,i. °y �.Y�j..•r71•i' r'1.q _ ..t ,iT. •,�`_`T i.i, i i• .In I.xil,ii', !__ '1, v-'r f,i'1. L rk 1•,.' ;'�,'dr - (�Qestnon(s) impact impact may i' lyil�Y"'i}f'•+;'L-- ,.d>• `i '- "�,Tl W' Ink"'I;�?;�`'%•111 'll ?i'"+,=.��!! '�'�Z: tl�t�'iti iv'i i�tji rit!ii,•�O'r,li' "int F'''ili' illi. 'bl•_i�`. 'el 41 ..y .. may occur occur a.The proposed action may result in an impairment of natural functions,or"ecosystem D2e,Elb ❑ ❑ services",provided by an undeveloped area,including but not limited to stormwater E2h, storage,nutrient cycling,wildlife habitat. E2m,E2o, E2n,E2 b.The proposed action may result in the loss of a current or future recreational resource. C2a,Ele, ❑ ❑ C2c,E2 c.The proposed action may eliminate open space or recreational resource in an area C2a,C2c o 0 with few such resources. Me,E2q d.The proposed action may result in loss of an area now usod informally by the C2c,Etc ❑ ❑ community as an open space resource. e. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ 12. )(iaapact on Critical Environmental Areas - - -The proposed action may be located within or adjacent to a critical NO ®YES environmental area(CEA). (See Part 1.E,3.d) ! "Yes", answer questions a-c. 1 "No',ko toSection 13. ; :�e••;3j�'•p ,'x1F>,'r T;' .4"'I=2'i� ii�r',::'•,I• "' Relevant 1 }1, •' •I, t ! a 1 f,r• " -. :�•1!, _ {}. -- 1^ i 4 r. No,Qr Moderate tl N i _1'(''I'rJ:i'I'f4' if'_,�,f, - 1s �9•,1�ai� I•7 i�f`�'.1• 1''S.. _1 �•�_�. ��T y`6 i'•y_o:'i �.,`,iar barsmall` r�liT, -rj;f1L i" li{I 7 _ f';•.`.ci.iujyallf�' tr.t"=i= .^r•.;'r• Part I ll �;:Y� 'c - "'�i _ -� '�j111,Srl.St'i 14'`hr's•'= r' •' - %' -�• _�:,.,=�a-35 ,'i_- -?5,+'•t'+r� - -( to large ''r .,.t !�' :<'u_.i L:•i' ��!_;,:,rr-+ •- .+;✓ ,I y' '. !.' 1 ;r(.•ri"1i i .k:��'^i T•3( �'�d `%c$e�.r`__ __- '` _ _=wa'fi�'I'rl is n�t".1 r=•rd`�;�. !`-- -_�'�`�.��•�7�'• ,fd-"�:.^Yiri7""�l"•r�; - i�,1t!;'_�� �' -yT i'1,�:�1. _ Question(s) impact impact may -''S' if,.t,ei,l„b'r�''IG'Tt'r �`>- :`�'_.a ,rl ji.."l':'% ',,,�IjL'i5�':ri'1-•'it,:'., ..rd{1 - - I•.:,t=�;->t;: M� in occur occur a.The proposed action may result in a reduction in the quantity of the resource or E3d m ❑ characteristic which was the basis for designation ofthe CFA. b.The proposed action may result in a reduction in the quality of the resource or E3d ® ❑ characteristic which was the basis for designation of the CEA. c.Other impacts: The subject property is located within the boundaries of the Fishers Island CEA ® ❑ and the Peconlc Bay and Envirpns CEA. Page 7 of 10 13. Impact on Transportation The proposed action may result in a change to existing transportation systems. []NO Q YES (See Part 1.D.2 j) — -if"Yes answer questions a-,f if"Aio go to Section 14. R e levant No,or Moderate •P Part I small to large Ed- tl -,-V A- nz Lj"� '. '�m 41 1 "M Question(s) impact impact may b F 131 Y IT V ff may occur occur .a.Projected traffic increase may exceed capacity of existing road network. D2j 0 1:1 b.The proposed action may result in the contraction of paved parking area for 500 or D2j 21 ❑ more vehicles. c.The proposed action will degrade existing transit access. D2j d.The proposed action will degrade existing pedestrian or bicycle accommodations. D2j 0 El o.The proposed action may alter the present pattern of movement of people or goods. D2j 0 13 f Other impacts:U—wn implementation,the proposed relocation of the transfer station actIvIttes 0 ❑ may result In an additional 9-to-12 cars in a peak hour at the compost station site. 14. Impact on Energy The proposed action may cause an increase in the use of any form of energy. R]NO MYES (See Part 1.D.21) "Yes answer queslionv a-e. If"No—,go to Section 15. ,j Relevant�H No,or Moderate Part I small to large i,.. j,1 "."K I'l ill! _En Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action will require a new,or anugBade to an existing,substation. D2k 1:1 E3 b.The proposed action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission D 1 f, 0 El or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two-family residences or to serve a Dlq,D2k commercial or industrial use. c.The proposed action may utilize more than 2,500 MWhrs per year of electricity. D2k f C3 [3 d.The proposed action may involve heating and/or cooling of more than 100,000 square Dig U 0 feet of building area when completed. e.Other Impacts: 15. Impact on Noise,Odor,and Light The proposed action may result in an increase in noise,odors,or outdoor lighting. [:]NO YES (See Part 1.D.2.m.,ri.,and o-) If"Yes", answer quesdons a f If"No go to Section 16 4- W :z I P. L:, Relevant evant Na,or Moderate small to large T' ,Z Part I Question(s) impact impact may ILF 'A' .�: ip .- 5', , " may occur occur a.The proposed action may produce sound above noise levels established by local D2m 0 0 regulation. b.The proposed action may result in blasting within 1,500 feet of any residence, D2m,Eld 0 13 hospital,school,licensed day care center,or nursing home. 0.The prupnsed action may result in routine odors for more Than one hour per day. D2o 0 11 Page 8 of 10 d.The proposed action may result in light shining onto adjoining properties. 1)2n ® ❑ e.The proposed action may result in lighting creating sky-glow brighter than existing D2n,Ela ® ❑ area conditions. f.Other impacts:All waste activiUes would be consolidated on the compost site,thereby increasing ❑ activity and operating hours. lb. Impact on Human Health 'The proposed action may have an impact on human health from exposure ❑NO ®YES to new or existing sources of contaminants. (See Part l.D.2.q.,E.I.d.f g. and h.) I "Yes" anntiveY questions a-in. I "No go to Section 17. . + - -- - - -` Relevant Noor Moderate Illi I:�s i Sidi,iii M31,1': -i�`_TX+-;,a; r. �� rr^-�'--_`,,a; �' .'�tia�'r �'.�,- _ _;i_ �i 11 S�,(•- '1:, j ,.G I, C,.� i�•,I'i�`'' ,a: ..�_ ml-.1 t,tl.�+= '7.t A..',=_ �-L':C,..1' =1-_k?P'}i,lh"' �-� 'c�� , i,, '''"'T_;1 Part I small to large ,y.Y"'�h-- "• s rp; -: - ._ r - �f� ..r.i-.: ^_i`��:-a. Wit. �Yr 11.1� ii C_a,ir'PY '�l5' ;?� nt5 fid!,,,;w.,,ri�..A,,;y FY - •P'it 1.t' •�c.;i,,.. ,;.,,,�. (i,,. 'b 'iI� `'I't' �i �''trry d•its+'F_y�t-- -0 11i1�• • •�;,�r�•,ai'"V,y� `y' 1.1. � �xi i';' r.6•; ;tliL !�t•.'Ix*.;.^4t-ii.}r, �,i, iitii74;�iir di .`:a4;"Il.i.,:.ud. �:^,� , ". �.'- `_; ' ociir•'` i�•i.; Questions) impact impact may f,-' {i',�r'�::Lii:'!t� .iml„�H'yn�Vp�r.r �, .,Tifu r"tu} `ff,y',1;y ul' 3,+ t-' �•- maycecur occur a.The proposed action is located within 1'500 feet of a school,,hospital,licensed day Eld 0 ❑ care center,gro42 home,nursing home or retirement community. b.The site ofthe proposed action is currently undergoing remediation. 'Elg,Elh ® ❑ d.There is a completed emergency spill remediation,or a completed environmental site Elg,Elh ® ❑ remediation on,or adjacent to,the site ofthe proposed action. d.The site of the action is subject to an institutional control limiting the use ofthe Elg,Elh ® ❑ pro arty(e.g.,easement or deed restriction). e.The proposed action may affect institutional control measures that weie put in place' Elg;Elh ® ❑ to ensure that the site remains protective of the environment and human health. f.The proposed action has adequate control measures in place to ensure that future D2t ® ❑ generation,treatment and/or disposal of hazardous wastes will be protective of the environment and human health g.The proposed action involves construction or modification of,a solid waste 132q,Elf ® ❑ management facility. h.The proposed action may-result in the unearthing of solid or hazardous waste, D2q,Elf ® 11 L The proposed action may result in an increase in the rate of disposal,or processing,of D2r,D23 ® ❑ solid waste. j.The proposed action may result in excavation or other disturbance within 2000 feet of E1£,Elg 0 - ❑ a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. Elh k.The proposed action,may result in the migration of explosive gases from a landfill Elf;Elg .0 ❑ site to adjacent off site structures. 1.The proposed action may result in the release of contaminated leachate from the D2s,E If, ® ❑ project site. D2r m.Other impacts: ® ❑ Page 9 of 10 Agency Use Only [IfApplicable] eiojcct:IFIVUVO-CansddMwofFacilities Date: Full Enviranniental Assessment Form Part 3-Evaluataon of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts acrd Determination of Significance Part 3 provides the reasons in support of the determination of significance. The lead agency must complete Part 3 for every question in Part 2 where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular element of proposed action will not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. Based on the analysis in Part 3,the lead agency must decide whether to require an environmental impact statement to further assess the proposed action or whether available information is sufficient for the lead agency to conclude that the proposed action will not have a sigivficant adverse environmental impact. By completing the certification on the next page,the lead agency can complete its determination of significance. 