HomeMy WebLinkAbout5255 5 ¢ s /f gUFFO(� APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ,. ,) C0'; ��d• Gy.� Southold Town Hall Gerard,P. Goehringer, Chairman : o '� 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora ! P.O. Box 1179 ` ef George Horning 'F 0° Southold,New York 11971-0959 j, • 1 Ruth D. Oliva = OjJig x%.10. ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando Telephone(631) 765-1809 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 2002 Appl. No. 5255—HOMES ANEW I Property Location: 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold; Parcel 1000-88-3-23.1. SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions,without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property is located on the 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold. The property contains 41,553 sq. ft of land area with 186.64 ft. along Main Bayview Road and lot depth of 233+-feet, and is improved with a two-story frame dwelling structure as shown on the survey prepared by Pat T.Seccafico,L.S. dated 3/29/01, revised 7/25/02. BASIS OF,APPLICATION: Building Department's November 6, 2002 Notice of Disapproval denying a permit to construct certain interior alterations and renovations in a pre-existing nonconforming multi-family dwelling (see Plans 2, 3 and 4 prepared by Frank A. Restituto, Architect, highlighting the proposed alterations/renovations and existing construction details.). The reason that a permit was disapproved is that the existing building has a nonconforming front yard setback at less than 50 feet and is used as a multi-family dwelling(preexisting nonconforming use). FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on December 12, 2002, at which time written and oral evidence was presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and the area, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant. AREA VARIANCE%ELIEF REQUESTED: A determination reversing the decision of the building department, or alternatively for grant of a variance is requested under Section 100-243 of the zoning code. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted, and personal inspections,the Board makes the following findings: The Board recognizes that in nonconforming buildings, internal construction, or alterations and renovations are necessary. There are no changes in the size or layout of the existing established footprint of the building covered under the Town issued Certificates of Occupancy and Preexisting Certificate of Occupancy; therefore, no variance application is needed to approve these internal structural changes. BOARD RESOLUTION: On motion by Member Orlando, seconded by Chairman Goehringer,it was Page 2 - Hanes Anew I ZBA Appl. No 5255: 12/12/02 Parcel 1000$8-3-23.Iat Southold RESOLVED,to grant applicant's request to REVERSE the decision of the Building Inspector dated October 23,2002,and amended November 6, 2002. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer (Chairman), Tortora, Ho g, Oliva, and Orlando. This Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote (5-0). gg i i erard P. Goehr: ger,Ch>.'rman r : Approved for filing LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY,DECEMBER 12,2002 NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter. 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on Thursday, December 12, 2002, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 7:40 pm Appl. No. 5255 -HOMES ANEW I, LTD: This is a request for a Reversal of the Building Department's November 6, 2002 Notice of Disapproval for certain interior alterations and/or renovations in a pre-existing nonconforming multi-family dwelling; existing with a nonconforming front yard setback. Under Sections 100-31A and 100- 31A.3, a multi-family dwelling is not a permitted use in the R-40 Residential Zone District, and a setbackis required at 50 feet. In the altemative,`a Variance is requested under Section 100-243 to allow certain interior alterations and/or renovations within the existing residential building in its present setback location. Location of Property: 9625 lvfaiu Bayview Road, Southold; Parcel 1000-88-3-23.1. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each Learing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. The above files are available for review between 8 and 3 during regular Town Hall business days. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call(631)765-1809. Dated: November 25,2002. Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 (tel. 631-765-1809) FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 23,2002 TO: Frank Restituto A/C Homes Anew " � 18 Crabapple Lane -- RUq—tc- 4 t&/ Al Commack,NY 11725 9 ivod. 6 ADL , i Please take notice,that your application dated October 22, 2002 For permit for interior alterations and reconstruction of an existing building at Location of property 9625 Main Bayview Rd., Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 88 Block 3 Lot 23.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to XXIV,Section 100-243, which states "A nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered or moved, except as set forth below, unless the use of such building is changed to a conforming use" A multi-family dwelling is not a permitted use in the R-40 District pursuant to Article HI, Section 100- 31A. In addition, the building has a front yard setback of+/- 12 feet, making it a nonconforming building pursuant to_Article.IIIA, Section 100-30A.3,which states, "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Residential R-40 District unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule,with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full." Bu chedul -•_ g inimum front and setback of 50 feet. ./' / A. I, zee Signature CC: ale,Z.B.A. TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD BUILDING PET APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUIL DINd!IFPA RTMFNT \-.,;2 Do you i,../or need the following,before applying? OWN HALL Royal of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 3 sets of Building Plans TEl a (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey www. nortlifork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form ter v.s n c Trustees Examined ,20 Contact: Approved ,20 Mail to: Disapproved a/c Phone: Expiration ,20 Building inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date t s (1 20 02 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be co,nl,letely filled in by 1. ,.-n riter or in ink and submitted to the ThominaInspector with 3 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Builing Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months:Thereafter,a new pemut shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the is .. tee of a Building Permit pursuant tome Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, ,t .I1 . :, applicable ws,Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for r+.ov: ICr •yn•.'tion herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,bu ^:.m co.e, •on_ ji de,an gulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for recess.• inspections. ' i V r?u.tun;of applicant or name,if a corporation) /s (Mailing address of applicant)._ %-inti ,,,_,,1e. G 1 '�I'" Vt1v+l�tA�urc Ian- y i 1, State whether applicant is owner,lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder ntitatArtOCel Name of owner of premises (tikez8 !t J t"Wil`' -1/4- (As (As on the tax roll or latest deed) ... i.o....�.i....................� _.v,.. ... , __ _ _ __... . sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot zr""^of buildings on premises, relationship to rattining premises or public streets or areas,and watenvays. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Jnspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an i it --_ ._ addition six,;:oaths:"flierea.w,9 ne��permit shall be rPztiti*eit, APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the i Ale of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, •I er applicable haws,Ordinances or Regulation,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alte[atio or for re ' Pain'-6011 is herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,b H o co ie, I.us c<,de, an egulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for fleets • r inspections. s ,, of applicant or name,if a corporation) 0' fir (Mailing address of applicant) tett tra-7_4- State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises © v im (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, s• ;ature o'- duly-authodzed_c5cer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. 411-3 - ._5 OA 0 fii•1-t vU. .-,6, . Pc4,u('a(,t-se. 0,42 (- Electricians License No. 49( o ._ (APtvCI-' •' Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: �� , •j — Vqrzp oUfiro.s d1w�Y✓i GxQ � '� 1P i/1 Y�F' t`!J 11- '•3 Krthr 0 �!"�' �' �•i— ,,. House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 1/46 Block '3 Lot "-I — i Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot (Name) Z. State existing ting use and occupancy of pCises and intended use and occupancy'()ro sed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Bi j L a y- ploj t „" b. Intended use and occupancy rivta VIS' UU-sl�rt' to New BuildingD ti n Alteration z/ 3. Naturp o. work(check which applicab..,): Addition Repair 1 ✓ Removal Demolition Other Work t_.---. f--..,--„,-, - (Description) 4. Estimated Cost 1 Y-' `-"" - Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units 9- Number of dwelling units on each floor '3 t 2- If If garage, number of cars 0 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. ° i t \ 7. Dirnensibns of ex;stip structures, if any:Front 6 s Rear 4 --1 Depth 1-- Height l�li -- Number of Stories 2- Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front 5616 Rear S8 Depth Height 2-y1 Number of Stories Z D ati Front e 1 t 5 R e N1 i v nepth t'Ps- 8. Dimensions ofentire new ,onstruc or.: ror. / ear r Height II FS 01/4 Number of Stories PI, 9. Size of let: Front Rear Depth Q I 10. Date of Purchase ( I Y`O Name of Former Owner f E P1 X . 11. Zone or lose district in which premises are situated r\-----1-1/4--0 12. ed coviolate any zoning law, ordinance regul on7YESNo Does propos., nstruction ..`..,/., Hina ., tai. or._a_.ati..... 13.Will lot lube re-graded? YES NO"_Will excess fill be removed Gum premises? YES NO ✓ .1.4 cn 1.L_m r. 14.Names f Owner of premises f'l s T Address f0 I' L IM- Phone No. 2'l3 (.; ° Name o�Architect V'' -( P4a1..SI' Address i8 2kP# CaPhoneNo t94 i�1Z7 Name o Contractor Nw- '- 130,-4-11-4 Address co a Phone No. iliD.--0 -,:rie 15 r_ thi_p p?' 1� 100 feet of a..1 wetland or a fresh t '� .eF ? *YES r, 1.----- * / Q. 1.1 LLllJ rU GlL within a t1LLa1 0.11VJaa YY ut41 'rveuautl. V # TL'YES, SOUTIlOT D TOWN TRUSTEES 2' D.E.C. PFRu NUTS MAV RF RFQT!TRW). 11 1 1V1�L/ TRUSTEES b. Is this property within 300 feet of a ti i al wetland? * YES NO IF YES,D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey,to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. t If 1property 1 0 feetbelow, t provide topographicaldata survey. fey 17. i.1GVa ITCH at any point on is ator .T1115 ..p.,�. t, OP. LP..,,.. STATE OF ion YORK) SS: ;COUNTY OlEcr.. of K- 1 - 0>44--4 !r v tit being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, ?. Size of lot: Front , ear Depth ..,, 0. Date of Purchase 7 ( fie ° ( -a*ne of Former owner ? f""" 'r 'S 1.1. Zone or use district in which premises are situated `'r`- 12. Does proposed construction violate anyyzoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 13.Will lot be re-graded?YESNOV Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES NO 'A• Vl Ab..�] I� rwsi..rrt�— 14. Names of Owner of premises haws int-so T Address 11-0 SI OctPhone No. 2., 2) (33D Name of Architect #"- -C 2tltST°, Address lr6 C'(.IPRA VF S4 Phone No 96<a)-5-417 Name of Contractor M4S-+ — t oej-`E% Address 6°aistra Phone No. RP—2 - „. r r ' 41 k 15 a. Is this propctiy within 100 feet of tidal wetland or a freshwnt-1 wetiani? *YES Nv v-' * IF YES, S©UTHOi I)TOWNTDUSTEES' Dr; C PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED U l.i 1 1 LJ.J TRUSTEES& .l..i. W� . b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO * IF YES,D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY�OFStsrrn K. )) A M'-"1 . cJ t 'l���� being duly sworn:deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)abovenamed, (S)He is the {U tir"a CT (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer. etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the saidork and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his lmowledge� nd'belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this ,c_ ,c,-,,,:-- day Of Uc--J9tl� 20r't L/I, ,.. .. i � Ir lvotary Public ! vs''ature of Applicant KORItt L SUNS NOTARY PERIL.STATE Of NEW YOPI( NO 4905E43,SUFFOLK COUNTY J TERM EXPIRES SEPT.14,.aotS (f APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS// pp ,J t - • 0nt1' .5r .2:30 f Fee: $ 'f' Filed By:ttaa.4s2x " >4"rK n Date Assigned/Assignment No 255. Li Office Notes: .