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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE ..May„_24,, 1979 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 2542 Dated April 17 , 1979 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Fishers Island Development Corporation, Inc . Appellant Fishers Island, New York 06390 at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on May 3, 1979 the appeal was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( X) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph .................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because 9 :20 P.M. (D.S .T. ) Upon application of Fishers Island Development Corporation, Inc. , Fishers Island , New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III , Section 100-30 B (6) for permission to construct an addition to the present golf club house. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road, Moriarty, Van Hengel, Evans, Reid, Wray and Cant; east by Castellano and Miller; south by Block Island Sound; west by Fishers Island Development Corporation. 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship because SEE REVERSE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE REVERSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. SEE REVERSE A R VED ZONI BOARp OF APPEALS FORM ZB4 Chair an Boar Appeals r . After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant wishes to construct an addition on their beach club house in order to provide housing for the personnel that works at the beach club. The beach club house is in an isolated area and is located on the south side of a private right-of-way. The Board agrees with the reasoning of the applicant. The Board finds that strict application of the Ordinance would produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of the property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood and will observe the spirit of the Ordinance. On motion by Mr. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Doyen, it was RESOLVED, that Fishers Island Development Corporation, Inc. Fishers Island, New York, be GRANTED permission to construct an addition to the present golf club house. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road; Moriarty, Van Hengel , Evans, Reid, Wray and Cant; east by Castellano and Miller; south by Block Island Sound; west by Fishers Island Develop- ment Corporation, upon the following conditions : (1) Site Plan Approval of the Southold Town Planning Board. (2) Board of Health Approval (3) Not more than 9 employees may be housed on the premises . (4) The living quarters hslal be used for seasonal use only which shall be from March to December of each year. (5) This beach club cannot be sold or separated from the 180 acres of the golf course unless at least 3 acres surrounding it is preserved. Any change of ownership or use shall be referred to the Board of Appeals .. for their approval. (6) Suffolk County Planning Commission Approval. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs; Gillispie, Grigonis, Doyen, Tuthill and Douglass. RECI.IVED ARID FILED BY ThE SOVI -OLD TOVVJN CLARK DAy/79 HOUR /D 'D09�Y1, Town Clerk, Town of Southold LEGAL NOTICE ARING -3- May 3, 1979 165 The Short Lane, East Marion, dance with ~he Zoning Ordinance, mission to property: and Abbot; Main Road. 9:10 P.M. (E.S.T.) ment Corporation, Fishers Island, to the Zoning Ordinance, Article mission to have a fence over six New York, for a variance in accor- Article VI, Section 100-60 for per- conduct a welding business in a "B" zone. Location of Pipes Neck Road, Greenport, New York, north by Swanson east by Keefee; south by Pekunka and Dobek; west by Upon application of Fishers Island Develop- New York, for a Speciai Exception III, Section 100-30 B(6)for per- (6) feet in height for a tennis court. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Fishers Island Sound, FIDCO, and Nelson; east by Balcom and Wadsworth; south by Private Road; west by Private Road and_Preston-Reid, Inc. 9:20 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Fishers Island Develop- ment Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B(6) for per- mission to construct an addition to the present golf club house. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road, Moriarty, Van Hengel, Evans, Reid, Wray and Cant; east by Castellano and Miller; south by Block Island Sound; west by Fishers Island Development Corporation. 9:35 P.M. (E.S.T) Upon application of Fishers Island Develop- ment Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B(6) and (8) for permission to construct a multiple dwelling to house employees. Lo- cation of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road; east by Seawinde, Inc., south by Seawinde, Inc.; west by Private Road. Dated: April 23, 1979. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE APRIL 26, 1979 and FORWARD ELEVEN (11) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO: Board of Appeals, Town of Southold, Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971 before May 3, 1979. LEGAL NOTICE NOT1CEOFHEARINGS .Purs_uant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, New York. public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals at the Town Hall. Main Road, South- old, New York, Thursday. May 3. 