'Reasons Supporting This Determination; To complete this section: • Identify the impact based on the Part 2 responses and describe its magnitude. Magnitude considers factors such as severity, size or extent of an impact. ■ Assess the importance of the impact. Importance relates to the geographic scope,duration,probability of the impact occurring,number of people affected by the impact and any additional environmental consequences if the impact were'to occur. • The assessment should take into consideration any design element or project changes. • Repeat this process for each Part 2 question where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action wilt not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. • Provide the reason(s)why the impact may,or will not,result in a significant adverse environmental impact • For Conditional Negative Declarations identify the specific condition(s)Imposed that will modify the proposed action so that no significant adverse environmental impacts will result. • Attach additional sheets,as needed. The Fishers Island Waste Management District caused to be prepared this Full Environmental Assessment'Form and an Expanded Environmental Assessment(EEA)document for the proposed action and said EEA addressed the following topics:Topography;Water Resources(including Groundwater,Stormwater Runoff and Drainage,Surface Water,Wetlands and Floodplains,Critical Environmental Areas),Land Use and Plans(including Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program),Noise and Odor,Aesthetic Resources and Community Character,Construction-Related Impacts(including Subsurface Investigations and Conditions)and Cultural Resources. Based upon the aforesaid documents,Inclusive of the plans, reports,assessments and agency consultations,the proposed action wilt not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. An attachment to this Part 3-EAF is included as well as a detailed determination. Determination of Significance-'[ape y and Unlisted Actions SEQR Status: ❑Type 1 m Unlisted Identify portions of EM completed for this Project: ©Part 1 ®Part 2 m Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF,as noted,plus this additional support information ' EV-�—mde-d Fnv' nmental Assessment Sep=ber 2017(EE&site develo ment clans far.11 planning and waste management repnrts enyinonmgn.tal Investigations,Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Assessment Form,and agency consultations and findings. and considering both the magnitude and importance of each identified potential impact,it is the conclusion of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District as lead agency that: ® A. This project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,and,therefore,an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this neptive declaration is issued. ❑ B. Although this project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment,that impact will be avoided or substantially mitigated because of the following conditions which will be required by the lead agency; There will,therefore,be no significant adverse impacts from the project as conditioned,and,therefore,this conditioned negative i declaration is issued. A conditioned negative declaration may be used only for UNLISTED actions(see 6 NYCRR 617A). ❑ C. This Project may result in one or more significant adverse impacts on the environment,and an environmental impact statement must be prepared to further assess the iinpact(s)and possible mitigation and to explore alternatives to avoid or reduce those impacts. Accordingly,this positive declaration is issued. Name Of.,Action: Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities-Fishers Island Waste Management District Name of Lead Agency: Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Beth Stern -Title of Responsible Officer: Manager Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Date: ,lune 27,2018 Signature ofPreparer(if different from Responsible Officer)* Date: dune 21,2018 "Prepared by KGO Consulting,Inc.,as environmental consultant For Further Information: Atim Kim Genna-o-Uancea,AICP CEP,President Contact Person: Fishers island Waste Management District Address: P.O.Box 22,Fishers Island,NY 06390 Telephone Number:631-788-7955 E-mail:ftwasiemanagement@gmall.com For Type 1 Actions and Conditioned Negative Declarations,a copy of this Notice is sent to: Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which.the action will be principally located(e.g.,Town/City I Village of) Other involved agencies(if any) Applicant(if any) Environmental Native Bulletin: hnW//wtwdqc,n y.gov/enb/nb.litm] PRINT FULL FORM Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT Part 3-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts and Determination of Significance Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Mcilities The Board of Comm[ssianers of the Fishers Island Waste Management District(FIWMD),as lead agency and, the project sponsor,has caused to be prepared an Expanded'Environmental Assessment(September 2017) (Expanded EA),and related plans,survey,technical facility and planning reports, site and area inspections, environmental investigations, and agency consultations. Based upon the, aforesaid documents and consultations,the proposed action would have no or small impacts. There are nd potential moderate to large impacts. la=cts QHS astal Re -The subject property is within the boundaries of the New York State Coastal Area, and the Town of Southold has an approved'Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). A consistency analysis of the proposed action with the LWRP policies was performed and included in the Expanded EA and separately within the Town of Southold LWRP Form dated December 5,2017. Based upon such analyses,the proposed action is consistent with the policies and goals of the LWRP and,therefore,will not have any significant adverse impacts to coastal resources. Impactors Land-Upon implementation of the proposed'action;the area ofimpervious surfaces would increase by 0.79± acre. The total area of lawn and landscaping (includes the proposed stonnwater basin) would increase by 0.88±acre,with approximately 0.7 acre to be revegetated with an appropriate non-invasive,native groundcover seed mix and left unmaihtained. The remaining 0.18t'acre would include an area of evergreens to be planted at the northern portion of the project site to serve as additional buffering to adjacent residential properties. The non-vegetated areas (comprised of exposed soils,primarily compacted] would decrease by 1.67 acres. There would be no disturbance or alterations to the areas of natural vegetation or wetlands found on the overall subject property. Approximately 2.4 acres of the 3Z3±-acre project site would be disturbed,with modifications to the existing slopes primarily due to the construction of the stormwater detention basin,mixing building and internal Ioop driveway. The area of slopes of zero-to-10 percent would increase by 15,289+ sf (0.35 --acre), with a corresponding'decrease of 8,266±sf(0.19±acre)for slopes of 10-to-15 percent and 7,023±sf(0.:16±acre)for slopes greater than 15 percent However, the proposed grade changes would-'occur within the existing development footprintandwould notresultIt changes that could createthepotential for runofftosurrounding areas of lower elevation. The-proposed seeding and erasion control blanket on the western portion.of the project site would provide a permanent protective covering in an area that is currently'devoid of vegetation. The proposed regrading would also allow for the creation of the stormwater management basin,which would result in the beneficial impact of conta[ning stormwaier from a large area of the existing facility. Based upon the above analyses, ho significant adverse impacts associated with the proposed grading and topographic alterations would be expected. Impact on-Groundwater and surf=Water-'Upon implementation of the proposed action,the consolidated facility would be expected to use the combined volume of water(Le.,55 gpd)with no projected change to the water demand. There is no projected change in sanitary discharge as there are no increases in staff and no new systems proposed. The proposed action-includes methods to collect and filter stormwater for reuse in on-site composting operations and the wash down of surfaces, and thus,' a reduction in overall water demand is expected. Based upon an assessment of the Fishers Island Watershed Protection Standards set forth in Article 4,Section 760-452(B)of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code(SCSQ,included in the Expanded EA,the proposed action complies with'the requirements for land use and development activities within the secondary protection zone. Part3-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance ofProlectlmpacts and Determination of.Sign ficahce-Attachment Fishers Island Waste ManagementDistrict Proposed Consolidation of lVaste Management Facilities As the proposed action would result in a minimal increase(0.79±-acre)in impervious surface,there would a minimal increase in stormwater runoff. The proposed drainage plan would accommodate stormwater from additional impervious surface area,in addition to areas within the project site that are developed or within operational areas. The proposed drainage plan includes a stormwater detention basin and the installation of subgrade infiltration units,as well as methods for stormwater reuse. Stormwater to be accommodated in the proposed detention basin would be first filtered with a Stormceptor@,(or similar)system before entering the basin. The proposed basin also includes overflow protectinn with a riprap spillway at Elevation 10. In cases of heavy storm events,stormwater,would flow from the spillway to the existing municipal stormwater system located along the adjacent roadway. The proposed drainage plan also includes stormwater infiltralion units to accommodate roof runoff from the proposed mixing building. The preliminary design includes the use of Stormtech SC-7400 collection chambers, which allow for optimal storage volumes in relatively small footprints, thus minimizing excavation. The abandoned tunnel system that predates the use as a solid waste management facility is currently receiving stormwater,which will cease upon implementation of the proposed action. The consolidated facility would receive and store wastes(municipal solid waste ["MSW'J,cardboard,single- stream recyclables,scrap metal and bulky wastes)in designated containers or enclosed areas such that there is no potential for rainfall or surface runoff to interact with waste products. Compost piles would be placed on concrete pads and the proposed cover system would protect the piles from stormwater. Leachate collection for recirculation into the composting program is also proposed. All maintenance activities would occur inside the proposed maintenance building. Overall,the waste management practices at the facility are expected to mitigate any potential significant adverse impacts associated with surface flow. The FIWMD does not handle or store toxic or hazardous wastes and has strict procedures in the event such materials are inadvertently received. The proposed stormwater detention basin and stormwater infiltration units would be constructed such that there is an adequate separation distance of, at minimum,four feet from the base of the basin and units to groundwater,in accordance with NYSDEC requirements for sole source aquifers. Based upon soil borings performed in areas of the project site, and the current development that exists on the project site, no soil limitations associated with infiltration are expected. However,prior to construction,additional test borings will be performed to confirm suitable soil conditions and,if