� Parcel Location: HouseNo.CW'SStreet M 0eAitJ\ POHamlet23-17 -a9 SCTM 1000 Section U0 Block Lots)Z'�•1 Lot Size Zone District ®� L I (WE)APPE L THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION O THE BUILDING INS TOR DATED: dO ?3, 2c>®Z ob, factod a�c�teP? 9 , +wa/Vile 1 - t. (XV U �i`z°. s et Applicant/Owner(s): , i t .:' Mailing Address: o eugol Kra-Rife, NPPWsjZ � l� aTelephone NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant is owner's attorney, agent,architect,buil de ,contract vendee,etc Authorized Representative: ePc tQ ✓ 9tct,, ilde" A lkattAtct Address: W c-476 12)14(E- FYIv-( CJJIvA16SCV U. k7i Telephone: 9-4-% Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above listed names: 0 Applicant/Owner(s) 31/Authorized Representative 0 Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED FOR: ® Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy 0 Pre-Certificate of Occupancy 0 Change of Use ❑Permit for As-Built Construction 0 Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article )(X7\./ Section 100- 3 Subsection BIZ ,— 100 ts Type of Appeal. An appe madeefo A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. 0 Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section \\ X! Reversal or Other A prior appeal 0 has Xhas not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year \\. • 'REASONS FOR AREA VARIANCE ONLY(to be completed by applicant): 4' Do not use these standards for"use variance" or"special exception" (Also attachsheets if necessary, with signatures.) An undesirable change will NOT be produced.in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nereby properties,if granted BECAUSE: 4/...L d64,46e 5 / e f 4 2. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance BECAUSE: c tjv piton z &-s/57-, The amount of relief requested is not substantial BECAUSE: /ove ro run r Gut i-nl;O --ro er:rp4-,O t-k{ E,cier 0ix)‘,/ r ere SErn Auoeic /Nc- -t7-1<e p4cav 6e4-7-frit fife- lz�u itJS 4. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district BECAUSE: J ��_ A-P,� yobeey s (rel 4-, /A'rS ,(7,12_ ,sv7Wt;9C-ric,ALS F mJ Lam/ D gn.,.'cyda o e_ <51 a„co 44tv 3/ t>zoiAt c 5. Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes. „}crit. 4 L7'd vvV i^'6 ) c sy dC_ 6. This is the minimum that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) -ray 0i4 tin 'Applicant) 2ussel! Agent must attach written consent from owner. Swon to before me this 3—day of 0 0-4210- , 2002.. Notary Public KURIIi L�iN iRS NOTARY UBg,STAEOFPEWYORK NO 4905543,SUFFOLK COUNTY D:\DAT A\REAL\PORMS\ZBA.APITFRM EXPIRES SEPT.14,ace r. BOARD OF APPEALS: TC rA OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK 5a- IRE; — ` ®- TO 5E /SSU OCT-Ca 0OC 2. Application of Appeal Application (Continued) Property ID# REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE x Continuation of Appeal Application for a Use Variance (when applicable): For.Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): (1) The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (2) The HARDSHIP relates to the and does not J to a substantial portion of the property pA Y district or neighborhood because: (3) The relief requested will not alter the essential CHARACTER of the neighborhood because: (4) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (5)This is the MINIMUM that Is necessary and adequate, and at the same time will preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community because: (6) The spirit of the zoning ordinance will be observed. (7) The public safety and welfare will be secured and substantial justice done. 4,0,M e r-106 x 4 _4041_ # ( gnature of Appellant • - - e. Agent) sse-11 Sworn to before me this d1° day of °Er's n- 20o - (Notary Public) S 'NOTARY PLBL�. STA E OF NEW YORK NO.45�O5543,SUFFOLK COUNTY TEEM EXPIRES SEPT 14,o^t Mi /ooo _ —, -z 3: TOWNOFSOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD �'-- 1 OWNER STREET b: -- VILLAGE J DIST. SUB. LOT I ,> S Ants)). i- LA-117,a/e w faa d. > ,., 5 FOMER OWNER N E . ACR. I -' Sere, a '4teritit.g• , S W r. . TYPE OF BUILDING 137 1!4 ace-` K2.,fr'', , l , .0 i se r/I'4l�r S,, SEA VL FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS / , , � k/"i`_-. >.,_c ,,Q.._ I (Th, .,." / pry ® ter , - /.$C//F � •7'd�13 e`� G9 L:.' t /eG.�lf„`,'.'�Z &i,--e/le,., . "s✓,.a.' .,�7.P., , ��, y�.a (,;,7?„,,,,,, C.-„a=6a..F.-.A, ae t„ �- J�'7 zY� pe gq-o-2 9 eDoC - 4'/- s'/7i,` <0,��"A/ -4 4,-1%.. .i 1. t ,/.,6p./�.+4'= "-:, /7 d s 9/5 a ✓'1/45 /77 s, iE i-t�->�'-- v/t;*�,. 9-82” a ',r d CcrIro evC - A'ay.mrcleer R/14s,34c*, .7,0- l/3o/7‘ 71;4del,* P.~n isub/cie,'s,4ne.flnje C i , LSO m wr` t-? pp a9 5 / 5'•%*,o7o4. /„ ,,,. e . ..:a A/s-5:14,#-6 iris oi -• f-. 41,00 7fr NEr 27 9/7pJ te.3(0(6o._A-gt0 I. Uso TRI t4 P- crc-+r?/ A47 71145-ate 3/o00•aS'avA:,3C.12 2 #k?7 p �9j �' &^/717x/ -'Y-.�S. t'f�f'� ',Lev (27- r8� -L(023 ,'. ,fszhrI - I -'u �.' 4 M'e i< a4 , ` -) 407i#olLIatacp044 -IUAO(is -h) timesAtli L17,LW -a z AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER 1 Woodland / y FRONTAGE ON ROAD rr4 ' .,av n /'7 Meadowland DEPTH ' 2 :3! House Plot BULKHEAD Total DOCK ! w' ..r --- [ , 4assioa- - 1 r [ I COLOR 7,.1771a,t,c_ TRIM cci-hirji 2 y $ Scr t 6' — N V A misii -_ ,L .. .v7- ILI (--.-_-_;.. am _ ikvi i- ,itil 1 ii I E I -Pled- --• 43 Li Ng , • , u IR ili 1 „_... A , eft ,?,71_,) )ii ? '''....... _ 1"" H if " ,,r7 1 • 7i (DV 1 ti, ,D4 e,4 •• - '''''.1 4qai1/4,44aQ4 kCdCqrig.1414"Cf4;::: • L Ci S 4L 4, 4 e .4 411 b C/51 —oTh 1 4) ' I e• M. Bldg. ,.1- - crtirfro, a vill 7 7 14- . e . Extension 6'16 , oty 0 6 4; 04) ea o3::, --1 ---- Extension Isx. Q 6 z 3 9 0 } O J (..0 9 71 Extension __ _ _ _____ PKTT 4•,/ Foundation P C- Bath 2.- Dinette Porc<stiAl.) / ,.2 p 0 __a i 3 0 - z 00 726 Basement p7/4 k,it Floors P/ I., c,' K. / g isx ,.54 ..r, A,6,1" r Finish LR Bxee . porchopfii g 6 zir i 3.0 3 / ii Ext. Walls WOOD -J4 ' Interio v 'r acmylt 7 k. Lo. : 2,2 Fire Place y - Heat ,s rtfr, ,, , DR. Garage Type Roof Rooms 1st Floor BR. Patio Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B O. B. Dormer Driveway Total /9 7 7 1 5 k 0 4.20 b. 5-4 dryt) 7 3 ,5,)::/ 7:517i61 1 , , u r APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS , \OS�FFI�(4- o,� Co'; • �' 4 Gy Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman c , 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora W , P.O.Box 1179 PP, George Horning �� Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva ; �Ol `a �' ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando - ,��' Telephone(631)765-1809 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 20, 2002 By fax 12/20 and Regular Mail 5-if3 Mr. Frank A. Restituto, Architect If13) 18 Crabapple Lane Commack, NY 11725 Re: Appl. No. 5255 — Homes Anew I —Zoning Determination Dear Mr. Restituto: Enclosed please find a copy of the Board's determination reversing the Building Department's action with regard to Zoning Code Sections 100-31A and 100-243. Please be sure to follow-up with the Building Department for the next step in the zoning review and application process. An extra copy of this determination should be made available (if requested) at the Building Department with your set of final drawings and any other required documentation. This will assist the building permit office during its final review. Thank you. Very truly yours, i 1� Gerard P Goehringer Chairman Enclosure Extra Copy on 12/20 delivered to: Building Department Lewis S. Meltzer, Esq. (by fax 516-747-0653) - ,/, ,i°''SUFFOLit APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ��� �0 Ce 4z, y� Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman t=i : 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora ,z P.O.Box 1179 George Horning ' �� Southold,New York 11971-0959 `�,f, ` � Ruth D. Oliva = '�0� asg �• `a0- ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando ,..'� Telephone(631)765-1809 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 2002 Appl. No. 5255—HOMES ANEW I Property Location: 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold; Parcel 1000-88-3-23.1. SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property is located on the 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold. The property contains 41,553 sq. ft. of land area with 186.64 ft. along Main Bayview Road and lot depth of 233+- feet, and is improved with a two-story frame dwelling structure as shown on the survey prepared by Pat T. Seccafico,L.S. dated 3/29/01, revised 7/25/02. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's November 6, 2002 Notice of Disapproval denying a permit to construct certain interior alterations and renovations in a pre-existing nonconforming multi-family dwelling (see Plans 2, 3 and 4 prepared by Frank A. Restituto, Architect, highlighting the proposed alterations/renovations and existing construction details.). The reason that a permit was disapproved is that the existing building has a nonconforming front yard setback at less than 50 feet and is used as a multi-family dwelling(preexisting nonconforming use). FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on December 12, 2002, at which time written and oral evidence was presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and the area, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant. AREA VARIANCE/RELIEF REQUESTED: A determination reversing the decision of the building department, or alternatively for grant of a variance is requested under Section 100-243 of the zoning code. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted, and personal inspections,the Board makes the following findings: The Board recognizes that in nonconforming buildings, internal construction, or alterations and renovations are necessary. There are no changes in the size or layout of the existing established footprint of the building covered under the Town issued Certificates of Occupancy and Preexisting Certificate of Occupancy; therefore, no variance application is needed to approve these internal structural changes. BOARD RESOLUTION: On motion by Member Orlando, seconded by Chairman Goehringer,it was \6 Page 2 - Homes Anew I ZBA Appl. No 5255 12/12/02 4, +- Parcel 1000-88-3-23.1at Southold V tl, \\,0 '01 'r a Or . 0 RESOLVED, to grant applicant's request to REVERSE the decision of the Building Inspector dated October 23, 2002, and amended November 6, 2002. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer (Chairman), Tortora, Ho ' g, Oliva, and Orlando. This Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote (5-0). gg // aw- _ / erard P. Goehr. ger, Ch:irman Approved for filing / 1----------------------- ' .2.:77LE AND FID 13 rkr , ----- 2) `i.'()wi,i cl CLI DzITE 1.2/.2 / L'OUR e'lL/G-,9-tiG .-, ..,./2 . c,.A. Et f 3--1 -P i--________ , .e.-.C, C- .'f' ,' ' - " '. '' C-- -C 1,! r _ - )02-i 6,:).7) Y ( 72 Carol Street ,�---____ IrN ' Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 j. + ; ; / ��M,l December 9, 2002 ? ,- _ 4*4k Southold Town Board of Appeals II' \ DEC 11 2 53095 Main Road !1' !` at t_- a=44 Q_ P.O. Box 1179 Southold,N.Y. 11971-0959 e Re: Appeal. No 5255 Property Location: 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold Parcel No. 1000-88-3-23.1 /)-//2/O 2..-PAir I have been informed of the above appeal by certified mail which was only picked up at the Post Office on December 9, 2002. I would think that notification should have been 1 month notice of hearing date of December 12, 2002. In moving forward, after reading for the reversal of the building department November 6, 2002, disapproval, I bring up the following questions: L. How many residential units are in the building now? 2. The interior alterations are they going to be expanded to allow more units or more living space which would certainly not conform to the existing building. 3. The interior alterations would require off-street parking and the rear of the building at its present use has been a makeshift parking area which accommodates at the present time 6 vehicles. By installing a new asphalt driveway and parking area, I can only see that this area would accommodate at least twice as many cars which would be right smack in the middle of a residential area and therefore not conform. As I am unable to attend the meeting on such short notice, I would have to ask that the original denial made by the Building Department on November 6, 2002 remain in effect. I don't think that I or the residents in the immediate area want to have a parking lot in our backyard. For reference please not that my property is Tax Map No. 473889 79.-6-33. Very truly yours, Margaret Denker LAW OFFICES MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN 8C SGHLISSEL, LLP THE CHANCERY 190 WILLIS AVENUE, MINEOLA, NY 11501 TELEPHONE: (516) 747-0300 FACSIMILE: (516)747-0653 INTERNET: www.mig COM November 5, 2002 - (G, [-r 11 est f j : 1I NOV - 6, 2 �' !!! ! 