1979, on the following Greenport, New York. 8:SS P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Joseph Schoen- stein, 16S Short Lane, East Marion, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 100-60 forpermission to conduct a welding business in a "B" zone. Location of property: Pipes Neck Road, Greenport, New York, north by Swanson and Abbot; east by Keefee; south by Pekunka and Dobek; west by Main Road. 9:10 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Fishers Island Development Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B(6) for permission to have a fence over six (6) feet in height for a tennis court. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Fishers Island Sound, FIDCO, and Nelson; east by Baleom and Wads- worth; south by Private Road; west by Private Road and Preston-Reid, Inc. 9:20 P.M. (E.S.T.) Upon application of Fishers Island Development Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article II1, Section 100-.30 B(6) and (8) for permis- sion to construct a multiple dwelIing to house employees. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road; east by Seawinde, Inc., south by Seawinde, Inc.; west by Private Road. Dated: April 2.3, 1979 BYORDEROFTHE SOUTHOLDTOWNBOARD OFAPPEALS 1 T, 4/26/79 (843) ~laJns s~ ~tl!A~lj pu~ tu.loj t[s!uanj al pa.g!nbaJ aq COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEV,/ YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TR/kVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ............... l. ...................... weeks successively, commencing on the ..~.. ............................... Swom to before me this .................... ~ ot .................... ,,.2:1.. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARINGS Pursuant to Section 287 of the Town Law and the provi- sions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, New York, public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Read, Southold, New York, Thurs- day, May 3, 1979, on the followinl! aneeals: 7:30 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Wayne A. and Kathleen A. DePetris, resid- ing at Clearview Avenue, Southold, New York and John J. and Valerie Kramer resid- ing at 6 Kim Avenue, Smith- town, New York (Edward J. Boyd, V., Esq), for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Sec- tion 100-71 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insuffic- ient area and width and for permission to construct a building with insufficient side yards. Location of property: Main Road, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by Rich; east by Rich; south by Main Road (State Road 25); west by Scott Ben CorD. 7:45 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Clinton and Lor- raine Finger, 131 Avery Ave- nue, Patchogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to divide property with insufficient area and width. Location of property: Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, New York, bounded on the north by Miraglia; east by Skunk Lane; south by Kowalski, Shepish and Young; west by Mira~lia 7:55 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Sol Berg, 484 Pine Neck Road, Soutbold, New York (Gilbert Lyons, as Agent), for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-35 for permission to erect a fence which exceeds the helgm regulations ana in ac- cordance with Article III, Sec- tion 100-32 for permission to construct a tennis court in the front yard area. Location of property: Pine Neck Road, Southold, New York, bounded on the north by Jockey Creek, Pulitzer, Conroy, Hamilton, Gibbons and Pollert; east by Jockey Creek; south by Pine Neck Road; west by Marchese and Pulitzer. 8:05 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application ot Steve J. Dore- sk, i~ Nor, th: Road, . Southold,. ~ fx _., York, for a variance in aceardanee with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, SOe- tion 100-81 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permission to construct a farm building with insufficient front yard set- bock. Lecation of property: Aekeriy Pond Lane, Soutbold, New York, bounded on the north by North Road (C. R. 27); east by Village of Green- port; south by Long Island Rail Road; west by Aekerly Pond Lane. 8:15 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon applioation of Vincent M. An- nabel, Stillwater Avenue, Cut- ehogue, New York, for a var- iance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Park- ing Schedule for permission to divide property with insuffic- ient area and width. Location of property: Stillwater Ave- nue, Cutcbogue, New York, bounded on the north by Kier- nan, E. Annabel and B. Anna- bel; east by Eugene's Creek; south by Krukowski and others; west by Stillwater Avenue. 8:30 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Lee and Susan Courtenay, 47 Kings Drive, Riverhead, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31 and Bulk Parking Schedule for permis- sion to divide property with insufficient width. Location of property: Westview Drive, Mattituck, New York, bound- ed on the north by Westview Drive; east by Reiff; south by Mattituck Creek; west by Reeve. 