required,soil mixing would be undertaken. The proposed action would also comply with Chapter 236 of the Town of Southold Town Code, which regulates stormwater management and discharge associated with land-disturbing activities and projects that involve a replacement of or addition to impervious surfaces. Overall,based an the current condition of,the site(i.e.,without a formal stormwater management system),the proposed drainage improvements would result in beneficial impacts associated with,stormwater control and treatment The proposed stormwater management plan will complywith the goals and standards set forth in Chapter 236 of the Town Code,as well as the New York Standards and Specif'cgtions for Erosion and Sediment Control(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC],2016),and the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (NYSDEC,2015). As required,the.FIWMD will file for coverage under both the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities[GP-0-12-001)and the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity(NYSDEC GP 0-15-002),which includes the preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)and the filing of a Notice of Intent with the NYSDEC prior to construction. The SWPPP will include a detailed erosion and sediment control plan to manage stormwater generated on-site during construction activities,as well as for post-construction stormwater management.Such SWPPP will also complywith the requirements of the SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities. Page 2 Parti-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Pmjertlmpacts and Determination ofSign yicance-Attachment- Fishers Attachment- Fis hers Island Waste ManagementDistrict Proposed Consolidation of Waste ManggementFacihties There is a New York State-designated freshwater wetland of an approximate size of 1.1 acres located at the southwesterly portion of the subject property and to the west thereof,is an estuarine and marine wetland of approximately 0.76 acre in size included on the National Wetland Inventory. The subject propertyis also bordered on its westerly side by the Fishers Island Sound and a limited area of tidal wetlands exists on the northwestern portion of the subjectproperty. The proposed action will not occur within the regulated adjacent areas of New York State-designated freshwater or tidal wetlands. A Letter of No Jurisdiction was issued by the NYSDEC on May 24,2018. Pursuant to§275-3(C),areas that are subject to the Wetlands Law of the Town of Southold(Chapter 2 75 of Town Code)are lands within 100 feet of any fresbwater wetland,tidal wetland,beach, bluff,dune,flat,marsh,swamp,wet meadow,bog;vernal.pool,creek, estuary,stream,pond,canal,lake,land underwater,or land subject to tidal action;,as well as all Town Waters. The proposed action does not include any disturbance or activities within 100 feet of any of the wetlands,waterbodies or areas above. Although the proposed action would not occur within the regulated adjacent areas, the proposed action includes measures that would improve the existing site conditions. As described above, there are no stormwater management controls to contain stormwater on-site and to prevent runoff to the vegetated areas surrounding the facility. Upon implementation of the proposed action, stormwater would be captured and directed to stormwater.infiltration units as well as collected, pretreated and discharged to the proposed detention basin. The placement of erosion control blankets at select areas would control erosion and sedimentation as well as slow runoff on areas that are currently devoid of vegetation.Overall„the proposed action would result in beneficial impacts to the natural areas and wetlands outside of the facility footprint- Based ootprintBased upon the above,neither ground or surface water quality nor quantity would be significantly impacted by the proposed project. fta= on Historic and Archeological Resources - There are no-properties on Fishers Island listed or nominated for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic,Places; however,there are structures within Fort H.G.Wright that are identified as being eligible for listing. The Fort H.G.Wright Fishers Island Historic MWIct is also eligible for listing. According to the Cultural Resources Information System of OPRHP, the subject property is also located within an archaeologically-sensitive,area. Consultations were undertaken with the OPRHP. In correspondence dated June 29,2017,OPRHP advised there are.no archaeological concerns. In correspondence dated August 4,2017,OPRHP indicated that"the proposed work will have No Adverse lmpactupon historic resource[s]provided the following conditions are met:1.Plans and specifications for the planned wall improvements to the Batteries will be submitted for our review and comment prior to.the initiation of work on these Batteries;and 2. A construction protection plan-will be put in place to protect the historic Batteries during the new construction...Our intention with the above conditions is to respect the historic footprint of these structures which,has survived and contributes to the history of Fort H.G.Wright.The purpose of our review of plans and specifications for the planned wall improvements is to retain this historic footprint outline." In accordance with OPRHP's, comments, the requested plans and specifications would be provided to OPRHP prior to the initiation of work on the subject property. As such,the proposed action would have no significant adverse impacts to historic resources. Impact on CKtical fti lmurmenUd Areas-The subject property is situated within two Critical Environmental Areas(CEAs)--Fisher's Island CEA and the Peconic Bay and Environs CEA. Both CEA's have their designations, as defined,"due to benefit to human health&protect drinking water." The proposed action will comply with Fishers Island Watershed Protection Standards,which were established to minimize impacts of pollution on surface water quality and groundwater recharge. Also, the ,proposed action would establish stormwater controls,include methods to reuse stormwater such that the demands,for additional water from the public water supply would be reduced,and situates improvements on developed or,disturbed areas,thus requiring no natural vegetation to be removed. As such, the environmental characteristics of the CEAs will not be impaired Page 3 Part 3-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importanre of Project Impacts and Detennminatlon ofSlgn fcance-Attachment, Fishers h1aad Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities Impact an Transnnrtation - Upon implementation of the proposed action,the volume of waste requiring disposal off-Island would decrease and would,therefore,decrease the number of trucks having to visit the Island for waste pick-up and container drop-off. The proposed consolidation would also remove truck traffic on Whistler Avenue to the transfer station. The proposed action may result in an additional 9-to-12 cars in a peak hour,based upon F1WMD records for the current operations;however,this projection does not account for the resident or business delivering to the two sites on the same day, It can be expected that a resident or business selects awaste-drop day when they travel to both the transferstation and compoststation for disposal. Further,the transfer station is open onIy half-days on Tuesday,Saturday and Sunday,,and closed on'Thursday. The proposed consolidated facility would result in the availability of the transfer station to full days during the ,veek and half-days on the weekend. Regarding parking,the proposed project will create 12 formal parking spaces for patrons to safely park and unload materials. Access to the subject property would remain in its current location, However,the internal roadway would be modified to a one-way,paved loop driveway for improved circulation. Overall,the proposed action will not result in significant adverse traffic or parking impacts. IMpact n Noise Odor and Li ht Norse - The proposed improvements would take place between 7:30 am to 5:30 pm during non-holiday weekdays and on a limited basis,would be undertaken on Saturdays. No construction would rake place on Sundays. The proposed development would generate typical sound levels from construction activities, including foundation construction,truck movelnents,and heavy equipment operations. Heavy machinery,such as front end loaders,graders,bulldozers,and backhoes,would ber used intermittently throughout the proposed project's construction. To mitigate construction-related noise impacts,the construction manager will oversee and prevent the idling of construction vehicles. Also, all construction equipment utilized on-site will be equipped with properly operating noise muffler systems. The FIWMD and/or construction manager will also respond to any noise complaints during,construction. As such, no significant adverse construction noise impacts will result. With respect to noise impacts after development, the "subject property has been used for solid waste management for 30 years and the activities to be undertaken upon implementation of the proposed action would not significantly alter the use of the property. The proposed project would not increase the number of equipment operational hours of the un-site wheeled loader and may actually result in a slight reduction in such operational hours since the project would involve the implementation of a covered compost system. Further, upon implementation of the proposed action, all source-separated materials would be handled inside the mixing buildin& A diesel-powered shredder is and would continue to operate outside to process logs and brush,with no changes to volumes expected as a result of the proposed action. Regarding the truck activity in the pick-up/drop off of containers,the project would result in a reduction in the number of off-island truck trips. Although trucks would be concentrated at the compost site,all trucks are required to be compliant with over-the-road noise Iimitss and the F1WMD staff are on-site to address any potential issues. Additionally,the trucks would operate in the lower level of the facility site,where any noise impacts would be more contained within the site. 