HomeMy WebLinkAbout2576Legal Notic,~Hearings -3- ~gust 16, 1979 Weglicki; south by Weglicki; west by Sidor. 9:10 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Raymond and Anna Cia¢ia, Main Road, Greenport, New York (James Bitses, Esq.) for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Section 100-80 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Lots No. 157, 158, 159 and 160, Map No. 1124, Peconic Bay Estates, Greenport, New York. 9:20 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Robert and Anita Feagles 21 Colony Road, West Hartford, Connecticut, for a variance ' to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Equestrian Avenue, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Ocean View Avenue; east by Philipp; south by Beach Avenue; west by Equestrian Avenue. 9:35 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Herbert R. Mandel, Inlet Lane Extension, Greenpo~t, New York, (John Geideman, as agent), for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to con- struct an addition to a building with insufficient side ~ard yard. Location of property: Inlet Lane, Greenport, New York, bounded on the north by Clempner; east by Gull Pond; south by Conant; west by Inlet Lane. 9:45 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Clifford. and Mary Eginton, Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32 for permission to construct a carport in the front yard area. Location of property: Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, bounded on the north by Niedoroda; east by Deep Hole Drive; south by Dohm; west by Deep Hole Creek. 9:55 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Lim-Con Enterprises, In., 1455 Vets Highway, Hauppauge, New York, for a special excep- tion to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 100-60C2 for permission to erect a sign that exceeds the height requirements._. Legal Noti~ Hearings -4- Ougust 16, 1979 Location of property: Northeast corner of Factory Avenue and Main Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded on the north by Bethany Cemetery Association; east by Bethany Cemetery Association; south by Main Road (State Road 25); west by Factory ~venue and Ardprop, Inc. 10:05 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Armando Cappa and Ann Hocking, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Section 100-81 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to construct an addition to an existing building with insufficient rear yard setback. Location of property: Old Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by Old Main Road; east by Reiter; south by Budd's Pond; west by Port of Egypt Enterprises. 10:15 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Emanuel M. Kontokost~, 26 Court Street, Brooklyn,'New York, (Richard F. Lark, Esq.) for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section 100-50 B(3) & (4) and C(2), for permission to erect a 28 unit apartment complex with 21 motel units and a coffee shop. Loca- tion of property: Shipyard Lane., East Marion, New York, bounded on the north by Parkside Heights Co.; east by Shipyard Lane; south by Gardlners Bay; west by Parkside Heights Co. Dated: August 6, 1979. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, AUGUST 9, 1979, AND FORWARD SIXTEEN (16) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO: BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YOKR 11971, BEFORE AUGUST 16, 1979. Copies mailed to the following on August 6, 1979: Gary F. Olsen a/c Frank and Delores Davies Greenport United Methodist Church Robert W. Gillispie, III a/c Thomas F. & Margaret M. Maher William B. Smith a/c William P. Riley Long Island Oyster Farms, Inc. Carman, Callahan, Carman & Sabino a/c Thomas & Edith Perillo James Bitses, a/c Raymond and Anna Ciacia Robert and Anita Feagles John Geideman a/c Herbert R. Mandel Clifford and Mary Eginton Armando Cappa & Ann Hocking Richard F. Lark a/c Emanuel M. Kontokosta Paul Axien Signs a/¢ LEGAL NOTICE N~)TICE OF HEARINGS Avenue, Fishers Island, New .; York, bounded on the north by ~1 Ocean View Avenue; east by ~ Phtlipp; south by Beach Ave- ~ hue; west by Equestrian Ave- 9:35 P,M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Herbert R. Mandel, Inlet Lane Extension, Greenpert, New York, (John Geideman, as agent) for a ~ variance to the Zoning Ordi- ~l nance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Sche- dule for permission to con- struct an addition to a building with insufficient side yard area. Location of property: Inlet Lane, Greenpert, New York, bounded on the north by Clempner; east by Gull Pond; south by Conant; west by Inlet 9:45 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon apptication of Clifford and friary Egintc~, Deep Hole Drive, Matffmck, for a vari- ance to the 7/~oning Ordinance, Article III, ~Section 100-32 for permission to construct a carport in the front yard area. Location of property: Deep Hole Drive, MattRuck, bound- ed on the north by Niedoroda; east by Deep Hole Drive; south by Dohm; west by Deep Hole Creek.'