8:40 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon. application of Greenport Lum- ber Company, Inc., 67480 Main Road, Greenpurt, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Section 100-80 B(16) for permission to use the yard for sale and storage of building materials. Location of proper- ty: Lot No. 156 Peconic Bay Estates, Greenper t, New York. 8:55 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Joseph Schoen- stein, 165 The Short Lane, East Marion, New York, for a variance in aecordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article VI, Section 10~60 for permis- sion to conduct a welding business in a "B" zone. Loca- tion of property: Pipes Neck Road, Greenport, New York, north by Swanson and Abbot; east by Keefee; south by Pekunka and Dobek; west by Main Road. --9.~tW,'P:Mf ~(;D.$.q'.}' · UpOIl .... application ot Fishers Island Development Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 10030 B(6) for per- mission to have a fence over six (6) feet in height for a tennis court. Location of pro- petty: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Fishers Island Sound, FIDCO, and Nelson; east by Balcom and Wadsworth; south by Pri- vate Road; west by Private Read and Preston-Reid, Inc. 9:20 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Fishers Island Development Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B(6) for per- mission to construct an addi- tion to the present golf club house. Location of property: Fishers Island Country Clubl Fishers Island, New York~ bounded on the north by Priq vate Road, Moriarty, Van Hengel, Evans, Reid, Wray and Cant; east by Castellano and Miller; south by Block Island Sound; west by Fishers Island Development Corpora- tion. 9:35 P.M. (D.S.T.) Upon application of Fishers Island Development Corporation, Fishers Island, New York, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-30 B(6) and (8) for permission to construct a multiple dwelling to house employees. Location of pro- perty: Fishers Island Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road; east by Sea- winde, Inc., south by Soa- winde, Inc.; west by Private Road. Dated: April 23, 1979. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS 1TA26-3198 · being duly Sworn. er of the SUFFOLK It Greenport, in said mmexed is a printed ffolk Weekly Times ............ weeks 'U BLISH ER'S CERT! FICATE State of Connecticut County of New London New London On this BOth day of Apr£1 A. D. 19 ?~ personally appeared before the under- signed, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, A.m. Almeida, Controller of THE DAY, newspaper published at New London, London, states case of. is hereunto annexed, paper in its issues a daily evening County of New State of Connecticut, who being sworn, on oath, that the Order of Notice, in the Legal advertisement # 799 a true copy of which was published in said news- of the 30th days of April A.D. 19 79. Subscribed and rn to before me this 30th day of April A.D. 197~ Notary Public. To~ of Soufhold PUBLISH ER'S CERTIFICATE State of Connecticut County of New London New Lendon 0n this 2lst_ day of k. D. 197% personally appeare~ May oe~ore the under- signed, aNotaryPublic, within and foz'said County and State, A.G. Almeida, Controller of THE DAY, a daily evenin~ newspaper published at New Lo~don, County of New London, State of Connecticut, who being sworn, states on oath, that the Order of Notice, in the case of Legal advertisement # 921 is hereunto annexed, was a true copy of which published in said news- 17th paper in its issues of the D. i979. days of M~¥ A. Subscribed ahd sworn to before me this day of May A.D. 1979. Notary Pu%lic. Town Lew, Section 2aOA for al~ o~ the nerlh by ~ Isled ~ 21st FORM NO. 3 0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ................................................................. Date l~/~ /~' 19.?...~. To ?-/.D.~ ~ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .............................. ~. ........... , 19...~... for permit to construct ........................................ at the premises Jocoted at .................................... ......... ~.~ ........ ~.~ ................ Street Map ...................... ~ ............. Block -- Lot ~ is returned herewith and disapproved on the followlng grounds ...... ~......~...~.~....~... ................ (....~...~,.~.~....~.~:~ ,~... ~ ~,~,, .~ ~....,~ :~ ~~ ...... ~.....~ .......................................................... ., ................................... ~...) ............ Building Inspector V~N.~BL]~ B~T~JER ~D HOWARD April 25, 1979 Board of Appeals Southold Town Clerk's Office Main Road Southold, New York Gentlemen: As counsel for Elisabeth J. Dobbin, owner of adjoining property, I have been requested to write you to register the strongest protest against the proposed zoning variance for Fishers Island Country Club to build housing units, both in the existing building and in a new building. Such a use would be completely at vari- ance with the current zoning and would substantially diminish the value of adjoining property. Since it might be inconvenient for my client to attend the public hearing, please accept this written protest. Very truly yours, har~e~y R. Jlapp, III~ HRC:djh cc: Elisabeth J. Dobbin James V. Righter 7919-58503 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK 0 APPLICATION FOR SFF2~IAL EXCEPTION DA~ ....,'//Z.Z/...Z.? TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Name Street and Number ................... ................................................................................................. ........................................... Municipality Slate hereby apply to ~ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION i~ accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ~r SECTION /'~ / OO" ~O THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS i%EQUESTED BECAUSE ~_co~ ~-~ooK. op ~ t~l~e.