'It is also noted that the subject property is adjacent to the EIizabeth Field Airport: As such, upon Implementation of the proposed action,it is expected that the noise environment at the subject property would be similar to that under existing conditions, Overall,based upon the above,the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse noise impacts. Odor-Upon implementation of the proposed action,the F1 WMD would commence accepting source-separated organic waste from users of the facility,which would be placed in the proposed mixing building,ground-up and added to the composting mass. This would result in an overall reduction in the amount of putrescible material in the outbound MSW containers. The proposed composting operation would occurinside the mixing building, which would automatically maintain aerobic conditions;thereby,further reducing any potential for odors to occur. Finally,the composting approach would include a Cull cover over the composting mass,with aeration of the pile automatically monitored and activated within. Such improvements modify the current practice of Page 4 Part 3.Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts and Dvta.rm inatiorn of Significance-Attachment Ashers Island Waste Hunagement District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities outdoor mixing and management,,to indoor mixing and a cover system to protect and manage compost piles., Overall,based upon the above,the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts associated with odors. Light-The proposed action includes the installation of fixed lighting on the proposed maintenance and mixing buildings,and pole lighting on select perimeter areas,which would comply with the Town of Southold lighting standards(Chapter 172 of the Town Code). As such,the proposed action is not expected to resultin significant adverse-lighting impacts. L act.an Human Health Environmental Conditions=The FIWMD site,as part of the overall Fort H.G.Wright,is currently in the Defense Environmental Restoration Program - Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) program. The FUDS program includes four categories,in which,based on available information and consultations with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Elie FIWMD was determined to be investigated under two of the four categories: (1) CON/HTRW (Containerized Storage/Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste), and (2) MMRP (Military Munitions Response Program). Both ofthese investigations are being led and implemented bythe USACE. Fort H.G. Wright is also listed as a New York State [NYS) Inactive Waste Site (#152241). With respect to the CON/HTRW investigation, the USACE has,advised the FIWMD of a planned removal of six abandoned underground storage tanks (USTs) and one transforms'r on the subject properly. Based upon information provided by USACE,the six USTs and one transformer are located outside of the project area,and thus,the proposed improvements would not have an impact on these areas. Pursuant to the USACE in October 2016, this work was tentatively planned for FY2017;however,said work did not occur. The USACE has now advised of its plan to commence work in the summer of 2018. With respect to the MMRP investigation, the FIWMD caused an environmental investigation to be prepared (Pre Construction Environmental Investigation Report dated January 2017, as prepared by PW Grosser Consulting, Inc) to evaluate the likelihood of the presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in areas to be disturbed during site redevelopment as well as the potential for past site uses to have impacted soil quality. There is no reported history of UXO being found at the site; however, in 2007, the USACE recommended additional work on Fort-H.G.Wrighi. The FIWMD is not aware of any additional investigations since the 2007 recommendation;however,the potential presence of UXO caused the FIWMD to undertake investigations. The environmental investigation included a geophysical investigation, which did not identify any subsurface anomalies in the vicinity of the former batteries. There were subsurface anomalies detected on the site,but given the locations,it is not thought to be UXO. Nonetheless,the FIWMD would undertake additional activities prior to and during construction to minimize and/or limit the likelihood of encountering UXO during the site redevelopment and the risks associated with such UXO. Regarding the soil investigation,soil samples were collected from areas which would be disturbed during the site redevelopment to determine if soils have been impacted by past site operations. Based upon the sampling results,there are no restrictions for reuse of soils on-site and no concerns of exposure to elevated levels of chemical contaminants in on-site soils by construction personnel or users on the site. Accordingly,based upon the above,the proposed action would not be expected to result in human health impacts. Modifications to Existing Solid Waste Management Facility-The FIWMD handles approximately 792.5 tons of solid waste per year and there is no projected change in total volume handled upon implementation of the proposed action. Any changes in amounts handled in the future would be attributed to packaging and disposal trends,population changes,and similar factors. Single-stream recycling and the improvements to cumpusting facilities would result in an increase in the amount of waste that can be composted and used on the Island,thus ` reducing the amount of waste required for transport and disposal off-Island. It is estimated that an additional 1.00±-to-150±tons of cardboard material,food waste,paper and MSW could be composted each year,which represents an approximately 1.4-to-20 percent waste reduction for traditional disposal. There would be also Page 5 Part 3-Evaluation of th a idagn itude and Importance ofProjectlmpacm and Determination ofS{gry ftcan ce-Attachment Fishers Island Waste Management District Propased Lonsulidation of Waste ldanagementFacilitles be a corresponding reduction in hauling and disposal costs. The proposed improvements would also support changes to the solid waste management practices of the FIWMD by, among other things, allowing For the implementation of single-stream recycling,composting of organic materials,and improving its reuse areas. All of these proposed changes are consistent with the recommendations of both New York State(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.Beyond Waste. A Sustainable Materials Management Strategy for New York State. Adopted 12/27/2010) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (United States Environmental Protection Agency,U.S.EPA Sustainable Materials Management Program Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2017-2022. October 2015)to improve waste management practices. Overall,the proposed action is expected Lo resultin beneficial impacts to solid waste management consistency with commua&Plans-The FIWMD is a special district established by the Town of Southold in 1952 for the purpose of providing solid waste handling and management to the residents and businesses of Fishers Island. In 1987, the subject property was Lransferred from the Town to the FIWMD for waste management services. For 30 years,the subject property has been used for such purpose. The proposed action would modernize the facility and not significantly change the intensity of use. Regarding land use plans,the Fishers Island Strategic Plan 2007-2017 recognized the two main objectives of the proposed action,including (1) the desire of the FIWMD to consolidate its facilities on the compost station property in order to reduce operating and staffing costs and improve efficiency, and (2) reducing the volume of garbage that is being shipped off the Island to reduce costs. A consistency analysis of the proposed action with the LWRP policies was performed and based upon such analyses,the proposed action is consistent with the policies and goals of the LWRP. Page 6 State Environmental Quality Review Act Notice of Determination of Non-Significance Negative Declaration Name of Action: Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities Project Location: Fishers Island Waste Management District 2760 Whistler Avenue,Fishers Island Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York Project Sponsor: Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District Lead Agency: Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District Date: June 27,2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This notice is issued pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law(State Environmental Quality Review Act[SEQRA])and the implementing regulations therefor at 6 NYCRR Part 617. The Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District(hereinafter,the"FIWMD"),as lead agency,has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment,and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS)will not be prepared Such determination is based upon the following: 1. Full Environmental Assessment Form; 2. Expanded Environmental Assessment(September 2017),as prepared by KGO Consulting,Inc; 3. Consolidated Facilities Planning Report (last revised February 2016), as prepared by Project Management Associates,LLC; 4. Waste Control Plan(May 2016),as prepared by Project Management Associates,LLC; 5. Site development plans,as prepared by Anchor Engineering Services Inc; 6. Topographic Map (last revised May 10, 2018), as prepared by CME Associates Engineering, Land Surveying&Architecture,PLLC; 7. Pre Construction Environmental Investigation Report(January 2017),as prepared by P.W. Grosser Consulting; S. Consultations with and determinations from the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Presenration(OPRHP),New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC),and the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA); 9. Coordination and consultati ons with the Town of Southold;and 10. Site and area inspections. SEQRA Classification: Unlisted Description of Action, The FIWMD is a special district established by the Town of Southold in 1952 for the purpose of providing solid waste handling and management services to the residents and businesses of Fishers Island. The FIWMD currently operates two facilities on separate properties-(1)a transfer station and(2)a compost station and receiving facility for various wastes and select reusable items. The proposed action includes the consolidation of the