~ ..9:5S P.M. (D.S.T.I Unon application of INn-Con Enter- wa-~, ~-~"~a-~'; ~ew York, fo~ a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI,IT Section 100-60C2 for permis-~ ~ sion to erect a sign tha~ exceeds the height requireI ~ ments. Location of property:[ ~ Northeast corner of Factot~ = Avenue and Main Road, biat-i tituck, New York, bounded on the north by Bethany Ceme- tery Association; east by Beth- any Cemetery Association; east by Bethany Cemetery i Association; south by Main Road (State Road 25); west by Factory Avenue and Ardprop, 10:05 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Armando Cappa and Ann Hocking, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article VIII, Section 100-81 and Bulk Parking Sche- dule for permission to con- struct an addition to an existing building with insuf- ~l ficient rear yard setback, z Location of property: Old Main . Road, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by Old ~ Main Road; east by Reiter; ¢ south by Budd's Pond; west by Port of Egypt Enterprises. 10:15 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Emanuel M. Kontokosta, 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York, (Richard F. Lark, Esq.) for a special exception to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article V, Section 100. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NENV YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, soys that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Count; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long I~sland Traveler-Watch- / man once each week for .............. ~ .........................weeks successively, commencing o~ the ..... 7' ................................. / Swam to before me thi~i ..... ~. ~./ Oa¥ o, Notary Public ANT~E~ ~ERKOSt(I ~ [x~'~ M~rch 30, 1~/ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS ~ '~ Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provi- sions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of' the Town of Southold, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, Thurs- day, August 16, 1979, on the following hearings: 7:45 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Frank and De- lores Davies, 16 Rose Court, Northport, New York (Gary F. Olsen, Esq.), for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art- icle III, Section '100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Lots No. 54, 55, and S6, Map No. 175, Tollewood, Mattituek, New York. 7:55 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Greenport Unit- ed Methodist Church, Main Street, Grnenport, New York, for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 CSf for permis- sion to erect an off-premises directional sign. Location of property: Corner of Sound Road and County Road 27, Greenpert, New York, bound- ed on the north by Brand(: east by Sound Road; south by County Road 27, west by Ray- nor. 8:05 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Greenport Unit- ed Methodist Church, Main Street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 C6f for permis- sion to erect an off-premises directional sign. Location of property: Corner of County Road 27 and Chapel Lane, Greenport, New York, bound- ed on the north by County Road 27; east by Shames and others; south by Price and Main Road (State Road 25); west by Chapel Lane. 8:15 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Greenpert Umt- ed Methodist Church, Main Street, Greenport, New York, for a special exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 C6f for permis- sion to erect an off-premises directional sign. Location of property: Main Road (State Road 251, Greenport, New York, bounded on the north by Main Road iState Road 25); east by Jurzenia; south by Reese and Sill; west by Dros- Sos. 8:25 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Thomas F. and Margaret M. Maher, 144 Lo- cust Street, Garden City, New York, (Robert W. Gill(spic, Ill, as agent), for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art- iele III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permi~ion to divide property with insufficient area and w~atlL Location of property: Leeton Drive, Southold, New York, .b~u. nded on the north by Long lslan(l Sound; east by Markel; south by Leeton Drive; west by Molloy. 8:35 P.M. (D.S.T.t Upon application of William P. Ri- ley, Smith Drive North, South- old, New York (William B. Smith, as agent), for a var- iance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article 111, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Lots No. 23 through 27 inclu- sive, Map No. 1663, Map of Goose Neck Estates, Southold, New York. 8:45 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Long Island Oyster Farms, Inc., 2835 Ship- yard Lane, East Marion, New York, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article IX, Section 100-93 for permission to erect an eight (8) foot chain link fence in the rear yard area. Lecation of property: Shipyard Lane, East Marion, New York, bounded on the north by Chereoowieh, Reeve, Bohlke, Clark, Geoghegan, Kelly and Gregory; east by Manoglu, Watt, Tsatses, Muir, Wahrenburg and Southold Town; south by Orient Hat- bor; west by Shipyard Lane. 8:55 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Thomas and Edith Perillo, 87 Old Country Road, Melville, New York. (Carman, Catlahan, Carman & Sabino, Esq.) for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art- icle III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel, New York, bounded on the north by Great Peconic Bay Boulevard: east by Weg- lick(; south by Weglicki; west by Sidor. 