1 A/1 � , � -�i 1 Mr. Gerard Goehringer Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Application for Variance of Homes Anew I, LTD. 9625 Main Bayview Road Dear Mr. Goehringer: This firm represents Homes Anew I, LTD. Homes Anew has filed with your office an application for a variance with respect to its property located at 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold, New York. Your office has been very understanding in the past with respect to this project and my client respectfully requests that you, at this time in light of all the previous circumstances, place its application on the calendar for your Board Meeting on December 5th, 2002 . The circumstances which we believe make this request meritorious are as follows : 1 . Homes Anew purchased the property, which had a valid Certificate of Occupancy for five permanent apartments . 2 . Homes Anew secured a grant for the acquisition and renovation of the property from H.U. D. (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development) . The acquisition and renovation were so that people with developmental disabilities could live virtually independently in the renovated building. 3. The use stated on the valid Certificate of Occupancy was a pre-existing, nonconforming use. 4 . The plans for the renovation did not in any way provide for any expansion of the building. Rather the plans provided for upgraded heating, plumbing, electrical work and interior MLG 281952 1 MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN & SGHLISSEL, LLP renovations for upgrading of kitchens, bathrooms, etc. The plans also provided for some minor reconstruction and relocation of walls so as to reconfigure certain of the rooms in the building without in any way expanding the building. 5. The Building Department refused to issue a Building Permit, claiming that a variance was needed. 6. Mr. Goehringer wrote to the Building Department informing them that no variance was needed for certain categories of work which he described in his letter to the Building Department dated April 16, 2002 and memo dated April 26, 2002 . See copies attached marked A and B respectively. 7 . Nevertheless, the Building Department continued to refuse to issue a Building Permit, insisting a variance was necessary despite Mr. Goehringer' s statement that no variance was needed. 8 . Throughout these many months, Homes Anew was in great jeopardy of losing its grant from HUD, but on several occasions was able to convince HUD to grant an extension of time. 9. At long last, the Building Department recently issued a Building Permit but only for plumbing, electrical and heating work. See copy attached marked C. 10. The fact that the Building Permit which was issued was limited, and the fact that no Building Permit has been able to be obtained for the reconfiguration of the rooms, still places Homes Anew in jeopardy of losing its grant from HUD if it cannot promptly secure the Building Permit for the remainder of the project . 11. Homes Anew is therefore seeking a variance so that it may secure a Building Permit for those portions of the work required by H.U. D. , which have not been permitted by the Building Department. Accordingly, because of the time urgency and the risk of the loss of the HUD grant, it is respectfully requested that the application for variance be placed on the December calendar. V= ; truly yours, ' l / 1 Le S. 1- zer LSM: jvr Enclosures MLG 281952 1 • April 16, 2002 Building Department Attn: Michael Verity 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Nonconformities Dear Mr. Verity: Continuing on our discussions, this will confirm that the following activities are authorized in a Principal Building which is either eligible to ece Ve f Certificate of Occupancy for any use (conforming or nonconforming), or which a has a valid Certificate of Occupancy of record with the Building Department the use being requested. This list is for specific activities that do not activate for the need for a variance — unless this building or site is has been expressly conditioned or expressly noted by the ZBA in a written determination of record:Sly 1. Repair or replacement of an existing boiler and water heating utilitythe basement (similar size unit; in-kind, in-place). in 2. Existing interior doors and trim repaired or replaced, in kind, in- place. 3. Flooring - modernized, repaired or replaced. 3. Painting and new caulking. ,, 4. Repair or replacement of existing fixtures and existing appliances. 5. Repair or replace electrical wiring which meets State code, may incl • light fixtures, outlets and switches which fall under mandates. ude 6. Repair or replace existing window and/or existing door frame of size (may be upgraded to meet minimum size of State Code regulationi but not enlarged greater than the minimum required size). 4 Page 2—April 16, 2002 ' Re: Nonconformities 7. Repair, modernization or total replacement of kitchen and bathroom cabinets or vanities, in-kind, in place without an expansion, addition or enlargement of the existing kitchen and/or bathroom areas. .8. Existing stairs and/or step areas may be repaired, replaced or removed to meet State Code. 9. Smoke and heat detector installations shall be allowed as required. 10. Ceiling height at a maximum (7'6") to meet State Fire Code shall be allowed if required in certain rooms without modifying roof angle or changing height. 11. Replace or repair, in place, in kind: existing decks, porches or roofs, as long as there are no new extensions or extensive modifications which increase the degree of nonconformity. 12. Replace or repair, in place, in kind: existing plumbing water lines or sanitary systems, without ext ndi g new a eas existing different or expanded connections, or other additional lines. 13. Repair or replace, in place, in kind, siding or roofing without structural alterations. The above list is not all inclusive, but provides a those activities which may be reviewed under a building permit application. A separate written clarification will also be provided regarding Accessory Buildings and Special Exception uses. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman 04/29/2002 08:56 6317659064 ZONINGAPPEALSBOARD : PAGE 02 ',,,,...,.�__- APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �,�''0$OFFO[11 Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Lydia f ; Lydia A.Tortora • tY{ ,,,, f¢`F' P.O.Boa; 1179 George Horning ; moi 5 ,g'� Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva 4,4. b‘• ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando =_'tZs �+„.0 Telephone (631)765-1809 00http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN MEMO tt j3'l TO: Michael Verity, Building Department FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman DATE: April 26, 2002 SUBJECT: 1000-88-3-2 In connection with the above premises, it is my understanding that the building is in a nonconforming footprint due to substandard setback(s). Based on this information, this Department has no objection to issuance of a building permit for the modernization or repairs, or replacement of in-kind, in-place materials, as referenced in my April 16, 2002 correspondence. It is my understanding that there is no increase in the footprint or increase of nonconforming use proposed. (If there is an alternative plan to increase the existing footprint of the building, or to increase the degree of nonconformity or nonconforming use, then the applicant may decide to correct the plan to conform to the codes, or to alternatively proceed with a Notice of Disapproval procedure.) This applies even if the building contains a nonconforming use. 04/29/02 MON 09:09 [TX/RX NO 5550] OCT 16 '02 11:CORN 50U':,-M.r.D BUTLL�I.NG 631 765 9502 - _ --------• P.i • FORM Nb. 3 TOWN OF SOLJTHOLD Ca! BUILDING DEPARTMENT � Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT • (HEIS PERMIT MUST HE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL PULL • COMPLETION OP THE WORN AUTHORIZED) • PERMIT NO: 28761 2 Date SEPTEMBER 20, 2002 Permission is hereby granted for • ANEW I LTD HOMES 120 PLANT AVENUE• ' HAJPPAUGE,NY 11788 fl%STALLATION OF A NEW HEATING SYSTEM AS PER STATE COPE & HEATING SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND WIRING AND .PLVMBING REPAIRS. • at premises located at 9625 MAIN BAYVIEW RD SOUTHOI.D County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 089 Block . 0003 ' Lot No. 023 , 001 pursuant to application dated AUGUST 15, 2002 and approved by the , Building Inepectar to expire on MARCH 20, 2004 . Fee $ 200. 00 • Authorize S gnatur COPY Rev. 5/8/02 FROM BALDUCCI PHONE NO. 631 451 0783 Mar.- 03 2000' 12:24215M P1 edJ10V201110 11701 516300770 HOUGH QJ_DICE REALTY —` I - It F'AG ei2 , F TOWN OF �!•,1a"!�, •.•.,',...'fir„-:0t r� -!e f o i .• 14.165 ,..---_-, a. • EuRDtM, witr.0 TO*1 - , , • _ .I..Y.a.s CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY •• ....it ! i.,.. ../I - 128 K-R D.le_. _ e _lir l'`'1t3Z• es. .� . r THIS CERTIFIES M.1 14w ls-AcCrwa boc.4r•d of X25 Xan Barr Bov, ' SAt'b..t. 1.4.p No. .ix1 No, i . Ed No. 3CCI 8o41tho1d !.Y. Re u1 r ata ofOld ti 14 Rattid:nce to M•. T«.n+ of Sootbold• codorm< bebtt.,1l;447 it Ow A .ei Before Melt. LAW if.54, i'e'rs<0 fo wkicik livkliie.E per ail N®. XX . dated If w as'blued. axed 6o•dior mi it ai! of &a nark*- mewl% d flys ap?Tvbia prapri$1•1% of Co 1a.. 1!e4 aacwpbnry (o+ .{+kh thh trracatr Til {aa+ed `- S peiDlA�flt_Wine _. t..wM. b••... a 1.44440! of tip ,f r e+u $•sr'V•l• - c" . - - _ 1 : 0 e 00 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE �'f'� Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK % o - P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS rPt MARRIAGE OFFICER ‘`‘°4 :4 ���, Fax (631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Wei ��® � Fax (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER .. ���� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: November 18, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5255 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5255—Homes Anew, Inc. -Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is an authorization letter,notice of disapproval, ZBA questionnaire,project description, applicant transactional disclosure form, notice of disapproval,property card, survey, affidavits from tenants, site plan,building permit application, survey, and plans. October 24, 2002 To: Town of Southold Board of Appeals County of Suffolk From: Homes Anew I To whom it may concern, Homes Anew I hereby states that Frank Restituto and or Russell A. VanWelde are representing Homes Anew I as our Authorization Agent for the variance that we are seeking from the Town of Southold Zoning Board. Sincerely, OL4D kaii;y0 /aL4/T---- ' - i) -&-L—c-e-o- "AO :), Christine Werner L` Program Director /20 P /ad A-ie QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A.APPLICATION A. Is the subject emises listed on the real estate market for sale? ❑Yes SNo B. Are there .ny roposals to change or alter land contours? ❑Yes No C. 1)Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? A/0 2) Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? A/ 3) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? A/1 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? /j/4 D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? A/742— (If not applicable, state"n/a") E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? 41-1///Ai/tr (If none exist, please state "none") F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? yU` O If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? th9 If yes,please explain where or submit copies of deeds. H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel 4&5 C and proposed use igD vop aA.23. , I W2-e-/A_ /Authorized Signature and Date • • PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A. Application) Applicant(s): L/)///1* A4' ' 1.4-",t) I. If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed ,4J/- A. Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions beyond existing building. Dimensions/size: Square footage: B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend beyond the existing building: / k Dimensions/size: Square footage: II. If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction:Am Dimension/size. Square footage: Height: III. Purpose and use of new construction requested in this application: /,t/7:ei'et`��-- Afte9wr7 7Peks' 2 hien L N. Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): V. Please submit seven (7)photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction. 