two facilities on the site of the compost station and receiving facility,which wou]d allow the FIWMD to manage all of its services and operations at one site and,as part of the proposed action,implement improvements that would modernize its current operations to industry standards,including programs Lo reduce disposal volumes. Also included are safety and site repairs,drainage improvements,and improvements to site security. Negative Declaration Nshm island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste ManagementFacfiftles Specifically,the project includes the following: Transfer Station and Receiving Areas • Installation of four compactor boxes for MSW,cardboard,and single-stream recyclables. • Addition of portable bins to receive food/organic wastes from users. • Installation of five open top boxes(roll-off containers)for s crap metal and bulky wastes. ® Relocation of a 240-square-foot(sf)modular building from the existing transfer station to the project site for use in collecting residential E-waste,discarded small maintenance equipment[e.g.,mowers, trimmers,hand tools],and similar wastes. • Placement of a 600-sf pre-engineered storage shed for use by the community to dispose of unwanted items for reuse by others(Le.,a proposed swap shop). Com ostingOperations • Construction of a 4,500-sf pre-engineered building for the purpose ofprocessing and mixing organics forcomposting. The proposed"mixing building"would be located on the southwest side of the internal roadway, opposite the MSW receiving areas. Within the mixing building would be a one or more grinders with hopper and stand to grind food waste, cardboard and other fibers, and a reinforced concrete bin wall area to temporarily hold and mix organics before they are added to the composting process. • Installation of two concrete pads with a cover system for the enclosure of the compost heaps. The proposed cover system would provide for controlled aeration,moisture control by protecting piles from stormwater,and leachate collection. A finished concrete compostpad would also be constructed. General Facilitvand Site Improvements • Construction of a 2,400-sf pre-engineered building to be situated adjacent to the existing office/maintenance building for the purpose of providing adequate maintenance, repair and equipment storage space. Upon construction of the new maintenance building, the existing office/maintenance building would be converted to serve only as administrative space. Interior renovations and the replacement of select windows are also proposed. • Replacement and reinforcement of the existing concrete bunker walls, including the installation of pedestrian guardrails along the elevated disposal platforms in accordance with OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)standards. • The deteriorating ceilings of concrete structures in two locations would be demolished and the areas would be backfilled with soil and compacted. • Installation of a truck scale to use in weighing in-bound and out bound materials. • Improvements to site security, including the installation of chain link fencing around the facility perimeter,swing gates at the entry,site lighting and security cameras. • Installation of a new, one-way, paved loop driveway extending from the existing access and the creation of 12 formal parking spaces adjacent to the attendant shed near the waste drop off areas. ■ Installation of a stormtwater detention basin,stormwater infiltration units,as well as a pump system and holding tank for on-site stormwater reuse. Rain barrels adjacent to the mixing building are also being considered for the collection of water for reuse in the composting operation. Page 2 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Managemernt District Pmposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities As part of the proposed action,the FIWMD is proposing to,add to the property it owns(and uses)by entering into a lease for a small portion of land owned by the Town. The proposed lease is for 2.7±acres of land that currently includes the site access,the internal paved driveway,attendant shed,concrete pad and portions of the receiving area. In exchange for the lease of 2.7+acres of land from the Town of Southold,the FIWNID would lease an area of approximately 1.27±acres at the northern extent of the subject property,to the Town as such area contains a Town-operated sewer pump station. Upon implementation of the lease agreements, the compost station property(with the proposed transfer station operations)would be 1'0:76±acres (9.331 acres + 2.7t acres = 1.27+ acres);however,the actual facility or operational area would occupy only 3.23± acres (hereinafter,the"project site"or"project area"),inclusive of the facility area currently within the Town-owned property. Upon implementation of the proposed action,the lease of the 1.44-acre parcel occupied by the transfer station would terminate. site Histo Prior to the FIWMD waste management operations,the subject property was utilized for military purposes as part of the larger Fort H.G.Wright An approximately 412-acre,U.S.military training and coastal defense facility established in the late•1890's, Fort H.G. Wright included 12 gun emplacements, small arms ranges, administration buildings,housing,and an airfield. The subject property was part of a larger coastal artillery station located along the westernmost portion of Fort H.G.Wright Five batteries for various types of artillery were placed on the subject property. These batteries included gun emplacements,subgrade concrete bunkers for the purposes of resource movement and communications,and lookout posts. Remnants of the batteries and one lookout post exist today. In the mid-century,Fort H.G.Wright was closed and the land was transferred to various entities,including the U.S.Coast Guard,the U.S.Navy,the Fishers Island Union Free School District, and the Town of Southold. In 1987,the subject property was transferred to the FIWMD for the purpose of providing solid waste management operations to the Island's residents and businesses. At the time of acceptance of land from the Town of Southold, the subject property, was used for the burning of brush, construction debris and other materials (other than household garbage). In the early 1990's,the burning of materials was phased out and the current practices and program were introduced, Reasons Supporting this Determination of Non-Significance: In accordance with SEQRA and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617,the FIWMD,using the EAF and Expanded EA and other relevant information cited herein,and comparing same with the thresholds set forth in 6 NYCRR§§617.4 and 617.5,has determined that this project is an Unlisted Action. Coordinated review was conducted with the NYSDEC,Suffolk County Planning Commission,'rown of Southold Town Board,Office of the Town Attorney and Planning Board. Based upon the information contained in the EAF and Expanded EA,site development plans,facility planning and waste management reports,environmental investigations,consultations with NYSDEC,OPRHP,FAA,and USAGE,coordination and consultations with the Town of Southold,and area and site inspections,the FfWMD, as lead agency for the action contemplated herein,and after due deliberaiion,review and analysis of proposed action,the above-described documents, consultations and inspections, and the criteria set forth in 6 NYCRR §617.7, hereby determines that the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts to the environment This determination is supported by the following: 1. Groundwater and Surface Water QualitX and NantU- Upon implementation of the proposed action,the consolidated facility would be expected to,use the combined-volume of water(i.e.,55 gpd) from its separate facilities (i.e., transfer,stadon and compost station) with no projected change to the water demand. There is also no projected change in sanitary discharge as there are no Increases in staff and no new systems proposed. Upon implementation of the proposed measures to reuse a portion of the collected and filtered,stonnwater for on-site composting operations and the wash down of surfaces,a reduction in overall water demand is expected. Based upon an assessment of the Fishers Island Watershed Protection Standards,set forth in Article 4, Page 3 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Cansolidadon ofWasts Management Facilities Section 760-4.52(B)of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code(SCSC),the proposed action complies with the requirements for land use and development activities within the secondary protection zone. The proposed stormwater detention basin is to be designed to an approximate top elevation of 14t-to-16t feetamsl and a base elevation of seven feet ams],thus providing four feet of separation to groundwater (based upon a groundwater elevation of three feet ams]). The proposed infiltration units would be located at a ground elevation of approximately 21 feet amsl with the bottom of the infiltration units set at approximately 17 feet ams], which would provide an approximate separation distance of 14 feet between the base of the units and groundwater. Accordingly,there is adequate depth provided for the filtration of stormwater. The purposed stormwater management plan is designed to pretreat and accommodate stormwater from an existing facility that currently does not have formal areas for recharge. The subject property is located within a designated sole source aquifer, and thus, the proposed stormwater detention basin is designed such that there will be a minimum four-foot separation distance to groundwater. The abandoned tunnel system that predates the use as a solid waste management facility is currently receiving stormwater,which will cease upon implementation of the proposed action. The proposed action also includes stormwater infiltration units to accommodate roof runoff from the mixing Building. The proposed stormwater management plan will complywith the goals and standards set forth in Chapter 236 of the Town Code,as well as the New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation jNYSDEC], 2016), and the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (NYSDEC, 2015). As required,prior to undertaking construction,the FI WMV will file for coverage under both the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (GP-0-12-001] and