9:10 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Raymond and Anna Claris, Main Road, Greenport, New York (James Bitses, Esq.) for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Section 100-$0 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permis- sion to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Lots No. 157, 158, 159 and 160, Map No. 1124, Peconic Bay Estates, Greenport, New York. 9:20 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Robert and An- ita Feagles, 21 Colony Road, West Hartford, Connecticut, for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III. Sectioa 100-31 and Bulk Parking Sehodule for permission to divide property with insuffic- ient area and width. Location of property: Equestrian Ave- nue, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Ocean View Avenue; east by Philipp; south by Beach Ave- nue; west by Equestrian Ave- 9:35 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Herbert R. Mandel, lMet Lane Exl~nsion, Greenport, New York, (John leman, as agent), for a · ,~cianee to the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 100- 31 and Bulk Parking Sehodule for permission to construct an addition to a building with insufficient side yard. Leca- tion of property: Inlet Lane, Greenpert, New York, bound- ed on the north by Clempner; east by Gull Pond; south by Conant; west by Inlet Lane. 9:45 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Clifford and Mary Eginton, Deep Hole Lhe SUFFOLK Drive, Mattituck, for a var- lance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32 tot .~lpOrt, in said permission to construct a car- port in the front yard area. ~ is a printed Location of property: Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck, bound- {}Veek~r Times ed on the north by Niodoroda; east by Deep Hole Drive; ....... weeks south by Dohm; west by Deep Hole Creek .............. 9:55 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application ol L)m-Con Enter- prises, lixl, 1455 Vets Highway, . 'Hauppauge, New York, for a ".. · .~ ......... special exception to the Zon- ing Ordinance, Article VI, Section 100-60C2 for permis- sion to erect a sign that exceeds the height require- ments. Location of property: ............. Northeast corner of Factory Avenue and Main Road, Mat- tituck, New York, bounded on the north by Bethany Ceme- tery Association; east by Beth- New yor~ any Cemetery Association; south by Main Road (State Road 25); west by Factory Avenue and Ardprop, Inc. 10:05 P.M. ~D.S.T.) Upon application of Armando Cappa and Ann Hocking, Main Road, Southold, New York, for a variance to the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article VIII, Section 100-81 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to construct an addition to an existing building with insuffic- ient rear yard setback. Loca- tion of property: Old Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by Old Main Road; east by Reiter; south by Budd's Pond; west by Port of Egypt Enterprises. 10:15 P.M. ID.S.T.) Upon application of Emanuel M. Kontoknsta, 26 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York, IR(ch- ard F. Lark, Esq.) for a spec- iai exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section 100-50 Bi3) & (4) and C(2), for permission to erect a 28 unit apartment complex with 21 motel units and a coffee shop. Location of property: Ship- yard Lane, East Marion, New York, bounded on the north by Parkside Heights Co.; east by Shipyard Lane; south by Gardiners Bay; west by Park-. side Heights Co. Dated: August 6, 1979. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTH(ILl) TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ITA9-3268 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL FHe ................. ~.o......~..,,~.. ..~........~.~.~..~ ............ ....................... ~.....~.~....,....~.~. ....... /,.../.7°3 ~,~^s~ ~^~ ~o~,~.~,~o~ ~ou~ o~,,~o,,o~ do,,~ ........................... /~....~.... ,~.~.~ '~ ............................. .,~,...'......,~. ................. Street ~'~ ~ Mop .................................... Block ............................................ Lot ................................................ is returned herewith and disapproved on the follow;ng grounds ........... ,.~,,,, ,~_,.,.......~.....,,.C~.,,...,¢~., ......... ....~..........~.~: ........... ~.'...~..:!.....~.~ .................... ~~....:.~..:L0....?~ .~' Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEFrION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. ¥. (we) ..ki~....~n..._~.~.t~r.i~a .................................. ot .14t55...?.~.~a..[Jigh~. ..................................................... Name Street and Number ................... t:laupp.auge. .............................................................. N~..Yo¢k ......................................................................... Municipality State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ¥~ SECTION 100'~0 C(2) (2) SUBSECTION THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE Request for ground sign at Mattituck Shopping Center at N/E Corner of Factory Avenue end Main Roads U&ttituck, NY, This design will g, ive the shopping center an idenity apart from other shopping centers, The size and height of the sign was determindd from the minimum legibility formulas. This signs if granteds will adequately identify the retail stores in the center and thusly eliminate the problem of each store wanting a ground sign. The sign will be constructed of high grade materials. Electrical service to the sign will be provided by a local electrician, The sign will not infringe on the more than adequate parking area. The total heights total sizes and setback of the sign is in complience with town code. STATE OF NEW YORK )) ss ............................. COUNTY OF ) : Signature te,h,,,.,......lL.,,...,,.. .... ......... ,_.7.. ......... / I .a_~ 'VI.,,,,'/ _ /f.__ , --" '~;,:'g2-¼~'6~'i'~- .