7/02 Please note:Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure. Thank you, APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: //Z>41/ 6 /971 :; ' L T (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company If so, indicate the other person or company name) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance 1/ Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other If"Other", name the activity: Do you personally, (or through your company, spouse, sibling; parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold. Title or position of that person. • Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this 7 da, of 1S2,"0-2---- Signature. S2'Signature. // Print Name. Aelerfarjar At # —{2e FORM NO. 3 �� 1 • N NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 23, 2002 AMENDED: November 6, 2002 TO: Frank Restituto A/C Homes Anew 18 Crabapple Lane Commack,NY 11725 j�'k NOV m 2 }9a*WO--rx�,+ Please take notice that your application dated October 22, 2002 For permit for interior alterations and renovation of an existing non-conforming multi-family dwelling at Location of property 9625 Main Bayview Rd., Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 88 Block 3 Lot 23.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to XXIV, Section 100-243, which states, "A nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered or moved, except as set forth below, unless the use of such building is changed to a conforming use"because, 1.) A multi-family dwelling is not a permitted use in the R-40 District pursuant to Article III, Section 100-31, A. 2.) In addition, the building has a front yard setback of+/- 12 feet, making it a nonconforming building pursuant to Article IIIA, Section 100-30A.3,which states, "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the Residential R-40 District unless the same conforms to the requirements of the Bulk Schedule and of the Parking Schedule, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full." Bulk schedule requires a minimum front yard setback of 50 feet. This permit was amended on Nov. .. : • :, - 102, to clarify certain issues. A ho 'red Signa e Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. LAW OFFICES MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN & SCHLISSEL, LLP THE CHANCERY 190 WILLIS AVENUE. MINEOLA, NY 11501 TELEPHONE: (516) 747-0300 FACSIMILE: (516)747-0653 INTERNET: www mlg.com -- --- November 5, 20021i , 11 00 NOV 6, 2 II 11 Ms. Linda Kowalski L-- _feyN. Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Application for Variance of Homes Anew I, LTD. 9625 Main Bayview Road Dear Ms . Kowalski: This firm represents Homes Anew I, LTD. Homes Anew has filed with your office an application for a variance with respect to its property located at 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold, New York. Your office has been very understanding in the past with respect to this project and my client respectfully requests that you, at this time in light of all the previous circumstances, place its application on the calendar for your Board Meeting on December 5th, 2002 . The circumstances which we believe make this request meritorious are as follows: 1 . Homes Anew purchased the property, which had a valid Certificate of Occupancy for five permanent apartments. 2 . Homes Anew secured a grant for the acquisition and renovation of the property from H.U. D. (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development) . The acquisition and renovation were so that people with developmental disabilities could live virtually independently in the renovated building. 3. The use stated on the valid Certificate of Occupancy was a pre-existing, nonconforming use. 4 . The plans for the renovation did not in any way provide for any expansion of the building. Rather the plans provided for upgraded heating, plumbing, electrical work and interior MLG.282009 1 r r� o� _ / MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN 8c SGHLISSEL, LLP renovations for upgrading of kitchens, bathrooms, etc. The plans also provided for some minor reconstruction and relocation of walls so as to reconfigure certain of the rooms in the building without in any way expanding the building. 5. The Building Department refused to issue a Building Permit, claiming that a variance was needed. 6. Mr. Goehringer wrote to the Building Department informing them that no variance was needed for certain categories of work which he described in his letter to the Building Department dated April 16, 2002 and memo dated April 26, 2002 . See copies attached marked A and B respectively. 7 . Nevertheless, the Building Department continued to refuse to issue a Building Permit, insisting a variance was necessary despite Mr. Goehringer' s statement that no variance was needed. 8 . Throughout these many months, Homes Anew was in great jeopardy of losing its grant from HUD, but on several occasions was able to convince HUD to grant an extension of time. 9. At long last, the Building Department recently issued a Building Permit but only for plumbing, electrical and heating work. See copy attached marked C. 10 . The fact that the Building Permit which was issued was limited, and the fact that no Building Permit has been able to be obtained for the reconfiguration of the rooms, still places Homes Anew in jeopardy of losing its grant from HUD if it cannot promptly secure the Building Permit for the remainder of the project. 11. Homes Anew is therefore seeking a variance so that it may secure a Building Permit for those portions of the work required by H.U. D. , which have not been permitted by the Building Department. Accordingly, because of the time urgency and the risk of the loss of the HUD grant, it is respectfully requested that the application for variance be placed on the December calendar. Vey truly yours Lewis S. eltzer LSM: jvr Enclosures MLG 282009 1 t.14.I` April 16, 2002 Building Department Attn: Michael Verity 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Nonconformities Dear Mr. Verity: Continuing on our discussions, this will confirm that the following types of activities are authorized in a Principal Building which is either eligible to receive a Certificate of Occupancy for any use (conforming or nonconforming), or which has a valid Certificate of Occupancy of record with the Building Department for the use being requested. This list is for specific activities that do not activate the need for a variance — unless this building or site is has been expressly conditioned or expressly noted by the ZBA in a written determination of record: 1. Repair or replacement of an existing boiler and water heating utility in the basement (similar size unit; in-kind, in-place). 2. Existing interior doors and trim repaired or replaced, in kind, in- place. 3. Flooring - modernized, repaired or replaced. 3. Painting and new caulking. 4. Repair or replacement of existing fixtures and existing appliances. 5. Repair or replace electrical wiring which meets State code, may include light fixtures, outlets and switches which fall under mandates. 6. Repair or replace existing window and/or existing door frame of similar size (may be upgraded to meet minimum size of State Code regulation but not enlarged greater than the minimum required size). Page 2—April 16, 2002 Re: Nonconformities . 7. Repair, modernization or total replacement of kitchen and bathroom cabinets or vanities, in-kind, in place without an expansion, addition or enlargement of the existing kitchen and/or bathroom areas. 6. Existing stairs and/or step areas may be repaired, replaced or removed to meet State Code. 9. Smoke and heat detector installations shall be allowed as required. 10. Ceiling height at a maximum (7'6") to meet State Fire Code shall be allowed if required in certain rooms without modifying roof angle or changing height. 11. Replace or repair, in place, in kind: existing decks, porches or roofs, as long as there are no new extensions or extensive modifications which increase the degree of nonconformity. 12. Replace or repair, in place, in kind: existing plumbing for existing water lines or sanitary systems, without extending new areas for different or expanded connections, or other additional lines. 13. Repair or replace, in place, in kind, siding or roofing without structural alterations. The above list is not all inclusive, but provides a those activities which may be reviewed under a building permit application. A separate written clarification will also be provided regarding Accessory Buildings and Special Exception uses. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman 04/29/2002 08:56 6317659064 ZONINGAPPEALSBOARD : PAGE 02 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ��,0'�g�FFl7(�►`; Southold Town Hall iAt��. 0 ; 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman P.O.Box 1179 Lydia A.Tortora i M '` -are Southold,New York 11971-Q959 George HorningO 'g I ZBA Fax(631)765-9061 Ruth D. Oliva ';�,�01 �`��ee'�, Telephone(631)7654809 Vincent Orlando _- r,Id..0 http://southaldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN MEMO EL " TO: Michael Verity, Building Department FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman DATE: April 26, 2002 SUBJECT: 1000-88-3-2 i/7- /,- - /. In connection with the above premises, it is my understanding that the building is in a nonconforming footprint due to substandard setback(s). Based on this information, this Department has no objection to issuance of a building permit for the modernization or repairs, or replacement of in-kind, in--place materials, as referenced in my April 16, 2002 correspondence. It is my understanding that there is no increase in the footprint or increase of nonconforming use proposed. (If there is an alternative plan to increase the existing footprint of the building, or to increase the degree of nonconformity or nonconforming use, then the applicant may decide to correct the plan to conform to the codes, or to alternatively proceed with a Notice of Disapproval procedure.) This applies even if the building contains a nonconforming use. 04/29/02 MON 09:09 [TX/RX NO 5550] OCT 16 'OE 11.:091;11 S0UT;',;::; BUILDING 631 765 9502 P.1 • • • • FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOLTTI OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT • •`.:HIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO: 28761 Z Date SEPTEMBER 20, 2002 • Pemission is hereby granted for ANVir Y LTD HOMES 120 PLANT AVENUE ' HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788 for INSTALLATION OF A NEW HEATING SYSTEM AS ,PER STATE COPE & HEATING SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS, NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND WIRING AND•PLUMBING REPAIRS• at premisee 1pcated at 9525 MAIN BAYVIEW RD SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473989 Section 088 Elock• ' 0003 Lot No. 023 , 001 pursuant to application dated AUGUST . 114_202 and approved by the , • Building Ineppptor to expire on MARCH 20, 2Q04 . Pee $ 200. 00• 77/e.e.. AO" AtIthorize 9' S gnatur-' COPY Rev. 5/B/02 FROM ': BALD-UCCI PHONE NO. : 631 451 8783 Mar. 03 2888 12:43PM P1 03/L1j/2000 11:01 5153602995 HOUGH QJ?DICE REALTY PAGE 02 1. , TOWN OF .U� . .� : 1 ' •tiAZ - ''.:I.'':•:�.•.— . yam' / �j • 4�.•- • - .• •y f9 .-4. l •''1t�t'gi 'k�. . • l'!1 .• - Yc T ti/lr COUNTY, 7 e' p` •+ •`f ,•`; '• V Zj'•�` o ' ....V.6., CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY • - . • fs.. t'28_ Yi-R ttZ• • t THIS GERTIFtEs N..1 the bJd:n9 be.►vd at, 19625 Main Ileaivi" Rsta ....Strove. Isfep No. XJC Nv... -LI -rte . Lot No. SC7� 8Oft thoU !.Y. • die ui a nttc of 2,d !! la Rc'si6at�c• IN 0!w TO,111 .11SoA$o . conforms tvbsteet;I p 9® the A.,.d Be fore M.R. I-ay 411 '.. pairs wog f. ,.0►;d 111441,4 P.i-m t No. . d.t•d - -. - ]CZ !1_. ras Its will. and a+p+4a•na N .1 .1 Ofsit no•lat,. am.wtt .i tits epyT44U4 Preris:•a. .f 41,• law. T. etc rP•rtry 44 i'4}+ this t .1Hkate Ti lowed Is eareiner t o�CVpitif_y aparti r t$ _ Twit tartifir.o. h 1,1,04h -_ .- •e • ® Jr • (winter. &+w. .• b...il of 0+ of•r sou toalgr le. . • •i . , • • - . • I , : . • • • .*-G5; •. • • _L .1.,;•:•.• . - . �• •ie - - .. .;•;1, 4-�l4' .��.�'.i.;•.i, ). �� ,fY-4 ,t. ii pZ*`•i�R' i�Cti7 .4'4f• .4` •t,,, t'li ,;1 s.• .41,11.."w ir •r,�.s.:� 00,4- _1.- > . .4.1*LItirtfief 41 VePT! lis• "iI is p.-3 .-1 •_ • it IAA •'7%44 V. ` 1 •ei•.= a1 ;.��, ,ff.'s; •M_ '�,. � t •., S� 1, :' .., . .3,- :iit.-ost 'Ihrt — -..' f 5- -= illi A •)t . iv f IA ,�,�a A•iL*- ...it -.-";.• .•• •L-• ...c:,?,!_t: • '°' • . , sr`akt_ A,. iv' i _ li. . Ify:RJ: iRk.i�Q F ti • Y' lib +: `t s, _ , 7r1 `-••• dye :404.1visitel ---, .. *k0•` ' • 03/03/00 FRI 12:45 [TX/RX NO 7104] 21001 11/14%2002 02:5?. 