the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (NYSDEC GP 0-15-002), which includes the preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)and the filing of a Notice of Intent with the NYSDEC prior to construction. The SWPPP will include a detailed erosion and sediment control plan to manage stormwater generated on-site during construction activities,as well as for post-construction stormwater management.Such SWPPP will also comply with the requirements of the SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities. The consolidated facility is designed to receive and store wastes(municipal solid waste rMSW], cardboard,single-stream recyclables,scrap metal and bulky wastes) in designated containers or enclosed areas such that rainfall would not come into contact with waste products. Compost piles will be placed on concrete pads and a cover system with leachate collection is proposed. All maintenance activities would occur inside the proposed maintenance building. The FI4VMD does nothandle or store toxic orhazardous wastes and has strlct procedures in the eventsuch materials are inadvertently received. There is a New York State-designated freshwater wetland of an approximate size of 1.1 acres located atthe southwesterly portion of the subject property and to the west thereof,is an estuarine and marine wetland, of approximately 0.76 acre in size included on the National Wetland Inventory. The subject property is also bordered an its westerly side by the Fishers Island Sound and a limited area of tidal wetlands exists an the northwestern portion of the subject property. The proposed action will not occur within the regulated adjacent areas of New York State- designated freshwater or tidal wetlands. A Letter of No jurisdiction was issued by the NYSDEC on May 24,2018. Pursuant to§275.3(C),areas that are subject to the Wetlands Law of the Town of Southold (Chapter 275 of Town Code)are lands within 100 feet of any freshwater wetland,tidal wetland, beach, bluff, dune, flat marsh, swamp, wet meadow, bog, vernal pool, creek, estuary, Page 4 Negative Declaration Rshers Island Waste ManagementDisirlct Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities stream,pond,canal,lake,land under water, or land subject to tidal action, as well as all Town Waters. The proposed action does not include any disturbance,or activities within 100 feet of any of the wetlands,waterbodies or areas above. .Although the proposed action would not occur within the regulated adjacent areas,the proposed action includes measures thatwould improve the existing site conditions. Currently„there are no stormwater management controls to contain stormwater on-site and to prevent runoff to the vegetated areas surrounding the facility. Upon, implementation of the proposed action, stormwater,would be captured and directed to stormwater infiltration units as well as collected, pretreated and discharged to the proposed detention basin. The placement of erosion control blankets at select areas would,control erosion and sedimentation as well as slow runoff on areas that are currently devoid of vegetation. Furthermore,the proposed concrete block gravity wall relies on the weight of the blocks for stability and,therefore,the space required for a gravity wall is less than other systems.thus reducing disturbance. Overall,therefore,the proposed action would result in beneficial impacts to the natural areas and wetlands outside of the facility footprint. , Based upon the above,neither groundwater quantity or quality or surface water quality will be significantly impacted by the proposed project 2. Coastal Resources-The subject property is within the boundaries of the New York State Coastal Area,and the Town of Southoldhas an approved Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LW"). Based upon a consistency analysis of the proposed action with the LWRP,the proposed action is consistent with the,policies and goals of the LWRP. The property is also not located within a floodplain,and thus„the proposed action would not increase flooding potential. Accordingly,no significant adverse-impacts to coastal resources would be expected. 3. Gra�d'i tg and Topogmphy - Approximately 2A acres of the 3.23±-acre.project,site would be disturbed, with modifications to the existing_ slopes primarily due to the construction of the stormwater detention basin,mixing building and internal loop driveway. The area of slopes of zero-to-10 percent would increase by 15,289±sf(0.35±-acre),with•a corresponding decrease of 13,266±sf(0.19±acre)for slopes of 10-to-15 percent and 7,023±sf(0.16±acre)for slopes greater than 15,percent. However, the proposed grade, changes would occur within the existing development footprint and would not result in changes that could create the potential for runoff to surrounding areas of lower elevation. The proposed seeding and erosion control blanket on the western portion of the project site would provide a permanent protective covering in an area that is currently devoid of vegetation. The proposed regrading would also allow for the creation of the stormwater- management basin, which would result in the beneficial impact of containing stormwater from alarge area of the existing facility. Based upon the above analyses,"no significant adverse impacts associated with the proposed grading and topographic alterations would be expected. 4. Drainage.Leaching.Erosion and Flooding-The proposed action would result in a minimal increase (0.79±-acre) in impervious surface, which would, result in a minimal increase in stormwater runoff. The proposed drainage plan would accommodate stormwater from additional impervious surface area,in addition to areas within the project site that are developed or within operational areas, Specifically, a stormwater detention basin and subgrade infiltration units are proposed. Stormwater to be accommodated in the proposed detentinn basin would be first filtered with a StormceptorQ. (or similar) system before entering the basin. The proposed basin also includes overflow protection with a riprap spillway at Elevation 10. In cases of heavy storm events, stormwater would flow from,the spillway to the existing municipal stormwater system located along the adjacent roadway. .pages Negative Declaration Fishers Island Wastp Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facifides The proposed stormwater infiltration units would accommodate roof runoff from the proposed mixing building. The preliminary design includes the use of Stormtech SC-7400 collection chambers,which allow for optimal storage volumes in relatively small footprints,thus minimizing excavation. The consolidated facility would receive and store wastes in designated containers or enclosed areas such that there is no potential for rainfall or surface runoff to interact with waste products. Compost piles wnul d be placed on concrete pads and the proposed cover system would protect the piles from stormwater. Leachate collection for recirculation into the composting program is also proposed. Overall,the waste management practices at the facility are expected to mitigate the potential adverse impacts associated with surface flow and waste areas. The proposed stormwater detention basin and stormwater infiltration units would be constructed such that there is an adequate separation distance of,at minimum,four feet from the base of the basin and units to groundwater, in accordance with NYSDEC requirements for sole source aquifers. Based upon soil borings performed in areas of the project site, and the current development that exists on the project site, no soil limitations are expected. However,prior to construction,additional test borings will be performed to confirm suitable soil conditions and,if required,sail mixing would be undertaken. Overall,based on the current condition ofthe site(i.e., without a stormwater management system),the proposed drainage improvements would result in beneficial impacts associated with stormwater control and treatment. The proposed action would also comply with Chapter 236 of the Town of Southold Town Code, which regulates stormwater management and discharge associated with land-disturbing activities and projects that involve a replacement of or addition to impervious surfaces. Priorto and during construction,erosion and sedimentation controls will be in place such that the potential impacts associated with land disturbance activities will be minimized, The erosion and sedimentation controls and methods by which stormwater would be accommodated during construction would be designed to be consistent with New York State standards and manuals and the Town of Southold stormwater management regulations set forth in Chapter 236 of the Town Code. The property is not located within a floodplain,and thus,the proposed action would not increase flooding potential. Based on the above, implementation of the proposed action will not result in any substantial increase in the potential for leaching or drainage problems,erosion,or flooding. 5, ans ortation Parking and Circ t' - Upon implementation of the proposed action, the volume of waste requiring disposal off-island would decrease,therefore decreasing the number of trucks having to visit the Island for waste pick-up and container drop-off. The proposed consolidation would also remove truck traffic on Whistler Avenue to the transfer station. The proposed action mayresultin additional 9-to-12 cars in a peakhour;however,this projection does not account for the resident or business delivering to the two sites on the same day. it can be expected that a resident or business selects a waste drop day when they travel to both the transfer station and compost station for disposal. Further,the transfer station is open only half-days on Tuesday,Saturday and Sunday,and closed on Thursday.The proposed consolidated facility would result in the availability of the transfer station to full days during the week and half-days on the weekend. Regarding parking, the proposed project will create 12 formal parking spaces for patrons to safely park and unload materials. Access to the subject property would remain in its current location: However,the internal roadway would be modified to a one-way,paved loop driveway for improved circulation. Overall, the proposed action will not result in significant adverse traffic or parking impacts. 