~..,,.,L ~,, ~,,...~/...~...~ ..~,.~l, lalified in suffo k /...... ,~,,~ .......................... . .,,,,~,,_, ~,,,, FORM ZB2 COMMISSION Director of PL]nn/ng Suffolk County Department of Planning Yeteran~ Memorial HiShu~y Hauppauge, £. L, N. Y. 979-2918 11787 Tovn of Southold Board of Appeals Potit Ica. er: ~gust 21, 1979 "Lira-Con Enterprises" Mun. File No.: 2576 S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-79-2 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a .matter for local determination. The decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. ' Comments: GGN:Jk Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner O (516) 798-9292 (516) ~69-0119 PA UL AXEN 430RUTGERSROAD AuRust 20~ 1979 NO. BABYLON, N.Y. 11704 Mr. Robert W. Gillispiet dr. Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold~ NY 11871 Dear Mr. Gillispie~ Upon consideration of the Boards recommendations reRardinR the Mattituck Shopping Center siRns as heard by you on ~ugust 16s ~ould it be possible to Rrant said sign iF A& P section wa~ to be lowered to the top oF the tenant section of the sign, Expedience in this m~tter is of the utmost concern. I would Rreatly appreciate your consideration in this matter as to preclude any further delays, We do not want to bog down the board with another proceedinR as I~m sure there are many other important cases'For the Boards consideration. Thank you. O JUDITH T. TERRY · TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTIC8 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 July 23, TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk 1979 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 2576 application of Lim Con Enter- prises for a special exception. Also included are notification from the adjoining property owners as follows: ARO Prop., Inc., 1608 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19100; Bethany Cemetery Association, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952. JTT/bn cc:file Enc./ Judith T. Terry Town Clerk TOWN CLERK 765-3783 Building Dept. Planning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals 765-1809 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the .. ~oarfL.of. ABpeal-~ ............... ofthetown of... $.OUtko. l~ ................. (agency involved) hereby refe~ the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ................ New and recodified zoning ordinance ................ Amendment to the zoning ordinance ................ Zoning changes ................ Special permits ...... ..X.. ...... Variances (Special Exception) LIM-CON ENTERPRISES 1455 Vets Highway Hauppauge, New Yo~k Appeal No. 2576 Location of affected land: ............................................................................................................................ within 500 feet of: (check one or more) ................ Town or village boundary line, or shore line ....... .X. ...... State or county road, parkway or expressway ................ State or county park or recreation area ................ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines. ................ State or county owned parcel on which a public building is situated Comments: Applicant was denied permission to erect an oversized electrical sign for the second time. (signed) Robert J. Douglass .............. ............................. Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission ................................ .................................................... File No ................................. BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD in the Matter of the Petition of to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold TO: NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a (V~,'la,,~) (Special Exception) (5~,~.;~; 7 ..... For a ai£n at '[h~ ga~itu~b Shn,n,nln_. Center ). 2. That the property which is.the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: I~tall ahoppln£ center - Uov~e Theatre 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: County 1000-142 Block 1 Lot 26 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: Exoep~ion to outside demen~ion lima~a~e of 6~ 6n 5. That,~be p[ovisioj~s of. the. SgutbRId T. owp,Zonijig. Code.apo(icabLe to the relief sought by the under- signedare: ~,napter 1uu RrtlcAe vi ~ectton 1UU-bU G~2) 1,2) 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you ma), then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: ~/./~/ NAME PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS AROProp.~ I.nc. 1608Wslnut Street Philadelphia~ PA 19100 BethauyCernetary Assu. Matti~uck~ NY 11952 9L6I STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: Christ ine Quartz , residing at 215 Van Buren Street hi, 5abyto% NY i ~O~i , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 1 b day of duty ,19 ~9 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the re- verse side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- fice at West Babylon ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to before me this day of ~ ~01q' MAL~OME~R N~,~er,, Public. State of New '~ No. 52-4663293 , ~.~[~balified in Suffolk Co~v · -~issi°n Expires March :3~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN a. ERK'S OFFICE SOU'THOU), N. Y. Examined. ........................................ 19 ........ Approved ........................................ , 19 ........ Permit No ..................................... Disapproved a/c ............................................................................................ Application No ................................. (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter oe in ink and submitted in triplicate to the Building Inspector, with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout ofproperty must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildings for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) ......... s-455..ll~e).s.,l~atma~e..tJauplaa~ue~..NY ........................ (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractorr electrician, plumber or builder. Name of owner of premises ....... ~jlll'{}~lll'{rlJel'pl'jlee ...................................................................................................... If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No .... ~m~ ......... ;; ................................. Plumber's License No. ,,, ............................................ .¸ Electrician's License No.,,~ .......................................... Other Trade's License No ............................................... Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Mop No.: ..10~..2.4~, ..................... Lot No. ~a..~.~...lJ.. Street and Number ....[.4~..~e~.8..I*LI~IlwI~ ........................................................... : .................. ; ............................... ~-~ ~ ~ i ~'~ ~J~ c~ Municipality State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Exisiting use and occupancy ....ShOl~ll~,.~/.~t~. ............................................................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ................................................................................................................................ 3. Nature of work (check which ap~cable): New Building. Addi~n Alteration :' Repair .................. Removal .................. Demolition .................... Other Work .-.~;r~ef,.~J~ln ............................. ~ ~escription) ' 4. Estimated Cost Fee ...; ...................................................................................... '"~"4~000~00 ............................. i.--.-.' (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ...... ~,m .................. Number of dwelling units on each floor ....em .................... If garage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................. 5. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ..em ...................... 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ................................Depth ....... ............. Height ........................ Number of Stories ................................................................................................................. Dimensions of some structure with alterations or additions: Front ................ . ................... Rear ............................ Depth ................................Height ............................ Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ............................. ~ ...... Pear ............................ Depth ........................ Height .................... Number of Stories ...................................................................................................................... 9. Size of lot: Front ..~Nl..l~.Jof...P.,[~t ............................ Rear .......................................... Depth ................................ 10. Date of Purchase ...~...~....2~....~...8. ...................................... Name of Former Owner ...~.~,..~L.J,,eil:~.~r~. .... 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated .....'~.. .............................................................................................. 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ........................................................ 13. Will lot be regraded ............................ Will excess fill be removed from premises: ( ) Yes ( ) No ]4. Name of Owner of premises .................................................... Address ................................P~lone No ....................... Nome of Architect .......... ~ ................................................... Address ................................Phone No. ...................... Name of Contractor ~.SJ~R.-~}~ .................................. Address '4'30'-I~[~.~'~-Rd'. Phone No, 669-~ ..... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-bock dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names end indicate whether interior or corner lot. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF .............. ...................................... ',.~.../~ ......... ~ ......................................... being duly sworn, dep~es and soys that he is the epplicam (Name of individual signing contrec~ above named. (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of s~id owner or owners, end is duly authorized to perform or hove performed the said work end to ~ke end file this ~pplicotion; that o]1 statements contained in this application ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief; end that t~e work will be performed in the m~nner set fo~h in the ~pplicotion filed therewith. Swam to before me this / ~ SCO~ M~coMB~ _. , ' (Signature o applicant) No, 52-4663293 C~ ~ssion Expires Marc~; HAI'FIT~.K l'lq_L EXCELLENT'RENTAL VALUE NEW CONSTRUCTION DEAL DIRECT UNLIMITED POTENTIAL A&P SUPERMAR PARKING - ~,-~,~'~ ~ 5' ~S~~ CONSTRUCTION - VACANCIES - UNIMPROVED - NEVER . OCCUPIED STORES AVAILABLE - !q00 - 50,000 SQUARE FEET' LIM-CON EN~P, ISES, A~. A._C~.P~Z~'.~. NOTICE // / ~'