6315438413 `VIRANK 'At IESTITIJTO PAGE 1 01 ' ; ' (9/ /PA \ iksf- pAcksl J. i1'�si1tli FRANK A. RE5TITUTO ., :li.lf.11iil .ARCFIIVF . CT _,. , is CRi►IT4P��:� I�IE, COIN� � w� , HEYORK 11725 = -- - 0 31) 5434327 November 14, 2002 Board of Appeals -- - Town of Southold Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Attn: Linda Kowalski Re: Homes Anew I 9625 Main Bayview Road Southold,New York SCTM#884-23.1 Please be advised that the six sets of drawings and alteration notes delivered to your office on October 24, 2002 represent the drawings that were filed for a building permit on or about August 13,2001. These drawings can be made available to the board for their review and information. The seven sets of plans delivered to your office on November 12, 2002 which are highlighted, represent the work for which a variance is being requested. if there are any questions or if additional information is required,please do not hesitate to call on me Thank you for all your assistance and cooperation Very yours, X11 Fre .Restituto • • rc • act FAR/J. i T ANSMH A\ I FRANK A. RESTITUTO ARCHITECT 18 CRABAPPLE LANE COMMACK, NEW YORK 11725 1 1': s ,.� ``f� _(631) 5435327 DATE: Gt 6 /, to/frrn ) 1U : � M . hi` ll COMMENTS: 51 to- 701 - 7 l0 g' C Ce,6() 645'41 ` . ` ,mosi . , e(,41610 AlkE 1 se-ES c 6*Lsnii\g,, a4L3o/o-1,61,-ss Apa to4sp&a) r(49 V Ps 1 1 i .. Y I...' _ Lim. ' ' VAI %f VI VW r IV/Irtr If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please do not hesitate to call on me. - WA e- Very truly yours, )00: fliiiier `N1��U11.II!'0 Frank nk A. Restituto 1J.I1!hI�II'Ii1i Architect ',Town Of Southold ' P.O Box 1179 16 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 11/14/02 Receipt#: 1950 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $400.00 Check#: 1950 Total Paid: $400.00 Name: Hordes,Anew Ltd 9625 Main Bayview Rd Southold, NY 11971 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID.64085 tu1E41110FllE7auiK- ERTIFIED / ' •I4I�— Q /�� (•.,,. _11.� •s ; k•- I ., - • - • coi•l4•�' F F C ( A L U S EJ 1-9 Mail SolPCDn er(MSC) to not affiliates with the United States PoiAt91 Service IU . • .•. . . : official USPS postmarks r9 QV pgicit,f4dir0 .. for any oiecoc of may turned over to MBC for 2 walling.Since the • - Av-Peseooa wiy Certified Mall may not Fettotkiraorilisepap Certified pieces of mail is not trufWetece9eb14. (EndoMfet aggeedt nrnrr enc f nor doe..AMC accept anyiflebliity Or ih eT .(:au:Amara non-rete pt Of Thai return receipt or Endof rItIF Fee at MBC 0 (Endof �StrRequiied) Cernfiaar �leo6 itsez 1..s nnly accepts anj pr ocass 7s f.nm'a' d.r. Vdiir++nor+QUI itb�:.ai Gt.i�3i t./ � ('L Q TOtaPgal..gtkEgeSE r"10Yt n+cl.t^0 Oy U H Sent To U�n Street, POBoApt. orNo. to cQ,�tsui> . t OI I City,ci State,ZIP+4 i.1/�� 1[all(all i PS Form 3800,January 2001 See Rev- . -, t "c i—- U.S.Po ` . - CERTIFIED MAIL.RECE P (Domersti?5Mail Only;,No Insurance Coverage Prow.e•_ ul E - L c LnU S Postage $ Mail Box Center((ABC) Is not affiliated with the United States PostaiC 3t lt$ifUSPS)and does not offer official USPS postmarks or proof of mailing for any closer of mail'umed over tg grfor lflN R IRS Faro are many reaanna wro; Certified Meal a not 0 (En A �t is not truly tre bl4, 1� RegaSettOtHVISFORAVOMManD re nor does MSC accept any liability or I:=1 (Edgl tf,lbflequirR.dfl° r^on-rt~ er't$f.'trip«rleylt:m m ce i � To(al asfanfr esC 'i"+ rtS"'' � ar%:ra+rsns.:'rob e.av<.rt^ vow+,� • p— Sent To i3 —r t JR1 f -j" 5 , 3E/r,( Street,Apt.No.; 1 v"J �L ( _ or PO Box No. �V �� 173 City,State,ZIP+4 4("OCE O (r 0 PS Form 3800,January 2001 See Reverse for 1. t ei_ (Domesti Mail Only;No Insurance Covera•e Provided ftlsr u7 Mail Botp er(MBC) Is not affiliate( with the United Stair p Postal Service(USPS)and does not offer official USPS postmarks r9 or Pi f PfF}. an]for any pieces of me: turned over to MSC for maifli�Ny�t+iggrt e f rl End work moat a Certifies niece st m isanoti®d truly tfa {knot Ho¢lity or 0 ( res onsiGilityto�r t 4r•r aor `` v PC accent any liability or p re customer!,non-,wail,of ti1F return rentiat or O Restnetedleltv9t for Cer-,;,t,n, ,i„tc- it,�,; 0 (EndpfiF.We@tIF(?9�;fe . . .Haan,,, 31-i nilly ac res an s f'fr,6`,� 7c•,�3Ff;{tirr5 0 Total Postage&.Fees: i.p nn:,uv tit n,:!_.� o �. _____7/12z.:(0-t-- CI —fir/? / n– Sent To Street,Apt.No.; ^ _ O▪ or PO6oxNo. i�JJ O City,State,ZIP+4 PSForm 3800,January 2001 - r i rzois -•ostal 'Sa-rtrK CERT (Domestic Mail Ohl •No Insurance Covera.a Provided u'1 O F F Ei C Ef A L US E_ Mail Box Center(MBC) le not affilia ed with the United States r- Postal y@fyygo(WS)and does not otter official LISPS postmarks or proof of ma ting fur dnv nieces ut n ail turned over to MBC for r9r�} ce there are many mason*why Certified Moll may not woorrk"ae � mason*nd sencra a Cea,f,e, flus mall is not truly ttaaeabl';. Rett� tEcuw�'recommend *no=firer MBC aCc3DtRdt31TUUISlSlllty or It1 (EndorsEridgftPR€ tkiy1r the,,uctnmers nota-a,"-ipn of the rets trEtoceuor or tleliv" 'r� Ccarfif,a, ;vyr•f. ,t!.s+r '1( �r•14 accrm'- x�:? Restrict eliv F (EndorseRequired) Uatu rn•!WA.�oc,.:.��,,, ,;>.:. •---// ) 3/UL Total Postage&Fees V$ a- Sent To Rr - ,/Axtez, nroartrit_ r= Street, No.; r=3 or PO Box No, City,State,ZlP+4 r/(p j I (C 4: PS Form'3800,January 2001 See Reverse for Instruc r—- U.S.Postal Servic. CER FIED MAIL RE EIP — =CI 1-11 Vail Sott Cantor MC Is n•r =it <,:•• .r oats ervice CUSPS)a d does not offer offici El USPS r,or proof of mei postmaks g69tSge�ng places of mail turn:d over to MSC for mailing.Since there ere many reasons why Ce ifled Mell may not r9 work and n leo esece at malt is `�eF4ie�l1�� truly,traceeblci. a MSC dons ftt rocomm • ..; =pt arty iiabi respc Ih� i 51e ��tu��teBl:l���'d'- omnrs noniecaur[oft -return racelp f7lde otse?tientiRe4'Ult9dj ,-, Wax!, 'arar m;y 8cce i 3f e Oprownse�tr�,r,„. x :EE•)�r•arn,mrr.to.*t:.anirm- O (�n orb"e'rtii'm h dlr�d)`ai on' v J.=�-•, ___/11.-4? 0 Total Postage&Fees $ Er▪ Sent Tofi""['—v o—[ FVvess/cyso Street,rOApt.N. V —(v (Olt 9T 0 or PO Box No. ( �yVV1t�Lll CI City,State,ZIP+4 A, meq/) 56/0/ [� ff'«�/I'!71/[/ (_J�( ' IIi (Domegtic'Mail Only; No Insurance Covera•e Provi•e. Postai SenliggAIR►'Si end does not offer official USPS postmarks I= or proof of mnilrnp am q.enac n• -no ryrrno over to MSC for 1-9 meUin Sipcg here are many reason3 1V111 Certifikee Mel)may not ,-.q work�gi'IPIN rdalk Certified piece of malt is not truly rraceaot i. i� fr esGG�nct�QQoaocmmand it nor does Mi accept anyd��or rn (Enda�44s�dlitscPrhJ a istorners noniece,F, of the return rfr-+ t or delivr:iv JT f- it '. L' - •'� +. ,tccC it'J efC� Op Restricted Delivery Fee ,.un'. '. -r ,n or / (Endorsement,9eggired) @ /. �/ Z V Q Total Postage&Fees $ Sent To /1 , .• „ siz ~""1 Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. 6/1`� I'\y � 6 co City,State,ZIP+4 c ? (` N 1 PS Form 3800,January,2001 See Reverse for Instruct i suipumm-14--yire- " D. A,IL RE•341:2i- (Domesttc Mail Only; No Insurance Covera•e Provi.e. ._n � i 1 Mail Sox Center f'•IBC) Is not affiliated •ith the Unite. fates ,-q Postal SenitsatIMS-S$and does not offer Selo!USPS postmarks t_j or proof of mailing o ; 5 • 4 urned over to MBC for 1-9 mailinl%e mjrfi:am many roasons'wh Certified Mail may not r-9 work end since a 7-- -••- - • _ is no truly traceeb14, rA4 e"o ago menc,+e nor deer M:!- accent any 5kor 0 (Enrltstaan®lt IRegttltsdJ=nuFcacners non-rc,Cnl :of the return naTi�rt or o (iv v C 1^¢016, 5ca its ': t nr'ty ac ee • ena Re pterAeily sx Far rs,vr Ir srp inF (En aitieni Required)` LlB.0 r nCb51M 91'n 9-=i=r ..• 1„ —.---__ ..,...._! Total Postage&Fees 4i Q^ Sent To1-9 T �C2 riStreet Apt.No.; I� �-r E:3 or PO Box No. 4 City,State,ZlP+4 ( 1 It PS.Form 3800,January 2.00.-1 , }See Reverse forInstruc • - 11;2642 11:27 1D:MELT7r= U 'IPPE,ET.PL. FAX: J PAGE 7 11/25/2002 -15:40 631765 (- ZU 4INUAPPEAL BgA41' - F'ALC 66 E �. - I, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLO:NEW YORK in the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT _LR` - P► AtOL NC3S (Name of Applicants) . ., CTM Parcel#1000- ego - 3 w Z3' I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) r STATE OF NEW YORK) I, residing at 1 se end c sy tt lot: „. q , New York, being duly sworn, dem kw:. On the 2 I day of N OI1 P ER , 2042 I personally mailed at the . United States Post Office in , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current • assessment toll verified from the official records on file with the('Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office• letkljJ_o P 40,0TN o t.D , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of way of record, surrounding the applicant's = opertyZ .P.4-=PiYoliinfob. ...4 ,..t_4..../_/ _.. . (Signature Sworn to before me this .1"3i—day of D6 - 1 - 1200 - __ KORIN L SUMS.� .wi ' STATE M NEWYORK (Notary Public) NO.4905543,SUFFOLK COUNTY TERM EXPIRES SEPT.14, aJ2 ' PLEASE list, on the beck of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank Y°11‘ 04.1—rM 44is'c7 `ji.i yrs 11/25/01 MON 15:00 ITX/RX NO 31081 — FAX NO. :6312347966 --A. 27 2002 10:14RM P2 -.----., .... .,. ...• ,,,- . ....-... .....Mmr+.--.-.- ...... -r- ;. t ,1 1 1, vs. I." 4; .:V141414 044#6:1. 96N 111:1P49 rva.S11.24.... .......... .a.... _ .` 77, cic"FitG 514 _____..4.,,,... ;Izti arefizic i-ei tt.C-Glv ‘). ____ ..... , : _... (10: (43z)P-mArz ÷ Lime. (A-le,P43.1E-ie,r. .pc • .._ _______________ ukFesk ,,..44: rcioti., f /tow ........______4_ ,,. 1--6/ cc lc,/ • 12 '"244 rtivoptm .. ., , ., .,I. 99 Afele Cfr-t 0 vr-ze4 K-6619 f c> gvt. ( ( t7 — .1, . ______ _____ _1113 t .i 1‘.;. /g 6 -. IlivetfbA.4.. . v_..tizwo..s.4, li''''' ,.... .. . ............... .••.6 4IIL Y21(4. 7 • ••• •^.. .r .b..• V a 6..r brn 78 C.' • 11 i: ' R)L0A494 Mieeifroicire,-- ---7 ---- p<s, . ....___ .. .i. ..i it& t el 6 1,C.C4L1 (144414.3 • _. „___.... . , , 11,dx-trw-ibgbi-S it-61 . i. ( 1 iVI-, --------^'--- as. er , Vo. )4, pe74601-- tr 1 .. TI ,---m _ - ,et. i • Q2rit-Vv- .., . . ., ... P er,t1% Jrt I AritTLik fi-4,44 Li ,on( � i ; . '13- .-.1,,,-',-;?:„LiEGA4 NOTICE;. _ - _ \ _ .',.SOU1BOLD.TOW = �9 C ;.BOARD N 3 , „;•' `;: 4' "1HURSDAI '."'�<,:,,,t:.f A DECEIi?akil;20112 <:4, ; (' 'N TiC".• RE8 N;-p STATE OF NEW YORK) I ursuant;to ' i? ,t Section 2f'��of.}h OOixiit* )SS: i,ktaa(l to .,,,=;,s.-r Vis_ t l e�i .-.-,- tits COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) PO:0-0f, old-:tne -foll4ivipg'hea�tiiigswilllie��ld,r;3��the.�, �&� of Mattituck, in said sO THQLD:TOV J BOallr5 095 county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is 'APP,EALS'at-=the:Towi',;IfaII ;53095•` !Main--Road;;{Southold i!1-0;;;York ' Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly 11971,:on Thursday,`•_Decembe'12,, newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of -2002;neili fries noted�below;(oi a' Soon theteaftei•„astpgssil le)i;, ,�: ;,; Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, PBicel l03`�12 : .! • and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed 7:40 ,p.m. Appl. ;,No. 5255 - !g HOMES ANEW.I, LTD,-.This is a copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper regnest- for,.,-•,-a• Reveisai- of the once each week for / weeks succes- Buildingt`Department's November'6, !I sively, commencing on the 27 day 2002 Notice of Disapproval for cer- of 2�Q� taro interior alterations and/or rend-, •` vations in a pre-existing noncon-' j forming multi-family dwelling,exist- ;' );414-'c ing.with a nonconforming front yard .,1 setback. Under Sections 100-31A Id Principal Clerk and 100-31A.3, a multi-family 'a{ dwelling is not a permitted use in the R-40 Residential Zone District, and Sworn to before me this o2-) a setback is required at 50 feet.In the i da Of (. JV 1 alternative, a Variance is requested y /`�u 20(�) under Section 100-243to allow cer- 'i 0�- taro interior alterations and/or reno- ':, /219 440-iLkat- vationswithintheexistingresidential s` LAURA E. 80NDARCHUK building in its present setback loca- tNotary Public, State of New York ion. Location of Property: 9625 Main Bayview Road, Southold; No 01 B06067958 Parcel 1000-88-3-23.1. Qualified in Suffolk County 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 5179 - My Commission Expires Dec.24, 20_0T CHARLES and CHARLIE SID- - OROWICZ. (This is a continued hearing,carried from the October 17, ','I 2002 calendar.) Proposed is a new . accessory garage building in an area - other than the required rear yard,at , - 3300 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck; ,-'' 113-8-4. i The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written ` statements before the conclusion of ' each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review between 8 and 3 during regular Town 11 Hall business days.If you have ques- ! tions, please do not hesitate to call , (631)765-1809. Dated:November 22,2002. /' Southold Town Board of Appeals ( - 53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 i ' Southold,NY 11971-0959 ' (tel.631-765-1809) - 2546-1T N27 - I - ALTERATION NOTES HOMES ANEW-I 9625 MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PROJECT 012-HD095/NY36-Q991-006 FAMILY RESIDENCES AND ESSENTIAL ENTERPRISES,INC. 120 PLANT AVENUE HAUPPAUGE,NEW YORK FRANK A. RESTITUTO ARCHITECT 18 CRABAPPLE LANE COMMACK,NEW YORK 11725 543-5327 f SITE ALTERATION NOTES (S) 1. REMOVE EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS WHERE AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION. REMOVE TRUNK AND TREE ROOTS COMPLETELY FILL HOLES LEVEL WITH EXISTING GRADE. GRADE