6. Air,QualiV-The proposed action will reduce the number of trucks having to visit the Island for waste pick-up and drop-off and will not resultin a significant increase in patron traffic.The subject propertyis an existing solid waste facility accessed via Whistler Avenue and 0.2 mile from the ferry Page 6 Negadve Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities dock,and thus,no vehicle delays would be expected. As such,there would be no increase in air emissions associated with traffic or vehicle idling. Further, no new significant air emissions sources are proposed. The proposed composting cover system would protect piles, thus minimizing the potential for dust and windborne sediment. With respect to air quality during construction,land surfaces disturbed during construction would be paved or planted as soon as practicable following disturbance,thereby minimizing the potential for the generation of fugitive dust Additionally,during dry periods,a water truck would be brought to the site for the wetting of soils to further minimize dust. Excessive idling of construction equipment or vehicles would not be permitted. Accordingly,no significant adverse changes in existing air quality are expected to result during construction. Overall,based upon the above, no significant adverse changes in existing air quality will result upon implementation of the proposed action. 7. Noisg-The proposed improvements would take place between 7:30 am to 5:30 pm during non- holiday weekdays and on a limited basis,would be undertaken on Saturdays. No construction would take place on Sundays. The proposed development would generate typical sound levels from construction activities, including foundation construction, truck movements, and heavy equipment operations. Heavy machinery, such as front-end loaders, graders, bulldozers, and backhoes,,would be used intermittently throughout the proposed project's construction. To mitigate construction-related noise impacts,the construction manager will oversee and prevent the idling of construction vehicles. In addition,all construction equipment utilized on-site will be equipped with properly operating noise muffler systems. The FIWMD and/or construction manager will also respond to any noise complaints during construction. As such,no significant adverse construction noise impacts will result With respect to noise impacts after development,the suhject property has been used for solid waste management for 30 years and the activities to be-undertaken upon implementation of the proposed action would not significantly alter the use of the property. The subject property is also adjacent to the Elizabeth Field Airport. The proposed project would not increase the number of equipment operational hours of the on-site wheeled loader and may actually result in a slight reduction in such operational hours since the project would involve the implementation of a covered compost system. Further, upon implementation of the proposed action, all source- separated materials would be handled inside the mixing building. A diesel-powered shredder is and will continue to operate outside to process logs and brush. Regarding the track activity,the project would result in a slight reduction in the number of off-Island truck trips. Although trucks would he concentrated at the compost site,all trucks are required to be compliant with aver-the- road noise limits and the FIVVMD staff are on-site to address any potential issues. Additionally,the trucks would operate in the'lower level of the facility site,where anynoise impacts would be more contained to the site.As such,upon implementation of the proposed action,the noise environment at the subject property would be similar to that under existing conditions. Overall,the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse noise impacts. 8. Odor -Upon implementation of the proposed action, the FIWMD would commence accepting source-separated organic waste from users of the facility,which would be placed in the proposed mixing building,ground-up and added to the composting mass. This would result in an overall reduction in the amount of putrescible material in the outbound MSW containers. The proposed composting operation would occur inside the mixing building, which would maintain aerobic conditions; thereby,further reducing any potential for odors to occur. Finally,the composting approach would include a full cover over the composting mass, with aeration of the pile automatically monitored and activated within. Such improvements modify the current practice of outdoor mixing and management, to indoor mixing and a cover system to protect and manage Page 7 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste Marngernent District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities compost piles. Overall,based upon the above,the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts associated with odors. 9. Solid Waste Generation and Management-The FIWNID handles approximately 792.5 bons of solid waste per year and there is no projected change in total volume handled upon implementation of the proposed action. Any changes in amounts handled in the future would be attributed to packaging and disposal trends,population changes,and similar factors, Single-stream recycling and the improvements to composting facilities would result in an increase in the amount of waste that can be composted and used on the Island,thus reducing the amount of waste required for transport and disposal off-island. It is estimated that an additional 100±-to-1501 tons of cardboard material,food waste,paper and MSW could be composted each year,which represents an approximately 14-to-20 percent waste reduction for traditional disposal. There would be also be a corresponding reduction in hauling and disposal costs. 'l'he proposed improvements would also support changes to the solid waste management practices of the FIWMD by,among other things, allowing for the implementation of single-stream recycling, composting of organic materials,and improving its reuse areas. All of these proposed changes are consistent with the recommendations of both New York State (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.Beyond Waste. A Sustainable Materials Management Strg=for New York State. Adopted 12(27/2010) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (United States Environmental Protection Agency,U.S.EPA Sustainable Materials Management Prcgrarn Strategic Plan.Fiscal Years 2017-2022. October 2015)to improve waste management-practices. Overall, based upon the above,no significant adverse impacts would occur. Rather,the proposed action is expected to result in beneficial impacts to solid waste management 10. Natural Communities-The proposed action is to occur within an operational area of an existing solid waste management facility that has occupied the subject property for 30 years. Theproposed action would not include the removal of any native or natural vegetation,and includes stormwater management controls to accommodate stormwater runoff generated within the project site. The proposed slope stabilization measures, including seeding areas with native, non-invasive plantings and installation of erasion control blankets,would protect areas outside the project site, including areas of natural vegetation,wetlands and surface waters. Overall,the proposed action would not include the removal or destruction of vegetation or fauna; would not substantially interfere with the movement of any resident or migratory species; and would no't impact threatened or endangered species of animal or plant:, or the associated habitats. As such, no significant adverse impacts to natural resources would be expected upon implementation of the proposed action. 11. Cdticill Environmental Areas-The subject property is situated within two Critical Environmental Areas(CEAs)--Fishers Island CEA and the Peconic Bay and Environs CEA Both'CEA's have their designations,as defined,"due to benefit to human health&protect drinking water." The proposed action will comply with the Fishers Island Watershed Protection Standards, which were established to minimize impacts of pollution on surface water quality and groundwater recharge. Also, the proposed action would establish stormwater controls, include methods to reuse stormwater such that the demands for additional water from the public water supply would be reduced,and situates improvements on developed or disturbed areas,thus requiring no natural vegetation to be removed. As such, the environmental characteristics of the CEAs will not be impaired 12. Historical, Archeological. Archifectural, and Aesthetic Resources, including Community and Neighborhood Character-There are no properties on Fishers Island listed or nominated far listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places;however,there are structures within Fort H.G.Wright that are identified as being eligible for listing. The Fort H.G. Wright Fishers Island Historic District is also eligible for listing. According to the Cultural Resources Information System Page 8 Nrgah've Declaration Fishers Island Waste Management District Proposed Consolidation of Waste ManagementFactlities of OPRHP,the subject property is also located within an archaeological-sensitive area. However, in correspondence dated June 29,2017,OPRHP advised there are no archaeological concerns. Regarding historic resources, in correspondence dated August 4, 2017, OPRHP indicated the following:"the proposed work will have No Adverse Impact upon historic resource[s]provided the following conditions are met.1.Pluns and specifications for the planned wall improvement?to the Batteries will be submitted for our review and comment prior to the initiation of work on these Batteries,and 2.A construction protection plan will be put in place to protect the historic Batteries during the new construction.