~ IS~A-~ c~ur~&~-I STATE OF ~,~) Notary Public FOI~M ZB2 0 O JUDITH T. TERRY - TOW~ CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 April 18, 1979 TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 2542 , application of Fishers Island Development Corporation for a special exception. Also included are notification to adjoining property owners as follows: James H. Ackerman, Mountain Lake, Lake Wales, Fla. 33853, Lucille P. Balcom, 619 Island Drive, Palm Beach, Fla.; T. Jerrold & Helen Bryce, 140 Broadway, N.Y.C., N.Y. 10000; Caroline E. Cant, 4010 Gold Ocean Dr., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33308; Nicholas L. Castellano, 100 East Old Country Road, Mineola, N.Y. 11501; F.I. Sea Wynde Inc., 1000Bank of Southwest Bldg., Houston, Texas 77002; Ella Foshay, 48 Wall St., N.Y.C. 10000; Est. of Sara E. Evans, Box 2257 Mer~hantile Safe Deposit & Trust, Baltimore, Maryland 21203; Herbert Gasque & Wf., Box 236, Dorset, Vt. 05251; Arthur A. Houghton, III, 4710 Woodway Lane NW, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Edward & Nary Howe, 41 Sycamore Road, West Hartford, Conn. 06107; Richard Miller & Ano. % Simpson & Thatcher, 1 Bty. Pk. Plaza, N.Y.C. 10000; Thomas Moriarty, 85 Main Street, Easthampton, Mass; Robert & Marg Nelson, Old Army Road, Bernardsville, N.J.07924~ Robert Patterson, 993 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass. 02138; Mary Denny Scott Wray, 21 East 79th St., N.Y.C. 10021; Preston Reed, Inc. & Others, Sabot Hill Farms, Manskin, Sabor, Virginia 23103; Albert Stickney, Rt. 2, Box 25, Poundridge, N.Y. 10576; Tuscbay Properties, Inc., Seminole Shores, Hutchinson Island, Stuart , Fla 3349~; Drusilla Vanhengel, 99 Wilson Park Drive, Tarrytown, N.Y.; Eliot & Sandra Wadsworth, Main Road, White Flower Farms, Litchfield, Conn.; Elizabeth J. Dobbin, Fairview Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212. JTT/bn cc:file Enc./ Town Clerk May 24, 1979 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr. Chairman, Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York 11971 RE: Fishers Island Development Corporation, Inc. Appeal No. 2542 Dear Mr. Raynor: At the May 3, 1979, meeting of the Southold Town Board of Appeals the following action was taken with respect to the above-captioned matter: On motion by ~. Gillispie, seconded by Mr. Doyen, it was RESOLVED, that Fishers Island Development Corporation, Inc. Fishers Island, New YOrk, be GRANTED permission to construct an addition to the present golf club house. Location of property: Fishers Island,Country Club, Fishers Island, New York, bounded on the north by Private Road; Moriarty, Van Hengel, Evans, Reid, Wray, and Can; east by Castellano and ~!iller; south by Block Island Sound; west by Fishers Island Development Corporation, upon the following conditions: (1) Site Plan Approval of the Southold To~n Planning Doard. (2) Board of Health Approval (3) ~ot more than 9 employees may be housed on the premieres. (4) The living quarters shall be used for seasonal use only which shall be from March to December of each year. (5) This beach club cannot be sold or separated from the 180 acres of the golf course unless at l~ast 3 acres surrounding is preserved. Any change of ownership or use shall be referred to the ~oard of Appeals. Enclosed please find copies of the papers in our files concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Babette C. Conroy Enclosures Secretary COMMISSION Sclh A. Hubbard Lee E. Koppelm~n Suffolk County Department of Planning Yeteram Memorial Highway Hauppauge, L. I., N. ¥. 979-2918 11787 Town of Southold Board of Appeals Hay 14, 1979 Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the following applications which have been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission are considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should mot be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant Municipal File Number Sol Berg Wayne & Kathleen DePetris Lee $ ~usan Courtenay Joseph Schoenstein Fishers Island Development Co., inc. 2534 2537 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 GGN:Jk Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning CHIEF PLANNER TOWN CLERK 76~3783 Building Dep~ Ptanning Bd. 765-2660 Board of Appeals TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Pursuant to the General Municipal Law, Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws, Article 12-B, Sections 239-1 and m, the . . . ~O&~Ed..C¥f. ~e&J.,B ............. of the town of... S~I3~,~M3~,¢~ ................. (agency involved) hereby refers the following proposed zoning action to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (check one) ................ New and recodified zoning ordinance ................ Amendment to the zoning ordinance ................ Zoning changes ................ Special permits ]Pl. whex'w Zm%ind Deve.l. opment Co., ~fl.,,,hezw %wXind.(, New yo~'k 0S3~0 ApI;~&Z Ho. 2542 .... ~3[, ....... ~mxxx Special. L~ on of affe~ed and: -.~$~..Z~.I...~.--~ ................................................................ within 5~ feet of: (check one or more) ..... ~......~ Town or village boundary line, or shore line ................ State or county road, parkway or expressway ................ State or county ~rk or recreation area ................ Stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the ~unty has established channel lin~. ................ State or county owned pardi on which a public building is situated goZ~ ~ioh ~uoe ~ ~use 6 to o ~p~e ~=kLng ~n ~e a~ ~uae ~ foX~ oon~ton. 8 Si~e PX~ ~pr~al ~r~ P~t~ ~d, ~ of Heal~ Ap~va~s~nal uae ~m ~ ~ ~o~r o~ each (signed) Title Date received by Suffolk County Planning Commission .................................................................................... File No ................................. © BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold TO: NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a (Variance)(~ecial ExcePtion~ (Special Permit) (the following relief: ICF-.JUODF,~ ~..OAJD 2. That the property which is .the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: .5. That the provislons...~[, the Southold Town Z.oning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- signedare: ~f~-['/~ .U.L, I ~'.J'70/~J IOO-~Oi /~ ~ f. ~_~e~ 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you ma)' then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 7. That before the relief Sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. ~ .In ~ , ~" / , '-- ~L~f.! Petitioner J::tDLO Post Office Address~ O PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE NAME ADDRESS STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS.: ~i~/777 O[r~,T// , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the /~/ day of ' ~'~ ~,~'// ,19 ~ , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the re- verse side-h~reof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the curren~ assessn~ent roll oft~e Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- fice ~/~-~ ~'/~/7. ;that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by ~(regi ~ stered) mad. //~S~orn~ be~,ore me this //~'~ ~ · ~A~~~ ~-~7~C~ - ~ i~o/tary Publi~'~v RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEO-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) P07 , ..750484 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) p.O.,S~PCODE j O0~ ~ CERTiFiED FEE SPECIAL DEUVERY tELIVER¥ SH0W T0 WHOM AND RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL N0 iNSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TO ,./. STREET AN D I'10. P.O.,STATE ND ZIP CODE FOSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE "' ~smRicr~o D~LIV~-Y~ .... ~ ~H~6 ~ATE AN 0 -- ~ ~ ..~' -- P07 07504G5 ' RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR iNTERNATIONAL MAiL (See Reverse) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL N01NSURANCECOVEGAGEPROVIDED-- NOT FORINTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) P070750486 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDER-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) POSTAGE PS Form 3800, Apr. 1976 CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES ~ ~~ 1~'1 IECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOG INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ~STAGE ~RI~ERY ~ ~ DELIVERY ~ss o~ Ssu~.~ w,m ~TMARK OR pATE~ % PO7, RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE ¢ ~ SPECIAL DEUVERY ¢ ~RESTRICTED DELIVERY ~m ~.~ ~ DATEDELIVERED ~ _ DELIVERY ADDRESS O,c BE LIVE RY. ~IIU~ RESTRICTEO ~J'~E~i ~ TOTAL POSTAGEANX~E~ 0 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAlL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) PO7 0750480 ~ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) POSTAGE $ CERTIFIED FEE ¢ ~ SPECIAL DELIVERY ¢ u- RESTRICTED DELIVERY -~- [:3 ~ ~ [ELIVER¥ ~TAL POSTAGE A~ ~' ~ ~ P070750462 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOG INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) PO7 0750481 " RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENT TOj~ PS Form 3800, Apr.~l~ 1976 ~ ~ ,~'-) ~-1 · PO'7 0750478 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAUE PROV[DED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) tO/ '", ' ' PO7 ~, ' ~-n,.,~7'~ ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL ~ -) ' RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDE~-- N0 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDE0-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL ~lAIL NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL {See Reverse) (See Reverse) STREET AND O OZI~ STrAGE CERTIFJED FEE ¢ SPECIAL DELIVERY ¢ RESTRICTED DELIVERY ~-~ DATE DEUVERE0 ~ SHOWTOWHOM 0ATE ~ .... ADD, ESS OE OELmVE~ ~ CERTIFIED FEE SPECIAL DELIVERY -RESTRICTED DELIVERY ~ m~ SDDWTOWHOM.~TE, ~ ~ ~OWTOWHOM~D~TE ~ECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) POSTAGE ADDRESS 0F ~LI~RY WITH ~ ~L,W.~ ,, ~ .... _~ ,% P07 0750476 ' P07 0750477 - RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NO INSURANCE COVERAGE FROVIDE0-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) (See Reverse) PS Form 3800, Apr. 1976 ~1 ~ I CONSULT P~STMASTER FOR FEES , FISH~'tp$ SEE SEC. ISLAND NO. 130 SOUND 2 '~ 8A(c) 5 1.8 A 6 I.gA 9 1.7A / 2.2A L. / I0 IZ' 15 16 4.3A LOA SEE SEC. NO. 9 t2.$A(c) SUFFOLK C~UNTY TAX MA~ IS PRO~flBITED E ~_lT.O~l' WmTT£N PERb#5~O# O~ THE