AND SEED ENTIRE AREA. yr ` 2. DEGRADE AND SEED AREAS WHICH WERE DISTURBED BY DEMOLITION, EXCAVATION,BACKFILLING AND NEW CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL NEW TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE PROPER BASE FOR LAWN GROWTH. CONTRACTOR SHALL . MAINTAIN AND CARE FOR ALL NEWLY SEEDED AREAS TO INSURE A FULL GROWTH OF GRASS. REPAIR ALL CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND PAVED SURFACES WHICH ARE DISTURBED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION. 3.INSTALL NEW CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS WHERE NOTED ON THE PLANS. CONCRETE WALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" THICK AND 4'-0" WIDE. ALL SIDEWALKS AND PATIOS SHALL BEAR ON COMPACTED FILL. 4. ALL EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS ON ENTIRE SITE ARE TO REMAIN (EXCEPT THOSE AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION). PROTECT ALL PLANT MATERIAL DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE ALL PLANT MATERIAL DAMAGED OR ADVERSELY AFFECTED DURING DEMOLITION, EXCAVATION OR NEW CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTION ALTERATION NOTES (G) 1. REMOVE ALL WALLS AND PARTITIONS WHERE SHOWN DOTTED. REMOVE ALL WALLS COMPLETELY INCLUDING PLASTER FINISH, GYPSUM BOARD, STUDS, PLATES AND SILLS.PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED TEMPORARY SUPPORTS AND INSTALL NEW STRUCTURAL HEADERS AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. PATCH ALL ADJOINING SURFACES AFFECTED BY REMOVALS AND MAKE ALL ADJOINING SURFACES LEVEL. PREPARE ALL SURFACES TO ACCOMMODATE NEW FINISHES AS SCHEDULED.BLEND IN NEW WOOD FLOORING TO MATCH EXISTING FLOORS IN MATERIAL AND GRAINING 2. INSTALL NEW GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS USING 2"X4" WOOD STUDS, 16"OC WITH 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD ON BOTH SIDES. INSTALL PARTITIONS TIGHT TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. INSTALL ALL DOORS AS SCHEDULED COMPLETE WITH ALL TRIM AND OTHER ITEMS AS DETAILED. TAPE AND SPACKLE ALL NEW PARTITIONS AND PREPARE FOR SCHEDULED FINISHES. INSTALL 5/8" FIRE RATED GYPSUM BOARD ON THE CEILING IN THE BOILER ROOM AREA. TAPE AND SPACKLE AND PREPARE FOR SCHEDULED FINISHES. PATCH AND FILL ALL HOLES, CRACKS,OPENINGS, SPACES AROUND PIPE PENETRATIONS AND ALL OTHER SPACES TO PROVIDE A COMPLETELY TIGHT ENCLOSURE. ALTERATION NOTES 1 • 3. REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW AND TRIM. PREPARE AND FRAME NEW OPENINGS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NEW DOOR IN SIZE AS SHOWN. INSTALL NEW FRAMING AND GYPSUM BOARD AS REQUIRED. INSTALL NEW HEADERS. PATCH ALL GYPSUM , BOARD WHERE DISTURBED BY ALTERATIONS. INSTALL NEW DOORS,FRAMES AND TRIM AS SCHEDULED AND DETAILED. 4. REMOVE ALL EXISTING KITCHEN CABINETS COMPLETE WITH ALL BASE AND WALL CABINETS,COUNTER TOPS AND ALL RELATED ACCESSORIES. REPLACE ALL DETERIORATED FRAMING AND SUBFLOOR. INSTALL NEW KITCHEN CABINETS,FULL BACK SPLASH AND COUNTER TOPS AS DETAILED AND SPECIFIED. 5,REMOVE EXISTING STAIRS TO BASEMENT. FRAME OVER OPENING AND INSTALL NEW FLOOR SHEATHING LEVEL WITH EXISTING FLOORS. ALL NEW FLOOR JOISTS TO BE SECURED TO HEADERS AND TRIMMERS WITH GALVANIZED CONNECTORS. 6. REMOVE EXISTING DOOR, FRAME AND TRIM. INSTALL NEW FRAMING AND GYPSUM BOARD AS REQUIRED TO CLOSE UP OPENING.PATCH ALL GYPSUM BOARD BOTH SIDES OF OPENING. INSTALL NEW TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING. 7. REMOVE EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR,FRAME AND TRIM. INSTALL NEW FRAMING AND GYPSUM BOARD AS REQUIRED TO CLOSE UP OPENING. INSTALL NEW INSULATION, EXTERIOR SHEATHING AND SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING PATCH ALL GYPSUM BOARD AT INTERIOR OF OPENING. INSTALL NEW BASE TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING. 8. RENOVATE FIRST FLOOR BATHROOM. REMOVE ALL PLASTER OR GYPSUM BOARD WALLS AND CEILINGS, CERAMIC TILE FLOORS AND WALLS. REMOVE WATER CLOSETS, VANITIES AND SINKS, SHOWER, MIRRORS, LIGHT FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES. INSTALL NEW WATER CLOSETS, SINKS AND TUB UNIT WITH THREE PIECE,FIBREGLASS SURROUND. INSTALL NEW LIGHT FIXTURES,TOILET EXHAUSTS AND ACCESSORIES. REPLACE ALL DETERIORATED OR ROTTED STUDS AND SUBFLOOR. REPLACE ALL GYPSUM BOARD WITH WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM ` BOARD. INSTALL ALL NEW FINISHES AS SPECIFIED. INSTALL NEW DOORS AND HARDWARE AS SCHEDULED. 9. RENOVATE BATHROOMS. RECAULK ALL JOINTS AROUND OPENINGS AND TUB ENCLOSURES. CLEAN ALL FIXTURES,FLOORS AND WALL TILES. PAINT ALL WALLS AND CEILING. PAINT DOORS AND FRAMES AND TRIM. CHECK THE OPERATION OF ALL FIXTURES AND REPLACE ANY WORN PARTS,TRAPS OR ACCESSORIES TO MAKE ALL FIXTURES CLEAN AND FULLY OPERATIONAL. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EXISTING KITCHEN CABINETS AND MAKE ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS TO MAKE CABINETS FUNCTIONAL AND IN GOOD REPAIR. ALTERATION NOTES 2 . s INSTALL ALL NEW HINGES AND HANDLES AS REQUIRED TO MAKE ALL DRAWERS AND DOORS OPERATIONAL. ALL CABINETS SHALL BE CLEANED AND MADE FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL. 11. REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING WALL. PREPARE NEW OPENINGS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NEW DOORS IN SIZES AS SCHEDULED. INSTALL NEW FRAMING AND GYPSUM BOARD AS REQUIRED TO PREPARE OPENING. INSTALL NEW HEADERS WHEN REQUIRED. PATCH ALL GYPSUM BOARD WHERE DISTURBED BY ALTERATIONS. INSTALL NEW DOORS, FRAMES AND TRIM AS SCHEDULED AND DETAILED 12. CONSTRUCT NEW BATHROOM AS DETAILED ON PLANS. INSTALL NEW PARTITIONS AND DOORS. INSTALL NEW WATER CLOSETS, SINKS AND TUB UNIT WITH THREE PIECE, FIBREGLASS SURROUND. INSTALL NEW LIGHT FIXTURES, TOILET EXHAUSTS AND ACCESSORIES..INSTALL NEW WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD. INSTALL ALL NEW FINISHES AS SPECIFIED. INSTALL NEW DOORS AND HARDWARE AS SCHEDULED. 13. REMOVE ALL EXISTING FLOORING MATERIALS. PREPARE ALL SURFACES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NEW FLOORING AS SPECIFIED. CLEAN ALL SURFACES THOROUGHLY,REMOVING ALL TACKLESS STRIPS,ADHESIVE DIRT, GRIME, GREASE AND ALL OTHER FOREIGN MATTER WHICH WILL AFFECT THE INSTALLATION OF ALL NEW FLOOR MATERIALS. PATCH ALL FLOOR SURFACES TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH, LEVEL FLOOR SURFACE. INSTALL NEW FLOORING MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. INSTALL NEW 1/4" LUAN PLYWOOD WHEREVER VINYL TILE IS SCHEDULED TO BE INSTALLED. ELECTRICAL ALTERATION NOTES (E) 1. REMOVE ALL EXISTING SWITCHES AND OUTLETS AND LIGHT FIXTURES WHERE REQUIRED BY ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS. ADJUST ALL WIRING TO MAINTAIN FULL CIRCUIT CONTINUITY AFTER REMOVAL OF ALL SWITCHES. CUT AND PATCH ALL WALLS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH ALL ELECTRICAL RENOVATIONS. 2. REMOVE EXISTING, EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE AT EXTERIOR DOORS AND INSTALL NEW FIXTURE AS SCHEDULED. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL NEW FIXTURES SHALL BE SWITCHED FROM ORIGINAL LOCATIONS. IF LIGHT FIXTURE ' DOES NOT EXIST,INSTALL NEW LIGHT FIXTURE WITH SWITCH ON INTERIOR WALL. CONNECT POWER WIRING FOR NEW FIXTURES TO NEAREST ADEQUATE CIRCUIT. 3. PROVIDE ALL POWER WIRING FOR NEW EXHAUST FANS COMPLETE WITH ALL NEW BOXES,WIRING AND ALL ACCESSORIES. CONNECT ALL POWER WIRING FOR ALTERATION NOTES 3 NEW STOVE,WATER HEATER,BOILER AND ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT. COORDINATE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS FOR WIRING REQUIREMENTS ON ALL EQUIPMENT: 4. INSTALL NEW OUTLETS WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. PROVIDE ALL WIRING, BOXES AND RECEPTACLES. CONNECT TO NEAREST, ADEQUATE, AVAILABLE CIRCUIT AND ADJUST ALL WIRING TO MAINTAIN FULL CIRCUIT CONTINUITY AFTER INSTALLATION OF ALL OUTLETS. CUT AND PATCH ALL WALLS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH ALL ELECTRICAL RENOVATIONS. 5. INSTALL NEW LIGHT FIXTURES AS NOTED.PROVIDE ALL WIRING, SWITCHES AND ACCESSORIES AS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION. INVESTIGATE ALL • BRANCH WIRING AND, CIRCUITS- TO DETERMINE BEST LOCATIONS FOR CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING CIRCUITS. INSTALL NEW SECURITY LIGHTS WHERE NOTED ON THE PLANS. PROVIDE ALL WIRING, BOXES, SWITCHES AND FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION. SECURITY LIGHTS SHALL BE SWITCHED FROM A COMMON SWITCH. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL BOXES IN THEIR ENTIRETY. INSTALL NEW 200 AMP PANEL BOX WITH MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER NEW PANEL BOX SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO COMBINE THE TWO EXISTING PANEL BOXES ALONG WITH-THE NEW,CIRCUITS REQUIRED BY THE RENOVATIONS. INSTALL ALL NEW AND EXISTING CIRCUITS. NEW PANEL BOX SHALL ALLOW FOR AT LEAST FOUR SPARE CIRCUITS. INSTALL ALL NEW CIRCUIT BREAKERS. INSTALL NEW ENTRANCE CABLE, CONDUIT AND ENTRANCE SERVICE MAST. INSTALL NEW ENTRANCE CABLE FULLY CONCEALED BEHIND SHEETROCK WALLS AND CEILING (SIZED FOR 200 AMP SERVICE), CONDUIT AND EXTERIOR ENTRANCE MAST. CONSULT WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY TO RECONNECT SERVICE AND INSPECT COMPLETED INSTALLATION. 7. REMOVE ALL OUTLETS AND INSTALL NEW GFI PROTECTED OUTLETS IN ALL BATHROOMS AND KITCHEN. 8. REMOVE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE AND INSTALL NEW FIXTURE AS SCHEDULED. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL NEW FIXTURES SHALL BE SWITCHED FROM ORIGINAL LOCATIONS. IF A SWITCH FOR THE LIGHT FIXTURE DOES NOT EXIST, INSTALL NEW SWITCH ON INTERIOR WALL. CONNECT POWER WIRING FOR NEW FIXTURES AND SWITCHES TO NEAREST ADEQUATE CIRCUIT. HVAC. ALTERATION NOTES (H) 1. FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW TOILET EXHAUST FANS WHERE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. PROVIDE FANS,DUCT WORK TO THE EXTERIOR, WEATHER CAPS AND ALTERATION NOTES 4 ALL ACCESSORIES. INSTALL IN CEILINGS AND RUN DUCTS BETWEEN THE FLOOR JOISTS TO THE EXTERIOR. WHERE DUCTS RUN PERPENDICULAR TO THE JOISTS, INSTALL SOFFITS AS REQUIRED TO FULLY CONCEAL DUCTS. FANS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED. REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN AND INSTALL A NEW, THROUGH THE WALL FAN HOOKED UP TO EXISTING ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE. FAN SHALL BE COMPLETE WITH ALL ACCESSORIES FOR A FULLY OPERATIONAL INSTALLATION. 2. REMOVE EXISTING BOILER COMPLETE WITH ALL BREECHING, PIPING, PUMPS, CIRCULATORS,VALVES,WATER STORAGE TANKS AND EXPANSION TANKS. INSTALL NEW BOILER, CIRCULATORS, VALVES AND BREECHING COMPLETE WITH ALL ACCESSORIES AS DETAILED, INSTALL NEW WATER HEATER BREECHING CONNECTED TO NEW FLUE. INSTALL NEW METAL FLUE TO CONNECT TO EXISTING CHIMNEY. BOILER SHALL BE AS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. INSTALL NEW FRESH AIR INTAKE FOR BOILER WHERE NOTED. 3. INSTALL NEW FRESH AIR INTAKE LOUVRE IN WALL OF BOILER ROOM. LOUVRE TO BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FRESH AIR INTAKE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BOILER MANUFACTURER. PLUMBING ALTERATION NOTES (P) 1. RENOVATE FIRST FLOOR BATHROOM.. REMOVE EXISTING WATER CLOSETS, SINKS TUBS AND SHOWERS. INSTALL NEW WATER CLOSETS, TUB AND SINKS. PROVIDE ALL NEW FAUCETS,TRAPS, SHUT OFF VALVES AND ALL ACCESSORIES FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL FIXTURES. WATER CLOSET TO BE COMPLETE WITH WAX SEALS, SHUTOFF VALVE AND COMPLETE FLUSHING MECHANISMS. CUT AND PATCH ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO EXTEND ALL WATER SUPPLY LINES AND REVISE ALL DRAINAGE LINES TO ACCOMMODATE NEW LOCATIONS OF FIXTURES. 2. CONSTRUCT NEW FIRST FLOOR BATHROOM. INSTALL NEW WATER CLOSETS, AND SINKS. PROVIDE ALL NEW FAUCETS, TRAPS, SHUT OFF VALVES AND ALL ACCESSORIES FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL FIXTURES. WATER CLOSET TO BE COMPLETE WITH WAX SEALS, SHUTOFF VALVE AND COMPLETE FLUSHING MECHANISMS. CUT AND PATCH ALL EXISTING CONSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO EXTEND ALL WATER SUPPLY LINES AND REVISE ALL DRAINAGE LINES TO ACCOMMODATE LOCATIONS OF NEW FIXTURES. 3. INSTALL NEW WATER flEATERS IN SIZES AND MANUFACTURER AS SPECIFIED IN LOCATIONS WHERE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. CONNECT ALL PIPING TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE PIPING. INSTALL ALL VALVES, CONTROLS, AND TEMPERATURE GAUGES AS DETAILED AND AS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION. ALTERATION NOTES 5 4. INSTALL NEW HOT AND COLD WATER SUPPLY PIPING AND COMPLETE WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM FOR NEW LAUNDRY AREA ON THE FIRST FLOOR. INSTALL ALL NEW PIPING,FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES.PERFORM ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLETE INSTALLATION. 