-Our intention with the above conditions is to respect the historic footprint of these structures which has survived and contributes to the history of Fort N.G. Wright. The purpose of aur review of plans and specifications for the planned wall improvements is to retain this histone footprint outline." in accordance with OPRHP's comments,the requested plans and specifications would be provided to OPRHP prior to the initiation of work on the subject property. As such,the proposed action would have no significant adverse impacts to historic resources. The overall visual character of the subject property is that of a solid waste management facility. The proposed action would not alter the topography or vegetative buffers that exist between Fox Lane and the project site. The proposed design situates the mixing building and composting pads at the westerly portion of the facility,where there is adequate land area and is furthest fiom residential properties. It is expected that portions of the mixing building would be visible from the site entrance;however,.the visual changes are not expected to be significant. The FIWMD is also proposing to maintain the existing perimeter vegetation as well as to establish an area of evergreens along the northern area of the.project site (adjacent to the operating area) for the purposes of providing a visual buffer from residential properties to the northeast of the facility. Based upon the FAA review of the building elevations, the proposed action would not pose a hazard to the Elizabeth Field airport. Overall,implementation of the proposed action would not result in the impairment of the character or quality of important historical, archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources or of existing community or neighborhnod character. The proposed action includes the installation of fixed lighting on the proposed maintenance and mixing buildings,and pole lighting on select perimeter areas,which would comply with the Town of Southold lighting standards(Chapter 172 of the Town Code),and is subject to the review and approval of the Town Building Department As such,the proposed action is not expected to result in significant adverse lighting impacts. 13. Ene=Resources-The proposed action will not result in a major change in the quantity or type of energy used. 14. Public Health Impacts-The FIWMD site,as part of the overall Fort H.G.Wright,is currently in the Defense Enviroiunental Restoration Program-Formerly Used Defense Sites(FUDS)program. The FUDS program includes four categories, in which, based on available information and consultations with the US Army Corps of Engineers(USACE),the FIWMD was determined to be investigated undertwo of the four categories:(1)CON/HTRW(Containerized Storage/Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste),and (2) MMRP (Military Munitions Response Program). Both of these investigations are being led and implemented by USACE. Fort H.G.Wright is also listed as a New York State (NYS) Inactive Waste Site (.1152241). With respect to the CON/HTRW investigation, the USACOE has advised the FIWMD of a planned removal of six abandoned underground storage tanks (USTs) and one transformer on the subject property. Based upon information provided by USACOE,the six USTs and one transformer arc:located outside of the project area. Pursuant to the USACOE in October 2016, this work was tentatively planned for FY2017;however,said work did not occur. The USACOE has now advised of its plan to commence work in the summer of 2018. Page 9 Negative Decfuration Fishers Island Waste Managcmcnt District Proposed Consolidation of Waste Nfanagement Facilltles With respect to the MMRP investigation,the FIWMD caused an environmental investigation to be prepared to evaluate the likelihood of the presence of unexploded ordnance(UXO)in areas to be disturbed during site redevelopment as well as the potential for past site uses to have impacted soil quality. There is no reported history of UXO being found at the site;however,in 2007,the U5 Army Corps of Engineers recommended additional work on Fort H.G.Wright. The FIWMD is not aware of any additional investigations since the 2007 recommendation;however,the potential presence of UXO caused the FIWMD to undertake investigations. The environmental investigation included a geophysical investigation, which did not identify any subsurface anomalies in the vicinity of the former batteries. There were subsurface anomalies detected on the site,but given the locations, it is not thought to be UXO. Notwithstanding, the FIWMD would undertake additional activities prior to and during construction to minimize and/or limit the likelihood of encountering UXO during the site redevelopment and the risks associated with such UXO. Regarding the soil investigation,soil samples were collected from areas which would be disturbed during the site redevelopment to determine if soils have been impacted by past site operations. Based upon the sampling results, there are no restrictions for reuse of soils on-site and no concerns of exposure to elevated levels of chemical contaminants in on-site soils by construction personnel or users on the site. Accordingly,based upon the above,the proposed action will not result in the creation of a hazard to human health. 15. Change of use or Intensity of the Usc-There are no changes to the current land use as a solid waste management facility. The proposed action would not significantly change the intensity of use,as the services on-site would be altered to include the receiving of municipal solid waste and recyclables in four compactor boxes,while modernizing the activities performed on-site. As such, the proposed action will not substantially change the use, or intensity of use,of land including agricultural,open space or recreational resources,or in its capacity to support existing uses. ib. hand Use Compatibility and Consistency with Local Land Use Plans - The FIWMD is a special district established by the Town of Southold in 1952 for the purpose of providing solid waste handling and management to the residents and businesses of Fishers Island. In 1987,the subject property was transferred from the Town to the FIWMD for waste management services. For 30 years,the subject property has been used for such purpose. Regarding land use plans,the Fishers Island Strategic Plan 2007-2017 recognized the two main objectives of the proposed action, including:(1)the desire of the FIWMD to consolidate its facilities on the compost station property in order to reduce operating and staffing costs and improve efficiency; and (2) reducing the volume of garbage that is being shipped off the Island to reduce costs. A consistency analysis of the proposed action with the LWRP was performed determined to be consistent with the policies and goals of the LWRP. As such,the proposed action will not create a material conflict with a community's current plans or goals as officially approved or adopted. 17. Growth-Inducing Impacts_-The FIWMD handles approximately 792.5 tons of solid waste per year and no changes are projected upon implementation of the proposed action. Any changes in amounts handled in the future would be attributed to packaging and disposal trends,population changes,and similar factors. Accordingly,the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse growth-inducing impacts. 18. Creation of Material Demand -The proposed action will not create a material demand for other actions that would result in one of the above-discussed consequences. 19. Cumulative lmnacts-Implementation of the proposed action will not result in changes in two or more elements of the environment,no one of which has a significant impact on the environment, but when considered together result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. Further, Page 10 1 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste ManagementDistrict Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities implementation of the proposed action will not result in cumulative imparts that would meet any of the criteria set forth at 6 NYCRR§617.7. For Further Information: Contact Person: Beth Stern Address: Fishers Island Waste Management District P.O.Box 22 Fishers Island,New York 46390 Email: fiwastemanagement@gmail.com Telephone No.: (631)788-7455 Page 11 Negative Declaration Fishers Island Waste ManagementDistrfct Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Facilities A copy of this Determination is being sent to; Town of Southold Town Board,P.O.Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Town of Southold,Office of the Town Attorney,P.O.Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Town ofSouthold Planning Board,P.U.Box 1179,Southold,New York 11971 Ms. Carric Meek Gallagher, Director, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, SUNY at Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,New York 11790 Mr.Jim Wade,P.E.,Environmental Engineer 2,Division of Materials Management,New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,SUNY at Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,New York 11790 Ms.Sherri Aicher,Environmental Analyst,Division of Environmental Permits,New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,SUNY at Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,New York 11790 Nis.Seth A.Cumming,Senior Historic Site Restoration Coordinator,NYS Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation,Division for Historic Preservation,P.O.Box 189,Waterford,New York 12888-0189 Suffolk County Planning Commission,H.Lee Dennison Building-11th Floor,100 Veterans Memorial Highway, P.O.Box 6100,Hauppauge,New York 11788-0099 Page 12 RECEIVED Fishers Island Waste Management District P.O. Box 22 JUL Fishers Island, NY 06390 Tele 631-788-7455 Sauthold Town Clerk fiwastemanagement@email.com Gregory Thibodeau, Chair John Patterson, Treasurer Sarah Malinowski,Secretary Meredith Doyen Bruce Hubert Fishers Island Waste Management District made the following Resolution on Wednesday,June 27, 2018. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is considering a "Proposed Consolidation of Waste Management Operations" and has undertaken the necessary and appropriate review required under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and WHEREAS, after full consideration of the potential impacts of the proposed action, the Board has determined that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the environment, NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Waste Management District hereby adopts the Notice of Determination of Non-Significance and Negative Declaration dated June 27, 2018 (Exhibit A) attached hereto and made a part hereof as if more fully set forth herein and directs the Secretary of the District to send copies of same to all involved and interested agencies in accordance with the requirements of SEQRA. ,9 {;r Beth A.Stern