5. INSTALL NEW VENT PIPING FOR ALL NEW AND EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS. CUT AND PATCH ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH VENTING. ALL EXISTING VENTING SHALL WHICH COMPLIES WITH ALL CODES AND REGULATIONS SHALL REMAIN. ALTERATION NOTES 6 i ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY GUARANTEES OR CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES EASEMENTS NOT SHOWN AND UTILITY POLE LOCATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Ol DESCRIBED PROPERTY THE OFFSET DIMENSION SHOWN HEREON FROM THE STRUCTURES TO THE PROPERTY LINES o tobi ti ig ARE FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE AND USE, THEREFORE ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE THE ED ROADSSITUATED AT ERECTION OF FENCES, RETAINING WALLS, POOLS, PATIOS, PLANTING AREAS, ADDITION TO BUILDINGS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION. THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS, WETLANDS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN BAYVIEW, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SITE SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW COPIES OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL 7 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS SIGNATURE AND RED INK NOT BE CONSIDERED A TRUE VALID COPY. MAIN BAYVIEW RO 0 S.C.T.M. NO. 1000-88-3-23.1 � � AREA = 41,553 SQ. FT. ELEVATIONS ASSUMED DATUM �1 + KNOWN AS: 9625 MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. �j� / 1�; FIRM MAP NUMBER 36103C0166 G LAND NOW OR FORMERLY LAND NOW OR FORMERLY KEY MAP i 1 ZONE WALTER J. MOSk MARGARET DENICER LAND NOW OR FORMERLY N.T.S. CHRISTOPHER J. & MARGARET DENIER S 60'02'40' 46.80' xox. S 51'23'00'E 124.74' -- FE. 1.1'N FD. MON. FE. 0.6 ` EL N 111.4 N FE. 0.8'N 1.11 E ,. SET MON. ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN BAYVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1 EL. 113.1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK AND BEING MORE PARTICUARLLY BOUNDED LAND NOW OR FORMERLY AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: j• 9'EL 113.1 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD, SAID POINT OR PLACE OF FR. SITED BEGINNING BEING 120.16 FEET NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID LIVE OF MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD 41.0' 120.16 FEET FROM Az CONCRET E MONUMENT SET AT 77IL SOUTIIIIESTLY CORNER OF LAND NOW EL. 112.4 OR FORMERLY OF MAHLON DICKERSON: FE. COR. 9.3E RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES AND DISTANCES; 1) NORTH 51 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 136.84 FEET TO A GRANITE MONUMENT 2) NORTH 60 DEGREES 02 MITES 40 SECONDS NEST A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TOA MONUMENT;; RUNNING THENCE, NORTH 35 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST; A DISTANCE OF 232.93 FEET TOA MONUMENT,• RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 60 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 48.80 FEET , 0 \ TO A MONUMENT; RUNNING THENCE, SOUTH 51 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 124.74 FEET TO A MONUMENT; FE. OR. ' MI RUNNING THENCE , SOUTH 31 DEGREES 22 TES 20 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF' 233.87 FEET TO THE NORTHLY SIDE OF MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD, OR SAID POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. 0 o, rw 0 c h ti-+ LAND NOW OR FORMERLY a. THOMAS F.& ROSELLEN C. STORM N q o o o CERTIFIED TO: U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEV. (HUD) p c I ro FAMILY RESIDENCE & ESSENTIAL ENTERPRISES, INC. R o ti v C� ED 108.3 W ti A EL 104.4 Co n 46.18' SA crl o TO U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEV. (HUD) / CONC. 17.72' 30.7' AND FAMILY RESIDENCE & ESSENTIAL ENTERPRISES, INC. / o coy THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT // / %I m 7.05 FOUNDATION • AND THE SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS BASED WERE MADE IN r 8.34' o W ACCORDANCE WITH MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQ UIRMENTS / // m IN) EL. 183'7 7 FE. COR. 1.O'E >+ FOR ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS, JOINTLY ESTABLISHED / I CONC. 0 14.03a AND ADOPTED BY ALTA AND ACSM IN 1992, AND INCLUDES CDY. 1p4.4 1o.s1' 1 ITEMS 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,12 & 13 OF TABLE A THEREOF, AND j 95.9 EL. 13.01' 1 0 PURSUANT TO THE ACCURAG . ANDARDS AS ADOPTED BY ALTA I b 2 ' FR. 1 W o AND ACSM AND IN EFFE fi� O �y�ATE OF THIS CERTIFICATION o w DWG. 9625 1 �. t� °���.77 /IFj U A� 11 x a ,,.. FEEL. 105.3 1 STY �1 OF A SUBURBAN SURVE,®rcm '' ....V.46., �9` 4� I ¢4.33' EL 109-2 0 DATE: 3/29/2001 zit....7,, �., ,.c 13.60' w Cott. o 101.0' ELI •'�,9 5 FORD POINT OF BEGINNING Coes) Np,049287 r V N.Y.S. LIC. NO. o49,�87o SSP* +•LANA �� t FD. MON. .y.'--a EL. 99.7 - - 60'02'40"iH' N 512 i 'W ,-- 100.2 120.16' :9 / X 0.00 136.. , UNDERCRO SEPTIC 07------' xc. OVER PROP LINE IDV. 648.92, PAT T. SECCAFICO, P. L. S. , . �� NYT �Y83 S CONC. 14.3'S E.R. 97.0 - SUCCESSOR TO - G.L. 97.2 N . ANEW ROAD \ DONALD TASE, L.S. ( 66' R.O.W. ) C.L. 96.1 E.R. 96.7 25' +/- ASPHALT ROAD RICHARD WILHELM AND ASSOCIATES _ _ ER. 95.2 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS •NYT #83 `--- 328A Main Street 41 Centre Street NYT #134 Center Moriches, NY 11934 Sayville, New York 11782 30 0 30 60 90 .l al 4.,,,04I.- <SW " t, (631) 878-0120 FAX:(631) 878-7190 (631) 567-4773 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=30' N. Y. S. LIC, NO. 049287 REVISED: 7/25/2002 TIE DISTANCE FILE NO. T6402SCALE: 1 " = 30' DATE: 3/29/2001 COPYRIGHT t r . . . • . A 4' 7 J. A NTPIW II . . . . . , . . , Eilmit. 0 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .„. lb 2 n o 4 . . . Zaiia J ..4 4) . 0 ED UT i p r NI g • . 3 r „330 1 L 1 . . wAlill., r �c-r . . HZ( MIE f[Diamam { L0Limil ii . . r . . . TDRTUITIIIRIPM: eED 0 lihT CO O • • FRANK A. RIESTItTUTO ,, �1r�N1 .t� 1 A\MCiiiiir ��� CRABAPPLE,18 LANE rfr ' ," li, P !, 'y,) l< W 72 I�ll�ll�ll1111 , .,', - (631) 543-5327' •• +')\ �' �L t ��KE D A,:,----e-,,, T (ate :,.c,2..,i,-.i',i7„;,:,: 0 ,tt • '1)-041°.FTHE STAGE�F • 4 ogo101 . i ..-..,•,-. . ..,..r.' . , . . ' . . . ....s. . I ----- . . i . . . , . . . . . . . . . 46.00 5 510231001 E 124.74 5 51623%C°P t • . . . . cn . • . oi m • N . CO N . Q I , . . • , - . .. . . , - • • • g • g. . , • . . . . . . . .. 9A : ..a. .±.. E 0, [:-. • TEST BORING DATA • lir • I V DEPTH SPOON SPOON SAMPLE MATERIAL ME=DIE= rerr 1510W5 1151.0W5 NO. APARTMENT A = GI 1.389 5F = 300 GPD , 1 ,0 . SAN17f TOP5OIL . - rY--• • APARTMENT B = 904 SF = 225 GPD MEDIUM TO rime • • • ' . ,. APARTMENT C = 69G 5F = 225 GPD CROWN SAND. . APARTMENT D = 1122 5F = 225 GPD 1A.ND 5ILT.some GRAM.. fil 8' 8' APARTMENT E = 1151 SF = 225 GPD 1 2 I TRACE OOT5 MU) • TOTAL FLOW 1200 GPO 5.0 I 1 . 8' . . . LEACHING .5' 2 2 2 POOLS=in T1=ED/E31191q TOTAL FLOW 1200 GPD X 2 = 2400 GALLONS 3 3 . . x/RAP 72:4pTooicGTALLANOKN 0 0 USE SEPTIC TANK 101-0" DIA X GLO'' WATER DEPTH 3 COAR5E TO PINE BROWN AND UGHT o , 10,0 15R.OWN 5AND.50M MEDIUM TO rme ILZEL=G1IRIDOILI EaffEEIN 5 7 4 GRAVEL TRACE 51 nEa g 2400 GPO FLOW DIV 1 .5 1 GOO SF OF 5P 5-65 HOUSE gl • 51DEWALL LEACHING AREA • • . 9 ' , . . COAR5E TO rime USE 5 POOLS - 81-01 DIA X 13Lo. DEEP = 1625 5F 15R044N AND UGHT - .407 OF SIDE WALL LEACHING AREA • BROWN 5AND,50M MEDIUM TO PINE 4111111k, GRAVEL Vel% . . • 15.0 5W 5-65 . . 6 7 5 • , . 7 . WATER I 8'-II" +/- • . ASPHALT EXISTING 2 STORY FRAME • 20.0 . ' DRIVEWAY ' ver .. DWELUNG _ DWG. E. KANIA 9 9 . . , . / . . . • 25.0 12 12 7 . , ir END OF BORING ‘ - CAST IRON FRAME AND COVER TO GRADE IF A 5INGLE OR DISTRIBUTION POOL 01/14/02 HD NEW 0 - t/ ASPHALT 'Zoo \----..:::„\-- -- _, „. PRECA5T REINF CONC COVER t DRIVEWAY % BORING #1 cn ...moil__ Ill • g &INA.. DISTRIBUTION POOL • '‘ - ;I Tbiliv-7:le . . CAST IRON FRAMES AND COVERS cn ‘ op lifivora : _ IIIIIIIII17. I\ 18" DROP rr (IF 01ST POOL) TRAFFICBEARJNG 1 -0' MIN 21-o. MAX cn z . . %. \ 11 ,apairallso •-•-••••• amm. , • (—IP !•_.•...,-.1, .1. [• INLET / -X\ OUTLET' SLAB (6' MINX „ GRADE GRADE z 50.00 N 51°2400' W . • . • • \ 130.64 NOTE INLET AND OUTLET TO BE 1. ;-.•"•\• \\\-1 i 'AIM MIN 2400 CLAW PIPE 1/8" ,,,t140V • \ APNEwFROwXAITcMARTE5EURNvEicOeF ' PER FT PITCH Cm ko al = I INLET i 1 OUTLET ..'= = I PIPE PITCHED • MIN 4' DIA 2400 = I , MAIN BAYVIEW ROAD . . . . 2400 G / ; tO • • SEPTICALLON c0 I TANK • ' // ' ,= 1 . 416" j4, 4-6' i',/ . • ., , . to , 0 - 1 1 4" 4" 4' 18' DROP rr gllTE liFliALK . . P.4 = I 10'47 • LI \ . 137=Ca yid= az:T.1T° WOXIXID.Z33.8.28.11 CoMILIDe, IT t'll 2747 44 2' MIN ABOVE . GROUND WATER IDDJiANTELEOL 2400E1137am . _ • GENERAL NOTE: TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF . • , ‘.: .,17,;---e;:::ser• g 9 THERE ARE NO WATER WELLS WITHIN 150 FT. OF SANITARY SYSTEMS Pi 0 11, 81-011 - - , HVIP US CCATLa / / k-RT7-;.9.EIKY . 1: At CIEIERTG IPC311A • i. "--1 2 8 ri . . (ENTIRe POOL TO BE IN CLEAN SAND AND GRAVEL) Nap FIND ecATTATRI , • A _,,,,, ,:„„.. ,,,,,,•:,,,y, ,o, • „ . .. ., • , . I • • • ,;IV;;)1444 . • f'1-i•-••i'"7M.% it i iko. 1E01 I,/ °I. tHE ST ;1 S 55 55 5 ) . . . • V ' . . 5 . . , rEl=v1FEEE =LEE i\IRIDTTA. S S • • S . ...•••• MINIMI•••••••••••••=0....M., . . . 5 .5 • . 01 '.....• A.) . . • • • .... .I i • e I • CF'.AWL SPACE EXISTING • STAIRS • • • 53 (I) -7 SEE ALT ;t • \, NOTE r5 . . . �� /�� r •--. r:‘i r,-:::-..2) NrNV on • ' ,i ,, ::,c•., ,- 0 r.rrLACP_ LIGHT OU'rLLT �'�. SCE ALT NOTE p .SEE ALT NOTE E4F'4 DASE'MCNT `- ---`" --- EXISTING ELECTFJCA1 e7 , _ .. NEW rLCCTFJC PANEL L OX ' { SCI'.vICC • SCE ALT '„ riri'..,. (--- . - , (0I I NOTE --1 NOTE EG / -4)- • .. , . . . , 5 ALT /e----7-- , i . ...NOTE E5I• T 1 1.(ZIV. # .1:::•1_,..,1: '}r -�• .�-..r�-��.�.--- -.r-.rte--- - � 1 - .--f'`:f'y r ~ tt1� l. )' -J — ! SPLICES AND EXTEND I o clr,.urrs ‘.,:-.',"..2_,-.L,.i././..,' ,'--,/ i REMOVE EXISTING &ATP \ 8 REMOVE DUSTING LOG JOISTS TO Iv'V PANEL BOX i r �. _ , r_ IINSTAU_ NEt'J M10' FLOOR 1 SAES ALT NOTE 5 -- �.`. � N JOISTS 12” OC SECURE FLOOR 3 X 24' 24'X 24" 40'X 24' 2'''Y 12' 481 Y 24' t -, JOISTS TO SUDROO~NJiTIi CUFF `'.r,LL l"�`LL WALL 4`'r'.L 4'�,�:1. j ©LISTING SANITARY { DRAIN UNE �' C�'� `tiT'i' C• ;: � s CAL.,"' t C�'�::"_t G� ;\,•... t,r PTT/ f �` - { U. _1 I � . EASEMENT ,iJI I V es 8' ASE 3G' B:45,133' ?A5E SJ' E,S`30' C SE 2,7 EAcr" I3 'E.I 1 / � - • (I) i 7.',NET 4p3R * CASNE, f1f :-',.J. 6r.,NricA.EsDpC"C .-- -i— , i I REMOVE DUSTING ROTTED AND i � __' —.: =- i - TE:fLMITE DAMAGED BEAMS, FLOOR JOISTS , I�"' DWG. R. MUC fA I . . . O ( . . . . EXSTING CHIMNEY AND FRAMING MEM E'5. INSTALL NEW FRAMING MEMBERS Ii _ Th: -L,' .111{'l ©Y ^ • SEE ALT L — J - 32'X 24' 28'X 24' 28'X 24' NOTE E5 . - �'.'f!L WAIL V/�,I1 3 REMOVE EXISTING BOILEP,S CAS;;" ET C "'rT CAB",'ETT I) r — — — INSTALL NEV/BOILERS SEE ' I I ALT NOTE H I. E3 -1-- -----:',L.11,_ , 09901.01 0 r ii i` NI� - III_ J MOVE EXISTING WATER HEATERS • P, ,!it... ' INSTALL NEW WATER HEATERS SEE 1 ALT NOTE P3, E3 J_ _L 26' BASE 28' C.%5E F �1r:;,.:. :�. { .) C) I CA3I t�ES i CA1,3;`fi .JL4 1i ..1. J I i :/.0...-• :,! _. . _ -----74:,iii 1 INSTALL 5/8' FIRE RATED 5HEETROCK ON oXIMATELY 225 SQUARE E r�ir> p� II®�Y 4 , . • ., ,,, y CRAWL SPACE JUNCTION BOX UNION am SHOCK ABSORBER _�_ 2 - 126 X TROL TANK FLOW CONTROL VALVE ' • ASCO 82 I 0 DHW `E TO 15A CIRCUIT BREAKER (NORMALLY CLOSED) o- - 314' H��rS FOR EACH ZONE NCI! COLD WATER LINE ' ` 6 / �� CHECK VALVE I I 0 DEGREE WATER TO FIXTURES • EACHZONE�OM T , f.3 . '� GLOBE VALVEs g T S P RELIEF VALVE • D THERMOSTATS PIPE FULL SIZE TO FLOOR `�i 0 HONEYWELL AQUASTAT LA006A + . CONTACT CLOSED ON LOW TEMP • 1 • ri p GATE ' CHECK V• • (UP TO 1 1 8) CONTACT OPE.NIN ' ON - I VALVE � - _ 4- TE:MF' RISE: 120 BALL - 0 RELAY TO CIF ULATOF ' ( GL03i VALVE q___ � �' UNIONS .o- THERMOMETER 4 1/2' DIA DIAL • VALVES C FROM LOW VOLTAGE C I LOW TEMPERATURE MIXING VALVE CIRCULATOR THERMOSTAT J.4 *N t:! TEMPP.ATURE 5'-0" SYMONS 5-200 OR APPROVEDm�ICA u ° DO'LER TEMPERATURE PRESSURE 'EQUAL • REL. VALVE $ o GAUGE HEATER.50 ON RETURN if DRAIN LEGS �A o Ahoy/T VM T FO ` 1 I 0 DEGE'.EE WATER HEADER VALVE I I IIPii, �,, r:,:f RTsT,i�e� NOTE: DETAILS OF MIXING • " �:'` t‘ A72x -, DRAINi VALVE MUST BE • FLOOR UNE VALVE SUE3Mi 1 �LD FO REVIEW iv. ¢f.- {{{{ � 1 - P-- _ GENERAL NOTE: NEW BOILER TO HAVE 224,000BTU INPUT/I .60 GPH (SLANT FIN MOD -40) " ` f t 1 �' BEFORE INSTALLATION MEL McLAIN, PEERLESS, SLANT FIN OR EQUAL ' i„.. No. 101)1 4a-- WATIML{:g JJ1 ] IIS L - - - - j I--1 JC(D ILIDI EfT ? IUIA 1 ) OC�A1I�II . , H® COLI ,_ AMIIIIDRIT' IPiiAk !fill:12 • ocvii.- g _1/41: INCD ' ®112CPuRTYIl-tato . 1 r--------- - . . . , . • -. - • . , , , ,., - _ - ,„ •- — . • • . , . - , • . . . . • . . .1 .1 . . , • . . • •• . . . . . . • ' . . . . ('''' ....1.. I I L Lb , . . 41, SEE ALT. .-----) 0 , . t NOTE E4 ' (4,1 ror,NC _•-•• ....., - , . _ ..- KITCHEN - I • a • r 1 :im--b• g NEW 21-0' DOOR — • UVING ROOM 0 BEDROOM • 1 - CLOSET 11_0141I _ 0 FOR NC Pi SZE ALT. . - n 0 . 6 PANEL COLONIAL . HARDwArz SET 4 , . • R .. , ......,1 SEE ALT. SEE ALT. es NOTE E5 NOTE E4 r CLOSET 0 TRAPTIHUBIDOEI MET= Q t . SEE ALT. (2) II1C I GN:VPAN/3E'-°8L CrELOP;IAL.°R SDFANRLEY HARDWARE SET I 5N OC ET EA LET4. I /10•111MMIM•11111= VCT , UT-WM%We 22 lit.C9 . ENTILLE3 We=INV 28'X 24' 32Ay 24" 3Cia 24' g NOTE E8 0 0 0 SEE ALT. WALL R 1=ET /4 e SEE ALT. CLOSET NOTE E4 CABINET CABNET CAbINET . --er- SEE ALT. "Drmm 0 NOTE E2 r- '' i EXISTING . 0 1 ft NOTE E4 `...1 I BASEMENT F71 - 1-1"' MI/ NEW WOOD r' I o STAIRS ALT. NOTE I 3 --____".. . . • • . , . . REMOVE EXISTING 7- STEM WITH RAIL I, - BATHF',00M IN5T REMOVE WINDOW FOYER 0 SEE ALT. r RE\\NA VE EMSTING • DOOR • —MIRROR ' Ii..__ • DOOR SEE ALT. 26:77 E4. 43_01_,13, AS,E N EW 5 EE INS'TALL DOOR SEE NOTE E8 KITCHEN F31 0 '- ALT. NOTE 8 NOT 6 -—7----, --•—• --+ , . ALT. NOTE 3 FOR A/C • -_-___,_ _ . 0 INSPECT KITCHEN ' . . .__ CAB!NET CAIDINET _ ------ :•-- --- • , . 1 Vr: 1 ,,.._ 11) NOTE E2 NOTE El _ . , , - ' -----L ---- ,-- - 1I W (,) 0 (k — I.--- 4 NEW l'-stV'TITION - ' • ' . I ‘i F-41' (G) \ ----SEE ALT. OTE 2 0 / 5 ',-., 00 SEE ALHT. MOVE EXISTING U 00 Nom E5 rAKTITION SEE e n,, NG.% J-1---4) ..• 0• • '' ALT. NOTE 1 . L SEE ALT. EXISTING Roor 1 1E1IDTL,.`111[CDM D. 111,41ETATEINDM D. g-P-G ,-- --3 SEE AILIT.1 SEE ALT. i 0 ° 6-3 53 - __._,_SEE ALT. INSTALL NEW WINDOW J sEL . LOSC ET - OCCIELIEs Die=ND' ' faMILIrls We=119.0" NOTE P4 3046 NOTE E4 I LI/ 05 6414ATHROO(MG) . 11111 AkN° E5 175 0 • . 0 NOTE E3 -0- \ ALT. NOTE I 3 DOOR SEE ALT. — \ /NEw KITCHEN NOTE I I SEE ALT. 0 /1) 2 - 27 121 SEE ALT. l DOOR SEE ALT. , CABINETS - NOTE E4 SEE ALT. FOR NC NOTE E5 — . . Nam E 1 •. E ALT.N.., 45t.E ALy 0 -"----:---..______st.. ALT . NOTE E4 • , , \ ' . ., . 1 • i -,-----—— , P5 N. R.ENOVATE BATI-IROoM ......_____, CAB, I NI Ei CAB!NE.1 11@ g tc0--=-NOTE-Et HALLE] a NOTE E6 SEE- ALT. NOTE 9 (.-... (0© RENovATr 4 _L VAN _.- - 1 Ei VCT -.._...).1.( EXISTING BATHROOM 0 r . rry I 1 1 I le. U 111/ / 1 I / zo 1 I REMOVE BEDROOM SEE ALT. &A ROOM NOTE E4 Alh . , ilk I/ X • I I EXISTING — DININ9 Room 1 0 0 - P5 • E Inv FOR A/C . , • . • - . i_ ' L _I__ can : Q..) 0 \5( ---- I A I v 1=-7-;* I kPARTMON SEE ALT. REMO‘g KITCHEN 26; BASE I ! \ p u 1 1 53 NOTE I CAE-‘INET5 INSTALL — NEW SEE ALT. NOTE 4 - ••••• CD .4. MILMTEEION 2 gAr..2 itsr:T. IELTTELECD BEDROOM NOTE E5 0.,(DELID Die 22 DV' REMOVe EXISTING (lp eat,ILL,Is11/41"=L.''.(Dw BASEMENT STEPS \-^ SEE T. --r El SEE ALT. NOTE 5 NO E4 00 0 o f WOOD ELF_TEPS • 32"X I 2' 1-1,24il 24' ga( 24' WN.L . . DWG. R. MUCHA CLOSET 71 L i__... CABINET CAUNET CAb:NET REMOVE EXISTING DOORS \ . NOTE E5 HALL 1 5= ALT., NOTE 7 STEP SEE ALT. SEE ALT. PANEL aosur Me ALT' Proor, i 0) .-_-____. ' SEE ALT.' • . ' . Lill r-L-5 ![-------- . . ) • - 1, ,, _ ' 5 NOTE E2 , . • -"-----------SEE . ° KITCHEN 0 (G)® OE, CLOSET ,E, (2) 0 !, 11 r NOTE E.& 1-91 — r-• (2)T or .\,,,,, _ TUD 0 UVING ROOM 6 l. 11.18R.00 ALTb . 30" BASE': 33" BASE CABINET CAN NE.e" , \\11 1 E SE ALT. NOTE E4 56' / , ur . _ SEE ALT, • , -- - -.---,_.,- -1_1_'--,_-:--7,1 .. - - - TOILET . . -_-_----, r_ r,-,-,-.Irl 1 Oqot 01 L.. ) R. - • ..- - SEE ALT. NOTE E5 RENOVATE ' \ ' • . . , --:- ---- -:--- ----'-- -- : —4--'-- - • 1 1 I s'a• ' SEE ALT. NOTE I 3 =TING BATHROOM EXISTING STAIR - SEE ALT. NOTE 9 CLOSET illi--t Alk — —:111 0 U .. ILITETL.I.MON a IDILIETEIPMET a .06.--,__,- mom mur SEE ALT. '/ dim,• ---. . 5 NOTE E5 C4,1!A•ri.,713 we I I "---- 5,- t.5 0 T(3) 0 j 0(3) _55Vc,c01TCut-IDAFLT ooR 0 (3) 1 . SEE ALT. , SEE ALT. SEE ALT. - - NOTE E2 NOTE E2 NOTE E2 SEE ALT. 0 •' " NOTE Ea (2) i TUB _ 0 . (....-.) UVING JZOOM RECREATION ROOM - , • . . M 2 1 . . NOTE: All smorz DETECTOR.5 TO BE TEN-TEK - HARD wirzo SMOKE DETECTORS MODEL 37923 - SEE ALT. rig DUAL-IONIZATION 1 20 VAC WITH BATTERY BACK-UP. NOTE E8c4.,(2) • , . • • . - • • - • in WIER-CONNECTABLE UP TO I 2 UNITS. 'TEST BUTTON. U _ LOW BATTERY WARNING. LOCKING BASE PLATE. AND JELIEVAMORT 4 il BATTERY DRAWER -,__r__r___r__ryz‘ (0) Vic2,,911.11Eallie=11.%0" ki ,,.. . P1 [jij INSTALL CABLE JACK IN EACH LIVING ROOM (BOTH FLOORS) INSTALL PHONE JACK IN EACH KITCHEN (BOTH FLOORS) INSTALL BATTERY OPERATED DOOR BELL AT EACH AF'ARTMENT (BOTH FLOORS) • ., At , . . • . . INSTALL BATTERY OPERATED CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR AT EACH ArARNENT (BOTH FLOORS) m i 6 [11 • • XT. 15 . % 5° (ill 1;1 • . . ' I " . . • A , - POI1CH . . ' . , q • . .s 4.•,‘ .,______C/y/s:\ • . . . (4,0 + p.. R E S i.;i,P<<•6•X\ • • Ct. '`.?• c-,-,r,,,---0. e., ''\,\ ' %-,••,ii --,,„1-6, ....‘ ,,, 4. 441 -r-4 • — ---- ' - • • • ' ' • . — - •e:---) ,,,,„4 ,I APT. A ol <- r -1 E , • . . .... - • , • WOOD STEPS IFIERgir ITIOCIE T_P:-ALY.- . _ 1_All ' IIDThi-L.7*-7 - , , 46J ,- I 1_ • * , ,, , I 4 a , I ' • • OCATIT-3/13 DM' r----- 1194r MD CMILIE 4P . .\.... S . , . . , ICIDT12-E-200)5/RTZBepaP0011-000 } '-.... . . 1 • . = . . , ' . i R. - - r O •E P.00, • REMOVE EXISTING CEIUNG JOISTS AND SHLt(KOCK/ PLASTERQ �, KITCHEN INSTALL NEI CEILING JOISTS AT A MlHMUM 7'-G' HEIGHT Bpm •� • INSTALL NEW SHEETROCK CEILING. TAPE, SPACKLE ' AND PREPARE SURFACES' F02 SCHZDULCD FINISHES; [-E-ii • 1 - INSTALL 8" R 30 INSULATION I IN CEILING NLW 2-O' DOO`. (TYPICAL TIO„ROOMS 1 .4.5 APT E) - G PANEL CO411AL (TYPICAL FOR ROOMS I , 2, 5, 9 AFT D) HAP.D�'P'A� LT 4 � s F .1,—;,.,.,---1 �; 474' POST 0 I EIrE U OO I �°I l�H I ��,®® I M 0 30'X I2' 24'X2 / 2_ ,i; X24" I r_ REMOVE EXISTING WAIL r_ Vit".11 , - WAIL_ PARTITIONS S CAL).NET,ET CAL,I„T CALINET N`T ALT. NOTE I SEE ALT. ,-------,..._-,, ,,i,[10,- . r (2) NOTE l R Iva ---- _ I. .. I „ - • ,,,,,,,, F:00+- . lir . DINI, ;PKrTCHEN P �_... LIVING ROOM ��? I SEE ALT. 2 SEE ALT. I 0P.OTI Eta 2fa” EO' 12" BE 11101 ['''' ' ROOF x NOTE E I -4I (8) TU® C AT3INE.:1' CASi I . n) ® /'ALT. NOTE 13 ' • '' ll ' 1 V E NINSPECT' C/`.BINE'Ts 0 '----c'' - I 1 N.' I SiE .ALT. NOTE 10 O * gT /M SEE IED,a7T 1IT�IIO T Il IDII� E111IOY � ALT. NOTE 12 C 00 II e•COPlu s D Il.0° c.�...ii Ilii •Il°1 ROOF 11) O / NOTE 2 Ri ;L _8. 9 :�9"X 24" _I, _ I v O ,_..■ FQ i. FOS�'JC I J POST0 (14; SEE ALT. ALL 12 WALL • A' O NOTE E8 CALIrNE'i' CAC>iNCT O SEE ALT _SEC ALT. Ll r,---i- -'I NOTE E8 P,Eiv!OVE EXISTING SEE ALT• Ml:.I'.0�. d2) rrn0N55EE — P.EP.OE RTEI SEE ALT � NOS E! NOTE E5 BAT i1".00M NOTE 112 0 TUD ' NOTE E8 ,_�, TE I I (G) I - ( ® SEE AST. FOR�,C �°- 0 EEDF;00'11 O i f)ATt+ .• .I H�LI. -4-1 1;--1-, r i t ; - , li tr� `P_ �. 3 I" T',�R � S" F:+ .. , ' +� �C� to C NEP O EXISTING _.•..-.. THR, ,A SSE ALT. 3 . R �I ' ; - r ,! Cf:�r' _.IN lIfIET BEDf,00T,� �r a�„00�! - - ►''”!'iT l�e - B 1 r 5 s I,- NOTE E, - h,h` . _ r= CHIMNEY=Y PARTITIONS SEE F. g °..-., ' (2) E AIT. 5 • TOILET _ ' i • VA�J(TY I, 1,;.....1.1...;11i,.,:_,_.,„, 4 Pi.,, 5EE ALT. n► 1 Ci.;------' n j _.... ; 1' It ' , a ALT. NOTE 2 `' NOTE 6 �i" SEE ALT. I , ; S NEW 2'-(�" SOLID CLOS 4---e- ��� / ROOF I — - i __ �- 7 SEE ALT. • COPE DOOr. (2) NOTE E8 pig- ' i r r..�--.e - 1 t 0 H^,D'J`:TE SET 6 ` (5) tdOTE E5 ( r W 5EE ALT I . 5 � �- 5 II YY�1 °IPIIO1q2 3 I�'�� .�U OY 3 NOTE E4 _ t e .. 5 .___�.- T,i we ret Il° _.. ., Il�:..,weIl' if SEE ALT lb DOOR lb c� �� P. IN�TAi1 P'-5- _ — DWG. R. MUCHA NOTE E8 CLOSET i D ( SET ALT NOTE 1 I p HELL ' O X 24 3O X 24 .j x 2 P/,€�,TIT10'!S SEL—■' . tea s n. " + ® C19 " (2) Tal ° 13/4�X 9.5' MICf�OLAI�A PLUSH ALT�NOTE 2 0 6 �nL r _ i I (:�'.� ' :T CA CAS "':TT LIVING ROOM L N U SEE ALT. CLOSE 7 �"' SEE ALT. - ® 2 R r r u NOTE E I ( } NOTE >=5 �.r I r �; 0 SEC ALT. ,,,__,_� ;, __'E_C..�;` L'- (2) DINICdG P.00M -� �'�NOTE E5 a - HALL T2 ® �E:ALT O CL051:T _ �LI - 0 OfP.''C 7: ( : G (8) O (2) SEE ALT. DOO x � .- O NOTE E8 Dti. 8 P. COI7.1,. 01 (.:MOVE iJTIr�G • F • 'rr '1 P�,`:TTT ; 5 SEE Li_i� " P,P..E Kr-'5e �- ' E_ <75 01 i Dh. "_` A!, COTE I -- °Ii .. 1 1 ��' 9 R15TliG1-1 S i VANITY � _ _ ,y +� r - ... /(//:.--1----7----------------1... S VCT CL — EYiSTINGSITCH TO - r.--) STA!175 RE • 51-m5LIGHT ATP/�MOVEAYISTI".G a ® ID:TA da 1�1° Il ORT 8 Ea ° OM At j _--- DOO,. � PARTITIONS 5.r� L �1iiti s Iil��r Il°•O" :� l° K ALT. NO'T E 2-13/4'X 9.5' MICROLAM FLUSH (2) 'SEE ALT. —• NOTE E8 �(8) SEE ALT. E-"`CROOM NOTE CS PL - A • O REMOVE EXISTING — _ _ .-__ a SEE 4 � PARTITIONS SEE 7 KITCHEN BEC ALT. O d 2 [--1 ,..7. NOTE: ALL SMOKE D`TECTOo.S TO BE TEN-TEK - ALT. NOTE I I NOTE E I ROTE E3 HARD WIRED SMOKE DETECTORS MODEL 37923 - ALT. NOTE 13 I -g-' - TUB DUAL-IONIZATION 120 VAC WITH BATTERY E CK UP. l� _._,._,_._�_ �- N 2UNITS. TEST EL1TT0"d '" _. ; ' I i 3 INTER-CONNECT-ABLE UP TO , �, P5 (O';NC i ' ` ' RO 0 0 �OO :-_i__ pi pm .4 LOW BATTERY WARNING, LOCKING BASE PLATE, IND CO A 124 i ' , i 1 i ! i I BATTERY DRAWER _ r , a '-._.-4--t- F *� " --� �� WALL D.SIG: ATIO'N5 ► INSTALL NEW KITCHEN __ !_r.!. , � i 1 • , ;-r- i < , N 1 al rt71 CABINETS SEE • ' • ALT. NOTE 4 T1=7.A°IITfiQDY 8 4, 6 t:f awe Il°° r ° s REMOVE EXISTING CEIUNG JOISTS AND SHEETROCK/ PLASTER a INSTALL NEW CEIU"!G JOISTS AT A MINIMUM 7'-6" HEIGHT i . INSTALL NEW SHEETROCK CDUNG. TAE, SPACKLE (1 INSTALL 8' R-30 INSULATION IN CEILING r 5 P SCHEDULED FINISHES • . ri ,.;: C.' AND PREPARE SUf,FA.,E� FO . - (TYPICAL FOR ROOMS I ,4,5 APT E) Roc ` (TYPICAL FOR ROOMS I . 2, 5, 9 APT D) /// AT D / R�STAT � , 1r 0 , ,,f' 2..ThLK APT E —7,•;`4.• W) aECORTICD IFIL03llg /.:// , ->' UDATTAMg 11/4 cc v 119.07 /• _.' °F Tye s�A ° � • • - . . , . I-- . • .- :‘ •. . -- • . . • • 4 •• . • . . • . • . • 1 . . . r . . . . . . ' .. . . . • . • . . ' i ' • . . r . . , A I • , , ., . .. . . , Inwpr ti fr°I1 P.1 . -- • I i . . . . . --1 , WIIIIIN I iii . . . . • .._ . 1 • • • i . 1 ANIIIMINIMIN UNIMINNINI1111116. - I i ANNOMMINIII 11. , -1 • , AmminimmaiiiiimaiiiiiinahlkAIMMIIINIMMIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111M. l • , • . . . . . • ' _ . ' • ' . _, • _ [ D . . Hp 1 • • _ _ _ 9 1 g K ' immoral& . . -77-7-1 . . , . . , • . . 1 , . , ' \V . 1 , /1116. INSTALL NEW WOOD STAIRS REMOVE DOTING WINDOW INSTALL ' es . WITH RAIUNG NEW EXTERIOR DOOR • . SEE ALT NOTE 7 , . . . .. IRIG11172 IDILIDWILITIICIDRI DWG. E. KANIA OCATTA- s We • , • . . . . . . . - • . • • 090101 • . .., . •-..,..i.._..... .. ------ . • II. ,..40.,.. ....._. . - . . . • • , le 40-0,a■,0,-- - • " ' . .. AO. 4.16..NN, AgigllihhIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIMMI=MIIIIMIP:AdllNNN. t - _ 0 9 • . . . • . NNIB .144-- illi VI 1 I ' • - i 4/.°11 bill rir" 4r:.4 14, . • - '..:', ! : . . 1 . .:, 1‘1 FYI - • • 1 . :::,, vie,‘ 0:isi f:,:ri. • ,, . • A , .7! -_12 i ii, . '''jf . '' . . . , . . •. , 0 IFIECMIN ID IIIFTEEPII3RT , . , . 1 '1" rta- sToc-13' COATI-Ts We r---- 1124r . , ' • . . . , . tali . . . ... • . , I . , - . . . 4 • I 0112ifillIDO95/RTICW-W, 011.0045 ... _} . , . . . . . . . • ' 1 . - . . . .. . . . • .. . . . . , , • . f- , . . • .• 4 4 . I • ' . • • . ' • . . - . - . . . . . ' .. . . . . . . . • . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . I • . • • • . . r . . . . '• * . . . . • • ' . . • . • ., • / /0111111W4- \ . . . . . • _ . . . \ . • . • Q :% . . . . if4 _ . • . . , • .. • .. . , . ._ s, . . _ , v—i • . _ . . . .. . . . _ ...._ . . • ______ . ....._____ 4 . ......_ 1 V E ........._ . . .. . . . ....., , , . . . 1 Ir. T Iii 1 . , _ I . • . . 11 I1 111 . ' . . • • 1 i g 1 - I . . , /)@ g . g REMOVE E:XISTING DOOR •0* e ...1...... . • INSTALL EXTERIOR WALL • • ' . • - . ' - - • . Ils, 5EE ALT NOTE 7 • • • , • . Ask 2,E2, riD112117-kullon- • . ....,.. yr. . ockuiD. we - INV . • . . . . . . . . . . , .. .. .. . . • , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . • ,. . DWG. E. KANIA 1 . . . . • . . . . . cp5otot . , „ . • . , . , . . . . . . . I: .',.„..i..........„... ._. ...., . , ,I .r.•,-ir.,,dai.A.! .. i.i. . L,1 4111111/411111i 41-iiii,-* , .41111_ mom . • • . • , . . • • • ,,; 4117.....Y.M',-_,_7._:1=4 _ . -....._ . . ---....._ -...... ---......_ • . Ei g . . . . . . , . . . . , r II S. . NNNN t . . . . .. " - . • , . ' F No . . . . . , ••• El OM , . . . Ma. 1 ' . . • . . ' . . • • _ ..r ..- 0 g grl , ri • , I 5:1 ir - r) . • . __ ____%, _______ -, 44140■•• IIMINEIMI • . - " ' • , ., . . ' . . , itt .q,4fA -6- ;v • . . . • . • . . . HEFT IEJLIDTELI°113N 4( OCATTATD3 Die = Irca°9 . . • 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ., .. • .. . , - - • • .. . . . .... . . . . CIDTIP-paillaiDOWRIMONCSINDIMIXIDE5} . . ....) . .. . . . . . . . .. • . . • . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . 1 r . . . . . :... " . .. . , . .. . • I ... . . . . . . ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE WALL DESIGNATIONS ] . ROOM I 12 I 3 14 FL CLG REMARKS 3 . APARTMENT A . . . 1 UVING ROOM PT PT PT PT PT 2 DEDROOM PT PT PT PT PT 1/2' SHEETROCK 2 I/2' COLONIAL TRIM • , , 3 CLOSET PT PT PT PT PT . • 4 CLOSET PT PT PT PT PT / 5 HALL PT PT PT PT PT . g' G CLOSET PT PT PT PT ; . PT 7— 7 CLOSET PT PT PT PT PT H g7.1 8 BATHROOM PT PT PT PT PT j 9 KITCHEN PT PT PT PT V , PT DOOR STOP L.. 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